Student Profile
Student Profile
Student Profile
Strength Based Student Profile, adapted from Schnellert & Brownlie, 2011 Shelley Moore, 2011
Functional Behavioural Assessment Plan
ABC Chart
Antecedent (describe the Behaviour (describe what the Consequence (describe event
activity and specific event preceding behaviour looked like) that followed or results of the
the behaviour) behaviour)
John was told to complete a John completed the first and John was asked to complete
5-step math problem. last step. He did not the other steps but refused.
conclude with a sentence Continued to read his book.
John was told to write a John wrote very short, John refused to add more
persuasive essay. disorganized paragraphs. details.
John rushes through his work so he can read quietly at his desk
escaping the world around him. He refuses to take his work
Hypothesized reasons for
back to correct his mistakes saying he knows how to do so he’s
behaviour not doing it again.
PBS Plan
Break down assignment into smaller sections allowing the
student to work on one section at a time
Developed Plan
Simple reward system & incentives
Alternative modes for completing assignments
ABC Analysis
Date____/____/____ Name of Person Observed: ________________________________ Observer: _________________________________
Behavior(s): __________________________________________________________________________________________________________
How is this PBS going to be communicated to various members of the school-based team?
How will its effectiveness be assessed? What is the mechanism for changing it?
Communication – I would join in a SBT meeting to discuss any plans for the student. At our school,
we have SBT meetings every other Monday where teachers can sign up with a concern or follow up.
Assessment - data should be collected by the classroom teacher (or all who teaches the child). Data
should be easy to collect such as using a checklist. This data should be periodically reviewed so that
any changes may be made.
Effectiveness – if the teacher sees the targeted behaviour change in a positive way or if the student is
more engaged and willing to work, then the plan is working and is effective.
Changing the plan – if the strategies are no longer working or the behaviour becomes more frequent
then it is important to take this concern back to the SBT. There, you can show the data you have
collected and the SBT can discuss further testing or strategies.
Last year I was a part of the student-based team where we discussed concerns and developed
strategies. I have not seen a functional behavioural assessment, so I am only going with what I have
read during the course.
How does the FBA/PBS connect in a meaningful way to other aspects of the student’s life?
In most cases the behaviours you may see in class are also seen by others such as parents and
through their social life (friends) By explicitly teaching students a variety of coping strategies or
conflict resolution strategies, these may carry over into other parts of the student’s life.
Does your district have a safety plan for individual students as part of the positive behaviour
support plan?
I am not sure if our district has a safety plan for individual students. I know there are plans in place
with students who are on behavioural contracts such as being sent home or ISS if a certain number
of tries have been reached (i.e. three strikes). I have not seen or participated in any FBA or PB
support plans therefore I am unaware of any safety measures.