3-4 Practices and Procedures

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Alcantars Class Practices and Procedures English 3/4

Starting Class: Be ready to begin. There will always be something to work on
immediately. Start right away. Most days, you will read your independent reading
selection for 15 minutes at the start of class. This time should be used to meet your
Panther Odyssey Goal for each quarter.
Heading a paper: It is very important to head papers correctly. This will prevent loss of
work or loss of credit. In the top right hand corner write
Name: (Your Name)
Period: (1, 2, 3)
Date: (varies)
Turning in Work: When work is due at the beginning of class, that is when it should be
turned in. Assignments will not be collected before or after class, and not in the middle
of class after the assignment is collected. This helps ensure that I will be able to keep
track of the work being turned in, and remain organized.
Wanting to add to class: When you have something appropriate and on topic to add to
discussions, please raise your hand. I encourage everyone to express their own diverse
opinions, but we must remain polite and focused. If you have a question not related to
the lecture or discussion, wait until the discussion is finished, then come see me. This
includes bathroom requests.
Class Discussions: I will encourage everyone to contribute their thoughts and opinions
during discussions. Everyone in class will be treated with respect regardless of your
opinions on others ideas, opinions, or personal characteristics. Please raise your hand
when you wish to answer questions or make a comment.
Getting extra help: It is my goal to see you succeed in my class! If you are struggling,
you can arrange a meeting with me in advance for extra help or if you have questions or
concerns. If there is a problem, please see me in time for me to fix the issue. I will be
less sympathetic towards those who choose to come to me the day before an assignment,
grades, etc. are due. This also means that if you wish to raise your grade, you must come
to me before it is too late to do so.
Finding out your grade: The best way to check your grade will be through Infinite
Campus. I will update Infinite Campus frequently, so there is no reason to be unaware of
your grade and progress within the class.
Grading Categories: PANTHER ODYSSEY: 15%
Grading Scale: 100-90 A
89-80 B

79-70 C
69-60 D
59 and below F
Dealing with Personality Conflicts: Getting along with different kinds of people is
an important life skill that we all must learn. Learn and practice it now. If you have an
issue with anyone in the class (including myself) please come see me about it. Often just
discussing the issue and clearing the air can be a great solution.
Getting make-up work: Calendars will often be handed our when we begin a new unit.
If you are absent, please check the calendar for the work that you miss. There will be a
designated area in the classroom for you to pick up additional handouts, worksheets, etc.
It will be your responsibility to obtain any notes taken the day(s) you were absent. You
are high school students now. It is time for you to take responsibility for your missed
work. You will get a day for make-up work for each day missed. Please write MakeUp on top of your make-up assignments. If you miss a quiz or test, please schedule a
time to make it up.
Late Work: All late work must be submitted by the last school day of each month. The
maximum that can be earned for late work is a 70%.
Leaving class: I will dismiss the class, not the clock. Do not pack your bags or line up at
the classroom door before being dismissed. This can become a management issue.
Please remain in your seat until you are dismissed. Only when the class is seated and all
materials cleaned up and put away, will the class be excused.
Food and Drink in the Classroom: Food and drinks will not be allowed in the
classroom. Water is fine.
Keeping our classroom clean: It is vital that we keep our classroom and campus
clean. Have respect for classroom and school property. When we take pride in our
learning environment, we can be more active in our education. Thank you.
English Notebook Requirements and Supplies
Supplies: Always come to class prepared. You will need these items everyday:
A three ring binder to hold all your materials. This should include 6 tabbed
dividers labeled Unit 1, Unit 2, Unit 3, etc. This will make your work for
the semester easily accessible to review for your final exam.
Binder paper
A spiral notebook. This will be used to take notes and complete any free writing
activities done in class.

Pens or pencils
Post-it notes
To the greatest extent possible, packets will be handed out at the beginning of a unit. Packets
will include notes, worksheets, and longer assignments (including paper and project
assignments). Packets will almost always include a calendar with due dates and daily work as
A few more things
There are a few ways in which I may resolve a problem in class. The following discipline plan
aligns with NVHSs progressive discipline plan:
1. Verbal warning and/or ask the student to go outside the classroom to collect him/herself.
I will then speak to the student about the behavior. Student may be asked to complete a
REFOCUS activity as explained in the behavior contract every student will sign.
2. Verbal Warning with detention. A phone call home to the parent/guardian.
3. Write a disciplinary referral
4. SSO Parent Conference
Severely disruptive or dangerous behavior will result in an immediate referral.
I want all of us to have a productive, safe, and pleasant school year. If we keep the lines of
communications open, I believe that we can achieve our goals for the year. I encourage students
to share what they think will make the classroom environment comfortable and more productive.
I am very excited to work with all or you this year!!!


The administration, faculty, and staff at North Valleys High School are committed to providing
the highest quality educational experience for all students. To ensure that quality learning is ongoing, the following ethics policy is in effect regarding plagiarism and cheating.* This includes
everything from the written word to artistic images and everything in between. It is allowable to
use material created by others as long as it is properly cited. Plagiarism and/or cheating are
demonstrated by students:

Copying each others homework

Working on assignments together without the knowledge of the


Obtaining information/answers to exams prior to the

administration of the exam
Stealing materials related to classroom instruction
Using cheat sheets
Looking at another students paper
Making gestures or talking during the administering of a test
Texting or using other technology inappropriately

The Internet presents its own set of unique challenges. North Valleys High School encourages the
use of the Internet to better help students research and learn all aspects of the curriculum.
However, the Internet MUST be cited just like any other source. Teachers must be able to access
the websites cited to check accuracy and other related issues.
These issues are important to us because school is for learning academics, ethics, character, and
responsibility. Our job is to make sure that students understand what plagiarism and cheating are
and to not tolerate either being used at North Valleys High School.
Students who plan on going on to higher education will find that plagiarism and cheating are
never acceptable and can result in expulsion. In the workplace, if a person passes off someone
elses work as his/her own, the job will be lost and a lawsuit is the probable outcome.


The following are progressive consequences that will occur if the practices of this policy are
broken. It is understood that the consequences will be based on a case by case basis after a
teacher/administrator consultation.

An F on the assignment
No make-up assignment
Teacher can choose to lower citizenship grade

Removal from class and/or

Suspension from school


-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------This contract will be kept on file at North Valleys High School

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