Roles of A Husband The First Role of The Husband Is To Head or Lead His Marriage
Roles of A Husband The First Role of The Husband Is To Head or Lead His Marriage
Roles of A Husband The First Role of The Husband Is To Head or Lead His Marriage
God instituted marriage and sex guidelines for it because He is the God of order. In marriage both
husband and wife have different but crucial roles to play for the relationship to work. You need to
follow God’s Word to have a perfect recipe for marriage. Without His Word, you are playing a
game without knowing the rules of the game and you will suffer for lack of knowledge because God
does not put premium on ignorance.
Roles of a Husband
The first role of the husband is to head or lead his marriage.
God places the responsibility of marriage on the husband. You must therefore head your marriage
and oversee all matters of your home irrespective of your talent, age, wealth or education. God has
given a man greater strength and natural ability in leadership than a woman. He is less emotional
but gets emotional fulfilment as he provides, protects, organizes, directs, inspires and influences the
activities in marriage because he sees them as a sign of power, competence and achievements. The
survival of a marriage and each member of the family therefore depends upon the husband.
Provide security.
Security is a basic need of a woman because she is the weaker vessel. Protect your wife
emotionally, spiritually, physically and financially. Emotional security ensures that your wife is safe
to share her feelings without arguments and interruptions from you. A woman loves to talk. If your
wife does not want to talk, it simply means she does not feel safe or you do not care about her.
Accept her weakness and imperfections. Be accessible to her always. Let her know how to reach
you. Call often. Send notes or text just to say she is dear to you and you love her only.
Defend your wife from the attack of outsiders, including friends, in-laws, neighbours and children.
Certain secrets must be kept between only the two of you. If you treat your wife with respect, love
and consideration, others including your children, will respect her.
Provide your wife with her basic needs like food, clothing, a safe place to live, a home where she
can feel comfortable and raise a family. Buy her things she consider necessary. Give her money
regularly to spend the way she wants to and help her stay out of debt.
Appreciate her physical limitations and protect her against overwork. Help her in household
activities and childcare to help ease the burden on her. A wife feel loved and cherished when if her
husband takes even small steps to assist her in domestic work.
The second role of a husband is to love his wife as his own body or as Christ loved the church
and gave Himself up for it.
You must love your wife because every aspect of a woman’s existence is dependent on the love she
receives from her husband. A wife’s greatest need is the emotional connection with her husband. If
a wife is not loved by her husband, her work output, social balance and everything about her falls
with it. You must therefore make every effort to love your wife. He who loves his wife also loves
Be kind.
Show spoken kindness by sharing words of motivation, support, encouragement and appreciation to
your wife. Tell her often that she holds the first place in your life. Let her know you value her
opinions. Speak romantic words like ‘I love you’, and ‘You have been so good to me’. These
simple sentences magnify several times in her mind and always touch her heart.
Be interested and curious about what she desires and enjoys. Listen to her with your eyes, ears,
body language and heart. You may not understand everything she says but show respect and
empathy. Let what matters to her matter to you even if you see them unimportant. Appreciate that
she has special needs. If she is troubled, accept the even though it may be trivial to you, it is a real
problem to her so you must support her. Let pleasing her be pleasing to you.
Give her gifts regularly without waiting for special occasions but do not focus on big things because
to a woman small things are as important as big things. It is thoughtful things you do for her that
Do not seek your own needs first but edify your wife.
Learn to sacrifice for your wife. Give up what you love and cope with what you detest if it makes
her better. Denying yourself to help your wife is true love because women, in particular, see help as
a sign of love and care. The greater the sacrifice you make, the greater your potential for a happy
Do not envy.
You should never be jealous of your wife. Do not force yourself to match her riches or liabilities.
Instead, let her know you are comfortable with what she has. Be proud of her achievements. Have
interest in everything she does. Remember you can only be a good husband if you are happy with
what you have. As long as you are both happy, there is no need to be jealous or feel threatened of
each other’s successes. The success of one is the success of the other.
A wife gives enormous service to her husband. You must therefore thank her for everything she
does for you even if you see it small or as her responsibility. Appreciation gives a woman a great
sense of emotional fulfilment. It makes her feel valued, cherished, and special. It assures her that
her efforts are acknowledged. Many good and new things come into your life if you appreciate your
wife, who is one flesh with you.
Chapter 6
Marriage can be compared to the black and white keys of a piano. You could play music using only
the white or black keys but it is only when both are combined that you get harmony in good music.
In the same way in marriage, both husband and wife have unique abilities and roles to play for an
enhanced married life.
Roles of a Wife
A wife’s first role is to accept the leadership of her husband and submit to him as a believer in
Submission is yielding obedience to an ordained authority to please God and obey His word. It goes
in hand with respect.
Submission involves a wife’s attitude as well as her actions. It is effective only when there is true
love. If you do not submit to your husband, you will find it difficult to submit to God. You must
therefore be obedient to your husband and allow him to assume his role as God commanded him.
A wife is an equal partner. Submission does not make you inferior to your husband. You remain
free in your personal conduct but it must harmonise with your marital roles. You may therefore, not
submit to your husband in everything, especially if it is unreasonable, contrary to your dignity,
harmful, immoral or sinful. This is because Christ is the supreme head and His commands take
precedence over a husband’s if they are in conflict.
Show him you need him and you are dependent on him.
You must accept your husband’s help and regularly ask him to assist you in areas that are within his
competence. Discuss your plans and seek his input because men do not like women who are
independent. If you do not acknowledge his effort, his desire to please, and provide for you is
threatened. If you are not happy, he may feel he is a failure and give up trying to meet your needs.
He may avoid you by staying at work longer or abandoning the marriage because it does not fulfil
his desire to protect and provide for you. A husband who refuses to provide more for his wife may
simply be saying he is not being appreciated or respected for what he does.
Make him feel he is a wonderful person and that you love him.
This boosts your husband’s ego. It also means you never attack his masculinity or boast of your
achievements. Never be intimidating, aggressive or show power. Romance dies in your marriage
when you are indifferent, neglect your husband’s authority, or argue needlessly.
Make time for your husband.
Make him the first priority ahead of your children, friends, extended family members and work.
Give him your full attention. Show interest in all he does and values, including his work, hobbies,
clothes, friends and social work. Listen to his day and share yours. A husband loves to see his wife
interested in what he does and be told how great he is. Encourage your partner when he wants to try
something new.
Learn basic information about your husband’s profession to keep up with him so that you can
understand his needs, talk about his progress and ask questions about his work. You can then have a
lot to about and enjoy an intelligent conversation.
Be attractive.
A man by nature is visually driven. He is greatly motivated on seeing a beautiful woman. When you
look good your husband feels good. Make every effort each day to take care of yourself to look and
attractive so that you can turn your husband on. Look your best by checking your make-up,
hairstyle, outfit and weight to honour your husband. Always let your husband be proud to introduce
you to his friends and relatives.
Be a good cook.
The way to your husband’s heart is through his stomach. Know your husband’s favourite dishes and
‘spoil’ him on all occasions. It is all good to introduce variety in your cooking to make up for your
man’s changing lifestyle. Cooking is an art and can always be improved. Read, seek advice and
attend courses on catering if possible.
A man will always need a woman and a woman will always need a man because a man and a
woman complement each other physically, mentally and spiritually. An African axiom (proverb)
states that a man is the head of a home but the woman is the heart. Both husband and wife are
therefore equally important partner who must play their roles well for their marriage to work. Serve
and honour God by what you do for each other in your marriage.
Ecclesiastes 4:9-12
Two are better than one, because they have a good reward for their toil.
For if they fall, one will lift up his fellow. But woe to him who is alone when he falls and has not
another to lift him up!
Again, if two lie together, they keep warm, but how can one keep warm alone?
And though a man might prevail against one who is alone, two will withstand him—a threefold cord
is not quickly broken.
Chapter 7
Communication in marriage means sharing feelings, ideas, concerns, likes, and dislikes such that
your spouse understands you. Through speaking, listening, observing, and acting you learn from
one another and support each other.
Every sound, action, event or motion in your marriage therefore has a meaning attached to it. Even
when you refuse to speak to your partner because you are angry, you are communicating because
you are sending a message. Spouses are therefore communicating all the time. Communication is
the BRAIN of all marriages. Effective communication is therefore the most important tool and the
Biggest Single Factor that Determines the kind of marriage you have. The quality of your
marriage can best be predicted by the effectiveness of communication between you and your
Model of Communication
Communication involves five basic components; Sender, Message, Medium or Channel,
Receiver and Feedback. The sender initiates the process to get his ideas across to a receiver. The
medium is what is used to express ideas. The feedback is the response the receiver returns to sender.
Model of Communication
Message Medium
Sender Reciever
Medium Message
The medium of the sender and the receiver may differ. If any of the five components is absent or
ineffective, there is no effective communication. The model also means that one person does not
control communication and as such cannot be blamed or rewarded fully for the outcome of
There are two media, channels or types of communication. These are verbal and non-verbal
Verbal Communication
Verbal communication refers to what comes out of your mouth to depict you feelings, ideas,
concerns, likes and dislikes. It includes face-to-face conversation, telephone, cassette and video.
You may also sing, cry, talk, groan and give simple or extended sounds of happiness, despair or
Effective verbal communication
Communication is effective when what you speak or do is understood by your spouse in the way
you intended. Your body language, actions and words are accepted by your spouse exactly as they
are spoken or done. There are three elements in effective verbal communication. These are talking,
listening and understanding.
It enables you and your spouse to share information, learn more about each other, and hence build
your marriage.
Love yourself and know yourself. You are a child of God and His spirit lives in you. It is therefore
important you always earn the respect, trust and understanding of your spouse through your words.
Fill your heart with good things. Speak to uphold and accomplish positive things in your marriage.
Know the likes and dislikes, strengths and weaknesses of your spouse. These include his or her
personally, gender, age, and faith. It is also important you appreciate the differences between men
and women.
Choose the right time and place to communicate. Some topics must never be discussed in the
presence of family members, friends and children. Serious issues could be discussed early in the
morning or at dawn when the senses are most alert.
Have a clear picture of your message. Organize your ideas and facts. Encode your message by
translating it into what can be sent to give meaning. Your words must be concise, complete, clear
and courteous. They must also be true, profitable, relevant to your spouse and appropriate to the
situation. Season your message with your spouse’s most important emotional need. A woman must
use words of respect and a man must use words of affection.
Be aware of what your body is saying. When you talk, your whole body also talks. Your body
language speaks volumes of what is on your mind. Often, your body language may show you do not
want to talk or that you are not interested in what your spouse may be saying to you.
Listening refers to the process of receiving and processing your spouse’s message. It is an active
participation that involves the whole body, ears, eyes, body language and heart. Active listening
helps you check the accuracy of what your spouse says or means. It also motivates him or her to
express his or her feelings. Listening is therefore a sign of acceptance, kindness, maturity, love and
unity. It is one of the greatest gifts you can give to your spouse. A good listener is therefore a good
The primary task of a good listener is to stay out of the speaker’s way. The best way to listen to
your spouse is to stop whatever you are doing and focus on him or her attentively just as the eyes of
God are towards the righteous and His ears open to their cry. View your spouse as an equal partner
and listen with an open mind.
Listening also means you are not going to think about what you are going to say when your spouse
stops talking. Learn to be silent because silence is great. It gives you time to think about what you
Listen to the tone of voice, body language and the feeling that lie beneath the words. This helps you
see things from your spouse’s perspective. Never assume you know what your spouse is saying.
Provide appropriate non-verbal feedback like a nod, smile and frown occasionally to show you hear,
accept and understand what is being said. Verbally connect with words like ‘yes’ or ‘ok’. Put your
spouse at ease.
Ask questions to seek clarification. You may ask a question at a point to check the accuracy of what
your spouse said. You must however avoid using a question to divert the conversation from hour
spouse’s subject matter. You must be able to repeat the key things of what your spouse said.
Accept your spouse’s feelings and what is being said even when you disagree. Good body language
tells your spouse you are listening carefully and it encourages him or her to go on. A smile or
posture of leaning slightly towards your lover indicates interest and anticipation.
Barriers to effective verbal communication
You and your spouse may understand communication differently. Spouses usually send and
interpret messages based on age, sex, background and education. What you say, what your spouse
thinks he or she hears and what you think your spouse said about what you said is possible barriers
to effective communication. Spouses make faulty encoding and decoding which lead to faulty
translation of messages.
Non-verbal communication
In non-verbal communication you exchange information using non-spoken medium like physical
objects, written words, symbols, vocal intonation, signs, withdrawal or silence, pace and space.
Others include perfume, dressing and body language which includes gests (the way you sit, lean,
hold and move your body), facial expression (anger, sadness, disgust or happiness), touch (like
finger pressure and grasp), voce tone, volume, pitch, speed and rhythm of speech, breathing tempo
and timing, which shows your ability to listen.
You can also use cultural behavior to communicate non-verbally. For example, common non-verbal
communication includes nodding of the head (agreement), shaking of head from side to side
(disagreement), looking at someone from head to toe (disgust at the person) and hugging
(expression of welcome or affection, comfort or acceptance).
while your partner is doing ordinary tasks like preparing a meal or reading a book communicates
loving messages that speak more than words can.
Go out often.
Take a walk while talking because it generates warmth and refreshes your marriage. Talk of
something informative or just anything from events of the day, humor and anything you see on the
way. You may go to the beach, botanical gardens and other new places.
Go window-shopping.
Go everywhere you love to go. Getting away from town for a couple of days for retreat or visit
occasionally will renew and enrich your marriage. Join your partner in social activities like a party
at his or workplace and church. Sit close to each other as often as possible. Make your partner feel
special before friends.
often to express your love and help your spouse to understand you better as you share your feelings,
needs and ideas so that your marriage grows deeper. You may add humour with a sketch or two to
show the symbolic elements in your message.
Share the same room and as much as possible, go to bed at the same time.
Sleep close to each other and make love often. Sex is the deepest form of communication. It
conjures up images of action, care, mutual affection, support and companionship. Communication
is learnt and like art, you must invest time and improve upon it because it is the most effective way
to nurture your marriage. Always find specific expressions that result in a feeling of closeness,
passion and intimacy so that you win your lover’s heart, soul and mind. Let effective
communication be the brain of your marriage as you use it to bless yourself, your marriage and
Conflict in marriage is an open disagreement, opposition or interest, ideas, or will between couples.
It may be physical, verbal, mental, emotional, sexual or social, but the commonest conflicts couples
experience is verbal, usually referred to as ‘fight’.
Conflict is part of life and therefore part of all marriages. It is impossible for a husband and wife to
live together without conflict. The fact that you see conflicts in your marriage therefore does not
mean there is something wrong with you or your spouse. You are only being human. Even great
men of God like Jacob, Isaac, Hosea, David (whom God described as a man after His heart) and
even Abraham (whom God described as a friend) had marital problems. No wonder, St. Jerome
says, ‘No trouble, no marriage.’
Interpersonal factor.
Marriage is new ways of life. You have a unique identity and independence. In marriage, you also
have couple identity and interdependence. The two identities grow simultaneously but often in
opposite directions. You need to think and care for yourself as well as your spouse. The inability to
find a balance between these two identities is a source of conflict in marriage. Therefore, no matter
how mature, loyal and loving you and your spouse are, you will have conflicts as you try to
harmonise and achieve the same goals.
External factors.
No marriage is an island. In-laws, friends, children, house helps and work may create conflicts in
marriage. Any changes in the family system like the birth of a baby, death of a family member, the
first child going to school, children leaving home for school, sick or ageing parents, loss or change
of job and relocation may also cause marital conflicts.
Some signs of conflicts
Some spouses develop behaviours like constant anger, isolation, timidation, unrealistic demands
and unwillingness to listen or show care and love. Partners in conflict may also be silent, show
envy, bitterness, control and revenge. Some cheat while some men in conflict refuse to eat home.
Some neglect their marital responsibilities andmay use denial of sex as weapon. Some make their
spouses feel unimportant and say things to upset them. There are also cases where some spouses
attempt to instill few behaviours so the other spouses loses his or her identity. A husband may
prevent his wife from going to church and other social meetings. Some harm their spouses
physically or destroy their properties.
Significance of conflicts
Conflicts are neither good nor bad. They are neutral and change agents that initiate adaptation and
change. They are important because they offer …………. A choice to either build or destroy your
marriage. How you respond to conflicts determines the success of failure of your marriage.
At the spiritual level, conflicts are tests of your love, humility, faithfulness, loyalty, maturity and
self-control. See conflicts as God speaking to you. His plan is to teach you tolerance, humility and
perseverance. Conflicts may also be Satan’s plan to deceive you and destroy your marriage.
A well-handled conflict gives you a better understanding of your spouse and issues in your
marriage. Communication is therefore improved as you become more sensitive to the feelings of
your spouse. You become more mature as you handle conflicts positively. Conflicts handles
effectively therefore lead to outcomes that are productive and enhance your marriage.
On the other hand, poorly handled conflicts between your spouse and you negatively affect your
mental, physical and spiritual health. They may disrupt your goals and lead to resentment,
insecurity, diminished self-esteem, and separation of divorce. An unhappy marriage can increase
your chances of becoming sick and take years off your life.
Handling conflicts
Partners handle conflicts in many ways. Each approach may have its positive and negative sides.
How you handle a conflict is as important as the conflict itself. Knowing how to handle conflicts
well is the single most important indicating of whether your marriage will survive or not.
Withdrawal or separation for a short time, may give you time to avoid a bad situation and find
solutions to a problem; however, withdrawal for a long time may damage the closeness with your
spouse while the problem grows. The cause of the conflict may grow bigger and lead to other
problems. Withdrawal is therefore a very risky approach to handle conflicts.
Escalation or Revenge
You pattern your behavior after your spouse and fight back whatever offences your spouse
commits. You fight for personal gain only to increase the rate of intensity as each spouse tries to
undo the other and gain control of the situation.
Revenge initially makes you feel powerful, justified and is satisfying as you see yourself winning
and your spouse loosing but it soon leads to disappointment, shame and guilt. Revenge is never
sweet because it never heals. You never achieve a full sense of satisfaction you only hurt yourself
more than you hurt your spouse.
Revenge takes so much psychic energy that only God can handle it. Revenge then, is for the Lord, if
He chooses to. Never take revenge on your spouse because it is never a solution but a problem. It
prevents you from seeing the beauty of love in marriage.
Compromise or Negotiation
You give and take. You try to reach middle ground by giving in to some of your spouse’s demands
to get some of yours. Neither you nor your spouse, therefore, has to make all the sacrifices to give
in to all the wishes of the other. No one wins or loses.
A compromise is useful when an issue is not worth much effort like the menu for a family. It may
also be useful when a quick solution is needed. It may however not really solve a problem fully as
both partners merely accept a middle position of two alternatives. You may not be fully satisfied
because some values may be compromised on each side. A compromise may therefore not be a
lasting solution to a conflict.
You embrace the problem and spend quality time to work honestly through your differences to
mutually acceptable solutions. You and your spouse get a complete hearing and understanding of
your feelings, goals, and desires. You focus on solutions but not on problems. This is the best form
of handling conflict. Negotiation, however, requires a great deal of energy and a positive attitude of
a win-win solution.
Conflict resolution is more effective if planning has occurred. Identify and understand the root
cause of your conflict because half of the solution to any problem lies in defining the problem.
Define the areas of agreement and disagreement in the conflict. Be sure of your facts. See how your
actions or inactions have affected the issue. Keep it a private affair; do not run to family and friends
with your problems.
Choose an appropriate place and time when both of you are relaxed and ready to listen. The best
atmosphere is in the hall and the best time is in the morning. Pray a simple prayer asking God for
His help.
Accept an apology if you are the offended party.
How to Apologise
It is humbling but gratifying to ask your spouse to forgive you. Apology, however, does not come
easy. Some think their spouses will see an apology as a form of weakness. Some fear their apology
will be ignored. Some are scared of being the only person in the marriage who apologies. There are
also those who find it hard to apologise because they fear their spouses will expect an apology
anytime they are wrong.
Some couples are too proud, hurt or offended to confess when they have caused pain. No matter
your difficulties, if you ever hoped for a happy marriage learn to apologise from your heart.
Sometimes apologizing even when you are not guilty will make peace in your marriage. Talk to
God before talking to your spouse. Take the initiative.
Determine how best to deliver your apology. Apology is only useful if it is sincere, specific and
timely. It does no good to say ‘I am sorry’ if you are not. Do not let the sun go down on your
conflicts. The sooner you apologise, the better. Prepare what you want to say and how to say it. It is
best to offer the apology personally. It shows love and respect.
Be calm and give a brief account of the offences for both to know what to express. Acknowledge
the hurt or damage you have caused your spouse. Be specific regarding the reason for your apology.
Accept your wrongdoing without excuses and do not focus on what your spouse did. You are
responsible for what you do. This shows you understand you did hurt your spouse.
Express your regret clearly and concisely. Choose your words wisely and promise it will not happen
again. you may make a plan of action to ensure the situation does not arise again. forgive yourself.
If you do not, it becomes difficult for you to reach out to your spouse and God.
Ask for forgiveness for the exact reason why your spouse is hurt. Wait for answer. Do not rush.
Suggest doing something good for your offended spouse. You may send a gift with an apology
note. The most important way to show you are sorry is to ensure you do not repeat your wrong
Apology may however come in different forms. Some apologise by e-mail or phone calls. Some do
it through humour, gifts, invitation to a social activity and sex. This is very common of men who by
nature feel they are always right and find it difficult to say ‘I am sorry’. No matter how right you
are, give your spouse a face-saving way out of the conflict. Allow him or her to retreat with dignity.
Set an example by your good conduct.
How to Forgive
Forgiveness is letting go of the painful resentment that arises when your spouse hurts you. It is not
forgetting or condoning. It is not conditional or pretending the situation never happened. It also
does not mean your lover is going to change. Above all, it is not done for the sake of your spouse
who offends you. It is a decision to heal yourself.
Some spouses find it hard to forgive because they want to avoid repeating the past or condoning the
bad behavior of their spouses. Some also think anger will pressurize their spouses to change their
bad behavior.
It is a fact however, that when someone offends you, he or she takes so much emotional strength
from you and replaces it with insecurity, fear, anger resentment, jealousy, self-pity, pride and
bitterness. This predisposes you to physical, mental and spiritual injury.
If you refuse to forgive, you are acting like someone who keeps drinking poison and expects
someone else to die of it. You show you have no real interest in taking personal responsibility for
yourself, your spouse and your relationship with God. Pope john Paul II defines forgiveness as
restoration of freedom by oneself. You must therefore forgive your spouse indefinitely and
Think about what your spouse did that hurt you and acknowledge you are hurt. Express it freely.
You cannot forgive unless you admit you are hurt. Hate the offence but love your spouse.
God does not forgive those who do not forgive others. It is only when you learn to forgive that you
learn to love.
Appreciate your differences.
You have varied habits because you are male and female born in different homes under different
influences. Accepting your differences as positive and enriching is the hardest part in marriage, but
the most rewarding. It makes it easy to understand why you have conflicts. Always remember there
are no perfect people and therefore no perfect marriages.
Learn to deal with your won changes as an individual and accept the changes you see in your
spouse so that you can meet each other’s needs. Revise what can be improved, resolve what can be
settled and accept what you cannot do anything about.
Do not force or manipulate your spouse to change because it never works. Instead, focus on the
good qualities of your spouse and see him or her as your Marker’s greatest gift to you.
Be great friends.
The most important time to strive for companionship is when there is conflict in your marriage.
Time together builds friendship. You become richer when you make your spouse your best friend.
Show affection to one another on a regular basis. Show your love. Watching television and eating
together are some simple ways of building a sense of security and belonging at home.
Have fun times to share and remember, because all couples have funny stories about things they
did, said, heard or read that stick in their memory. If you are playful and sincere, funny stories bring
you together especially when the marriage needs a little lightening up.
your wife’s criticisms personally but instead allow her to express what is on her mind without any
negative response.
law relationships can therefore be an important indicator and the ultimate success of marriage
because happiness with in-law leads to marital success.
Early marriages.
When you marry at an early age, there is a greater likelihood that you may not have completed your
maturing process of separating from your parents. Therefore, the younger you marry, the more
likely they are to complain about in-law problems.
You do not develop a full sense of personal identity or maturity before you marry, you may look
back at parental ties to seek security, support and comfort from your parents. Failure to achieve
separation from your parents creates conflicts with your spouse because when you have become one
flesh with your spouse in marriage, he or she feels he or she is more important than your parents.
Female relationships.
Your children activate your early romantic memories. A husband sees his daughter through the eyes
of his early romance or as a ‘little wife’. This is the same for a woman and her son. A father is
therefore more closely attached to his daughter while a wife is closer to her son.
Most in-laws problems, however, are predominantly about female relationships especially a wife
and her husband’s mother or her sister-in-laws. One reason is that a while a man easily files away
his problems, a woman sees problems in detail and they grow in her mind. She also has difficulty
getting rid of them.
It is also known that a woman makes anything important to her an intimate part of herself. A
woman’s life, therefore, revolves around her son and she finds it hard to give him complete
autonomy. If she is single, divorced, widowed or in an unhappy marriage, she transfers her
emotional bond to her son and parents her adult son. The situation is worsened where the mother
does not approve of her son’s wife or where the son used to give excessive attention to his mother,
but has now reduced his visits or assistance to her.
For some mothers, the marriage of their children means taking second place because her
interactions with her son decreases while the son becomes more increasingly attached to his wife.
Some experience great trauma similar to divorce when their sons marry. The tension is compounded
where the young wife has problems with childbirth. The mother-in-law may demand a grandchild
even if it may not be the fault of the woman and the man is coping with the situation.
A woman remembers in detail the difficulties she goes through in childbirth and in raising her child.
She sees her son as a great investment. She has interest in him and expects rewards. He must always
help. She demands direct and uninterrupted access to her son and a wife may be seen as a threat to
the mother-son bond.
A wife is sometimes suspected by a mother-in-law of being a leech on her husband even when she
may be richer and footing the greater cost in running the home. Some mothers therefore use
blackmail, pressure, manipulation and even curses to keep their hold on their sons. Others show
great favoursitism by showing high preference of their children over their in-laws and build
disconnect relationships.
Unnecessary interference.
Some in-laws meddle unintentionally thinking they are demonstrating love and care when in fact
they do not allow the couple enough space to plan their family. When things go wrong in some
marriages, in-laws take over with threats, pressure and money. Some in-laws expect to be waited
upon unduly. They leave couples feeling controlled.
Insecure wives. A wife may feel insecure and inadequate as she compares herself with her
obviously more mature and experienced mother-in-law. She may resist the interference from her in-
laws and a rivalry may result. In Akan communities, it is common to hear some wives describe their
mother-in-laws as ‘ase korafo’, meaning one who doubles as a mother-in-law and a rival. Conflicts
become inevitable.
Some ways of handling in-law problems
Small gestures will build friendship.
Do not stay in the home of your in-laws.
Every marriage has the right to its home because no house is big enough for two families. This
means you should not stay in your parent’s house. Parents who provide for your needs may try to
control your marriage. No matter how you try to get along, you may get stressed and this can
damage your health. It is known for example that wives who stay with their in-laws are more likely
to develop heart blood pressure, heart diseases and diabetes.
Accept criticism from your mother in-law and never comfort her. Allow your man or a respected
person to handle your problems. If your in-laws say something delicate, your spouse must deal with
his or her family. Rehearse and plan what you are going to say. Be brief and show great respect. It
is also advisable that you handle issues as soon as possible. When you delay, there is the tendency
for your in-law to develop bitterness and resentment.
diplomatically from cooking for the family or disciplining the children. Decide what must be done
in your own home.
It is also advisable you do not complain or quarrel in the presence of your in-laws. It gives a
foothold for them to interfere in your marriage. They may see your marriage in a bad light even
when you can handle your problems.
say, think, and believe about you and your marriage can have a major influence on the kind of
lifestyle you lead. Their ideas may influence yours because as iron sharpens iron so a man sharpens
the countenance of friends.
or daughter as an opportunity to extend your family. You do not lose a son or daughter but you gain
a daughter or son. You build wider bonds and greater love.
They find it difficult to create close relationship and ask for advice on emotional issues. They see
sexual issues as deep personal information. Many men therefore do not exchange personal
information with their friends. They see it as a sign of weakness.
Friendship among men is mainly about sharing activities and discussing issues such as business,
politics and sports so that they can express that part of them they cannot fully share with women.
By channeling their competitive tendencies is playful ways, they are released from the feeling of
measuring themselves only by their work. Friendship among men is therefore an essential element
in their growth and development. Husbands must however have friends who promote their marriage
and development.