Applications of Thermal Imaging in Agriculture Are View
Applications of Thermal Imaging in Agriculture Are View
Applications of Thermal Imaging in Agriculture Are View
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In thermal remote sensing the invisible radiation patterns of objects are converted into visible
images and these images are called thermograms or thermal images. Thermal images can be ac-
quired using portable, hand-held or thermal sensors that are coupled with optical systems mounted
on an airplane or satellite. This technology is a non-invasive, non-contact and non-destructive
technique used to determine thermal properties and features of any object of interest and there-
fore it can be used in many fields, where heat is generated or lost in space and time. Potential use
of thermal remote sensing in agriculture includes nursery and greenhouse monitoring, irrigation
scheduling, plants disease detection, estimating fruit yield, evaluating maturity of fruits and
bruise detection in fruits and vegetables. This paper reviews the application of thermal imaging in
agriculture and its potential use in various agricultural practices.
Infrared Radiation, Infrared Thermography, Thermal Imaging, Crop, Agriculture
1. Introduction
Thermal remote sensing is the branch of remote sensing that deals with the acquisition, processing and interpre-
tation of data acquired primarily in the thermal infrared (TIR) region of the electromagnetic (EM) spectrum [1].
Thermal remote sensing differs from optical remote sensing by measuring emitted radiations from the surface of
the target object, whereas optical remote sensing measures reflected radiations of the target object under consid-
eration [2].
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How to cite this paper: Ishimwe, R., Abutaleb, K. and Ahmed, F. (2014) Applications of Thermal Imaging in Agriculture—A
Review. Advances in Remote Sensing, 3, 128-140.
R. Ishimwe et al.
Thermal wavelength region in terrestrial remote sensing ranges from 3 to 35 µm but interpretation of the data
in 3 - 5 µm is complicated due to overlap with solar reflection in day imagery and 17 - 25 µm regions are still
not well investigated. As a consequence 8 - 14 µm regions have been of greatest interest for thermal remote
sensing [1] since this is where the atmosphere is fairly transparent and the signal is only lightly attenuated by
atmospheric absorption [3].
Thermal remote sensing exploits the fact that everything above absolute zero (0 K or −273.15˚C or −459˚F)
emits radiation in the infrared range of the electromagnetic spectrum [1] hence approximately 80% of the energy
thermal sensors received in the thermal wavelength region is emitted by land surface, making surface tempera-
ture as the easiest variable to extract from the thermal infrared signal [4]. Thermal infrared has grown into an
important technology that is applied directly by users on the ground using infrared instruments that are portable
and even hand-held or by using thermal sensors coupled with optical systems [5]. Therefore, thermal imaging
data may be used directly or indirectly for many applications such as civil engineering, industrial maintenance,
aerospace, medicine, pharmacy and veterinary. The application of thermal imaging is gaining popularity in
agriculture in recent years [6] due to the reductions in cost of the equipment and simple operational procedure
that have created opportunities for its application in several fields of agricultural and food industries [7] and it is
presently refined for integration into precision farming [8].
Thermal properties of plant leaves are affected by a complex heterogeneous internal structure that contains a
certain amount of water per unit area. For that reason, it is possible to have research on individual plant with
thermal remote sensing because of the versatility, accuracy and high resolution of the infrared thermography [9].
Nevertheless, accurate thermal measurements depend on environmental conditions, which influence the thermal
properties of the visualized crop. Therefore, calibration of images according to weather conditions is necessary
for comparison between image data obtained during different measuring periods and growth seasons [10]. Ther-
mal remote sensing technology can be used in all agricultural materials and processes, where heat is generated
or lost in space and time [11]. Potential use of thermography in agriculture includes nursery monitoring, irriga-
tion scheduling, soil salinity detection, disease and pathogen detection, yield estimation, maturity evaluation and
bruise detection.
The purpose of this paper is to review the different thermal sensors that can be used in agriculture as well as
summarize various studies conducted on the potential application of thermal imaging in agriculture.
2. Thermal Sensors
An infrared thermal imaging system comprises of a thermal camera equipped with infrared detectors, a signal
processing unit and an image acquisition system. Thermal imaging systems are evaluated on their thermal sensi-
tivity, scan speed, image resolution, and intensity resolution [6]. Table 1 describes the specifications and pri-
mary purpose of operational thermal sensors (still operating) that can be used in various studies that will be dis-
cussed in this paper.
R. Ishimwe et al.
8.5 Band 11 2000 Total water for stability, cloud phase, dust, SO2, rainfall
3.0 - 5.4 Band 15 2.5 Oil spill detection/mapping, fire detection/mapping, geologic mapping
Daedalus (AMS)
AA3607DS Geologic, water suspended sediment, H2O temp-Spring and
8.5 - 12.5 Band 16 2.5 seep detection, water algae, forest inventory, crop vigor studies,
fire detection and oil spill detection mapping
8.5-14.0 Earth resources mapping, vegetation/land cover mapping,
Band 11 25
High gain and geologic studies
Daedalus (ATM)
8.5 -14.0 Earth resources mapping, vegetation/land cover mapping,
Band 12 25
Low gain and geologic studies
DAIS 7915
8.0 -12.6 Band 6 20 Surface temperature
(Airbone Sensor)
To assist in thermal mapping, soil moisture and vegetation studies,
IRMSS/CBRES 10.4 - 12.5 Band 09 80
separates land and water sharply.
10.30 - 11.30 Band 10 100 Thermal mapping and estimated soil moisture
Landsat 8
11.50 - 12.50 Band 11 100 Improved thermal mapping and estimated soil moisture
Landsat 7 ETM+ 10.40 - 12.50 Band 6 60 Thermal mapping and estimated soil moisture
R. Ishimwe et al.
3.66 - 3.84 Band 20 1000 Sea surface temperature
9.58 - 9.88 Band 31 1000 Cloud temperature, forest fires & volcanoes, surface temp.
11.77 - 12.27 Band 32 1000 Cloud height, forest fires & volcanoes, surface temperature
10.3 - 11.3 Band 4 1100 Sea surface temperature, land surface temperature, water vapor and aerosol
VIRR/FY-3 11.5 - 12.5 Band 5 1100 Sea surface temperature, land surface temperature, water vapor and aerosol
3.55 - 3.93 Band 3 1100 Sea surface temperature and water vapor
by water content in the plant tissue therefore reflectance in this region is relatively high for vigorously growing
vegetation but decreases as tissues dehydrate [16]. Many remote sensing studies ([18]-[23]) have made use of
the visible to short-wave infrared (VIS-SWIR; 0.4 - 2.5 μm) spectral properties of plants, to study the spatial and
temporal variations in vegetation patterns, however data from the VIS, NIR and SWIR are not sufficient to ex-
plain the structure and chemical characteristics of vegetation [13] as fundamental absorption features related to
various compounds and leaf structure of a crop vegetation occur in thermal infrared domains (TIR: 6.0 - 14.0
µm) [24]-[26]. Despite primary absorption features, strong and wide atmospheric windows in the MIR and TIR,
little is known about the optical properties of the vegetation in these spectral domains [26] due to a number of
challenges such as lack of equipment and laboratories that enable measurements of the TIR reflectance or emis-
sivity of plants (i.e. TIR spectroradiometers), low signal to noise ratios (SNR), and the subtle and complex na-
ture of the spectral features of vegetation [13], However some authors, in their work on other aspects, have
brought to light the potential of TIR measurement for characterizing vegetation parameters where they recognize
that organic compounds and absorption features of plant leaves in TIR are related to the fundamental molecular
vibrations of various compounds present in plant leaves [24]. Thus the principal cause of spectral features in
TIR region is leaf epidermal materials (i.e. cell wall and cuticular membrane) [27]-[29] and [24] and leaf water
content [25] and [26].
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R. Ishimwe et al.
duction in crop yields, Time series data models are the commonly used methods to estimate yield for many
crops in almost all parts of the world. But most of the time, high deviation is observed in the actual yield from
the forecasted yield [7]. Thermal imaging can be used to estimate yield as thermography is based on sensing an
object's own heat radiation. However, only a few reports can be found on the application of thermal imaging in
estimating and forecasting yield
[68] analyzed the relationship between wheat yield and daytime measurement of temperature difference be-
tween foliage and ambient air temperature. For foliage temperature measurement, they used a thermal camera
that received the infrared radiation in 8 - 14 μm spectral wavelengths. Micrometeorological data were also col-
lected during the wheat growing stages. The experiment was conducted for two crop seasons (1982 and 1983)
on a red-brown soil in Australia. Transpiration and canopy stomatal resistances to water vapor transport were
predicted from the collected data, the predicted transpiration and CO2 assimilation rates were found to be closely
related to yield within each year but not between years. As a result it was stated that infrared thermometry would
be a useful technique for studying yield variations in agronomic experiments where these variations are due to
stomatal control.
After almost two decades [69] developed fruit detection algorithm with thermal imaging to estimate the num-
ber of apple fruits on the basis of temperature gradients between fruits and their background. At the same time,
on each imaged tree, all fruits were manually counted and diameters of the fruits were measured with sliding ca-
lipers. The results of the study showed that a close correlation (R2 = 0.83 - 0.88) existed between manually
counted fruits and fruits determined by thermal imaging. The correlation coefficient was R2 = 0.68 to 0.70 be-
tween manually measured diameter and the diameter of fruit determined by imaging.
[70] conducted a study that focused on fruit recognition from the canopy using thermal imaging, to enhance
the robotic harvesting of fruit, which is an alternate for harvesting by hand. Thermal images were acquired on 24
h cycles at 15 min interval using a thermal infrared camera, after analyzing images with Matlab they found that
from evening 16:00 until early morning, fruit temperature was higher than the leaf by about 1.6˚C while in the
other time range, it was higher only at less than 0.6˚C. The authors suggested that thermal imaging has a poten-
tial to distinguish between fruit and canopy from afternoon until midnight.
[71] utilizes thermal infrared image for inversion of winter wheat yield and biomass with different technology
of irrigation (drip irrigation, sprinkler irrigation, flood irrigation), the authors considered the fact that the amount
of yield of a crop is more related to the amount of water received during the growing period. Their research was
subdivided into tree stages as follows, Firstly, the infrared crop water stress index (ICWSI) was obtained by us-
ing thermal infrared camera, Secondly the infrared index data was checked for correctness and finally model
was developed using ICWSI to predict soil moisture, biomass and yield of wheat. Various crop prediction mod-
els were used but cubic model proved to be the best to predict yield based on thermal imaging, therefore the au-
thors indicated that thermal infrared images can be used potentially for inversion of winter wheat yield.
Recently, [72] conforms the superiority of thermography technology for predicting winter wheat yield. The
authors applied BP neural network in predicting winter wheat yield based on thermography. Using thermal
camera to obtain canopy temperature for winter wheat, ICWSI was then calculated in the main water require-
ment stage. The performance of a BP neural network was tested with ICWSI values for three different periods in
one irrigation circles as independent input factor and observed winter wheat yield after harvest as the output.
The result showed a the maximum relative error of 3.42%, therefore the authors states that BP neural network in
combination with ICWSI using thermal images successfully and accurately predict the yield of winter wheat.
Since the accuracy of yield forecasting by thermometry is very promising, this technique may be used as a
complementary method to other methods [7]. However, no further research is reported about yield estimation for
other crops (e.g., Maize, Soybean, etc.) using thermal imaging which requires continuous detection and counting
R. Ishimwe et al.
and transpiration resistance diminish as plant ageing begins whence infrared thermography can be used to assess
crop maturity.
[77] assessed the maturity of Tomato, Japanese pear, and Japanese persimmon (one vegetable and two fruits
respectively) using infrared thermometry. These were divided into three grades of maturity that are immature,
mature, and over-ripe based on color, firmness, and sugar content. Samples were kept in constant room temper-
ature for more than 24 h before measurements. The temperature differences ranged between 0.5˚C to 1.0˚C for
fruit and vegetables in three grades of maturity, whereas, the surface temperature of immature fruits stored at
higher temperature was slightly lower than that of mature and over-ripe fruits.
[78] suggested after conducting a study on the use of thermography for determination of mechanical damage,
bruising, and maturing of apples (Jonagold, Cox), that maturity of fruits and vegetables can be estimated by
thermal imaging, even different varieties could be identified if they are of the same ripeness. Therefore thermal
imaging systems are suitable for examining maturity and quality of produce as detailed thermal analyses of the
transpiration behavior of the produce and its interrelation with the environment allow the determination of the
optimal harvest date and the adapted design of postharvest machinery [76]. Nevertheless there is a need for more
research on the use of thermal imaging for maturity detection of other crops.
R. Ishimwe et al.
been applied to infrared thermography to enhance its detection sensitivity [91]. [92] uses infrared lock in ther-
mography to evaluate bruises on pears fruits. They measured the thermal emission signals from pears using a
highly sensitive mid-infrared thermal camera, by applying the lock-in method to infrared thermography, the de-
tection sensitivity and signal to noise ratio were enhanced because of the phase-sensitive narrow-band filtering
effect. Thermal characteristic response of pears was analyzed on the basis of phase images. Author’s found that
a greater phase difference corresponds to greater damage of the pear specimens, because the damaged area
causes thermal wave delay, therefore their states that the lock-in thermography technique can be used for the
detection of damage on pear samples.
3. Conclusion
Thermal imaging has been growing fast and playing an important role in various fields of agriculture starting
from nursery monitoring, irrigation scheduling, soil salinity stress detection, plants disease detection, yield esti-
mation, maturity evaluation and bruise detection of fruits and vegetables. This technique gains the popularity in
agriculture due to its higher temporal and spatial resolutions images. However, intensive researches need to be
conducted for its potential application in other various processes of agriculture (e.g. Yield forecasting) that are
not yet investigated. In spite of the fact that it could be used in many agriculture operations during pre-harvest
and post-harvest period, as a noncontact, non-destructive technique, it has some drawbacks unlike with other
remote sensing imaging because high resolution thermal imaging are costly and accurate thermal measurements
depend on environmental and weather conditions thus it may not be possible to develop a universal methodolo-
gy for its application in agricultural operations since thermal behaviors of crops vary with climatic condi-
We thank University of Johannesburg and University of Witwatersrand for providing financial assistance.
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