4 - Flexural Analysis of RC Beams

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Flexural Analysis of RC Beams

! Understanding the Behavior of RC Beam Subjected to Transverse


When the beam is subjected to a transverse load ⇒ internal forces build up (moment
and shear forces).

" Transverse load is low fc

(i.e. cross-section C
stress variation is
linear). The
compression and
tension are carried all
by concrete (since T
tension stress is still
low, and concrete can
handle it alone without
steel reinforcement). ft

Concrete in compression 1
" Transverse load is
very high (almost at b
fc C
failure) (i.e. cross-
section stress
variation is non- c M

linear). The
compression is now T
carried by concrete,
while tension stress
(very high) is handled
by steel
reinforcement. 1 Reinforcing Steel in tension
Neglect concrete in tension

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Our analysis and design basis will be focused on the maximum cross-section (with
maximum moment) at failure condition. So, let’s start our job!! But, before doing so, we
have to state and understand the basic assumptions that the ACI did take under

! ACI Basic Assumptions used in Flexural Theory (ACI 10.2):

1) Perfect Bond between

concrete and steel ⇒ tensile
strain in concrete is
transformed to the steel
reinforcement (strain

2) Strain distribution through

RC section is linear.

3) ε c,ult = 0.003 .

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4) The stress in steel would follow the following

E s ε y εs ≤ εy

fs = 
f εs ≥ εy
 y

where E s = 200 × 10 3 MPa

5) Tensile strength of concrete is neglected in flexural (and most calculations[ actually,

it will be considered in deflection calculations later in the course]), since it is very
small (10% ∼ 15% of fc' ).

6) Concrete compressive stress distribution is assumed to be rectangular (Whitney’s


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 0.85 fc' ≤ 28 MPa

  f ' − 28 

β 1 = 0.85 − 0.05  c  28 < fc' < 56 MPa
  7 

 0.65 fc' ≥ 56 MPa

Note: ACI does not allow fc' to be less than 17 MPa (ACI 5.1.1).

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7) Time dependent effects (shrinkage and Creep) are neglected. They will be included
when calculating long term deflection calculations.

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For any cross-sectional area (of any shape), a key drawing for flexural analysis of the
beam is shown in the following drawing:

“Cross-section” “Strain distribution” “Stress distribution”


A s : Tensile steel area (mm 2 ).

d : effective depth of a section, measured from extreme compression fiber to the center

of the tensile steel (mm).

d t : net tensile depth of a section, measured from extreme compression fiber to the center

of the steel reinforcement at the farthest layer (i.e. layer closest to the extreme tensile

fiber) (mm).

c : distance from extreme compression fiber to the neutral axis (mm).

a : depth of the equivalent whitney's stress block (mm).

m : centroid of the compression concrete area measured from top compression fiber (mm).

ε s : tensile reinforcement strain (at centroid of tensile steel reinforcement).

ε t : net tensile reinforcement strain (at center of farthest tensile steel reinforcement).

fc' : concrete compressive strength (MPa).

fy : steel yield strength (MPa).

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! Design Philosophy of “Strength Design Method”:

Design Strength of Cross-Section ≥ Ultimate (maximum) load effects

Strength computed in accordance to (i.e. Mult, Vult, ..etc, due to factored

rules and assumptions adopted by ACI service loads wult)
[Note: wult=1.2 wD +1.6 wL]

φM n ≥ M ult,max
[moment design capacity for the cross [maximum moment due to ultimate (factored)
section] loads]

φVn ≥ Vult,max
[Shear design capacity for the cross section] [maximum (critical) shear due to ultimate loads]

One can notice how “frighten” the ACI code, which is demonstrated by lowering the
capacity of a structural member ( φ < 1.0), and in the same time, increasing the amount

of service loads expected to be subjected upon the structural member (load factor >
1.0 [i.e. “1.2” for dead load and “1.6” for live load]).


" “ φ ”:strength reduction factor < 1.0 , because:

1) Probability of cross-section under strength, which might be the case due to:

a) Variation of material strength.

b) Variation of dimensions.
c) Workmanship inaccuracy.

2) Use of empirical equations (inaccurate equations).

3) Reflects importance of the member (i.e. the higher the importance of the
member, the lower the value of “ φ ” is [ φ column < φ beam , which reflects the
importance of the column over the beam].

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4) Reflects the degree of ductility (i.e. the higher the ductility of the member,
the higher the value of “ φ ”.).

5) Reflects the degree of uncertainty and mode of failure (i.e. the higher the
uncertainty, the lower the value of “ φ ” is, also, φ shear < φ moment , which is
related that the shear failure is more brittle behavior than the flexural

! Minimum Steel Ratio “ρmin”:

 1.4
 f fc' ≤ 31.36 MPa
 y
ρ min =
 fc'
 fc' ≥ 31.36 MPa
 4fy

Note: steel ratio: ρ=
A eff

b ≤ 2b w

bw bw

“Effective area, Aeff, for different shapes, shown as the shaded area”

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! Balanced steel ratio “ρb”:

The basic concept of the balanced steel ratio “ ρ b ” or balanced steel area “ A s,b ” is to
have a steel amount in the cross section that will result in simultaneous steel yield and
concrete crush at failure (i.e. ε c = 0.003 ).

Let us work first with the strain distribution:

0.003 εy
cb d − cb

∵ εy =

Take E s = 200 × 10 3 MPa (ACI 8.5.2)

 fy 
 
0.003  200 × 10

⇒ = 
cb d − cb

600 fy
⇒ =
cb d − cb

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⇒ or, 600 ( d − c b ) = c b fy


600 d = 600 + fy c b
( )
 600 
∴ cb =  d
 600 + f 
y 

Now, let's work with the stress distribution:

∑ Fx = 0

A s.b fy = 0.85 fc' a b b

∵ a b = β 1c b

  600  
0.85β 1 fc'    d b
0.85 fc' β 1 c b b   600 + fy  
⇒ A s.b = =
fy fy

A s,b
∵ ρb =

fc'  600 
∴ ρ b = 0.85β 1   (for rectangular beams only !!)
fy  600 + fy 

The student should be able to use the same procedure to find "A s,b " or "ρ b " for
different shape cross-sections !!

" It should be stated that this kind of failure is considered to be brittle, since no
yielding has occurred.

" In the (ACI 318-99), the code limits a maximum steel ratio, or maximum area of
steel as:

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ρ max = 0.75 ρ b or A s,max = 0.75A s,b

To ensure ductile failure, the new code (ACI 318-02 & ACI 318-05) plays another
game now to ensure ductile failure, in which the strength reduction factor “ φ ”
becomes variable depending on the net tensile strain value “ ε t ”, which will be
explained later.

An interesting sketch of the strain

distribution of the reinforced concrete
beam is shown on the right. since the
ACI code assumes failure in reinforced
concrete beam by concrete crushing in
the extreme compression fiber, i.e., when
ε c = 0.003 .

So, if:

• c < cb ⇒ ε s > ε y steel yielded for long time. (Under-Reinforced Beam) 

• c = cb ⇒ εs = ε y steel just yielded. (balanced beam)  ACI318 − 99

• c > cb ⇒ εs < ε y steel did not yield. (over-reinforced beam) 

The new code ACI 318-02 & ACI 318-05 play it differently, as shown in the figure
below, but let us first define the new introduced symbol “ ε t ” , which is referred to the
tensile strain at the center of the farthest tensile reinforcement layer (farthest steel
layer from the N.A.) and is named “net tensile reinforcement strain”.

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 εt − εy 
φ = 0.65 + 0.25  
 0.005 − ε y 

limit by ACIfor Beams with

Axial Force ≤ 0.1 A g fc'


! The code divides the regions into three, based on the “steel net tensile strain”, ε t :

1. Compression Region: @ failure ε t < ε y (Brittle failure or Over-Reinforced Beam !!)

2. Transition Region: @ failure ε y < ε t < 0.005 (Brittle/Ductile failure)
3. Tension Region: @ failure ε t ≥ 0.005 (Ductile failure or Under Reinforced !!)

It should be stated that, for beams in flexure:

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ε t ≥ 0.004 “for flexural strength calculations, by ACI”

 Beam rejected!! ε t < 0.004

  εt − εy 

φ = 0.65 +   0.004 ≤ ε t < 0.005
 
 0.02 − 4ε y 

 0.9 ε t ≥ 0.005

The student is advised to try to derive the above equations with the help of the graph
shown in the previous page.

As one can conclude from the above equation of “ φ ”, the code seems to award the
designer if ε t ≥ 0.005 , which leads in an increase in the value of “ φ ” to a value of 0.9.
While it tends to panelize the designer by further reduction in “ φ ” as ε t < 0.005 .

Now, for grade 420 steel, i.e., fy = 420 MPa (which is the main type used in Kuwait):

fy 420
⇒ εy = = ≈ 0.002
Es 200 × 10 3

The following equation and graph related to the strength reduction factor “ φ ” for
fy = 420 MPa:

 Beam rejected!! ε t < 0.004

φ = 0.48 + 83ε t 0.004 ≤ ε t < 0.005

 0.9 ε t ≥ 0.005

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φ ≅ 0 .4 8 + 8 3 ε t

limit by ACIfor Beams with

Axial Force ≤ 0.1 A g fc'

! Analysis of Singly Reinforced RC Beams:

I. Rectangular Beams:

" The code requires that when beam fails, ε t ≥ 0.004 (i.e. ε t ≥ ≈ 2ε y ) ⇒ most
likely the steel reinforcement (at reinforcement centroid) had already yielded,
that is:

ε s ≥ ε y at failure (i.e. when concrete crushes [that is, when ε c = 0.003 ]!! ).

⇒ @ failure, fs = fy (very important conclusion, don’t forget it!!).

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∵ ∑ Fx = 0

⇒ 0.85fc' (β 1 c ∗ b ) = A s fy

 A s fy 
∴c =  '
 0.85 β 1 b fc 

a = β1 c

Now, we can find nominal moment (M n ) of the cross-section as:

 a
Mn = As fy d − 
 2

But, we need (or ACI requires) to find the beam flexural strength: φMn

 εt − ε y 
∵ φ = 0.65 + 0.25  
 0.005 − ε y 

⇒ Need to get "ε t " (Use strain distribution)

Using the similarity of triangles:

0.003 εt d − c 
= ⇒ ε t = 0.003  t 
c dt − c  c 

∴ φMn = φA s fy d − 
 2

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Flexural Analysis of Singly Reinforced Rectangular Concrete Beam

As (mm2 ) ,b (mm) , d (mm) ,dt (mm) , fc' (MPa) , fy (MPa)

Find: ΦMn

 1.4
 f fc' ≤ 31.36 MPa
 y
ρ min =
 fc'
 fc' ≥ 31.36 MPa
 4fy

 0.85 fc' ≤ 28 MPa

Is ρ ≥ ρmin ? 
  f ' − 28 
β 1 = 0.85 − 0.05  c  28 < fc' < 56 MPa
  7 
NO 
 0.65 fc' ≥ 56 MPa
Not a good section 

increase "ρ"

d − c  A s fy
is ε t ≥ 0.004 ? ε t = 0.003  t  c=
 c  0.85 β 1 b fc'

Not a good section YES is ε t ≥ 0.005 ? NO

Decrease "ρ"
φ = 0.9   εt − εy 
0.65 +   for any fy
  0.02 − 4ε y 


a = β 1c  0.48 + 83 ε if f = 420 MPa
 t y

φMn = φA s fy d −  ∗ 10 −6
(KN.m)  2  N.mm toit toKN.m
convert from
( ) ( )


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Bar Number of Bars
(Kg/m) 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

8 0.394 50.3 101 151 201 251 302 352 402 452 503

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10 0.560 71 142 213 284 355 426 497 568 639 710

12 0.887 113 226 339 452 565 679 792 905 1020 1130

14 1.207 154 308 462 616 770 924 1080 1230 1390 1540

16 1.552 199 398 597 796 995 1194 1393 1592 1791 1990

18 1.995 254 509 763 1020 1270 1530 1780 2040 2290 2540

20 2.463 314 628 942 1260 1570 1880 2200 2510 2830 3140

22 3.042 387 774 1161 1548 1935 2322 2709 3096 3483 3870

25 3.973 510 1020 1530 2040 2550 3060 3570 4080 4590 5100

Reinforced Concrete (I)

26 4.162 531 1060 1590 2120 2650 3190 3720 4250 4700 5310

28 4.827 616 1230 1850 2460 3080 3700 4310 4930 5540 6160

30 5.542 707 1410 2120 2830 3530 4240 4950 5660 6360 7070

32 6.404 819 1638 2457 3276 4095 4914 5733 6552 7371 8190

34 7.118 908 1820 2720 3630 4540 5450 6360 7260 8170 9080

36 7.907 1006 2012 3018 4024 5030 6036 7042 8048 9045 10060


Find the ultimate (nominal strength)

moment for the beam with the cross-
section shown on the right.

fc' = 28 MPa

fy = 420 MPa


As 1530
ρ= = ≅ 0.0119
bd 300 ∗ 430
ρ min = {since f
y < 31.36 MPa

⇒ ρ min = = 0.0033
∵ ρ = 0.0119 > ρ min = 0.0033 ⇒ O.K. !!

∵ fc' = 28 MPa ⇒ β 1 = 0.85

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Stress Distribution:

0.85 fc' (β 1c ) b = A s fy

A s fy 1530 ∗ 420
⇒c= = = 105.88 mm
0.85 β 1 b f c
0.85 ∗ ( 0.85 ) ∗ 300 ∗ 28

Strain Distribution:

0.003 εt
105.88 430 − 105.88

⇒ ε t = 0.00918 = ε s (since only one-layer of reinforcement)

∵ ε t = 0.00918 > 0.005

⇒ Tension − Controlled sec tion

⇒ φ = 0.9

∵ a = β 1c = 0.85 ∗ 105.88 ≈ 90 mm

 a a
∵ φM n = φA s fy d −  (m= for rectangular sections only !!)
 2 2

 90 
∴ φM n = 0.9 ∗ 1530 ∗ 420 ∗  430 −  ∗ 10 −6
 2  N.mm to itKN.m
to convert from
( ) ( )

⇒ φM n = 222.67 KN.m

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Given the layout on the right:

Its recommended to place a water tank of

diameter of 2 m and height of 2 m at the middle
span of beam “B2”. Is it safe to place it ??

w L = 100 ≅ 1 KN
m2 m2
w D = 200 ≅ 2 KN
m2 m2

fc' = 32 MPa

fy = 420 MPa

Note: consider the beam “B2” to be simply

supported (conservative).

The cross-section details for “B2” is sketched


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w ult = 1.2 ∗ w D + 1.6 ∗ w L = 1.2 ∗ (2) + 1.6 ∗ (1 )

∵ w ult = 4 KN/ m 2

Weight of the tank = Volume × water density:

π D2 Kg m 1 KN
⇒ W= h × 1000 3 × 10 2 × = 62.8 KN
4 m s 1000 N

Now, let us consider the tank weight (including

water) is a live load (more conservative):

⇒ Pult = 1.6 W = 1.6 ∗ ( 62.8 ) = 100.48 KN

1 2
M ult,max = 66.24 ∗ 2 − ∗ (16 ) ∗ (2 ) ∗  
2 3
∴ M ult,max = 121.81 KN.m

Now, let us find the section flexural (moment) strength capacity “ φMn ”, and what we
want is to conclude that:

φM n ≥ M ult,max

First, let us find the centroid of the steel reinforcement, in order to get the effective
depth value, “d” (as you used to do in Statics !!)

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  25   25  
3 ∗ 510 ∗  2  + 2 ∗ 510 ∗  25 + 25 + 2  
∑ Ay#
   
∑A 5 ∗ 510

∴ m = 32.5mm

Which is taken from the top surface of the


⇒ d = 500 − 50 − 8 − 32.5 = 409.5mm

concrete cov er stirrup diameter m


d t = 500 − 50 − 8 − = 429.5mm
concrete cov er stirrup diameter 2
half bar diameter

As 5 ∗ 510
ρ= = = 0.0207
bd 300 ∗ 409.5

fc' 32
ρ min = = = 0.00337
4fy 4 ( 420 )

∵ ρ = 0.0207 > ρ min = 0.00337 ⇒ O.K. !!

 f ' − 28   32 − 28 
β 1 = 0.85 − 0.05  c  = 0.85 − 0.05   ≅ 0.821
 7   7

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∵ A s fy = 0.85 fc' β 1 c b

5 ∗ 510 ∗ 420
⇒c= ≅ 159.87 mm
0.85 ∗ 32 ∗ ( 0.821 ) ∗ 300

εt 0.003
∵ =
dt − c c

( 429.5 − 159.87 )
⇒ ε t = 0.003 = 0.00506 > 0.005 ⇒ Tension − Re gion

⇒ φ = 0.9

a = β1 c = 0.821 ∗ (159.87 ) = 131.25mm

φM n = φA s fy d − 
 2

 131.25 
= 0.9 ∗ ( 5 ∗ 510 ) ∗ 420 ∗  409.5 −  × 10 −6
 2 

∴ φMn = 331.46 KN.m > M ult,max = 121.81 KN.m ⇒ Safe !!

What do you think? Can it take two tanks ???? Check it your self?

Now, let us try to challenge ourselves, by taking a special shape cross-section beam,
DON’T PANIC !! As long you understand the principles (which if you don’t, this would be
the best time to PANIC!!), you should not be afraid of any Problem !!

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Find the ultimate (nominal strength)

moment for the beam with the cross-
section shown on the right.

fc' = 28 MPa

fy = 420 MPa


As 1194
ρ= = ≅ 0.005
A eff ( 600 ∗ 400 )

ρ min = {since f
y < 31.36 MPa

⇒ ρ min = = 0.0033
∵ ρ = 0.005 > ρ min = 0.0033 ⇒ O.K. !!

∵ fc' = 28 MPa ⇒ β 1 = 0.85

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" Assume a ≤ 100 mm:

Stress Distribution:

0.85 fc' a b = A s fy

A s fy 1194 ∗ 420
⇒a= = = 105.35 mm > 100 mm
0.85 b f c
0.85 ∗ 28 ∗ 200

⇒ our assumption was wrong !!

" Assume a > 100 mm:

Stress Distribution:

0.85 fc' Ac = A s fy

0.85 ∗ (28) ∗ ( a ∗ 400 ) − 2 ∗ (100 ∗ 100 )  = 1194 ∗ 420

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  1194 ∗ 420  
  0.85 ∗ 28  + 2 ∗ (100 ∗ 100 ) 
⇒ a =  
 ≅ 102.68 mm > 100 mm ⇒ our assumption is right!!
 400 
 

a 102.68
⇒c= = = 120.8 mm
β1 0.85

Strain Distribution:

0.003 εt
120.8 600 − 120.8

⇒ ε t = 0.0119 = ε s (since only one-layer of reinforcement)

∵ ε t = 0.0119 > 0.005 ⇒ Tension − Controlled sec tion ⇒ φ = 0.9

∵ φM n = φA s fy d − m 

So, we have to find the centroid

of the concrete compression area,

  102.68 − 100  
 ( 200 ∗ 100 ∗ 50 ) + (102.68 − 100 ) ∗ 400 ∗   + 100  
∑ Ai ∗ y# =   2  
= 52.61 mm
∑ Ai (200 ∗ 100 ) + (102.68 − 100 ) ∗ 400 

∴ φM n = 0.9 ∗ 1194 ∗ 420 ∗ [600 − 52.61] ∗ 10 −6

to convert it from
( N.mm ) to (KN.m )

⇒ φM n = 247.05 KN.m

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! Design Strength Coefficient (Ru):

Consider the singly reinforced rectangular concrete beam been discussed earlier, it was
found that the ultimate moment capacity to be:

φMn = φA s fy d − 
 2

∵ ∑ Fx = 0

0.85 fc' ab = A s fy

A s fy
0.85 fc' b

∵ A s = ρbd ⇒ a =
(ρ b d ) f y
ρd fy
0.85f b c
0.85 fc'

which if subsituted in the ultimate moment capacity equation:

  ρ d fy  
  
  0.85 fc'    ρd fy 
⇒ φMn = φ ( ρbd ) fy d − = φ ρ fy d − '
 2  1.7 f
   c 

 

 fy 
⇒ φMn = φ ρ fy 1 − 0.59 ρ '  bd 2 , or :
 fc 

φM n = R u b d 2 , where:

 fy 
R u = φ ρ fy 1 − 0.59 ρ '  “Design Strength Coefficient”
 fc 

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! ρ 0.004 , ρ 0.005 , φ ( ρ ) :

As we have done with “ ρ b ” derivation ( ε s = ε y ), let us derive the following terms:

ρ 0.004 : the steel ratio at which ε t = 0.004

Let us work first with the strain distribution:

0.003 0.004
c 0.004 d t − c 0.004

⇒ 0.004 ∗ c 0.004 = 0.003 ∗ ( d t − c 0.004 ) or,

3  3 
c 0.004 =   d t i.e. if c=   d t ⇒ ε t = 0.004 
7  7 

Now, let's work with the stress distribution:

∑ Fx = 0

A s.0.004 fy = 0.85fc' a 0.004 b

∵ a 0.004 = β 1c 0.004

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 3  
0.85β 1 fc'   d t  b
0.85 f β 1 c 0.004 b
 7  
⇒ A s.0.004 = c
fy fy

A s,0.004
∵ ρ 0.004 =

3  fc' 
0.85β 1 b dt
 
7  fy 
⇒ ρ 0.004 =  

3 f'  d 
∴ ρ 0.004 =   0.85 β 1 c  t  (for rectangular beams only !!)
7 fy  d 

ρ 0.005 : the steel ratio at which ε t = 0.005

Performing the same procedure as done for ρ 0.004 , yields:

3 f'  d 
∴ ρ 0.005 =   0.85 β 1 c  t  (for rectangular beams only !!)
8 fy  d 


ρ 0.005 =   ρ 0.004

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φ (ρ) :

It has been proved that, for general steel grade:

 εt − εy 
φ (ε t ) = 0.65 + 0.25  
 0.005 − ε y 

And , for a specific steel grade fy = 420 MPa (which is the case in Kuwait):

φ ≅ 0.48 + 83 ε t

d − c  d 
ε t = 0.003  t  ⇒ ε t = 0.003  t  − 0.003
 c   c 

which if subsituted in the upper "φ" equation, yields:

 d  
φ ≅ 0.48 + 83 0.003  t  − 0.003
  c  

d 
⇒ φ ≅ 0.48 + 0.25  t  − 0.25
 c 

d 
∴ φ ≅ 0.23 + 0.25  t 
 c 

3 f'  d  7 fy d

∵ ρ 0.004 =   0.85 β 1 c  t  ⇒ d t =  3  0.85 β f ' ρ 0.004
7 fy  d    1 c

1  7  fy d 
⇒ φ ≅ 0.23 + 0.25   ρ 0.004 
c  3  0.85 β 1 fc'

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7  fy d 
≅ 0.23 +   ρ 0.004
12  0.85 β 1 c fc' 
this term is equal to " 1 ρ"


7  ρ 0.004 
φ ( ρ ) ≅ 0.23 +   (for fy = 420 MPa, and Rectangular Beam)
12  ρ 

The general formula for φ ( ρ ) for a RC rectangular beam with any fy value can be
derived if the general equation for φ (ε t ) is used:

 εt − εy 
φ (ε t ) = 0.65 + 0.25  
 0.005 − ε y 

Which would yield:

1   ρ 0.004  
φ ( ρ ) ≅ 0.65 + 0.007   − 0.003 + ε y 
( ) (for any fy, and Rectangular
( 0.02 − 4ε ) y   ρ  

the flow chart for the analysis of singly reinforced rectangular beams (2nd version) is
shown in the next page.

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Flexural Analyzing of Singly Reinforced Concrete Beam

As (mm ) ,b (mm) ,d (mm) , dt (mm) , fc' (MPa) , fy (MPa)

bd Find: φM n

 1.4
 f fc' ≤ 31.36 MPa
 y NO Is ρ ≥ ρmin ?
ρ min =
 fc'
 fc' ≥ 31.36 MPa
 4fy
Not a good section

increase "ρ"

 3  f '  d 
ρ 0.004 =    0.85 β 1 c  t   YES
 7   fy  d  
 0.85 fc' ≤ 28 MPa

  f ' − 28 

is ρ ≤ ρ 0.004 ? β 1 = 0.85 − 0.05  c  28 < fc' < 56 MPa
  7 
NO 
 0.65 fc' ≥ 56 MPa
Not a good section YES 

Decrease "ρ"

ρ 0.005 =   ρ 0.004
is ρ ≤ ρ 0.005 ?
φ = 0.9 YES

 1   ρ 0.004  
0.65 +  0.007   − 0.003 + ε y
( ) any fy
 0.02 − 4ε y 
( )  ρ  
 7  ρ 0.004 
 0.234 +   fy = 420 MPa
 12  ρ 

 fy 
φMn = φ ρ fy 1 − 0.59 ρ '  bd 2 ∗ 10 −6 END
(KN.m)  fc 
convert it to from
( N.mm ) to (KN.m)

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Find the ultimate (nominal strength)

moment for the beam with the cross-
section shown on the right.

fc' = 28 MPa

fy = 420 MPa

As 1530
ρ= = ≅ 0.0119
bd 300 ∗ 430

ρ min = {since f
y < 31.36 MPa

⇒ ρ min = = 0.0033

∵ ρ = 0.0119 > ρ min = 0.0033 ⇒ O.K. !!

∵ fc' = 28 MPa ⇒ β 1 = 0.85

 3 f '  d   3   28  430  

ρ 0.004 =   0.85 β 1 c  t   =   0.85 ( 0.85 )    = 0.0206
 7   fy  d    7   420  430  

∵ ρ ≅ 0.0119 < ρ 0.004 ≅ 0.0206 ⇒ O.K. (Not too much steel)

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ρ 0.005 =   ρ 0.004

⇒ ρ 0.005 =   0.0206 ≅ 0.018

∵ ρ ≅ 0.0119 < ρ 0.005 ≅ 0.018 ⇒ Beam is in Tension Region

∴ φ=0.9

 fy 
φMn = φ ρ fy 1 − 0.59 ρ '  bd 2
 fc 

 420  2
φMn = 0.9 ∗ ( 0.0119 ) ∗ 420 ∗ 1 − 0.59 ∗ ( 0.0119 ) ∗  ∗ (300 ) ∗ ( 430 ) ∗ 10 −6
(KN.m)  28  conv ert it to from
( N.mm ) to (KN.m )

∴ φMn ≅ 223.24 KN.m

Note: for the same example which was solved using the 1st version procedure, the solution
was 222.67 KN.m, which can be considered to be equal to the above solution (since many
approximations been applied in both procedures !!

We are ready now to go to the design process of rectangular beams !! See you !!

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