Tos - Mapeh 2 - Q1

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Cabanatuan City

First Quarter –MAPEH 2
No. of
TOPIC Learning Competencies Code No. of Percentag Items Remembering Understanding Applying Analyzing Evaluating Creating Total Placement
Days e Items

1. Distinguishes aurally and usually Mu2R H- 1 9% 1 1 1 1

Sound and Silence
between sound and silence Ig-1
2. Relates visual images to sound Mu2R H- 1 9% 1 1 1 2
Sound and Silence and silence within a rhythmic pattern Ib-2
Rhythmic – the regular 3. Replicates a simple series of Mu2R H- 2 18% 1 1 1 3
recurrence of sounds rhythmic sounds Ib-3
4. Maintains steady beat when Mu2R H-lc- 1 9% 1 1 1 4
Different Time Meters by 2’s,
chanting, walking, tapping, clapping, 4
3’s, 4’s
and playing musical instruments
5. Clasp the written sticks notation Mu2R H-lc- 2 18% 1 1 1 5
Steady Beats to show steady beats 5
6. Creates simple ostinato pattern in Mu2R H- 2 18% 1 1 1 6
Simple Rhythmic Pattern measures of 2’s, 3’s, and 4’s with ld-e-6
Writing Stick Notation 7. Writes stick notation on the board Mu2R H-lf- 2 19% 1 1 1 7
to represent the sound heard g-7
TOTAL 11 100% 7 2 2 1 1 1 7 1- 7

1. Identifies and appreciates the A2EL-la 1 9% 1 1 1 1 8
Lines and Colors different styles of Filipino artist when
they create portrait and still
life(different lines and colors)
2. Points out the contrast between A2EL-lb 1 9% 1 1 1 1 9
Drawing shapes and colors of different fruits
or plants and flowers in one’s work
and in the works of others
3. Composes the different fruits or A2EL-lc 1 9% 1 1 1 10
Shapes, Colors plants to show overlapping of
shapes and the contrast of colors
and shapes in his colored drawing
Drawing 4. Draws from an actual still life A2EL-ld 1 9% 1 1 1 11
5. Portraits of persons to capture A2EL-le 2 18% 1 1 1 12
their likeness and character
6. Draw a portrait of two or more A2EL-lf 2 18% 1 1 1 13
persons - his friends, his family
showing the differences in the shape
Lines and Colors
of their facial features (shape of
eyes, nose, lips, head, and texture
of the hair)
7. Shows motion or action in the A2EL-lh-1 2 19% 1 1 1 14
Lines and Colors drawing of human bodies
8. Creates a imaginary landscape A2EL-lh-2 1 9% 1 1 1 15
on mold a dream of a story
TOTAL 11 100% 8 3 2 1 1 1 8 8- 15

Body Shapes 1. Describe body shapes and PE2BM-la- 1 8% 1 1 1 16
actions b.1
2. Demonstrate body shapes and PE2BM-lc- 1 8% 1 1 1 17
actions d-15
3. Creates body shapes and actions PE2BM-le- 2 17% 1 1 1 18
Body Shapes
4. Demonstrate momentary skills on PE2BM-lg- 2 17% 1 1 1 19
Body Shapes symmetrical and asymmetrical h-16
shapes using body parts other than
both feet os a base of support
Body Actions 5. Demonstrate movement skills in PE2MS-la- 2 17% 1 1 1 20
response to sound and music h-1
Body Actions 6. Exhibits correct body posture PE2PF-la- 2 17% 1 1 1 21
Body Actions 7. Assesses body posture PE2PF-la- 2 16% 1 1 1 22
TOTAL TOTAL 12 100% 7 2 2 1 1 1 7 16- 22

1. States that children have the H2N –la-5 1 9% 1 1 23

Healthy Food and the Body right to nutrition (Right of the child to
nutrition Article 24 of the UN Rights
of the Child)
Healthy Food and the Body 2. Discusses the importance of H2N –lb-6 3 27% 2 2 24-25
eating a balanced meal
Guide in Eating Balanced 3. Discusses the important H2N –lcd-7 3 27% 2 1 1 26-27
Diet functions of food
Guide in Eating Balanced 4. Describes what constitutes a H2N –le-8 1 9% 1 1 28
Diet balanced diet
Guide in Eating Balanced 5. Consider Food Pyramid and Food H2N –lf-h- 1 9% 1 1 29
Diet Plate in making food choices 9
6. Displays food decision- making H2N –li-j- 2 19% 1 1 30
Guide in Eating Balanced
skills in choosing the right kinds of 10
food to eat
TOTAL 11 100% 8 3 2 1 1 1 23- 30

GRAND TOTAL 45 100% 30 10 8 4 4 4 30 1 - 30

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