TP Task 1 - Promoting Scientific Thinking

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TP Task 1 – Promoting Scientific Thinking

This task is linked to EPR3703; using higher level questions (Bloom’s Taxonomy) to develop students’
thinking. Teaching students the skills of scientific thinking is not only for science, but can be applied to
any area of learning. Complete this while observing your MST as he/she conducts a Science lesson
within your first week of teaching practice.
Explain the importance “Good questioning should stimulate, provoke, inform and inspire” says Sloane,
while Berger feels it can “help us learn, explore the unknown and adapt to
of questioning in change”. What could be a great question that could shift the way you or your
Science organization perceive or think about something that has the potential to act as a
catalyst for change?


Engagement Question(s) asked by Was

the teacher thinking
Activity time given? How did the students’ respond?
(& subject & LO) If yes, how
How we can solve this 1 min He didn’t know the answer then she asks
problem? him if he need a help from friend and he
choose one of his friend.
What the key words that 30 sec She said that we have to underline things
we have to underline? that will help us, like if we have to
multiply or divide the rows number and
column number.
Number 3 is for the row or 1 min She said it for the row, because the first
column? And why? number is for rows and the second is for
column, and she sing rows by column..ect.
Can you draw the arrays in 2 min He draw it in the opposite side, then she
the board? explain for him that it should be rows by
columns, and he answer it correctly.
On reflection:
Which question(s) did the students engage with the most? Why do you think that was?
Which engagement activity were the students most engaged with? Why do you think that

In my opinion I think that the students were engaged when she asked to draw the arrays in the
board, because they like to move in the class and also he had the chance to present it in front of
his classmates. Also, he was engaged because the teacher was helping him so it was easier for him
to solve it.
TP Task 2 – Active Learning Environments
This task is linked to EPR3703; planning activities that allow students to clarify, question, apply, and
consolidate new knowledge.
What is an active learning environment? What are its benefits? How does it link to the inquiry cycle?
Incorporate active learning strategies into every component of your course design. For example,
encouraging short partner discussions during lectures (i.e., think-pair-share), adding problem- or case-
based research projects to the curriculum, and incorporating time for small-group critical analysis exercises
during seminars are all great ways to actively engage students in learning.
Because it can take time and creativity to develop active learning exercises, we provide many examples on
the Teaching Commons website, particularly in Teaching Strategies. Keep reading for some sample
strategies to help get you started.

Choose 3 lessons to observe to answer the following questions:

What was the prior
What was the impact of the activity
What was the activity? learning to this
i.e. no. of ss engaged?
The activity was to use the text They know the text They were fully engaged they used the
feature to quick find information. feature and the non- sticky notes to put notes on each page that
function feature. they find it useful.
To compare and construct three books They know how to use They were fully engaged with the teacher
about tigers, and explain why it is non-function books and and they discussing about the three books
useful. how to compare between and share their thoughts about it.
and how to know the
positive and negative
about things.
Using the white board to draw the They know the row and They were trying to draw the arrays but
arrays. column. not all the students were able to do it
correctly, so the teacher and assistant was
moving around the class and helping the
students whose struggling.

Which activity engaged most students? Why do you think this happened?

I think the second activity the students were engaging more, because they were discussing about
the book and what they were able to share what they like and don’t like about it, which gives the
students the confidence to share their thinking.
Record and reflect on components of the observed lessons:
What SEN (this includes GT students) issues
were taken into consideration?
They use different learning style in each lesson. In the
Were the students able to use all learning
first one was the visual learning style. The second
styles? How and exactly which ones? lesson was visual and social learning style. The third
was physical learning style.

Were there any other resources the students They could use the technology to make the lessons
could have used to better master the more fun.
outcome? Explain?
Yes they use the cards in the window to help them know
Were visual aids used throughout the lesson? the non-function feature.
What types?
TP Task 3 – Planning for Learning
This task is linked to EPR3703: instructional strategies and planning for assessment. It asks you to take
on an active role in planning and preparing for active learning environments. This task requires you to
meet and interview your MST to discover his/her planning process. Provide a diagram illustrating the
sequence of steps taken and accompany your text with actual pictures of her process.

What is the planning cycle? Conceptualizations of the process of developing and sustaining a brand,
through product and communications development.

Place your MST’s planning diagram below with words and pictures.
If you could make suggestions and change her lesson cycle, what would the new one look like?
My suggestion is to make more activities in each lesson, for example to make 3 different
activities based on their levels.
TP Task 4 – Instructional Planning
This task asks you to identify the formative or summative assessment strategies used by your MST
during your first week of teaching practice. As part of this task, you are required to observe and record
3 formative or summative assessment strategies used, provide evidence, and reflect on the information
the teacher gained.
What are the components of a formative and summative assessments? What are some of the differences
between formative and summative assessments?

List the assessment strategies used for English, Math or Science lesson in 1 week.
Assessment Format Information Teacher Gained &
Justification for
(multiple choice, essay, Extension recommendation
Assessment Format
short answer, etc…)
Opinion essay. The students did a research The teacher gave each student
about a topic they choose, comments during their assessment
to write an opinion essay. to help them improve their essay.
They used the research on Also she asked them to write more
the class to write an examples to improve their thoughts.
opinion essay about it.

Multiple choice, sort answer The teacher did a formative The teacher used math lesson to do
assessment in arrays task, the assessment. She gave each
the assessment include student 40 min to answer. My
short answer and multiple recommendation is to make sure
choice. that each child is answering the
questions by them self.

Doing a research The assessment is doing a The students used laptops to search
research about the human about the topic. Each student has a
impact on animal habitat. different topic. My
recommendation is to give the
questions research to know exactly
what they have to look for.
TP Task 5 – Peer Observation
Program link: This task is associated to the guidelines of the course EPC 3903 – Practicum 3b

Objective: You will identify good teaching and learning strategies. You will note teaching strategies that your peer
used that you consider very useful and you would want to use. This strategy can deal with the use of materials
and technology, the review of prior learning, the motivation of the children, the presentation of the materials,
the appropriateness of the practice activities, classroom management strategies, timing strategies, reviewing
the lesson, general assessment of the learning. You should observe for 20 minutes.

Subject and level Science and math Date: 12-3-2018

Length of observation 40 min Number of students24
Your Name: Amina Peer’s Name: Sumaya
Teaching characteristic Comments
1. Organization She planned for the well for the lesson. She papered all the materials
Appropriate organization of content. Planning the before the lesson begin.
use of resources and materials. Teacher
preparation level.

2. Presentation Sumaya present a video which is a boy describing the material to make it
Clear introduction, continuity with other sessions easy for the students.
and students’ knowledge. Clarity of aims and She described the material and show them the real material and let them
touch it.
objectives. Clarity of presentation and
She gave them clear instructions with modeling about how to do the
organization. Appropriate pace and timing. activity.
Attempts to respond to student needs. Attitude to
students (manner, style). Summary and reference
to future work.

3. Teaching approach and aids Sumaya placed the students in different groups, and she put a leader for
Choice of teaching/learning approach and its each group, which is something very helpful. They have to look for
relevance to learner group. Methods used to different material in the classroom like big and small or rough and
smooth, then they have to put it in the hula hoop which is with the leader.
check/evaluate learning. Choice and use of
teaching activities. Effective use of question and
answer. Encouragement of student interaction.

4. Student response The students were excited and involve in the activity. All the students
Level of participation. Level of attention and were looking for the materials.
interest. General class atmosphere.

5. General observations The lesson is well prepared, good materials, good instruction and
modeling. She used physical style for the lesson which makes the
students very excited and happy.
Teaching characteristic Comments
6. Organization She organized for the lesson before the students came
Appropriate organization of content. Planning into the class. She put all the material in the tables
the use of resources and materials. before starting the lesson.
7. Presentation She shows the students how to mager a water bottle
Clear introduction, continuity with other sessions by using cupes, then she read a story about measuring.
and After that she introduce the centers, and how to use
students’ knowledge. Clarity of aims and the booklet and the materials in the table. She asked
objectives. one of the studbets to repate the instruction to make
Clarity of presentation and organization. sure they understand the instruction. She takes 15 min
Appropriate for the instruction.
8. Teachingpace and timing.
approach Attempts to
and aids The activity was creative, she sit up different material
Choice student needs. Attitude
approach to and
its to mager in each group and with different thing to
(manner, style).
relevance Summary
to learner group.and reference
Methods usedtoto mager with. She ask them to change the group so each
future work. learning. Choice and use of
check/evaluate students try different thing to meger with.
teaching activities. Effective use of question and
answer. Encouragement
9. Student response of student interaction. The students were listening to the instruction well, and
Level of participation. Level of attention and they was active with the teacher. Also, the students
interest. understand the activity and they were magering the
General class atmosphere. material they have, and they interesting in the activity.

10. General observations The lesson was great, well prepared material and good
classroom strategies. Each students had enough time to
mager the material. She was moving around to cheack
the students work and help them. Good timming for
the lesson.

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