First Baptist Church First Baptist Church First Baptist Church First Baptist Church
First Baptist Church First Baptist Church First Baptist Church First Baptist Church
First Baptist Church First Baptist Church First Baptist Church First Baptist Church
Welcome Team
David Courtney, Luke Killian, Grant Lengefeld,
J.T. Massingill, Jerry Munson, Johnny Slough
Deacons On Call
James Weaver - Team Leader
Danny Johnson, David Lengefeld, Tina Summers
Rev. Keith Felton............................................................ Pastor
Rev. Eric Coleman ............................................ Minister to Youth
Maria Weaver ................................................................ Pianist
Ben Griffin ................................................................. Organist 220 South Bell Street
Ann Maxwell ...................................................... Office Manager Hamilton, Texas 76531
(254) 386-8141
Welcome to Worship The Life of the Church
Gathering Welcome to Our Guests! We are honored that you have come to worship God with
our family of faith today. During the coming hour we will worship Christ in a variety
of ways. We will engage our hearts, our minds, our bodies, and our voices to give our
Welcome Eric Coleman Creator the best worship we can offer. You are invited to participate in whatever way
you are able. We know that visiting a new church is a very important occasion and we
Call to Worship Brethren, We Have Met to Worship Hymn 585 are praying for you this morning. Welcome!
The FBC Revitalization Plan, phase one, is complete! As we worship today we
continue to enjoy our new home for worship. Thank you for your generous giving that
Invocation Eric Coleman continues to make it possible to plan for the future of our family of faith.
In View of a Call – The committees of Personnel and Music/Worship are thrilled to
Ordinance of Baptism Jesse Almeida, Meadow Almeida, present their recommendation for Music Minister of First Baptist Church, Jacob
Melody Perret, Cade Kneuper Sensenig. We will conclude today’s service with a Special Called Business Meeting in
order to vote on extending a call to Jacob.
Testimony In Christ Alone Jacob Sensenig Don’t Miss This Wednesday! Activities for all ages are in full swing this fall for
Wednesday evenings. We begin with a Fellowship Meal at 5:15 – at 6, the children go
to age-divided Choirs and then study about Missions – also, our Youth meet for their
Pastoral Prayer Keith Felton Worship and Bible Study time called Ekklesia – Adults meet in the sanctuary for
Prayer Meeting & Bible Study. I hope you will join us for this mid-week spiritual re-
Scripture Galatians 6:1-10 Ray Solis fueling!
Visit Us Online at Don’t forget to use this great new resource
to help spread the word about God’s work at First Baptist.
Song What A Friend We Have Hymn 435
in Jesus