Sunday: Participating in Worship Today

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Participating in Worship Today East Stroudsburg

Ushers and Greeters

8:30 a.m.: Dick Finney (Capt.), Harvey Smith, Don & Grace Paul,
United Methodist Church
Leon & Barbara Warner, Dick & Carol Philips
9:45 a.m.: Bob & MaryAnn Constable, Frank, Tammy, Colby & Mission: To love Jesus Christ and to share His love.
Frankie Ems Sunday, July 18, 2010
11 a.m.: Bob (Capt.), Mary & Kevin Tulloch, Linda Kissel, Craig &
Candace Goucher, Betty Ladlee

Acolytes: 11 a.m.: Evan Simmons & Morgan Carlson

Children’s Church: Sue Randall
Church Driver: Sandy Oberholtzer
Food Bank Ministry: Candace Goucher
Altar Flower Delivery for July: Richard Miller

Staff Contact Information - Office 570-421-3280

Associate Pastor-Discipleship Candy Labar (ext. 12) [email protected]
Congregational Care Peggy Strack (ext. 23) [email protected]
Church Administrator Sharmune Burgess (ext.10) [email protected]
Lay-Led Ministries Kelli Oney (ext. 17) [email protected]
Children’s Ministry Sue Randall (ext. 11) [email protected]
Youth Ministry Scott Kuhnle (ext. 13) [email protected]
College-Age Ministry Shannon Burns (ext. 13) [email protected]
Contemporary W orship John Brush (ext. 18) [email protected]
Administrator of Finances Sue Mertz (ext. 15) [email protected]
Financial Secretary Cyndie Faunce (ext. 25) [email protected]
Maintenance John Brush (ext. 18) [email protected]
Sextons Harvey Smith & Sal Lapadula (ext. 16)
Nursery Attendants Ana Price, Jennessy Hernandez
Music - Organist Pauline Fox [email protected]
Choirs Norm Fox

83 South Courtland Street, East Stroudsburg, PA 18301
Church office email: [email protected]
W ebsite:
Office Hours: Monday - Friday 9 a.m. - 4 p.m.
Weekly News Ministry
The information in this bulletin is a snapshot of weekly activities in Opportunities for Congregational Care and Service to the Church
our church and community. It showcases new events that may not be
present in our monthly newsletter. The Weekly News is also posted Never be lacking in zeal, but keep your spiritual fervor,
on our website: along with other news and events. serving the Lord. - Romans 12:11
If you want your activity to be included, please make your
submissions to the church office before 10 a.m. on Tuesdays. Why Stephen Ministry?
Submissions can be faxed to 421-0778, emailed to [email protected] We have many needs for care in our congregation and
or brought to the church office. community: people experiencing divorce, grief, a terminal illness, loss
of a job, relocation, an empty nest, retirement, hospitalization,
loneliness, and many other stresses or challenges. Often people with

Welcome Visitors! needs suffer silently or do not request or receive the level of care they
really need. For a congregation as large as ours, it would not be possible
for a Pastor to meet every single need of every single person. Stephen
If this is your first time worshiping with us, we welcome
Ministry expands the care our church can offer by equipping and
you. As a church we are committed to Love Jesus Christ
organizing members to provide Christian care. This gives us a larger
and to Share His Love. We offer three services: 8:30 and
pool of people with the gifts, skills and calling to bring Christ’s love and
11 a.m. are traditional, and 9:45 a.m. is contemporary.
care to those who need it most.
~ Our Welcome Center is located in Oberholtzer Hall, the room next Beginning September 8, an in-depth training course will be offered
to the sanctuary. Brochures on all our ministries are available there. for members who desire to become involved in this life changing
ministry. Stephen Ministry weekly emphasis will continue each Sunday
~ Our Holy Grounds Café is a place for light refreshments and coffee through the month of August. For more information contact Peggy
from 8:30 a.m. - 12:15 p.m. each Sunday in our Fellowship Hall. The Strack at the church office at 421-3280.
café provides worshipers with an informal opportunity for fellowship.
Keep Your Kids Safe! Every year more than 30 children die because
~ Our Infant and Toddler Nurseries are available every Sunday from
they are left alone in a car. Pick up a list of safety tips from the
8 a.m. - 12:30 p.m. They are located on the lower level of the church
Information Bulletin Board in Fellowship Hall to be sure this tragedy
and are staffed with our full-time, professional attendants and parent
never happens to your family!
~ Children’s Church for ages four through third grade is offered at the
11 a.m. service and is guided by a parent volunteer. Children will be
dismissed after the Children’s Message. Please pick up your children
in the lower level of the church following worship.
Magnify Sunday Morning Prayer Invitation
Opportunities to Support and Enhance Worship If you have a prayer request, please list it either on the prayer sheet in the rear
of the sanctuary or on the back of the friendship pad, making sure to include
your name on the request. This aids us in updating weekly requests.
The Altar Flowers are given to the Glory of God in memory of Lucille Confidentiality is very important, we want to honor each person's right to
Kephart by Richard and Deanna Mayers and Family. (PU) privacy – please be mindful of this as you write your requests.
Thanks Are Given to Our Stephen Ministers for assisting in worship Healing and Illness
today and to John Brush for creating the Stephen Ministry video for Izzy & Howard (Dinkle family)
today’s service! Nicole Nardi (Leigh Balcik)
8:30 a.m.: Scripture: Maria Jacobs, Prayer: Leigh Balcik Lorraine, recovery (Raganese Family)
9:45 a.m.: Scripture: Pat Cunningham, Prayer: Sharmune Burgess Shirley Merwine (Judy Rogers)
11:00 a.m.: Scripture: Marge Keenhold, Prayer: Blanche Jackson Jenna, two-year old with macular degeneration (Shirley Smith)
Troy & Jen, Regina (Karlene Smith)
Today at 3:00 p.m. in the Sanctuary Harry, healing from fall (Tom & Leigh Balcik)
Gospel! – Jazz! – Contemporary! – Hymns! Bill, healing of foot (Bob Tulloch)
Renee Sakos (Pastor LaBar)
Sing along with guests on folk dulcimers, fiddle, banjo, guitars and Joe
Kris Sledge part of Selinsgrove UM C Mission Team, injured in Uganda
Dorsch on sax. Free, with social time to follow in Fellowship Hall. bombing (Pastor LaBar)
Those with Cancer: Felicia Cassieri (Donna Marie Cassieri) Christine
(W arner family); Rudy (Harriet Stocker); Jean Cosky & Gordon Lyons (Kelli
Mercurio); Ned Poe (Deanna Mayers); Lois (Joyce Heller)

Our Children at Pocono Plateau this W eek: Matthew Aldridge, Darby and
Morgan Carlson, Patrick Durney, Megan Eppley, Isaiah Jones, Ryan Lord,
Maria Martin, Elizabeth Perfetti, Hailey Trump, Zachery and Nathan Uporsky,
Nicholas, Timothy and William Visser

The Janesa Family, loss of Dave (Tom Counterman)
Mumbauer Family, discernment (Leigh & Tom Balcik)
Family & friends of Walt Powe (Maria Jacobs)
Robert Holiday, wisdom (Sharmune)
Kathryn & Kyley, custody (Harriette)
Environmental concerns - Gulf Coast (Larysa Bunn)
Strength, safety and protection while serving God: Megan Sanders,
Ryan Moyer, Ben Drake, Habitat (Missions Team)
Strength, safety and protection while serving in Iraq: Kyle, August Jackson,
Danielle Luna; Pacific: Faith Gibbs; Afghanistan: Jason Lamboy, Scott Kiess,
Ryan Maciejczak, Everett Horton, Chris Stowe, Kevin Overcash; Air force:
Amelia Gordon, Dave Bennett; Army (Japan): Kamahl Gordon.
Just Press Play ! Opportunities That Enhance the Fellowship of the Body of Christ

The Annual Bargain Basement is Friday, July 30 from 8 a.m. -

Summer Discipleship Programs 3 p.m. & Saturday, July 31 from 8 a.m. - noon in Fellowship Hall.
Due to basement renovations donations are being received beginning
Continuing today: "Just Press Play," a video-based discipleship series, Monday, July 26. Lunch with homemade items will be served. For
featuring programs on a variety of Christian topics, including faith, information or to volunteer, please call Linda at 424-6038.
marriage, parenting, leadership, and many more! These programs will
New Church Directory! One way we can be more welcoming is to
take place on Sunday mornings through August 22 during the 9:45 a.m.
recognize the names and faces of those in our congregation. This
and 11:00 a.m. services, in the back section of Fellowship Hall.
directory is also helpful to leadership teams and the pastoral and hospital
Feel free to attend any or all of the sessions!
visitation volunteers. Dates for pictures are October 5-9 and November
23, 26-27. If you would like to be part of the directory team, please
Today's Topic: When the Game Is Over, It All Goes Back in the Box
contact Kelli at 421-3280 or [email protected]
with John Ortberg. Using popular games as a metaphor for our temporal
lives, this program neatly sorts out what's truly important: winning the Re-Entry Program of Monroe County is having a Tupperware
game of life on earth is a temporary victory, while loving God and other Fundraiser, Saturday, July 31 from 10 a.m. until 3:30 p.m. at Jesus the
people with all our hearts is an eternal one. Using humor, terrific stories Christ Church, on Tanite Road, in Stroudsburg Light refreshments will
and a focus on 'the right trophies', Pastor Ortberg paints a vivid picture be available. Brochures are posted in Fellowship Hall and additional
of the priorities that all Christians will want to embrace. information is available from Pam Finney or

Next week (July 25), our featured program is Sacred Pathways with Softball - July 21, Team ESUMC vs. First Baptist at Pinebrook Field,
Gary Thomas. In this program, you'll learn that when it comes to Rt. 191 & Hallett Road, Stroudsburg. Games start at 6 p.m. Come cheer
spirituality, one size does not fit all! Instead, come to discover your them on!
own, God-given spiritual temperament. Discover the joy and freedom Adult Co-ed Recreational Basketball meets every Monday at 8 p.m.
of allowing your true personality, gifts and style to be part of the way in the Fellowship Hall. For more information call John at 426-7574.
that you relate to God in worship and prayer.
Adult Basketball for men meets every Tuesday from 7-9 p.m. in the
Future Programs include: Fellowship Hall. For more information call Eric at 242-6047.
August 1 Momentum for Life with Mike Slaughter
August 8 Finding Replenishment for Overcrowded Lives with Jim
August 15 The Beautiful Fight with Gary Thomas
August 22 Growing Spiritually as a Couple with Jim Burns
W eekly Calendar - Sunday - July 18
9:45 a.m. Maturity
Children’s Sunday School, Lower Level Classrooms Maturity
Adult Sunday
Opportunities SchoolDiscipleship
That Deepen Classes Through Learning Opportunities That Deepen Discipleship Through Learning
Just Press Play, Fellowship Hall Youth Ministry - Entering 7th - 12th Grades
Women of Faith
11:00 a.m. Jr. &Event, September
Sr. High 10-11,Youth
Sunday School, 2010Room
in Philadelphia, PA.
Call Kelli Mercurio today for more information
Just Press Play, Fellowship Hall about this event at 426- Combined Jr. & Sr. High Sunday School will be held at 11 a.m. today
7574. We haveCollege-Aged
21 women from our School,
Sunday church and community
Fellowship Hall going. Why in the Youth Room.
Mission Team Meeting, Bridal Lounge
not Invite a friend and experience this event together!
3:00 p.m. SongFest, Sanctuary Sunday Night Program tonight from 7:00 - 8:30 p.m. in the Youth
7:00 p.m. Book
Youth Club starting
Program, soon! Throughout the year, we will
Youth Room Room for a time of games, message, and small group discussion.
feature books on various Christian topics, and gather for fellowship and
book discussion. Our first selection will be Ten Dumb Things Smart Sr. High Mission Mississippi Trip is Friday, July 23 through Sunday,
Christians Believe by Larry Osborne. You can place an order for your August 1. Please keep them in your prayers.
book August 1 and 8, at the book club table in Fellowship Hall. Books Contact Scott Kuhnle to participate or for more information regarding
will be distributed during the last two weeks in August, and our book any of these events at [email protected]
discussion group will take place Sunday, September 19, at 6:30 p.m. For • Last Summer Bible Study and Pool Time is Thursday, August 5.
more information on this discipleship opportunity, please contact Pastor • Candy Bar (fundraiser) is available to off-set retreat and mission
LaBar at 421-3280, x. 12 or [email protected]. costs.
• Sign-up Now for Summer Retreats - Jr. High is August 6-8 and
Children’s Ministry Nursery - Sixth Grade Sr. High is August 13-15 in Ocean City.
Vacation Bible School Information Youth Volunteers Thank You Dinner is scheduled for Friday, August
• Craft Needs are posted on the Children's Ministry Bulletin Board. 20. Please mark your calendars!
Start saving your plastic water bottles (no lids) and toilet paper tubes!
Sign up on the list if you have anything around the house you could College-Aged Ministry – F.O.G.
donate. A collection box is located underneath the sign up sheet in If you have any questions about this ministry or want to attend an event,
Oberhotlzer Hall. contact Shannon at [email protected] or 421- 3280, ext. 13.
• Sunday School - will attend the Summer Disciple Video Program in
• Vacation Bible School SonQuest Rainforest is August 2-6 from 9 Fellowship Hall from 11 a.m. - 12 p.m. When the Game is Over, It
a.m. - Noon! Register Now at Children age 4 thru All Goes Back in the Box, with John Ortberg.
6th grade are welcome. Youth can contact Mrs. Randall to volunteer • Bible Study meets every Tuesday night in the Youth Room "tank"
at [email protected]. from 7-8 p.m.
Praise Dance for Youth (ages 9 and up)meets every Friday from • Fellowship Event - Afternoon of hiking in Delaware Water Gap,
10-11:30 a.m. in the Fellowship Hall through the summer. For Saturday, July 31. Meet in the church parking lot at 2 p.m. Bring a
information, contact Tracy Martin 570-424-5511 or [email protected]. snack and drink. Welcome to bring a friend. Van transportation
provided. Please, RSVP to Shannon by July 26.
Preschool Registration has been extended. Packets are available on the • Movie Night Friday, August 6 from 7 - 10 p.m. We will be joining
Information Center or call Sue Randall at 421-3280. Classes are Stroudsburg Wesleyan Young Adult Ministry. Meet at 6:45 p.m. at
Tuesday and Thursday mornings from 8:30 - 11:30 a.m. at the church. our church. No cost, please RSVP to Shannon by August 2.
End of

Monday - July 19
9:15 a.m. Staff Meeting, Conference Room
12:00 p.m. NA, Lower Level
C elebration
6:30 p.m. Camp Papillon Sunday, September 12 from 12:30 - 3 p.m.
Praise Leaders Meeting, Conference Room
7:00 p.m. Office Building, 2nd Floor in use This is an opportunity to share the love of Christ with our community
8:00 p.m. Co-ed Basketball, Fellowship Hall and welcome Pastor and Mrs. Kimes home. There are plenty of
Tuesday - July 20 opportunities to help out and serve! You will be contacted to confirm
12:00 p.m. N.A., Lower Level, Open Area your donation of time or gifts or you can call the church office at 421-
6:45 p.m. Stephen Supervision, Office Building, 2nd Floor 3280 or email [email protected]
7:00 p.m. Basketball, Fellowship Hall _____Donate Hot Dogs (We Will Need 500)
FOG Bible Study, Youth Room _____Donate Hot Dog Rolls
Wednesday - July 21 _____Potato Salad
12:00 a.m. & 5:30 p.m. N.A., Open Area _____Bags of Individual Plain Chips (We Will Need 500 Bags)
6:30 p.m. Praise Team, Sanctuary _____Mustard _____ Ketchup (Four Squeeze Bottles of Each)
Thursday - July 22 _____Cooks the Day of the Event
12:00 p.m. N.A., Lower Level, Open Area
6:00 p.m. Prayer Group, Chapel _____Groups or Individuals Willing to offer a Games. Such as Ring
8:00 p.m. A.A., Lower Level, Room 6 Toss, Pin the Tail, Duck Pond, Etc
Friday -July 23 _____Donations for Visitor Door Prize Drawings
Sr. High Leave for Mission Trip _____Kids Crafts
10:00 a.m. Youth Praise Dance, Fellowship Hall _____Face Painters
12:00 p.m. N.A., Lower Level, Open Area _____Willing to Offer Goods or Services for Door Prize Drawings
Saturday - July 24 _____Willing to Offer Entertainment (Music or Variety)
11:00 a.m. Organ Rehearsal, Sanctuary _____Greeters
12:00 p.m. N.A., Lower Level, Room 1 _____Willing to Give Church Tours
8:00 p.m. A.A., Lower Level, Room 6 _____Offer Services (We already have Blood Pressure Screening and
Animal Rescue.)
This is just a snapshot of some items needed. If you have an idea to
add to this Celebration, please contact Kelli in the church office.

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