1 s2.0 S0148296323007373 Main
1 s2.0 S0148296323007373 Main
1 s2.0 S0148296323007373 Main
Keywords: Consumer online reviews are prolific, authentic, and real-time, providing potential business opportunities.
SWOT analysis Traditional SWOT analysis is highly subjective, lacks an effective focus on the core competitive advantages and
Online reviews disadvantages, and fails to act on the dynamic business environment. To address these issues, we propose an
Sentiment analysis
innovative methodology that utilizes hybrid text mining methods to conduct SWOT analysis using online re
Dynamic perspective
views. After first identifying the service attributes from the literature, we calculate attribute performance via
Core competitive advantages/disadvantages sentiment analysis. Second, guided by salience theory, factor importance is calculated based on the TF-IDF al
gorithm. Following the essential meaning of SWOT factors, we then construct the factor determination rules.
Finally, we model the changing trends of SWOT factors from a dynamic perspective, which can help managers
develop preventive strategies. Online reviews of five hotels crawled from Ctrip were applied to validate the
proposed method. The comparison with two state-of-the-art methods also demonstrated its effectiveness.
* Corresponding authors at: Institute of Systems Engineering, Dalian University of Technology, No. 2 Linggong Road, Dalian 116024, China.
E-mail addresses: [email protected] (J. Wu), [email protected] (N. Zhao), [email protected] (T. Yang).
Received 9 May 2022; Received in revised form 25 October 2023; Accepted 3 November 2023
Available online 20 November 2023
0148-2963/© 2023 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
J. Wu et al. Journal of Business Research 171 (2024) 114378
2023; Yang et al., 2023c), which reinforces the generalizability and in the determination of factors and usually descriptive in terms of high-
portability of SWOT analysis. Second, the low cost of acquiring such level perceptions (Hill & Westbrook, 1997), which can lead to biased
data (Tirunillai & Tellis, 2014) can help organizations reduce their and more subjective results (Smith, 2003).
reliance on traditional means (e.g., questionnaires and interviews) and Second, many studies lack the discussion of the importance of SWOT
minimize the accompanying costs. Third, the real-time nature of online factors, which leads to managers lacking the ability to focus on core
reviews (Tirunillai & Tellis, 2014; Wu et al., 2023) also facilitates the issues in the face of SWOT analysis results (Büyüközkan & Ilıcak, 2019;
prompt understanding of organizations regarding their competitive Coman & Ronen, 2009), especially in businesses with limited resources.
position and thus enables the timely adjustment of their strategic plan The goal of SWOT analysis is to leverage core advantages to maximize
ning and resource allocation. their value creation potential; thus the identification of the core issues to
Despite the above benefits, there are difficulties in conducting SWOT be analyzed needs to be made in an accurate and timely manner (Coman
analysis based on such user-generated content (UGC). Specifically, (1) & Ronen, 2009). For this reason, researchers have proposed various
how can the product attributes that are valued by consumers be objec methods to measure the importance of SWOT factors. For instance,
tively identified as different SWOT factors? Further, (2) how can UGC be Yüksel & Daǧdeviren (2007) integrated analytic network process into
used to assess the factor importance and thus identify the company’s SWOT construction, and a similar concept can also be found in Sevkli
core competitive advantages and disadvantages? Furthermore, (3) how et al.’s (2012) work. Moreover, many scholars have developed Analytic
can a dynamic SWOT construct be developed that captures the micro Hierarchy Process-based SWOT analysis to quantify factor importance
trends of different factors? Presumably, these challenges hinder the (Kangas et al., 2001; Lee & Lin, 2008). These studies typically determine
exploitation of business opportunities from UGC for SWOT analysis. the relative importance of different factors based on expert or manager
To overcome the difficulties and challenges discussed above, in this judgment; then factor importance is calculated through a constructed
study an innovative framework that uses mixed text mining methods comparison matrix. To some extent, such methods can help businesses
was proposed. Specifically, after identifying service attributes from the prioritize their core advantages and disadvantages; however, the ob
literature, attribute performance was calculated via sentiment analysis. tained priorities and weights of factors are mainly assessed by experts or
Then, based on salience theory (Oh, 2001), the TF-IDF algorithm was managers, and thus are inevitably subjective. In addition, such ap
adopted to measure attribute importance. Next, on the basis of the proaches do not consider factor importance from the perspective of the
essential connotation of SWOT itself, we propose elaborate rules for customer (Phadermrod et al., 2019), which is nearly the most important
SWOT factor identification, which addresses the first difficulty. Based on aspect of product development.
the measuring results of attribute importance, the importance ranking of Third, traditional SWOT does not bestow the capacity to respond to a
SWOT factors is determined, which further clarifies both the core changing environment in a timely manner (Koch, 2000; Vlados, 2019).
competitive advantages and disadvantages, and this overcomes the Typical SWOT analysis provides a snapshot view where product per
second difficulty. Finally, a dynamic SWOT construct with two di formance is simply measured statically, which is inconsistent with the
mensions is developed to model the evolutionary trajectory of the fac dynamics of a changing business world. Therefore, it has been suggested
tors, which tackles the third difficulty. To verify the effectiveness of the that SWOT analysis should be conducted from a dynamic perspective.
proposed method, we applied it to online hotel reviews crawled from For example, Vlados (2019) proposed a framework for analyzing the
Ctrip.com and compared the results with those obtained through two competitive situation by combining SWOT analysis with the concept of
state-of-the-art methods. To our knowledge, this is the first compre evolution in the strategic planning of contemporary organizations.
hensive study to address all of the abovementioned issues using online However, such studies tend to collect data through questionnaires or
reviews, which precisely shapes the uniqueness of this study. managerial interviews (Coman & Ronen, 2009), which require time-
consuming iterations to calibrate the SWOT factors.
2. Related works
2.2. Online review and text mining methods
According to the research objectives, in this section we deliver a
literature review of SWOT analysis, online reviews and text mining As Web 2.0 applications evolve, e-commerce platforms have begun
methods. to support communication interactions among their consumers. Online
reviews on these platforms are growing significantly (Bi et al., 2019c).
2.1. SWOT analysis Unlike traditional data collected through surveys/questionnaires, online
reviews spontaneously generated by consumers are more authentic and
Among competitive analytical tools, SWOT analysis is an effective massive (Yang et al., 2023c). More importantly, such data are easy to
tool for helping organizations understand their internal and external obtain, entail a low cost, and are timely, and they are easier for man
business environment by analyzing their resources across four areas, agers to monitor and manage than traditional data (Tirunillai & Tellis,
namely strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats, while assist 2014; Yang et al., 2023b). However, the confusion and diversity of such
ing with the formulation of strategic plans and decisions (Hill & West data make it challenging for organizations to integrate unstructured and
brook, 1997; Sevkli et al., 2012). Strengths and weaknesses are the massive data into the assessment of useful business opportunities.
internal factors that support and hinder an organization from achieving With the rapid development of information technology, natural
its mission, respectively. Opportunities and threats, on the other hand, language processing techniques, including text mining, have been pro
are external factors that enable or disable an organization to accomplish moted. Text mining, which is also known as text data mining or
its mission, respectively (Dyson, 2004). knowledge discovery in text databases, usually refers to the process of
Simplicity is the main advantage of SWOT analysis, which has led to extracting interesting and nontrivial patterns or knowledge from un
its extensive use in mainstream business and academia ever since it was structured text documents (Tan, 1999). Some commonly used text
first developed in the 1960s (Ghazinoory et al., 2011). In a survey mining techniques include sentiment analysis (Wu & Zhao, 2023) and
conducted by the Competitive Intelligence Foundation (Fehringer et al., feature extraction (Yang et al., 2023b). The purpose of sentiment anal
2006) among 520 competitive intelligence professionals, SWOT analysis ysis is to determine the sentiment tendency of a text by calculating its
was supported by 82.6% of the respondents and was identified as the sentiment score (Tan et al., 2020). Feature extraction entails the
second most commonly used strategic analysis tool in the business extraction of information from text, and this process can reduce the
world. dimensionality of the original data feature space to extract important
Despite its merits, however, SWOT has also been criticized for a information (Yang et al., 2023b).
number of problems. First, traditional SWOT analysis is very subjective The application of the above techniques can be found in many
J. Wu et al. Journal of Business Research 171 (2024) 114378
studies. For example, Fan et al. (2017) used a naive Bayesian to calculate performance between two competing companies. Overall, scholars have
the sentiment of online reviews while carrying out product sales pre made great efforts to improve SWOT analysis in recent decades, but the
diction, and the results showed a higher prediction accuracy than other newly proposed methods still face one or more of the problems
methods. Some scholars have also applied sentiment analysis to mentioned above.
competitiveness analysis (Jin et al., 2017; Liu et al., 2019). Among them,
Liu et al. (2019) effectively obtained product competitiveness informa 3. Methodology
tion by mining domain-specific sentiment from online reviews, and the
authors confirmed that their method better reflects the consumer This section is focused on developing a framework with mixed
perspective than traditional methods. In addition, there are also appli methods to bridge the gaps identified in the literature review, namely,
cations in product ranking (Bi et al., 2019a), satisfaction modeling (Bi the subjectivity of factor determination, the lack of focus on core
et al., 2019b), etc. This is sufficient to illustrate text mining as an competitive advantages and disadvantages, and the failure to adapt to
effective technique for extracting valuable business opportunities from a the dynamic business environment. As shown in Fig. 1, we first use
large number of online reviews. sentiment analysis to reveal attribute performance from online reviews.
In particular, a few scholars have begun to explore various ways of Then, to clarify the core competitive advantages and disadvantages, we
conducting SWOT construction or analysis through online review (or extract feature words from online reviews based on the TF-IDF algorithm
user-generated content, UGC) mining. For instance, aiming to improve (Yang et al., 2023b) and further calculate the importance of different
health care service quality during the COVID-19 pandemic, Shah et al. attributes. Next, we construct the factor determination rules based on
(2021) manually identified the SWOT factors of a targeted hospital after the connotation of SWOT factors and capture the changing trends of
mining salient topics and sentiments from online doctor reviews. Simi these factors from a dynamic perspective.
larly, there are several online review-based studies on SWOT analysis in
the literature (Mitra & Jenamani, 2020; Rajendran et al., 2022). Despite 3.1. Attribute performance calculation via sentiment analysis
their application of online reviews, these studies have primarily iden
tified SWOT factors manually and have not proposed quantitative rules To calculate product attribute performance, the reviews are first
for factor identification, which essentially left the subjective issues of divided into sentences, and then sentiment scores are calculated via
traditional SWOT analysis unaddressed. In contrast, Cheng et al. (2021) PaddlePaddle, which is an open-source natural language processing
proposed quantitative and clear rules for identifying SWOT factors by (NLP) tool provided by Baidu (Ma et al., 2019). Utilizing a massive
mining UGC, which to some extent reduces the subjectivity of SWOT Chinese corpus, this interface generates a high-dimensional word vector,
construction. However, this study still failed to discuss the process of and then develops various advanced sentiment analysis models based on
measuring the importance of SWOT factors to further help businesses deep learning algorithms such as Convolutional Neural Network and
clarify their core advantages/disadvantages; it also lacked the ability to Long Short-Term Memory. There are a large number of applications for
capture the evolutionary trajectory of the SWOT factors of businesses in PaddlePaddle in both industry and academia (Wu & Yang, 2023; Yang
a dynamic competitive environment. Besides, Cheng et al.’s (2021) et al., 2023c). Hence in this study, we adopt PaddlePaddle to calculate
method may not effectively enable the observation of subtle threats or the sentiment of the extracted sentences.
opportunities because it does not consider the specific differences in The sentiment score ranges from 0 to 1, with 0 indicating extremely
J. Wu et al. Journal of Business Research 171 (2024) 114378
poor and 1 indicating extremely good. To obtain attribute-level perfor through the consideration of semantic information in text, important
mance, a domain attribute lexicon including attributes and their related keywords can be extracted (Duari & Bhatnagar, 2019; Xiong et al.,
vocabulary needs to be constructed. Then the algorithm Jieba, which has 2021). For example, Xiong et al. (2021) developed Semantic Clustering
been shown to be effective in searching for the most likely combination TextRank (SCTR), which is a heavy clustering algorithm based on the
(e.g., the collocation of negative word + adjectives) based on word Bidirectional Encoder Representation from Transformers (BERT) model,
frequency, was used to segment sentences into words. After matching, to extract important feature words. Using these methods, feature/attri
sentences of different attributes are obtained. bute importance can also be further quantified. However, such deep
The pseudocode is shown in Fig. 2. According to the output of Al learning-based algorithms generally require massive computing re
gorithm 1, the performance of attribute j can be calculated by Equation sources (Yang et al., 2023c), as well as requiring human labor for
(1), where sentimentm is the sentiment score of sentence m of attribute j, annotation, which may prevent their use by small and medium-sized
and Nj is the sentence number of attribute j. To better understand the companies.
calculation of attribute performance, an example is illustrated in Web In our work, inspired by salience theory (Guido, 1998), which in
Appendix A. dicates that people are used to allocating their attention to areas of the
perceptual field where salient issues are considered, important attri
sentimentjm butes are considered those aspects that are prominent and frequently
Perfj = m=1 (1) mentioned. Moreover, this section is aimed at proposing a method for
Nj assessing attribute importance from a consumer group perspective with
broad contextual applicability and ease of use by other researchers/
3.2. TF-IDF-based attribute importance calculation managers. Among various methods of measuring attribute importance,
the TF-IDF algorithm may be suitable for our research context since it
Essentially, the SWOT factor importance measurement assesses can automatically filter out irrelevant words while extracting the salient
attribute importance. Cutting through customers’ perspectives, previous aspects that people value. Its low computational complexity (Wu &
studies typically obtained attribute importance by collecting surveys in Yuan, 2018) and unsupervised operation (i.e., no annotation data
which customers are asked to rate their feelings about different attri required) facilitate its use by researchers with different levels of
butes (Lai & Hitchcock, 2015; Phadermrod et al., 2019). Despite its knowledge, as well as by managers lacking significant computing re
simplicity, the process of designing, distributing, and collecting ques sources. Besides, as a statistical method based on word frequency and
tionnaires requires a large investment of human and financial resources, inverse document frequency, TF-IDF is highly interpretable (Zhao et al.,
and it may also face issues such as inflated ratings and biased sampling 2019) and can help researchers and practitioners understand the ante
(Chen et al., 2022). Moreover, extant studies have also proposed that cedents and effects of features (attributes).
J. Wu et al. Journal of Business Research 171 (2024) 114378
D thresholdc < 0), according to the connotation of the SWOT concept that
IDF(t, D) = log (4) “the weaknesses of competitor can become the opportunities of the
organisation” (Phadermrod et al., 2019), it is deemed an opportunity for
where DF(t) is the total number of documents in the corpus that contain the focal company if its performance outperforms that of the competing
at least one term. company (i.e., Perff > Perfc), since such a situation can create opportu
In conjunction with our work, we applied the algorithm TF-IDF to nities for the focal company to maintain or gain a competitive advantage
extract feature words and their TF-IDF values from online reviews after in the market; otherwise (i.e., Perff ≤ Perfc), it is a threat to the focal
completing word splitting, de-punctuation, and stop word removal. company because its “internal strength” attribute faces challenges from
Then, the feature words were matched with words in the attribute the competing company, and thus the focal company should improve
lexicon. Finally, according to Eq. (5), where Qj is the number of feature this attribute in a timely fashion to avoid possible losses. More rules can
words of attribute j, we accumulated the TF-IDF values to obtain the be found in Table 1.
attribute importance.
3.3.2. Dynamic SWOT construction
To capture changing trends, especially when they are subtle, SWOT
Impj = TFIDF jp (5)
analysis needs to be conducted from a dynamic perspective. Conse
quently, we first specify the time period T and divide the dataset into T
Focal Competitor
3.3. SWOT analysis subsets. Then, by calculating PerfTj , PerfTj , thresholdFocal
T and
for each time period, ΔPerfTj Competitor
and ΔPerfTj are
3.3.1. SWOT factor identification obtained. The SWOT factors for each time period can be identified ac
As Dyson (2004) stated, strengths and weaknesses are internal fac cording to Table 1.
tors that support and hinder the achievement of an organization’s Fig. 3 presents the dynamic SWOT construct, with ΔPerfTj Focal
mission, while opportunities and threats are external factors that enable Competitor
ΔPerfTj as the vertical and horizontal coordinates, respectively.
or disable the organization to achieve its mission, respectively. This view
illustrates the fact that strengths and weaknesses are the results of The color of the directed lines reflects attribute importance, with darker
relative comparisons between different factors within the organization, colors indicating higher importance and lighter colors indicating lower
while opportunities and threats are the results of comparisons with importance. Managers can understand the evolutionary trajectory of
competitors in reference to the external environment. their products in the external competitive environment and thus develop
To determine the internal strengths and weaknesses of the focal targeted preventive strategies in a timely manner. Throughout this
company, a threshold value threshold needs to be obtained. By process, attribute importance needs to be fully considered, and strategic
comparing the attribute performance with the threshold, we can then planning and resource allocation can be appropriately oriented to the
determine the internal strengths and weaknesses. Referring to Pha
dermrod et al.’s (2019) work, we set the threshold to the average per
formance of all attributes. Then, the SWOT elements of the target
company are further identified by comparing the internal strengths and
weaknesses of the two companies, as well as identifying their specific
performance differences. All the rules for identifying SWOT factors can
be seen in Table 1.
Specifically, when an attribute serves as an internal strength of both
companies (i.e., ΔPerfFocal = Perff-thresholdf > 0 and ΔPerfCompetitor =
Perfc-thresholdc > 0), it is considered a strength of the focal company if its
performance outperforms the competing company (i.e., Perff > Perfc);
otherwise (i.e., Perff ≤ Perfc), according to the connotation of the SWOT
concept that “the strengths of competitor become the threats of the
organisation” (Phadermrod et al., 2019), it is deemed a threat to the
focal company because the focal company faces potential risks from the
competing company. When an attribute is deemed an internal strength
of the focal company (i.e., ΔPerfFocal = Perff-thresholdf > 0) and internal
weakness of the competing company (i.e., ΔPerfCompetitor = Perfc- Fig. 3. Dynamic SWOT concept.
J. Wu et al. Journal of Business Research 171 (2024) 114378
product’s core competitive advantages/disadvantages. comparison results of Hotel_A vs. Hotel_B, and the comparison results of
Hotel_A vs. Hotel_C and Hotel_D vs. Hotel_E can be found in Web Ap
4. Case study pendix D.
From Fig. 6, we know that two five-star hotels (Hotel_A vs. Hotel_B)
4.1. Data collection share the same dominant attributes (i.e., Location, Surrounding, and
Transport). Presumably, such a situation might be because these two
The proposed methodology enables SWOT analysis to be carried out hotels are located in similar locations and have similar surroundings
in many scenarios, such as different brands and products/services. In according to Fig. 5(a). In contrast, their disadvantageous attributes are
this paper, we choose online review data from hotel industries to not exactly the same. Hotel_A’s Facility, Parking, and Sleep attributes
implement SWOT analysis. Specifically, Ctrip.com is a leading online perform worst, while Hotel_B performs badly in these attributes.
travel agency in China. Consumers who have experienced hospitality Regarding other attributes, the two hotels perform differently, which
services can freely post online comments on Ctrip, and Fig. 4 is a data might imply that they have different competitive opportunities or
sample. Many scholars (Hou et al., 2019; Wu & Zhao, 2023) have used threats. For example, Hotel_A’s Value, Cleanliness, and Room attributes
online reviews on Ctrip to conduct research. Accordingly, we also collect perform better than Hotel_B’s, which might imply that these attributes
online reviews from this platform. are Hotel_A’s competitive advantages; however, Hotel_A’s Service
To validate the applicability of the proposed framework in different attribute performs slightly worse than Hotel_B’s, which may be the
types of hotels, we considered a variety of hotels with different char competitive disadvantage of Hotel_A.
acteristics, including hotel star, location, etc. Specifically, two focal
hotels from different locations in Beijing were selected; one is a five-star 4.3. Results of attribute importance calculation
hotel (named Hotel_A), and the other is a three-star hotel (named
Hotel_D). Applying the method in Section 3.2, we obtained the attribute
Since this study constructs SWOT for competitive analysis, it is importance. Meanwhile, to gain insight into the characteristics of
critical to identify potential and reasonable competitors of the focal different attributes, the top 5 feature words of each attribute were listed,
hotel. Regarding Hotel_A, we considered several factors, such as loca as shown in Table 3.
tion, hotel star, parking availability, and year built, and identified On the one hand, attribute importance can help managers reveal how
another five-star hotel (named Hotel_B) as the competing hotel. Notably, much consumers value different service aspects as a whole. For example,
many studies have uniformly classified five-star and four-star hotels as from the table, we know that the attributes that consumers mentioned
luxury hotels (Wu & Zhao, 2023), as they usually provide quality ser frequently were Location and Service. According to salience theory (Oh,
vices. In this view, four-star hotels may also compete with five-star 2001), this reflects that consumers pay great attention to these attri
hotels. Therefore considering factors such as location and parking butes, which is basically consistent with Chaves et al.’s (2012) findings.
availability, we identified a four-star hotel (named Hotel_C) as another In contrast, attributes such as Parking and Bathroom are less important
potential competitor of Hotel_A. More details about the competitor to consumers because they are mentioned less frequently.
identification can be found in Web Appendix B. Fig. 5 (a) illustrates the On the other hand, feature words under each attribute reflect the
locations of the above hotels, and both Hotel_B and Hotel_C are no >500 focus of consumers on different aspects of the attribute. Table 3 shows
m away from Hotel_A. that the feature words are mostly nouns or adjectives that describe how
Regarding Hotel_D, we also considered location, year built, price, customers feel about the specific attributes, based on which practi
etc., to identify its potential competitor. Eventually, another three-star tioners could develop targeted service improvement strategies. Taking
hotel (named Hotel_E) was identified. Hotel_D and Hotel_E are adja the Service attribute as an example, from the table we know that cus
cent to each other and share a nearby parking lot, as shown in Fig. 5 (b). tomers frequently mentioned “Check-in”, “Front desk” and “Enthusi
More details of these two hotels can be found in Web Appendix B. astic”; hence, managers should value the service of their front desk and
In summary, we identified the potential competitors of Hotel_A and ensure enthusiastic and thoughtful service details to satisfy their cus
Hotel_D separately, and subsequently conducted three groups of SWOT tomers. Another notable example is concerned with the Restaurant
analyses, namely (1) Hotel_A vs. Hotel_B, (2) Hotel_A vs. Hotel_C, and attribute; Table 3 shows that customers’ hot words about this attribute
(3) Hotel_D vs. Hotel_E. Eventually, we crawled online reviews of the include “Breakfast”, “Children”, “Fruit”, etc. Therefore, managers may
above five hotels from Ctrip. The data covered from January 2019 to need to consider paying further attention to their breakfast and
December 2022, and their descriptive statistics are shown in Table 2. providing child-friendly dishes. More details can be found in the table,
and we will further apply the results in SWOT construction later.
4.2. Results of attribute performance calculation
4.4. Identification of SWOT factors and result evaluation
Before calculating attribute performance, 12 hotel attributes were
identified from the literature (in Web Appendix C), including Location, 4.4.1. Identification of SWOT factors
Transport, Value, etc. Then, we obtained the attribute performance of As mentioned above, we take Hotel_A and Hotel_D as the focal hotels
the five hotels utilizing the algorithm described in Fig. 2. Seeking an separately and further conduct SWOT analysis by considering their
initial understanding of the competitive position of the two focal hotels competitors’ attribute performance. Subsequently, utilizing the pro
(Hotel_A and Hotel_D) in the market, we first compare their attribute posed methodology, we conducted three sets of SWOT analyses in turn,
performance with that of their competitors. Fig. 6 presents the namely (1) Hotel_A vs. Hotel_B, (2) Hotel_A vs. Hotel_C, and (3) Hotel_D
J. Wu et al. Journal of Business Research 171 (2024) 114378
Table 2
Descriptive statistics.
Hotel Rating distribution Number of reviews Average rating
1 2 3 4 5
vs. Hotel_E. Restaurant, and Sleep quality attributes. Since both hotels perform badly
in these aspects, but Hotel_A is slightly better than Hotel_B, these are Hotel_A vs. Hotel_B. Table 4 presents the identification results opportunities that Hotel_A can seize and achieve improvement. For
of SWOT factors, where Hotel_A (five-star) is the focal hotel, and Hotel_B example, regarding the Restaurant attributes, Hotel_A’s managers are
(five-star) is the competing hotel. From the table, we know that encouraged to pay more attention to their breakfast and provide child-
Hotel_A’s strengths include Location, Room, Cleanliness, Surrounding, friendly dishes to satisfy their customers, since in Section 4.4 we
and Value. Among them, Location, Room, and Cleanliness are Hotel_A’s found that consumers mention and are concerned about these aspects.
core strengths since consumers value these attributes very much. Furthermore, we also noticed that Service and Transport attributes are
Furthermore, the table also reveals potential improvement oppor Hotel_A’s threats. Regarding these two attributes, managers should
tunities for Hotel_A when competing with Hotel_B, such as Facility, prioritize the Service attribute, because this attribute performs badly (i.
e., only 0.742) and is more important than the Transport attribute.
J. Wu et al. Journal of Business Research 171 (2024) 114378
Table 3
Attribute importance and Top 5 feature words.
Attribute Top 5 feature words Imp
1 2 3 4 5
Table 4
Identification results of SWOT factors (Hotel_A vs. Hotel_B).
Attribute Hotel_A (focal hotel) Hotel_B (competing hotel) PerfA - PerfB SWOT factor Importance ranking
Note: 1. “Perf” indicates attribute performance; 2. “ΔPerf” indicates the difference between attribute performance and average performance (threshold); 3. “PerfA –
PerfB” indicates the difference between the two hotels. Hotel_A vs. Hotel_C. Table 5 shows the identification results of customers (e.g., adding acoustic glass, referring to Table 3 in Section
SWOT factors, where Hotel_A (five-star) is the focal hotel, and Hotel_C 4.4).
(four-star) is the competing hotel. From the table we know that when Further, we also found potential opportunity attributes of Hotel_A,
competing with Hotel_C, Hotel_A’s strength is its surrounding; Hotel_A’s such as Room, Bathroom, and Parking. Furthermore, multiple threats
weakness is its Sleep quality attribute; according to the map in Fig. 5 (a), that Hotel_A faces can be found in Table 5, such as Location, Service, and
this might be because Hotel_A is closer to the street and is relatively Facility. Considering the fact that the Location attribute of Hotel_A
noisier, which influence customers’ sleep quality. In this regard, Hotel_A performs well (i.e., 0.840) and is not changeable, Hotel_A should first
should take effective measures to improve the sleeping environment of pay more attention to its Service attribute; as per the hot feature words
J. Wu et al. Journal of Business Research 171 (2024) 114378
Table 5
Identification results of SWOT factors (Hotel_A vs. Hotel_C).
Attribute Hotel_A (focal hotel) Hotel_C (competing hotel) PerfA-PerfC SWOT factor Importance ranking
in Section 4.4, Hotel_A is suggested to attach importance to its front-desk 4.4.2. Result evaluation
service (especially for check-in), to ensure that the services provided are In order to validate the proposed method, it is necessary to compare
“enthusiastic” and “thoughtful”. Moreover, the Facility attribute is also a it with existing methods. Phadermrod et al. (2019) proposed an IPA-
major threat for Hotel_A, which might be because Hotel_C was renovated based SWOT analysis method using traditional survey data, which has
more recently and thus provided better facilities. In this respect, Hotel_A received great attention in the last two years and is also a highly cited
should update its facilities in a timely manner, to avoid such threats from paper until December 2022. Regarding online review-based SWOT
becoming a weakness. research, although some studies have conducted SWOT analysis by
mining online reviews, they usually identify SWOT elements manually Hotel_D vs. Hotel_E. Table 6 presents the identification results (Shah et al., 2021; Srinivas & Rajendran, 2019). Cheng et al.’s (2021)
of SWOT factors of two three-star hotels, where Hotel_D is the focal work is one of the few studies that has defined quantitative rules to
hotel, and Hotel_E is the competing hotel. From the table, Hotel_D’s identify SWOT factors. Therefore, the methods of Phadermrod et al.
strengths include Location, Transport, Room, etc. Considering the un (2019) and Cheng et al. (2021) could be regarded as two state-of-the-art
changeable location and transport, it is recommended for Hotel_D to works related to our study.
prioritize Room and Cleanliness attributes, since they are of high Regarding the specific rules, Phadermrod et al.’s (2019) study first
importance. If managers would like to strengthen the performance of constructed Importance-Performance Analysis (IPA) and then identified
Room, as per Table 3 in Section 4.4, comfortable decoration is a good SWOT factors by comparing the quadrants where the attributes were
place to start as customers mentioned this aspect a lot; moreover, located. Similarly, Cheng et al. (2021) defined how to identify SWOT
“spacious” room is another hot topic of discussion, and thus Hotel_D may factors of a target product from the perspective of product generation
consider adjusting the layout of the room to achieve the “room looks evolution. In other words, when the consumer satisfaction of an attri
big” effect. bute of both product generations (i.e., Generation 1 and Generation 2) is
Importantly, Table 6 also reveals critical opportunities of Hotel_D (e. positive, the attribute is a strength; when an attribute of both product
g., Service, Facility, Restaurant attributes). Among these opportunities, generations is negative, the attribute is a weakness. When identifying
Service is of the greatest importance; as can be seen from the table, the the Opportunity or Threat factors, for an attribute, if the focal company
difference in Service performance between the two hotels is small (0.804 performs positively and the competitor performs negatively, the attri
vs. 0.794); hence it is a great chance for Hotel_D to strengthen its Service bute is an opportunity; conversely, the attribute is a threat. Detailed
performance to get a competitive position. Further, the Facility attribute descriptions of these two methods can be found in Web Appendix E.
is also a good opportunity for Hotel_D to outperform Hotel_E; specif Taking the competition of Hotel_A and Hotel_B as an example,
ically, Hotel_D is suggested to regularly check the facilities in the rooms Table 7 presents the comparison results of different methods. From the
for deterioration, especially the air conditioners, as this is mentioned table we know that the identification results of the three methods are the
frequently by consumers. same for multiple attributes, such as Location, Surrounding, and Room
attributes. However, the results are not completely consistent with each
Table 6
Identification results of SWOT factors (Hotel_D vs. Hotel_E).
Attribute Hotel_D (focal hotel) Hotel_E (competing hotel) PerfD-PerfE SWOT factor Importance ranking
J. Wu et al. Journal of Business Research 171 (2024) 114378
Table 7
Comparison to existing methods (Hotel_A vs. Hotel_B).
Attribute PerfA (focal hotel) PerfB (competing hotel) Phadermrod et al. (2019) Cheng et al. (2021) This study
other. Specifically, our method identifies Service and Transport attri attribute to be a strength when it is positive sentiment and a weakness
butes as Threat factors, but Phadermrod et al. (2019) classify these two when it is negative sentiment. As such, the method cannot cope well
attributes as Strength factors. Combined with the attribute performance, with skewed sentiment distributions (e.g., skewed positive distribution
Hotel_A’s Service attribute did not perform well and was slightly weaker or skewed negative distribution), which in turn prevents the effective
than that of Hotel_B (i.e., 0.742 vs. 0.745). In this regard, it is difficult to identification of subtle opportunities and threats. Therefore, from these
say that the service performance of Hotel_A is a solid strength over perspectives, our identification results might be more reasonable.
Hotel_B; because of the slightly poor service performance, to some
extent, this is a potential threat that Hotel_B poses to Hotel_A. Essen 4.5. SWOT analysis from a dynamic perspective
tially, Phadermrod et al. (2019) only consider the comparison of product
strengths and weaknesses when identifying SWOT elements, without Utilizing the proposed method in Section 3.3, we divided the data
considering the actual performance differences between product attri into three periods on a yearly basis (i.e., T1, T2, and T3), and the
butes. Therefore, it leads to the inability to effectively identify potential attribute performance of each period can be seen in Web Appendix F.
threats. A similar assertion also applies to other attributes. Furthermore, we identified the SWOT factors of Hotel_A and Hotel_D in
Regarding Cheng et al.’s (2021) results, from the table we know that different periods, and the detailed data can be found in Web Appendices
it classifies all attributes as Strength factors. Except for the existing issue G–I. Figs. 7–9 present the construct results of dynamic SWOT.
similar to Phadermrod et al.’s (2019) work, Cheng et al.’s (2021)
method also faces another problem, namely that they considered an
J. Wu et al. Journal of Business Research 171 (2024) 114378
J. Wu et al. Journal of Business Research 171 (2024) 114378
4.5.1. Hotel_A (focal hotel) vs. Hotel_B (competing hotel) been improved (i.e., 0.858 → 0.833 → 0.854), however, the perfor
Fig. 7 shows the dynamic SWOT analysis of Hotel_A vs. Hotel_B. As mance of Hotel_E has been strengthened (i.e., 0.809 → 0.799 → 0.822).
stated in Section 3.3, the arrow direction in the figure indicates the In this regard, if Hotel_D wants to maintain its competitive strength, then
temporal order. The color reflects the factor importance; a darker color it must keep improving its service performance; otherwise, the im
indicates higher importance, and a lighter color indicates lower provements of the competing hotel would also weaken Hotel_D’s leading
importance. The shape of an attribute point reflects the type of SWOT aspects.
element to which it belongs. In general, when strengths turn into weaknesses or opportunities
From the figure, we know that almost all attributes are changing in turn into threats, making effective improvements often comes at a sig
the competitive situation, and some attributes even show a shift in the nificant cost. This is where dynamic SWOT analysis comes in. With
SWOT factor category. For example, Service was Hotel_A’s Strength dynamic SWOT analysis, on the one hand, managers can understand
factor at T1 and T2 but began to change to a threat at T3; as per the which attributes are deteriorating. When an attribute tends to turn into a
attribute performance of Hotel_A and Hotel_B, we know that this situ weakness or threat, preventive measures can be developed and imple
ation is because the competing hotel’s performance has been improving mented to reverse the situation. On the other hand, dynamic SWOT
(i.e., 0.607 → 0.769 → 0.772) while the focal hotel’s performance has analysis also allows managers to understand which attributes are
decreased (i.e., 0.756 → 0.747 → 0.716); therefore, the manager of this changing to a favorable position. For those attributes that are about to
five-star hotel should continue to improve its service performance to turn into opportunities, organizations can seize the opportunity to turn
avoid falling into “not to advance is to go back”. In addition, some at these potential capabilities into actual output as soon as possible.
tributes’ categories did not change, but their evolving trends still require Especially for those important attributes, internal resources can be
managers’ attention. For instance, Facility and Bathroom attributes are appropriately tilted toward them to ensure efficient conversion of
Hotel_A’s opportunities at all periods; however, Hotel_A did not seize investments.
these opportunities and turn them into solid strengths; a consequence of
wasting such opportunities is that they would turn into threats or 5. Conclusion and discussion
weaknesses (e.g., Restaurant and Sleep quality). In this process,
considering the importance of different factors contributes to more In this study, an innovative framework using mixed methods for
efficient resource allocation and strategy development. Specifically, conducting SWOT analysis by leveraging online reviews is proposed to
although there are several opportunity attributes (e.g., Bathroom, Fa address the problems of traditional SWOT analysis. First, quantitative
cility, and Parking), the core opportunities lie in the Facility attribute rules for identifying SWOT factors are developed, and the comparison
since it is with the darker color in Fig. 7; thus, managers can prioritize results with two advanced methods (i.e., traditional SWOT analysis and
this area. UGC-based SWOT analysis) are used to further illustrate the superiority
of the proposed method. Therefore, the proposed methodology can help
4.5.2. Hotel_A (focal hotel) vs. Hotel_C (competing hotel) managers or analysts effectively understand their products’ market
Fig. 8 presents the dynamic SWOT analysis of Hotel_A vs. Hotel_C. It competitive situation (especially when the performance differences be
can be seen that although these two hotels are in similar geographical tween two competing products are subtle), with a lower expenditure of
locations, Hotel_A does not perform as well as Hotel_C in terms of both cost and time. Further, we also propose an effective and objective
Location and Transport attributes (i.e., Threat factor at different time TF-IDF-based approach for measuring the importance of SWOT factors.
points). As per expectation disconfirmation theory (Wu & Zhao, 2023), Different from existing studies (Büyüközkan & Ilıcak, 2019; Sevkli et al.,
customer expectation influences products’ usage experience, thus 2012) that assess factor importance based on individual expertise of
impacting customer satisfaction. The target consumers of five-star hotels experts or managers, this study adopts the perspective of customers to
(e.g., Hotel_A) probably have higher expectations than those of four-star help managers prioritize the core advantages and disadvantages of
hotels (e.g., Hotel_C), which leads to Hotel_A’s weaker performance in products, and thus efficiently allocate their limited resources. Further
Location and Transport attributes. Similar speculations may also apply more, a dynamic SWOT construct was developed to model the evolving
to Service and Value attributes, since these two attributes are Threat trajectory of the SWOT factors. For instance, in the competition with
factors of Hotel_A at all time points. Overall, many of Hotel_A’s attri Hotel_B, Hotel_A’s Service attribute gradually changed from a Strength
butes do not compete well with Hotel_C, and many are threats or factor into a Threat factor. This makes it possible for SWOT to effectively
weaknesses. On the one hand, such a situation may be due to the cus respond to the changing market environment, thus enabling businesses
tomers’ higher expectations. On the other hand, it could also be caused to develop timely initiatives.
by the fact that Hotel_A is older compared to Hotel_C; as per the online
details in Ctrip, the opening/renovation dates of the two hotels were 5.1. Representativeness of online reviews
2008 and 2019, respectively. Taking certain tangible attributes as ex
amples, Facility and Restaurant attributes are threats to Hotel_A at all In this study, a method for conducting SWOT analysis using online
time points, indicating that these aspects of Hotel_A performed slightly reviews is proposed. Whether such data are sufficiently representative
worse than Hotel_C. Therefore, managers of Hotel_A should update their may come under question. Therefore, we present the following
facilities timely, and especially their target consumers may have higher discussion.
expectations for five-star hotels. With the rapid development of information technology, an
increasing number of consumers are purchasing goods through online
4.5.3. Hotel_D (focal hotel) vs. Hotel_E (competing hotel) platforms. According to the statistics, there are now 5.29 billion internet
Fig. 9 presents the dynamic SWOT analysis of two three-star hotels, users worldwide (Internet Live Stats, 2014). Some studies indicate that
where Hotel_D is the focal hotel, and Hotel_E is the competing hotel. >60% of consumers have posted online reviews about a product/service
Similar to previous dynamic SWOT analysis, almost all attributes’ SWOT (Bi et al., 2019c). Given the breadth and influence of such online re
factor categories are changing with different time points. Notably, views, many online review-based business analytics studies have sought
multiple attributes of Hotel_D are opportunities at different time points to identify valuable business opportunities (Bi et al., 2020; Costa Filho
when competing with Hotel_E, yet Hotel_D has not converted them into et al., 2023; Garner et al., 2022; Xu, 2020), such as competitiveness
solid competitive strengths such as Restaurant and Bathroom attributes. analysis (Gao et al., 2018), brand analysis (Bi et al., 2019c), and product
Moreover, several attributes of Hotel_D have changed from Strength sales forecasting (Fan et al., 2017). Regarding the research fields, the
factor to Opportunity factor such as Room; combined with attribute extant online review-based business analytics studies appear in the
performance change we know that while Hotel_D’s performance has not manufacturing industry (Yang et al., 2023b), tourism and hospitality
J. Wu et al. Journal of Business Research 171 (2024) 114378
industry (Wu & Zhao, 2023), etc. In this regard, online reviews should be single platform, while data from multiple platforms can reflect the
representative enough for SWOT analysis. competitive position more comprehensively. Second, this study does not
On the other hand, we use the hotel industry as our research object, attempt to replace traditional survey or interview-based methods. Some
and different types of hotels are considered to test our framework. offline products may not have (enough) online reviews, thus making it
Regarding the proposed methodology, each step is independent of the difficult to directly apply the proposed method. Hence, more work (e.g.,
data field (e.g., PaddlePaddle-based sentiment analysis and TF-IDF-based utilizing surveys or interviews to collect customer comments) needs to
importance calculation), which basically guarantees the framework’s be done, based on which SWOT analysis could be conducted. Further
generalizability. Moreover, online reviews reflect consumer feelings and more, in future work, it is encouraged to explore how to synthesize in
acceptance of products/services (Yang et al., 2023b), which is true for ternal company data (e.g., resource and investment data) and online
different types of products/services. Thus, online hotel reviews can be reviews to conduct SWOT analysis using the proposed methodology,
speculated to be sufficiently representative for conducting SWOT which would be more comprehensive in helping companies carry out
analysis. competitive analysis. Besides, given its benefits and context suitableness
in our study, the TF-IDF algorithm is adopted to measure attribute
5.2. Implications importance, but it only considers lexical information and captures no
semantics of online reviews. In this regard, a promising research
The theoretical significance of this study mainly lies in the perspective might be the development of an improved TF-IDF that in
advancement of SWOT construction and analysis methods. First, tradi corporates semantical information (e.g., integrating word embeddings
tional SWOT factor identification studies typically rely on individuals (e. and the TF-IDF algorithm).
g., experts or managers), which inevitably suffers from subjectivity and
biased results (Hill & Westbrook, 1997; Smith, 2003). While some CRediT authorship contribution statement
scholars have developed automatic rules to identify SWOT elements (e.
g., Cheng et al., 2021) by exploring UGC, they ignore the specific per Jie Wu: Writing – original draft, Methodology, Conceptualization,
formance differences between two competing products, which may Data curation, Investigation. Narisa Zhao: Supervision, Conceptuali
cause an inability to effectively observe subtle strategic opportunities zation, Methodology, Writing – review & editing. Tong Yang: Software,
and threats. In this paper, we address this issue by constructing quan Data curation, Formal analysis, Writing – original draft.
titative rules for SWOT factor identification, which provides future
research with a more effective and efficient SWOT analysis method
Declaration of Competing Interest
through the use of online reviews. Second, previous studies have mainly
focused on constructing SWOT, and little attention had been given to
The authors declare that they have no known competing financial
factor importance (Büyüközkan & Ilıcak, 2019; Coman & Ronen, 2009).
interests or personal relationships that could have appeared to influence
By utilizing the TF-IDF method to measure factor importance, the pro
the work reported in this paper.
posed method enables SWOT analysis researchers to clarify the core
competitive advantages and disadvantages, especially in regard to
Data availability
resource constraints. Third, existing SWOT studies are typically con
ducted from a static perspective (Mitra & Jenamani, 2020; Shah et al.,
Data will be made available on request.
2021), and thus cannot efficiently respond to the dynamic market
environment. In this regard, the proposed methodology expands the
SWOT literature by modeling the evolutionary path of SWOT elements.
In summary, due to the improvement in methodology, the original
The authors acknowledge the Center for Big Data & Intelligent
SWOT principle is still valid in the era of big data, which avoids the cost
Decision-Making of Dalian University of Technology for providing
and risk of changing strategic planning tools for organizations. To our
computing resources. Jie Wu and Tong Yang would like to thank China
knowledge, this should be the first comprehensive work that addresses
Scholarship Council for its scholarship support [202106060108,
all the abovementioned issues that have been identified in traditional
SWOT analysis.
Meanwhile, our study also presents some practical implications.
Appendix A. Supplementary data
First, the proposed framework provides an effective method for con
ducting competitive analysis using online reviews. By tapping into a
Supplementary data to this article can be found online at https://doi.
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