EE Syllabus

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B. Tech (Electrical Engineering)

BoS - 2020

Core Courses

B. Tech (Electrical Engineering)

BoS - 2020
Course:- Bachelor of Technology (Electrical Engineering)
Semester Third Subject Title Electrical Circuit Analysis Code TEE 301
Course Components Credits L T P
Contact Hours
Core Course (CC) 04 03 01 00
Examination Duration Theory MSE ESE
03 00 25 25 50
Course Objectives
CO 1 Apply network theorems for the analysis of electrical circuits.
CO2 Explain the transient and steady-state response of electrical circuits.
CO3 Analyze circuits in the sinusoidal steady-state (single-phase and three-phase).
CO4 Familiarity with the solution of first and second order networks.
CO5 Application of Laplace transform for circuit analysis
CO6 Design of different kinds of two port networks
Unit No. Content Hours
Network Theorems
Superposition theorem, Thevenin’s theorem, Norton theorem, Maximum power
transfer theorem. Analysis with dependent current and voltage sources. Node and
Unit -1 10
Mesh Analysis. Graph Theory, Network Topology, formation of incidence matrix,
Tie set and cutest matrix, equilibrium equations, solution of electric circuits.
Concept of duality and dual networks.
Sinusoidal steady state analysis
Representation of sine function as rotating phasor, phasor diagrams, impedances
Unit -2 and admittances, AC circuit analysis, effective or RMS values, average power and 7
complex power. Three-phase circuits. Mutual coupled circuits, Dot Convention in
coupled circuits, Ideal Transformer.
Electrical Circuit Analysis Using Laplace Transforms
Review of Laplace Transform, Analysis of electrical circuits using Laplace
Transform for standard inputs, convolution integral, inverse Laplace transform,
Unit -3 8
transformed network with initial conditions. Transfer function representation. Poles
and Zeros. Frequency response (magnitude and phase plots), series and parallel
Fourier Circuit analysis: Trignometric form of Fourier series. Concept of
Symmetry. Circuit response to periodic forcing functions. Circuit analysis in the S-
Unit -4 10
domain. Z(s) & Y(s) functions, Modelling of inductor, Capacitor. Nodal & Mesh
analysis in the S-domain. Transfer functions.
Two Port Network
Two Port Networks, terminal pairs, relationship of two port variables, impedance
Unit -5 7
parameters, admittance parameters, transmission parameters and hybrid parameters,
interconnections of two port networks.
Total Hours 42

Test Books/ References:

1. M. E. Van Valkenburg, “Network Analysis”, Prentice Hall, 2006.
2. D. Roy Choudhury, “Networks and Systems”, New Age International Publications, 1998.
3. W. H. Hayt and J. E. Kemmerly, “Engineering Circuit Analysis”, McGraw Hill
Education, 2013.
4. C. K. Alexander and M. N. O. Sadiku, “Electric Circuits”, McGraw Hill Education,
5. K. V. V. Murthy and M. S. Kamath, “Basic Circuit Analysis”, Jaico Publishers, 1999

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Course:- Bachelor of Technology (Electrical Engineering)
Semester Third Subject Title Analog Electronics Code TEE 305
Course Components Credits L T P
Contact Hours
Core Course (CC) 03 03 00 00
Duration (Hrs) 03 00 25 25 50
Course Objectives
CO 1 Demonstrate the characteristics of diode and BJT.
CO2 Understand the characteristics of MOSFET.
CO3 Design the various types of rectifier and amplifier circuits.
CO4 Design of sinusoidal and non-sinusoidal oscillators.
CO5 Understand the functioning of OP-AMP and design OP-AMP based circuits.
CO6 Familiarize with linear and nonlinear applications of OP-AMP.
Unit No. Content Hours
Diode circuits
Junction diode, I-V characteristics of a diode; review of half-wave and full-wave
rectifiers, Zener diodes, clamping and clipping circuits, Varactor diode.
Unit -1 BJT circuits 12
Structure and I-V characteristics of a BJT; BJT as a switch. BJT as an amplifier: small-
signal model, biasing circuits, common-emitter, common-base and common-collector
amplifiers; Small signal equivalent circuits, high-frequency equivalent circuits
MOSFET circuits
MOSFET structure and I-V characteristics. MOSFET as a switch. MOSFET as an
Unit -2 amplifier: small-signal model and biasing circuits, common-source, common-gate and 8
common-drain amplifiers; small signal equivalent circuits - gain, input and output
impedances, trans-conductance, high frequency equivalent circuit.
Introduction to operational amplifier
Unit -3 Basics of op-amp, Ideal Op-amp, Internal circuit of op-amp, Differential amplifier; DC 6
characteristics of op-amp, AC characteristics of op-amp.
Linear applications of op-amp
Inverting and non-inverting amplifier, differential amplifier, Adder, Subtractor,
Unit -4 6
instrumentation amplifier, integrator, differentiator,
Op-amp based active filter, oscillators (Wein bridge and phase shift).
Nonlinear applications of op-amp
Unit -5 Hysteretic Comparator, Zero Crossing Detector, Square-wave and triangular-wave 4
generators. Precision rectifier, peak detector.
Total Hours 36
Test Books/ References:
1. A. S. Sedra and K. C. Smith, “Microelectronic Circuits”, New York, Oxford University
Press, 1998.
2. J. V. Wait, L. P. Huelsman and G. A. Korn, “Introduction to Operational Amplifier
theory and applications”, McGraw Hill U. S., 1992.
3. J. Millman and A. Grabel, “Microelectronics”, McGraw Hill Education, 1988.
4. P.R. Gray, R.G. Meyer and S. Lewis, “Analysis and Design of Analog Integrated Circuits”,
John Wiley & Sons, 2001.
5. Milliman, J. and Halkias, C.C., Intergrated Electronics, Tata McGraw Hill (2007).

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Course:- Bachelor of Technology (Electrical Engineering)
Semester 3RD Subject Title Electrical Machines - I Code TEE 302
Course Components Credits L T P
Contact Hours
Core Course (CC) 03 03 00 00
Duration (Hrs) 03 00 25 25 50
Course Objectives
CO 1 Understand the concepts of magnetic circuits.
CO2 Application of magnetic field in production of force and torque
CO3 Analysis of dc machine configurations and characteristics
CO4 Examine the various performance parameters of dc machine.
CO5 Acquire the concept of operation of various types of transformers.
Assessment of various performance parameters of single phase and three phase transformers
Unit No. Content Hours
Magnetic fields and magnetic circuits
Review of magnetic circuits - MMF, flux, reluctance, inductance; review of
Unit -1 Ampere Law and Biot Savart Law; Visualization of magnetic fields produced by 8
a bar magnet and a current carrying coil - through air and through a combination
of iron and air; influence of highly permeable materials on the magnetic flux lines.
Electromagnetic force and torque
B-H curve of magnetic materials; flux-linkage vs current characteristic of
Unit -2 magnetic circuits; linear and nonlinear magnetic circuits; energy stored in the 6
magnetic circuit; - Force and Torque Calculation from Energy and Co-energy
Model of Electromechanical Systems
Principle, construction and operation of single-phase transformers, equivalent
circuit, phasor diagram, voltage regulation, losses and efficiency Testing - open
circuit and short circuit tests, polarity test, back-to-back test, separation of
hysteresis and eddy current losses Three-phase transformer - construction, types
of connection and their comparative features, Parallel operation of single-phase
Unit -3 8
and three-phase transformers, Autotransformers - construction, principle,
applications and comparison with two winding transformer, Magnetizing current,
effect of nonlinear B-H curve of magnetic core material, harmonics in
magnetization current, Phase conversion - Scott connection, three-phase to six-
phase conversion, Tap-changing transformers - No-load and on-load tap-changing
of transformers, Three-winding transformers. Cooling of transformers.
DC machines
Basic construction of a DC machine, magnetic structure - induced EMF in an
armature coil. Armature winding and commutation - Elementary armature coil and
Unit -4 6
commutator, lap and wave windings, construction of commutator, linear
commutation armature MMF wave, derivation of torque equation, armature
reaction, air gap flux density distribution with armature reaction.
DC machine - motoring and generation
DC motor – principle of operation – back emf – classification – torque equation –
losses and efficiency – power flow diagram – performance characteristics of shunt,
Unit-5 series and compound motors – starting of dc motors – necessity and types of 8
starters – speed control – methods of speed control – testing – Swinburne’s test –
Hopkinson’s test – separation of losses – retardation test – applications of dc
Total Hours 36

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Text / References
1. A. E. Fitzgerald and C. Kingsley, "Electric Machinery”, New York, McGraw Hill Education, 2013.
2. A. E. Clayton and N. N. Hancock, “Performance and design of DC machines”, CBS Publishers, 2004.
3. M. G. Say, “Performance and design of AC machines”, CBS Publishers, 2002.
4. P. S. Bimbhra, “Electrical Machinery”, Khanna Publishers, 2011.
5. I. J. Nagrath and D. P. Kothari, “Electric Machines”, McGraw Hill Education, 2010.

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Course:-Bachelor of Technology (Electrical Engineering)

Semester Third Subject Title Electrical and Electronics Measuring Instruments Code TEE 303
Credits L T P
Components Contact Hours
Core Course (CC) 03 03 00 00
Duration (Hrs) 03 00 25 25 50
Course Objectives
CO 1 Understand the concept of measurement and different measuring instruments.
CO2 Realize the working of various analog instruments to measure electrical quantities
CO3 Estimation of electrical quantities through measuring instruments.
CO4 Application of instrument transformer.
CO5 Developing the concept of digital measurement of electrical quantities.
CO6 Analyze various electrical signals through cathode ray oscilloscope and power analyzer

Unit Content Hours

Introduction to Measurement: Methods of Measurement, Classification of instrument
Unit-1 system, Characteristic of instrument & measurement system, Errors in Measurement & its 5
Analog Measurement of Electrical Quantities: Principle of operations and torque
equations for different types of instruments, PMMC, Moving Iron, Electrodynamometer,
Ammeters & Voltmeters, Multi-Range ammeter & voltmeter, Electrodynamometer type
Unit-2 Wattmeter, Power in three Phase System. 10
Measurement of Electrical Quantities: Different methods of measuring low, medium and
high resistances, Measurement of Inductance & Capacitance with the help of AC Bridge,
Measurement of Frequency and Power factor.
Instrument Transformer: Instrument Transformer and their application in the extension
of instrument range. Difference between CT and PT, transformation ratio and phase angle
Unit-3 7
error for CT and PT, causes of errors, reduction of errors, effect of secondary open circuit
for CT.
Digital Measurement of Electrical Quantities: Concept of digital Measurement, Digital
Unit-4 6
voltmeter, Digital frequency meter.
Cathode Ray Oscilloscope: Introduction, cathode ray tube, electron gun, electrostatic
deflection plates, time base generator, Attenuator, synchronization, storage oscilloscope,
Unit-5 8
observations of waveform on CRO, measurements using CRO – Voltage, Frequency,
Period, Phase.
Total Hours 36

Text Book:
1. E.W. Golding& F.C. Widdis, “Electrical Measurement &Measuring Instrument”, A.W.
Wheeler& Co. Pvt. Ltd. India.
2. A.K. Sawhney: “Electrical & Electronic Measurement & Instrument “, Dhanpat Rai& Sons,

1. Forest K. Harries, “Electrical Measurement “Willey Eastern Pvt. Ltd. India.
2. M.B. Stout, “Basic Electrical Measurement” Prentice hall of India, India.

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Course:- Bachelor of Technology (Electrical Engineering)
Semester Third Subject Title Electromagnetic Fields Code TEE 304
Course Components Credits L T P
Contact Hours
Core Course (CC) 04 03 01 00
Duration (Hrs) 03 00 25 25 50
Course Objectives
CO 1 Application of various forms of vectors
CO2 Acquiring the knowledge of various laws associated with electrostatics and electromagnetics
CO3 Application of Laplace’s and Poisson’s equations.
CO4 Acquiring the knowledge of various characteristics of conductor, dielectric, capacitance.
CO5 Demonstration of Maxwell’s equation in different forms and different media.
CO6 Utilization of EM waves.
Content Hours
Review of Vector Calculus
Vector algebra-addition, subtraction, components of vectors, scalar and vector
Unit - multiplications, triple products, three orthogonal coordinate systems (rectangular,
1 cylindrical and spherical). Vector calculus-differentiation, partial differentiation,
integration, vector operator del, gradient, divergence and curl; integral theorems of
vectors. Conversion of a vector from one coordinate system to another.
Static Electric Field
Coulomb’s law, Electric field intensity, Electrical field due to point charges. Line, Surface
and Volume charge distributions. Gauss law and its applications. Absolute Electric potential,
Unit - Potential difference, Calculation of potential differences for different configurations.
2 Electric dipole, Electrostatic Energy and Energy density.
Static Magnetic Fields. Biot-Savart Law, Ampere Law, Magnetic flux and magnetic flux
density, Scalar and Vector Magnetic potentials. Steady magnetic fields produced by current
carrying conductors.
Conductors, Dielectrics and Capacitance
Current and current density, Ohms Law in Point form, Continuity of current, Boundary
conditions of perfect dielectric materials. Permittivity of dielectric materials, Capacitance,
Capacitance of a two wire line, Poisson’s equation, Laplace’s equation, Solution of Laplace
Unit -
and Poisson’s equation, Application of Laplace’s and Poisson’s equations. 12
Magnetic Forces, Materials and Inductance: Force on a moving charge, Force on a
differential current element, Force between differential current elements, Nature of magnetic
materials, Magnetization and permeability, Magnetic boundary conditions, Magnetic
circuits, inductances and mutual inductances.
Time Varying Fields and Maxwell’s Equations
Unit - Faraday’s law for Electromagnetic induction, Displacement current, Point form of
4 Maxwell’s equation, Integral form of Maxwell’s equations, Motional Electromotive forces.
Boundary Conditions.
Electromagnetic Waves
Derivation of Wave Equation, Uniform Plane Waves, Maxwell’s equation in Phasor form,
Unit -
Wave equation in Phasor form, Plane waves in free space and in a homogenous material. 6
Wave equation for a conducting medium, Plane waves in lossy dielectrics, Propagation in
good conductors, Skin effect. Poynting theorem
Total Hours 42

Test Books/ References:

1. M. N. O. Sadiku, “Elements of Electromagnetics”, Oxford University Publication, 2014.
2. G.W. Carter, “The electromagnetic field in its engineering aspects”, Longmans, 1954.

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3. W.J. Duffin, “Electricity and Magnetism”, McGraw Hill Publication, 1980.
4. E.G. Cullwick, “The Fundamentals of Electromagnetism”, Cambridge University Press, 1966.
5. B. D. Popovic, “Introductory Engineering Electromagnetics”, Addison-Wesley
Educational Publishers, International Edition, 1971.
6. W. Hayt, “Engineering Electromagnetics”, McGraw Hill Education, 2012.

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Course:- Bachelor of Technology (ELECTRICAL ENGINERING)

Semester Third Subject Title Analog Electronics Lab Code PEE 351

Course Components Credits L T P

Contact Hours
Core Course (CC) 01 00 00 02
Theory Practical CWA MSE ESE
Examination Duration WEIGHTAGE:
(Hrs) 00 03 EVALUATION 25 25 50

Course Objectives
CO1 Understand the use the CRO and Multimeter for different applications.
Understand and Verify the physical construction, working and operational characteristics of
semiconductor diodes.
CO3 Design and Analyze the different applications of semiconductor diodes.
CO4 Verify and Analyze the output characteristics of Transistors (such as: BJTs, FETs)

Experiment Name of the Experiment

Plot V-I characteristics of Junction diode under forward and reverse-biased
condition. (Si & Ga)
2 Plot V-I characteristics of Zener diode under reverse-biased condition.
Plot the Input - Output characteristics for the common-base, Common Emitter and
Common Collector configurations of a BJT
To plot output characteristics of MOFET & measure pinch-off voltage. Calculate
MOFET parameters at a given operating point.
To study R-C coupled two-stage common-emitter amplifier and determine voltage
gain, current gain, input impedance and output impedance.
6 To study single stage RC-coupled MOFET amplifier.
7 To study common-emitter / common source amplifier and determine voltage gain,
current gain, input impedance and output impedance.
8 To study open loop response of inverting and non-inverting op-amp
9 To study closed loop response of inverting and non-inverting op-amp
10 To design and test op-amp based adder and Subtractor circuits
11 To design and test op-amp based integrator and differentiator circuit
12 To study op-amp based low pass and high pass active filters
13 To design and test op-amp based comparator circuit
14 To realize Op-amp based triangular wave generator

-- Two innovative experiments can be given by the faculty In-charge.

Note: Minimum of 10 experiments to be performed.

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Course:- Bachelor of Technology (ELECTRICAL ENGINERING)

Semester Third Subject Title Electrical Machines Lab - I Code PEE 352

Course Components Credits L T P

Contact Hours
Core Course (CC) 01 00 00 02
Theory Practical CWA MSE ESE
Examination Duration WEIGHTAGE:
(Hrs) 00 03 EVALUATION 25 25 50
Course Objectives
CO 1 Understand the working of DC machines and its applications.
CO2 Understand and Verify the various operating curves on the DC machines.
CO3 Analyze the various tests on DC Machine
CO4 Verify and Analyze the test of 3-phase Transformer.

Experiment No. Name of the Experiment

1 To estimate voltage ratio of 1-phase transformer.
2 To perform Polarity test of 1-phase transformer.
3 To determine efficiency and voltage regulation of 1-phase transformer through load test
4 To determine core losses of 1-phase transformer using open circuit tests
5 To find the copper losses of 1-phase transformer by short circuit test
6 To perform 3-phase to 2-phase conversion by Scott connection.
7 To find the efficiency and losses of dc shunt motor by Hopkinson’s test
8 To find the efficiency of a dc shunt motor by Swinburne’s test.
9 To perform Speed control of a dc shunt motor by field flux method.
10 To perform Speed control of dc shunt motor by armature terminal voltage method.
11 To perform load test on a dc shunt motor.
12 To find the magnetizing characteristics of a dc shunt generator.

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Course:- Bachelor of Technology (Electrical Engineering)
Career Skills - I
Semester Third Subject Title (Verbal+ Logical Code XCS 301
Course Components Credits L T P
Contact Hours
Career Skills (CK) 01 02 00 00
Examination Duration Theory Practical WEIGHTAGE: CWA MSE ESE
(Hrs) 03 00 EVALUATION 25 25 50
Course Objectives
CO 1 To develop inter personal skills and be an effective goal oriented team player.
CO2 To develop professionals with idealistic, practical and moral values.
CO3 To develop communication and problem solving skills
CO4 To re-engineer attitude and understand its influence on behavior
Unit No. Content Hours
Unit1. Meeting Etiquette – Introductions - the Handshake– Exchange of Visiting 8
Cards Personal Etiquette – Hygiene, Grooming, and Good sense
Travel Etiquette, Sharing Apartments
Behavior at Work – Formal behavior with seniors and Colleagues –
Etiquette with Women/men – Adherence to Office Rules – Discipline
Table Manners and Small Talk (unit 1)
Group Discussions:
Group Discussion Techniques/ Do’s and Dont’s / body language/mock
Unit 2. Logical Reasoning: Series completion, Coding decoding, direction sense 6
test, logical Venn diagram,
Unit 3. Logical Reasoning: mathematical operation, number ranking, time 6
sequence test, arithmetical reasoning.
Unit 4. Job application: Importance of Business Communication in today’s 8
world, Designing Business Letters, Types of Letters . Writing Effective
Emails, Report Writing Essential parts - Cover Letter and the ‘resume’.
Types of ‘resumes ’ (Curriculum Vitae) Chronological ‘resume’,
functional ‘resume’
Total 28
For Verbal Section:
Spoken English for India by R.K. Bansal and J.B. Harrison- Orient Longman
A practical English Grammar by Thomson and Martinet-Oxford University Press
Professional Communication by Malti Aggarwal
English grammar, composition and correspondence by M.A.Pink and A.E.Thomas –S.Chand
and Sons. Word Power by Blum Rosen-Cambridge University Press
A Dictionary of Modern Usage-Oxford University Press
For Aptitude Section:
Quantitative aptitude by R.S Agarwal
Verbal and Non Verbal Reasoning by R.S Agarwal
All books of puzzles to puzzle to puzzle you by Shakuntala Devi.
Question Bank on the practice exercise (Created for internal use)

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Course:- Bachelor of Technology (Electrical Engineering)
Semester Fourth Subject Title Digital Electronics Code TEE 404
Course Components Credits L T P
Contact Hours
Core Course (CC) 03 03 00 00
Duration (Hrs) 03 00 25 25 50
Course Outcomes: After successful completion of this course, students will be able to
CO1 Acquiring the knowledge of digital codes and logic gates
CO2 Realization of Boolean algebra in digital circuits
CO3 Implementation of circuit elements as mathematical functions
CO4 Formulation of combinational circuits
CO5 Formulation & implementation of sequential logic
CO6 Design and Analyse counters.
Unit No. Content Hours
Number System & Codes: Binary, Octal, Hexadecimal number systems and their
inter-conversion, Binary Arithmetic (Addition, Subtraction, Multiplication and
Unit -1 Division), Diminished radix and radix compliments, BCD codes, Gray codes. 10
Logic Gates & Boolean Algebra: Basic Theorems and properties of Boolean
Algebra, Boolean Functions, Canonical and Standard forms, Digital Logic Gate.
Simplification of Boolean functions using Map and Tabulation methods:
The map method, Two, Three, Four and Five variable maps, Sum of products
Unit -2 and Product of Sums Simplification, NAND and NOR implementation, , Ex- 8
OR functions, The tabulation method, Determination of Prime implicants,
Selection of Essential Prime implicants.
Combinational logic design : Design procedure, adders, subtarctors, code
converters, magnitude comparators, Multiplexer, Binary adder and subtractor,
Unit -3 8
Multiplexers, Decoders / De-multiplexers, Read Only Memory, Programmable
Logic Arrays.
Introduction to Sequential Logic & counter design: Introduction, S-R Flip-
Unit -4 flops, JK flip-flop, D flip-flop, T flip-flop, master slave flip-flop. Flip-flop 5
excitation table, Classification of sequential circuits.
Introduction to counter design: design & analysis of Counters, mod-n
Unit – 5 synchronous counters, BCD counter, Johnson counter, Ring counter, design of 5
synchronous counter for a random sequence, mod-n Asynchronous/ Ripple counter.
Total Hours 36

Test Books/ References:

1. R. P. Jain, "Modern Digital Electronics", McGraw Hill Education,2009.
2. M. M. Mano, "Digital logic and Computer design", Pearson Education India,2016.
3. A. Kumar, "Fundamentals of Digital Circuits", Prentice Hall India,2016.

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Course:- Bachelor of Technology (Electrical Engineering)
Semester Fourth Subject Title Electrical Machines – II Code TEE 401
Course Components Credits L T P
Contact Hours
Core Course (CC) 03 03 00 00
Duration (Hrs) 03 00 25 25 50
Course Objectives
CO1 Understanding of various windings of AC machine
CO2 Utilization of Pulsating and Revolving magnetic field.
CO3 Evaluation of various characteristics of 3-phase induction motor.
CO4 Evaluation of various characteristics of 1-phase induction motor.
CO5 Analysis of The various performance parameters of an alternator.
Understanding of construction, principle of operation, and performance of various AC motors
and generator.
Unit No. Content Hours
Fundamentals of AC machine windings
Physical arrangement of windings in stator and cylindrical rotor of electrical
Unit -1 machine. Air-gap MMF distribution with fixed current through winding- 6
concentrated and distributed, Sinusoidally distributed winding, winding
distribution factor
Pulsating and revolving magnetic fields
Constant magnetic field, pulsating magnetic field, Magnetic field produced by a
Unit -2 single winding – fixed current and alternating current, Pulsating fields produced 7
by spatially displaced windings, three windings spatially shifted by 120 degrees
(carrying three-phase balanced currents), revolving magnetic field.
Induction Machines
Construction, Types (squirrel cage and slip-ring), Torque Slip Characteristics,
Starting and Maximum Torque. Equivalent circuit. Phasor Diagram, Losses and
Unit-3 Efficiency. Effect of parameter variation on torque speed characteristics (variation 8
of rotor and stator resistances, stator voltage, frequency). Methods of starting,
braking and speed control for 3-phase induction motors.

Single-phase induction motors

Double revolving field theory, equivalent circuit, determination of parameters.
Unit-4 5
Split-phase starting methods and applications

Synchronous machines
Constructional features, cylindrical rotor synchronous machine - generated EMF,
equivalent circuit and phasor diagram, armature reaction, synchronous impedance,
Unit -5 voltage regulation. Operating characteristics of synchronous machines, V-curves. 10
Salient pole machine - two reaction theory, analysis of phasor diagram, power
angle characteristics. Parallel operation of alternators - synchronization and load
Total Hours 36

1. A. E. Fitzgerald and C. Kingsley, "Electric Machinery”, McGraw Hill Education, 2013.
2. M. G. Say, “Performance and design of AC machines”, CBS Publishers, 2002.
3. P. S. Bimbhra, “Electrical Machinery”, Khanna Publishers, 2011.
4. I. J. Nagrath and D. P. Kothari, “Electric Machines”, McGraw Hill Education, 2010.
5. A. S. Langsdorf, “Alternating current machines”, McGraw Hill Education, 1984.
6. P. C. Sen, “Principles of Electric Machines and Power Electronics”, John Wiley & Sons, 2007.

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Course:- Bachelor of Technology (Electrical Engineering)
Introduction to Electrical
Semester Fourth Subject Title Code TEE 402
Energy Sources
Course Components Credits L T P
Contact Hours
Core Course (CC) 03 03 01 00
Examination Duration Theory Practical WEIGHTAGE: CWA MSE ESE
(Hrs) 03 00 EVALUATION 25 25 50
Course Objectives
CO1 Apply knowledge of India’s power scenario, power system structure and related agencies.
CO2 Acquire the knowledge of thermal power plant
CO3 Understanding the working of nuclear power plant
CO4 Understanding the working of gas turbine plant
CO5 Utilization of turbines and working of hydro power plant
CO6 Understand the economic aspects of power system operation

Unit No. Content Hours

Introduction: Electric energy demand and growth in India, electric energy sources.
Thermal Power Plant: Site Selection, Coal Handling Plant, Pulverising Plant, Ash
Unit -1 8
Handling Plant, General Layout and Operation of Plant, Detailed Description and
Use of Different Parts.
Nuclear Power Plant: Site Selection, General Layout and Operation of Plant, Brief
description of different types of reactors, Moderator material, fissile and fertile
Unit -2 8
materials, control of nuclear reactors, Coolant, Disposal of nuclear waste material,
Hydro Electric Plants: Classifications, Location and site selection, Detailed
description of various components, General Layout and Operation of Plants, Brief
Unit -3 8
description of Impulse, Reaction, Kaplan and Francis turbines, Advantages &
Disadvantages, Pumped Storage Plants, Hydro-Potential in India
Diesel and Gas Turbine Plants: Advantages and Disadvantages of Diesel Plants,
Application, Diesel Plant Equipment, Layout, Changing Role of Diesel Plant.
Unit -4 6
Operational principle of gas turbine plant & its efficiency, fuels, Open and closed-
cycle plants, regeneration, inter-cooling and reheating, role and applications.
Economics of Power Generation: Energy Requirements, Maximum Demand,
Types of Load, Load Curve, Load Duration Curve, Load Factor, Base Load and
Unit -5 6
Peak Load Plants, Types of Tariff, Hydro Thermal Coordination, Incremental Fuel
Cost, Economic Dispatch
Total Hours 36

Text Books
1. Deshpande, M.V., Power Plant Engineering, Tata McGraw Hill (2004).
2. Soni, Gupta &Bhatnagar, A text book on Power System Engg., DhanpatRai& Co.
3. P.S.R. Murthy, Operation and control of Power System BS Publications, Hyderabad.
4. Electrical power Generation, Transmission and Distribution S.N. Singh PHI 2nd Edition, 2009

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Course:- Bachelor of Technology (Electrical Engineering)
Semester Fourth Subject Title Signals and Systems Code TEE 403
Course Components Credits L T P
Contact Hours
Core Course (CC) 03 02 01 00
Examination Duration Theory Practical WEIGHTAGE:EVALUATION CWA MSE ESE
(Hrs) 03 00 25 25 50
Course Objectives
CO1 Understanding of various types of signals and their characteristics
CO2 Analysis of LTI system based on their response for different input signals
CO3 Implement Laplace transformation for signals analysis
CO4 Application of continuous time Fourier Transform
CO5 Understanding of Discrete time Fourier Transform
CO6 Estimation of sampling frequency of given signal.
Unit No. Content Hours
Introduction to signals and systems: Signals, Transformation of the independent variable,
basic continuous time and discrete time signals, Classification of signals, Properties of
signals. Elementary Signals: unit step, unit impulse, sinusoidal, exponential, unit ramp,
Unit -1 8
rectangular pulse, triangular pulse, trapezoidal, etc.
Systems: Classification of systems, Properties of systems: Causality, Stability, linearity:
additively and homogeneity, Time Invariance, time-shift, causality, stability.
Linear Time Invariant (LTI) Systems: Representation of signals in terms of impulses,
Unit -2 Convolution integral of Continuous time, Properties of Convolution Integral, Convolution 6
sum of Discrete time LTI systems, properties of LTI systems.
The Laplace Transform for continuous time signals and systems: Laplace Transform,
Unit -3 Region of convergence for Laplace transforms, Inverse Laplace Transforms, Properties of 8
Laplace transforms. Analysis and Characterization of LTI systems using Laplace transforms.
Fourier Analysis of Continuous/Discrete time signals: Exponential form and
Trigonometric form of Fourier series, Fourier symmetry. Fourier integral and Fourier
Unit -4 8
transform. Transform of common functions and periodic wave forms. Properties of Fourier
Transform. Representation of a periodic signals using Fourier transform.
Sampling Theorem and its implications. Spectra of sampled signals. Sampling techniques,
Unit-5 6
Aliasing and its effects, Reconstruction using interpolation.
Total Hours 36

Text Books/ References:

1. A. V. Oppenheim, A. S. Willsky and S. H. Nawab, “Signals and systems”, Prentice Hall India,
2. B. P. Lathi, “Linear Systems and Signals”, Oxford University Press, 2009.
3. S. Haykin and B. V. Veen, “Signals and Systems”, John Wiley and Sons, 2007.
4. M. J. Robert “Fundamentals of Signals and Systems”, McGraw Hill Education, 2007.

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Course:- Bachelor of Technology (Electrical Engineering)
Mathematics – III TMA
Semester Fourth Subject Title Code
(Probability and Statistics) 401
Course Components Credits L T P
Basic Science Course Contact Hours
04 03 01 00
Duration (Hrs) 03 00 25 25 50
Course Objectives
CO 1 Understand basics of probability
Understand basics of multinomial distribution
CO2 Understand probability distribution
CO3 Understand bivariate distribution
CO4 Understand basics of statistics
CO5 Understand basics of applied statistics
Unit No. Content Hours
Basic Probability
Probability spaces, conditional probability, independence; Discrete random
variables, Independent random variables, the multinomial distribution, Poisson
Unit -1 approximation to the binomial distribution, infinite sequences of Bernoulli trials, 8
sums of independent random variables; Expectation of Discrete Random
Variables, Moments, Variance of a sum, Correlation coefficient, Chebyshev's
Continuous Probability Distributions
Unit -2 Continuous random variables and their properties, distribution functions and 10
densities, normal, exponential and gamma densities.
Bivariate Distributions
Unit -3 Bivariate distributions and their properties, distribution of sums and quotients, 8
conditional densities, Bayes' rule.
Basic Statistics
Measures of Central tendency: Moments, skewness and Kurtosis - Probability
Unit -4 8
distributions: Binomial, Poisson and Normal - evaluation of statistical parameters
for these three distributions, Correlation and regression – Rank correlation.
Applied Statistics
Curve fitting by the method of least squares- fitting of straight lines, second degree
Unit -5 parabolas and more general curves. Test of significance: Large sample test for 8
single proportion, difference of proportions, single mean, difference of means, and
difference of standard deviations.
Total Hours 42

Test Books/ References:

1. E. Kreyszig, “Advanced Engineering Mathematics”, John Wiley & Sons, 2006.
2. P. G. Hoel, S. C. Port and C. J. Stone, “Introduction to Probability Theory”, Universal Book
Stall, 2003.
3. S. Ross, “A First Course in Probability”, Pearson Education India, 2002.
4. W. Feller, “An Introduction to Probability Theory and its Applications”, Vol. 1, Wiley, 1968.
5. N.P. Bali and M. Goyal, “A text book of Engineering Mathematics”, Laxmi Publications,
6. B.S. Grewal, “Higher Engineering Mathematics”, Khanna Publishers, 2000.
7. T. Veerarajan, “Engineering Mathematics”, Tata McGraw-Hill, New Delhi, 2010.

Page 15 of 38
Course:- Bachelor of Technology (ELECTRICAL ENGINERING)

Semester Fourth Subject Title Digital Electronics Lab Code PEE 453

Course Components Credits L T P

Contact Hours
Core Course (CC) 01 00 00 02
Examination Duration Theory Practical CWA MSE ESE
Weightage: Evaluation
(Hrs) 00 03 25 25 50
Course Objectives
CO 1 Able to explain the basic logic operations of NOT, AND, OR, NAND, NOR, and XOR.
CO2 Able to interpret logic functions, circuits, truth tables, and Boolean algebra expressions.
CO3 Able to understand the basic electronics of logic circuits and be able to use integrated circuit packages.
CO4 Able to model, analyze, and test a sequential digital circuit

Experiment No. Name of the Experiment

1 To verify the truth table of basic logic gates
2 To realize basic gates from universal gates
3 To verify the Consensus Theorem (Boolean algebra functions) using universal digital IC Gates.
4 To design and test a half/full adder circuit using digital IC gates.
5 To design and test a half/full subtractor circuit using IC gates.
6 To design, implement and test the function F(A,B,C,D)=m(1,3,5,7,9,15)+d(4,6,12,13) using K-
7. To design 2-bit comparator using logic gates
8 To design binary to Gray code converter
9 To design, implement and test half/full adder functions using a multiplexer.
10 To design, implement and test half/full subtractor functions using a multiplexer.
11 To design and test RS and D flip flops using logic gates.
12 To design and test JK and T flip flops using logic gates.
13 To design and test a mod-3 synchronous counter
14 To design and test an asynchronous/ripple counter

Page 16 of 38
Course:- Bachelor of Technology (ELECTRICAL ENGINERING)

Semester Fourth Subject Title Electrical Machines- II Lab Code PEE 451

Course Components Credits L T P

Contact Hours
Core Course (CC) 01 00 00 02
Theory Practical CWA MSE ESE
Examination Duration WEIGHTAGE:
(Hrs) 00 03 EVALUATION 25 25 50

Course Objectives
CO 1 Understand the working of 3-phase induction motor and its applications.
CO2 Understand the working of 1-phase induction motor and its applications
CO3 Understand and Verify the various operating curves on the induction machines.
CO4 Analyse the operating difference between the induction and synchronous machine
CO5 Verify and Analyse the output characteristics of 3-phase synchronous machine

Experiment No. Name of the Experiment

1 To Perform no load test on a 3-phase induction motor
2 To perform block rotor test on 3 phase induction motor
3 To perform Load test on a 3-phase induction motor
4 To perform no load test on 1 phase induction motor
5 To perform block rotor test on 1 phase induction motor.
6 To perform load test on 1-phase induction motor
7 To perform the synchronization of an alternator with infinite bus or parallel operation of
two alternator.
8 To study the starters of 3-phase induction motors
9 To perform the speed control of 3-phase induction motor by frequency variation method.
10 To perform open circuit test on 3 phase alternator
11 To perform short circuit test on 3 phase alternator.
12 To perform load test on 3-phase alternator
13 To draw V-curves of synchronous motor.

Page 17 of 38
Course:- Bachelor of Technology (ELECTRICAL ENGINERING)

Semester Fourth Subject Title Electrical Measurement Lab Code PEE 452

Course Components Credits L T P

Contact Hours
Core Course (CC) 01 00 00 02
Examination Duration Theory Practical CWA MSE ESE
Weightage: Evaluation
(Hrs) 00 03 25 25 50
Course Objectives
Ability to perform experiments to determine various types of errors in measurements and perform error
CO 1
CO2 Familiarity with various measuring instruments used to detect electrical quantities
CO3 To use AC and DC bridges to measure unknown resistance, inductance and capacitance.
CO4 Develop an understanding of need of calibration and to calibrate various electrical instruments.

Experiment No. Name of the Experiment

To calibrate AC voltmeter and AC ammeter using standard AC voltmeter and standard AC
2 To measure the Quality factor and inductance of the coil using Maxwell’s bridge.
3 To measure the Quality factor and inductance of the coil using Hay’s bridge.
To measure high value of AC current by a low range AC ammeter and Current Transformer
To measure high value of AC voltage by a low range AC voltmeter and Potential
Transformer (PT).
6 To measure power using Current Transformer (CT) and Potential Transformer (PT).
7 Calibration of digital energy meter using wattmeter method.
8 Calibration of digital Energy meter using Voltmeter/Ammeter method
9 To determine the unknown capacitance and dissipation factor of the unknown capacitor
using Schering Bridge
10 To determine the unknown capacitance and dissipation factor of the unknown capacitor
using De’sauty Bridge
11 To measure the power factor in a single phase AC circuit with the resistive and inductive
(RL) load.
12 To analyze the improvement of power factor of RL network through capacitor.

Page 18 of 38
Course:- Bachelor of Technology (Electrical Engineering)
Career Skills - II
Semester Fourth Subject Title (Verbal+ Logical Code XCS 401
Course Components Credits L T P
Contact Hours
Career Skills (CK) 01 02 00 00
Theory Practical CWA MSE ESE
Examination Duration WEIGHTAGE:
(Hrs) 03 00 EVALUATION 25 25 50

Course Objectives
CO 1 To develop inter personal skills and be an effective goal oriented team player.
CO2 To develop professionals with idealistic, practical and moral values.
CO3 To develop communication and problem solving skills
CO4 To re-engineer attitude and understand its influence on behavior

Unit No. Content Hours

Unit 1. Functional Grammar: Parts of speech, articles, parallel construction, subject
verb agreement.
Unit 2. Logical Reasoning : Blood relation, puzzle test, syllogism, classification,
seating/placing arrangements,
Unit 3. Logical Reasoning: ranking and comparison, sequential order and things,
selection based on conditions, data interpretation
Unit 4. Building Vocabulary: Analogy, Para jumbles, antonyms and synonyms. 08
To Total 28
References Readings

For Verbal Section:

Spoken English for India by R.K.Bansal and J.B. Harrison- Orient Longman
A practical English Grammar by Thomson and Martinet-Oxford University Press
Professional Communication by MaltiAggarwal
English grammar, composition and correspondence by M.A.Pink and A.E.Thomas –S.Chand and
Sons.Word Power by Blum Rosen-Cambridge University Press
A Dictionary of Modern Usage-Oxford University Press

For Aptitude Section:

Quantitative aptitude by R.S Agarwal
Verbal and Non Verbal Reasoning by R.S Agarwal
All books of puzzles to puzzle to puzzle you by Shakuntala Devi.
Question Bank on the practice exercise (Created for internal use)

Page 19 of 38
Course:- Bachelor of Technology (Electrical Engineering)
Semester Fifth Subject Title Power Systems - I Code TEE 501
Course Components Credits L T P
Contact Hours
Core Course (CC) 03 03 00 00
Duration (Hrs) 03 00 25 25 50
Course Objectives
CO 1 Analysis of various types of supply systems
CO2 Estimation of various parameters of transmission line
CO3 Understanding of corona phenomenon and its effects
CO4 Mechanical designing of overhead transmission lines
CO5 Estimation of the performance of overhead line insulator
CO6 Assessment of the various performance parameters of underground cable
Contents Hours
Supply System: Single line Diagram of Power system, Different kinds of supply
system and their comparison, choice of transmission voltage
Unit -1 6
Transmission Lines: Configurations, types of conductors, resistance of line, skin
effect, Kelvin’s law, Proximity effect
Over Head Transmission Lines: Calculation of inductance and capacitance of
single phase, three phase, single circuit and double circuit transmission lines,
Unit -2 8
Representation and performance of short, medium and long transmission lines,
Ferranti effect, Surge impedance loading.
Corona and Interference: Phenomenon of corona, corona formation, calculation of
Unit -3 potential gradient, corona loss, factors affecting corona, methods of reducing corona and 8
interference. Electrostatic and electromagnetic interference with communication lines.
Mechanical Design of transmission line: Catenary curve, calculation of sag &
Unit -4 6
tension, effects of wind and ice loading, sag template, vibration dampers
Overhead line Insulators: Type of insulators and their applications, potential
distribution over a string of insulators, methods of equalizing the potential, string
Unit-5 8
Insulated cables: Type of cables and their construction, dielectric stress, grading of
cables, insulation resistance, capacitance of single phase and three phase cables,
dielectric loss, heating of cables
Total Hours 36
Test Books/ References:
1. J. Grainger and W. D. Stevenson, “Power System Analysis”, McGraw Hill Education, 1994.
2. O. I. Elgerd, “Electric Energy Systems Theory”, McGraw Hill Education, 1995.
3. A. R. Bergen and V. Vittal, “Power System Analysis”, Pearson Education Inc., 1999.
4. D. P. Kothari and I. J. Nagrath, “Modern Power System Analysis”, McGraw Hill Education, 2003.
5. B. M. Weedy, B. J. Cory, N. Jenkins, J. Ekanayake and G. Strbac, “Electric Power
Systems”, Wiley, 2012.

Page 20 of 38
Course:- Bachelor of Technology (Electrical Engineering)
Semester Fifth Subject Title Control Systems Code TEE 502
Course Components Credits L T P
Contact Hours
Core Course (CC) 03 03 00 00
Duration (Hrs) 03 00 25 25 50
Course Objectives: After successful completion of this course, students will be able to
Understand the fundamentals of control systems and to Estimate the transfer function model of
CO 1
physical systems
Apply block diagram and signal flow analysis for simplification of feedback control system
represented in block diagrams.
Determine the time and frequency-domain responses of first and second-order systems to step and
sinusoidal (and to some extent, ramp) inputs.
CO4 Determine the (absolute) stability of a closed-loop control system
CO5 Apply root-locus and frequency response techniques to analyze and design control systems
CO6 Understand and Develop state space model of physical systems
Content Hours
Control System Concepts: Basic elements in control systems, Open and closed loop
systems, mathematical modelling and representation of physical systems and analogous
Unit -1 8
systems, Transfer Function, block diagram reduction techniques, signal flow graphs, and
Meson’s gain formula.
Time Response Analysis
Standard test signals. Time response of first order systems, Characteristics equation of
Unit -2 feedback control systems, Transient response of second order systems for standard test 10
inputs, Time domain specifications, Initial and final value theorem. Steady state response,
Steady state errors and error constants, Performance Indices, P, PI and PID control modes.
Concept of Stability Analysis.
Introduction to stability, Necessary condition for stability (Bounded-Input Bounded-
Unit -3 6
Output Stability, Zero Input Stability), Characteristics equation, Routh-Hurwitz Criteria,
Relative Stability analysis, Root-Locus technique concept, construction of root loci.
Frequency-response analysis
Introduction to frequency response, Correlation between frequency domain and time
domain specifications, Polar plots, Bode plots, Nyquist stability criterion. Gain and Phase
Unit -4 8
margin, Closed-loop frequency response of a second order system, Frequency Domain
Performance Specifications.
Compensation techniques: Lag, lead, and lag-lead compensator.
State variable Analysis
Concept of state variables, State space representation of continuous linear time invariant
Unit -5 4
systems, state transient matrix, solution of state equation, Concepts of controllability and
Total Hours 36
Test Books/ References:
1. M. Gopal, “Control Systems: Principles and Design”, McGraw Hill Education, 1997.
2. B. C. Kuo, “Automatic Control System”, Prentice Hall, 1995.
3. K. Ogata, “Modern Control Engineering”, Prentice Hall, 1991.
4. I. J. Nagrath and M. Gopal, “Control Systems Engineering”, New Age International, 2009

Page 21 of 38
Course:- Bachelor of Technology (Electrical Engineering)
Semester Fifth Subject Title Microprocessors Code TEE 503
Course Components Credits L T P
Contact Hours
Core Course (CC) 03 03 00 00
Examination Theory Practical WEIGHTAGE: CWA MSE ESE
Duration (Hrs) 03 00 EVALUATION 25 25 50
Course Objectives
CO 1 Understanding of microprocessor 8085 and 8086 architecture and its operations.
CO2 Acquiring the knowledge of various instruction sets of 8085 and 8086.
CO3 Development of microprocessor programming.
CO4 Acquiring the knowledge of interfacing with data transfer devices.
CO5 Development of interfacing with timing devices.
CO6 Develop the understanding to work on projects based on embedded system.
Unit No. Content Hours
Introduction to Microprocessor:
Evolution of microprocessors, Architectural advancements of microprocessors,
single-chip microcomputers, large and small computers, microprocessor
Unit -1 applications. 8
Pin diagram, hardware model and internal architecture of 8085 microprocessor,
registers, Address/data bus Demultiplexing, Status Signals and the control signals,
Interrupts & their types
Instruction Set and Programming
Addressing modes, Assembly language programming using various instruction
Unit -2 sets: Data transfer group, Arithmetic group, Logical group, Branch, Stack, I/O and 9
Machine control group.
Timing diagram and various machine cycles.
16-bit Microprocessors (8086):
Unit -3 Architecture, register organization, bus interface unit, execution unit, pin diagram, 7
Physical address, memory segmentation, addressing modes, Instruction set.
Interfacing (Data Transfer) with Microprocessor:
Data Transfer Schemes: Introduction, handshaking signals, Types of transmission,
Unit -4 I/O interfacing- Peripheral mapped I/O and memory mapped I/O, 8255 (PPI), Serial 6
Data transfer (USART 8251), memory interfacing, 8257 (DMA), programmable
interrupt Controller (8259).
Interfacing of Microprocessor with Timing Devices: Programmable Interval
Unit -5 Timer/ Counter (8253/8254): Introduction, modes, Interfacing of 8253, 6
applications. Introduction to DAC & ADC, ADC & DAC Interfacing (0808, 0809).
Total Hours 36
Test Books/ References:
1. M. A.Mazidi, J. G. Mazidi and R. D. McKinlay, “The8051Microcontroller and Embedded
Systems: Using Assembly and C”,Pearson Education, 2007.
2. K. J. Ayala, “8051 Microcontroller”, Delmar Cengage Learning,2004.
3. R. Kamal, “Embedded System”, McGraw Hill Education,2009.
4. R. S. Gaonkar, “, Microprocessor Architecture: Programming and Applications with the 8085”,
Penram International Publishing, 1996
5. D. V. Hall, “Microprocessors & Interfacing”, McGraw Hill Higher Education, 1991.

Page 22 of 38
Course:- Bachelor of Technology
Semester Fifth Subject Title Disaster Management Code UCE 501
Course Components Credits L T P
Contact Hours
Core Course (CC) 02 02 00 00
Examination Duration (Hrs)
03 00 EVALUATION 25 25 50
Course Objectives
Demonstrate a critical understanding of key concepts in disaster risk reduction and humanitarian
CO 1
CO2 Recognize issues and challenges arising from the nexus between paradigm of development and disasters
Respond to disaster risk reduction initiatives and disasters in an effective, humane and sustainable
Critically evaluate disaster risk reduction and humanitarian response policy and practice from multiple
Develop an understanding of standards of humanitarian response and practical relevance in specific
types of disasters and conflict situations
Critically understand the strengths and weaknesses of disaster management approaches, planning and
programming in their home country

Unit No. Content Hours

Introduction, Definitions and Classification: Concepts and definitions - Disaster,
Hazard, Vulnerability, Resilience, Risks Natural disasters: Cloud bursts, earth quakes,
Tsunami, snow, avalanches, landslides, forest fires, diversion of river routes (ex. Kosi
river), Floods, Drought, Cyclones, volcanic hazards/ disasters (Mud volcanoes): causes
and distribution, hazardous effects and environmental impacts of natural disasters,
Unit -1 10
mitigation measures, natural disaster prone areas in India, major natural disasters in
India with special reference to Uttarakhand.
Man-induced disasters: water logging, subsidence, ground water depletion, soil
Erosion, release of toxic gases and hazardous chemicals into environment, nuclear
Unit 2: Inter-relationship between Disasters and Development: Factors affecting
vulnerabilities, differential impacts, impacts of development projects such as dams,
embankments, changes in land use etc., climate change adaption, relevance of
Unit -2 indigenous knowledge, appropriate technology and local resources, sustainable 06
development and its role in disaster mitigation, roles and responsibilities of
community, panchayat raj institutions/urban local bodies, state, centre and other stake
holders in disaster mitigation.
Unit 3: Disaster Management (Pre-disaster stage, Emergency stage and
Post disaster stage): Pre-disaster stage (preparedness): Preparing hazard zonation
maps, predictability/forecasting and "warning. Preparing disaster preparedness plans,
land use zoning, and preparedness through information education and communication
(IEC), disaster resistant house construction, population reduction in vulnerable areas,
Unit -3 awareness. 10
Emergency Stage: Rescue training for search & operation at national & regional level,
immediate relief, assessment surveys
Post Disaster stage-Rehabilitation and reconstruction of disaster affected areas; urban
disaster mitigation: Political and administrative aspects, social aspects, economic
aspects, environmental aspects.

Page 23 of 38
Disaster Management Laws and Policies in India: Environmental legislations
related to disaster management in India: Disaster Management Act. 2005;
Environmental policies &programmes in India- Institutions & natural centers for
disaster mitigation: National Disaster Management Authority (NDMA): structure and
Unit -4 10
functional responsibilities, National Disaster Response Force (NDRF): Role and
responsibilities, National Institute of Disaster Management (NIDM): Role and

Case studies: Natural and Man-made disasters in India

A. Natural disasters in India with special reference to Uttarakhand
1. Earth quakes: Uttarkashi (1991), Kutch (2001), Sikkim (2011)
2. Cloud Bursts: Uttarkashi (2012)
3. Landslides along Himalayan and other regions: Malpa (Pithoragarh) (1998),
Varunavrat Hill landslide at Uttarkashi (2003)
4. Floods: Orissa floods (2011)
5. Tsunami : Indian Ocean earth quake and Tsunami (2004)
6. Cyclones: Thane (2011)
7. Droughts: Karnataka (2011)
8. Snow Avalanche
Unit-5 B. Man-induced disasters in India: 06
1. Forest fires: Forest fires in Uttarakhand, 2004, 2012 and deforestation
2. Industrial disasters: Bhopal gas tragedy, 1984
3. Mining: Chasnala(Bihar) mining disaster, 1975
4. Oil spills: Mumbai oil spill, 2010.
5. Nuclear disaster accidents: Narora atomic power station, Blandshahar (1993);
Kalpakkam atomic power station (2002); Kota Atomic power station, Rajasthan (1995)
C. Disasters relevant to the area specific to the discipline of the students.
Mock shows: Mock shows will be organized and conducted by expert agencies tor
understanding the vulnerability of areas in and around campus along with adopting the
preventive measures.
Text Books:
1. K.J. Anandha Kumar, AjinderWalia, Shekher Chaturvedi, India Disaster Report, 2011, National
Institute of Disaster Management, June, 2012
2. R.B.Singh (Ed) Environmental Geography, Heritage Publishers New Delhi,1990
3. Savinder Singh Environmental Geography, PrayagPustakBhawan, 1997
4. Kates,B.I& White, G.F The Environment as Hazards, oxford, New York, 1978
5. R.B. Singh (Ed) Disaster Management, Rawat Publication, New Delhi, 2000
6. H.K. Gupta (Ed) Disaster Management, Universiters Press, India, 2003
1. R,B. Singh, Space Technology for Disaster Mitigation in India (INCED), University of Tokyo,1994
2. Dr. Satender , Disaster Management in Hills, Concept Publishing Co., New Delhi, 2000
3. A.S. Arya Action Plan For Earthquake, Disaster, Mitigation in V.K. Sharma (Ed) Disaster
Management IIPA Publication New Delhi, 1994
4. R.K. Bhandani An overview on Natural & Man-made Disaster & their Reduction ,CSIR, New Delhi
5. M.C. Gupta. Manuals on Natural Disaster management in India, National Centre for Disaster
Management, IIPA, New Delhi, 2001

Page 24 of 38
Course:- Bachelor of Technology (ELECTRICAL ENGINERING)

Semester Fifth Subject Title Power System- I Lab Code PEE 551

Course Components Credits L T P

Contact Hours
Core Course (CC) 01 00 00 02
Theory Practical CWA MSE ESE
Examination Duration WEIGHTAGE:
(Hrs) 00 03 EVALUATION 25 25 50

Course Objectives
CO 1 Understanding of mechanical and electrical design of a transmission line via industrial visit.
CO2 Knowledge of sources and load simulation.
CO3 Evaluation of parameters of a transmission line.
CO4 Understanding of performance of transmission line under fault condition.

Experiment No. Name of the Experiment

1 Visit to a Local Substation or a Generating Plant.
To obtain the transient response of an RLC circuit with its damping frequency and
damping ratio using MATLAB.
To determine the parameters of equivalent circuit of transformer from OC SC test data
using MATLAB.
4 To simulate and analyze three phase source and load using SIMULINK.
5 Measurement of active and reactive powers using SIMULINK.
6 a) Optimal dispatch neglecting Losses
b) Optimal dispatch including Losses
7 To calculate ABCD parameters for Medium line using MATLAB.
8 To calculate ABCD parameters for long line network MATLAB.
9 To determine voltage and power at the sending end and to regulate the voltage using
medium line model.
10 To determine line performance when loaded at receiving end.
11 To obtain the effect of sudden short-circuit on a synchronous generator output.
12 Step response of rotor angle and generator frequency of a Synchronous Machine.

Page 25 of 38
Course:- Bachelor of Technology (ELECTRICAL ENGINERING)
Semester Fifth Subject Title Control Systems Lab Code PEE 552
Course Components Credits L T P
Contact Hours
Core Course (CC) 01 00 00 02
Examination Duration Theory Practical WEIGHTAGE: CWA MSE ESE
(Hrs) 00 03 EVALUATION 25 25 50
Course Objectives
CO 1 Understand the open and closed loop response of first and/or second order systems.
CO2 Study and Analyse speed control of various types of electric motors in open loop and/or closed loop.
Study and Understand the fundamentals of control systems and effect of standard test signals on
unity feedback and to study the time response of physical systems using MATLAB
Design various compensators and Analyse the stability of given systems using conventional
techniques (Bode Plot/Root Locus/Nyquist/Routh-Hurwitz) using MATLAB

Experiment No. Name of the Experiment

Experiments on Hardware kits/panels
1 To study time response of a first/second order system
2 To study a first/second order system using PID controller
To study the characteristics of digital Proportional + Integral + Derivative control
action on the simulated second order process.
4 To carry out the open loop speed control of BLDC motor using IPM.
5 To carry out the closed loop speed PI control of BLDC motor using IPM
6 To examine the operation of conveyor control system using PLC.
7 To carry out the speed control of AC motor using PLC.
8 To study speed torque characteristic of AC servomotor
9 To study speed control of stepper motor using stepper motor controller
10 To study the speed control of various motors (AC/Stepper/DC) using microprocessor
Experiments using MATLAB/SIMULINK
To obtain the following using MATLAB
I. Pole, zero, gain values from a given transfer function
II. Transfer function model from pole, zero, gain values
III. Pole, zero plot of a transfer function
To reduce linear systems, block diagram using series, parallel and feedback configuration
by using commands in MATLAB.
Determination of step & impulse response for a first and second order unity feedback
To Study the effects of P, PD, PI, PID controllers on the response of a given (first/second
order) system and determine the time response specifications.
To draw the Bode plot and determine the frequency domain specifications of a given
16 To draw the Root locus and study the stability of a given system.
17 To draw the Nyquist plot of a given system and determine the Gain margin and phase
18 To execute stability analysis using Routh- Hurwitz method.
19 To design a lag, lead and lead – lag compensator and obtain the characteristics.

-- Two innovative experiments can be given by the concerned faculty in-charge.

Note: minimum of any 10 experiments to be performed.

Page 26 of 38
Course:- Bachelor of Technology (ELECTRICAL ENGINERING)

Semester Fifth Subject Title Microprocessor Lab Code PEE 553

Course Components Credits L T P

Contact Hours
Core Course (CC) 01 00 00 02
Examination Duration Theory Practical WEIGHTAGE: MSE ESE
00 03 25 25 50
Course Objectives
CO 1 Assessment of the 8085 based microprocessor system and 8086 and 8086A based microprocessor system
Develop and run a program for finding out the largest/smallest number and for arranging in ascending
Develop and run a program for multiplication/division and conversion of temperature from 0F to 0C and
CO4 Develop interfacing of 8085/ 8086 with various devices.

Experiment No. Name of the Experiment

A. Study Experiments
1. To study 8085 based microprocessor system
2. To study 8086 and 8086A based microprocessor system
3. To study Pentium Processor
B. Programming based Experiments (any four)
1. To develop and run a program for finding out the largest/smallest number from a given set
of numbers.
2. To develop and run a program for arranging in ascending/descending order of a set of
3. To perform multiplication/division of given numbers
4. To perform conversion of temperature from 0F to 0C and vice-versa
5. To perform computation of square root of a given number
6. To perform floating point mathematical operations (addition, subtraction, multiplication
and division)
Interfacing based Experiments (any four)
1. To perform interfacing of RAM chip to 8085/8086 based system
2. To perform interfacing of keyboard controller
3. To perform interfacing of DMA controller
3. 4. To perform interfacing of PPI
5. To perform interfacing of UART/USART
6. To perform microprocessor-based stepper motor operation through 8085 kit
7. To perform microprocessor-based traffic light control
8. To perform microprocessor-based temperature control of hot water.

Page 27 of 38
Course:- Bachelor of Technology (Electrical Engineering)
Career Skills - III
Semester Fifth Subject Title (Verbal+ Logical Code XCS 501
Course Components Credits L T P
Contact Hours
Career Skills (CK) 02 02 00 00
Theory Practical CWA MSE ESE
Examination Duration WEIGHTAGE:
(Hrs) 03 00 EVALUATION 25 25 50

Course Objectives
CO 1 To develop inter personal skills and be an effective goal oriented team player.
CO2 To develop professionals with idealistic, practical and moral values.
CO3 To develop communication and problem solving skills
CO4 To re-engineer attitude and understand its influence on behavior

Unit No. Content Hours

Unit 1. Effective Reading Skills: Reading Comprehension Purpose of reading, 6
skimming and scanning. Tips for improving comprehension skills. (For effective
reading skills practice papers on Reading Comprehension will be provided to
Unit 2. Aptitude section: Clocks, Calendar, Profit/loss, Percentage, Average. 4
Unit 3. Aptitude Section: Ages, Trains & Boats, Simplification, Ratio & proportion, 12
Unit 4. Critical Reasoning: Analyze logical arguments. 6
Total 28
For Verbal Section:
Spoken English for India by R.K. Bansal and J.B. Harrison- Orient Longman
A practical English Grammar by Thomson and Martinet-Oxford University Press
Professional Communication by Malti Aggarwal
English grammar, composition and correspondence by M.A.Pink and A.E.Thomas –S.Chand
and Sons. Word Power by Blum Rosen-Cambridge University Press
A Dictionary of Modern Usage-Oxford University Press

For Aptitude Section:

Quantitative aptitude by R.S Agarwal
Verbal and Non-Verbal Reasoning by R.S Agarwal
All books of puzzles to puzzle to puzzle you by Shakuntala Devi.
Question Bank on the practice exercise (Created for internal use)

Page 28 of 38
Course:- Bachelor of Technology (Electrical Engineering)
Semester Sixth Subject Title Power Electronics Code TEE 601
Course Components Credits L T P
Contact Hours
Core Course (CC) 03 03 00 00
Examination Duration (Hrs)
03 00 EVALUATION 25 25 50
Course Objectives: After successful completion of this course, students will be able to:
CO 1 Understand the basics of various power semiconductor devices and thyristor.
CO2 Design the line commutated converters and Analyse their performance.
CO3 Design the single and three-phase inverters and Assess their performance.
CO4 Understand and Analyse the working and behavior of various types of chopper.
CO5 Understand the working of Cyclo-converters.
CO6 Develop skills to build, and troubleshoot power electronics circuits.

Unit No. Content Hours

Power Semi-Conductor Devices: Review of power semiconductor devices (such as
power diode, power BJT and power MOSFET), Review of TRIAC, GTO, IGBT.
Unit -1 Thyristor: I-V characteristics, switching characteristics, turn-on methods, Protection 8
and cooling of Thyristor, Gate circuit requirements, Series- parallel operation,
Commutation Techniques.
Line Commutated Converters:
AC to DC Converters (Phase Controlled Rectifiers): Phase Control, Half and full
wave-controlled rectifier and their Analysis with different types of loads (R, RL, and
Unit -2 8
RLE), Dual converters, Three phase converters.
AC to AC Converters (A.C Voltage Controllers): Phase control & integral cycle
control, Single-phase voltage controllers (R & RL load).
DC to AC Converters (Inverters): Principle of inverters, Types of inverters, single
phase half wave and full wave voltage source inverters, Three phase bridge inverters,
Unit -3 8
voltage control in single-phase inverters, Current Source inverters, Series inverter,
parallel inverter.
DC to DC Converters (Choppers): Principle of chopper operation, control strategies,
Types of chopper circuits, steady state analysis of Type-A chopper, voltage commutated
Unit -4 6
chopper, current commutated chopper. Introduction to Buck, Boost and Buck-Boost
Frequency Converters (Cyclo-converter): Types, principle of operation: Single-phase
Unit -5 to single phase step-up & step-down cyclo-converter, three phase to three phase and three 6
phase to single-phase cyclo-converter.
Total Hours 36

Text Books:
1. M.H. Rashid, “Power Electronics Circuits, Devices &Applications”, PHI.
2. Dr. PS. Bimbhra, “Power Electronics” 4/e, Khanna Publishers.
3. Ned mohan, Tore. M. Undeland, Williams P. Robbins, “Power Electronics” 3/e Wiley India

Reference Readings:
1. Bimal K Bose “Power Electronic and variable frequency drives”, Wiley India
2. M D Singh,K B Khanchandani,” Power Electronics”, 2nd edition, Tata McGraw hill

Page 29 of 38
Course:- Bachelor of Technology (Electrical Engineering)
Semester Sixth Subject Title Power Systems - II Code TEE 602
Course Components Credits L T P
Contact Hours
Core Course (CC) 03 03 00 00
Duration (Hrs) 03 00 25 25 50
Course Objectives
CO1 Application of per unit representation and reactance diagram in power system analysis
CO2 Analysis of unbalanced power systems through symmetrical component method
CO3 Design of power system model under symmetrical and unsymmetrical fault conditions
CO4 Application of power flow analysis in assessment node parameters.
CO5 Examine power system stability under various conditions.
CO6 Analysis of symmetrical faults.
Unit No. Content Hours
Representation of Power System Components: Per unit System, Impedance and
reactance diagram.
Unit -1 Symmetrical components: Symmetrical Components of unbalanced phasors, 8
power in terms of symmetrical components, sequence impedances and sequence
Unsymmetrical faults: Analysis of single line to ground fault, line-to-line fault and
Unit -2 Double Line to ground fault on an unloaded generators and power system network 8
with and without fault impedance.
Load Flows: Introduction, bus classifications, nodal admittance matrix (YBUS ),
development of load flow equations, load flow solution using Gauss Siedel and
Unit -3 8
Newton-Raphson method, approximation to N-R method, line flow equations and
fast decoupled method
Power System Stability: Stability and Stability limit, Steady state stability study,
derivation of Swing equation, transient stability studies by equal area criterion and
Unit -4 8
step-by-step method. Factors affecting steady state and transient stability and
methods of improvement.
Symmetrical fault analysis: Transient in R-L series circuit, calculation of 3-phase
Unit-5 short circuit current and reactance of synchronous machine, internal voltage of 4
loaded machines under transient conditions
Total Hours 36
Test Books/ References:
1. J. Grainger and W. D. Stevenson, “Power System Analysis”, McGraw Hill Education, 1994.
2. O. I. Elgerd, “Electric Energy Systems Theory”, McGraw Hill Education, 1995.
3. A. R. Bergen and V. Vittal, “Power System Analysis”, Pearson Education Inc., 1999.
4. D. P. Kothari and I. J. Nagrath, “Modern Power System Analysis”, McGraw Hill Education,
5. B. M. Weedy, B. J. Cory, N. Jenkins, J. Ekanayake and G. Strbac, “Electric Power Systems”,
Wiley, 2012.

Page 30 of 38
Course: - Bachelor of Technology (Electrical Engineering)
Semester Sixth Subject Title Power System Protection Code TEE 603
Course Components Credits L T P
Contact Hours
Core Course (CC) 03 03 00 00
Theory Practical CWA MSE ESE
Examination Duration (Hrs)
03 00 EVALUATION 25 25 50
Course Objectives
CO 1 Understanding of the different components of a protection systems
CO2 Developing concepts of various types of relays
CO3 Utilization of various relays in protection of power system components.
CO4 Understanding of Static relays
CO5 Acquiring the knowledge of the various characteristics of circuit breaker
CO6 Application of various types of circuit breakers
Unit No. Content Hours
Protection Schemes: Principles and need for protective schemes – nature and causes
Unit -1 of faults – types of faults – Fault Clearing Process – Zones of protection and essential 4
qualities of protection – Protection scheme
Electromagnetic Relays: Operating principles of relays – Classification – the
Unit -2 Universal relay – Torque equation – R-X diagram – Electromagnetic Relays – Over 8
current, Directional, Distance, Differential, Negative sequence.
Apparatus Protection: Current transformers and Potential transformers and their
applications in protection schemes - Protection of transformer, generator, motor, bus
Unit -3 8
bars and transmission line.

Static Relay: Static relays – Phase, Amplitude Comparators – Classification – Block

diagram of Static relays – Over current protection, transformer differential protection,
Unit -4 6
distant protection of transmission lines.

Circuit Breakers: Physics of arcing phenomenon and arc interruption - DC and AC

circuit breaking – re-striking voltage and recovery voltage - rate of rise of recovery
voltage - resistance switching - current chopping - interruption of capacitive current -
Unit -5 10
Types of circuit breakers – air blast, air break, oil, SF6, MCBs, MCCBs and vacuum
circuit breakers – comparison of different circuit breakers – Rating and selection of
Circuit breakers.
Total Hours 36

1. Sunil S.Rao, ‘Switchgear and Protection’, Khanna Publishers, New Delhi, 2008.
2. B.Rabindranath and N.Chander, ‘Power System Protection and Switchgear’, New Age International
(P) Ltd., First Edition 2011.
3. Arun Ingole, ‘Switch Gear and Protection’ Pearson Education, 2017.
4. BadriRam, B.H. Vishwakarma, ‘Power System Protection and Switchgear’, New Age International
Pvt Ltd Publishers, Second Edition 2011.
5. Y.G.Paithankar and S.R.Bhide, ‘Fundamentals of power system protection’, Second Edition,
Prentice Hall of India Pvt. Ltd., New Delhi, 2010.
6. C.L.Wadhwa, ‘Electrical Power Systems’, 6th Edition, New Age International (P) Ltd., 2010

Page 31 of 38
Course:- Bachelor of Technology (ELECTRICAL ENGINERING)

Semester Sixth Subject Title Electronics Design Lab Code PEE 653

Course Components Credits L T P

Contact Hours
Core Course (CC) 01 00 00 02
Theory Practical CWA MSE ESE
Examination Duration WEIGHTAGE:
(Hrs) 00 03 EVALUATION 25 25 50
Course Objectives
To Become familiar with electronic laboratory equipment and Design and simulate basic electronic
CO 1
To Design various oscillators and implement them using software and also observe their frequency
To Design various amplifiers like CE, CC, common source FET amplifiers and implement them using
software and also observe their frequency responses.
CO4 To Design and Test PCBs for various electronic circuits

Experiment No. Name of the Experiment**

To Design basic electronic circuits on bread board and test their working through
To design and simulate the basic electronic circuits on ORCAD/PSPICE software and test
their working through CRO/DSO.
3 To make the layout of center tapped full wave rectifier through ORCAD software
4 To make the layout of DC regulated power supply through ORCAD software
5 Simulate Hartley Oscillator and determine its frequency of oscillation
6 Simulate COLPITTS oscillator and determine its frequency of oscillation
7 Simulate Wein Bridge Oscillator and determine its frequency of oscillation
8 Simulate RC Phase shift Oscillator and determine its frequency of oscillation
9 Simulation of half wave and full wave center tapped rectifiers through ORCAD software
10 Simulation of DC regulated power supply through ORCAD software
11 Simulation of CE amplifier using PSPICE ORCAD software
12 Simulation of FET amplifier circuit using ORCAD and compute the gain and bandwidth.
13 To design the PCB of full wave center tapped rectifier/DC regulated power supply
14 To drill solder the components on the PCB of full wave center tapped rectifier/DC regulated
power supply
15 Any experiment as suggested by the Faculty In-charge

Page 32 of 38
Course:- Bachelor of Technology (ELECTRICAL ENGINERING)

Semester Sixth Subject Title Power Electronics Lab Code PEE 651

Course Components Credits L T P

Contact Hours
Core Course (CC) 01 00 00 02
Theory Practical CWA MSE ESE
Examination Duration WEIGHTAGE:
(Hrs) 00 03 EVALUATION 25 25 50
Course Outcomes: After successful completion of this course, students will be able to
Understand the basic operation (including triggering and/or commutation) of various power
CO 1
semiconductor devices
CO2 Elucidate the behavior of various power semiconductor devices through their characteristics.
Acquire experience to design and assemble circuits with different types of power electronic devices for
various types of power conversion and Apply the same for different loads
Design and simulate the various power electronics circuits for different types of loads and Assess their
performance and characteristics using MATLAB/SIMULINK.

Experiment No.
Name of the Experiment**
1 To study triggering of (i) IGBT (ii) MOSFET (iii) Power Transistor
2 To study V-I characteristics of SCR.
3 To study the characteristics of TRAIC.
4 To study single-phase ac voltage regulator using TRAIC.
5 To study triggering circuits for SCR.
6 To study the commutation of SCR.
7 To study the performance of single phase half controlled bridge rectifier with resistive and
inductive loads.
8 To study single phase full controlled bridge rectifier with resistive and inductive loads.
9 To study operation of step down chopper circuit
10 To study operation of step down chopper circuit
MATLAB/SIMULINK based experiments
11 To simulate the model of a step down chopper
12 To simulate the model of a step up chopper
13 MATLAB simulation of single phase fully controlled bridge rectifier and draw load voltage
and load current waveform for inductive load.
14 MATLAB simulation of single phase full wave ac voltage controller and draw load voltage
and load current waveforms for inductive load.
15 To simulate the 1Ø half wave inverter with R load and obtain the corresponding waveforms
16 To simulate the 1Ø full wave inverter with R load and obtain the corresponding waveforms
** At least two innovative experiments on recent advancements in power electronics to be given
by the concerned Faculty In-charge.
Note: Any 10 of above experiments are to be conducted

Page 33 of 38
Course:- Bachelor of Technology (ELECTRICAL ENGINERING)

Semester Sixth Subject Title Power System – II Lab Code PEE 652

Course Components Credits L T P

Contact Hours
Core Course (CC) 01 00 00 02
Theory Practical CWA MSE ESE
Examination Duration WEIGHTAGE:
(Hrs) 00 03 EVALUATION 25 25 50
Course Objectives
CO 1 Analysis of the breakdown voltage of the transformer oil and study the characteristics of MCB
Evaluation of various operational characteristics of the IDMT, Earth fault, Instantaneous over current
and Thermal relay for time and current setting
Assessment of the various parameter of the transmission line and study the LG & LLL fault analysis
in transmission lines
Testing of various Underground fault in cables ,insulator testing
and earth resistance testing

Experiment No. Name of the Experiment

1 To test the breakdown voltage of the transformer oil.
2 Find operational characteristics of the earth fault relay for time and current setting.
Thermal relay
3 a. Find operational characteristics of the relay.
b. Determine the current characteristics of a given fuse.
Instantaneous over current relay
4 a. Study the pick- up current of the relay.
b. Study the current vs. time characteristics
IDMT over current relay
5 a. Study the operating current & de-operating current of the disc.
b. Study the time characteristics
6 To study the characteristics of MCB
7 To measure direct axis synchronous reactance of synchronous machine and measure
quadrature axis synchronous reactance by slip test.
8 To study the single line to ground fault as practical application in transmission lines
9 To find out
b. ABCD parameters.
c. Hybrid parameters
d. Image parameter of a given transmission line.
10 To study the three phase fault as practical application in transmission line.
11 To measure the earth electrode resistance using earth tester
12 To locate fault in a cable by murray loop test
13 To determine the voltage distribution across a string or 400 kV disk Insulator (Artificial)
and to study the effect of pollution.
14 Study and performance of Differential Relay

Page 34 of 38
Course:- Bachelor of Technology (Electrical Engineering)
Career Skills - IV
Semester Sixth Subject Title (Verbal+ Logical Code XCS 601
Course Components Credits L T P
Contact Hours
Career Skills (CK) 01 02 00 00
Theory Practical CWA MSE ESE
Examination Duration WEIGHTAGE:
(Hrs) 03 00 EVALUATION 25 25 50

Course Objectives
CO 1 To develop inter personal skills and be an effective goal oriented team player.
CO2 To develop professionals with idealistic, practical and moral values.
CO3 To develop communication and problem solving skills
CO4 To re-engineer attitude and understand its influence on behavior

Unit No. Content Hours

Unit 1. Building Advanced Vocabulary 7
Sentence completion: Single and double vocabulary
Job Application: Personal Interviews and C.V Writing Essential parts - Cover
Letter and the ‘resume’. Types of ‘resumes ’ (Curriculum Vitae) Chronological
‘resume’, functional ‘resume’
Unit 2. Aptitude Section: Number system, P& C, Probability, Log, 8
Unit 3. Aptitude Section: Time & Work, S.I & C.I, Time & Distance, Mixture, Chain 6
Rule, Pipes & Cisterns
Unit 4. Advanced Grammar: Spotting errors, subject verb agreement based errors. 7
Total 28

For Verbal Section:

Spoken English for India by R.K.Bansal and J.B. Harrison- Orient Longman
A practical English Grammar by Thomson and Martinet-Oxford University Press
Professional Communication by MaltiAggarwal
English grammar, composition and correspondence by M.A.Pink and A.E.Thomas –S.Chand and
Sons.Word Power by Blum Rosen-Cambridge University Press
A Dictionary of Modern Usage-Oxford University Press

For Aptitude Section:

Quantitative aptitude by R.S Agarwal
Verbal and Non Verbal Reasoning by R.S Agarwal
All books of puzzles to puzzle to puzzle you by Shakuntala Devi.
Question Bank on the practice exercise (Created for internal use)

Page 35 of 38
Course: - Bachelor of Technology (Electrical Engineering)

Semester Seventh Subject Title Electrical Drives Code TEE 701

Course Components Credits L T P
Contact Hours
Core Course (CC) 03 03 00 00
Examination Duration EVALUATION
(Hrs) 03 00 25 25 50
Course Objectives:
CO1: Understanding of Electrical Drive and its component
CO2: Acquiring the knowledge of dynamics of electrical drive
CO3: Identifying suitable form of d.c drives system for Industry
CO4: Appraise different braking methods and transient analysis of electric motors.
CO5: Analysis of transient behavior of DC drives
CO6: Appraise the speed and frequency control method of Induction motor and synchronous motor.
Unit Content Hours
Electric Drives - An Introduction: Electric drives, advantage of electrical drives,
Unit -1 04
components of electrical drives, choice of electric drives.
Dynamics of electrical drives: Fundamental torque equation, speed torque conventions and
Multi-quadrant operation, equivalent values of drive parameters, moment of inertia
Unit -2 measurement, components of load torques, nature and classification of load torques, 10
calculation of time and energy-loss in transient operations, steady state stability, load
DC Motor Drives-I: DC motor and their performance (Shunt and Series motor), starting,
Unit -3 6
breaking, transient analysis of dc motor. Energy losses during transient analysis.
DC Motor Drives-II (Uncontrolled rectifier control of DC drive): single phase fully
controlled rectifier control of separately excited dc motor, single phase half controlled
Unit 4 8
rectifier control of separately excited dc motor, three phase fully/half controlled of
separately excited dc motor, chopper control.
AC Motor Drives: Variable frequency control from a current source, current source
Unit-5 inverter control, rotor resistance control, slip power recovery, variable speed constant 8
frequency generation and synchronous motor drives.
Total Hours 36
1. Fundamental of Electrical Drives, G.K. Dubey, New Age International Publication.
2. Electric Drives, Vedam Subrahmanyam, TMH
3. A first course on Electrical Drives, S.K. Pillai, , New Age International Publication.
Reference books:
1. Power Electronics – MD Singh and K B Khanchandani, Tata – McGraw-Hill Publishing
2. Modern Power Electronics and AC Drives by B.K.Bose, PHI.
3. Thyristor Control of Electric drives – Vedam Subramanyam Tata McGraw Hill Publilcations.

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Course:- Bachelor of Technology (Electrical Engineering)
Non-Conventional Energy
Semester Seventh Subject Title Code TEE 702
Course Components Credits L T P
Contact Hours
Core Course (CC) 03 03 00 00
Examination Duration EVALUATION
(Hrs) 03 00 25 25 50
Course Outcomes
CO1: Learn and justify the solar thermal applications.
CO2: Acquiring the knowledge of Solar Power Generation
CO3: Utilization of Geothermal energy for conversion in electrical energy
CO4: Assessment of the performance of Fuel cell and MHD
CO5:Understanding of wind energy and bio-mass system
CO6: Understanding of Maximum Power Point Tracking and load connections
UnitNo Content Hours
Solar Thermal Energy: Solar radiation flat plant collectors and their materials, application
and performance, focusing of collectors and their materials, applications and performance
Unit -1 6
solar thermal power plants, thermal energy storage for solar heating and cooling,
limitations .
Photo voltaic System-Solar cell characteristics, solar cell classifications, solar cell module,
Unit -2 panel and Array constructions, Maximizing solar PV output and Load Matching, Maximum 8
Power Point Tracking (MPPT), Balance of system components, Solar PV applications
Fuel Cells: Principle of working of various types of fuel cells and their working,
performance and limitations.
Unit -3 6
Thermo-electrical and thermionic Conversions : Principle of working, performance and
Wind Energy: Wind power and its sources , site selection , criterion , momentum theory,
Unit -4 classification of rotors , concentrations and augments , wind characteristics . performance 8
and limitations of energy conversion systems .
Geothermal Energy: Resources of geothermal energy, thermodynamics of geo-thermal
energy conversion-electrical conversion, non-electrical conversion, environmental
considerations. .
Unit-5 8
Magneto-hydrodynamics (M H D ) : Principle of working of M H D Power plant,
performance and limitations.
Bio-mass: Availability of bio-mass and its convention theory .
Total Hours 36
Text Books
1. B.H Khan, “Non-Conventional Energy Resources” Tata McGraw-Hill Education 2nd
2. Andrea Gabdel , “A Handbook for Engineers and Economists.”
3. A. Mani , “Handbook of solar radiation Data for India .”
4. Peter Auer , “Advances in Energy System and Technology ”, Vol. I & II Edited by Academic
5. F.R. the MITTRE , “Wind Machines” by Energy Resources and Environmental Series
Reference books:
1. Frank Kreith , “Solar Energy Hand Book “.
2. N. Chermisinogg and Thomes , C. Reign , “Principles and Application of solar Energy ”

Page 37 of 38
Course:- Bachelor of Technology (ELECTRICAL ENGINERING)
Semester Seventh Subject Title Electrical Drives Lab Code PEE 751
Course Components Credits L T P
Contact Hours
Core Course (CC) 01 00 00 02
Examination Duration Theory Practical WEIGHTAGE: CWA MSE ESE
(Hrs) 00 03 EVALUATION 20 30 50
CO1 Estimation of the various characteristics of DC drive
CO2 Assessment of AC drive performance parameters
CO3 Analysis of dynamic characteristics of DC drive
CO4 Application of closed and open loop control
Experiment No. Name of the Experiment**
Experiments on MATLAB/SIMULINK
1 To obtain the characteristic curves of DC shunt motor and DC series motor.
Speed Control of DC motor fed from single phase AC source
Armature voltage control (using full controlled converter)
Field flux control
Armature resistance control.
3 Obtain the slip-torque and slip-speed characteristics of induction motor.
To obtain the speed-torque characteristics of an induction motor by stator voltage control
5 To operate the given DC motor in 2-quadrant using chopper
6 Study of braking in dc motor.
Dynamic braking
Regenerative braking
7 Speed Control of Induction motor using slip power recovery method (static scherbius drive).
8 MATLAB program for speed control of induction motor.
Experiments on Hardware Panels
9 Draw Speed-Torque Characteristics of Separately Excited DC motor using Open Loop
Armature Voltage Variation
10 Draw Speed-Torque Characteristics of Separately Excited DC motor using Closed Loop
Armature Voltage Control (P/PI)
11 Draw Speed-Torque Characteristics of series DC Motor using Open Loop Armature Voltage
12 Draw Speed-Torque Characteristics of series DC Motor using Proportional/Proportional –
Integral (P/PI) Close Loop Control.
13 Draw Speed-Torque Characteristics of shunt DC Motor using Open Loop Armature Voltage
14 Draw Speed-Torque Characteristics of shunt DC Motor using Proportional/Proportional –
Integral (P/PI) Close Loop Control.
15 Draw Speed-Torque Characteristics of AC motor using Open Loop Control
16 Draw Speed-Torque Characteristics of AC motor using Proportional/Proportional – Integral
(P/PI) Close Loop Control.
17 To study Linear Induction Motor and perform traction test on it using PEC16LM01 trainer.

Page 38 of 38

Program Elective Courses

B. Tech (Electrical Engineering)

BoS - 2020
Course:- Bachelor of Technology (Electrical Engineering)
Semester Fifth Subject Title Electrical Machine Design Code TEE 504
Course Components Credits L T P
Contact Hours
Program Elective – I 03 03 00 00
Theory Practical CWA MSE ESE
Examination Duration (Hrs)
03 00 EVALUATION 25 25 50
Course Objectives: After completion of this course, students will be able to:
CO1 Study MMF calculation and thermal rating of various types of electrical machines.
CO2 Design armature and field systems for D.C. machines.
CO3 Design core, yoke, windings and cooling systems of transformers.
CO4 Design stator and rotor of induction machines.
CO5 Design stator and rotor of synchronous machines and study their thermal behavior.
CO6 Understand the design of magnetic circuits.
Unit No. Content Hours
Design Considerations:
Principle of Design, Major considerations in Electrical Machine Design,
Specifications and Standards, Constraints of Design, Dimensions and Rating of
Unit – 1 machines, Electrical Engineering Materials – Conducting, Resistive, Magnetic and 8
Insulating materials, Space factor, Rating of machines, Standard specifications.
Thermal considerations – Heat Dissipation Modes, Temperature rise and Fall, Types
of Cooling (Ventilation), hydrogen cooling
Design of Magnetic Circuits:
Basic principles of magnetic circuits, Magnetic circuit calculations, Iron losses,
Magnetic leakage calculations, Magnetic pull
Design of Transformers: Introduction, Specifications, Types of transformers, Output
Unit – 2 Equation, Volt per turn of winding, Choice of flux density and current density, Design 10
of Core, Design of Yoke, Window and Core properties, Window space factor, Design
of windings, Overall dimensions, Operating characteristics, No load current,
Temperature rise in Transformers, Design of Tank, Methods of cooling of
Design of DC Machines
Introduction, Construction of Field (or excitation system) and Rotor, Specifications
of DC machine, Output Equation, choice of specific electric and magnetic loadings,
Unit – 3 Choice of number of poles, Limitations of main dimensions (D and L), Separation of 7
main dimensions (D and L), Estimation of length of air gap, Design of armature,
Design of Commutator and Brushes, Design of Field system of DC machine, Design
of Interpoles.
Design of Three-phase induction motors: General considerations, output equation,
choice of specific electric and magnetic loadings, No. of slots in stator and rotor,
Unit – 4 elimination of harmonic torques, design of stator and rotor windings, leakage 6
reactance, equivalent resistance of squirrel cage rotor, magnetizing current,
temperature rise and efficiency.
Unit – 5 Design of Alternators: Classification and their comparison, specific loadings, output 5
coefficient, main dimensions, short circuit ratio, elimination of harmonics in
generated EMF, stator winding design.
Total Hours 36
Text Books:
 Sawhney, A.K., ‘A Course in Electrical Machine Design’, Dhanpat Rai & Sons, New Delhi,

Page 1 of 27
Annexure-III/ Syllabi/Program Elective Courses/BoS – AY 2019-20/B.Tech (EE)
 M.V.Deshpande “Design and Testing of Electrical Machine Design” Wheeler Publications,

Reference Books:
 V. Rajni and V.S. Nagarajan, “Electrical Machine Design” 1st ed., Person, 2018.
 A.Shanmuga Sundaram, G.Gangadharan, R.Palani ‘Electrical Machine Design Data Book’,
New Age International Pvt. Ltd., Reprint, 2007.
 R.K.Agarwal “ Principles of Electrical Machine Design” Esskay Publications, Delhi, 2002.
 Sen, S.K., ‘Principles of Electrical Machine Designs with Computer Programmes’, Oxford and
IBH Publishing Co. Pvt. Ltd., New Delhi, 1987.

Page 2 of 27
Annexure-III/ Syllabi/Program Elective Courses/BoS – AY 2019-20/B.Tech (EE)
Course:- Bachelor of Technology (Electrical Engineering)
Semester Fifth Subject Title Electromagnetic waves Code TEE 505
Course Components Credits L T P
Contact Hours
Program Elective – I 03 03 00 00
Duration (Hrs) 03 00 25 25 50
Course Objectives
Analyze transmission lines and estimate voltage and current at any point on transmission line
CO 1
for different load conditions.
CO2 Application of Maxwell Equations
CO3 Acquiring the knowledge of plane wave
CO4 Acquiring the knowledge of the characteristics of plane wave
CO5 Understand and analyse radiation by antennas.
Unit No. Content Hours
Transmission Lines
Introduction, Concept of distributed elements, Equations of voltage and current,
Standing waves and impedance transformation, Lossless and low-loss transmission
Unit -1 8
lines, Power transfer on a transmission line, Analysis of transmission line in terms
of admittances, Transmission line calculations with the help of Smith chart,
Applications of transmission line, Impedance matching using transmission lines.
Maxwell’s Equations
Basic quantities of Electromagnetics, Basic laws of Electromagnetics: Gauss’s law,
Unit -2 Ampere’s Circuital law, Faraday’s law of Electromagnetic induction. Maxwell’s 6
equations, Surface charge and surface current, Boundary conditions at media
Uniform Plane Wave
Homogeneous unbound medium, Wave equation for time harmonic fields, Solution
Unit -3 6
of the wave equation, Uniform plane wave, Wave polarization, Wave propagation
in conducting medium, Phase velocity of a wave, Power flow and Poynting vector.
Plane Waves at Media Interface
Plane wave in arbitrary direction, Plane wave at dielectric interface, Reflection and
Unit -4 refraction of waves at dielectric interface, Total internal reflection, Wave 8
polarization at media interface, Brewster angle, Fields and power flow at media
interface, Lossy media interface, Reflection from conducting boundary
Waveguides and Antennas
Parallel plane waveguide: Transverse Electric (TE) mode, transverse
Magnetic(TM) mode, Cut-off frequency, Phase velocity and dispersion. Transverse
Electromagnetic (TEM) mode, Analysis of waveguide-general approach,
Unit -5 8
Rectangular waveguides. Radiation parameters of antenna, Potential functions,
Solution for potential functions, Radiations from Hertz dipole, Near field, Far field,
Total power radiated by a dipole, Radiation resistance and radiation pattern of Hertz
dipole, Hertz dipole in receiving mode.
Total Hours 36
1. R. K. Shevgaonkar, “Electromagnetic Waves”, Tata McGraw Hill, 2005.
2. D. K. Cheng, “Field and Wave Electromagnetics”, Addison-Wesley, 1989.
3. M. N.O. Sadiku, “Elements of Electromagnetics”, Oxford University Press, 2007.
4. C. A. Balanis, “Advanced Engineering Electromagnetics”, John Wiley & Sons, 2012.

Page 3 of 27
Annexure-III/ Syllabi/Program Elective Courses/BoS – AY 2019-20/B.Tech (EE)
Course:- Bachelor of Technology (Electrical Engineering)
Semester Fifth Subject Title Digital Signal Processing Code TEE 506
Course Components Credits L T P
Contact Hours
Program Elective – I 03 03 01 00
Examination Theory Practical WEIGHTAGE: CWA MSE ESE
Duration (Hrs) 03 00 EVALUATION 25 25 50
Course Objectives
CO 1 Acquire the knowledge of various types of signals and its characteristics
CO2 Application of discrete signals using Z-Transform
CO3 Application of discrete signals using Fourier Transform
CO4 Realization of FIR and IIR filters
CO5 Design of FIR and IIR filters
CO6 Acquire the fundamental knowledge about the different types of digital signal processors

Unit No. Content Hours

Introduction: Classification of systems: Continuous, discrete, linear, causal,
stable, dynamic, recursive, time variance; classification of signals: continuous
Unit -1 and discrete, energy and power; Mathematical representation of signals; spectral 8
density; sampling techniques, quantization, quantization error, Nyquist rate,
aliasing effect. Digital signal representation.
Discrete time system analysis: Z-transform and its properties, inverse z-
Unit -2 transforms; difference equation – Solution by Z-transform, frequency response 6
– Convolution.
Discrete Fourier transform & computation: Fourier transform of discrete
sequence , Discrete Fourier series, DFT properties, magnitude and phase
Unit -3 8
representation, Computation of DFT using FFT algorithm, DIT & DIF, FFT
using radix 2, Butterfly structure.
Design of digital filters: FIR & IIR filter realization, Direct form – I & II,
Parallel & cascade forms. FIR design: Windowing Techniques, Need and
choice of windows, Linear phase characteristics. IIR design: Analog filter
Unit -4 10
design, Butterworth and Chebyshev approximations, digital design using
impulse invariant and bilinear transformation, Warping, prewarping, Frequency
Digital signal processors: Introduction – Architecture – Features – Addressing
Unit -5 4
Formats – Functional modes - Introduction to Commercial Processors.
Total Hours 36
Text Books & Reference Readings:

1. John G. Prokias and D.G. manolakis, “Digital Signal Processing: Principles, Algorithms and
Applications”, PHI, 1997.
2. A.V Oppenheim and Schafer, “Discrete time Signal Processing”, PHI, 1989.
3. S.K. Mitra, ‘Digital Signal Processing – A Computer Based Approach’, Tata McGraw Hill, New
Delhi, 2001.
4. L.R. Rabiner and B.Gold, “Theory and Applications of digital Signal Processing”, PHI, 1992.
5. J.R. Johnson, “Introduction to Digital Signal Processing”, PHI, 1992.
6. D.J. DeFatta, J.G. Lucas and W.S Hodgkiss, “Digital Signal Processing”, J Wiley and sons,
Singapore, 1988.

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Annexure-III/ Syllabi/Program Elective Courses/BoS – AY 2019-20/B.Tech (EE)
Course:- Bachelor of Technology (Electrical Engineering Department)
Electrical Engineering
Semester Third Subject Title Code TEE 507
Course Components Credits L T P
Contact Hours
Core Course (CC) 03 03 00 00
Examination Duration Theory Practical WEIGHTAGE: CWA MSE ESE
(Hrs) 03 00 EVALUATION 25 25 50
Course Objectives
CO 1 Assess different structures of materials
CO2 Analyze performance of materials by their different properties
CO3 Distinguish between metals, semiconductors and non-metals by different applications
CO4 Understand the concept of dielectric materials and their properties
CO5 Identification of magnetic materials by their classification
CO6 Formulation of different mathematical expressions based on types and properties of materials
Unit No. Content Hours
Crystal Structure of Materials: Bonds in solids, crystal structure, co-ordination
number, atomic packing factor, Miller Indices, Bragg’s law and x-ray diffraction,
Unit -1 8
structural Imperfections, crystal growth. Energy bands in solids, classification of
materials using energy band.
Properties of Materials: Properties and application of electrical conducting,
Unit -2 semiconducting, insulating and super conducting materials. Mechanical properties of 6
metals, optical properties of solids.
Conductivity in Metals and semiconductor materials: Electron theory of metals,
factors affecting electrical resistance of materials, thermal conductivity of metals, heat
Unit -3 developed in current carrying conductors, thermoelectric effect. Types of 8
semiconductors, current carriers in semiconductors, Hall effect, Drift and Diffusion
currents, continuity equation, P-N junction diode, junction transistor, FET & IGFET.
Dielectric Properties of Materials: Polarization and dielectric constant, dielectric
Unit -4 constant of mono-atomic, poly atomic gases and solids, dipolar relaxation, dielectric 6
loss, piezoelectricity, ferroelectric materials.
Magnetic Properties of Materials: Origin of permanent magnetic dipoles in matters,
Classification: Diamagnetism, Para magnetism, Ferromagnetism, Anti-ferromagnetism
Unit -5 8
and Ferri-magnetism. Magnetostriction. Soft and hard magnetic materials, permanent
magnetic material
Total Hours 36
Text Books:
1. A.J. Dekker, “Electrical Engineering Materials”, Prentice Hall of India
2. R.K. Rajput, “Electrical Engg. Materials”, Laxmi Publications.
3. C.S. Indulkar & S.Triruvagdan, “An Introduction to Electrical Engg. Materials”, S. Chand&
4. Solymar, “Electrical Properties of Materials”, Oxford University Press.
1. Ian P. Hones, “Material Science for Electrical and Electronic Engineering”, Oxford University
2. Narula, “Material Science”, Tata McGraw Hill..

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Annexure-III/ Syllabi/Program Elective Courses/BoS – AY 2019-20/B.Tech (EE)
Course:- Bachelor of Technology (Electrical Engineering)
Semester Sixth Subject Title Industrial Electrical Systems Code TEE 604
Course Components Credits L T P
Contact Hours
Program Elective - II 03 03 00 00
Examination Theory Practical WEIGHTAGE: CWA MSE ESE
Duration (Hrs) 03 00 EVALUATION 25 25 50
Course Objectives
CO 1 Application of electrical wiring components, such as, Fuse, Cable, MCB, etc.
CO2 Understand various components of industrial electrical systems.
CO3 Acquiring the knowledge of various types of wiring and general rule and guidelines of installation
CO4 Application of Industrial electrical systems
CO5 Application of DG system, UPS system, Battery banks
CO6 Understand the use of automation in electrical systems.
Unit No. Content Hours
Electrical System Components
LT system wiring components, selection of cables, wires, switches, distribution box,
Unit -1 metering system, Tariff structure, protection components- Fuse, MCB, MCCB, ELCB, 8
inverse current characteristics, symbols, single line diagram (SLD) of a wiring system,
Contactor, Isolator, Relays, MPCB, Electric shock and Electrical safety practices
Residential and Commercial Electrical Systems
Types of residential and commercial wiring systems, general rules and guidelines for
installation, load calculation and sizing of wire, rating of main switch, distribution board and
Unit -2 8
protection devices, earthing system calculations, requirements of commercial installation,
deciding lighting scheme and number of lamps, earthing of commercial installation, selection
and sizing of components.
Industrial Electrical Systems - I
HT connection, industrial substation, Transformer selection, Industrial loads, motors,
starting of motors, SLD, Cable and Switchgear selection, Lightning Protection, Earthing
design, Power factor correction – kVAR calculations, type of compensation, Introduction to
Unit -3 12
PCC, MCC panels. Specifications of LT Breakers, MCB and other LT panel components.
Industrial Electrical Systems II
DG Systems, UPS System, Electrical Systems for the elevators, Battery banks, Sizing the
DG, UPS and Battery Banks, Selection of UPS and Battery Banks.
Industrial Electrical System Automation
Study of basic PLC, Role of in automation, advantages of process automation, PLC based
Unit -4 6
control system design, Panel Metering and Introduction to SCADA system for distribution
Total Hours 34
Text/Reference Books
1. S.L. Uppal and G.C. Garg, “Electrical Wiring, Estimating & Costing”, Khanna publishers, 2008.
2. K. B. Raina, “Electrical Design, Estimating & Costing”, New age International, 2007.
3. S. Singh and R. D. Singh, “Electrical estimating and costing”, Dhanpat Rai and Co., 1997.
4. Web site for IS Standards.
5. H. Joshi, “Residential Commercial and Industrial Systems”, McGraw Hill Education, 2008.

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Annexure-III/ Syllabi/Program Elective Courses/BoS – AY 2019-20/B.Tech (EE)
Course:- Bachelor of Technology (Electrical Engineering)
Semester Sixth Subject Title Digital Control Systems Code TEE 605
Course Components Credits L T P
Contact Hours
Program Elective – II 03 03 00 00
Duration (Hrs) 03 00 25 25 50
Course Objectives: Upon successful completion of this course, students will be able to:
CO1 Acquire the fundamental concept of digital control systems
Apply z-transform to Analyze stability, transient response and steady state behavior of
linear discrete-time systems
CO3 Analyse discrete time systems through state space representation
CO4 Describe and Assess the controllability and observability of linear discrete-time systems.
CO5 Analyse Stability of linear discrete time systems through pole placement and state observers
CO6 Design digital control systems using transform techniques and state-space methods.
Unit No. Content Hours
Discrete Representation of Continuous Systems
Basics of Digital Control Systems. Discrete representation of continuous
Unit -1 systems. Sample and hold circuit. Mathematical Modelling of sample and hold 08
circuit. Effects of Sampling and Quantization. Choice of sampling frequency.
ZOH equivalent.
Discrete System Analysis: Z-Transform and Inverse Z-Transform, Pulse
Transfer Function, Mapping from s-plane to z-plane, solution of discrete time
Unit -2 system, time response of discrete time system 08
Stability analysis of discrete time systems: Stability analysis by Jury test.
Stability analysis using bilinear transformation.
State Space Approach for discrete time systems
State variable representation, conversion of state variable models to transfer
Unit -3 function and of transfer function to canonical state variable models, Eigen values 08
and Eigen vectors, Solution of state difference equations, controllability and
Pole-placement Design and State Observers: Stability improvement by state
Unit -4 feedback, Necessary and sufficient conditions for arbitrary pole-placement. State 6
regulator design, Design of state observer.
Design of Digital Control System
Design of Discrete PID Controller, Design of discrete state feedback controller.
Unit -5 6
Design of set point tracker. Design of Discrete Observer for LTI System. Design
of Discrete compensator.
Total Hours 36

1. K. Ogata, “Digital Control Engineering”, Prentice Hall, Englewood Cliffs, 1995.
2. M. Gopal, “Digital Control Engineering”, Wiley Eastern, 1988.
3. B.C. Kuo, “Digital Control System”, Holt, Rinehart and Winston, 1980.

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Annexure-III/ Syllabi/Program Elective Courses/BoS – AY 2019-20/B.Tech (EE)
Course:- Bachelor of Technology (Electrical Engineering)
Semester Sixth Subject Title Computer Architecture Code TEE 606
Course Components Credits L T P
Contact Hours
Program Elective - III 03 03 00 00
Duration (Hrs) 03 00 25 25 50
Course Objectives
CO 1 Understand the concepts of microprocessors, their principles and practices.
CO2 Understand the concepts of memory organisation.
CO3 Write efficient programs in assembly language of the 8086 family of microprocessors.
CO4 Organize a modern computer system and be able to relate it to real examples.
Develop the programs in assembly language for 80286, 80386 and MIPS processors in real and
protected modes.
CO6 Implement embedded applications using ATOM processor.
Unit No. Content Hours
Introduction to computer organization
Architecture and function of general computer system, CISC Vs RISC, Data types,
Integer Arithmetic - Multiplication, Division, Fixed and Floating-point
Unit -1 8
representation and arithmetic, Control unit operation, Hardware implementation of
CPU with Micro instruction, microprogramming, System buses, Multi-bus
Memory organization
Unit -2 System memory, Cache memory - types and organization, Virtual memory and its 8
implementation, Memory management unit, Magnetic Hard disks, Optical Disks.
Input – output Organization
Accessing I/O devices, Direct Memory Access and DMA controller, Interrupts and
Unit -3 8
Interrupt Controllers, Arbitration, Multilevel Bus Architecture, Interface circuits -
Parallel and serial port. Features of PCI and PCI Express bus.
16 and 32 microprocessors
80x86 Architecture, IA – 32 and IA – 64, Programming model, Concurrent operation
Unit -4 6
of EU and BIU, Real mode addressing, Segmentation, Addressing modes of 80x86,
Instruction set of 80x86, I/O addressing in 80x86
Introduction to pipelining, Instruction level pipelining (ILP), compiler techniques for
Unit -5 ILP, Data hazards, Dynamic scheduling, Dependability, Branch cost, Branch 6
Prediction, Influence on instruction set.

Total Hours 36
Text/Reference Books
1. V. Carl, G. Zvonko and S. G. Zaky, “Computer organization”, McGraw Hill, 1978.
2. B. Brey and C. R. Sarma, “The Intel microprocessors”, Pearson Education, 2000.
3. J. L. Hennessy and D. A. Patterson, “Computer Architecture A Quantitative Approach”,
Morgan Kauffman, 2011.
4. W. Stallings, “Computer organization”, PHI, 1987.
5. P. Barry and P. Crowley, “Modern Embedded Computing”, Morgan Kaufmann, 2012.
6. N. Mathivanan, “Microprocessors, PC Hardware and Interfacing”, Prentice Hall, 2004.
7. Y. C. Lieu and G. A. Gibson, “Microcomputer Systems: The 8086/8088 Family”, Prentice Hall
India, 1986.

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Annexure-III/ Syllabi/Program Elective Courses/BoS – AY 2019-20/B.Tech (EE)
Course:- Bachelor of Technology (Electrical Engineering)
Semester Sixth Subject Title Computational Electromagnetics Code TEE 607
Course Components Credits L T P
Contact Hours
Program Elective - III 03 03 00 00
Duration (Hrs) 03 00 25 25 50
Course Objectives
CO 1 Understand the basic concepts of Electromagnetics.
CO2 Computation of computing fields.
CO3 Application of Finite Difference Method
CO4 Understand the basic concepts Uniqueness and convergence
CO5 Application of Finite Elements Method
Unit No. Content Hours
Conventional design methodology, Computer aided design aspects – Advantages.
Unit -1 Review of basic fundamentals of Electrostatics and Electromagnetics. 10
Development of Helmholtz equation, energy transformer vectors- Poynting and
Slepian, magnetic Diffusion-transients and time-harmonic.
Analytical Methods
Unit -2 Analytical methods of solving field equations, method of separation of variables, 8
Roth’s method, integral methods- Green’s function, method of images.
Finite Difference Method (FDM)
Finite Difference schemes, treatment of irregular boundaries, accuracy and
Unit -3 8
stability of FD solutions, Finite-Difference Time-Domain (FDTD) method-
Uniqueness and convergence.
Finite Element Method (FEM)
Overview of FEM, Variational and Galerkin Methods, shape functions, lower and
Unit -4 8
higher order elements, vector elements, 2D and 3D finite elements, efficient finite
element computations.
Total Hours 34
1. P. P. Silvester and R. L. Ferrari “Finite Element for Electrical Engineers”, Cambridge
University press, 1996
2. M. N. O. Sadiku, “Numerical Techniques in Electromagnetics”, CRC press, 2001.

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Annexure-III/ Syllabi/Program Elective Courses/BoS – AY 2019-20/B.Tech (EE)
Course:- Bachelor of Technology (Electrical Engineering)
Semester Sixth Subject Title High Voltage Engineering Code TEE 608
Course Components Credits L T P
Contact Hours
Program Elective – III 03 03 00 00
Duration (Hrs) 03 00 25 25 50
Course Objectives
CO 1 Understand breakdown phenomena in gases, liquid, solid, vacuum and composite dielectrics
Elucidate the concepts used for the measurement of high voltages and currents and design
corresponding circuits.
Interpret high voltage testing techniques of Power apparatus and causes of over voltage in
Power systems.
Design the layout of Gas Insulated substations and to know the concepts of insulation
CO5 Understand Over-voltage phenomenon
CO6 Elucidate the concepts used for the generation of high voltages and currents.
Unit No. Content Hours

Break down Phenomenon: Basic Process of breakdown, breakdown phenomenon

Unit-1 6
of: gaseous, liquid, solid, vacuum and composite dielectrics

Generation of high-test voltages: Generation of high DC voltage by voltage

Unit-2 multiplier circuit and electrostatic generators, generation of high AC voltage by 6
cascade transformer and resonant transformers.
Measurement of High Voltage and Current: Series Resistance micro-ammeter,
Unit -3 capacitance and resistance potential dividers, sphere gap, electrostatic voltmeter, 8
Generating voltmeter.
High Voltage Testing: Requirement of high voltage test circuit, IS specifications;
impulse and power frequency test of transformer, lighting, arrester, bushing, power
Unit -4 8
cables, circuits breakers and isolator; measurement of resistivity, dielectric constant
and loss factor.
Over Voltage Phenomenon and Insulation Coordination: Lightning and
Unit -5 switching phenomenon as causes of over voltage, protection of transmission line 8
and substation against over voltage, insulation coordination.
Total Hours 36
1. M. S. Naidu and V. Kamaraju, “High Voltage Engineering”, McGraw Hill Education, 2013.
2. C. L. Wadhwa, “High Voltage Engineering”, New Age International Publishers, 2007.
3. D. V. Razevig (Translated by Dr. M. P. Chourasia), “High Voltage Engineering
Fundamentals”, Khanna Publishers, 1993

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Annexure-III/ Syllabi/Program Elective Courses/BoS – AY 2019-20/B.Tech (EE)
Course:- Bachelor of Technology (Electrical Engineering)
Semester Sixth Subject Title Optimisation Techniques Code TEE 609
Course Components Credits L T P
Contact Hours
Program Elective - VI 03 03 00 00
Examination Duration Theory Practical WEIGHTAGE:EV CWA MSE ESE
(Hrs) 03 00 ALUATION 25 25 50
Course Objectives: Upon successful completion of this course, students will be able to
CO1 Understand the Concept of optimization and classification of optimization problems.
CO2 Understand and apply unconstrained optimization theory for continuous problems,
CO3 Understand and apply constrained optimization theory for continuous problems
CO4 Enumerate fundamentals of Dynamic programming
CO5 Understand and apply the Queuing Model, poison and exponential distributions
CO6 Use and apply Genetic Algorithm on real applications
Unit Content Hours
Introduction: Mathematical Background, including convex sets and functions. Need for
Unit -1 04
constrained methods in solving constrained problems.
Unconstrained optimization: Optimality conditions, Line Search Methods, Quasi
Unit -2 Newton Methods, Trust Region Methods. Conjugate Gradient Methods. Least Squares 08
Constrained Optimization: Optimality Conditions and Duality. Convex Programming
Unit -3 Problem. Linear Programming Problem. Quadratic Programming. Dual Methods, 08
Penalty and Barrier Methods, Interior Point Methods.
Dynamic Programming: Multistage decision problems, computation procedure and
Unit -4 case studies. Fundamentals of queuing system, Poisson process, the birth and death 08
process, special queuing methods.
Genetic Algorithms: Fundamentals, basic concepts, working principle, encoding,
fitness function, reproduction, Genetic modeling: Inheritance operator, cross over,
Unit -5 08
inversion & deletion, mutation operator, Bitwise operator, Generational Cycle,
Convergence of GA, Applications & advances in GA
Total Hours 36

Text Books:
1. S.S. Rao - “Optimisation Theory and Applications”, Wiley Eastern Limited, New
Delhi. 1991
2. Chong, E.K.P.and Zak, S. H.. An Introduction to Optimisation, John Wiley & Sons,
3. Hadely,G., ‘Linear Programming’, Addition Wesley, 1962.

Reference Readings :
1. Pierre, D.A. ‘Optimisation Theory with Applications’ John Wiley & Sons, 1969
2. Peressimi A.L., Sullivan F.E., Vhl, J.J..Mathematics of Non-linear Programming,
Springer – Verlag.
3. Fletcher R. Practical methods of Optimisation, John Wiley. 1980

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Annexure-III/ Syllabi/Program Elective Courses/BoS – AY 2019-20/B.Tech (EE)
Course: - Bachelor of Technology (Electrical Engineering)

Semester Sixth Subject Title Industrial Instrumentation Code TEE 610

Course Components Credits L T P

Program Elective – III Contact Hours
03 03 00 00
Examination Duration EVALUATION
(Hrs) 03 00 25 25 50
Unit Content Hours
MEASUREMENT OF FORCE, TORQUE AND SPEED: Different types of load cells:
Hydraulic, Pneumatic, Strain gauge, Magneto-elastic and Piezoelectric load cells -
Unit -1 Different methods of torque measurement: Strain gauge, Relative angular twist. Speed 6
measurement: Capacitive tacho, Drag cup type tacho, D.C and A.C tacho generators -
Accelerometers: LVDT, Piezoelectric, Strain gauge and Variable reluctance type
accelerometers - Mechanical type vibration instruments - Seismic instruments as
Unit -2 accelerometer – Vibration sensor - Calibration of vibration pickups - Units of density 8
and specific gravity – Baume scale and API scale – Densitometers: Pressure type
densitometers, Float type densitometers, Ultrasonic densitometer and
gas densitometer.
Viscosity: Saybolt viscometer - Rotameter type and Torque type viscometers –
Consistency Meters – Humidity: Dry and wet bulb psychrometers – Resistive and
Unit -3 capacitive type hygrometers – Dew cell – Commercial type dew meter. Moisture: 8
Different methods of moisture measurements –Thermal, Conductivity and Capacitive
sensors, Microwave, IR and NMR sensors, Application of moisture measurement -
Moisture measurement in solids.
Definitions and standards – Primary and secondary fixed points – Different types of
filled in system thermometers – Sources of errors in filled in systems and their
compensation – Bimetallic thermometers – IC sensors – Thermocouples: Laws of
Unit -4 8
thermocouple, Fabrication of industrial thermocouples, Reference junctions
compensation, Signal conditioning for thermocouple, Commercial circuits for cold
junction compensation, Response of thermocouple, Special techniques for measuring
high temperature using thermocouple
Units of pressure – Manometers: Different types, Elastic type pressure gauges:
Bourdon tube, Bellows, Diaphragms and Capsules - Electrical methods: Elastic
Unit –
elements with LVDT and strain gauges - Capacitive type pressure gauge - Piezo 6
5 resistive pressure sensor-Resonator pressure sensor - Measurement of vacuum:
McLeod gauge, Thermal conductivity gauge, lionization gauges, Cold cathode type and
hot cathode type.
Total Hours 36
1. Doebelin, E.O. and Manik, D.N., “Measurement systems Application and Design”, 6th
McGraw-Hill Education Pvt. Ltd, 2011.

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Annexure-III/ Syllabi/Program Elective Courses/BoS – AY 2019-20/B.Tech (EE)
2. Jones, B.E., “Instrument Technology”, Vol.2, Butterworth-Heinemann, International Edition,
3. Liptak, B.G., “Instrumentation Engineers Handbook (Measurement)”, CRC Press, 2005. 2.
Patranabis, D., “Principles of Industrial Instrumentation”, 3rd Edition, McGraw-Hill
Education, 2017.
4. Eckman D.P., “Industrial Instrumentation”, Wiley Eastern Limited, 1990.
5. Singh,S.K., “Industrial Instrumentation and Control”, Tata Mc-Graw-Hill Education Pvt. Ltd.,
New Delhi, 2009.

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Annexure-III/ Syllabi/Program Elective Courses/BoS – AY 2019-20/B.Tech (EE)
Course:- Master of Technology (Control System)

Semester Sixth Subject Title Special Electrical Machines Code TEE 611

Course Components Credits L T P

Program Elective – III Contact Hours
03 03 00 00
Examination Duration EVALUATION
(Hrs) 03 00 25 25 50
Unit Content Hours
Constructional features – Types – Axial and Radial flux motors – Operating principles –
Unit -1 6
Variable Reluctance Motors – Voltage and Torque Equations – Phasor diagram –
performance characteristics – Applications.
Constructional features – Principle of operation – Variable reluctance motor – Hybrid
Unit -2 motor – Single and multi-stack configurations – Torque equations – Modes of excitation 8
– Characteristics – Drive circuits – Microprocessor control of stepper motors – Closed
loop control-Concept of lead angle– Applications.
SWITCHED RECLUCTANCE MOTORS constructional features – Rotary and
Linear SRM – Principle of operation – Torque production – Steady state performance
Unit -3 prediction- Analytical method -Power Converters and their controllers – Methods of 8
Rotor position sensing – Sensor less operation – Characteristics and Closed loop control
– Applications.
Permanent Magnet materials – Minor hysteresis loop and recoil line-Magnetic
Unit -4 Characteristics – Permeance coefficient -Principle of operation – Types – Magnetic 8
circuit analysis – EMF and torque equations –Commutation – Power Converter Circuits
and their controllers – Motor characteristics and control– Applications.
Principle of operation – Ideal PMSM – EMF and Torque equations – Armature MMF –
Unit – 5 Synchronous Reactance – Sine wave motor with practical windings – Phasor diagram – 6
Torque/speed characteristics – Power controllers – Converter Volt-ampere
requirements– Applications.
Total Hours 36
1. Kenjo T., Sugawara A, Stepping Motors and their Microprocessor Control, Clarendon
Press, Oxford, 1994
2. Miller T. J. E., Switched Reluctance Motor and Their Control, Clarendon Press,
Oxford, 1993.
3. Miller T. J. E., Brushless Permanent Magnet and Reluctance Motor Drives,
Clarendon Press, Oxford, 1989.
4. B K Bose, Modern Power Electronics & AC drives, Pearson, 2002.
5. Janardanan E.G, “Special Electrical Machines” Prentice Hall India Learning Private
Limited (2014)

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Annexure-III/ Syllabi/Program Elective Courses/BoS – AY 2019-20/B.Tech (EE)
Course:- Bachelor of Technology (Electrical Engineering)
Semester Seventh Subject Title Advanced Power Electronics Code TEE 703
Course Components Credits L T P
Contact Hours
Program Elective - IV 03 03 00 00
Duration (Hrs) 03 00 25 25 50
Course Objectives
CO 1 Analyse controlled rectifier circuits for various loads and with various types of filters.
CO2 Understand and Analyse the operation of multiphase converter
CO3 Understand and Analyse operation of Single-phase ac-dc single-switch boost converter
CO4 Understand and Analyse operation of ac-dc bi-directional boost converter
CO5 Understand and Analyse operation of Isolated single-phase ac-dc fly back converter
Apply the knowledge to design the advanced power electronic circuits for various
Unit No. Content Hours
Thyristor rectifiers with passive filtering
Half-wave thyristor rectifier with RL and RC loads; 1-phase thyristor rectifier with
Unit -1 07
L and LC filter; 3-phase thyristor rectifier with L and LC filter; continuous and
discontinuous conduction, input current wave-shape.
Multi-Pulse converter
Review of transformer phase shifting, generation of 6-phase ac voltage from 3-
Unit -2 07
phase ac, 6-pulse converter and 12-pulse converters with inductive loads, steady
state analysis, commutation overlap, notches during commutation.
Single-phase ac-dc single-switch boost converter
Unit -3 Review of dc-dc boost converter, power circuit of single-switch ac-dc converter, 06
steady state analysis, unity power factor operation, closed-loop control structure.
Ac-dc bidirectional boost converter
Review of 1-phase inverter and 3-phase inverter, power circuits of 1-phase and 3-
Unit -4 phase ac-dc boost converter, steady state analysis, operation at leading, lagging and 08
unity power factors. Rectification and regenerating modes. Phasor diagrams, closed-
loop control structure.
Isolated single-phase ac-dc fly back converter
Dc-dc flyback converter, output voltage as a function of duty ratio and transformer
Unit -5 08
turns ratio. Power circuit of ac-dc flyback converter, steady state analysis, unity
power factor operation, closed loop control structure.
Total Hours 36
Text/ References:
1. G. De, “Principles of Thyristorised Converters”, Oxford & IBH Publishing Co, 1988.
2. J.G. Kassakian, M. F. Schlecht and G. C. Verghese, “Principles of Power Electronics”, Addison-
3. L. Umanand, “Power Electronics: Essentials and Applications”, Wiley India, 2009.
4. N. Mohan and T. M. Undeland, “Power Electronics: Converters, Applications and Design”, John
& Sons, 2007.
5. R. W. Erickson and D. Maksimovic, “Fundamentals of Power Electronics”, Springer Science &
Business Media, 2001.

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Annexure-III/ Syllabi/Program Elective Courses/BoS – AY 2019-20/B.Tech (EE)
Course:- Bachelor of Technology (Electrical Engineering)
Semester Seventh Subject Title Electrical and Hybrid Vehicles Code TEE 704
Course Components Credits L T P
Contact Hours
Program Elective - IV 03 03 00 00
Duration (Hrs) 03 00 25 25 50
Course Objectives
CO1 Understand the models to describe hybrid vehicles and their performance.
CO2 Analysis of Electric Traction
CO3 Understand the different possible ways of energy storage.
CO4 Understand the different strategies related to energy storage systems.
CO5 Application various energy management schemes.
CO6 Design different electrical vehicles
Unit No. Content Hours
Introduction to Hybrid Electric Vehicles: History of hybrid and electric vehicles, social and
environmental importance of hybrid and electric vehicles, impact of modern drive-trains on
Unit -1 energy supplies. Hybrid Electric Drive-trains: Basic concept of hybrid traction, introduction to 10
various hybrid drive- train topologies, power flow control in hybrid drive-train topologies, fuel
efficiency analysis.
Electric Trains
Electric Drive-trains: Basic concept of electric traction, introduction to various electric drive-
train topologies, power flow control in electric drive-train topologies, fuel efficiency analysis.
Unit -2 8
Electric Propulsion unit: Introduction to electric components used in hybrid and electric
vehicles, Configuration and control of DC Motor drives, Configuration and control of Induction
Motor drives.
Energy Storage
Energy Storage: Analysis of Battery/ fuel cell/ super capacitor/ flywheel-based energy storage
Unit -3 6
system. Hybridization of different energy storage devices. Matching the electric machine and
the internal combustion engine (ICE), sizing of drive system
Energy Management Strategies
Energy Management Strategies: Introduction to energy management strategies used in hybrid
Unit -4 and electric vehicles, classification of different energy management strategies, comparison of 8
different energy management strategies, implementation issues of energy management
Case Studies:
Unit -5 4
Design of a Hybrid Electric Vehicle (HEV), Design of a Battery Electric Vehicle (BEV).
Total Hours 36

1. C. Mi, M. A. Masrur and D. W. Gao, “Hybrid Electric Vehicles: Principles and
Applications with Practical Perspectives”, John Wiley & Sons, 2011.
2. S. Onori, L. Serrao and G. Rizzoni, “Hybrid Electric Vehicles: Energy Management
Strategies”, Springer, 2015.
3. M. Ehsani, Y. Gao, S. E. Gay and A. Emadi, “Modern Electric, Hybrid Electric, and
Fuel Cell Vehicles: Fundamentals, Theory, and Design”, CRC Press, 2004.

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Annexure-III/ Syllabi/Program Elective Courses/BoS – AY 2019-20/B.Tech (EE)
Course:- Bachelor of Technology (Electrical Engineering)
Semester Seventh Subject Title Modern Control System Code TEE 705
Course Components Credits L T P
Contact Hours
Program Elective – IV 03 03 00 00
Examination Duration Theory Practical WEIGHTAGE: CWA MSE ESE
(Hrs) 03 00 EVALUATION 25 25 50
Course Objectives
CO 1 Understand the concept of state space approach.
CO2 Analyze discrete data control system
CO3 Estimate stability and Design state observers and controllers
CO4 Formulate optimal control problem and its solution.
CO5 Apply different adaptive control system techniques and optimization.
CO6 Analyze different nonlinear control schemes

Unit Content Hours

State Space analysis: introduction, state space representation of continuous linear
Unit -1 time invariant system, transfer function and state variables, state transition matrix 06
(STM), solution of state equations.
State feedback control and observer design: Pole placement (state variable feedback),
Unit -2 State and output controllability and observability, design of state observers and 06
Analysis of Discrete Systems: Introduction to discrete time systems; sample and hold
circuits; representation by difference equations and its solution using Z-Transform,
Unit -3 08
pulse transfer function, representation of discrete system in state variable form and its
Introduction to Optimal Control & Adaptive Control:
Introduction, formation of optimal control problem, calculus of variations,
Unit -4 minimization of functions& functionals. Constrained optimization, Introduction to 10
adaptive control, modal reference adaptive control systems, controller structure self-
tuning regulators, various adaptive control systems.
Non-Linear Systems: Linearization techniques of non-linear systems, Lyapunov’s
Unit -5 method, methods for generating Lyapunov’s function, phase-plane and describing 06
function techniques.
Total Hours 36
Text Books:
1. N. S. Nise: Control Systems Engineering, 4th Ed., Wiley, 2004.
2. K. Ogata: Modern Control Engineering, 3rd Ed., Prentice Hall, 1999.
3. M. Gopal: Modern Control System Theory, 2nd Ed., New Age International, 1993
Reference Readings:
1. M. Gopal: Control Systems – Principles and Design, 3rd Ed., Tata McGraw Hill, 2002.
2. B. Friedland: Control System Design, McGraw Hill, 1986.
3. E. Bryson and Y-C Ho: Applied Optimal Control, Taylor and Francis, 1975

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Annexure-III/ Syllabi/Program Elective Courses/BoS – AY 2019-20/B.Tech (EE)
Course:- Bachelor of Technology (Electrical Engineering)
Utilization of Electrical
Semester Seventh Subject Title Code TEE 706
Course Components Credits L T P
Contact Hours
Program Elective - IV 03 03 00 00
Examination Duration Theory Practical WEIGHTAGE: CWA MSE ESE
(Hrs) 03 00 EVALUATION 25 25 50
Course Objectives
CO1 Understanding concept of Utilization of electric power in various fields
CO2 Application of various characteristics in illumination
CO3 Understand different types heating
CO4 Comprehend the different issues related to heating welding
CO5 Understanding of concept of Traction and Electrification
CO6 Analyzing various characteristics of electrical traction motor

Unit Content Hours

Illumination: Laws of illumination, Polar curves, Photometry, Integrating sphere,
Unit -1 Types of Lamps: Conventional and Energy Efficient, Basic principle of Light 8
control, Different lighting scheme & their design methods, Flood and Street lighting.

Heating: Types of heating, Resistance heating, Induction heating, Arc furnace,

Unit -2 Dielectric heating, Microwave heating 6

Welding: Resistance welding, Arc welding, Ultrasonic welding, Electron beam

Unit -3 welding, Laser beam welding, Requirement for good welding, Power supplies for 6
different welding schemes
Traction: System of Traction Electrification, Train movement & energy consumption
(Speed-time curves, Crest speed, Average speed & Schedule speed), Tractive effort,
Unit -4 8
Factors affecting energy consumption (Dead weight, Acceleration weight & Adhesion
weight), Protective devices.
Electric Traction motor & their control: Starting, braking with special emphasis on
Unit -5 power electronic controllers, Current collector, Interference with telecommunication 8
circuit. A brief outline of linear Induction motor principle in Traction.
Total Hours 36
Text Books:
1. Wadha C L: Generation, Distribution and Utilization of electrical energy - New Age
International Ltd.
2. Partab H: Art and Science of Utilization of Electrical Energy, DhanpatRai& Sons.
1. E.Openshaw Taylor – Utilisation of Electric Energy – Orient Longman

Page 18 of 27
Annexure-III/ Syllabi/Program Elective Courses/BoS – AY 2019-20/B.Tech (EE)
Course:- Bachelor of Technology (Electrical Engineering)
Electrical Energy
Semester Seventh Subject Title Management and Code TEE 707
Course Components Credits L T P
Contact Hours
Program Elective – V 03 03 00 00
Theory Practical CWA MSE ESE
Examination Duration (Hrs)
03 00 EVALUATION 25 25 50
Course Objectives
CO 1 Understand the current energy scenario and importance of energy conservation.
CO2 Understand the concepts of energy management.
CO3 Understand the concepts of energy audit.
CO4 Understand the methods of improving energy efficiency in different electrical systems.
CO5 Understand the concepts of different energy efficient devices.
CO6 Analysis of the air type compressor.
Unit No. Content Hours
Energy Scenario
Commercial and Non-commercial energy, primary energy resources, commercial
energy production, final energy consumption, energy needs of growing economy, long
Unit -1 term energy scenario, energy pricing, energy sector reforms, energy and environment, 8
energy security, energy conservation and its importance, restructuring of the energy
supply sector, energy strategy for the future, air pollution, climate change. Energy
Conservation Act-2001 and its features.
Basics of Energy and its various forms
Electricity tariff, load management and maximum demand control, power factor
improvement, selection & location of capacitors, Thermal Basics-fuels, thermal
Unit -2 8
energy contents of fuel, temperature & pressure, heat capacity, sensible and latent
heat, evaporation, condensation, steam, moist air and humidity & heat transfer, units
and conversion.
Energy Management & Audit
Definition, energy audit, need, types of energy audit. Energy management (audit)
Unit -3 approach- understanding energy costs, bench marking, energy performance, matching 8
energy use to requirement, maximizing system efficiencies, optimizing the input
energy requirements, fuel & energy substitution, energy audit instruments.
Energy Efficiency in Electrical and Industrial Systems
Electrical system: Electricity billing, electrical load management and maximum
Unit -4 demand control, power factor improvement and its benefit, selection and location of 6
capacitors, performance assessment of PF capacitors, distribution and transformer
Compressed Air and HVAC System:
Types of air compressors, compressor efficiency, efficient compressor operation,
Unit -5 6
Compressed air system components, capacity assessment, leakage test, factors
affecting the performance and savings opportunities in HVAC.
Total Hours 36
1. Guide books for National Certification Examination for Energy Manager / Energy
Auditors Book-1, General Aspects (available online)
2. Guide books for National Certification Examination for Energy Manager / Energy
Auditors Book-3, Electrical Utilities (available online)
3. S. C. Tripathy, “Utilization of Electrical Energy and Conservation”, McGraw Hill, 1991.
4. Success stories of Energy Conservation by BEE, New Delhi (
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Annexure-III/ Syllabi/Program Elective Courses/BoS – AY 2019-20/B.Tech (EE)
Course: - Bachelor of Technology (Electrical Engineering)
Semester Seventh Subject Title HVDC Transmission Systems Code TEE 708
Course Components Credits L T P
Contact Hours
Program Elective - V 03 03 00 00
Examination Theory Practical WEIGHTAGE: CWA MSE ESE
Duration (Hrs) 03 00 EVALUATION 25 25 50
Course Objectives
CO 1 Application of dc transmission and ac transmission.
CO2 Analysis of HVDC converter
CO3 Analysis of control strategies used in HVDC transmission system.
CO4 Understand the various characteristics of HVDC systems
CO5 Stability analysis of HVDC system
CO6 Understand reactive power and control strategies
Unit No. Content Hours
DC Transmission Technology:
Comparison of AC and DC Transmission (Economics, Technical Performance and
Unit -1 6
Reliability). Application of DC Transmission. Types of HVDC Systems.
Components of a HVDC system. Modern trends in DC transmission.
Analysis of HVDC converters: Pulse number, Choice of converter
configuration, Simplified analysis of Graetz circuit, Converter bridge
characteristics, Characteristics of a twelve-pulse converter, Detailed analysis
of converters with and without overlap.
Unit -2 10
Converter and HVDC system control: General, Principles of DC link
control, Converter control characteristics, System control hierarchy, firing
angle control, Current and extinction angle control, Starting and stopping of
DC link, Power control.
Components of HVDC systems:
Smoothing Reactors, Reactive Power Sources and Filters in LCC HVDC systems
Unit -3 6
DC line: Corona Effects. Insulators, Transient Over-voltages. dc line faults in LCC
systems. dc line faults in VSC systems. dc breakers.
Stability Enhancement using HVDC Control
Basic Concepts: Power System Angular, Voltage and Frequency Stability. Power
Unit -4 6
Modulation: basic principles – synchronous and asynchronous links. Voltage
Stability Problem in AC/dc systems.
Reactive power control: Reactive power requirements in steady state,
Sources of reactive power, Static VAR systems, Reactive power control
Unit 5 8
during transients, Harmonics and filters, Generation of harmonics, Design
of AC filters, DC filters.
Total Hours 36
1. K. R. Padiyar, “HVDC Power Transmission Systems”, New Age International
2. J. Arrillaga, “High Voltage Direct Current Transmission”, Peter Peregrinus Ltd.,1983.
3. E. W. Kimbark, “Direct Current Transmission”, Vol.1, Wiley-Interscience,1971.
4. Arrillaga, J., HVDC Transmission, IEE Press (2007).

Page 20 of 27
Annexure-III/ Syllabi/Program Elective Courses/BoS – AY 2019-20/B.Tech (EE)
Course:- Bachelor of Technology (Electrical Engineering)
Electrical Design Estimation
Semester Seventh Subject Title Code TEE 709
and Costing
Course Components Credits L T P
Contact Hours
Program Elective - V 03 03 00 00
Examination Duration Theory Practical WEIGHTAGE: CWA MSE ESE
(Hrs) 03 00 EVALUATION 25 25 50
Course Objectives
CO 1 Analyze principle of estimation, costing, surveying and source selection.
CO2 Understand the concept of electrification of residential.
CO3 Understand the concept of electrification of commercial buildings.
CO4 Understand the concept of electrical installation for power circuits.
CO5 Comprehend the concept of Substation design.
CO6 Understand the application of switchgear and auxiliaries in substation.

Unit Content Hours

General principle of estimation: Introduction to estimation & costing, Electrical Schedule,
Catalogues, Market Survey and source selection, Recording of estimates, Determination of
required quantity of material, Labour conditions, Determination of cost material and labour,
Unit -1 08
Contingencies, Overhead charges, Profit, Purchase system, Purchase enquiry and selection
of appropriate purchase mode, Comparative statement, Purchase orders, Payment of bills,
Tender form.
Electrification of residential and commercial buildings: General rules for wiring,
Determination of number of points, Determination of total load, Determination of number
of sub circuits, Determination of ratings of main switch/isolator, Distribution Board, Single
Unit -2 12
line diagram using standard electrical signs and symbols of single phase/three phase circuits.
Wiring estimation for single phase/three phase residential/ commercial consumers, Earthing
of the electrical installation.
Electrical installation for power circuits: Introduction, Important considerations regarding
motor installation wiring, Determination of input power, Determination of input current to
Unit -3 08
motors, Determination of rating of cables, determination of rating of fuse, Determination of
size of Conduit, distribution Board main switch and starter.
Design and estimation of substations: Introduction, Classification of substation, Indoor
Unit -4 04
substations, Outdoor substations, Selection and location of site for substation, Main
Substation Electrical Connections: Graphical symbols for various types of apparatus and
circuit elements on substation main connection diagram, Key diagram of typical substations,
Unit -5 04
Equipment for substation and switchgear installations, Substation auxiliaries supply,
Substation Earthing.
Total Hours 36
Text Books
1. .K.B.Raina, S.K.Bhattacharya, Electrical Design Estimating and Costing, 2nd Edition, New Age
International (P) Ltd.

Reference Readings:
1. J.B.Gupta, Electrical Installation Estimating & Costing, 8th Edition S.K. Katria& Sons.
2.Uppal, Electrical Wiring Estimating and Costing, Khanna Publishers, New Delhi.
3. National Electric Code, Bureau of Indian Standard Publications.

Page 21 of 27
Annexure-III/ Syllabi/Program Elective Courses/BoS – AY 2019-20/B.Tech (EE)
Course:- Bachelor of Technology (Electrical Engineering)
Semester Seventh Subject Title Power Quality and FACTS Code TEE 710
Course Components Credits L T P
Contact Hours
Program Elective - V 03 03 00 00
Duration (Hrs) 03 00 25 25 50
Course Objectives
Analysis of the characteristics of ac transmission system. shunt and series reactive
CO2 Analysis of shunt and series reactive compensation.
CO3 Understand the working principles of FACTS devices and their operating characteristics.
CO4 Analysis of STATCOM
CO5 Understand the working principles of devices to improve power quality.
CO6 Understand the basic concepts of power quality.
Unit No. Content Hours
Transmission Lines and Series/Shunt Reactive Power Compensation
Basics of AC Transmission. Analysis of uncompensated AC transmission lines.
Unit -1 8
Passive Reactive Power Compensation. Shunt and series compensation at the
mid-point of an AC line. Comparison of Series and Shunt Compensation.

Thyristor-based Flexible AC Transmission Controllers (FACTS)

Description and Characteristics of Thyristor-based FACTS devices: Static VAR
Unit -2 8
Compensator (SVC), Thyristor Controlled Series Capacitor (TCSC), Thyristor
Controlled Braking Resistor and Single Pole Single Throw (SPST) Switch.
Voltage Source Converter based (FACTS) controllers
Voltage Source Converters (VSC): Six Pulse VSC, Multi-pulse and Multi-level
Unit -3 6
Converters, Pulse-Width Modulation for VSCs. Selective Harmonic Elimination,
Sinusoidal PWM and Space Vector Modulation.
STATCOM: Principle of Operation, Reactive Power Control: Type I and Type II
Unit-4 controllers, Static Synchronous Series Compensator (SSSC) and Unified Power 6
Flow Controller (UPFC)
Power Quality Problems in Distribution
Power Quality problems in distribution systems: Transient and Steady state
Unit -5 8
variations in voltage and frequency. Unbalance, Sags, Swells, Interruptions,
Wave-form Distortions: harmonics, noise, notching, dc-offsets, fluctuations.
Total Hours 36
1. N. G. Hingorani and L. Gyugyi, “Understanding FACTS: Concepts and Technology of
FACTS Systems”, Wiley-IEEE Press, 1999.
2. K. R. Padiyar, “FACTS Controllers in Power Transmission and Distribution”, New Age
International (P) Ltd. 2007.
3. T. J. E. Miller, “Reactive Power Control in Electric Systems”, John Wiley and Sons, New York,
4. R. C. Dugan, “Electrical Power Systems Quality”, McGraw Hill Education, 2012.
5. G. T. Heydt, “Electric Power Quality”, Stars in a Circle Publications, 1991

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Annexure-III/ Syllabi/Program Elective Courses/BoS – AY 2019-20/B.Tech (EE)
Course:- Bachelor of Technology (Electrical Engineering)

Semester Seventh Subject Title Industry 4.0 Code TEE 711

Course Components Credits L T P

Program Elective – IV Contact Hours
03 03 00 00
Examination Duration EVALUATION
(Hrs) 03 00 25 25 50
Course Outcomes:
CO1 Understand the drivers and enablers of Industry 4.0
CO2 Appreciate the smartness in Smart Factories, Smart cities, smart products and
smart services
CO3 Able to outline the various systems used in a manufacturing plant and their role
in an Industry 4.0 world
CO4 Appreciate the power of Cloud Computing in a networked economy
CO5 Understand the opportunities, challenges brought about by Industry 4.0 and how
organisations and individuals should prepare to reap the benefits
Unit Content Hours
Introduction to Industry 4.0
The Various Industrial Revolutions, Digitalisation and the Networked Economy,
Drivers, Enablers, Compelling Forces and Challenges for Industry 4.0, The Journey so
Unit -1 10
far: Developments in USA, Europe, China and other countries, Comparison of Industry,
Factory and Today's Factory, Trends of Industrial Big Data and Predictive Analytics for
Smart Business Transformation
Road to Industry 4.0
Internet of Things (IoT) & Industrial Internet of Things (IIoT) & Internet of Services,
Unit -2 6
Smart Manufacturing, Smart Devices and Products, Smart Logistics, Smart Cities,
Predictive Analytics
Related Disciplines, System, Technologies for enabling Industry 4.0
Unit -3 Cyberphysical Systems, Robotic Automation and Collaborative Robots, Support System 6
for Industry 4.0, Mobile Computing, Related Disciplines, Cyber Security
Role of data, information, knowledge and collaboration in future organizations
Resource-based view of a firm, Data as a new resource for organizations, Harnessing
Unit -4 8
and sharing knowledge in organizations, Cloud Computing Basics, Cloud Computing
and Industry 4.0
Other Applications and Business issues in Industry 4.0
Industry 4.0 laboratories, IIoT case studies, Opportunities and Challenges, Future of
Unit – 5 6
Works and Skills for Workers in the Industry 4.0 Era, Strategies for competing in an
Industry 4.0 world
Total Hours 36
Text Books / Reference Readings
1. Alasdair Gilchrist, “Industry 4.0: The Industrial Internet of Things”, Apress; 1st ed.
edition (4 January 2017)
2. Sabina Jeschke, Christian Brecher, Houbing Song, Danda B. Rawat, “Industrial
Internet of Things: Cyber manufacturing Systems”, 1ST ed., Springer, 2017
3. Research Papers

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Annexure-III/ Syllabi/Program Elective Courses/BoS – AY 2019-20/B.Tech (EE)
Course:- Bachelor of Technology (Electrical Engineering)
Semester Eighth Subject Title Power Plant Instrumentation Code TEE 801
Course Components Credits L T P
Contact Hours
Program Elective - VI 03 03 00 00
Examination Duration Theory Practical WEIGHTAGE: CWA MSE ESE
(Hrs) 03 00 EVALUATION 25 25 50
Course Objectives
CO 1 Application of instrumentation in power generation
CO2 Analysis of control method in thermal power plant
CO3 Analysis of burner tilting, up bypass damper super heater Spray and gas re circulation controls, etc
CO4 Understand the concept of Turbine monitoring and control
CO5 Analysis in power plant
CO6 Understand the role of computers in instrumentation

Unit Content Hours

An Overview Dependence of instrumentation on the method of power generation thermal
power plants general structures, pulverization and burners fans, dampers and actuators super
Unit -1 8
heaters stern traps- Economizer, Recirculation and regenerators, Cooling towers feed water
generators Turbine cooling system radiation detectors
Control loops and inter and Annunciation systems: Combustion control of main header,
pressure, air, fuel ratio control, furnace and excess control drum level (three element control)
Unit -2 main and re-heat systems temperature control, burner tilting up bypass damper super heater 8
Spray and gas re circulation controls, hot well level control inter lock – MFT Turbine trip
conditions pulverizes control.
Turbine monitoring and control: Condenser vacuum control, gland steam exhaust,
Unit -3 pressure control, speed vibration shell temperature monitoring, lubricating oil temperature 6
control, hydrogen generator cooling system.
Analysis in power plant: Thermal conductive type paramagnetic type oxygen analyzer,
Unit -4 hydrogen purity meter chromatography, PH meter fact analyzer, pollution monitoring and 8
Computer in power plants: load dispatching computer, generation station computer, mini
Unit -5 6
computers, and supervisory control
Total Hours 36
Text Books

1. El wakil, MM, power plant technology, Mc Graw hill.1984

2. Richard Delezal and ludrikVarcop, Process Dynamics Automatic Control of steam Generation
plant, ElevierPulishing Co Amesternam 1972.

Reference books:
1. J Balsubramnian and RK Jain Modern power plant engineering, Khanna Publisher, New Delhi
2. Stephen Michael Elonka&antomyLawerencekohal / standard Boiler operation, question and
answer TMH

Page 24 of 27
Annexure-III/ Syllabi/Program Elective Courses/BoS – AY 2019-20/B.Tech (EE)
Course: - Bachelor of Technology (Electrical Engineering)
Semester Eighth Subject Title Wind and Solar Energy Systems Code TEE 802
Course Components Credits L T P
Contact Hours
Program Elective - VI 03 03 00 00
Examination Theory Practical WEIGHTAGE: CWA MSE ESE
Duration (Hrs) 03 00 EVALUATION 25 25 50
Course Objectives
Understand the energy scenario and the consequent growth of the power generation from
CO 1
renewable energy sources.
CO2 Understand the basic physics of wind and solar power generation.
CO3 Understand the power electronic interfaces for wind and solar generation.
CO4 Understand the issues related to the grid-integration of solar and wind energy systems.
CO5 Understand the issues related to power quality
CO6 Understand the concepts of MPPT for generation of solar Photo Voltaic power
Unit No. Content Hours
Physics of Wind Power
History of wind power, Indian and Global statistics, Wind physics, Betz limit, Tip
Unit -1 4
speed ratio, stall and pitch control, Wind speed statistics-probability distributions,
Wind speed and power-cumulative distribution functions.
Wind generator topologies
Review of modern wind turbine technologies, Fixed and Variable speed wind
Unit -2 turbines, Induction Generators, Doubly-Fed Induction Generators and their 8
characteristics, Permanent-Magnet Synchronous Generators, Power electronics
converters. Generator-Converter configurations, Converter Control.
The Solar Resource
Introduction, solar radiation spectra, solar geometry, Earth Sun angles, observer
Sun angles, solar day length, Estimation of solar energy availability.
Unit -3 Solar photovoltaic 8
Technologies-Amorphous, monocrystalline, polycrystalline; V-I characteristics of
a PV cell, PV module, array, Power Electronic Converters for Solar Systems,
Maximum Power Point Tracking (MPPT) algorithms. Converter Control.
Grid-Connected Distributed Generation Systems
Global scenario of Distributed Generators (DGs) Characteristics of different
Renewable Energy Source based Distributed Generators Power Electronics
Unit -4 Structure for grid interfacing of different DGs Standards and guidelines for 8
Integration of DGs [1547] Criteria for synchronizing DGs utility grid Challenges
related to PV based DGs and wind based DGs

Network Integration Issues

Overview of grid code technical requirements. Fault ride-through for wind farms -
real and reactive power regulation, voltage and frequency operating limits, solar PV
Unit 5 8
and wind farm behaviour during grid disturbances. Power quality issues. Grid
Synchronization of PV based DGs Hybrid and isolated operations of solar PV and
wind systems.
Total Hours 36
Text / References:
1. T. Ackermann, “Wind Power in Power Systems”, John Wiley and Sons Ltd., 2005.
2. G. M. Masters, “Renewable and Efficient Electric Power Systems”, John Wiley and Sons, 2004.
3. S. P. Sukhatme, “Solar Energy: Principles of Thermal Collection and Storage”, McGraw Hill, 1984.
4. H. Siegfried and R. Waddington, “Grid integration of wind energy conversion systems” John Wiley
and Sons Ltd., 2006.
5. G. N. Tiwari and M. K. Ghosal, “Renewable Energy Applications”, Narosa Publications, 2004.
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Annexure-III/ Syllabi/Program Elective Courses/BoS – AY 2019-20/B.Tech (EE)
Course: - Bachelor of Technology (Electrical Engineering)
Semester Eighth Subject Title Advanced Electric Drives Code TEE 803
Course Components Credits L T P
Contact Hours
Program Elective - VI 03 03 00 00
Examination Duration Theory Practical WEIGHTAGE: CWA MSE ESE
(Hrs) 03 00 EVALUATION 25 25 50
Course Objectives
CO 1 Understand the operation of power electronic converters.
CO2 Understand various control strategies for different converters
CO3 Understand the vector control strategies for ac motor drives
CO4 Modelling of synchronous motor drive
CO5 Understand the basics of permanent magnet motors
C06 Understand the basics of reluctance motor drive
Unit No. Content Hours
Power Converters for AC drives
PWM control of inverter, selected harmonic elimination, space vector
Unit -1 modulation, current control of VSI, three level inverter, Different topologies, 8
SVM for 3 level inverter, Diode rectifier with boost chopper, PWM converter
as line side rectifier, current fed inverters with self-commutated devices.
Induction motor drives
Different transformations and reference frame theory, modeling of induction
Unit -2 8
machines, voltage fed inverter control-v/f control, vector control, direct torque
and flux control(DTC).
Synchronous motor drives
Unit -3 Modeling of synchronous machines, open loop v/f control, vector control, direct 8
torque control, CSI fed synchronous motor drives.
Permanent magnet motor drives
Introduction to various PM motors, BLDC and PMSM drive configuration,
Unit -4 6
comparison, block diagrams, Speed and torque control in BLDC and PMSM.

Switched reluctance motor drives

Evolution of switched reluctance motors, various topologies for SRM drives,
Unit-5 6
comparison, Closed loop speed and torque control of SRM.

Total Hours 36

1. K. Bose, “Modern Power Electronics and AC Drives”, Pearson Education, Asia, 2003.
2. P.C. Krause, O. Wasynczuk and S.D. Sudhoff, “Analysis of Electric Machinery and
Drive Systems”, John Wiley & Sons, 2013.
3. H. A. Taliyat and S. G. Campbell, “DSP based Electromechanical Motion Control”,
CRC press, 2003.

Page 26 of 27
Annexure-III/ Syllabi/Program Elective Courses/BoS – AY 2019-20/B.Tech (EE)
Course: - Bachelor of Technology (Electrical Engineering)
Semester eighth Subject Title Power System Dynamics and Control Code TEE 804
Course Components Credits L T P
Contact Hours
Program Elective - VI 03 03 00 00
Examination Theory Practical WEIGHTAGE: CWA MSE ESE
Duration (Hrs) 03 00 EVALUATION 25 25 50
Course Objectives
CO1 Analysis of linear dynamic system
CO2 Analysis of power system stability
CO3 Designing of Synchronous machine and controllers
CO4 Modelling of power system components
CO5 Understand the methods to improve stability.

Unit No. Content Hours

Introduction: Introduction to power system stability. Power System Operations
and Control. Stability problems in Power System. Impact on Power System
Unit -1 6
Operations and control.

Analysis of Linear Dynamical System and Numerical Methods

Analysis of dynamical System, Concept of Equilibrium, Small and Large
Unit -2 6
Disturbance Stability. Modal Analysis of Linear System. Analysis using Numerical
Integration Techniques. Issues in Modeling: Slow and Fast Transients, Stiff System
Modeling of Synchronous Machines and Associated Controllers
Modeling of synchronous machine: Physical Characteristics. Rotor position
dependent model. D-Q Transformation. Model with Standard Parameters. Steady
Unit-3 State Analysis of Synchronous Machine. Short Circuit Transient Analysis of a 8
Synchronous Machine. Synchronization of Synchronous Machine to an Infinite
Bus. Modeling of Excitation and Prime Mover Systems. Automatic Voltage
Regulator. Prime Mover Control Systems. Speed Governors.
Modeling of other Power System Components
Modeling of Transmission Lines and Loads. Transmission Line Physical
Unit -4 Characteristics. Transmission Line Modeling. Load Models - induction machine 8
model. Frequency and Voltage Dependence of Loads. Other Subsystems – HVDC
and FACTS controllers, Wind Energy Systems.
Stability Analysis and Enhancing System Stability
Frequency Stability: Centre of Inertia Motion. Load Sharing: Governor droop.
Unit -5 Single Machine Load Bus System: Voltage Stability. Introduction to signal 8
Oscillations and the SSR phenomenon. Stability Analysis Tools: Transient Stability
Programs, Small Signal Analysis Programs.
Total Hours 36
1. K.R. Padiyar, “Power System Dynamics, Stability and Control”, B. S. Publications, 2002.
2. P. Kundur, “Power System Stability and Control”, McGraw Hill, 1995.
3. P. Sauer and M. A. Pai, “Power System Dynamics and Stability”, Prentice Hall, 1997.

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Annexure-III/ Syllabi/Program Elective Courses/BoS – AY 2019-20/B.Tech (EE)

Open Elective Courses

B. Tech (Electrical Engineering)

BoS - 2020
Course: - Bachelor of Technology (Electrical Engineering)

Semester Fifth Subject Title Data Structure Code TOE 501

Course Components Credits L T P

Contact Hours
Open Elective Course 03 03 00 00
Theory Practical CWA MSE ESE
Examination Duration WEIGHTAGE:
(Hrs) 03 00 EVALUATION 25 25 50

Course Objectives
Describe the concept of Data Structures and assess how the choice of data structures impacts the
CO 1
performance of programs.
Compare and contrast merits and demerits of various data structures in terms of time and memory
CO3 Identify and propose appropriate data structure for providing the solution to the real world problems.
Implement operations like searching, insertion, deletion, traversing mechanism etc. on various data
Be familiar with advanced data structures such as balanced search trees, hash tables, AVL trees,
priority queues, ADT etc.
To augment merits of particular data structures on other data structure to develop innovation in
subject of study.
Unit Content Hours
Introduction: Basic Terminology, Pointer and dynamic memory allocation,
Elementary Data Organization, Data Structure operations, Algorithm Complexity and
Time-Space trade-off Arrays: Array Definition, Representation and Analysis, Single
and Multidimensional Arrays, address calculation, application of arrays, Array as
Parameters, Ordered List, Sparse Matrices. Stacks: Array. Representation and
Unit -1 Implementation of stack, Operations on Stacks: Push & Pop, Array Representation of 8
Stack, Linked Representation of Stack, Operations Associated with Stacks,
Application of stack: Conversion of Infix to Prefix and Postfix Expressions,
Evaluation of postfix expression using stack. Recursion: Recursive definition and
processes, recursion in C, example of recursion, Tower of Hanoi Problem, tail
Queues: Array and linked representation and implementation of queues, Operations
on Queue: Create, Add, Delete, Full and Empty. Circular queue, Dequeue, and Priority
Linked list: Representation and Implementation of Singly Linked Lists, Two-way
Unit -2 8
Header List, Traversing and Searching of Linked List, Overflow and Underflow,
Insertion and deletion to/from Linked Lists, Insertion and deletion Algorithms, doubly
linked list, Linked List in Array, Polynomial representation and addition, Generalized
linked list.
Trees: Basic terminology, Binary Trees, Binary tree representation, algebraic
Expressions, Complete Binary Tree. Extended Binary Trees, Array and Linked
Representation of Binary trees, Traversing Binary trees,
Threaded Binary trees. Traversing Threaded Binary trees, Huffman algorithm &
Unit -3 Huffman tree. 8

Searching and Hashing: Sequential search, binary search, comparison and analysis,
Hash Table, Hash Functions, Collision Resolution Strategies, Hash Table
Sorting: Insertion Sort, Bubble Sorting, Quick Sort, Two Way Merge Sort, Heap Sort,
Unit -4 6
Sorting on Different Keys, Practical consideration for Internal Sorting.

Page 1 of 26
Binary Search Trees: Binary Search Tree (BST), Insertion and Deletion in BST,
Complexity of Search Algorithm, Path Length, AVL Trees
File Structures: Physical Storage Media File Organization, Organization of records
into Blocks, Sequential Files, Indexing and Hashing, Primary indices, Secondary
Unit -5 6
indices, B+ Tree index Files, B Tree index Files, Indexing and Hashing Comparisons,
Graph, Traversal (DFS,BFS) ,Minimum spanning tree
Total Hours 36

Text/ Reference Books:

1. Horowitz and Sahani, “Fundamentals of data Structures”, Galgotia Publication Pvt. Ltd., New Delhi.
2. R. Kruse etal, “Data Structures and Program Design in C”, Pearson Education Asia, Delhi-2002
3. A. M. Tenenbaum, “Data Structures using C & C++”, Prentice-Hall of India Pvt. Ltd., New Delhi.
4. K Loudon, “Mastering Algorithms with C”, Shroff Publisher & Distributors Pvt. Ltd.
5. Bruno R Preiss, “Data Structures and Algorithms with Object Oriented Design Pattern in C++”, Jhon Wiley
& Sons, Inc.
6. Adam Drozdek, “Data Structures and Algorithms in C++”, Thomson Asia Pvt

Page 2 of 26
Course:- Bachelor of Technology (Electrical Engineering)

Computer Based Numerical and TOE

Semester Fifth Subject Title Code
Statistical Techniques 502

Course Components Credits L T P

Contact Hours
Open Elective - I 3 3 0 0

Examination Duration Theory Practical CWA MSE ESE

3 0 25 25 50
Course Objectives
Be aware of the use of numerical methods in modern scientific computing as well as various
CO 1
errors in numerical computation.
Master using the bisection method, Newton's method, and the secant method in single variable
root finding.
CO3 Be familiar with numerical interpolation and approximation of functions
CO4 Be familiar with numerical integration and differentiation
CO5 Be familiar with numerical solution of ordinary differential equations

Unit No. Content Hours

Introduction: Numbers and their accuracy, Errors, Type of Error and their
Computation, General error formula, Error in series approximations. Solution of
Unit -1 Algebraic and Transcendental Equation: Bisection Method, Iteration method, 10
Method of false position, Secant Method, Newton-Raphson method, Muller’s
method, Rate of convergence of Iterative methods

Interpolation: Finite Differences, Difference tables, Polynomial Interpolation:

Newton’s forward and backward formula, Central difference formulae: Gauss
Unit -2 10
forward and backward formula. Interpolation with unequal intervals: Lagrange’s
interpolation, Newton divided difference formula.
Numerical Differentiation and Integration: Numerical differentiation of
Unit -3 interpolation formulae, Numerical Integration: Trapezoidal rule, Simpson’s 1/3 and 8
3/8 rule, Boole’s Rule ,Weddle’s rule, Euler –Maclarian formula.
Numerical Solution of differential Equations: Taylor’s Method, Picard’s
Unit -4 Method, Euler’s and modified Euler’s method, Runge-Kutta Method, Milne’s 8
Predictor Corrector Method
Total Hours 36

Text Books:
1. Numerical MethodsM.K. Jain, S.R.K. Iyenger and R.K. Jain
2. Schaum's Outline of Theory and Problems of Statistics: Murray R. Spiegel
1. Applied Numerical Analysis: Curtis F. Gerald and Patrick O. Wheatley

Page 3 of 26
Course:- Bachelor of Technology (Electrical Engineering)
Semester Fifth Subject Title Electronic Devices Code
Course Components Credits L T P
Contact Hours
Open Elective - I 3 3 0 0

Examination Duration Theory Practical CWA MSE ESE

3 0 25 25 50
Course Objectives
CO 1 Understand the principles of semiconductor Physics
CO2 Understand the basics of Junction diodes
Understand and utilize the mathematical models of semiconductor junctions and BJT/MOS
transistors for circuits and systems.
CO4 Analysis of the characteristics of BJT/MOS transistors for circuits and systems.
CO5 Understand the IC fabrication processes

Unit No. Content Hours

Introduction to Semiconductor Physics: Review of Quantum Mechanics, Electrons
in periodic Lattices, E-k diagrams. Energy bands in intrinsic and extrinsic silicon;
Unit -1 9
Carrier transport: diffusion current, drift current, mobility and resistivity; sheet
resistance, design of resistors
Generation and recombination of carriers; Poisson and continuity equation P-N
Unit -2 junction characteristics, I-V characteristics, and small signal switching models; 9
Avalanche breakdown, Zener diode, Schottky diode
Bipolar Junction Transistor, I-V characteristics, Ebers-Moll Model, MOS capacitor,
Unit -3 C-V characteristics, MOSFET, I-V characteristics, and small signal models of MOS 9
transistor, LED, photodiode and solar cell;
Integrated circuit fabrication process: oxidation, diffusion, ion implantation,
Unit -4 photolithography, etching, chemical vapor deposition, sputtering, twin-tub CMOS 9
Total Hours 36

Text /Reference Books:

1. G. Streetman, and S. K. Banerjee, “Solid State Electronic Devices,” 7th edition,
2. D. Neamen , D. Biswas "Semiconductor Physics and Devices," McGraw-Hill Education
3. S. M. Sze and K. N. Kwok, “Physics of Semiconductor Devices,” 3rd edition, John Wiley
&Sons, 2006.
4. C.T. Sah, “Fundamentals of solid state electronics,” World Scientific Publishing Co. Inc,
5. Y. Tsividis and M. Colin, “Operation and Modeling of the MOS Transistor,” Oxford

Page 4 of 26
Course:- Bachelor of Technology (ELECTRICAL ENGINERING)
Semester Fifth Subject Title Data Structure Lab Code
Course Components Credits Contact L T P
Open Elective Course 1 Hours 0 0 2

Examination Duration Theory Practical Weightage: CWA MSE ESE

(Hrs) Evaluation
0 3 25 25 50
Course Objectives
This will boost the basic programming skills of the student in C and C++
Better understanding to the concept of the stacks and queue and their use with
dynamic memory allocation.
CO3 Learning and understanding in a better way to sort the arrays and lists.
CO4 Implementation of various algorithms.

Experiment No. Name of the Experiment

Write Program in C or C++ for Array implementation of Stack, Queue,
Circular Queue, List.
Write Program in C or C++ for Implementation of Stack, Queue, Circular
Queue, List using Dynamic memory Allocation.
Write Program in C or C++ for Implementation of Tree Structures, Binary
Tree, Tree Traversal, Binary Search Tree, Insertion and Deletion in BST.
Write Program in C or C++ for Implementation of Searching and Sorting
Write Program in C or C++ for Graph Implementation, BFS, DFS, Min.
cost spanning tree, shortest path algorithm.

Page 5 of 26
Course:- Bachelor of Technology (Electrical Engineering)
Semester Fifth Subject Title Industrial Engineering Code
Course Components Credits L T P
Contact Hours
Open Elective - I 3 3 0 0
Examination Duration Theory Practical CWA MSE ESE
(Hrs) 3 0 25 25 50
Course Objectives
CO 1 Productivity and Partial Productivity calculation for an organization.
CO2 Design a method for manufacturing for a new Process and Modify the existing Process,
CO3 Draw the flow process charts for a given process
CO4 Apply work measurement techniques for a given job
CO5 Identify and perform time study for simple applications.
CO6 Apply ergonomic concepts in work environment.

Unit No. Content Hours

Definition and scope of Industrial engineering role of an industrial engineer in
Unit -1 6
industry, functions of industrial engineering department and its organization,
qualities of an industrial engineer.
Productivity concept and definition: Introduction, definitions of productivity,
Productivity measurement at national, industrial and enterprise level, Benefits of
higher productivity. Productivity in the individual enterprise: Introduction,
Productivity measurement approaches at the enterprise level, Productivity of
Unit -2 8
materials, Productivity of land, buildings, machines and manpower, Factors
contributing to productivity improvement Techniques for productivity
improvement: Introduction, Work content and ineffective time, Improving
productivity for reducing work content, Improving productivity by reducing
ineffective time, Management of productivity
Introduction, basic procedure, prerequisites of conducting a work study. The human
factor in application of work study: Introduction, management and supervisor; their
role in work study, the works study man. The influence of working conditions on
Unit -3 8
work study: Introduction, factors affecting working conditions, occupational safety
and health, fire prevention and protection, layout and housekeeping, lightning and
climate conditioning, noise and vibrations, ergonomics, arrangement of working
time, conclusion
Introduction to method study and the selection of job: Introduction, definition and
objective of method study, procedure of method study.
Flow and handling of materials: Introduction, plant layout, developing the new
layout, the handling of materials Tools for recording the movement of worker:
Unit -4 6
Introduction, string diagram, flow process chart; man type, travel chart, multiple
activity chart.
Introduction, the principles of motion economy, classification of movements, further
notes on workplace layout, notes on the design of jigs, tools and fixtures, machine
controls and displays of dials, the two handed process chart, Simo chart.
Unit -5 Purpose of work measurement, the basic procedure, the techniques of work 8
measurements, Work sampling: Introduction, basic concept and procedure,

Page 6 of 26
Time study: rating: Introduction, the quality worker, the average worker, standard
rating and standard performance. Predetermined time standards (PTS): Introduction,
definition, advantages of PTS system, Criticisms of PTS system, different forms of
PTS system, use of PTS system, and application of PTS system.
Total Hours 36

Text /Reference Books:

 “Work study”, ILO, Second Edition, Oxford and IBH Publishing 2010
 “Industrial Engineering and management”, O.P. Khanna, Dhanpat Rai Publisher. 2010
 “Industrial Engineering and Production management”, Martand Telsang, S. Chand Publisher.

Page 7 of 26
Course:- Bachelor of Technology (Electrical Engineering)
Semester Sixth Subject Title Computer Networks Code
Course Components Credits L T P
Contact Hours
Open Elective - II 3 3 0 0
Examination Duration Theory Practical CWA MSE ESE
(Hrs) 3 0 25 25 50
Course Objectives
CO 1 Understand the concepts of networking thoroughly.
CO2 Design a network for a particular application.
CO3 Analyze the performance of the network.
CO4 Understanding of transport layer
CO5 Understanding of Network layer

Unit No. Content Hours

Introduction to computer networks and the Internet: Application layer: Principles of
network applications, The Web and Hyper Text Transfer Protocol, File transfer,
Unit -1 8
Electronic ail, Domain name system, Peer-to-Peer file sharing, Socket
programming, Layering concepts.
Switching in networks: Classification and requirements of switches, a generic
switch, Circuit Switching, Time-division switching, Space-division switching,
Unit -2 Crossbar switch and evaluation of blocking probability, 2-stage, 3-stage and n-stage 10
networks, Packet switching, Blocking in packet switches, Three generations of
packet switches, switch fabric, Buffering, Multicasting, Statistical Multiplexing.
Transport layer: Connectionless transport - User Datagram Protocol, Connection-
oriented transport – Transmission Control Protocol, Remote Procedure Call.
Unit -3 Congestion Control and Resource Allocation: Issues in Resource Allocation,
Queuing Disciplines, TCP congestion Control, Congestion Avoidance Mechanisms 10
and Quality of Service.
Network layer: Virtual circuit and Datagram networks, Router, Internet Protocol,
Routing algorithms, Broadcast and Multicast routing Link layer: ALOHA, Multiple
Unit -4 8
access protocols, IEEE 802 standards, Local Area Networks, addressing, Ethernet,
Hubs, Switches.
Total Hours 36
Text Reference books:
1. J.F. Kurose and K. W. Ross, “Computer Networking – A top down approach featuring the
2. Internet”, Pearson Education, 5th Edition
3. L. Peterson and B. Davie, “Computer Networks – A Systems Approach” Elsevier Morgan
4. Kaufmann Publisher, 5th Edition.
5. T. Viswanathan, “Telecommunication Switching System and Networks”, Prentice Hall
6. S. Keshav, “An Engineering Approach to Computer Networking” , Pearson Education
7. B. A. Forouzan, “Data Communications and Networking”, Tata McGraw Hill, 4th Edition
8. Andrew Tanenbaum, “Computer networks”, Prentice Hall
9. D. Comer, “Computer Networks and Internet/TCP-IP”, Prentice Hall
10. William Stallings, “Data and computer communications”, Prentice Hall

Page 8 of 26
Course:- Bachelor of Technology (Electrical Engineering)
Semester Sixth Subject Title Object Oriented programming and C++ Code
Course Components Credits L T P
Contact Hours
Open Elective - II 3 3 0 0
Examination Duration Theory Practical CWA MSE ESE
(Hrs) 3 0 25 25 50
Course Objectives
Explain the benefits of object oriented design and understand when it is an appropriate
CO 1
methodology to use.
Apply good programming style and understand the impact of style on developing and
maintaining programs.
Understand the different models of object oriented programming: abstract data types,
encapsulation, inheritance and polymorphism
Analyze the Fundamental features of an object oriented language in context to object classes and
interfaces, exceptions and libraries of object collections
CO5 Design object oriented solutions for small systems involving multiple objects.

Unit No. Content Hours

Object & classes, Links and Associations, Generalization and Inheritance,
Unit -1 6
Aggregation, Abstract classes, Generalization, Multiple Inheritance, Meta data.
Events and States, Operations and Methods, Nested state diagrams, Concurrency,
Unit -2 8
Relation of Object and Dynamic Models.
Functional Models, Data flow diagrams, Specifying Operations, Constraints, OMT
Unit -3 8
Methodologies, examples and case studies to demonstrate methodology
Principles of object oriented programming, Tokens, Expressions, classes, Functions,
Constructors, Destructors, Functions overloading, Operator Overloading, I/O
Operations. Real life applications, Inheritance Extended Classes, Pointer. Virtual
Unit -4 8
functions, Polymorphisms, Working with files, Class templates, Function templates,
Exception handling, String manipulation. Translating object oriented design into
Introduction to Unix/Linux operating systems. Concept of file system, handling
Unit -5 ordinary files, concept of shell, vi editor, Basicile attributes, concept of process, 6
Basic system administration.
Total Hours 36

Text Books:
1. Rambaugh James etal, "Object Oriented Design and Modeling",PHI-1997
2. Balagurusamy E," Object Oriented Programming with C++", TMH,2001 '
3. Sumitabha Das “Unix concepts & application” TMH

1. Dillon and Lee, "Object Oriented Conceptual Modeling", New Delhi PHI-1993
2. Lipman, Stanley B, JonsceLajoie, C++ Primer Reading", AWL, 1999
3. Stephen R. Shah, "Introduction to Object Oriented Analysis and Design", TMH
4. Berzin Joseph, "Data Abstraction: the object oriented approach using C++", McGraw Hill
5. Budd, Timothy, "An Introduction to Object Oriented Programming", Pearson 2000

Page 9 of 26
Course:- Bachelor of Technology (Electrical Engineering)
Semester Sixth Subject Title Industrial Automation Code
Course Components Credits L T P
Contact Hours
Open Elective - II 3 3 0 0
Examination Duration Theory Practical CWA MSE ESE
(Hrs) 3 0 25 25 50
Course Objectives
CO1 Describe working of various blocks of basic industrial automation system
CO2 Use various PLC functions and develop small PLC programs
CO3 Acquire the knowledge of Distributed control system and interfacing with PLCs
CO4 Acquire the knowledge of SCADA system and interfacing with PLCs
Consider such aspects of the automation system as network communication, human
machine interface, safety and protection against interference.

Unit No. Content Hours

Introduction: Automation systems, Advantages of automation, Components of
process control systems, Evolution of Control systems. Single loop control,
1 Centralized control, Distributed control systems, Open systems, SCADA systems. 10
Types of data available, Analog, Digital, Pulse data, Redundancy. Data
communication components and protocols.
Programmable Logic Controllers: Introduction of Advanced PLC programming,
Selection of processor, Input/output modules, Interfacing of Input/output devices,
2 8
Operator Interface, study of SCADA software, Interfacing of PLC with SCADA
Distributed Control Systems (DCS): PLC Vs DCS systems, DCS architecture,
3 Local control units, dedicated card controllers, Unit Operations controllers, DCS 8
multiplexers, DCS system integration, Automation Standards, salient features.
Supervisory Control and Data acquisition (SCADA) Systems: Types of
supervisory systems, Components of SCADA Systems. Remote terminal unit
4 (RTU), Communication subsystem, Protocols, Logic subsystem, termination 10
subsystem, test and power supply subsystem, Phasor measurement Units, Phasor
Data concentrator and communication, Intelligent Electronic Devices.
Total Hours 36

Text Books:
1. Bela G. Liptak, “Automation Handbook Vol I”, CRC Press.
2. B.G. Liptak, ‘Handbook of Instrumentation- Process Control’ ,4th edition,2012
3. Gary Dunning, ‘Introduction to Programmable logic Controllers’ , Delmar Publisher, 2009
4. Webb & Reis, ‘Programmable logic Controllers’ , 5th edition , Prentice Hall of India ,2009
Reference Books:
1. Fundamentals of Supervisory systems, IEEE tutorial
2. Statistical Process Control –ISA Handbook

Page 10 of 26
Course:- Bachelor of Technology (Electrical Engineering)
Semester Sixth Subject Title Code
Communication Engineering 604
Course Components Credits L T P
Contact Hours
Open Elective - II 3 3 0 0
Examination Duration Theory Practical CWA MSE ESE
(Hrs) 3 0 25 25 50
Course Objectives
Understand the fundamentals concepts of elements of communication system and need of
CO 1
CO2 Analysis of various analog modulation techniques
Evaluate fundamental communication system parameters, such as bandwidth, power, signal to
quantization noise ratio, and data rate.
CO4 Convert analog signals to digital while satisfying certain specs.
CO5 Analysis of various digital modulation techniques

Unit No. Content Hours

Amplitude Modulation: Amplitude modulation and detection, Generation and
detection of DSB-SC, SSB and vestigial side band modulation, carrier acquisition
Unit -1 8
AM transmitters and receivers, super heterodyne receiver, IF amplifiers, AGC
circuits Frequency Division multiplexing
Angle Modulation: Basic definitions, Narrow band and wideband frequency
modulation, transmission bandwidth of FM Signals, Generation and detection of
Unit -2 8
frequency modulation, External noise, internal noise, noise calculations, signal to
noise ratio, noise in AM and FM systems.
Pulse Modulation & Waveform coding Techniques: Introduction, sampling
process, Analog Pulse Modulation Systems-Pulse Amplitude Modulation, Pulse
width modulation and Pulse Position Modulation, Discretization in time and
Unit -3 10
amplitude, Quantization process, quantization noise, Pulse code Modulation,
Differential Pulse code Modulation, Delta Modulation and Adaptive Delta
Digital Modulation Techniques & Information Theory: Types of digital
modulation, waveforms for amplitude, frequency and phase shift keying, methods
Unit -4 10
of generation and detection of ASK, FSK and PSK, comparison of above digital
techniques, TDM & PCM, Measure of information, Entropy & Information rate.
Total Hours 36

Text Books
1. R.P.Singh& S.D. Sapre, “Communication Systems Analog and Digital” Tata McGraw Hill.
2. Simon Haykin, “Communication Systems” John Wiley & Sons 4th Edition
3. G.Kennedy and B. Davis,” Electronic Communication Systems” 4th Edition, Tata McGraw
4. Simon Haykin, “Digital Communications” John Wiley & Sons

Reference Readings:
1. B.P. Lathi, “Modern Analog & Digital Communication Systems” Oxford University Press.
2. Taub& Schilling, “Communication System: Analog and Digital” Tata McGraw Hill.

Page 11 of 26
Course:- Bachelor of Technology (Electrical Engineering)
Semester Seventh Subject Title Condition Monitoring and Diagnostics Code
Course Components Credits L T P
Contact Hours
Open Elective Course 3 3 0 0
Examination Duration Theory Practical CWA MSE ESE
(Hrs) 3 0 25 25 50
Course Objectives
CO 1 To impart knowledge about diagnostic
CO2 Understand maintenance and various techniques for condition monitoring
CO3 Assessment of the various health monitoring equipment
CO4 Understand different condition monitoring equipment
CO5 Assessment of the various characteristics of machine vibration and hydraulic system
Unit No. Content Hours
Productivity, quality circles in maintenance, Reliability, Reliability Assurance,
Unit -1 Maintainability vs Reliability, Failure analysis, equipment downtime analysis, 8
breakdown analysis.
Maintenance type, Breakdown Maintenance, Corrective Maintenance, Opportunity
Unit -2 maintenance, Routine maintenance, Preventive and predictive maintenance, 8
Condition based maintenance system, Design out maintenance
Equipment health monitoring, Signals, Online and Offline monitoring, Visual and
Unit -3 6
temp. monitoring, Leakage monitoring, Lubricating monitoring.
Ferrography, Spectroscopy, Crack monitoring, Corrosion monitoring, thickness
Unit -4 6
monitoring, noise monitoring, smell/odour monitoring, thermography.
Vibration characteristics, vibration monitoring causes, identification, measurement
Unit -5 of machine vibration. C.M of lubes and hydraulic systems, C.M of pipelines, selection 8
of C.M techniques, advantages.
Total Hours 36

Text books:
1. Mechanical Fault Diagnosis and condition monitoring by R.A. Collacott, Chapman and Hall,
2. Designing Knowledge – Based System by T R Addis, Prentice-Hall, New Jersey.

Reference :
1. ASM Handbook, Volume 11, Failure Analysis and Prevention, published in 2002
2. Handbook of Reliability, Availability, Maintainability and Safety in Engineering Design by
Rudolph Frederick Stapelberg, Springer-Verlag London Limited, London
3. Maintenance Engineering Handbook, 7th Edition, by R. Keith Mobley (Editor in Chief),
McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc.

Page 12 of 26
Course:- Bachelor of Technology (Electrical Engineering)
Semester Subject Title IT in Business Code TOE 702
Course Components Credits L T P
Contact Hours
Open Elective Course 03 03 00 00
Examination Duration Theory Practical WEIGHTAGE: CWA MSE ESE
(Hrs) 03 00 EVALUATION 25 25 50
Course Objectives
CO1 Understanding the concept of strategic management
CO2 Development of Strategic management thinking.
CO3 Understanding Electronic commerce and market system
CO4 Understanding of corporate IT strategy.
CO5 Knowledge of Impact of IT in competitive strategy.

Unit No. Content Hours

Business drivers IT’s Competitive Potential, Strategic Alignment , Strategic

Unit -1 08
Management and Competitive strategy
Rethinking Business through IT Development a Competitive Strategy, Inter
Unit -2 organization information system business to business system, Electronic Commerce 10
and Market System.
Unit -3 Forming a corporate IT strategy, Developing and Information Architecture 08
Incorporating business innovation into the corporate IT strategy, The changing role
Unit -4 10
of IT in International business, The changing global IT Practices
Total Hours 36

Text Book:
1. Cellion, Jack D. “Competitve Advantage Through Information Technology” Mc
Graw Hill.
Reference Book:
2. Ttapscott Don, “The Digital Economy” Mc Graw Hill, 1996

Page 13 of 26
Course:- Bachelor of Technology (Electrical Engineering)
Semester Seventh Subject Title Bio-Medical Electronics Code TOE 703
Course Components Credits L T P
Contact Hours
Open Elective Course 03 03 00 00
Examination Duration Theory Practical WEIGHTAGE: CWA MSE ESE
(Hrs) 03 00 EVALUATION 25 25 50
Course Objectives
CO 1 To familiarize students with various medical equipment and their technical aspects
CO2 Understand the various types of transducers and electrodes used for biomedical applications,
To introduce students to the measurements involved in some medical equipment (such as: ECG, EEG,
EMG etc) and patient care monitoring
CO4 Acquired knowledge about the measurement in respiratory system
CO5 Have a firm understanding of the diagnostic techniques.

Unit No. Content Hours

Introduction: The age of biomedical engineering, development of biomedical instrumentation,
Unit -1 man instrumentation system, components physiological system of the body, Problem 8
encountered in measuring a living system.
Transducers & electrodes: The transducers & transduction principles active transducers,
passive transducers, transducer for biomedical applications.
Sources of bioelectric potentials: Resting & action potentials, propagation of active potential,
The bioelectric potentials-ECG, EEG, EMG and evoked responses.
Electrodes: Electrode theory, Bio potential Electrode-Microelectrodes Body surface Electrode,
Unit -2 12
needle electrodes, biochemical transducers, Reference electrodes,
Cardiovascular Measurements: Electrocardiography -ECG amplifiers, electrodes and leads,
ECG recorders- three channel, vector cardiographs, continuous ECG recording (Holter
recording), Blood pressure measurements, Blood flow measurement, Heart sound measurement.

Measurements in Respiratory system: Physiology of respiratory system measurement of

Unit -3 breathing mechanics – Spiro meter, Respiratory therapy equipments: inhalators ventilators & 08
Respirators, Humidifiers, Nebulizers & Aspirators.
Diagnostic Techniques: Ultrasonic diagnosis Eco- cardiography, Eco encephalography,
Unit -4 ophthalmic scans, X-Ray & Radio-isotope Instrumentation, CAT scan, Emission 08
Computerized Tomography, and MRI.
Total Hours 36


1. Khandpur R.S, “Biomedical Instrumentation”, TMH

2. Cromwell, “Biomedical Instrumentation and Measurements”, PHI.

Reference Book:
1. Tompkins, “Biomedical DSP: C language Examples and Laboratory Experiments for the IBM

Page 14 of 26
Course:- Bachelor of Technology (Electrical Engineering)
Semester Seventh Subject Title Fundamentals of IoT Code TOE 704
Course Components Credits L T P
Contact Hours
Open Elective Course 03 03 00 00
Examination Duration (Hrs)
03 00 VALUATION 25 25 50
Course Objectives
CO 1 Explain the terms used in IoT.
CO2 Describe key technologies in Internet of Things.
CO3 Identify components needed to provide a solution for certain applications.
CO4 Analyze security requirements in an IoT system.
CO5 Design wireless sensor network architecture and its framework along with WSN applications.
CO6 Understand business models for the Internet of Things.
Unit No. Content Hours
Introduction to Internet of Things: History of IoT, About IoT, Overview and Motivations, Examples of
Unit -1 6
Applications, Internet of Things Definitions and Frameworks: IoT Definitions, IoT Architecture, General
Observations, ITU-T Views, Working Definition, IoT Frameworks, Basic Nodal Capabilities
Identification of IoT Objects and Services, Structural Aspects of the IoT, Environment Characteristics,
Unit -2 Traffic Characteristics, Scalability, Interoperability, Security and Privacy, Open Architecture, Key IoT 6
Technologies, Device Intelligence, Communication Capabilities, Mobility Support, Device Power, Sensor
Technology, RFID Technology, Satellite Technology.
RFID: Introduction, Principle of RFID, Components of an RFID system, Issues EPCGlobal Architecture
Framework: EPCIS & ONS, Design issues, Technological challenges, Security challenges, IP for IoT,
Unit -3 Web of Things. Wireless Sensor Networks: History and context, WSN Architecture, the node, connecting 8
nodes, Networking Nodes, Securing Communication WSN specific IoT applications, challenges: Security,
QoS, Configuration, Various integration approaches, Data link layer protocols, routing protocols and
infrastructure establishment.
Clustering, Software Agents, Clustering Principles in an Internet of Things Architecture, Design
Guidelines, and Software Agents for Object Representation, Data Synchronization. Identity portrayal,
Unit -4 8
Identity management, various identity management models: Local, Network, Federated and global
web identity, user-centric identity management, device centric identity management and hybrid-
identity management, Identity and trust.
Vulnerabilities of IoT, Security requirements, Threat analysis, Use cases and misuse cases, IoT security
tomography and layered attacker model, Identity establishment, Access control, Message integrity, Non-
Unit -5 8
repudiation and availability, Security model for IoT.
Internet of Things Application: Smart Metering Advanced Metering Infrastructure, e-Health Body Area
Networks, City Automation, Automotive Applications, Home Automation, Smart Cards.
Total Hours 36

Text Books
1. Daniel Minoli, “Building the Internet of Things with IPv6 and MIPv6: The Evolving World of M2M
Communications”, ISBN: 978-1-118-47347-4, Willy Publications
2. Bernd Scholz-Reiter, Florian Michahelles, “Architecting the Internet of Things”, ISBN 978-3- 642-19156-5
e-ISBN 978-3-642-19157-2, Springer
3. Parikshit N. Mahalle& Poonam N. Railkar, “Identity Management for Internet of Things”, River Publishers,
ISBN: 978-87-93102-90-3 (Hard Copy), 978-87-93102-91-0 (ebook).
Reference Books
1. HakimaChaouchi, “The Internet of Things Connecting Objects to the Web” ISBN : 978-1- 84821-140-7,
Willy Publications
2. Olivier Hersent, David Boswarthick, Omar Elloumi, The Internet of Things: Key Applications and Protocols,
ISBN: 978-1-119-99435-0, 2 nd Edition, Willy Publications

Page 15 of 26
Course:- Bachelor of Technology (Electrical Engineering)
Semester Eight Subject Title Quality Control Code TOE 705
Course Components Credits L T P
Contact Hours
Open Elective Course 03 03 00 00
Examination Duration Theory Practical WEIGHTAGE: CWA MSE ESE
(Hrs) 03 00 EVALUATION 25 25 50
Course Objectives
CO 1 Understand the basic concepts of Quality Control (QC).
CO2 Describe, distinguish and use the several techniques and quality management tools.
CO3 Explain and distinguish the normalisation, homologation and certification activities.
CO4 Identify the elements that are part of the quality measuring process in the industry.
CO5 Predict the errors in the measuring process, distinguishing its nature and the root causes.
Understand and calculate the correction and uncertainty parameters as a result of an instrument
Unit Content Hours
Concepts of quality: Quality - Quality control - Quality assurance - Quality
management- Quality costs Total Quality Management: Axioms -
Management commitment- Deming’s approach - Quality council - Customer
Unit -1 8
satisfaction and retention - Employee involvement and empowerment-Suggestion
system - Quality circle -Continuous process improvement - Juran’s trilogy - PDSA
cycle - Kaizen - Six-sigma -Crosby’s quality treatment
Management tools and techniques: Benchmarking - ISO quality management systems
Unit -2 6
-Quality function deployment - Quality by design -
Failure mode and effect analysis -Affinity diagram - Block diagram - Pareto chart -
Unit -3 Fish bone diagram - Flow chart - Run chart - Scatter diagram - Tree diagram - Matrix 7
Statistical tools 1-control charts: Basic concepts - Attributes and variables - Random and
assignable causes of variations- Patterns of variation - Measures of central tendency and
dispersion - Probability distributions: Binomial, Poisson and Normal Control charts for
Unit -4 8
variables : ¯X, R and sigma charts - Details of construction and uses Control charts for
attributes: p, np, c and u charts - Details of construction and uses (Numerical problems
Statistical tools 2- Acceptance sampling, Reliability and Life testing: Sampling Vs
inspection - OC curve - Single and double sampling plans - ATI - AOQL - Life testing
Unit -5 7
-Bathtub curve - MTBF - OC curve for Life testing - System reliability (Numerical
problems included).
Total Hours 36

Text/ Reference Books:

 Bester Field, Dale H, Carol Boeterfreld - Muchna, Glen H, Boeterfreld MeryBoeterfeld-Scare, 2003,
Total Quality Management,3rd edition, Pearson, Education, New Delhi.
 Grant.E.L., Stastical Quality Control, McGraw Hill
 Juran J.M, Gryna I.M., Quality Planning and Analysis, Tata McGraw Hill Publishing Company
 Gerals M Smith- 2004, Statistical Process Control and Quality Improvement- 5th edition

Page 16 of 26
Course:- Bachelor of Technology (Electrical Engineering)
Optical Fiber
Semester Eight Subject Title Code TOE 706
Course Components Credits L T P
Contact Hours
Open Elective Course 03 03 00 00
Examination Duration Theory Practical WEIGHTAGE: CWA MSE ESE
(Hrs) 03 00 EVALUATION 25 25 50
Course Objectives
Understanding Block diagram and different types of optical waveguides and merits of OFC, types
CO 1
and propagation mechanism.
CO2 Analysis of attenuation, losses and polarization for different types of optical fiber
CO3 Analysing different optical transmitter sources.
CO4 Understanding genesis of optical detectors with noise considerations.
Analysis of optical fiber link by integrating optical transmitter and receiver circuits with
application in multiplexing and optical networking.
Successful completion of this course enables students to apply concepts of optical communication
to build optical networks.
Unit Content Hours
Introduction: Block diagram of optical fiber communication system, Advantages of
optical fiber communication, Optical fiber waveguides: Structure of optical wave
guide, Step Index fiber, Graded Index Fiber, Single mode, Multimode, light
Unit -1 propagation in optical fiber using ray theory, acceptance angle, numerical aperture, 8
skew rays, wave theory for optical propagation, modes in a planar and cylindrical
guide, mode volume, single mode fibers, cutoff wavelength, mode field diameter,
effective refractive index and group and mode delay factor for single mode fiber.
Attenuation in optical fibers: Intrinsic and extrinsic absorption, linear and nonlinear
scattering losses, fiber bend losses. Dispersion and pulse broadening, intramodal and
Unit -2 intermodal dispersion for step and graded index fibers, modal noise, over all fiber 8
dispersion for multimode and monomode fiber, modal birefringence and polarization
maintaining fibers.
Optical Sources: LED structures and Characteristics, LASER, Nd: YAG LASER, He
Unit -3 8
Ne Laser, CO2 Laser, Distributed Feedback Laser.
Optical detectors: Requirement for photo detections p-n photodiode, characteristics
of photo detections, p-i-n and avalanche photodiodes, phototransistors &
Unit -4 6
photoconductors. Direct detection receivers. Performance considerations: Noise
sources in optical fiber communication, noise in p-n, p-i-n and APD receivers.
Receiver structure Optical fiber communication systems: Principal components of
an optical fiber communication system, optical transmitter circuits, LED and laser
drive circuits, optical receiver block diagram, simple circuits for pre-amplifier,
Unit -5 6
automatic gain control and equalization, optical system design, Multiplexing,
Coherent and noncoherent detection, WDM, OTDM, Introduction to Optical
Total Hours 36

Text Books
1. Optical fiber Communication: John M.S Senior PHI, 3rd Ed. 2009
Reference Books
1. Optical Communication: J. Gowar PHI, 2nd Ed 2002
2. Optical fiber Communication: G.E. Keiser Mc Graw-Hill, 4rd Ed. 2010
3. Optoelectronics: Wilson & Hawkes PHI, 3rd Ed.

Page 17 of 26
Course:- Bachelor of Technology (Electrical Engineering)
Semester Eight Subject Title Artificial Intelligence Code TOE 707
Course Components Credits L T P
Contact Hours
Open Elective Course 03 03 00 00
Examination Duration Theory Practical WEIGHTAGE: CWA MSE ESE
(Hrs) 03 00 EVALUATION 25 25 50
Course Objectives
CO 1 Understand the basics of the theory and practice of Artificial Intelligence.
CO2 Learn the basics of Artificial Intelligence programming.
CO3 Understand various searching techniques use to solve the AI problems.
Apply knowledge representation techniques and problem-solving strategies to common AI
CO5 Build self-learning and research skills to tackle a topic of interest on his/her own or as part of a team.
CO6 Apply the knowledge of AI and agents in developing multidisciplinary real world projects
Unit Content Hours
Introduction Introduction to Artificial Intelligence, Simulation of sophisticated &
Intelligent Behavior indifferent area, problem solving in games, natural language,
Unit -1 6
automated reasoning visual perception, heuristic algorithm versus solution guaranteed
Understanding Natural Languages Parsing techniques, context free and
transformational grammars, transition nets, augmented transition nets, Fillmore’s
Unit -2 8
grammars, Shanks Conceptual Dependency, grammar free
analyzers, sentence generation, and translation.
Knowledge Representation
First order predicate calculus, Horn Clauses, Introduction to PROLOG, Semantic Nets
Unit -3 8
Partitioned Nets, Minskey frames, Case Grammar Theory, Production Rules
Knowledgebase, The Inference System, Forward & Backward Deduction
Expert System
Unit -4 Existing Systems (DENDRAL, MYCIN), domain exploration, Meta Knowledge, 6
Expertise Transfer, Self-Explaining System
Pattern Recognition
Introduction to pattern Recognition, Structured Description, Symbolic Description,
Unit -5 Machine perception, Line Finding, Interception, Semantic, & Model, Object 8
Identification, Speech Recognition.
Programming Language: Introduction to programming Language, LISP, PROLOG
Total Hours 36

Text/ Reference Books:

1. Charnick “Introduction to Artificial Intelligence.” Addision Wesley.
2. Rich & Knight, “Artificial Intelligence”.TMH
3. Winston, “LISP”, Addison Wesley.
4. Marcellous, “Expert Systems Programming”, PHI.

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Course:- Bachelor of Technology (Electrical Engineering)
Semester Eight Subject Title Mechatronics Code TOE 708
Course Components Credits L T P
Contact Hours
Open Elective Course 03 03 00 00
Examination Duration Theory Practical WEIGHTAGE: CWA MSE ESE
(Hrs) 03 00 EVALUATION 25 25 50
Course Objectives
CO 1 Construct the block diagram of any physical mechatronics device used in day-to- day life.
CO2 Calculate the output to input relation of any physical model in the form of a transfer function.
CO3 Evaluate the performance of any physical system in terms of its performance parameters.
CO4 Develop the mathematical model of any physical model from any engineering domain.
CO5 Understand several types of sensors and actuators used in mechatronic systems.
Unit Content Hours
Introduction: Definition of mechatronics, Evolution of mechatronics,
Integration of mechanical, electronics, control and computer science
Unit -1 6
engineering, Elements of mechatronics system, Importance of Mechatronics,
Open-loop and closed-loop system.
Physical and Mathematical Modelling of Dynamic Systems: Equations of
motion of mechanical, electrical, pneumatic and hydraulic systems,
Unit -2 8
Transforming physical model to mathematical model, Linearization,
Frequency response. Modelling of different motors and generators.
Control Systems: Laplace transformations, Block diagram reduction, Signal
flow graph, Performance specifications, Transfer functions, Stability,
Unit -3 8
Sensitivity of the open-loop and closed-loop systems, Types of controller,
Controller design using frequency domain and Laplace domain methods.
Sensors: Displacement, Position and Proximity sensors, Flow sensors,
Pressure and force sensors, Motion sensors, Optical, Mechanical and Thermal
Unit -4 sensors, selection of sensors 8
Actuators in Mechatronics System: Electric actuators, Stepper motors, DC
motors, and AC motors.
Electronic Elements in Mechatronic System: Analog to digital and digital to
Unit -5 analog converters, Operational amplifiers, Introduction to Microcontrollers 6
and Microprocessors.
Total Hours 36

Text Books/ References:

Alciatore, D. G., Histand, M. B., & Alciatore, D. G. Introduction to mechatronics and measurement
systems. Tata McGraw-Hill Education.
Bolton, W., Mechatronics: A Multidisciplinary Approach, Pearson Education, New Delhi.
Bishop, R. H. (Ed.). Mechatronics: an introduction. CRC Press.
Nagrath, I. J. and Gopal, M., Control System Engineering, New AgeInternational.

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Course:- Bachelor of Technology (Electrical Engineering)
Expert System & Fuzzy
Semester Eight Subject Title Code TOE 801
Course Components Credits L T P
Contact Hours
Open Elective Course 04 03 00 00
Examination Duration Theory Practical WEIGHTAGE: CWA MSE ESE
(Hrs) 03 00 EVALUATION 25 25 50
Course Objectives
CO 1 Understand expert systems and their tools with methodology for building expert system.
Understand fuzzy logic basics and operations, Fuzzy arithmetic and representations and classical
CO3 To equip students with the knowledge and skills in logic programming
CO4 To understand the working of controller based on classical as well as fuzzy logic
To understand contingency analysis, and applications like control of inverted pendulum and aircraft

Unit Content Hours

Expert Systems – Introduction & Tools: Introduction, Characteristics, Acquiring,
representing knowledge reasoning. Nature of ES tools, stages in development of ES
Unit -1 06
tools. EMYCIN, EXPERT, OPSS, ROSIE, Block board architecture, Rule based
Systems, Associative nets and symbolic computing.
Building an Expert System: Building an Expert System, Difficulties in development
Unit -2 of ES, Common pitfalls, pitfalls during development, Expert systems in market place, 08
commercial implications.
Introduction of Fuzzy Sets and Relations: Crisp set-vagueness, uncertainty and
imprecision, fuzzy set-fuzzy operators, properties, crisp versus fuzzy sets,
Unit -3 10
representation of fuzzy sets, fuzzy complements, union, intersection, combination of
operators, crisp and fuzzy relations, compositions of fuzzy relations.
Fuzzy Logic and Controllers: Fuzzy logic-classical logic-fuzzy propositions and
quantifiers, linguistic hedges, fuzzification and its types de-fuzzification methods,
data base, rule base, inference engine structure of FLC.
Unit -4 12
Applications of Expert Systems and Fuzzy Logic: Applications of expert systems
and fuzzy logic in ac and dc drives. VAR control, contingency analysis, control
system-inverted pendulum and aircraft control application.
Total Hours 36

Text Books:
1. Timothy J. Ross, Fuzzy Logic with Engineering Applications, International edition, McGraw
Hill, 2000.
2. Donald A. Waterman, A guide to Expert System, Addison Wiley, 1999.
1. Dan W. Patterson, Introduction to AI and expert systems, Pearson education.
2. John yen and rezalansari, Fuzzy logic. Fuzzy logic intelligence, control and information-
Pearson’s education.

Page 20 of 26
Course:- Bachelor of Technology (Electrical Engineering)
Intelligent Sensors and
Semester Eight Subject Title Code TOE 802
Course Components Credits L T P
Contact Hours
Open Elective Course 03 03 00 00
Examination Duration Theory Practical WEIGHTAGE: CWA MSE ESE
(Hrs) 03 00 EVALUATION 25 25 50
Course Objectives
CO 1 Acquire basic knowledge about sensors and actuators.
Understand the fundamental principles of various types of sensors and their general characteristics,
terminologies, sensing and transduction principles
CO3 Acquire knowledge about the fabrication techniques of sensors
CO4 Understand the techniques used to interface computers with various sensors
CO5 design intelligent sensors as per IEEE standard

Unit Content Hours

Unit -1 Basic concept, semiconductor sensors, MEM sensors, actuators 06
Unit -2 Network sensor, smart sensor & sensor networking, neuro sensors, Bio-sensors. 06
Sensor material, fabrication of sensors: thin /relatively thick film depositon
Unit -3 techniques, wet / dry etching techniques, high aspect ratio techniques of fabrication 08
of sensor.
Intelligent instrumentation system, soft computing techniques, coding techniques of
Unit -4 08
binary signals.
Unit -5 IEEE 1451 Standards, STIM, TEDS Calibration, NAC Network technologies. 08
Total Hours 36

1. Science and engineering of microelectronics fabrication by Stephen A, Campbell,
2. Intelligent instrumentation by Bhuyan
3. Modern inertial sensors and system by Amitava Bose, Somnath Puri, Paritosh Banerjee.

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Course:- Bachelor of Technology (Electrical Engineering)
Semester Eighth Subject Title Engineering Economics Code TOE 803
Course Components Credits L T P
Contact Hours
Open Elective Course 03 03 00 00
Examination Duration Theory Practical WEIGHTAGE: CWA MSE ESE
(Hrs) 03 00 EVALUATION 25 25 50
Course Objectives
Apply knowledge of mathematics, economics, and engineering principles to solve engineering
CO 1
Understand the major capabilities and limitations of cash flow analysis for evaluating proposed
capital investments.
CO3 Recognize, formulate, analyze and solve cash flow models in practical situations.
Develop the ability to account for time value of money using engineering economy factors and
Communicate the results of the modeling process to management and other non-specialist users in a
lucid, informative manner (graphs, tables and/or text).
Unit Content Hours
Introduction to Economics: Definitions, Nature, Scope, Difference between
Unit -1 06
Microeconomics & Macroeconomics
Theory of Demand & Supply: meaning, determinants, law of demand, law of supply,
equilibrium between demand & supply.
Unit -2 Elasticity: elasticity of demand, price elasticity, income elasticity, cross elasticity, 10
Theory of production: production function, meaning, factors of production, (meaning
& characteristics of Land, Labour, capital & entrepreneur).
Law of variable proportions & law of returns to scale Cost: meaning, short run &
long run cost, fixed cost, variable cost, total cost, average cost, marginal cost, opportunity
Unit -3 10
Break even analysis: meaning, explanation
Markets: meaning, types of markets & their characteristics ( Perfect Competition,
Monopoly, Monopolistic Completion, Oligopoly)
National Income: meaning, stock and flow concept, NI at current price, NI at constant
price, GNP, GDP, NNP,NDP, Personal income, disposal income.
Unit -4 Basic economic problems Poverty-meaning, absolute & relative poverty, causes, 10
measures to reduce Unemployment: meaning, types, causes, remedies
Inflation: meaning, types, causes, measures to control
Total Hours 36

Text Books/ References

1. Engineering Economics, R.Paneerselvam, PHI publication
2. Principles and Practices of Management by L.M.Prasad.
3. Fundamentals of Management: Essential Concepts and Applications, Pearson Education,
Robbins S.P. and Decenzo David A.
4. Economics: Principles of Economics, N Gregory Mankiw, Cengage Learning
5. Principles of Management by Tripathy and Reddy
6. Modern Economic Theory, By Dr. K. K. Dewett& M. H. Navalur, S. Chand Publications

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Course:- Bachelor of Technology (Electrical Engineering)
Advanced Welding
Semester Eight Subject Title Code TOE 804
Course Components Credits L T P
Contact Hours
Open Elective Course 03 03 00 00
Examination Duration Theory Practical WEIGHTAGE: CWA MSE ESE
(Hrs) 03 00 EVALUATION 25 25 50
Course Objectives
Course Outcome 1: Understand the welding, its process classification and other limitations
CO 1
of the process.
Course Outcome 2: Understand and review brief technologies aspect of conventional
welding techniques.
Course Outcome 3: Understand and analyze different advance welding techniques and
their applications.
CO4 Course Outcome 4: Analyze and understand welding design and metallurgical aspects.
CO5 Course Outcome 5: Understand principle and application of arc fusion welding.
Course Outcome 6: Describe different testing and inspection methods of welding joints
and their applications.

Unit Content Hours

Introduction: Definition, Classification, Application, Advantages & limitations of
welding, Selection guidelines for relevant welding process, Comparison of welding
with other joining methods
Brief technological review of conventional welding techniques: Oxy-acetylene gas
welding, Introduction to welding torch & filler rod, Principle of arc welding, Inert
Unit -1 8
Gas Welding (MIG and TIG),Submerged arc welding (SAW), Atomic hydrogen arc
welding, Various types of Resistance Welding, Soldering, Brazing techniques and
their applications, Types of welding electrodes, Classification and coding of mild steel
and low alloy steel electrodes, American system and Indian system, types of fluxes
used for fusion welding, soldering and brazing.
Advanced welding Techniques I:Principle, techniques, problems (limitations),
working and applications of advanced welding techniques such as Plasma Arc
Welding (Key-hole and non-keyhole techniques), Electro-slag welding, Laser beam
Unit -2 welding, Electron beam welding, Ultrasonic welding, Friction stir welding, Explosive 8
welding, Underwater welding, Welding of Plastics and Dissimilar metals , Need and
Technology of Cladding, Hard-facing , Surfacing, Oxy-acetylene gas cutting, Electric
arc cutting
Welding Design and Metallurgical Factors: Heat input, net heat utilized in melting,
heat flow, relative plate thickness factor, transverse shrinkage, longitudinal shrinkage,
Angular distortion, control of distortion, Weldability, Effects of alloying elements on
Unit -3 Weldability, Weldability tests such as Hot-cracking test, the Murex test, Cold-cracking 8
or Hydrogen-induced cracking test, Effect of carbon content on structure and
properties of steel, Carbon-equivalent and its relation with cooling rate, Carbon-
equivalent based statistical evaluation of hot-cracking tendency.
Principle of Arc fusion welding: Electrons thermionic emission, thermionic work
function and ionization potential, Cathode spot, cathode space, arc column, anode
space and anode spot, Various Modes of Metal Transfer in arc welding, Welding
Unit -4 7
defects, detection, Various causes & remedy, Heat-affected-zone (HAZ) and its
effects on weld properties, Hydrogen embrittlement, Phenomenon of Arc blow, its
effects in welding and its control.

Page 23 of 26
Inspection Methods - Testing and inspection of welding joints, Methods used for
Inspection of welding, Hardness test, Visual, Magnetic particle, Fluorescent particle,
Unit -5 5
Ultrasonic, Radiography, methods of Inspection. Basic welding symbols and location
of weld, Measurement of heat input in arc welding, Heat flow.
Total Hours 36

Reference Books:
 O.P. Khanna, A Text Book of Welding Technology, Dhanpat Rai Publications , New Delhi
 Dr. Parmar R.S. ,Welding Engineering and technology; Khanna Publisher.
 P. N. Rao, Manufacturing Technology (Foundary, Forming and Welding), Tata McGraw-Hill
Publications, New Delhi.
 Amithab Ghosh, Manufacturing Science, Tata McGraw-Hill Publications, New Delhi.

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Course:- Bachelor of Technology (Electrical Engineering)
Semester Eight Subject Title Robotics Code
Course Components Credits L T P
Contact Hours
Open Elective Course 3 3 0 0

Examination Theory Practical CWA MSE ESE

Duration (Hrs)
3 0 25 25 50
Course Objectives
CO 1 Understand different aspects in the field of robotics and its interdisciplinary approach.
CO2 Develop the direct and inverse kinematic models of different robotic configurations.
CO3 Analyze differential motion and singularities in robotic manipulators.
CO4 Develop dynamic model of robotic manipulators.
CO5 Develop trajectory planning and control schemes for robotic manipulators.

Unit No. Content Hours

INTRODUCTION: Definition, classification of robots, historical
Unit -1 evolution, characteristics of robots, industrial robot anatomy, 6
manipulators, actuators, sensors, end-effectors, robot configurations.
MANIPULATOR KINEMATICS: Coordinate frames, mapping and
Unit -2 transformation, Denavit—Hartenberg notation, direct kinematic modeling, 8
inverse kinematics.


Unit -3 and rotation, Derivatives of homogeneous transformations, manipulator 8
Jacobian, inverse Jacobian, singularities, static force and moment analysis.

MANIPULATOR DYNAMICS: Acceleration of a rigid body, mass

Unit -4 distribution, Newton’s and Euler’s equations, iterative Newton-Euler 7
formulation, Lagrange-Euler formulation of manipulator dynamics.
MANIPULATORS: Introduction to trajectory planning techniques, joint-
Unit -5 7
space scheme, introduction to control schemes, control law partitioning,
force and torque control.
Total Hours 36

Text/ Reference Books

1. Craig, J. J. (2005). Introduction to robotics: mechanics and control. Pearson Prentice Hall
2. Niku, S. B. (2001). Introduction to robotics: analysis, systems, applications. Prentice Hall.
3. Mittal, R. K., & Nagrath, I. J. (2003). Robotics and control. New Delhi: Tata McGraw-Hill.

Page 25 of 26
Course:- Bachelor of Technology (Electrical Engineering)
Semester Eight Subject Title Mobile Computing Code
Course Components Credits L T P
Contact Hours
Open Elective Course 3 3 0 0
Examination Duration Theory Practical CWA MSE ESE
(Hrs) 3 0 25 25 50
Course Objectives
Exemplify the concepts, techniques, protocols and architecture employed in wireless local area
CO 1
networks, cellular networks, and Adhoc Networks based on the standards
Describe and analyze the network infrastructure requirements to support mobile devices and
CO3 Design and implement mobile applications to realize location-aware computing
CO4 Asses the important issues and concerns on security and Data management
CO5 Development of various scenarios for mobile computing system.
CO6 Evaluate the concepts of mobile agents and mobile Adhoc algorithms with the help of NS2.

Unit No. Content Hours

Introduction, issues in mobile computing, overview of wireless telephony: cellular
Unit -1 concept, GSM: air-interface, channel structure, location management: HLR-VLR, 6
hierarchical, handoffs, channel allocation in cellular systems, CDMA, GPRS
Wireless Networking, Wireless LAN Overview: MAC issues, IEEE 802.11, Blue
Tooth, Wireless multiple access protocols, TCP over wireless, Wireless
Unit -2 8
applications, data broadcasting, Mobile IP, WAP: Architecture, protocol stack,
application environment, applications
Data management issues, data replication for mobile computers, adaptive
Unit -3 8
clustering for mobile wireless networks, File system, Disconnected operations
Mobile Agents computing, security and fault tolerance, transaction processing in
Unit -4 6
mobile computing environment.
Ad Hoc networks, localization, MAC issues, Routing protocols, global state
routing (GSR), Destination sequenced distance vector routing (DSDV), Dynamic
Unit -5 source routing (DSR), Ad Hoc on demand distance vector routing (AODV), 8
Temporary ordered routing algorithm (TORA), QoS in Ad Hoc Networks,
Total Hours 36

Text/ Reference Books:

1. J. Schiller,” Mobile Communications”, Addison Wesley.
2. A. Mehrotra , “GSM System Engineering”.
3. M. V. D. Heijden, M. Taylor, “Understanding WAP”, Artech House

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