ISTA Rules 2017 02 Sampling
ISTA Rules 2017 02 Sampling
ISTA Rules 2017 02 Sampling
Chapter 2: Sampling
The electronic version of the International Rules for Seed Testing includes the English,
French and German versions. If there are any questions on interpretation of the ISTA
Rules, the English version is the definitive version.
Published by
The International Seed Testing Association (ISTA)
Zürichstr. 50, CH-8303 Bassersdorf, Switzerland
All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in any retrieval
system or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying,
recording or otherwise, without prior permission in writing from ISTA.
Preface to the 2017 Edition of the ISTA Rules .................. v Submitted sample ..................................... 2-11 Sample reduction ...................................... 2-11
Chapter 2: Sampling ....................................................... 2-1 Storage of submitted samples after
2.1 Object ....................................................................... 2-1 testing ................................................................. 2-11
2.2 Definitions ................................................................ 2-1 2.6 Calculation and expression of results ..................... 2-11
2.2.1 Seed lot ............................................................... 2-1 2.7 Reporting of results ................................................ 2-11
2.2.2 Sublot ................................................................. 2-1 2.8 Tables for lot size and sample sizes ........................ 2-12
2.2.3 Primary sample .................................................. 2-1 Table 2A Part 1. Lot sizes and sample sizes:
2.2.4 Composite sample .............................................. 2-1 agricultural and vegetable seeds ..................... 2-13
2.2.5 Subsample .......................................................... 2-1 Table 2A Part 2. Lot sizes and sample sizes:
2.2.6 Submitted sample ............................................... 2-1 tree and shrub seeds ........................................ 2-20
2.2.7 Duplicate sample ................................................ 2-1 Table 2A Part 3. Lot sizes and sample sizes:
2.2.8 Working sample ................................................. 2-1 flower, spice, herb and medicinal species ....... 2-25
2.2.9 Sealed ................................................................. 2-1 Table 2B Part 1. Sample sizes (numbers of
2.2.10 Self-sealing containers ..................................... 2-1 seeds) for pelleted seeds, encrusted seed and
2.2.11 Marked/labelled ................................................ 2-1 seed granules ................................................... 2-33
2.2.12 Treated seed ..................................................... 2-2 Table 2B Part 2. Sample sizes (number of
2.2.13 Coated seeds ..................................................... 2-2 seeds) for seed tapes and mats ........................ 2-33
2.2.14 Small seed lots ................................................. 2-2 2.9 Heterogeneity testing for seed lots in multiple
2.3 General principles ..................................................... 2-2 containers .................................................................. 2-34
2.4 Apparatus .................................................................. 2-2 2.9.1 The H value test ............................................... 2-34
2.5 Procedures ............................................................... 2-2 Definitions of terms and symbols .............. 2-34
2.5.1 Procedures for sampling a seed lot .................... 2-2 Sampling the lot ......................................... 2-35 Preparation of a seed lot and conditions Testing procedure ....................................... 2-35
for sampling ......................................................... 2-2 Use of Table 2D ......................................... 2-36 Minimum sampling intensity ....................... 2-3 Reporting results ........................................ 2-36 Taking primary samples ............................... 2-3 2.9.2 The R value test ................................................ 2-36 Obtaining the composite sample .................. 2-5 Definitions of terms and symbols .............. 2-36 Obtaining the submitted sample .................. 2-5 Sampling the lot ......................................... 2-36 Dispatch of the submitted sample ................ 2-5 Testing procedure ....................................... 2-36 Storage of submitted samples before Use of tables .............................................. 2-37
testing ................................................................... 2-5 Reporting results ........................................ 2-37
2.5.2 Procedures for obtaining the submitted and 2.9.3 Interpretation of results .................................... 2-37
working sample ........................................................ 2-5 Minimum size of working sample ............... 2-5 Sample reduction methods ........................... 2-5 Mechanical divider method ................... 2-6 Modified halving method ...................... 2-7 Spoon method ........................................ 2-7 The hand halving method ...................... 2-7
2.5.3 Storage of samples after testing ......................... 2-8
2.5.4 Conditions for issuing Orange International
Seed Lot Certificates ............................................... 2-8 Seed lot size ................................................ 2-8 Large seed lots of Poaceae ......................... 2-8 Definitions ............................................. 2-8 Approval ................................................ 2-9 Check sampling and testing .................. 2-9 Withdrawal of approval ......................... 2-9 Responsibility ........................................ 2-9
Since 2014, the International Rules for Seed Testing (ISTA Details of changes
Rules) are primarily available in electronic form only. The
ISTA Rules can be downloaded as a complete PDF file or The 2016 changes are editorial corrections or Rules
as individual chapters from: changes adopted at the Ordinary General Meeting held at Tallinn, Estonia, in June 2016.
If required, users of the ISTA Rules can print their own The changes in the text content from the previous edi-
copies. For further information on the ISTA Rules, see: tion of the ISTA Rules are listed below. They can be dis- played as yellow highlighted text as a ‘layer’ within the
The electronic version includes the English, French and electronic copy with comments on what has changed.
German versions of the ISTA Rules. If there are any ques- For the previous history of amendments to the ISTA
tions on interpretation of the ISTA Rules, the English ver- Rules, see the Prefaces for 2003 to 2016 on the ISTA web
sion is the definitive version. site.
Chapter 2: Sampling
The object of sampling is to obtain a sample of a size suit- A duplicate sample is another sample obtained for submis-
able for tests, in which the probability of a constituent be- sion from the same composite sample and marked ‘Dupli-
ing present is determined only by its level of occurrence cate sample’.
in the seed lot.
A sublot is a portion of not less than 20 % of the seed lot. Sealed means that a container in which seed is held is
Each container of a sublot must be marked with the iden- closed in such a way, that it cannot be opened to gain ac-
tification of the seed lot. cess to the seed and closed again, without either destroy-
ing the seal or leaving evidence of tampering. This defini-
tion refers to the sealing of seed lots, as well as of seed
2.2.3 Primary sample samples. Minimum sampling intensity When sampling a seed lot of up to 15 containers, regard-
less of their size, the same number of primary samples
For seed lots in containers holding up to and including must be taken from each container.
100 kg, the minimum sampling intensity is the following: Sampling intensity for coated seeds is as described in
Tables 2.1 and 2.2.
a) For containers holding between 15 kg and 100 kg (in-
clusive) of seed, the number of primary samples ac-
cording to Table 2.1. Taking primary samples
b) For containers holding less than 15 kg of seed, con-
tainers must be combined into sampling units not ex- When defining the number and/or the size of primary
ceeding 100 kg, e.g. 20 containers of 5 kg, 33 contain- samples, the seed sampler needs to ensure (besides meet-
ers of 3 kg or 100 containers of 1 kg. The sampling ing the minimum sampling intensity) that the minimum
units must be regarded as containers as described in amount of seed required for the requested test(s) is sent to
Table 2.1. the testing laboratory and enough seed remains available
c) For seed pellets, seed granules, seed tapes and seed for obtaining duplicate samples if requested.
mats, containers of less than 300 000 seed units Primary samples of approximately equal size must be
must be combined to sampling units not exceeding taken from a seed lot, irrespective of where in the lot or
2 000 000 seeds. The sampling units must be regarded container the primary sample is taken.
as containers as described in Table 2.1. When the seed lot is in containers, the containers to
be sampled must be selected at random or according to a
Table 2.1. Minimum sampling intensity for seed lots in systematic plan throughout the seed lot. Primary samples
containers holding up to and including 100 kg seed must be drawn from the top, middle and bottom of con-
tainers, but not necessarily from more than one position
Number of Minimum number of primary samples to be taken in any container, unless so specified in Tables 2.1 and 2.2.
When the seed is in bulk or in large containers, the
1–4 3 primary samples from each container
primary samples must be drawn from random positions.
5–8 2 primary samples from each container
Containers must be opened or pierced for abstraction
9–15 1 primary sample from each container
16–30 15 primary samples, one each from 15 different of primary samples. The sampled containers must then be
containers closed or the contents transferred to new containers.
31–59 20 primary samples, one each from 20 different When seed is to be packed in special types of contain-
containers ers (e.g. small, not penetrable, or moisture-proof contain-
60 or more 30 primary samples, one each from 30 different ers), it should be sampled, if possible, either before or dur-
ing the filling of the containers.
Sampling seed lots of seed tapes and seed mats should
When sampling seed in containers holding more than be done by taking packets or pieces of tape or mat.
100 kg of seed, or from streams of seed entering contain- The instruments being used must neither damage the
ers, the sampling intensity according to Table 2.2 must be seed nor select according to seed size, shape, density,
regarded as the minimum requirement. chaffiness or any other quality trait. All sampling appara-
tus must be clean before use to prevent cross contamina-
Table 2.2. Minimum number of primary samples to be tions. Triers must be long enough so that the opening at
taken from seed lots in containers holding more than the tip reaches at least half of the diameter of the con-
100 kg of seed, or from seed streams tainer. When the container is not accessible from opposite
sides, the trier must be long enough to reach the opposite
Seed lot size Number of primary samples to be taken side. Sampling seed lots may be done by one of the meth-
Up to 500 kg At least five primary samples ods listed below.
501–3 000 kg One primary sample for each 300 kg,
Chapter 2: Sampling
a) Automatic sampling from a seed stream. Seed may When using the Nobbe trier, insert it at an angle of
be sampled by automatic sampling devices, provided about 30° to the horizontal plane with the opening fac-
that the instrument uniformly samples the cross sec- ing down, push the trier until it reaches the required
tion of the seed stream and the material entering the position and revolve it through 180°. Withdraw it with
instrument does not bounce out again. It may be op- decreasing speed from the container, gently agitating
erated either under manual or automatic control. The the trier to help maintain an even flow of seed, and col-
intervals between taking primary samples should be lect the seed sample coming from the trier in a suitable
constant. container.
b) Manual sampling from a seed stream. Seed streams e) Cargo sampler. The cargo sampler (bulk sampler)
may also be sampled by using manual instruments consists of a special type of chamber that is fixed to
when fulfilling the requirements listed under a). a shaft. The lower part of the chamber is cone-shaped
with a pointed end. To reach a greater depth, the shaft
c) Sampling stick. The sampling stick (e.g. stick trier, may be lengthened by screwing on successive exten-
sleeve type trier, spiral trier) consists of two parts, sions. There is a closing system in the chamber that
one of which fits loosely inside the other, but tightly may be a collar on the outside of the instrument, a wing
enough so that seed or impurities do not slip between connected to a door or a valve with a spring. Some car-
them. The outer part has a solid pointed end. Both go samplers can be closed before they are drawn back
parts have slots in their walls so that the cavity of the from the sampling position; others cannot be closed,
inner part can be opened and closed by moving the two so that the filled chamber is open during withdrawal.
parts against each other by either a twisting or a push- For all species, the minimum inside diameter can be
pull motion. about 35 mm and the depth 75 mm. When using the
The sampling stick may be used horizontally, diago- cargo sampler, insert it in the closed position into the
nally or vertically. The spiral trier has slots in a spiral container, gently push it vertically into the seed so
arrangement for their subsequent opening from the tip that the point reaches the required position, pull the
to the handle and may only be used for seeds of a size cargo sampler back about 10 cm or turn it (depending
smaller than Triticum aestivum. on the closing system), agitate it slightly to allow it to
However, when used vertically or diagonally down- fill completely, gently close if possible and withdraw
wards, the sampling stick must either have partitions it and empty the primary sample into a container. Care
dividing the instrument into a number of compart- should be exercised in closing the cargo sampler, so
ments or have slots in a spiral arrangement. The mini- that the seeds are not damaged.
mum inside diameter should be wide enough to allow
the smooth and free flow of seed and contaminants f) Sampling by hand. This method can be used for all
into the sampling stick. species and may be the most suitable method for seed
When using the sampling stick, insert it in the closed that may be damaged by the use of triers, seeds with
position into the container, gently push it so that the wings, seeds with low moisture content, seed tapes and
point reaches the required position, open the sampling seed mats.
stick, agitate it slightly to allow it to fill completely, For hand sampling seed in containers, all positions
gently close and withdraw it and empty the primary inside the containers must be accessible. Containers
sample into a container. Care should be exercised with layers which are not accessible from the regular
in closing the sampling stick so that seeds are not opening may have to be cut open, sampled and repack-
damaged. aged. Containers may also be partially or completely
emptied during the sampling process to gain access to
d) Nobbe trier. The Nobbe trier (dynamic spear) is a all positions in the containers. For sampling by hand,
pointed tube with an opening near the pointed end. clean the hand and roll the sleeve up if necessary, in-
Seed passes through the tube and is collected in a con- sert the open hand into the container to the required
Chapter 2: Sampling
tainer. The minimum internal diameter of the Nobbe position, close and withdraw the hand, taking great
trier should be wide enough to allow the smooth and care that the fingers remain tightly closed about the
free flow of seed and contaminants through the trier. seeds so none may escape, and empty the hand into a
receiving pan. Obtaining the composite sample Storage of submitted samples before
Where possible, the primary samples are compared with
each other during sampling. The primary samples can Every effort must be made to start testing a submitted
only be combined to form the composite sample if they sample on the day of receipt. Storage of orthodox seeds,
appear to be uniform. If not, the sampling procedure must when necessary, should be in a cool, well-ventilated room.
be stopped. When primary samples are collected directly Non-orthodox (i.e. recalcitrant or intermediate) seeds
into one container, the content of this container may be should be tested as soon as possible after obtaining the
regarded as the composite sample only if it appears uni- submitted sample from the composite sample without any
form. If not, it must not be used for obtaining a submitted storage. Handling of the submitted sample and, if neces-
sample. sary, storage should be done under species specific opti-
mum conditions.
nation tests, viability tests and health tests may only be seed pellets the distance of fall must not exceed 250 mm.
packed in moisture-proof containers if suitable storage
conditions can be assured.
Submitted samples must be dispatched to the seed test-
ing laboratory without delay.
Except in the case of seed health, the method of hand a) Conical divider. The conical divider (Boerner type)
halving must be restricted to certain genera listed in consists of a hopper, cone, and series of baffles direct- Only the spoon method and the hand halving ing the seed into two spouts. The baffles form alternate
method may be used in the laboratory to obtain working channels and spaces of equal width. They are arranged
samples for seed health testing where other samples or in a circle and are directed inward and downward, the
equipment may be contaminated by spores or other propa- channels leading to one spout and the spaces to an op-
gating material. posite spout. A valve or gate at the base of the hopper
For seed tapes and mats take pieces of tape or mat at retains the seed. When the valve is opened the seed
random, to provide sufficient seeds for the test. falls by gravity over the cone where it is evenly distrib-
After obtaining a working sample or half-working uted to the channels and spaces, then passes through
sample the remainder must be re-mixed before a second the spouts into the seed pans.
working sample or half-working sample is obtained. Dividers with more than 18 channels have been found
To obtain the submitted sample for moisture content to be suitable. Channels must be wide enough to allow
determination ( c), subsamples must be taken in the smooth free flow of seed and contaminants.
the following way: first, mix the composite sample. Then,
take a minimum of three samples from different positions b) Soil divider. The soil divider (riffle divider) consists
and combine them to create the subsample for moisture of a hopper with about 18 attached channels or ducts
of the required size. The subsample for moisture must be alternately leading to opposite sides. Channels must be
taken as soon as possible to avoid changes in moisture wide enough to allow the smooth free flow of seed and
content. contaminants.
To obtain the working sample for moisture content de- In using the divider the seed is placed evenly into a
termination ( subsamples must be taken in the fol- pouring pan and then poured in the hopper at approxi-
lowing way: before taking the subsample, mix the sample mately equal rates along the entire length. The seed
by either stirring the sample in its container with a spoon passes through the channels and is collected in two
or by placing the opening of the original container against receiving pans.
the opening of a similar container and pour the seed back
and forth between the two containers. Take a minimum c) Centrifugal divider. In the centrifugal divider
of three subsamples with a spoon from different positions (Gamet type) the seed flows downward through a hop-
and combine them to create the subsample of the required per onto a shallow cup or spinner. Upon rotation of the
size. The seed must not be exposed to the air during sam- spinner by an electric motor the seeds are thrown out
ple reduction for more than 30 s. by centrifugal force and fall downward. The circle or
area where the seeds fall is equally divided into two
parts by a stationary baffle so that approximately half Mechanical divider method the seeds fall in one spout and half in the other spout.
The centrifugal divider tends to give variable results
This method is suitable for all kinds of seeds except some unless the spinner is operated after having poured the
very chaffy seeds. The apparatus divides a sample passed seed centrally into the hopper.
through it into two or more approximately equal parts.
The submitted sample can be mixed by passing it through d) Rotary divider. The rotary divider comprises a rotat-
the divider, recombining the parts and passing the whole ing crown unit with 6 to 10 attached subsample con-
sample through a second time, and similarly, a third time tainers, a vibration chute and a hopper. In using the di-
if necessary. The sample is reduced by passing the seed vider the seed is poured into the hopper and the rotary
through repeatedly and removing parts on each occasion. divider is switched on so that the crown unit with the
This process of reduction is continued until a working containers rotates with approx. 100 rpm and the vibra-
sample of approximately, but not less than, the required tion chute starts to feed the seed into the inlet cylinder
size is obtained. of the rotating crown. The feeding rate and therefore
Chapter 2: Sampling
There are two principles: (i) The inlet cylinder feeds mixing, pour the seed evenly over the tray; do not shake
the seed centrally onto a distributor within the rotating the tray thereafter. With the spoon in one hand, the spatula
crown distributing the seed to all containers simultane- in the other, and using both, remove small portions of seed
ously. (ii) The inlet cylinder feeds the seed de-centrally from not less than five random places. Sufficient portions
into the inlets of the containers rotating underneath the of seed are taken to constitute a subsample of the required
inlet cylinder so that the seed stream is subdivided into size.
a lot of subsamples.
e) Variable sample divider. The variable sample divid- The hand halving method
er consists of a pouring hopper and a tube underneath
that rotates with about 40 rpm. The tube distributes the This method is restricted to the following genera of chaffy
seed stream from the pouring hopper onto the inner seeds:
surface of a further hopper, which is well fitted into a Agrimonia, Andropogon, Anthoxanthum, Arrhenath
third hopper all being concentric. In the second and the erum, Astrebla, Beckmannia, Bouteloua, Brachiaria,
third hopper there are slots that comprise 50 % of the Briza, Cenchrus, Chloris, Dichanthium, Digitaria,
perimeter of the hoppers. 50 % of the seed will pass Echinochloa, Ehrharta, Elymus, Eragrostis, Gomphrena,
through the two hoppers into a collecting pan. The Gossypium (linted seed only), Melinis, Oryza, Pennisetum
other 50 % will stay within the hoppers and will then (non glaucum), Psathyrostachys, Scabiosa, Sorghastrum,
go into a second collecting pan. The two hoppers can Stylosanthes (non guianensis), Trisetum;
be twisted against each other resulting in more narrow
slots. The effect is that a smaller percentage will pass to the following genera of easily damaged fragile seeds:
through the slots. Either the smaller sample outside the Arachis, Glycine and Phaseolus;
hoppers or the bigger sample inside the hoppers can be
used as the required sample. The position of the two and to the following genera and species of tree and shrub
hoppers in relation to each other can be adjusted ac- seeds:
curately, resulting in pre-determined subsample sizes. Acer, Aesculus, Ailanthus, Castanea, Cedrela, Corylus,
Fagus, Fraxinus, Juglans, Liriodendron, Pinus cembra,
Pinus pinea, Platanus, Populus, Quercus, Salix, Tectona, Modified halving method Ulmus.
The apparatus comprises a tray into which fits a grid of The hand halving method can also be used with the spe-
equal-sized cubical cells, open at the top and every al- cies where all other dividing methods are extremely dif-
ternate one having no bottom. After preliminary mixing, ficult or impossible to use.
the seed is poured evenly over the grid. When the grid is For all other species it can be used only to obtain work-
lifted, approximately half the sample remains on the tray. ing samples in the laboratory for seed health tests (7.4.1).
The submitted sample is successively halved in this way For applying the hand halving method, pour the sam-
until a working sample, of approximately but not less than ple evenly onto a smooth clean surface, thoroughly mix
the required size, is obtained. the seed into a mound with a flat-edged spatula, divide
the mound into half and halve each half again – giving
four portions – and halve each portion again – giving Spoon method eight portions, arrange the portions in two rows of four,
combine and retain alternate portions: e.g. combine the
The spoon method is recommended for sample reduction first and third portions in the first row with the second and
for seed health testing (7.4.1). For other tests it is restrict- fourth in the second row, remove the remaining four por-
ed to species with seeds smaller than Triticum spp., to the tions. Repeat the procedure using the retained portions
genera Arachis, Glycine and Phaseolus, and to tree genera until obtaining the required sample size.
Chapter 2: Sampling
2.5.3 Storage of samples after testing contain is 1 000 000 000 (10 000 units of 100 000)
except that the weight of the seed lot, including the
The primary aim of storage of samples after testing is to coating material may not exceed 40 000 kg subject to a
be able to repeat the original tests carried out on the sub- tolerance of 5 % (42 000 kg). When seed lot size is ex-
mitted sample. Therefore, storage conditions should be pressed in units the total weight of the seed lot must be
such that changes in the seed quality traits tested are mini- given on the Orange International Seed Lot Certificate.
mal. For example, in the case of the purity test or other
seed count, the sample should be stored in such a way c) seed lots of species of Poaceae produced in a seed
that the physical identity is kept. In the case of germina- company that has been approved to make larger seed
tion, viability or health test of orthodox seeds the sample lots. The conditions under which this may be permitted
should be stored under cool and dry conditions. For such are laid down in
tests in recalcitrant and intermediate seeds of tropical and
subtropical species, long term storage is not possible. For d) seed lots of species of Poaceae produced in a seed
such seed of temperate species storability depends on the company that has applied for approval to make larger
fungal status and to some extent whether the seed is dor- seed lots according to The heterogeneity of the
mant or not. All factors pertaining to storage need to be seed lot must be tested according to 2.9 and the seed lot
determined on a species basis. Protection against insects must not show significant heterogeneity.
and rodents may be necessary.
To provide for re-testing by the original or by anoth- Maximum lot size for treated and encrusted seeds is de-
er seed testing laboratory, samples on which ISTA Cer- fined by applying the quantities indicated in Table 2A to
tificates have been issued must be stored at least for one the seeds without coating material.
year from the receipt of the sample. Submitted samples A seed lot in excess of the prescribed quantity must
in moisture proof containers, and samples of recalcitrant be subdivided into seed lots not larger than the prescribed
or intermediate species, must be stored under appropriate quantity, each of which must be labelled or marked with a
conditions for as long as it can be expected that the results separate seed lot identification.
of a re-test are not affected by the storage.
When a re-test in a different testing laboratory is re-
quired, a portion must be drawn from the stored sample Large seed lots of Poaceae
in accordance with, and submitted to the desig-
nated testing laboratory. The remainder must be retained Definitions
in store.
Large seed lots of Poaceae species may have a maximum
size of 25 000 kg (with a 5 % tolerance), if produced by an
2.5.4 Conditions for issuing Orange approved production plant.
International Seed Lot Certificates For the purposes of large seed lots of Poaceae species,
the following species with similar characteristics are re-
The sampling methods laid down in the ISTA Rules must garded as two species groups:
be followed when seed samples are drawn for the issue of
Orange International Seed Lot Certificates. Further condi- Species group 1:
tions have to be fulfilled as listed below. Lolium perenne, Lolium multiflorum, Lolium ×hybri
dum (previously Lolium ×boucheanum), ×Festulolium,
Festuca pratensis, Festuca arundinacea and Phleum Seed lot size pratense.
The seed lot must not exceed the quantity indicated in col- Species group 2:
umn 2 of Table 2A, subject to a tolerance of 5 % with the Festuca rubra, Festuca ovina, Festuca filiformis, Fes
Chapter 2: Sampling Responsibility c) The moving of the seed into the new containers is done
under the control of an ISTA seed sampler.
The Certifying or Designated Authority in a country is re-
sponsible for: d) There is no processing of the seed during filling of the
Chapter 2: Sampling
Approval granted
Homogeneous? Homogeneous? No
Yes Yes
Homogeneous? Homogeneous? No
Yes Yes
Homogeneous? Homogeneous? No
Yes Yes
Check sample Check sample APPROVAL
Check sample
Homogeneous? Homogeneous?
(3 random samples from 100 large lots)
Yes Yes Homogeneous? No
3 % check sampling
No Yes
Homogeneous? Homogeneous? No
Yes Yes
Homogeneous? Homogeneous? No
Yes Yes
Homogeneous? No Homogeneous? No
2 % check sampling
Chapter 2: Sampling
Yes Yes
Homogeneous? No Homogeneous? No
Yes Yes
Figure 2.1. Flow chart describing the approval procedure and check-sampling programme with regard to large seed lots
of Poaceae species (–4).
The minimum sizes of submitted samples are as follows: For sample reduction, methods listed under must
– If a determination of other seeds by number is re- be used.
quired: the weight prescribed in Table 2A, column 3;
– if a determination of other seeds by number is not re- Storage of submitted samples after
quired: the weight prescribed for the working sample testing
for purity analysis in Table 2A, column 4, or in 3.5.1.
Submitted samples on which ISTA Certificates have been
For certain tests or under certain conditions, the following issued must be stored. In the case of small seed lots (see
exceptions apply: 2.2.14), the remainder of the submitted sample, minus 25
seeds for assurance of identity, may be sent back to the ap-
a) For coated seeds, if a determination of other seeds plicant. The seed testing laboratory cannot be held respon-
by number or size grading is required: the number of sible for any deterioration of the sample during storage.
seeds indicated in Table 2B, Parts 1 and 2, column 2.
b) For coated seeds, if a determination of other seeds by 2.6 Calculation and expression of
number or size grading is not required: the number results
of seeds indicated for the working sample for purity
analysis in Table 2B, Parts 1 and 2, column 3. No specific calculation or expression of results required
except under 2.9 for heterogeneity tests.
c) For moisture determination of species that must be
ground (see Table 9A): 100 g. For all other species:
50 g. 2.7 Reporting of results
When moisture meters are to be used for testing, a No specific calculation or expression of results required
larger sample size may be necessary. Contact the ac- except under 2.9 for heterogeneity tests.
credited ISTA laboratory for specific instructions.
2.8 Tables for lot size and sample Note 1: Names with an asterisk are not included in the
sizes ISTA List of Stabilized Plant Names. Names without
an asterisk are included in the ISTA List of Stabilized
Table 2A is referred to in various chapters of the ISTA Plant Names (but not the synonym which follows
Rules and indicates weights of lots and samples for differ- some of these names), or, in the case of generic names
ent species, and the specific names to be used in reporting (e.g. Pyrus spp.) conserved by the International Bo-
test results. Each sample size is derived from a nominal tanical Congress and listed in the International Code of
thousand-seed weight (TSW) for each species which, on Nomenclature. Changes in the stabilized list agreed at
the available evidence, is expected to be adequate for the the 2013 ISTA Congress are included in this version of
majority of samples tested. Table 2A. Where plant names have been changed, the
Where a weight is not given in the table and a count old name is included with a cross reference to the new
of other species is requested, the submitted sample must name. This applies only to 2013 Congress changes;
contain a minimum of 25 000 seeds. previous cross references have been removed.
Note 2: For all species the maximum seed lot size stated
can be exceeded by no more than 5 %, except for:
For production plants approved under, the
maximum seed lot weight for Poaceae species listed
in Table 2A Part 1 is 25 000 kg (with a 5 % tolerance).
Chapter 2: Sampling
Table 2A Part 1. Lot sizes and sample sizes: agricultural and vegetable seeds
Table 2A Part 1. Lot sizes and sample sizes: agricultural and vegetable seeds (continued)
Table 2A Part 1. Lot sizes and sample sizes: agricultural and vegetable seeds (continued)
Table 2A Part 1. Lot sizes and sample sizes: agricultural and vegetable seeds (continued)
Medicago arabica (L.) Huds. (out of burr) 10 000 50 5 50
Medicago italica (Mill.) Fiori (includes Medicago tornata (L.) 10 000 100 10 100
Medicago littoralis Rohde ex Loisel. 10 000 70 7 70
Medicago lupulina L. 10 000 50 5 50
Medicago orbicularis (L.) Bartal. 10 000 80 8 80
Medicago polymorpha L. 10 000 70 7 70
Medicago rugosa Desr. 10 000 180 18 180
Medicago sativa L. 10 000 50 5 50
Medicago scutellata (L.) Mill. 10 000 400 40 400
Table 2A Part 1. Lot sizes and sample sizes: agricultural and vegetable seeds (continued)
Table 2A Part 1. Lot sizes and sample sizes: agricultural and vegetable seeds (continued)
Table 2A Part 1. Lot sizes and sample sizes: agricultural and vegetable seeds (continued)
Table 2A Part 2. Lot sizes and sample sizes: tree and shrub seeds
Table 2A Part 2. Lot sizes and sample sizes: tree and shrub seeds (continued)
Table 2A Part 2. Lot sizes and sample sizes: tree and shrub seeds (continued)
Table 2A Part 2. Lot sizes and sample sizes: tree and shrub seeds (continued)
Table 2A Part 2. Lot sizes and sample sizes: tree and shrub seeds (continued)
Table 2A Part 3. Lot sizes and sample sizes: flower, spice, herb and medicinal species
Table 2A Part 3. Lot sizes and sample sizes: flower, spice, herb and medicinal species (continued)
Table 2A Part 3. Lot sizes and sample sizes: flower, spice, herb and medicinal species (continued)
Table 2A Part 3. Lot sizes and sample sizes: flower, spice, herb and medicinal species (continued)
Table 2A Part 3. Lot sizes and sample sizes: flower, spice, herb and medicinal species (continued)
Table 2A Part 3. Lot sizes and sample sizes: flower, spice, herb and medicinal species (continued)
Table 2A Part 3. Lot sizes and sample sizes: flower, spice, herb and medicinal species (continued)
Table 2A Part 3. Lot sizes and sample sizes: flower, spice, herb and medicinal species (continued)
Table 2B Part 1. Sample sizes (numbers of seeds) for pelleted seeds, encrusted seed and seed granules
Table 2B Part 2. Sample sizes (number of seeds) for seed tapes and mats
Chapter 2: Sampling
2.9 Heterogeneity testing for seed Mean of all X values determined for the lot in respect of
lots in multiple containers the adopted attribute:
Table 2D. Sampling intensity and critical H values. Number of independent container samples to be drawn as depend-
ing on the number of containers in the lot and critical H values for seed lot heterogeneity at a significance level of 1 %
Number of Number of inde- Critical H value for purity and Critical H value for other seed
containers in pendent container germination attributes count attributes
the lot samples
non-chaffy seeds chaffy seeds non-chaffy seeds chaffy seeds
5 5 2.55 2.78 3.25 5.10
6 6 2.22 2.42 2.83 4.44
7 7 1.98 2.17 2.52 3.98
8 8 1.80 1.97 2.30 3.61
9 9 1.66 1.81 2.11 3.32
10 10 1.55 1.69 1.97 3.10
11–15 11 1.45 1.58 1.85 2.90
16–25 15 1.19 1.31 1.51 2.40
26–35 17 1.10 1.20 1.40 2.20
36–49 18 1.07 1.16 1.36 2.13
50 or more 20 0.99 1.09 1.26 2.00 Sampling the lot In the laboratory, a working sample is drawn from each
container-sample and tested independently of any other
The number of independent container samples must be not sample for the chosen attribute.
less than presented in Table 2D.
Sampling intensity has been chosen such that in a a) The percentage by weight of any component may be
lot containing about 10 % deviating containers, at least used, provided it can be separated as in the purity
one deviating container is selected with a probability of analysis, e.g. pure seed, other seeds, or empty seeds of
p = 90 %. Since the detection of a deviating container is grasses. The working sample should be of such weight
conditional on selection, the power of both tests to detect as is estimated to contain 1000 seeds counted from
heterogeneity is at best close to equal, but usually lower each container-sample. Each working sample is sepa-
than the chosen selection probability. (Reference: Steiner, rated into two fractions: the selected component and
A. M. and Meyer, U. (1990), H value and R value hetero- the remainder.
geneity testing of seed lots; properties, sampling intensity
and precision. Agribiological Research 43, 103–114.) b) Any kind of seed or seedling determinable in a stand-
The containers to be sampled are chosen strictly at ard germination test may be used, e.g. normal seed-
random. The sample taken from the container must ad- lings, abnormal seedlings or hard seeds. From each
equately represent the whole contents, e.g. the top, middle container-sample a germination test of 100 seeds is set
and bottom of a bag. The weight of each container-sample up simultaneously and completed in accordance with
must be not less than half that specified in the Table 2A, conditions specified in Table 5A.
column 3.
c) The seed count may be of any component that can be
counted, e.g. a specified seed species, or all other seeds Testing procedure together. Each working sample must be of a weight
estimated to contain about 2500 seeds and a count is
The attribute adopted to indicate heterogeneity may be: made in it of the number of seeds of the kind selected
a) percentage by weight of any purity component, (i.e. other seed count).
b) percentage of any germination test component, or
Chapter 2: Sampling Use of Table 2D in the case of purity and germination, and to the Poisson
distribution in the case of the other seed count, multiplied
Table 2D shows the critical H values which would be ex- by the square root of the factor f given in Table 2C, respec-
ceeded in only 1 % of tests from seed lots with an ac- tively. The spread between containers is characterized by
ceptable distribution of the attribute adopted as indica- the calculated range to be compared with the correspond-
tor. If the calculated H value exceeds the critical H value ing tolerated range.
belonging to the sample number N, the attribute and the
chaffiness in Table 2D, then the lot is considered to show
significant heterogeneity in the in-range, or possibly also Definitions of terms and symbols
the off-range sense. If, however, the calculated H value is
less than or equal to the tabulated critical H value, then the No number of containers in the lot
lot is considered to show no heterogeneity in the in-range,
or possibly off-range sense with respect to the attribute N number of independent container-samples
being tested.
n number of seeds tested from each container-sample
(1 000 for purity, 100 for germination and 10 000 for Reporting results other seed count, see
The result of the H value heterogeneity test for seed lots in X test result of the adopted attribute in a container-sample
multiple containers must be reported under ‘Other deter-
minations’, as follows: ∑ symbol for sum of all values
– X: mean of all X values determined for the lot in
respect of the adopted attribute; Mean of all X values determined for the lot in respect of
– N: number of independent container samples; the adopted attribute:
– No: number of containers in the lot;
– the calculated H value; ∑X
X =
– the statement: ‘This H value does/does not indicate N
significant heterogeneity.’
Range found as maximum difference between independ-
Note: the H value must not be calculated or reported if X ent container samples of the lot in respect of the adopted
is outside the following limits: attribute:
– purity components: above 99.8 % or below 0.2 %;
– germination: above 99.0 % or below 1.0 %; R = Xmax – Xmin
– number of specified seeds: below two per sample.
Note: for precision of X for the R value test, see
‘Remarks’ to the H value test.
2.9.2 The R value test
The object of this test is to detect off-range heterogeneity Sampling the lot
of the seed lot using the attribute adopted as an indicator.
The test for off-range heterogeneity involves comparing Sampling for the R value test is the same as for the H
the maximum difference found between samples of simi- value test (see; the same samples must be used.
lar size drawn from the lot with a tolerated range. This tol-
erated range is based on the acceptable standard deviation,
which is achievable in good seed production practice. Testing procedure
Each independent container-sample is taken from a
Chapter 2: Sampling
different container, so that heterogeneity within containers The same testing procedures of purity, germination and
is not directly involved. Information about heterogeneity the other seed count are used for the R value test as are
within containers is contained, however, in the acceptable used for the H value test (see For calculations,
standard deviation which is in fact incorporated into the the same set of data must be used.
tabulation of tolerated ranges. The acceptable standard
deviation was calculated by the standard deviation due to
random variation according to the binomial distribution
Seed lot off-range heterogeneity is tested by using the ap- The result of the R value heterogeneity test for seed lots in
propriate table for tolerated, i.e. critical range: multiple containers must be reported under ‘Other deter-
– Table 2E for components of pure seed analyses, minations’, as follows:
– Table 2F for germination determinations, and
– Table 2G for numbers of other seeds. – X: mean of all X values determined for the lot in
respect of the adopted attribute;
Find the value X in the ‘Average’ columns of the appropri- – N: number of independent container samples;
ate table. When entering the table, round averages follow- – No: number of containers in the lot;
ing the usual procedure; read off the tolerated range which – the calculated R value;
would be exceeded in only 1 % of tests from seed lots with – the statement: ‘This R value does/does not indicate
an acceptable distribution of the attribute: significant heterogeneity.’
– in columns 5–9 for cases when N = 5 to 9,
– in columns 10–19 for cases when N = 10 to 19, or
– in column 20 when N = 20. 2.9.3 Interpretation of results
If the calculated R value exceeds this tolerated range, then Whenever either of the two tests, the H value test or the R
the lot is considered to show significant heterogeneity in value test, indicates significant heterogeneity, then the lot
the off-range sense. If, however, the calculated R value is must be declared heterogeneous. When, however, neither
less than or equal to the tabulated tolerated range, then the of the two tests indicates significant heterogeneity, then
lot is considered to show no heterogeneity in the off-range the lot must be adopted as non-heterogeneous, having a
sense with respect to the attribute being tested. non-significant level of heterogeneity.
When using the tables, round averages to the next tab-
ulated value (if in the middle, then downwards).
Chapter 2: Sampling
Table 2E Part 1. Maximum tolerated ranges for the R Table 2E Part 2. Maximum tolerated ranges for the R
value test at a significance level of 1 % probability using value test at a significance level of 1 % probability using
components of purity analyses as the indicating attribute in components of purity analyses as the indicating attribute in
non-chaffy seeds chaffy seeds
Average % of the compo- Tolerated range for number of Average % of the compo- Tolerated range for number of
nent and its complement independent samples (N) nent and its complement independent samples (N)
5–9 10–19 20 5–9 10–19 20
99.9 0.1 0.5 0.5 0.6 99.9 0.1 0.5 0.6 0.6
99.8 0.2 0.7 0.8 0.8 99.8 0.2 0.7 0.8 0.9
99.7 0.3 0.8 0.9 1.0 99.7 0.3 0.9 1.0 1.1
99.6 0.4 1.0 1.1 1.2 99.6 0.4 1.0 1.1 1.2
99.5 0.5 1.1 1.2 1.3 99.5 0.5 1.1 1.3 1.4
99.4 0.6 1.2 1.3 1.4 99.4 0.6 1.2 1.4 1.5
99.3 0.7 1.3 1.4 1.6 99.3 0.7 1.3 1.5 1.6
99.2 0.8 1.4 1.5 1.7 99.2 0.8 1.4 1.6 1.7
99.1 0.9 1.4 1.6 1.8 99.1 0.9 1.5 1.7 1.8
99.0 1.0 1.5 1.7 1.9 99.0 1.0 1.6 1.8 1.9
98.5 1.5 1.9 2.1 2.3 98.5 1.5 1.9 2.2 2.4
98.0 2.0 2.1 2.4 2.6 98.0 2.0 2.2 2.5 2.7
97.5 2.5 2.4 2.7 2.9 97.5 2.5 2.5 2.8 3.1
97.0 3.0 2.6 2.9 3.2 97.0 3.0 2.7 3.0 3.3
96.5 3.5 2.8 3.1 3.4 96.5 3.5 2.9 3.3 3.6
96.0 4.0 3.0 3.4 3.7 96.0 4.0 3.1 3.5 3.8
95.5 4.5 3.2 3.5 3.9 95.5 4.5 3.3 3.7 4.1
95.0 5.0 3.3 3.7 4.1 95.0 5.0 3.5 3.9 4.3
94.0 6.0 3.6 4.1 4.5 94.0 6.0 3.8 4.2 4.6
93.0 7.0 3.9 4.4 4.8 93.0 7.0 4.1 4.6 5.0
92.0 8.0 4.1 4.6 5.1 92.0 8.0 4.3 4.8 5.3
91.0 9.0 4.4 4.9 5.4 91.0 9.0 4.6 5.1 5.6
90.0 10.0 4.6 5.1 5.6 90.0 10.0 4.8 5.4 5.9
89.0 11.0 4.8 5.4 5.9 89.0 11.0 5.0 5.6 6.1
88.0 12.0 5.0 5.6 6.1 88.0 12.0 5.2 5.8 6.4
87.0 13.0 5.1 5.8 6.3 87.0 13.0 5.4 6.0 6.6
86.0 14.0 5.3 5.9 6.5 86.0 14.0 5.5 6.2 6.8
85.0 15.0 5.4 6.1 6.7 85.0 15.0 5.7 6.4 7.0
84.0 16.0 5.6 6.3 6.9 84.0 16.0 5.8 6.6 7.2
83.0 17.0 5.7 6.4 7.0 83.0 17.0 6.0 6.7 7.4
82.0 18.0 5.9 6.6 7.2 82.0 18.0 6.1 6.9 7.5
81.0 19.0 6.0 6.7 7.4 81.0 19.0 6.3 7.0 7.7
80.0 20.0 6.1 6.8 7.5 80.0 20.0 6.4 7.1 7.8
78.0 22.0 6.3 7.1 7.8 78.0 22.0 6.6 7.4 8.1
76.0 24.0 6.5 7.3 8.0 76.0 24.0 6.8 7.6 8.4
74.0 26.0 6.7 7.5 8.2 74.0 26.0 7.0 7.8 8.6
72.0 28.0 6.9 7.7 8.4 72.0 28.0 7.2 8.0 8.8
70.0 30.0 7.0 7.8 8.6 70.0 30.0 7.3 8.2 9.0
68.0 32.0 7.1 8.0 8.7 68.0 32.0 7.4 8.3 9.1
66.0 34.0 7.2 8.1 8.9 66.0 34.0 7.5 8.5 9.3
64.0 36.0 7.3 8.2 9.0 64.0 36.0 7.6 8.6 9.4
62.0 38.0 7.4 8.3 9.1 62.0 38.0 7.7 8.7 9.5
Chapter 2: Sampling
60.0 40.0 7.5 8.4 9.2 60.0 40.0 7.8 8.8 9.6
58.0 42.0 7.5 8.4 9.2 58.0 42.0 7.9 8.8 9.7
56.0 44.0 7.6 8.5 9.3 56.0 44.0 7.9 8.9 9.7
54.0 46.0 7.6 8.5 9.3 54.0 46.0 7.9 8.9 9.8
52.0 48.0 7.6 8.6 9.4 52.0 48.0 8.0 8.9 9.8
50.0 50.0 7.6 8.6 9.4 50.0 50.0 8.0 8.9 9.8
Table 2F Part 1. Maximum tolerated ranges for the R Table 2F Part 2. Maximum tolerated ranges for the R
value test at a significance level of 1 % probability using value test at a significance level of 1 % probability using
components of germination tests as the indicating attribute components of germination tests as the indicating attribute
in non-chaffy seeds in chaffy seeds
Average % of the compo- Tolerated range for number of Average % of the compo- Tolerated range for number of
nent and its complement independent samples (N) nent and its complement independent samples (N)
5–9 10–19 20 5–9 10–19 20
99 1 5 6 6 99 1 6 6 7
98 2 7 8 9 98 2 8 8 9
97 3 9 10 11 97 3 9 10 11
96 4 10 11 12 96 4 10 12 13
95 5 11 12 13 95 5 11 13 14
94 6 12 13 15 94 6 12 14 15
93 7 13 14 16 93 7 13 15 16
92 8 14 15 17 92 8 14 16 17
91 9 14 16 17 91 9 15 17 18
90 10 15 17 18 90 10 16 17 19
89 11 16 17 19 89 11 16 18 20
88 12 16 18 20 88 12 17 19 21
87 13 17 19 20 87 13 17 20 21
86 14 17 19 21 86 14 18 20 22
85 15 18 20 22 85 15 18 21 23
84 16 18 20 22 84 16 19 21 23
83 17 19 21 23 83 17 19 22 24
82 18 19 21 23 82 18 20 22 24
81 19 19 22 24 81 19 20 23 25
80 20 20 22 24 80 20 21 23 25
79 21 20 23 25 79 21 21 24 26
78 22 20 23 25 78 22 21 24 26
77 23 21 23 25 77 23 22 24 27
76 24 21 24 26 76 24 22 25 27
75 25 21 24 26 75 25 22 25 27
74 26 22 24 26 74 26 23 25 28
73 27 22 25 27 73 27 23 26 28
72 28 22 25 27 72 28 23 26 28
71 29 22 25 27 71 29 23 26 29
70 30 23 25 28 70 30 24 26 29
69 31 23 26 28 69 31 24 27 29
68 32 23 26 28 68 32 24 27 29
67 33 23 26 28 67 33 24 27 30
66 34 23 26 29 66 34 24 27 30
65 35 24 26 29 65 35 25 27 30
64 36 24 26 29 64 36 25 28 30
63 37 24 27 29 63 37 25 28 30
62 38 24 27 29 62 38 25 28 31
61 39 24 27 29 61 39 25 28 31
60 40 24 27 30 60 40 25 28 31
59 41 24 27 30 59 41 25 28 31
58 42 24 27 30 58 42 25 28 31
Chapter 2: Sampling
57 43 24 27 30 57 43 25 28 31
56 44 24 27 30 56 44 26 29 31
55 45 25 27 30 55 45 26 29 31
54 46 25 27 30 54 46 26 29 31
53 47 25 28 30 53 47 26 29 31
52 48 25 28 30 52 48 26 29 31
51 49 25 28 30 51 49 26 29 31
50 50 25 28 30 50 50 26 29 31
Table 2G Part 1. Maximum tolerated ranges for the R value test at a significance level of 1 % probability using compo-
nents of other seed count analyses as the indicating attribute in non-chaffy seeds
Average count Tolerated range for number of Average count Tolerated range for number of
of other seeds independent samples (N) of other seeds independent samples (N)
5–9 10–19 20 5–9 10–19 20
1 6 7 7 51 39 44 48
2 8 9 10 52 40 45 49
3 10 11 12 53 40 45 49
4 11 13 14 54 40 45 50
5 13 14 15 55 41 46 50
6 14 15 17 56 41 46 51
7 15 17 18 57 42 47 51
8 16 18 19 58 42 47 51
9 17 19 21 59 42 47 52
10 18 20 22 60 43 48 52
11 19 21 23 61 43 48 53
12 19 22 24 62 43 49 53
13 20 23 25 63 44 49 54
14 21 23 26 64 44 49 54
15 22 24 26 65 44 50 54
16 22 25 27 66 45 50 55
17 23 26 28 67 45 50 55
18 24 26 29 68 45 51 56
19 24 27 30 69 46 51 56
20 25 28 30 70 46 52 56
21 25 28 31 71 46 52 57
22 26 29 32 72 47 52 57
23 27 30 33 73 47 53 58
24 27 30 33 74 47 53 58
25 28 31 34 75 48 53 58
26 28 32 35 76 48 54 59
27 29 32 35 77 48 54 59
28 29 33 36 78 49 54 60
29 30 33 37 79 49 55 60
30 30 34 37 80 49 55 60
31 31 34 38 81 49 55 61
32 31 35 38 82 50 56 61
33 32 36 39 83 50 56 61
34 32 36 39 84 50 56 62
35 33 37 40 85 51 57 62
36 33 37 41 86 51 57 62
37 34 38 41 87 51 57 63
38 34 38 42 88 52 58 63
39 34 39 42 89 52 58 64
40 35 39 43 90 52 58 64
41 35 40 43 91 52 59 64
42 36 40 44 92 53 59 65
43 36 41 44 93 53 59 65
Chapter 2: Sampling
44 37 41 45 94 53 60 65
45 37 41 45 95 54 60 66
46 37 42 46 96 54 60 66
47 38 42 46 97 54 61 66
48 38 43 47 98 54 61 67
49 39 43 47 99 55 61 67
50 39 44 48 100 55 62 67
Average count Tolerated range for number of Average count Tolerated range for number of
of other seeds independent samples (N) of other seeds independent samples (N)
5–9 10–19 20 5–9 10–19 20
101 55 62 68 121 60 68 74
102 55 62 68 122 61 68 74
103 56 62 68 123 61 68 75
104 56 63 69 124 61 68 75
105 56 63 69 125 61 69 75
106 57 63 69 126 62 69 76
107 57 64 70 127 62 69 76
108 57 64 70 128 62 70 76
109 57 64 70 129 62 70 76
110 58 65 71 130 63 70 77
111 58 65 71 131 63 70 77
112 58 65 71 132 63 71 77
113 58 65 72 133 63 71 78
114 59 66 72 134 64 71 78
115 59 66 72 135 64 71 78
116 59 66 73 136 64 72 78
117 59 67 73 137 64 72 79
118 60 67 73 138 64 72 79
119 60 67 73
120 60 67 74
For higher other seed counts, tolerances (R) are calculated by using the following formula and rounding up to the next
whole number:
For N = 5–9: R = √(average count of other seed) × 5.44
For N = 10–19: R = √(average count of other seed) × 6.11
For N = 20: R = √(average count of other seed) × 6.69
Chapter 2: Sampling
Table 2G Part 2. Maximum tolerated ranges for the R value test at a significance level of 1 % probability using compo-
nents of other seed count analyses as the indicating attribute in chaffy seeds
Average count Tolerated range for number of Average count Tolerated range for number of
of other seeds independent samples (N) of other seeds independent samples (N)
5–9 10–19 20 5–9 10–19 20
1 7 8 9 51 49 55 60
2 10 11 12 52 50 56 61
3 12 14 15 53 50 56 62
4 14 16 17 54 51 57 62
5 16 18 19 55 51 57 63
6 17 19 21 56 52 58 63
7 19 21 23 57 52 58 64
8 20 22 24 58 52 59 64
9 21 23 26 59 53 59 65
10 22 25 27 60 53 60 65
11 23 26 28 61 54 60 66
12 24 27 30 62 54 61 66
13 25 28 31 63 55 61 67
14 26 29 32 64 55 62 68
15 27 30 33 65 56 62 68
16 28 31 34 66 56 63 69
17 29 32 35 67 56 63 69
18 29 33 36 68 57 64 70
19 30 34 37 69 57 64 70
20 31 35 38 70 58 65 71
21 32 36 39 71 58 65 71
22 33 36 40 72 58 65 72
23 33 37 41 73 59 66 72
24 34 38 42 74 59 66 73
25 35 39 42 75 60 67 73
26 35 40 43 76 60 67 74
27 36 40 44 77 60 68 74
28 37 41 45 78 61 68 75
29 37 42 46 79 61 69 75
30 38 42 46 80 62 69 75
31 38 43 47 81 62 69 76
32 39 44 48 82 62 70 76
33 40 44 49 83 63 70 77
34 40 45 49 84 63 71 77
35 41 46 50 85 63 71 78
36 41 46 51 86 64 71 78
37 42 47 51 87 64 72 79
38 43 48 52 88 65 72 79
39 43 48 53 89 65 73 80
40 44 49 54 90 65 73 80
41 44 50 54 91 66 74 80
42 45 50 55 92 66 74 81
43 45 51 55 93 66 74 81
Chapter 2: Sampling
44 46 51 56 94 67 75 82
45 46 52 57 95 67 75 82
46 47 52 57 96 67 75 83
47 47 53 58 97 68 76 83
48 48 54 59 98 68 76 83
49 48 54 59 99 68 77 84
50 49 55 60 100 69 77 84
Average count Tolerated range for number of Average count Tolerated range for number of
of other seeds independent samples (N) of other seeds independent samples (N)
5–9 10–19 20 5–9 10–19 20
101 69 77 85 121 76 85 93
102 69 78 85 122 76 85 93
103 70 78 86 123 76 85 93
104 70 79 86 124 76 86 94
105 70 79 86 125 77 86 94
106 71 79 87 126 77 86 95
107 71 80 87 127 77 87 95
108 71 80 88 128 78 87 95
109 72 80 88 129 78 87 96
110 72 81 88 130 78 88 96
111 72 81 89 131 79 88 96
112 73 81 89 132 79 88 97
113 73 82 90 133 79 89 97
114 73 82 90 134 79 89 98
115 74 83 90 135 80 89 98
116 74 83 91 136 80 90 98
117 74 83 91 137 80 90 99
118 75 84 92 138 81 90 99
119 75 84 92
120 75 84 92
For higher other seed counts, tolerances (R) are calculated by using the following formula and rounding up to the next
whole number:
For N = 5–9: R = √(average count of other seed) × 6.82
For N = 10–19: R = √(average count of other seed) × 7.65
For N = 20: R = √(average count of other seed) × 8.38
Chapter 2: Sampling