K Gopinadth

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M.Tech Student, 2,3Assistant Professor
Department of Mechanical Engineering

ABSTRACT When this idea made its way to Europe, new

Drilling and blasting activities are needed in open cast technologies were brought into play as well. Then, in
mining in order to recover ore or coal while also the late middle period and the beginning of the modern
freeing the strata. Drilling and blasting activities are age, the development of dynamite accelerated the
linked to a variety of issues, including the creation of speed of mining.
dust, the evolution of hazardous gases, ground The usage of ammonium nitrate and many other
vibrations, crack development, and noise production. explosives has miraculously boosted the amount of
As a consequence, these operations aren't seen as food produced these days.
environmentally beneficial. As a result, we're looking
for a blast-free mining technique. These procedures However, the correct use of drilling patterns and the
are also excessively expensive since they need a lot of positioning of holes with the appropriate quantity of
equipment and labour. To save the environment, blast- explosives ensures the effectiveness of rock breaking.
free mining is the era's need. Ripper dozer has been The development of different blasting and drilling
identified as a potential option as a consequence of methods was also linked with the advancement of
different types of investigations and research. Ripper transportation and loading procedures, which allowed
is mostly used for the removal of overburden. It not for greater production rates to be achieved. With such
only lowers the number of machines on the job, but it a change in technology, we can see open cast mining
also provides a more effective solution to the techniques being used to mine to greater depths in the
difficulties that drilling and blasting operations may near future, allowing for deeper mining. As a
cause. As a consequence, thorough rippability consequence, we can see that open cast mining
measurement of the stratum with the current accounts for 70% of the overall mining output in the
equipment to be installed must be done correctly globe. It is necessary to conduct drilling and blast
before installing any ripper or dozer. The rippability of operations during the open cast method of ore mining
rocks is influenced by a number of factors. The in order to achieve a high level of output. However, it
relationship between ripper restrictions and is well recognised that these activities have a variety
productivity is investigated. Rippers are used in mines of adverse impacts on the environment. As a result, in
to account for all of these limitations. today's environmentally aware society, there is a need
for alternative technologies for explosion-free,
1. INTRODUCTION environmentally friendly, and environmentally
LAYOUT: friendly mining. The combination of a ripper and a
dozer may provide a powerful and appropriate
It has been discovered via different studies and response to today's needs. It not only minimises the
investigations that mining activities date back negative impact on the environment, but it also lowers
thousands of years. Back in history, the Romans used the cost of manufacturing by reducing the mining
hydraulic mining to fracture rocks, but it really took activities.
off when the Chinese developed black powder as an
explosive during the mediaeval era, and the rest is

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Objective: prompted the development of solutions such as the

ripper-dozer combo. It not only helps to decrease air,
The only purpose of this research is to examine the
noise, and dust pollution, but it also helps to eliminate
usability and performance of a ripper-dozer
ground vibration, which is a significant danger to the
combination in coal and metal opencast mines, as well
preservation of surface characteristics. Due to the
as to propose some contemporary advancements.
advancements in science and technology, the usage of
Research Approach: high-capacity rippers with high power has made it
feasible to utilise them as an alternative to traditional
I. In order to identify the different limitations and their drilling and blasting methods. Due to the fact that it
impact on the performance of the ripper-dozer employs the same method that ancient people
combination, a significant quantity of literature employed for plough pulled by oxen in order to
research has been conducted, as shown in Figure 1. cultivate crops, we may date the invention of rippers
to about 312 B.C. As time progressed, many
II. C++ applications are implemented in order to save
advancements were achieved, and now we can see that
computation time and update the research method.
we have rippers that can lift up to 1000 tonnes and
III. A comparison of the many Ripper dozers now operate on a tractor with a horsepower of 1000
available on the market, as well as their specifications, horsepower.
has been given.
Advantages of ripping operation:
IV. Two distinct case studies have been carried out in
An increase in both output and productivity is
order to investigate the performance and application of
achieved when we utilise the ripper-dozer combo since
the ripper dozer in question. In this study, case studies
the job is never stopped. There is no need for drilling
from the Panchpatmali mines (bauxite), the National
holes, charging the holes, and then conducting blasting
Aluminium and Limestone Corporation of India, the
operations thereafter. In contrast to this, the tearing
Damanjodi and Talabira coal OCP, and HINDALCO
process continues unbroken. As a consequence, the
were examined.
amount of idle time at work is reduced. There is no
V. This thesis also includes a discussion of recent requirement for the moving of equipment that is
technological. needed in the blasting process to occur. As a result, as
the amount of time spent working rises, so does the
2. LITERATURE REVIEW amount of output and productivity. Extraction of Rock
Contextual: with the Required Size: The size of the rock removed
during a blasting operation may vary greatly, ranging
The ripping-dozer combo first appeared in the late from boulder size to a few millimetres in size. On the
1950s. Previously, it was primarily used for the other hand, by selecting the appropriate size of the
removal of overburden. However, because to ripping machine, we may get the required size of rock
advancements in its structural design, it is currently in the quarry.
being used for the extraction of ores as well. A
bulldozer's ripper is used to cut, break, or remove rock Lowered power: As a result of the decrease in the
with the assistance of tynes that are connected to the number of machines, the amount of power needed to
rear side of the machine. The Tyne is dropped into the operate them is also reduced.
rock or soil to be removed, and after it has penetrated Profitable: Because ripping requires a less quantity of
deep into the strata, the bulldozer is pushed ahead in equipment, the cost is cheaper because there are no
order to take the dirt or rock from the ground. It costs associated with operation, labour, or machine
operates in the same manner as a plough in terms of maintenance.
technique. Ripping operations are often preferred over
drilling and blasting operations for relatively soft The different kinds of Rippers available: (P. K Panda
rocks because they are less disruptive. The increasing and S. K Misra , 1989)
global concern over the preservation of ecosystems, as
well as the execution of different regulations, has

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The following are the many types of rippers and dozers In order to choose the most suitable ripper, we must
available on the market, which are categorised first determine the rippability of the rock being
according to their working methodology: worked. Various studies have determined that the
rippability of rock is dependent on a variety of
Hinge Kind Of Ripper Parallelogram Kind Of Ripper
variables. In the table below, it has been shown which
Adjustable Parallelogram Kind Of Ripper Adjustable researcher is responsible for whatever parameter in the
Radial Kind Of Ripper study

Calculation for rippability of a rock

Table 2.1: Distinct researchers take into account a variety of different factors.

The following are the factors that influence the • Moisture content is present:
rippability of rock:
• Grain size: the larger the grain size, the better it is
• Ripping type: Sedimentary rocks are simple to for tearing.
tear, while igneous and metamorphic rocks are
• Combination of several types of rock.
more challenging.
• Energy that is specific.
• Rock fragility and crystalline structure.
• Compressive strength, tensile strength, shear
• Fracture plane that is well-known.
strength, and other physical characteristics of stratum

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Fig.2.2: Types of rock extraction based on stratum conditions.

Table 2.2: Extent of ripping, taking different features into consideration (Rock excavation techniques, MnE-415 notes,
university of Arizuana mining and geological engineering.)

Fig.2.6: Relationship for seismic velocity and ripping conditions to ripping (Basis: Caterpillar, 2008).

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Table 3.1 shows the specifications of several ripper dozers available in India from various manufacturers.

Ripping is influenced by a variety of variables, however there is a connection between the quantity of production and
the ease of ripping, as seen below:

Table 3.2: Relationship between ease of ripping and production ( by Fiona MacGregor)

4. FIELD STUDY 1: PACHPATMALI BAUXITE million tonnes of overburden. Rippers of a large size
MINES, N.A.L.C.O have been used as an alternative to drilling and
blasting. The deposits discovered here are
4.1. Introduction:
Precambrian in age. Hard ferruginous laterite with a
National Aluminum Company Limited (N.A.L.C.O) thickness ranging from 0 to 3.5 m makes up the
manages the Panchpatmali bauxite mine, which overburden, which is followed by a layer with a
produces 4.8 million tones of bauxite ore and 1.6 thickness ranging from 10 to 35 m and an average

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thickness of 14 m. According to NGRI Hyderabad's rock formations. After blasting or tearing the OB, the
study of seismic wave velocity of various formations, mineralized top is cleaned with a wheel loader and
it varies from 1100 m/s to 2600 m/s, with more than dozer. With the assistance of a loader, the overburden
80% of deposits falling within the 1100 -1300 m/s is subsequently placed into a 50/55 tonne dumper. It is
velocity range and 15% falling between the 1300 to then transported to a location where overburden is
2600 m/s velocity range and above. needed for reclamation.

It demonstrates the deposit's suitability for efficient Bauxite excavation: Bauxite mining is now done in
and cost-effective production ripping, and it allowed two stages: top bench mining and bottom bauxite
the engineers to choose suitable equipment for the mining. Drilling and blasting are used to dig the upper
different sizes of rocks from among the current benches, which have an average height of 8 metres and
rippers. drill holes that are 150 mm in diameter and bored by
DTH drills. To loosen the ore, it is charged with indo–
The main mineral constituents of Khondalites and
boost, indo–gel, and blasted. The 8.7 m3 wheel loader
Chanockite rocks include granet, sillimanite
loads the blasted material into 50/55 tonne dumpers,
Corundum feldspar quartz, and also opaque ore
which transport it to the crusher. For entire bauxite
minerals limonite and graphite.
extraction, the final bench of bauxite is selectively
Slopes of less than 10%, although steeper across 2/5 mined using a back hoe. Bauxite ore is crushed using
of the deposit, and a highly uneven contact between a double roll toothed crusher until it reaches a size of
ore and bottom provide little relief. 150 mm, after which it is transported. It is transported
to a recycling facility by a 14.6-kilometer-long belt
Mining techniques conveyor.
Mining is carried out in three stages at the same time: Reclamation of the removed area: Reclamation is
carried out at the same time as the chosen mining
Excavation of overburden: Overburden is mined in
technique, trench mining. When the bauxite extraction
two phases and is made up of top soil and laterite. Top
is finished, the land is cleared for backfilling with
soil is dug and transported ahead of laterite, then stored
overburden, which consists of rich soil and laterite that
separately for use in reclaimed area plantations. The
was previously mined. Laterite is delivered to the
whole quantity of laterite extracted is just on one
lowest level, with a thin layer of soil remaining on top
bench above bauxite, with a lead of 75 metres.
for planting operations. In the reclaimed area,
Because there is less overburden than ore and the rock
reservoirs and sumps are built to collect water and
is relatively soft, it may be broken by tearing. Ripping
avoid land deterioration due to soil erosion.
is linked to blasting, which is used to create tougher

Fig 4.1.Technique for reclamation of mined area of the mine

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Table 4.1.2: I.I.T Kharagpur is researching the physico-mechanical characteristics of laterite and bauxite.

This test revealed that the ore from Panchpatmali mine is very susceptible to tearing

Figure 4.1.2 Komatsu D-475 working the mine

All specs for all rippers and dozers may be found in the table of specifications.

On the basis of cost, drilling and blasting are compared to tearing.

Cost of drilling and blasting per tonne extracted

The average drilling operation per day is 560 metres.

So, because we had two working shifts of 280m each, we used three drilling machines and three operators to operate
them, and the actual working hour in a shift was four hours, interest for one drill machine was Rs. 4417.8469,
depreciation cost of machine was Rs. 6126.25, and rear and management expenditures were Rs. 5416.667.

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Table 4.1.3 Calculation for expenditure for drilling per MT

5. RECENT DEVELOPMENTS IN THE FIELD • Maximization of the use of the machine.

• Improved overall visibility for the operator.
5.1 Remote operation of ripper and dozer: (Remote
• Improved working conditions for the operator in
control technologies Pv.t Ltd, Australia)
terms of ergonomics.
Remote Control Technologies is the sole company
In between manufacturing cycles, there is less idle
responsible for the remotization of the ripper and the
dozer. This firm developed several models for
Caterpillar, including the D5N, D8T, D9H, D10, The ability to maintain tighter control over key
D10N, D10R, D11N, D11R Series 1, 2, and 3, as well machine tolerances.
as the KOMATSU D475, D572-A2, D575A, D575A-
3, and the D275AX. When RCT installed the first • It is possible to do dangerous machine operations in
remote control system for a CAT D11NinPNG dozer a safe manner.
in 1989, it was a world first. RCT was the first
5.2 Mine APS Dozer
company in the world to remotely operate a CAT D8T
dozer in 2006. It serves as a model for the successful use of
contemporary technologies. It is a GPS+GLONASS
5.1.1 The following are some of the benefits of using
appliance monitoring solution for dozers, which
a remote control:
allows for faster, safer, and more productive operation
• Prevents repeated stress injuries from occurring. while reducing costs. Excellent accuracies A

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GPS+GLONASS surveillance system enables for • Decrease the amount of rework caused by over- or
precise dozing planning without the necessity for undercutting or underfilling.
rechecking or correcting.
• Significantly decrease reliance on survey and grade-
5.2.1 Features: checking data collection.

• Represent the machine location in 3D accurately in • Machine-based production reporting eliminates

comparison with the CAD model. human error and increases the timeliness and quality
of management information over time.
Compact and versatile GPS+GLONASS receivers to
balance investments and application requirements. • 6. CONCLUSION
Open system technologies such as Microsoft
• As a result of the widespread use of reformed
Windows, SQL, XML, NMEA, and Share point
technology, ripping has risen in importance relative to
services are available.
drilling and blasting as a primary activity.
• Operator interface with a touch screen that is simple
• Its major drawback is that it is not suitable for use on
to use.
very hard rocks. As a result, it may be linked with
• The operator has the option of working on the design drilling and blasting in order to provide a more
surface or on offsets. satisfactory answer.

• Allow for several user selected surfaces to be • Based on the above results, we may infer that it is a
included inside a single file. cost-effective, safe, and economical operation.

• Diagnostics of the onboard system. • It has the potential to be used as a blast-free mining
The use of fixed hazard and mobile equipment
proximity alerts is recommended. • Because ripping has no negative impact on the
environment, we can preserve the ecosystem as well
• Optional ripper sensor is available.
as animal habitats by using it.
• An optional blade guiding sensor is available.
In addition, since the retrieved ores or overburden are
• Communication interface that is open to all homogeneous in size, there is no need for additional
communication systems, including 3G cellular, operations such as secondary blasting.
802.11x wireless, mesh, and others.
• The development of methods and equipment has the
• Off-board and on-board production reporting options potential to provide a final solution for drilling and
by machine, area, group, or operator, including: blasting operations.
volumes, push lengths, cycles, re handle, idle vs. push
vs. ripping, delays, export DTM of ‘as constructed'
surface, and a variety of other parameters. i. Amin Mohd For Mohd ; Huei Chan Sook ; Zuhairi
Abd. Hamid; Mohd Khairolden ndGhani.“Rippability
assessment of rock based on specific energy and
• It is feasible to mine selectively, which will result in production rate”,construction industry research
higher quality ore. achievement international conference (CIRAIC 2009).
Pp-3- 5.
• Fixed danger and proximity alerts have been
implemented to increase safety. ii. Panda P.K ; Misra S.K. “Ripping an aid to primary
mining system a N.A.L.C.O rdexperience”, 3 national
• Increased efficiency while also reducing mistakes. conference on surface mining, 1989.
• Produces outcomes in less time and with fewer

Vol 12, Issue4, 2021 www.jrmat.com Page No:298


iii. Samal Subhrakanta ; Dash Ashish ; Murthy xiv. Basarir H.; Karpuz C.; Tutluoglu L. (2008).
V.M.S.R ; Mohanty P.R. “ Ripping –an excavation “Specific energy based rippability classification
technique of future promise” , I.S.M Dhanbad. system for coal measure rock”, a journal on terra
iv. Basarir H.; Karpuz C.; Tutluoglu L. (2007). “A
fuzzy logic based rippability classification system”. xv. Prof.Mishra G.B, “Surface mining”,
Template journal. Bhubaneswar; Geo mine tech publications, first
edition, 2007, chapter 8-”excavation and loading”,
v. Basarir H.; Karpuz C.; Tutluoglu L. (2008).
page- 405-406.
“Specific energy based rippability classification
system for coal measure rock”, Journal of xvi. www.rct.net.au; Remote control solutions for
terramechanics. dozer applications. Remote control Technologies
Pvt.Ltd.,Kewdale Western Australia.
vi. Prof.Mishra G.B, “Surface mining”, Bhubaneswar;
Geominetech publications, first edition, 2007, chapter xvii.
8-”excavation and loading”, page- 405-406. http://www.civil.utm.my/staff/file/116/file/Rippabilit
vii. www.rct.net.au; Remote control solutions for
dozer applications, Remote control
TechnologiesPvt.Ltd.,Kewdale Western Australia.
y%20Assessment%20of%20Rock xix.
ix. 5D.pdf.
xx. http://www.ethesis.nitrkl.ac.in

x. Amin Mohd For Mohd ; Huei Chan Sook ; Zuhairi

Abd. Hamid; Mohd Khairolden nd Ghani.
“Rippability assessment of rock based on specific
energy and production rate”, 2 construction industry
research achievement international conference
(CIRAIC2009). Pg-3- 5.

xi. Panda P.K ; Misra S.K. “Ripping an aid to primary

mining system a NALCO rdexperience”, 3 national
conference on surface mining, 1989.

xii. Samal Subhrakanta; Dash Ashish; Murthy

V.M.S.R; Mohanty P.R. “Ripping –an excavation
technique of future promise”, ISM Dhanbad.

xiii. Basarir H.; Karpuz C.; Tutluoglu L. (2007). “A

fuzzy logic based rippability classification system”.
Template journal.

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