Patron Saint Assignment

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DEADLINE: January 31, 2023

As you get closer to the Sacrament of Confirmation, you shall prepare by discerning which
particular saint will accompany you in your spiritual journey. As Catholic tradition holds, the
Faithful may select a canonized saint to intercede on their behalf when making the Sacraments
of Baptism and Confirmation, to guide and protect them as they pursue their vocation to
The presiding Bishop will invoke the selected patron saint when sealing the Confirmation-elect
with the Chrism oil, the moment he or she is confirmed. For this reason, discerning (thinking
over carefully and praying for clarity on God’s Will) which saint will be one’s patron is a very
special and privileged opportunity.
While you are discerning who this Confirmation saint is, know that it is the patron saint who
actually has chosen you. Pray to this saint and seek help regularly! Once you have prayerfully
determined which saint will accompany you from the moment of your Confirmation forward
and do the following:
1. Write a paper, at least 3-full pages, 12-point font, 1” margins, double-spaced,
addressing the following:
a. Brief biography of the saint and the saint’s particular charism. (~1/2-1 page)
b. Why are you choosing this saint? What do you have in common? How does this
saint inspire you? (~1 page)
c. What do you believe God is calling you to do based upon the charisms you have
been given? Are you called to a vocation? How can that vocation be used to love
God and love neighbor? (~1 page)
d. How will you start to pursue / develop your God given charisms as you complete
this year’s confirmation program? How can you look to your Saint for guidance
and support? (~1 page)
2. In addition to the Saint Paper you are to compose a prayer to your saint for petition and
gratitude (No page requirement). Here are two examples of the type of prayer you are
to compose:
a. Example 1: “Dear St. ______, you gave your life to God with generosity and
simplicity. You spread the message of sanctity in secular life to many people,
teaching them to find joy and peace in their daily life. Help me to seek first the
kingdom of God, by sanctifying my everyday work and dedicating myself
generously to the salvation of souls. St. _____ please intercede on my behalf, for
this favor (insert request). Grant me this favor that I ask of you.
b. Example 2: “St. ____, you are the (insert patron title). Intercede for us to God
our Father. Pray for us, St. ____, to strengthen and bless our families. Help those
called to marriage to find their spouses and teach them to love with a pure and
selfless love. Accompany parents in the upbringing and education of their
children with unconditional love. Help those who have answered the Father’s
call to the consecrated life and apostolic celibacy to be generous and faithful to
their vocation. Bring peace, unity, and joy to the homes of families that are
broken or burdened. Accompany with the warmth of your presence those who
are alone. Dear St. ____, be our refuge in our needs, and intercede especially for
(insert petition). May we know our Lord and love Him generously like you.
If you need help finding references to the saints by interest, birthday, vocation, etc…, you may
reach your mentor, or you may also contact Mr. Chris Morris on Basecamp (Ping) or through
email @ [email protected]

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