St. Paul Lutheran Church's mission is derived from its core values of spirituality, outreach, and service to others. The mission involves worshipping, growing spiritually, spreading God's love through words and actions, and living Christ's message to love one another. The church supports its mission through worship, study, sharing the word, bringing others to church, volunteering, and loving one another. St. Paul Lutheran Church is celebrating its 158th year of ministry in Seymour, Indiana.
St. Paul Lutheran Church's mission is derived from its core values of spirituality, outreach, and service to others. The mission involves worshipping, growing spiritually, spreading God's love through words and actions, and living Christ's message to love one another. The church supports its mission through worship, study, sharing the word, bringing others to church, volunteering, and loving one another. St. Paul Lutheran Church is celebrating its 158th year of ministry in Seymour, Indiana.
St. Paul Lutheran Church's mission is derived from its core values of spirituality, outreach, and service to others. The mission involves worshipping, growing spiritually, spreading God's love through words and actions, and living Christ's message to love one another. The church supports its mission through worship, study, sharing the word, bringing others to church, volunteering, and loving one another. St. Paul Lutheran Church is celebrating its 158th year of ministry in Seymour, Indiana.
St. Paul Lutheran Church's mission is derived from its core values of spirituality, outreach, and service to others. The mission involves worshipping, growing spiritually, spreading God's love through words and actions, and living Christ's message to love one another. The church supports its mission through worship, study, sharing the word, bringing others to church, volunteering, and loving one another. St. Paul Lutheran Church is celebrating its 158th year of ministry in Seymour, Indiana.
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Walking in Faith – Sowing Christ’s Love
We gather today as God’s beloved children to worship our Heavenly Father. We praise his The mission of St. Paul Lutheran Church is derived from our core values - the essence holy name, we listen eagerly for his words of comfort, hope, and challenge to us, and we of our purpose for existence and the criteria we should use to guide our congregational decisions and actions. offer ourselves to him in dedicated service. May you be blessed as you worship here today. Our Core Values: June 6, 2010 1. Spirituality – to worship and to grow and Leading and Assisting in Worship develop spiritually as Christians. Leader: Quentin Small St. Paul Lutheran Church is a congregation 2. Outreach – To spread the message of God’s love and Organist: Olga Otte of The Evangelical Lutheran Church in grace by word and by action. Lectors: Carol Mansfield (8:00); America (E.L.C.A.). It is referred to as 3. Service to Others – To live Christ’s message Marjorie Rust (10:15) “Borchers” since Rev. Henry Borchers, who to Love one another. Deacons: Chris Otte (8:00); served our congregation from 1857-1881, Milton Otte (10:15) advised and influenced a small group of You can support the mission of our church by coming to worship, engaging in study, Greeters: Merrell & Sara Otte (8:00); pioneer settlers that wanted to establish a sharing the word, bringing a friend to church, joining a Care Team, volunteering at John & Amy Pierceall (10:15) congregation in the area. This year we church or in the community and loving one another. Flowers: Teresa Brown celebrate 158 years of life and ministry in this We invite you to join us in this journey. Acolytes: Jess Hoevener (8:00); beautiful country setting in Southern Indiana. Chloe Bryden (10:15) We look forward to many more years of Our Response to God’s Love Projectors: Erin Engelau (8:00) growth and change as we seek continually to We Worshipped: May 30, 2010— 8:00 am service–137 10:15 am service–59 John Pierceall (10:15) be faithful to God’s call to mission. May 31, 2010—13 Welcome Center: The Sacrament of Holy Communion is Need Volunteers for June Total Offerings: Spending Plan Giving $3,618.00 New Church $849.00 offered at the 8:00 a.m. services on the 2nd Other Giving $295.00 and 4th Sundays and at the 10:15 a.m. ser- vice on the 1st and the 3rd Sundays of the month. Christians who believe in the true Prayers for Our Homebound Members Readings for June 13th: St. Paul Lutheran Church presence of Christ in the bread and wine for Helen Harding, Betty Hoene, Norma Mellen- Third Sunday of Pentecost 10792 North 210 East, our forgiveness and salvation are invited to bruch. 2 Samuel 11:26-12:10; 12:13-15 Seymour, IN 47274 receive Holy Communion. Psalm 32 Office 522-7364 Continued Prayers Galatians 2:15-21 Annex & Fax 522-7484 Sunday School classes are held each Sun- Andy Runge, Hayden States, Gary Christopher, Luke 7:36-8:3 Parsonage 522-7421 day for all ages at 9:10 a.m. Visitors are Melissa Corya, Peggy Meahl, Ron Mertz, email: [email protected] welcome to attend. Lector: Ruth Ann Newkirk Web Site: Thelma Crider, Melanie Schroer, Buck Meek, Office hours: Tuesday - Friday Dewayne Greathouse, Claire Kidd, Mike Starr, Kate Madigan, Jerry Mellencamp, Geneva Staff HEARING ASSISTANCE: We have head Those assisting with worship June 13th: The Reverend Stephen Wood………...Pastor Hoene, Pastor David Yoder, The family and Communion Assistant:Merrell Otte phones available for those in need of friends of Arnold Rotert. Carolyn Jones......Director of Youth & Family Altar Care: Shirley Lewis Ministries assistance with hearing. They are in a bas- Flowers: Karen Davis Wendy Rotert ……………………….Secretary ket at the entrance of the sanctuary. Prayers for those in Military Service Acolyte: Zack Lawles Jeanette Kruse…………..Borchers Preschool Mike Albert, Donovan Shuler, Stephen Toppe, Welcome Center: Need Volunteer Director LARGER PRINT BULLETINS—There are a Andrew Toppe, Chad Brigdon, Evan Marshall, Projector: Doris Rorick Trish Tangman…………..Care Team Director handful of large print bulletins available. Randy Hooker II. Sunday School Helpers: Amy Pierceall and They are located at the welcome center. Carolyn Jones, Marj Rust, Hannah Wood Mandy Otte………………………...Custodians Jamie Baker…. Worship Technology Advisor and Web Master CALENDAR 2010 DAY CAMP ENROLLMENT FORMS SAVE YOUR PAPA JOHNS RECEIPTS: This week: June 6th—12th are available at the Welcome Center. Save your Papa Johns receipts and turn Sunday 6th- Beginning of Summer Sunday School them into the church office. Once a month Monday 7th- 7:00 pm Worship HAND BELLS—Jo has arranged for a per- the receipts will be taken to Papa Johns and 7:00 pm Walking Bible Study SUMMER SUNDAY SCHOOL begins today. son to come and show the proper way to ring the church will receive 10% of the profit. Tuesday 8th- 7:00 pm Council Meeting The youth will meet in the Fellowship Hall for Wednesday 9th- 9:00 am Youth Family Day a fun new way of learning about the Bible. two bells in one hand. For those interested, it 7:00 pm Walking Bible Study will be on Wednesday, June 9th at 6:30 pm. WEDNESDAY’S AT THE PARK “SUMMER 6:30 pm Wednesday’s in the Park TH 15 ORDINATION ANNIVERSARY: We will OF LOVE”: This year for Jr. High and High Thursday 10th- 9:00 am Borchers Breakfast Club be celebrating Pastor Steve’s 15th Ordination BORCHERS PRESCHOOL is now accepting School youth…Every Wednesday in June, Saturday 12th- 10:00 am Jr. High Setup for Sunday enrollments. Enrollment forms are available the youth from around the county will be Anniversary at the June 13th church service School Picnic at the Welcome Center. There are 3 classes meeting at the Shield’s Park pavilion from at 9:00 am with Sunday School following the service. The Sunday School Picnic will follow available 4/5 year old, 3/4 year old and 2/3 6:30-8:00 for music, fellowship, devotion, Next week: June 13th—19th year old. For more information please see games, and snacks. Anyone interested in Sunday 13th- NEWLETTER DEADLINE Sunday School. Council will be serving ice Jeanette Kruse. attending can talk to Carolyn. 9:00 am LBW Communion cream, and would appreciate donations of 10:00 am Sunday School desserts. There will be only one service that 11:15 am Sunday School Picnic/ day at 9:00 am. HIGH SCHOOL AND COLLEGE GRADUA- PRESERVING CHOICE AND DIGNITY Pastor Steve’s 15th TION RECOGNITION SUNDAY is Sunday WHEN YOU NEED CARE……Thrivent Fi- Anniversary of ordination WHAT IS STEPHEN MINISTRY? Stephen June 20th. If you or someone you know is nancial for Lutherans along with Genworth Monday 14th- 9:15 am Start of Day Camp 2010 graduating please get their name to Wendy Financial is presenting an Educational Gath- Ministry is a system through which members 2:30 pm Pick up for Day Camp in the office. ering about Long Term Care Insurance 7:00 pm Worship of St. Paul are trained and organized to help provide Christian care giving to members of (LTCI). This event is designed to give you Tuesday 15th- 9:15 am Day Camp THE LUTHER LEAGUE will be serving a the Facts and answer your questions about 3:00 pm Old Tyme Wagon Display our congregation and community. This will at Delbert Rust’s then multiply the amount of caring ministry St. “Thank you” breakfast on Sunday, June 20th LTCI. Join us at Dakota Ridge on June 22, Blacksmith Demonstration Paul can provide by giving us a whole team at 9:15 am for anyone interested in attending. 2010. Dinner will be served at 6 pm. Please at the Picnic Grove of skilled caregivers who are equipped to A skit will also be performed for their mission RSVP by June 14th by calling Todd Nash or 5:30 pm Meal at Picnic Grove bring Christ’s healing love to people who are trip send off. Keith Mensendiek at (812) 519-3479 for res- Wednesday 16th- 9:00 am Day Camp grieving, in crisis, or experiencing other ervations. You do not have to be a Thrivent 3:00 pm Tour of Historical Jackson JR. HIGH YOUTH will meet at the Picnic member to attend. stresses in life. County Grove on Saturday, June 12th to set up for 5:45 pm Meal at Brownstown Park the Sunday School Picnic. Please bring CHILDREN’S DAY: Lutheran Hills Chil- 6:30 pm Wednesday’s in the Park WALKING BIBLE STUDY from 7:00- 8:00 pm each Monday and Wednesday until fur- buckets and rags to wipe down the tables. dren’s Day is on Saturday, June 12th. Chil- 7:30 pm Swimming at Brownstown Pool ther notice. Walkers will meet in the narthex They will also be leading the games the next dren’s day is a camp OPEN HOUSE for the Thursday 17th- 9:00 am Day Camp to receive a bible verse and discussion ques- day for the Picnic. entire family that introduces youngsters and 3:00 pm Bike Ride from Seymour tions to be discussed as we walk. We will parents to camp by giving them a half day High School to Cortland return to the narthex at 7:50 pm for a closing MISSION TRIP ACTIVITY KITS: Participants (10—3:00 pm) camp experience. It is free. 4:00 pm Fun Fair at Picnic Grove prayer. of the mission trip are going to pass out activ- No need to register, just arrive at 10:00 am. 5:30 pm Bon fire and Pitch in meal ity kits from the congregation to the children For more information go to or at Picnic Grove we encounter in the Bahamas. Check the call 812-988-2519. Friday 18th- 9:00 am Day Camp 2010 DAY CAMP is only two weeks away. A Volunteer is needed to host the breakfast for Welcome Center for a list of items that we 2:30 pm End of Day Camp 2010 Friday morning. We also need the prizes for would like to include in the kits. 1st place (a bike) and 2nd place (a Mp3 player) for the bike ride. If you are interested FAMILY OUTING DAY will be on Wednes- in hosting the breakfast or donating a prize day, June 9th at 9:00 am. Please bring your please sign up at the Welcome Center in the ideas on activities that can be done each white day camp binder. week.