Rubric PBL

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Rubric for Culminating Task

1 2 3 4

Presentation Brochure is Brochure is hard to Brochure is Brochure is organized

and unorganized and follow but somewhat organized. and easy to follow.
Organization hard to follow. organized. Brochure Includes some Includes a variety of
Lacks color, could use more colors, graphics, colors, graphics,
graphics, and/or color, graphics, or headers, etc. headers, etc. that
headers. headers. enhance the

Scientific Student uses 0 Student uses 1 or 2 Student uses 3 Student uses 4 pieces
Evidence pieces of evidence piece(s) of evidence pieces of of evidence such as
such as graphs, such as graphs, evidence such as accurate graphs,
pictures, and facts. pictures, and facts. graphs, pictures, pictures, and facts.
Evidence is not The evidence is not and facts. The The evidence is used
factual or well used. evidence could be well.
accurate. used better.

Persuasion Writing does not Writing is weak and Writing Writing incorporates
persuade an is not likely to incorporates a a variety of aspects
audience to take persuade an variety of aspects that strongly
action audience that persuades an persuades an
audience to take audience to take
action action

Graphs and No graphs/data Graph data is Correctly Correctly

Data included or incorrect and/or has represented data represented data
incomplete. No missing pieces of and accurate and accurate graphs
color, organization graphs. No color, graphs are are included. Graphs
or purpose. organization or included. Missing are colorful,
purpose. color, organization, organized, and
and purpose. enhances purpose.

Community Brochure has no Brochure is not Student uses Student uses

Outreach intention of being effective in effective effective information
used to recruit recruiting information in and brochure is used
community community order to persuade and sent to
members and no members to attend community community members
information is used Clean the Bay Day members to in order to persuade
to persuade them. because student did attend Clean the them to attend
not use effective Bay Day. Clean the Bay Day.

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