For The Dynamic Loads in Corrosive Atmosphere: Permissible Tensile Stress Is Considered Zero
For The Dynamic Loads in Corrosive Atmosphere: Permissible Tensile Stress Is Considered Zero
For The Dynamic Loads in Corrosive Atmosphere: Permissible Tensile Stress Is Considered Zero
Load Stages to be considered for Stress Checking At the transfer. (i.e. Pre-stressing force + Dead Load)
(a)Construction stage: P/A σttp σtcD
•In this stage, loading includes temporary loads, loads due transportation of T
components, loads due to handling or erection, loads due to launching of C Yt T
girders etc.
(b) Design Load Stages:
•For the design load following conditions are checked
• Service dead load + full pre-stress after losses (DL + PL). σbcp Stresses
• Service dead load + live load + full pre-stress after losses. (DL+LL+PS) Stresses Due to DL at Transfer
(c) Design Loads Plus Thermal Loads Stage: Due to Prestress
•The combination of the loads with differential temperature gradient effect
maximum 50% of live load is considered and adequate un-tensioned steel is P P. e M g
provided to take care the tensile stresses and limit the crack width. At top fiber f tt .......(1)
(d) Ultimate Stage : A Zt Zt
•Section is checked for following ultimate load cases
P P. e M g
• Under moderate conditions At bottom fiber f ct (2)
1.25 x Perm. Loads + 2x superimposed DL + 2.5 xLL A Zb Zb
• Under severe exposed conditions Note: (-ve tension; +ve compression)
1.5 x Permanent Loads + 2x superimposed DL+ 2.5 x LL P = Prestressing force after losses up to transfer Transfer
(Superimposed dead load consists: precast footpath, hand rails, wearing course, kerbs etc.)
ftt to be put with negative sign in above equations)
At the service load (i.e. Pre-stress force + Dead Load+Live Load ) Determination of Section Moduluses
Multiplying eqn (1) by and Subtracting from eqn 3,
P/A σttp σtcD σtcL σtcS
C C C P P. e M g M q P P. e M g
T i.e. f cw f tt
Z t Z t
C Yt
A Zt A Z t Z t
C M q 1 M g M q 1 M g
C f cw f tt Zt (5)
f cw f tt
σbcp σbtD Zt
Stresses σbtL σbtS
Due to Prestress Stresses Stresses Stresses Multiplying eqn (2) by and subtracting eqn (4) from it
Due to DL Due to LL at Service P P. e M g P P. e M g M q
P P. e M g M q i.e. f ct f ct f tw
At top fiber f cw ......(3) A Z b Z b A Z b Z b Z b
A Z t Z t Zt
P P. e M g M q M q 1 M g M 1 M g
f ct f tw Z b q (6)
f tw ....(4)
f ct f tw
At bottom fiber
A Z b Z b Z b Zb
Note: (-ve tension; +ve compression) If the permissible stresses at working and at transfer ftw and fcw
= % loss of prestress after Transfer respectively are known, the minimum value of Zt and Zb can be
ftw to be put with negative sign in above equations)
Determination of Pre-stressing Force and Eccentricity Equations 7a and 7b may be re-written in terms of fsup and
From equations (1) and (4) finf as
P P. e
P P. e Mg f sup . (8a)
A Z f tt Z .(7a) A Zt
t t
P P. e f tw M g M q
P P. e
f inf .. (8b)
. (7b) A Zb
A Zb Zb
Let the net tensile stresses due to (DL +LL) at top fiber at working To eliminate P, dividing equations (9a) and (b) above, we
stage is denoted by finf and the net stress at top fiber is denoted by get
1 e
fsup, i.e. (i.e. RHS of Equation 7a and 7b is denoted by fsup and finf
A Z t f sup 1 e 1 e
respectively) f inf f sup
Mg 1 e f inf A Z t A Zb
f sup f tt (9a)
Z t A Zb
M g 1M qf ....f (9b) e f inf f sup e Z f Z f e Zt Zb f inf f sup
....... (10)
f inf tw
Z bA
inf sup Z
t Zb Zt Zb
b inf t sup
A f sup Zt f inf Zb
Equations (8a) and (8b) may be re-written as If the eccentricity provided is less than the required,
more pre-stressing force is to be applied.
P. e P
f sup Required prestressing force corresponding to a given
Zt A eccentricity may be calculated as
P. e
f inf
P P. e P e 1
Zb A f inf P f inf
Zb A Zb A
To eliminate e, dividing equations (11a) and (11b), we get
f inf f A Zb
P P inf
f e 1 Z b Ae
Z b A sup
Z t Z b f inf Z b f sup Z t
Zt P A Zb A
f inf
A f inf Z b f sup Z t
P ......... (11)
Z t Z b
Limiting Zone of Pre-stressing Cable
At mid-span Moments are maximum
Tensile stress at bottom and compressive stress at to
Cable Zone and Cable Profile
Eccentricity must be such that • Once the prestress force has been chosen based on
permissible stresses at top and bottom are within limit the most critical section (mid-span in SS beam), it is
Need to determine the limiting zone of cable (since cable possible to find the limits of the eccentricity ‘e’ at
force can not be changed)
different sections
At Supports DL and LL moments are almost zero • An allowable cable zone is produced within which
the eccentricity of the cable the profile may take any shape.
not to develop tensile stresses more than tensile strength of
concrete (even for zero moments) • As long as the ‘cable’ lies within the zone, the
Need to determine the limiting eccentricity zone at support stresses at the different loading stages will not
also exceed the allowable values, even though some of
At Mid-span; Mg = Mmin and the tendons might physically lie outside the cable
Mg +Mq = Md = Design Moment zone.
At Mid-span; Mg = 0 and
Mg +Mq = Md = 0
Z t f tt Z t M min Z t f cw Z t M d
e e Magnel Diagram
Z b f ct Z b M min Z f Z M 8 3 4
e e b tw b d 10
967 mm
450 Maximum available eccentricity = (1000-440) – 75 = 485 mm
Minimum cover to cable = 75 mm The loss ratio after transfer = 0.85
Z t f tt Z t M min Z t f cw Z t M d
e e
95 10 0 95 106 1012 106
95 106 15 95 106 1462 106
e e
1460 103 345 103 1460 103 1460 10 3
345 10 0.85 1460 103
Z b f ct Z b M min Z b f tw Z b M d
e e
75 106 15 75 106 1012 106 75 106 0 75 106 1462 106
e e
1460 103 345 103 1460 103 1460 10 3
345 10 0.85 1460 103
Since the eccentricity to be provided (485 mm) is CHECK FOR SECTION AT ULTIMATE
within limits, it may be provided. The ultimate moment carrying capacity of the section
The pre-stressing force to be applied corresponding to should not be less than the moment due to ultimate
available eccentricity may be calculated as loads
f inf A Z b
P For moderate condition
Z b Ae (i.e. 1.25 x Permanent Loads + 2x superimposed dead
load + 2.5 x live load)
23 345 103 75 106
75 106 345 103 485 For severe condition
(1.5 x Permanent Loads + 2x superimposed dead load
2456 10 N 3
+ 2.5 x live load)
Check for Stresses at Transfer and at working
M u 0.176 bd b2 f ck 0.8 B f b d b t f ck
2 t b = width of the section for rectangular section and is width of the
web for Tee-section,
3 2
Where b = width of the web, d = overall depth of the section.
Bf = width of the flange, fcp = compressive stress at the centriodal axis due to prestress
taken as positive.
db = depth of beam from the maximum compression
ft =maximum principal tensile stress given as
edge of the center of gravity of the steel tendons,
t = thickness of the flange. f t 0.24 f ck
Shear Force Carrying capacity Based on cracked Section in Flexure Design for Shear when V < 0.5Vc
When the shear force at a section due to ultimate loads, V is less
Vcr 0.037 bd b f ck tV than 0.5Vc the shear force capacity of the section, no shear
M reinforcement need be provided.
Design for Shear when 0.5Vc < V < Vc
where M t 0.37 f ck 0.8 f p If V is greater than Vc/2, a nominal shear reinforcement may be
provide as
• Vcr should not be considered less than …… Asv 0.87 Fyv
• Moreover, Vcr calculate at a particular section may be
0.4 MPa
Sv b
assumed to be constant for a distance equal to db/2 measured
Design for Shear when V > Vc
in the direction of increasing moment from that particular If V is more than Vc, the shear reinforcement will be provided as
• Furthermore, for the sections having inclined tendons and Asv V Vc
cracked in flexure, the component of pre-stressing force S v 0.87 f yv d l
normal to the longitudinal axis of the member should be Where dl is the depth from extreme compression fiber either to the
ignored. longitudinal bars having diameter not less than link bar over which
the link will pass or to the centroid of the tendons, whichever is
P P. e M g M q P P. e M g P P. e Mg
i.e. A Z Z Z f cw f tt A Z f tt Z .(7a)
t t t A Z t Z t t t
P P. e f tw M g M q
M q 1 M g M 1 M g . (7b)
f cw f tt Zt q (5) A Zb Zb
f cw f tt
In above equations, the terms on LHS indicates the stresses at top and bottom fiber due
Multiplying eqn (2) by and subtracting eqn (4) from it
to prestressing force which may be denoted as fsup and finf indicating the stresses at top
P P. e M g P P. e M g M q and bottom fiber due to prestress respectively
i.e. f ct f ct f tw
A Z b Z b A Z b Z b Z b
P P. e Mg
f sup . (8a) f sup f tt ......... (9a)
M q 1 M g M 1 M g A Zt Z t
f ct f tw Zb q (6)
Zb f ct f tw
If the permissible stresses at working and at transfer ftw and fcw respectively are P P. e f
f inf tw
M g M q ............ (9b)
f inf .. (8b)
known, minimum value of Zt and Zb can be calculated. A Zb Z b
Based on Zt and Zb determined above, preliminary sections dimensions are
To eliminate P, dividing equations (8a) and (b) above, we get
Limiting Zone of Pre-stressing Cable
1 e
1 eZt Zb f inf 1 f sup e
At mid-span Moments are maximum
f inf fsup e f inf f sup A eZt Zb f inff sup Zt fsup e
f inf f
ZAt f sup Zt fAinf ZZb b
....... (10)
A Z Z 1 Zt Zeb f inf
A sup Tensile stress at bottom and compressive stress at top
t b
A Zb Eccentricity at the mid-span must be such that
permissible stresses at top and bottom are within limit
Equations (8a) and (8b) may be re-written as
Need to determine the limiting zone of cable
P. e P P. e P
f sup f inf At Supports DL and LL moments are almost zero
Zt A Zb A
since cable force can not be changed)
To eliminate e, dividing equations (11a) and (11b), we get the eccentricity of the cable is changed towards support
P P Eccentricity is determined in such a way that no (limited)
f f sup A f Z b f sup Z t A f Z f Z
Z b A sup
Z t Zbb f inf Z b f sup
Z t
Z t PZb finf
P Z A P Tensile stresses should develop in the section
inf Z b f sup Z t P
......... (11)inf b sup t ......... (11)
P A Zt
P A Z t Z b Z t Z b
Need to determine the limiting eccentricity zone at
support also
P P. e M g Z t f tt Z t M min Z b f ct Z b M min
f tt .......(1)
(Tensile) Stresses at Transfer at top fiber
A Zt Zt
e e
Z M g Z t f tt
e t
P P. e M g Z t f cw Z t M d Z b f tw Z b M d
(Compressive ) Stresses at bottom fiber f ct (2) e e
A Zb Zb P A P P A P
Z b f ct Z b M min
e Near the Support
Dead Load Moment, Mg = Mmin 0 and
P P. e M g M q
(Tensile) Stresses at working at bottom fiber f tw ....(4) Design Moment, Md = Mg +Mq 0 + 0 0
A Z b Z b Z b
Z b M g M q Z b f tw
e Near the Mid-span
Dead Load Moment, Mg = Mmin MDL, Max, and
P P. e M g M q
(Compressive) Stress at bottom fiber f cw ....(4) Design Moment, Md = Mg +Mq MDL, Max + MDL, Max
A Z t Z t Zt
Z t f cw Z t M d
Shear Force Carrying capacity Based on cracked Section in Flexure Design for Shear when V < 0.5Vc
When the shear force at a section due to ultimate loads, V is less
Vcr 0.037 bd b f ck tV than 0.5Vc the shear force capacity of the section, no shear
M reinforcement need be provided.
Design for Shear when 0.5Vc < V < Vc
where M t 0.37 f ck 0.8 f p If V is greater than Vc/2, a nominal shear reinforcement may be
provide as
• Vcr should not be considered less than …… Asv 0.87 Fyv
0.4 MPa
• Moreover, Vcr calculate at a particular section may be Sv b
assumed to be constant for a distance equal to db/2 measured Design for Shear when V > Vc
in the direction of increasing moment from that particular If V is more than Vc, the shear reinforcement will be provided as
section. Asv V Vc
• Furthermore, for the sections having inclined tendons and
cracked in flexure, the component of pre-stressing force S v 0.87 f yv d l
normal to the longitudinal axis of the member should be Where dl is the depth from extreme compression fiber either to the
ignored. longitudinal bars having diameter not less than link bar over which
the link will pass or to the centroid of the tendons, whichever is
Where, 2Y0 = side of end block, 2Yp0 is the side of loaded area,
Pk = load in the tendon, and Fbst is the burshting tensile force
This force Fbst is distributed in a region extending from 0.2Y0 to 2Y0 from the
loaded face of the end block as shown in Fig.
• Calculate the section properties (A, Zt and Zb) with out • Check the assumed section for stresses, at transfer and at
deducting the area of duct working.
• Calculate moment due to DL, as Mg • Select the size of the prestressing tendon and determine the
• Calculate moment due to LL corresponding to worst position of no. of prestressing tendons
LL, as Mq • Avoid grouping of tendons (for bonding of grout), if required
put tendons vertically
• Calculate section modulus Zt and Zb from eqn (7) and check
• Minimum clear cover = 50 mm
that provided Z > required
• Determine the profile of the cable, the profile is determined
• Collect compressive and tensile strength of concrete at at two stages
transfer, ftc, ftt and at working, fwc, fwt • Determine the ultimate shear and flexural strength of the
• Assume some value of section based on prestressing
• Calculate fsup and finf from eqn (9) • steel and untensioned steel and check that is not less than
• Calculate value of eccentricity ‘e’ of prestressing force from required ultimate moment and
eqn (10) • ultimate shear force calculated for (1.25xper. load + 2x
• Calculate value of prestressing force P, from eqn (11) super. imp load + 2.5xLive load)
• If eccentricity is to be varied, determine the range of
eccentricity from eqn.(12)
Grouping of Cables
Cover and Spacing of Prestressing Steel • Grouping of cables shall be avoided to the extent possible
• If the prestressing cable is nearest to surface, the minimum • If unavoidable, only vertical grouping of cables, upto 2 cables may be
clear cover measured from outside of sheathing shall be 75 permitted as shown in Fig.
mm • Minimum Clear spacing between groups shall be diameter of the duct or
• The minimum clear cover to un-tensioned reinforcement 50 mm whichever is greater
including links and stirrups shall be taken as specified for Note:
• In case of severe conditions of exposure, grouping of cables should be
reinforced bridges. altogether avoided. This may be achieved by the use of high capacity
• Minimum clear distance of 50 mm or diameter of the duct, strands.
whererever is greater, shall be maintained between individual
cables when grouping of cables is not involved