On Being A Man
On Being A Man
On Being A Man
Phone Calls should be 2-3 minutes maximum or 3-4 texts maximum before setting up a date. Give the
impression that you are busy.
Regarding checking your phone. You have an attachment to that special someone texting or calling at a
certain time you think it needs to happen. If it doesn’t happen as you expect it, you get upset. You
become fearful that they’re losing interest so then you get stuck in the ‘Illusion of action’ (doing
something that makes you feel you’re doing something to keep their attraction).
When a woman is confused or doesn’t know what the right thing to do is, this is indicative of how she is
feeling emotionally about you.
It is important when a woman is confused or unsure, give her the space and time to miss you so she can
figure it out on her own.
Worst thing a guy can do is call and text a woman trying to force her to give him some clarity about
where he stands with her. Doing that will make her go from confused to absolutely sure she won’t date
When she says she’s unsure about being together or not, it’s always good to ask “what do you mean>?”,
“what are you thinking?”, “what are your thoughts?”, to get her to talk and open up instead of assuming
one phrase means a certain thing
As a guy its always good to ask her for details so she tells you specifically and explicitly
We through a label on their vague statements and take action on that label. Always ask to explain what
does she mean by that?
Men don’t have to solve women’s problems of confusion, they solve it themselves by ‘talking through it’
When they are unsure, their attraction is low. Men must remain centered and give her the space needed
to build attraction
Can’t latch on to an emotion (I love you’s) and think they apply 6 months down the line. It only applies in
that moment. Is she still saying I love you or did she stop?
Motivation for an ex to come back is a resurgence in emotional attraction so they now find you
emotionally attractive again close to the same levels before they broke up with you or considerably
higher and it lasts long enough to get them over their desire for the breakup.
One person is thinking about the future, one is focused on having a good time
Be their secure base. Don’t outright tell them these things, but focus on them in terms of things you can
improve upon:
Ill be there for you on a daily basis, and I will trust you to be there for me.
I won’t ask you anxiety-based questions about where you’ve been and who you’ve been with
I will take the time to get to know you very well (curiosity is a great way). I will learn the areas where
you are strong, where you are anxious, the things that make you sad, and happy.
Think about others who you are competing with, are they offering that? When they start dating
someone knew, it looks great at first, but do they offer this kind of secure attachment? Most cases – NO.
When your ex attaches to their new person, they may not attach back.
I will get to know and take delight in your strengths and will never put you down and will never be
unhappy if you are successful and I am not. We are supposed to be a team. Be happy and be a part of
their success.
Help them and encourage them to be their best self. Don’t give up yourself or success for the
relationship. I will support you in your endeavors or trying new things, and even if you change your mind
about it.
I will check in with you often to see if there are areas we can work on. “Are you satisfied with this week?
How was the week for you? How do you feel like this is going? How are things between us? I thought
things are going pretty well, but I wanted to check with you”
“I never want there to be things that you’re afraid to tell me because I might get mad. I can’t promise
that I won’t be bothered by it, but I can promise to not withdraw from you.”
When your partner complains, see it as an opportunity to change and improve something.
“As she and I danced, we touched and played. I played hand games with her, twirled her, made funny
faces, and communicated with fake sign language. I held her, caressed her, and touched her hair. We
drew pictures on napkins for each other. When I put my arm around her and she leaned into me it spoke
more than 1,000 conversations. We moved and as that movement drove us closer physically, we came
together emotionally until they were one and the same and we came” – On her not speaking English and
him not speaking Spanish
“Making yourself vulnerable doesn’t just mean being willing to share your fears or insecurities. It can
mean putting yourself in a position were you can be rejected, saying a joke that may not be funny,
asserting an opinion that may offend others, introducing yourself to a group of people you don’t know,
telling a woman you like her and want to date her. All these things require you to stick your neck out on
the line emotionally in some way. You’re making yourself vulnerable by doing so.
In this way, vulnerability represents a form of power, a deep subtle form of power. It’s courageous even.
A man who’s able to make himself vulnerable by saying to the world “screw the repercussions, this is
who I am, and I refuse to be anyone else” is saying he is non-needy and high status”
Ultimately, what women want – what we all really want – is a strong, independent, non-needy partner
who fulfills us, who we can share ourselves with, and receive them in return”
“True honesty is only possible when it is unconditional. The truth is only the truth when it is given as a
gift – when nothing is expected in return”
“I give compliments only when I am honestly inspired to give them, and usually after already meeting a
woman and displaying to her that I am willing to disagree with her, willing to be rejected by her, and
willing to walk away from her if it gets to that point”
“When it comes to making yourself more vulnerable, the first step is often to begin establishing your
own boundaries. Learn how to say no to people, particularly women. Start having opinions on what you
like and don’t like, what you’ll tolerate and won’t tolerate. Be honest with yourself, painfully honest.
And then be painfully honest with her.”
“The percentage of women who are receptive to you will increase proportionally to the quality of your
lifestyle, your social status and your looks. The percentage of women that you’re able to move from
neutral to receptive will be proportional to how good your game is, or how well you’re able to
communicate and express yourself with women and your ability to sort through each type of woman
and meet as many as possible will be determined by how fearless and bold you are when it comes to
meeting women”
Being integrated means being able to accept all aspects of one’s self. An integrated male is able to
embrace everything that makes him uniquely male: his power, his assertiveness, his courage, and his
passion, as well as his imperfections, his mistakes, and his dark side.
He knows how to set boundaries and is not afraid to work through conflict