G8 DLP - Earthquake Intensity and Magnitude
G8 DLP - Earthquake Intensity and Magnitude
G8 DLP - Earthquake Intensity and Magnitude
Department of Education
Division of Batangas
Cuenca, Batangas
At the end of the lesson the students are expected to:
1. Explain how earthquake intensity is determined,
2. discuss how the magnitude of an earthquake is measured and,
3. Differentiate Mercalli scale from Richter scale and Moment Magnitude scale.
“How are you today my dear students?” “We’re doing great, Ma’am!”
‘’Our class monitor, _____. Is there any absentees “No one is absent for today, Ma’am”
for today?”
4. These are the types of Earthquake Waves “Body Waves and Surface Waves”
5. The body waves are seismic waves that travel “Body Waves”
through the interior of the Earth.
6. These are the fastest kind of seismic waves, “Primary Waves or P-Waves”
traveling about 6 to 7km, and consequently, the
first to arrive at a seismic station and recorded in
the seismograph.
7. They can only travel through solids and they “Secondary Waves or S- Waves”
cannot pass through liquids.
“Kindly read _____.” At the end of the lesson, you should be able to:
1. Explain how earthquake intensity is determined,
2. discuss how the magnitude of an earthquake is
measured and,
3. Differentiate Mercalli scale from Richter scale
and Moment Magnitude scale.
“Thank you very much. Class these are the
learning objectives that are expected for you to
attain at the end of our class discussion.”
B. Motivation
“To start our day with fun, let’s have a game and
this game is entitled ”Word Jumble!”
“In this game,you will be divided into two groups.
Each group will have a representative to arrange
the words according to the given definition. The
group with the highest point will receive a prize.”
“Richter Scale”
“Great Job!”
C. Activity
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