Why Church?: Welcome To St. James!

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Our Worship Gathering October 24, 2010

9:00am October 24, 2010 22nd Sunday after Pentecost
Special Mission Offering for Today…
Welcome Smelling Coffee
Mercy Ships
Song Celebration Why Church?
Sanitation is a big issue in South Africa, as it is in
other parts of the world. If our hands are dirty we go
to the sink and wash them with soap and water or Children’s Moment Tara Miller
use a hand sanitizer. Simple enough, but that is not
the case in 3rd-world countries. Most people do not Prayer Time Pastor Glenn
have soap - they may not even know what it is. Hallelujahs and Hurts
There are many trained professionals on the Mercy
Ships. Not all of them are medical professionals,
some are educational coordinators. These people Scripture Reading
train the local people (women especially) how to Luke 15:1-10
make soap so that their sanitation conditions can
improve, thus helping to stop the spread of germs. Message Pastor Glenn
Thanks for your support in this important mission! Why Church? Reason One: Community

Closing Music

Benediction Pastor Glenn

Reason One: Community

St. James United Methodist Church
Rev Dr T Glenn Bosley-Mitchell, Pastor
845 87th Avenue N  St. Petersburg, FL 33702
Church Office 727-576-3919
Hours 12 noon-4pm Monday thru Friday
Our Traditional Service of Worship      CHURCH CONFERENCE
11:00am October 24, 2010 Serving Today:
All members are encouraged to attend the Church
ENTERING IN Liturgists: Jane Flatt and Jill Stephan Conference after the Traditional Worship Service
Music for Meditation Greeters: Lucille Phillips and Mary Vandergraff today. The District Superintendent, John Powers,
Welcome and Announcements Nursery: Rebecca Archer will preside over the meeting.
Chiming of the Hour Music Director: Rosalia Maresca
The Light of Christ Comes to Us Accompanist: Rena Massey
(A time for reflection) If you would like to serve or learn more about “HALLELUJAHS AND HURTS”
Invocation serving, contact Jill at [email protected] or
Hymn of Praise call 727-576-3919…Thank you for all you do! We have begun to send out, by church email, the
The Church’s One Foundation #545 “Hallelujahs and Hurts” prayer requests shared each
RESPONSIVE READING Sunday. If you do not use email and would like us to
Psalm 78:9-20 #799-800 mail you a copy, please let the church office know.
Golden Links…
Gloria Patri
Glory Be to the Father #70 Those who need our prayers…
LISTENING, LEARNING, LOVING  Our Military and their families
 Mary Grassel
Our Offerings to God  Carol Young
Help Us Accept Each Other Chancel Choir  Tracey Kaleita
Doxology OLD 100
TH #95  Trisha Geinzer
Praise God, from Whom All Blessings Flow  Bev Shaarda
Prayer Time/Lord’s Prayer Pastor Glenn  Vernon Smith (Jill Stephan’s uncle)
Hymn of Illumination  Santilli family Do you like to sing? If you do, the Chancel
 Jon Branzel (friend of George and Choir needs you. They are already busy
Savior, Like a Shepherd Lead Us #381
Margaret McKinney) rehearsing for the Christmas Cantata, and
Bible Reading
Luke 15:1-10 #1623-1624 If you have a request for everyone is welcome to join in the fun! They
Sermon Rev T Glenn Bosley-Mitchell “Those who need our prayers” rehearse every Thursday evening at 7:00pm.
Why Church? Reason One: Community
please let us know…727-576-3919 or Hope to see you then!
email [email protected] subject: Prayer
We will honor any prayer request and print it weekly in the
Hymn of Sending Forth bulletin. However, after FOUR weeks names will be removed
Amazing Grace (verses 1, 2, 3 & 6) #378 unless a request is made for continued prayer for FOUR more Special Note: Please place blank communication
weeks. We want to keep our Golden Links current & prayerful! cards and prayer cards in the designated boxes in
[Sing “Amen” at end of this hymn]
Benediction & Postlude the back of the Sanctuary.
Our Presence Last Week Our Presence Last Week Our Presence Last Week
Worship Worship Worship
9am Contemporary ........................................... 71 9am Contemporary............................................71 9am Contemporary ............................................71
11am Traditional................................................. 41 11am Traditional .................................................41 11am Traditional .................................................41
SS, Small Groups & Studies..................................... 43 SS, Small Groups & Studies .....................................43 SS, Small Groups & Studies......................................43
Kids Klub.................................................................... 8 Kids Klub ....................................................................8 Kids Klub.....................................................................8
Salty Service ................................................................. Salty Service ................................................................. Salty Service..................................................................

Our Giving Last Week Our Giving Last Week Our Giving Last Week
General Budget Pledged .................................... $1,169 General Budget Pledged.....................................$1,169 General Budget Pledged .....................................$1,169
Loose Plate.............................................................. 112 Loose Plate ..............................................................112 Loose Plate ..............................................................112
1200 Clubs .............................................................. 175 1200 Clubs ..............................................................175 1200 Clubs...............................................................175
Building Fund ......................................................... 271 Building Fund .........................................................271 Building Fund..........................................................271
Missions (Mercy Ships)............................................ 74 Missions (Mercy Ships) ............................................74 Missions (Mercy Ships).............................................74
Other (Use of Church and Designated) .................. 475 Other (Use of Church and Designated)...................475 Other (Use of Church and Designated) ...................475

TOTAL GIVING ............................................... $2,276 TOTAL GIVING ...............................................$2,276 TOTAL GIVING................................................$2,276

Our Giving YTD, General Budget Our Giving YTD, General Budget Our Giving YTD, General Budget
Our 2010 Budget: $190,849 Our 2010 Budget: $190,849 Our 2010 Budget: $190,849
(Our giving includes tithes & offerings, rentals & other gifts) (Our giving includes tithes & offerings, rentals & other gifts) (Our giving includes tithes & offerings, rentals & other gifts)
Expected in 2010 (42 Sundays) .................................... Expected in 2010 (42 Sundays) .................................... Expected in 2010 (42 Sundays).....................................
Received ...................................................................... Received ....................................................................... Received .......................................................................
Giving Surplus or (Shortfall)**This means how much we Giving Surplus or (Shortfall)**This means how much we Giving Surplus or (Shortfall)**This means how much we
are in the RED. are in the RED. are in the RED.

St James UMC Staff St James UMC Staff St James UMC Staff

Dr T Glenn Bosley-Mitchell............................... Pastor Dr T Glenn Bosley-Mitchell ...............................Pastor Dr T Glenn Bosley-Mitchell................................Pastor
Jill Stephan...................................Office Administrator Jill Stephan .................................. Office Administrator Jill Stephan ..................................Office Administrator
Wayne McKay ................................ Financial Manager Wayne McKay ................................Financial Manager Wayne McKay................................ Financial Manager
Email Addresses Email Addresses Email Addresses
Pastor [email protected] Pastor...................................... [email protected] Pastor [email protected]
Office [email protected] Office .................................. [email protected] Office................................... [email protected]
Finance..................................... [email protected] Finance [email protected] Finance .................................... [email protected]
Digital Connections Digital Connections Digital Connections
Church Website........... www.StJamesStPete.com Church Website ...........www.StJamesStPete.com Church Website .......... www.StJamesStPete.com
Church Email............... [email protected] Church Email [email protected] Church Email .............. [email protected]
Pastor’s Blog ..........................StJamesStPete.org Pastor’s Blog ......................... StJamesStPete.org Pastor’s Blog..........................StJamesStPete.org
Facebook .............. St James UMC St Petersburg Facebook............... St James UMC St Petersburg Facebook ...............St James UMC St Petersburg
Pastor’s Cell /Text Messaging 727-269-8185* Pastor’s Cell /Text Messaging 727-269-8185* Pastor’s Cell /Text Messaging 727-269-8185*
(*best contact number for Pastor Glenn) (*best contact number for Pastor Glenn) (*best contact number for Pastor Glenn)

This Week at St. James This Week at St. James This Week at St. James
Opportunities for Fellowship, Worship, and Service Opportunities for Fellowship, Worship, and Service Opportunities for Fellowship, Worship, and Service

Sunday, October 24 Sunday, October 24 Sunday, October 24

8:30am Coffee Café 8:30am Coffee Café 8:30am Coffee Café
9:00am Contemporary Worship & Kids Klub 9:00am Contemporary Worship & Kids Klub 9:00am Contemporary Worship & Kids Klub
10:00am Adult Study 10:00am Adult Study 10:00am Adult Study
11:00am Traditional Worship 11:00am Traditional Worship 11:00am Traditional Worship
12:00pm Church Conference 12:00pm Church Conference 12:00pm Church Conference
Monday, October 25 Monday, October 25 Monday, October 25

Tuesday, October 26 Tuesday, October 26 Tuesday, October 26

7:00pm Tampa Bay Symphony Orchestra 7:00pm Tampa Bay Symphony Orchestra 7:00pm Tampa Bay Symphony Orchestra
Wednesday, October 27 Wednesday, October 27 Wednesday, October 27
6:30pm Children’s Dance 6:30pm Children’s Dance 6:30pm Children’s Dance
7:00pm Band Practice 7:00pm Band Practice 7:00pm Band Practice
Thursday, October 28 Thursday, October 28 Thursday, October 28
7:00pm Choir 7:00pm Choir 7:00pm Choir
Friday, October 29 Friday, October 29 Friday, October 29
2:00pm Jill’s Angels 2:00pm Jill’s Angels 2:00pm Jill’s Angels
Saturday, October 30 Saturday, October 30 Saturday, October 30

Sunday, October 31 Sunday, October 31 Sunday, October 31

8:30am Coffee Café 8:30am Coffee Café 8:30am Coffee Café
9:00am Contemporary Worship & Kids Klub 9:00am Contemporary Worship & Kids Klub 9:00am Contemporary Worship & Kids Klub
10:00am Adult Study 10:00am Adult Study 10:00am Adult Study
11:00am Traditional Worship 11:00am Traditional Worship 11:00am Traditional Worship

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