Participating in Worship Today: East Stroudsburg United Methodist Church
Participating in Worship Today: East Stroudsburg United Methodist Church
Participating in Worship Today: East Stroudsburg United Methodist Church
Being Baptized Today during the 9:45 a.m. service are Carter Matthew Sunday Morning Prayer Invitation
and Alexander Drake Judd children of Jeremy & Heather Judd and
brothers to Jesse. You are invited to pray in Eaton Chapel following all worship services.
Bring your concerns for healing and blessing or spiritual renewal. Those
The Choral Music during the 8:30 a.m. service is based on the farewell from our prayer ministry are there to serve you.
words of Jesus to his followers, Go into all the World with joy and
Healing and Illness
preach my gospel of peace. Many thanks to Lindsay Randall for the
Thelma (Alma Brands)
timpani part and to Abigail’s extended family during the 11 a.m. service
Bob Mosher (The Werkheiser Family)
as they honor her baptism with music.
Izzy & Howard (Ralph & Donna Dinkle)
Music Ministry Opportunities are still available for June, July and Pam Hine (Linda Johnson)
August during the 8:30 and 11 a.m. services. Persons interested in solo Michael Amici (Jim & Nancy Amici)
or small ensembles in a variety of music styles are invited to see Pauline Dr. Joseph Stella (Sister, Jean Eden)
Fox or email her at [email protected]. Virginia Sadler & Suzanne Mumbauer (Sandy Snedden)
Troy Phillips & David Hummel (Karlene Smith)