Jan. 4, 2011

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State of the City Address, p3 Local roundup, p6


Telling The Tri-County’s Story Since 1869

50¢ daily Tuesday, January 4, 2011 Delphos, Ohio

Delphos City Council

Tax Renewal
Veterans council
meets Thursday
The Delphos Veterans Issue delayed
until fall
Council will hold its win-
ter meeting at 7 p.m. on
Thursday at the Walterick-
Hemme Veterans of Foreign
Wars Post on Fourth and
Canal street. The group
will discuss Memorial BY GREG SCHERGER ed council with an in-depth
Day activities, charitable Herald correspondent “state of the city” review,
events and plans regard- focusing upon the aspects of
ing the memorial. DELPHOS — Delphos all departments and general
All veterans are wel- City Council met Monday concerns throughout the city.
come to attend. evening in regular session See page 3 for the full “State
Following the meeting, to address a relatively light of the City” address.
the Veterans Memorial agenda. Delphos resident Mike
Committee will meet to Clearing up some require- Ford addressed council and
discuss plans for recog- ments for the new year, coun- requested clarification from
nition of Persian Gulf, cil unanimously approved the members who did not voice
Iraq and Afghanistan re-appointment of Marsha approval to the pursuit of
wars at the memorial. Mueller to the position of additional “green” energy
Any of those veterans council clerk for 2011. grants in an effort to lower
of those wars are urged to Mueller, in her 43rd year as energy/electricity costs at the
attend this meeting at 8 p.m. clerk, will be compensated wastewater treatment plant.
$3,800 for her efforts in In response, councilman
County to test 2011.
Cheryl George was like-
Eickholt cited reservations
based on high maintenance
sirens Wednesday wise approved as Deputy
Clerk to serve in the absence
costs for wind/solar equip-
ment, questions of useful
The 49 Allen County of Mueller. Council com- lifespan for such apparatus,
community warning sirens mittees and members will return on investment and the
will be tested at noon be retained without change fact that such equipment is
Wednesday. in 2011. Councilman Dave made in China, not in the
In the event of an actual Eickholt was appointed U.S.A.
emergency, the sirens are President pro tem for the bal- Councilman Dick Feathers
an indication persons in ance of his current term of echoed the comments of
the affected area should go office. Eickholt, citing “too many
indoors and tune to local Auditor Tom Jettinghoff unknowns” associated with
news media for additional advised council that resolu- the current equipment avail-
information and instructions tion R2011-2, addressing the able, the “infancy” of current
on emergency actions to be 4.05-mill city tax renewal pre- program technology and con-
taken. viously approved by council cern of overall costs.
and anticipated to be placed Councilman Hanser stat-
on the May 2011 primary bal- ed he had made his position

Sports lot, was pulled from the first-

reading agenda. This action
was taken in conjunction with
clear at previous meetings on
the subject, further indicating
that he was not against green
Jays selling tickets for directives from the County energy projects in general
Ranger game Auditors Office and Allen but must be fiscally respon-
St. John’s will sell tickets County Board of Elections. sible for the city, considering
for its boys basketball game at The tax renewal is now the current economic condi-
New Knoxville Friday (6:30 expected to be listed as an tions and expected funding
p.m. JV tipoff) during high issue for consideration during cuts from the State of Ohio.
school office hours through Photo submitted the 2011 November General Hanser emphasized that
Election. If the levy does not potential programs and grants
Unverferth first Jennings baby
12:30 p.m. Friday.
Pre-sale tickets are $5 for pass at that time, it can again can certainly be reviewed but
adults, $4 for students. All be placed as an issue upon the “we need to have our ducks
tickets are $6 at the door. Flynn Gregory Unverferth is the first baby born to a Fort Jennings couple in 2012 May Primary Ballot and in a row” from a financial
2011. He arrived at 1:03 a.m. Sunday at St. Rita’s Medical Center. Parents are Greg further in November 2012, if responsibility perspective.
and Anne Unverferth and big sister is Macy. Flynn weighed 7 pounds, 9 ounces and required. Councilman Kevin Osting
was 20 inches long. Grandparents are Steve and Linda Unverferth of Kalida and In compliance with the wrapped up the collective
Boys Basketball
Don and Julie Schroeder of Glandorf. Ohio Revised Code, Mayor
Celina at St. John’s,
6 p.m.; Marion Local Michael Gallmeier provid- See COUNCIL, page 2

New Year’s resolutions?

at Ottoville, 6 p.m.
Girls Basketball
St. John’s at Fort Jennings,
6 p.m.; Jefferson at Miller
City, 6 p.m.; Van Wert Brain can sabotage success
at Lincolnview, 6 p.m.
Spencerville and Paulding
The Associated Press “We all as
at Wayne Trace, 5:30 p.m.
creatures are
THURSDAY Uh-oh, the new year’s just hard-wired that
Girls Basketball
Jefferson at LCC (NWC),
begun and already you’re way, to give
finding it hard to keep those
6 p.m.; New Knoxville at resolutions to junk the junk greater value to
St. John’s (MAC), 6 p.m.;
Ottoville at Kalida (PCL), 6
food, get off the couch or kick an immediate
smoking. There’s a biological
p.m.; Bluffton at Spencerville reason a lot of our bad habits reward as opposed
(NWC), 6 p.m.; Crestview at
Lincolnview (NWC), 6 p.m.;
are so hard to break — they to something
get wired into our brains.
Elida at Van Wert (WBL), That’s not an excuse to that’s delayed.”
6 p.m.; Columbus Grove at give up. Understanding how
Paulding (NWC), 6 p.m. unhealthy behaviors become — Dr. Nora Volkow,
Wrestling ingrained has scientists learn- director of the National
Elida and Defiance at ing some tricks that may help Institute on Drug Abuse
Wapak tri (WBL), 6 p.m. good habits replace the bad.
Co-Ed Swimming “Why are bad habits stron- each time — especially when
and Diving ger? You’re fighting against it gets the right cue from your
Elida at Wapak the power of an immedi- environment.
(WBL), 5:30 p.m. ate reward,” says Dr. Nora People tend to overesti-
Volkow, director of the mate their ability to resist
Forecast National Institute on Drug temptations around them,
Mostly cloudy Abuse and an authority on the thus undermining attempts
Wednesday brain’s pleasure pathway. to shed bad habits, says
with high It’s the fudge vs. broc- experimental psychologist
in low 30s. coli choice: Chocolate’s yum Loran Nordgren, an assistant
See page 2. factor tends to beat out the professor at Northwestern
knowledge that sticking with University’s Kellogg School
veggies brings an eventual of Management.
Index reward of lost pounds. “People have this self-con-
Obituaries 2 “We all as creatures are trol hubris, this belief they can
State/Local 3 hard-wired that way, to give handle more than they can,”
Politics 4 greater value to an imme- says Nordgren, who studies
Community 5 diate reward as opposed to the tug-of-war between will-
Sports 6-7 something that’s delayed,” power and temptation.
Volkow says. In one experiment, he Stacy Taff photo
Classifieds 8
Television 9
Just how that bit of hap-
piness turns into a habit
measured whether heavy
smokers could watch a film Blue Jays ready for upcoming track season
World briefs 10 involves a pleasure-sensing that romanticizes the habit —
chemical named dopamine. It called “Coffee and Cigarettes” St. John’s High School distance runners Jason Michel, Kaitlyn Slate and Megan
conditions the brain to want — without taking a puff. Joseph ran around town Monday afternoon, despite the cold, to prepare themselves
that reward again and again for the upcoming track season.
— reinforcing the connection See BRAIN, page 10
2 – The Herald Tuesday, January 4, 2011 www.delphosherald.com

For The Record

‘Forbidden Planet’ OBITUARIES The Delphos
star Anne Francis Herald Vol. 141 No. 171

dies at 80
Nancy Spencer, editor
Ray Geary, general manager
Delphos Herald Inc.
By BOB THOMAS A science-fiction retell- Don Hemple, advertising manager
Associated Press ing of Shakespeare’s “The Tiffany Brantley,
Tempest,” the 1956 film circulation manager
LOS ANGELES — had Leslie Nielsen and other William Kohl, general manager/
Actress Anne Francis, who space travelers visiting a Eagle Print
was the love interest in the planet where expatriate sci- The Daily Herald (USPS 1525
1950s science-fiction classic entist Walter Pidgeon, his 8000) is published daily except
“Forbidden Planet” and later daughter (Francis) and their Sundays and Holidays.
was a sexy private eye in helper, Robby the Robot, By carrier in Delphos and
“Honey West” on TV, has built a settlement. Andrew J. area towns, or by rural motor
died at age 80. Before filming began, the Merschman route where available $2.09 per
Francis died Sunday at a actors held a meeting and Raymond D. Kraft Robert H. Hoersten Andrew J. Merschman,
week. By mail in Allen, Van
Wert, or Putnam County, $105
Santa Barbara nursing home, agreed “to be as serious about June 24, 1944-Jan. 2, 2011 51, of Kalida died 11:09 am per year. Outside these counties
said Bill Guntle, a funeral this film as we could be,” May 9, 1947 Robert H. Hoersten, 66, Sunday at St. Luke’s Episcopal $119 per year.
director at McDermott- Francis said in a 1999 inter- Jan. 3, 2011 of Ottoville, died 2:11 p.m. Hospital in Houston, Texas. Entered in the post office
Crockett & Associates view. Sunday at St. Rita’s Medical He was born May 13, 1959 in Delphos, Ohio 45833 as
Mortuary in Santa Barbara. “We could have hammed Center. in Lima to Victor and Mary Periodicals, postage paid at
Francis, who had surgery it up, but we wanted to be Raymond D. Kraft, 63, Lou (Saum) Merschman. His Delphos, Ohio.
of Elida, died at 9:55 a.m. He was born June 24, No mail subscriptions will
and chemotherapy after being as sincere as we could,” she 1944, in Lima, to Anthony mother survives in Kalida and
diagnosed with lung cancer said. Monday at St. Rita’s Medical his father is deceased. be accepted in towns or villages
Center surrounded by his and Bernadine (Berelsman) where The Daily Herald paper
in 2007, died of complica- In “Honey West,” which Hoersten. His mother sur- On November 7, 1992 he
loved ones. carriers or motor routes provide
tions of pancreatic cancer, her aired from 1965 to 1966, vives in Delphos and his father married Carol Grote and she daily home delivery for $2.09
daughter, Jane Uemura, told Francis’ private detective He was born May 9, 1947, survives in Kalida.
in Elida to Arnold and Mildred is deceased. per week.
the Los Angeles Times. character — who kept a pet On September 23, 1967, he Survivors include his 405 North Main St.
Francis, a stunningly beau- ocelot, a wildcat — was a “Kathleen” (Paxson) Kraft, mother; daughter Brandi TELEPHONE 695-0015
who preceded him in death. married Mary Lou Boehmer
tiful blonde with a prominent female James Bond: sexy, who survives in Ottoville. Merschman and son Devin Office Hours
beauty mark, appeared oppo- stylish and as good with mar- On Oct. 30, 1971, he mar- Merschman, who both live at 8 a.m.-5 p.m. Mon.-Fri.
ried Diane Harsh, who died Survivors also include
site such stars as Spencer tial arts as she was with a children Bruce (Margie) home; brother Michael (Jane) POSTMASTER:
Tracy, Paul Newman, Robert gun. on May 31, 1977. On July Merschman of Kalida; sisters: Send address changes
13, 1996, he them married Hoersten of Holloman AFB, to THE DAILY HERALD,
Taylor and Glenn Ford in She was nominated for an New Mexico, and Barbara Susan (Richard) Schroeder
some of the most popular films Emmy for the role, which Karen Koontz, who survives 405 N. Main St.
Hoersten of Ottoville; sisters of Glandorf, Rebecca (Luke) Delphos, Ohio 45833
of the 1950s. But “Forbidden lasted 30 episodes. in Elida. Hermiller of Kalida, Teresa
Other survivors include a Nancy (Gene) Schmersal,
Planet” and “Honey West” “A lot of people speak Jane (Mike) Merschman, Ruth (Leonard) Hermiller of Miller
made her reputation. to me about Honey West,” son, Roger (Carisa) Kraft of
(Ron) Schulte and Norma City and Marlene Schnipke of Scholars of the Day
“Forbidden Planet” was Francis recalled. “The charac- Jacksonville, N.C.; a daugh- Ottoville; and several nieces
ter, Jennifer (Travis) Bodine (Chip) Rampe of Kalida and
hailed in Leonard Maltin’s ter made young women think Judy Hoersten of Van Wert; and nephews.
“2006 Movie Guide” as “one there was more they could of Lima; four sisters, Janice He was preceded in death
McDorman and Linda (Butch) brothers Dan (Barb) Hoersten,
of the most ambitious and reach for. It encouraged a lot Steve (Carol) Hoersten, Paul by his father, a nephew and a
intelligent films of its genre.” of people.” Wallace of Delphos, Pam great-nephew.
(Jody) Hoersten and Jeff

Delphos woman indicted

Berry of Elida and JoAnn Mr. Merschman worked
(Tom) Peters of St. Marys; Hoersten of Ottoville and
Mark (Kristy) Hoersten of for Stoepfel Drilling of Kalida
three brothers, Ronald Kraft

multiple times for fraud

New Haven, Ind.; and grand- and was a passionate farm-
of Elida, Jay D. Allen of Troy er. He was a member of St.
and Stephen (Tami) Kraft of children Blaine and Joseph
Hoersten. Michael’s Catholic Church,
After a five month investi- Delphos Police Department was Elida; and six grandchildren, it’s Holy Name Society, Kalida
Austin, Ryne, Trevor, Nathan, He was also preceded in
gation into Identity Fraud by contacted by family members Knights of Columbus and St. John’s Scholar of the
Jordan and Serena. death by daughter Brenda
the Delphos Police Department, of Deborah. These family mem- Hoersten and son Blaine Putnam County Calf Keepers Day is Bradley
the Allen County Grand Jury bers claimed that Deborah had He was also preceded in Club. He loved spending time Gerberick.
death by three brothers, Roger, Hoersten.
returned seven indictments utilized fraudulent means to bilk Mr. Hoersten retired from with his family and friends. Congratulations
against 48 year old Debra J. them out of tens of thousands David and Robert Kraft. A Mass of Christian Burial
Mr. Kraft was a truck driver Fruehauf in Delphos and Bradley!
Thees, AKA Deborah J. of dollars. The family members owned the Dew Drop Inn in will be 10:30 a.m. Friday at St.
Jacomet, AKA Deborah J. originally became aware of the who drove for DOT, Dancer Michael’s Catholic Church, Jefferson’s Scholar of the
Trucking, Mohler’s Trucking Ottoville. He was a member
Dearing, of Delphos. fraud after receiving bills and of Immaculate Conception the Rev. Mark Hoying offici- Day is Holly
The five counts of Theft collection notices concerning and Reindel Transport. ating. Burial will follow in the
He was a life-member of Catholic Church, Putnam Co. Dellinger.
of Credit Card are each fifth- purchases they had not made. CIC Board, Ottoville Knights church cemetery. Visitation Congratulations
degree felonies. The two counts This prompted an extensive the Spencerville American will be from 6 to 8 p.m. on
Legion. He enjoyed working of Columbus, St. Mary’s Holly!
of Identity Fraud are each financial crimes investigation Cemetery Board, Ottoville Wednesday and 2-8 p.m. on
fourth-degree felonies. into the matter which crossed with wood and enjoyed his Thursday at Love-Heitmeier Students can pick up their
grandchildren. He had a heart Area Community Club and
Deborah was arrested on state lines. This investigation Funeral Home’s Jackson awards in their school offices.
of gold and would help any- Ottoville VFW Auxiliary.
the indictments on Dec. 17 and revealed an elaborate pattern of A Mass of Christian buri- Township location, where
taken to the Allen County Jail. theft and fraud that dated back one that needed it. there will be K of C rosary at
Funeral services will begin al will begin at 10:30 a.m.
She was released and is cur- to 2007. Thursday at Immaculate 7 p.m. on Thursday.
rently out on a $10,000 cash More information will be at 11 a.m. Thursday at Harter Memorials may be made to
and Schier Funeral Home, Conception Catholic Church, The Delphos Optimist
bond awaiting trial. disseminated as it becomes the Rev. John Stites officiat- St. Luke’s Episcopal Hospital
Pastor Tim Benjamin officiat- would like to extend a big
In early July of 2010 the available. ing. Burial will follow in St. in Houston, Texas, Putnam
ing. Military grave rites will thank you once again to those
Why kids dress for June in January be conducted by the Delphos
Veterans Council following
Mary’s Cemetery, Ottoville.
Friends may call from
County Calf Keepers, or a
charity of the donor’s choice.
organizations that helped
make the Santa Visitation a
By BETH J. HARPAZ He added: “Short of real and 6-8 p.m. Tuesday and 2-8
the service. Burial will be in huge success: the Delphos
Associated Press present danger of your teens Walnut Grove Cemetery. p.m. Wednesday at Love- Lions Club, VFW Post 3035,
getting frostbite, let them deal Heitmeyer Funeral Home’s Kiwanis Club, VFW Ladies
NEW YORK — Among the with being cold to be cool.” Friends may call from 2-8
p.m. Wednesday and also 1 Jackson Township location, Delphos weather Auxiliary, Browns Backers
great spectacles of winter, along Autumn O’Bryan said where a scripture service will
with the northern lights and fro- she was shocked, after mov- hour prior to the service at the High temperature Monday and Delphos Area Car Club.
funeral home. be 2:30 p.m. Wednesday. Without their support, this
zen lakes, are coatless kids. ing to New Hampshire from Memorials may be given toin Delphos was 38 degrees,
No coat, no gloves? No Los Angeles, to see “both girls Preferred memorials are to low was 19. High a year ago six-decade tradition would not
the family. St. Mary’s Cemetery. be possible. We would like to
prob! and boys with sweatshirts and today was 22, low was 16.
These teens and tweens are sneakers in a blizzard waiting Ruth Lloyd Record high for today is 65, thank the jolly old men from
chillin’ out, literally and figura- for their bus. I even saw a cou-
tively, in their sweatshirts and ple of boys with short-sleeve
TODAY Ruth Lloyd, 91, of Gomer,
set in 1951. Record low is -9,
set in 1981.
the North Pole: Tony “Tinsel
Town” Wehri, Adam “Humble
kicks. Maybe a boy will acces- shirts. The only hats were base-
sorize with a baseball cap, and a ball hats and no gloves or boots
IN HISTORY died at 7:51 p.m. Monday at
Lutheran Village, Ashland. WEATHER FORECAST
Bumble” Ricker, Rick “Red
Nose” Burgei, Michael
girl might choose stylish boots on anyone.” O’Bryan had been By The Associated Press Arrangements are incom- Tri-county “Mistle Toe” Mesker, Dana
— but nothing weatherproof, fighting with her son about Today is Tuesday, Jan. 4, plete at Harter and Schier The Associated Press “Ding Dong” Steinbrenner,
please! Some boys even wear wearing a coat, but “after that I the fourth day of 2011. There Funeral Home, where friends Michael (Merry Christmas)
shorts year-round, and many gave up and have never brought are 361 days left in the year. may call from 4-7 p.m. TONIGHT: Partly Friedrich and a special thanks
parents say they’ve given up it up again.” Today’s Highlight in Wednesday and funeral ser- cloudy. Lows 15 to 20. to logistics coordinator Chuck
the fight. In Alaska, of course, the History: vices will begin at 2 p.m. West winds 10 to 15 mph. “Wrong Way” Shumaker.
For example, Jack Rogers, dangers of frostbite and hypo- On Jan. 4, 1951, during the Thursday. Thank you also to all the
12, of Fishers, Ind., was wear- thermia are real. “Our teenag- Korean War, North Korean WEDNESDAY: Mostly

cloudy. Highs in the lower Junior Optimist elves and head
ing shorts last week. “I know ers are the same as everyone and Communist Chinese forc- purchasers Doris Dickman and
lots of kids who do that,” he else’s — they think they’re es recaptured the city of Seoul 30s. Southwest winds 5 to
10 mph. Maggie Wannemacher.
said. Superman, they’re invincible (sohl).
His grandma doesn’t under- — but our weather is different,” W E D N E S D A Y We hope everyone had a
On this date: (Continued from page 1) merry and blessed Christmas.
stand. “It’s 15 degrees. Why said Shelby Nelson, spokes-
In 1821, the first native- NIGHT: Mostly cloudy.
doesn’t he have a coat on him?” woman for Fairbanks Memorial Jay Kundert,
born American saint, response citing the looming Lows in the lower 20s. Santa Visitation
she asked. Hospital. She said local media,
“I told her, ’I have to pick schools, police and other offi- Elizabeth Ann Seton, died in State of Ohio budget deficient Southwest winds around 10 coordinator
and choose my battles,”’ cials work to get the message Emmitsburg, Md. and probability that this issue mph. and Delphos Optimist
recalled Jack’s mom, Shelley out to kids that dressing warmly In 1861, Alabama seized will negatively impact munici-
Rogers Landes. “I need to let is a matter of safety. Even a car a federal arsenal at Mount
him make decisions that really ride can turn deadly if you break Vernon near Mobile.
palities, including Delphos, as EXTENDED FORECAST
basis for his position. Osting THURSDAY: Mostly LOTTERY
are inconsequential at the end down and have to walk a mile in In 1896, Utah was admitted also indicated favor for grants cloudy with a 20 percent CLEVELAND (AP) —
of day.” 20-below zero weather. as the 45th state. for other infrastructure, if chance of snow showers. These Ohio lotteries were
In a telephone interview, Dr. Art Strauss, an emergen- In 1904, the Supreme Court, available, focusing on streets Highs in the upper 20s. drawn Monday:
Jack explained his reasons for cy room physician at Fairbanks in Gonzalez v. Williams, ruled and sewers, older structure West winds 10 to 15 mph Classic Lotto
dressing light in winter: “Coats Memorial, said that in places that Puerto
are just a hassle, putting it all on. with milder weather, parents aliens
Ricans were not in need of repair rather than with gusts up to 25 mph. 04-11-15-25-29-48
1 could enter the THURSDAY NIGHT, Estimated jackpot: $17.8
It makes me bulky. I just like to need not worry as much as United 1/31 for the wastewater treatment
States freely; howev- FRIDAY: Cloudy with a million
be in short sleeves.” they do in Alaska. If teens are er, the court stopped short of plant, which is basically a new
facility. 40 percent chance of snow Mega Millions
He doesn’t mind gloves, but “going off to school in 30 or declaring them U.S. AFTER citizens. Estimated jackpot: $237
boots? “Nah, I don’t like ’em.” 40 degree (above zero) YSweather In legislative action, coun- showers. Lows around 20.
In 1948, Burma (now called
Highs in the lower 20s. million
If his sneakers get wet, he says, with less than idealWEIGcoverings, H T
Myanmar) became indepen- cil approved a new contract
“it doesn’t really bother me.” they’re probably OK,
FOR as
FREE long
providing fire protection and
dent of British rule. Mostly cloudy. A chance 5-2-9
Carleton Kendrick of Millis, as they do not find themselves In 1965, President Lyndon rescue services to Washington
Mass., a family therapist, says stuck outside for a long time of snow showers in the Midday 4
B. Johnson outlined the goals of Township, continuity of an
Jessica Keysor

that for teens, “wearing bulky at those temperatures,” he said. evening. Lows around 10 9-7-9-9
Lost 30lbs &
54 inches*

winter coats, gloves, boots And contrary to what his “Great Society” in his State existing contract that expired Pick 3
LOSE 6-21some
POUNDS INpar- above. Chance of snow 30

— unless teen girls consider ents may think, Strauss said rag- of the Union Address. Poet T.S.
Dec. 31. 5-8-8
them high fashion — and hats ing teen hormones do not raise Eliot died in London at age 76.
• Must have at least 20 pounds to lose and agree to

Council also approved the

Date Time Date Time

Pick 4
meet with a weight loss coach three times a week for

S A T U R D A Y ,
three weeks.
Date Time Date Time

In 1974, President Richard

• There is no obligation to purchase Thin&Healthy®

screams nerd, geek, baby, dork body temperature. “There is not re-zoning of property at 416 3-1-0-2
products or services.
Date Time Date Time

• This offer is limited to the first 50 participants so call

M. Nixon refused to hand


... UNCOOL!” any truth to that,” he said. N. States St. owned by Mark Powerball
• Membership must be activated by January 31st, 2011 Date Time Date Time

Mostly cloudy. Highs in the

to qualify.

over tape recordings and

Name: Date Time

and Linda Miller from resi- Estimated jackpot: $34

Expires: _______ / _______ / _______

documents subpoenaed by the
Senate( LWatergate Committee.
000-000-0000 dential R-1 to Business B-1
lower 20s. Lows
10 to 15. million
Rolling Cash 5
EX /11 o c at i o n ) status.
NIGHT: Partly cloudy.
1 / 3 1 In 1990,
Charles Stuart, Additional approval was 06-26-34-38-39
who’d claimed to have been Highs in the upper 20s.
*Results shown are typical for members following the Thin&Healthy’s Total Solution program. Offer expires 1/31/2011. First time visitors only.

provided for a resolution Estimated jackpot:

wounded and his pregnant Lows 15 to 20. $100,000
defining rules and regulations
wife fatally shot by a rob- MONDAY: Mostly Ten OH
ber, leapt to his death off a governing council, structure,
AFTER cloudy. Highs around 30. 07-12-13-16-17-18-22-24-
Boston bridge after he himself and organization.
became a suspect.
In 2007, Nancy Pelosi was
The continued posting of
approved legislation upon the L
OCAL PRICES 75-78-79
FOR F R E E Ten OH Midday
elected the first female speak- city web site was also passed; Corn: $6.08 05-11-12-18-23-26-27-32-
419-692-3488 er of the House as Democrats the annual cost for this publi- Wheat: $7.21 33-35-40-42-45-46-51-57-61-
took control of Congress. cation service is $360. Beans: $13.45
Jessica Keysor
Lost 30lbs &
54 inches * Stadium Park Office Complex 67-79-80
www.delphosherald.com Tuesday, January 4, 2011 The Herald –3


State of the City Address

Dear Citizens: these organizations and vol- our lab, all operators and the became the Superintendent combat illicit use of prescrip- included 64 fire calls, 887
The Mayor is required by unteers who help support our lab were recertified. Butch of the wastewater and collec- tion drugs. rescue, 17 hazardous con-
Ohio Revised Code 733.41 parks. The Kiwanis were the Lucas renewed his Class 3 tions department after Kim They also re-initiated the ditions, 127 service calls,
to give a State of the City lead organization for the July License and Todd Haunhorst Riddell resigned for a job free child identification kits 30 good intention calls, 35
update at the first council 4th celebration and put on a took and passed his Class 2 in the private sector. James for all kindergartners. This false alarms, 4 severe weath-
meeting of the New Year. very enjoyable weekend. The license. The new Delphos Kimmett was promoted to means they can take DNA er calls and 3 special calls.
Once again I am honored to swimming pool had 20,044 Cold Storage warehouse put Assistant Superintendent samples and provide them to Cory Meyer, a 10 year vet-
have this privilege. We have swimmers this past season. I in a new water line and L&W and David Teman and Andy the parents at no charge. This eran firefighter/paramed-
started to see some signs of a would like to thank all those Associates made a 10-inch Geise received their class 1 year the department received ic was hired in June after
recovery to the economy in responsible for another suc- water tap for their housing operators certificates from the $12,500 in donations. This Andy Berelsman resigned.
2010, but we will continue cessful season. Their hard complex. Ohio EPA. Congratulations paid for the DNA kits and Congratulations to Kirby
to hold back on any major work and dedication to safe- Once again the to all of them. Two ARRA also put new computers and Miller, who became a certi-
expenditure so as to give ty is very much appreciated. Maintenance Department had Energy grant projects total- mounts in the cars. Those fied paramedic and to Roy
the residents of Delphos the We had 48 football games a very busy year. They help ing $1,824,316 were com- donations are greatly appre- Hoehn who became a certi-
best in services that we can. including 1 playoff game on take care of the water and pleted in 2010.They replaced ciated. The dispatch handled fied EMT-I (Intermediate).
Our City continued to grow the field this season. The sewer lines but most of their the less efficient blowers in approximately 9,000 calls The department received a
with new business and some Delphos Parks and recreation time is spent taking care of the plant with 6 new turbo for service for police and $6,800 grant from the Ohio
expansion of existing. Thanks facilities continue to be the the City’s streets and alleys. blowers and installed solar around 1,200 for Fire and State EMS to be used for
to all of them. Thanks again best in the tri-county area. They repaired 5 water mains, panels that will create 75 kw EMS. Calls for service is training and equipment. With
to the Delphos Chamber of The water department 18 service lines or shutoffs, of energy. Both of these proj- when someone is actually that money we sent two EMT
Commerce and the Allen supplied the city with 12 fire hydrants and made ects were fully funded with dispatched. These numbers Basics to Intermediate train-
and Van Wert Economic 352,698,000 gallons of water 16 taps and valve installa- ARRA grant monies and do not include questions that ing and we also purchased
Development groups for their in 2010. The largest day was tions. On the sewer side, will help with our electricity are answered or directions 3 IV fluid warmers to be
help in promoting Delphos. I 1,206,000 on May 5. They they helped with repairing costs. Two sewer projects that may be requested. placed in the squads.
feel it is worth repeating that applied copper sulfate to the 3 catch basins and 4 wash- were completed in 2010, an There were 166 car acci- The staff at the City
Delphos continues to be a reservoir 3 times this year outs. Tarring and chipping of 80/20 grant paid for approxi- dents, 976 reports were writ- Building continues to work
great place to live, work and for algae control. The Ohio streets and alleys used 2800 mately 1,600 feet of sewer on ten, and 757 arrests made (up with the citizens of Delphos,
raise our families. Environmental Protection gallons of tar and 124 tons Suthoff street. We replaced from 568 in 2009). They also the departments and admin-
The parks department Agency (OEPA) was active of stone. Another 238 tons of 200 feet on Monroe Street. had the largest drug round- istration, to help keep our
continues to improve the with the water department stone was used when grad- The collection department up in 30 years, resulting in City running smoothly.
facilities in the parks with this past year. In March, ing and repairing the stone also jetted around 3 miles of charges being filed against City Council and our City
hard work and the help of they did an evaluation of alleys and street fronts. They sewer and inspected by cam- 19 people. Solicitor reviewed around
donations and volunteers. the plant and all was fine. used 275 tons of salt and era 3,000 feet of sewer. They continue to strive to 80 pieces of legislation
Improvements in 2010 were Notification was received 13,900 gallons of brine dur- In his first full year as make Delphos a safe place to and approved a budget of
sidewalks to the shelter house from the OEPA saying we ing the winter months for chief, Kyle Fittro, his staff live and visit. $16,258,140.
in Garfield park funded by will not have to monitor for snow and ice removal. They and officers have made some Congratulations to Kyle Thanks to all our City
the Marbletown Festival, cryptosporidium since our made 437 utility spots for positive changes to the Police for being re-elected as vice employees, elected officials,
new playground equipment sampling in 2009 has been contractors and other utili- Department. They now president of the Allen County our service organizations,
at Waterworks park funded evaluated and found accept- ties to help during construc- belong to ACIM(A child is Chiefs of Police for 2011. and individuals whose sup-
by the Kiwanis, a new roof able. This means no addi- tion projects. During 2010 missing), this allows them The Fire and Rescue port and dedication to our
on the stadium park shel- tional treatment and monitor- the maintenance department to notify 5,000 surround- Department has 52 members. community continue to help
ter house, funded by the ing for cryptosporidium will swept streets, sprayed for ing residents by phone, per They have responded to 1167 make Delphos a great place
Delphos Rotary and many be required. Another letter mosquitoes, fixed street and minute if a child or senior calls for service in Delphos to live, work, and call home.
improvements to the home confirmed our stage 2 Initial school lights, re-faced over is missing. OARRS (Ohio and sections of Marion and Respectfully submitted,
side of the football stadium, Distribution System report 100 stop signs and helped Automated Prescription Washington townships. This this 3rd day of January
supported by the Delphos was reviewed and complete. with Christmas decorations. Reporting System) can be was an increase of 72 calls 2011
Stadium Club. Thanks to all In December they inspected In June Todd Teman used to access a data base to from 2009. Broken down it Mayor Michael Gallmeier

Files tell story of Ohio African-Americans

Briefs By CLAUDIA BOYD- occupation, memberships in slavery, frequent separation of
Election cases BARRETT
The Blade
churches and other community
organizations, and physician’s
enslaved black families, wide-
spread migration of African-
sent to state AG TOLEDO — Inside the
Many of the paper files include
Americans who sought to escape
bondage or find economic oppor-
COLUMBUS (AP) — expansive rooms of the Dale- photos, obituaries, funeral pro- tunities in the North, and a long-
Ohio’s departing elections Riggs Funeral Home at Nebraska grams, and other memorabilia. held tradition of oral storytelling,
chief has referred two investi- and City Park avenues, tucked On average, there are records which meant family histories
gations for possible prosecu- away in old boxes, filing cab- on about 200 people for each were seldom recorded in written
tion, including one in which she inets, and on dusty basement year the funeral home has oper- form.
says subpoenas were ignored shelves, there lies a veritable ated, Riggs said. One major obstacle for those
by supporters of a campaign to Toledo treasure. The oldest records are con- who trace their ancestry back
ban racetrack slot machines. Records — thousands of tained in the ledgers, which date to slavery is a lack of census
Democratic Secretary them, written in ledgers, typed on back to 1912. records. Prior to 1870, slaves
of State Jennifer Brunner index cards, and stored in paper That’s when the funeral were not named in the census
announced the referrals, made files — document the names, parlor’s original owner, Elvin but simply counted as the prop-
to Attorney General Richard family ties, and biographical Wanzo, opened the city’s first erty of their owners, said Rhonda
Cordray, on Monday. information of each person who black-owned funeral home — Sewell, a spokeswoman for the
Backers of the slot machine has passed through the tradition- The Wanzo Funeral Home, at Toledo-Lucas County Public
ban, associated with the ally African-American funeral 1412 Monroe St. Library, who has ancestors who
LetOhioVote.org campaign, home since 1912. Wanzo moved the home to were slaves.
assert they are constitutionally It’s information that holds the the Nebraska Avenue site in 1937 “African-Americans would Photo submitted
keys to unlocking buried histo- and later sold the business to be counted just like the cattle,”
protected against turning over
documents and testimony. ries of a section of the commu- Clarence and Genevieve Dale in Sewell said. “It definitely makes Elks honor Eagle Scout
The other investigation nity that faces more challenges 1946. it really difficult to trace the fam-
than most in piecing together After that it became the Dale ily tree because we just were Van Wert Lodge No. 1197, Benevolent and Protective
involves the owner of a Stark Order of Elks recently participated in the Eagle Scout
County McDonald’s franchise, its past. Funeral Home. not considered as citizens of this
“It makes for fascinating read- When the Dales sold the home great country.” Court of Honor for Benjamin Price. He is a member
Paul Siegfried, who is accused of Boy Scout Troop 35 in Van Wert and is the son of
of violating election law by ing and it’s something that will in 1992, Riggs became managing Donna Christian, a librarian in
be valuable forever, especially director. the Main Library’s Local History Pat and Diane Ryan. He was presented an American
enclosing candidate recom- Flag and an Eagle Scout Certificate from the Elks.
mendations in some employee when you’re searching for family Because the Dale Funeral and Genealogy Department, said
paychecks. information,” said Sheryl Riggs, Home was at one time the larg- another challenge is that after Representing the Van Wert Lodge at the ceremony
the home’s managing director. est black-owned funeral home the Civil War, many freed slaves were Exalted Ruler Linda Stanley, Past State President
Redistricting “To have a 100-year-old history
in one place is huge.”
in the city, Riggs estimates most
African-Americans in Toledo
changed their names rather than
keep the last name of their own-
Michael Stanley and Trustee Louis Crow. Pictured, left
to right is PSP Michael Stanley, Eagle Scout Benjamin
may bring new Now, Riggs is working on
making these voluminous records
will have some family connec-
tion to it.
ers, the names listed in the census
Price and Lodge Exalted Ruler Linda Stanley.

primary date available to the public.

Together with the African
Riggs said she didn’t realize
how extensive the records were

COLUMBUS (AP) — American Legacy Project of until a few years ago, when the
Ohio’s next elections chief is Northwest Ohio — an organiza- home’s maintenance manager THE
raising the possibility of a tion dedicated to education about showed her a small room in the
later date for the state’s presi- the history and culture of African basement containing the ledgers.
dential primary in 2012, now Americans in the area — the Already an avid history buff,

scheduled for March 6. funeral director hopes to raise Riggs said she was captivated Telling The Tri-County’s Story Since 1869
Incoming Secretary of enough money to create a com- by the find and stayed up many
State Jon Husted says coun- puter database that would house nights looking over the books.
ty elections boards worry all of the information in digital She was surprised to find that
it might take too long for form. many of the family names in the
state lawmakers to redraw The idea is to set up a site at ledgers were the same as those of
Ohio’s congressional districts. the Legacy Project’s local offices some current customers.
The Republican tells The where researchers could look at Other data also caught her
Columbus Dispatch the local the data and to make the records eye, especially the causes of
officials are concerned about accessible online. death earlier in the century,
having enough time to prepare “It’s important for us that all which indicated a prevalence of
for the 2012 primary. this information not be stored in
a warehouse somewhere when
tuberculosis as well as a high
infant mortality rate.
The current Delphos Herald
Husted says it might have
to be moved if the drawing of
new district lines isn’t com-
it can be put to so much use,”
Riggs explained, estimating that
“When you read the ledgers
it’s just fascinating,” Riggs said. website stories are now viewed by
pleted by Dec. 7 of this year the initial cost to jump-start the “It’s like reading a history
— the deadline for primary project would be about $10,000.
“I would love to see the infor-
Robert Smith, president of
subscription only. Delphos Herald
hopefuls to file candidacy
Ohio will go from 18 to 16
mation that we’ve gathered over
the last 100 years in a place
the African American Legacy
Project of Northwest Ohio, said subscribers can view the website
U.S. House districts as a result where it will be lasting.” the records are invaluable to peo-
of new census data. The records consist of
ancient-looking ledger books,
ple who want to research their
family history.
stories for no additional cost by
Judge OKs $11K index cards, microfiche, paper
files, and computer records.
He explained that African-
Americans often hit significant calling the Herald office for a
for bathtub death They provide exquisite detail
on the deceased, including the
roadblocks when trying to find
out about their ancestry for vari- username and password.
LEBANON (AP) — A dates and places of birth and ous reasons.
southwest Ohio judge has death, the names of parents and These include shoddy record-
approved $11,000 for two other relatives, cause of death, keeping during the time of
expert defense witnesses in
the third trial of a man accused
of drowning his wife in their
For new subscriptions
Ryan Widmer has said his
and/or password information
funds have been depleted by
the two earlier trials. One con- please call the
viction was overturned and
the other trial ended in a hung
Delphos Herald at
The Cincinnati Enquirer
reports the Warren County
419-695-0015 ext. 126
judge on Monday agreed to pub-
lic funds for the witnesses in the [
Local Address
E. Fifth Street
Local Address or 1-800-589-6950 ext. 126.
new trial beginning Jan. 18.
1875 E. Fifth Local
Delphos StreetAddress
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Local Address Delphos Local Address curves.com
Open for members and non-members. Valid only at participating locations. ©2010 Curves International, Inc.
Open for members and non-members. Valid only at participating locations. ©2010 Curves International, Inc.
4 — The Herald Tuesday, January 4, 2011 www.delphosherald.com

POLITICS “Lie down and listen to the crabgrass grow, the faucet leak, and learn to
leave them so.” — Marya Mannes, American author-journalist (1904-1990)

Vacation over, Obama to

face emboldened GOP
By JULIE PACE Republicans readying to run Congress, want to cut spend-
Associated Press for his job, the administration ing immediately. The first
will simultaneously be laying test of how much Obama is
AIR FORCE ONE — the groundwork for Obama’s willing to compromise with
Ending a two-week vacation, re-election bid, which will be this wing of the GOP comes
President Barack Obama is operated out of Chicago. in February, when lawmakers
appealing to newly-empow- Obama was arriving back have to pass a massive spend-
ered Republicans to resist in Washington before mid- ing bill to keep the govern-
jockeying for the White House day today, a day before law- ment running.
in 2012 and work with him to makers on Capitol Hill recon- Obama said he hopes that
get the economy growing and vene. Republicans, having House Speaker-designate
the jobless back to work. taken control of the House John Boehner and Senate
Facing anything but a and boosted their seats in the Republican Leader Mitch
political soft landing after Senate, are promising to take McConnell “will realize that
his holiday stay in Hawaii, aim at the president’s agenda, there will be plenty of time to
Obama told reporters en route from his spending plans to campaign for 2012 in 2012.
to the capital today that he his health care overhaul. And And that our job this year is
understands Republicans, they’re not wasting any time. to make sure that we build on
Senator wants who recaptured the House Republicans in the House recovery.”
IT WAS NEWS THEN probe of football
in last fall’s elections, “are
going to play to their base for
a certain period of time.”
are planning to vote on a full
repeal of Obama’s health care
law before the president’s
But 2012, nevertheless,
is fast approaching, and he
knows it.
One Year Ago
• Terry Hilborn of Hastings Mutual Insurance presented helmet makers “But I’m pretty confident
that they’re going to recog-
State of the Union address
later this month. However,
Senior adviser David
Axelrod plans to head to
a $1,630 donation to Suzanne Taylor of Community Unity, WASHINGTON (AP) — nize that our job is to gov- Democrats will control the Chicago this month, with
while Melissa Odenweller of Odenweller-Jauman looked A U.S. Senator is asking the ern and make sure that we Senate and could thwart the Obama’s 2008 campaign man-
on. Odenweller wrote the grant and her agency sponsored it. Federal Trade Commission to are delivering jobs for the repeal drive. And Obama has ager, David Plouffe, taking
The donation will be used for Supper’s On Us, a free weekly investigate “misleading safety American people and that we promised to veto a repeal if his place at the White House.
meal to those experiencing financial need in Delphos and sur- claims and deceptive prac- are creating a competitive it reaches his desk. Even so, More staff will follow Axelrod
rounding communities. tices” in the selling of new economy for the 21st cen- Republicans say they will to Chicago, though aides have
football helmets and recondi- tury,” the president said. try to starve the overhaul of not yet been asked to commit
25 Years Ago — 1986 tioning of used ones. Not only does Obama face money and dismantle it piece to making the move.
• Delphos Helms Swingers Western Square Dance Club In a letter dated today — a an emboldened Republican by piece. Obama is also considering
held its annual Christmas dance at St. Peter Lutheran Church. copy of which was obtained caucus in Congress, he also Obama will also face oppo- naming former Commerce
Bill Bumgarner of Columbus called for 46 couples and Carol by The Associated Press on is confronting the first major sition on spending and the Secretary William Daley to
Zender of Celina, cued the rounds. A door prize was won Monday night — Sen. Tom shake-up of his senior White debt. Though the president a top White House job, pos-
by Larry and Joyce Wade of Kendallville Levis and Lace. Udall, D-N.M., tells FTC House staff. has said the nation’s long- sibly chief of staff, a person
Another prize was won by Barb Mall of Cridersville Silver chairman Jon Leibowitz that The first weeks of the new term fiscal health must be familiar with the matter said
Spurs. helmet companies “appear to year will be an early test of addressed, he’s warned that Monday. Daley, an executive
• Lynn Marie Kemper has been named a United States be using misleading advertis- how he will deal with a divid- cutting spending now could at JPMorgan Chase, would
National Award winner in mathematics by the U.S. ing claims” and that “some ed Congress and whether he be disastrous for the fragile bring extensive private sector
Achievement Academy. Lynn, who attends St. John’s High helmet reconditioning compa- can build on the victories he economic recovery. experience to a White House
School, was nominated by Linda Noonan, geometry teach- nies may be falsely selling secured during the final days But conservative seeking to counter the notion
er. She is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Don Kemper of used helmets as meeting an of the lame-duck legislative Republicans, including many that the president is antibusi-
Delphos. industry safety standard.” session. And with a host of newly elected members of ness.
• Emotions rode high as the Jefferson girls handed Miller
City its second loss of the season 45-43 Thursday night at
In his letter to the FTC’s
Leibowitz, Udall says he is Obama says he didn’t break environmental promise
Jefferson Senior High School. Jefferson improved its record “troubled by misleading mar- By MATTHEW DALY off the worst offshore oil spill tors such as ATP Oil & Gas
to 5-3 while Miller City slipped to 9-2. Sarah Wurst led keting claims by Riddell, a Associated Press in U.S. history. Corp., Murphy Exploration
Jefferson with 11 points. Cammy Kill and Nora Fought added leading helmet maker that sup- “For those companies that & Production Co.-USA, and
eight each. plies the official helmet to the WASHINGTON — The were in the midst of operations Noble Energy Inc., also have
National Football League.” Obama administration said at the time of the deepwa- been affected.
50 Years Ago — 1961 He quotes Riddell’s website Monday it will allow 13 com- ter suspensions (last spring), A federal report said the
• The regular meeting of the newly founded World War as saying that “research shows panies to resume deepwater today’s notification is a sig- moratorium probably caused
1 Veterans of the Tri-county Barracks was held Tuesday a 31 percent reduction in the drilling without any additional nificant step toward resuming a temporary loss of 8,000
night at the VFW Post. The main order of business was risk of concussion in players environmental scrutiny, just their permitted activity,” said to 12,000 jobs in the Gulf
the election of officers with the following named to serve wearing a Riddell Revolution months after saying it would Michael Bromwich, director region.
football helmet when com- require strict reviews for new of the Bureau of Ocean Energy Bromwich and other offi-
the coming year: Ed Becker, commander; first vice com-
pared to traditional helmets.” drilling in the wake of the BP Management, Regulation and cials stressed that the policy
mander, William Bonifas; second vice commander, William Udall adds: “Yet there
Eickenhorst; chaplain, Med Granger; trustee three-year term, oil spill. Enforcement. announced Monday was not a
is actually very little scien- The government said it was The decision is a victory reversal of its previous plans
Roy Feathers; two-year term, Kenneth Krutsch and one-year tific evidence to support the
trustee Leo Best. not breaking its promise to for the drilling companies, not to grant waivers known
claim.” require environmental reviews which in the past had rou- as categorical exclusions for
• Poems written by three seniors of Sister Mary Madeleine’s In the letter — which was
English Class at St. John’s High School have been accepted for because the 13 companies — tinely won broad waivers deepwater projects. Instead
first reported by The New York which include Chevron USA from rules requiring detailed officials characterized the
publication in the annual Anthology of High School Poetry, Times — Udall also refers
sponsored by the National High School Poetry Association. Inc. and Shell Offshore Inc. environmental studies. After action as a sort of grandfather
to what he terms “misleading — had already started drilling the BP disaster, the Obama clause that applies only to
“Grandeur in Simplicity” written by Donna Reinemeyer and safety claims used in online
“Memories” written by Virginia Osting, received Certificates the wells without detailed envi- administration pledged it companies that had already
video advertisements for hel- ronmental studies. would require companies begun drilling before the BP
of Accepance. “Hope,” by Deiter Schneider received a mets.” He specifically cites
Certification of Acceptance and a Special Mention. Drilling was suspended to complete environmental blowout.
Riddell and Schutt Sports. last year when the administra- reviews before being allowed In August, Bromwich
• Army Pvt. Lee G. Jerwers, son of Mr. and Mrs. Leonard “After reviewing Senator
Jerwers of Fort Jennings, graduated recently from the 82nd tion imposed a months-long to drill for oil. instructed his staff not to
Udall’s letter to the Federal moratorium following the BP The administration has grant categorical exclusions
Airborne Division Jump School at Fort Bragg, N.C. He Trade Commission, we believe
entered the Army last April and completed basic training at spill. The ban was lifted in been under heavy pressure for drilling plans that involve
his statements and allegations October, but drilling has not from the oil industry, Gulf use of a blowout preventer
Fort Knox, Ky. are unfounded and unfair,” yet resumed in waters deeper state leaders and congressio- similar to the one that failed
Riddell CEO Dan Arment said than 500 feet in the Gulf of nal Republicans to speed up to stop the BP spill. But the
75 Years Ago — 1936 in a statement e-mailed to the
• The Stout Furniture Company announced the opening Mexico. drilling in the Gulf of Mexico, August directive did not spec-
AP. U.S. officials said the 13 which has come to a near halt ify that any companies would
of a new store in Delphos. The new store is located in the “Riddell has consistent- companies must comply with since the moratorium on deep- be exempted under a grandfa-
Herrick Block, 311-313 North Main St. Their announcement ly maintained a policy of new policies and rules before water drilling was imposed ther provision.
advertises a complete line of home furnishings. The company transparency with all of our resuming activity at 16 Gulf last spring. “This decision was based
now operates a furniture store in Lima. R. F. Leffler will be research and products and par- of Mexico wells. All but The delay is hurting big oil on our ongoing review of
the local manager. ticipated in any helmet test three are exploratory wells companies such as Chevron environmental analyses
• With the regular lineup intact, the Red and White will when requested. Riddell has — the same type BP was Corp. and Royal Dutch Shell in the Gulf and was in no
journey to Middle Point tonight for what is expected to be a exceeded all of the industry drilling when the blowout of PLC, which have billions way impacted by a singu-
hard battle. Coach Kurth is planning to start Peltier and Jones standards and conducts and the Deepwater Horizon rig of dollars in investments lar company,” said Melissa
at forwards in this game, with Floyd at center and Adams and submits to more rigorous test- occurred. The April 20 explo- tied up in Gulf projects that Schwartz, a spokeswoman for
Bryan in the guard positions. ing than most companies in sion killed 11 workers and set are on hold. Smaller opera- Bromwich.
• New furniture is being installed in the civil service room other industries,” Arment’s
in the basement of the post office building. The new furnish-
ings include 18 desks and chairs to be used by persons taking
statement added.
Arment continued: “We GOP sending Obama message on health repeal
civil service examination and a master’s desk and chair for welcome any scrutiny and By RICARDO ALONSO- won’t have a replacement health care repeal drive. The
the examiner in charge. Only one room remains without its review. For the public’s ben- ZALDIVAR plan of their own ready by quick thumbs-down vote by
furnishings. That is the Internal Revenue office in the base- efit, we hope that the FTC will Associated Press the time of the repeal vote. the House will have “tremen-
ment of the building. provide greater scrutiny of all But they say there’s no time dous utility and value,” King
helmet manufacturers.” WASHINGTON — Eager to lose. said, but it may take elect-
A Schutt Sports spokesman to show who’s now in charge, Senate Democratic leaders ing a Republican president in

Moderately confused
said the company was aware the House’s new Republican are sending their own “you- Obama’s place to accomplish
of Udall’s letter but declined majority plans to vote to don’t-scare-me” message. In the overall goal.
comment. repeal President Barack a letter Monday to House All the while, the Obama
In November, Udall asked Obama’s landmark health Speaker-to-be John Boehner, administration intends to
the Consumer Product Safety care overhaul before he even they served notice that they’ll keep putting into place the
Commission to investigate shows up in their chamber to block any repeal, arguing it law’s framework for covering
whether safety standards for give his State of the Union would kill popular provisions more than 30 million unin-
football helmets are adequate address. such as improved prescrip- sured people. Ultimately,
to protect players from con- Dramatic as that early tion coverage for Medicare. Obama still has his veto pen,
cussions. Udall serves on the showdown promises to be Beyond the early health and Republicans aren’t any-
Senate Commerce Committee, — the vote will be Jan. 12, care vote, emboldened where close to the two-thirds
which oversees the CPSC. Republicans said Monday — Republicans are straining majorities they would need to
His letter to the FTC’s it will be just the first in a to challenge the president’s override
Leibowitz says the “voluntary series of struggles expected spending priorities, setting “Repeal and replace”
industry standard for football to play out in the next few up likely conflicts over the worked as a campaign slogan
helmets does not specifically months. Obama returns today budget and the country’s debt to motivate voters concerned
address concussion prevention from his holiday vacation, ceiling. Those votes will be about the growing reach of
or reduction.” That standard is fresh off lame-duck legisla- early tests of how the presi- government under Obama.
set by the National Operating tive victories late last year, dent will maneuver with a But a single-minded focus
Committee on Standards and Republicans will be divided Congress, as both he on repeal could backfire as a
for Athletic Equipment sworn in Wednesday, primed and Republicans look ahead Republican governing strat-
(NOCSAE), a nonprofit cor- to challenge him after gaining to the next elections. egy. Polls show that some
poration. House control in last fall’s Most likely, both parties parts of the law are popular,
Helmets used in NFL, elections. will carry the main issues of and many Americans would
NCAA and high school foot- Full repeal of the health the health care debate into the have wanted even bigger
ball are supposed to pass a care law is still a long shot. 2012 campaign, when Obama changes.
test developed by NOCSAE. The House vote would be is expected to seek a second Look for Republicans to
The group’s website says it just the first, easiest step. But term against a Republican try to deny money for the
establishes “voluntary test House Republicans vow they challenger, and House and government to carry out the
standards”; that “manufactur- will follow up with dozens Senate control will be up for law. They’ll also attempt to
ers test their own helmets”; of attempts to hack away grabs again. strip out sections of it, such
and that “NOCSAE does not at what they derisively call “It’s not going to be easy; as a new long-term care pro-
possess a surveillance force “Obamacare.” it’s going to be a long, hard gram. And they’ll move to
to ensure compliance with the The strategy is not risk- slog,” said Rep. Steve King, strengthen restrictions on
standards.” free for the Republicans, who R-Iowa, an early leader in the funding for abortions.
www.delphosherald.com Tuesday, January 4, 2011 The Herald – 5

LANDMARK In the Waiting Room ... Putnam library announces
upcoming events
The Putnam County District Library in Ottawa has
announced the following upcoming events:
Wild About Eyes Storytime
The Putnam County District Library Continental Location
with Dr. Celeste Lopez will hold a special story time celebrating the premiere of the

The pros and cons

Wild About Eyes Kiosk at 6:30 p.m. Thursday.
Explore the new interactive kiosk, listen to stories and make
A free gift bag will be given to all participating children.
For more information call 419-596-3727.

of parenthood
Delphos Fire/Police Station
Family Fun Bingo
CALENDAR OF The Putnam County District Library in Ottawa will have
Bingo at four library locations in January. Join the fun and try
and win a prize.
The schedule is as follows:
Ottawa Location - Jan. 11 at 6:30 p.m.;
TODAY It’s the beginning of a have. fun way for us to share time Fort Jennings Location - Jan. 20 at 6:30 p.m.;
6 p.m. — Weight Watchers new year and it seems like Con: When I hear him together. Kalida Location- Jan. 29 at 1:30 p.m.; and
meets at Trinity United the right time to take stock call me “mom” 55 times in Con: I once drove him Ottoville Location - Jan. 31 at 6:00 p.m.
Methodist Church, 211 E. of things. While I complete- a row because he is trying all the way to Fort Wayne All are welcome to attend this free program. This event
Third St. ly believe being a mother is to convince me he needs to play a hockey game and is sponsored by the Friends of the Putnam County District
6:30 p.m. — Delphos the best thing that has ever me to buy him a new video then found out he had taken Library.
Lions Club, Eagles Lodge, happened to me, I also have game, it stops being so awe- his hockey bag out of the car Greeting Card Program
1600 E. Fifth St. to admit that sometimes it inspiring. to find a roll of tape and for- The Putnam County District Library Pandora Location will
7 p.m. — Delphos Coon isn’t always fun. With that Pro: He once surprised got to put it back in the car. have “Creating Greeting Cards” with Paulette Smith at 6:30
and Sportsman’s Club meets. in mind, I thought I would me by bringing me a bou- Pro: When he gets out of p.m. on Jan. 24.
7:30 p.m. — Alcoholics give my list of some of the quet of fresh picked flow- the car when I drop him off Registration is required and there is a $5 fee.
Anonymous, First Presbyterian pros and cons that I have ers. at school, he always says “I Call or stop by the Pandora library at 419-384-3232.
Church, 310 W. Second St. experienced as a parent. Con: I found out he love you, mom” before he For more programs, visit putnam.co.lib.oh.us.
Pro: It is very reward- picked them from the neigh- walks away.
WEDNESDAY ing to see his artistic skills bors freshly planted flower There is no con to that.
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Browns look for

coach ‘to lead us
to championship’
By TOM WITHERS If Holmgren can’t land one
The Associated Press of his preferred candidates,
it’s possible he will relo-
BEREA — As Eric cate his office and slide in as
Mangini packed picture frames Cleveland’s coach. It would be
and two years of football into a seamless transition but that’s
boxes, Browns’ president Mike the backup plan. For now,
Holmgren was already looking Holmgren’s entering his first
for his replacement. coaching search, hoping it will
One day after another lost be his last.
season, the search “I don’t want to do
was underway in this again,” he added.
Cleveland for a “Historically, if you
new coach, the one look at teams that
as Holmgren put don’t have to do this
it, “can eventually very much, they’ve
someday lead us to been successful. It’s
the championship. very, very important
That is my only that we get this right.”
goal.” Browns haven’t gotten it
Attention Jon Gruden, John right with a coach since return-
Fox, Jim Harbaugh, Marty ing to the league; Mangini
Rene Kleman photo Mornhinweg, Brad Childress followed Chris Palmer, Butch
The Columbus Grove wrestlers beat the Ottawa-Glandorf Titans in the Putnam County rivalry 42-31. There is now and others: Holmgren may Davis and Romeo Crennel on
a traveling trophy that will be between the only Putnam County schools that have wrestling, this year to be carried by have you on his list. Cleveland’s coaching carou-
the Bulldogs. For now, though, Holmgren sel. The instability up top and
doesn’t have his own name on lack of continuity perhaps best

it. But that could change. explains the Browns’ 64-129
Granted a second season record and one playoff appear-
by Holmgren, Mangini was ance since 1999.
Bulldogs wrestle Rebounds: Kalida 25 (6 off.), 152 Pound - Pool 16: 1. Scott, (CH) pin Lucas Shumate (SV) fired on Monday, dismissed Mangini’s two seasons in
past rival Titans Minster 24 (5 off.). UR, 8-6 OT; 2. Thompson, NU; 1:20 and Colman (AR) tech. fall less than two years after being Cleveland were marked by los-
Turnovers: Kalida 20, Minster 3. Szymanski, GE, 8-3; 4. Austin Jake Bellows (SV) 18-3; 189: hired by owner Randy Lerner, ing streaks, flickers of hope,
Lotz, SV; 5. Conley, NO, 2:47; 6. David Gremling (LCC) pin Tyler
The Columbus Grove wres-
JV SCORE: Minster, 38-29 Jake Tremoulis, LCC; 7. Urivez, TI, Shumate (SV) 1:10; 215: Lucas who was convinced he had key injuries and far too much
tlers beat the Ottawa Glandorf ---- 7-4; 8. Barnes, BL; 9. Stansberry, Krouskop (SV) pin Williams found the next Bill Belichick. drama for a franchise looking
Titans Monday in the Putnam Spencerville 12th at Lima CA, forfeit; 10. Mullholand, CA; (NO) 0:58. The Browns went 5-11 for for a foothold 12 years into
County rivalry 42-31. There
11. Derek Ebbeskotte, O-G, 1:51; Round 1 - Pool 16: 112: Coy the second straight season and its expansion era. The Browns
LIMA — The rebuilding 12. Jones, UR; 13. Romero, CH, (BL) pin Ashley King (SV) 1:49; although they showed some didn’t have any luck, either.
is now a traveling trophy Spencerville wrestling team tf 16-1; 14. Cody Jurell, PA; 15. 140: Jonas Johnson (SV) pin
that will be between the only significant progress under All three quarterbacks
finished 12th out of 16 teams at Brendan Bergman, WT, bye. Canaday (UR) 1:20; 152: Austin
Mangini, it wasn’t enough. suffered high ankle sprains
Putnam County schools that the Lima Thunderbird Holiday 160 Pound - Pool 16: 1.
Cauley, NO, 2:49; 2. Sprow, LA;
Lotz (SV) pin Brendan Bergman
During a morning meeting, this season, with injuries to
(WT) 0:25; 160: Wayne Erford
have wrestling. Tournament Thursday. 3. Cusac, CA, 5-4; 4. Hamilton, (O-G) dec. John Smith (SV) only hours after an embar- Jake Delhomme and Seneca
Grove is in the Woodmore Spencerville is at Wayne NU; 5. Tyler Arnett, WT, INJ; 6. 11-9; 171: Wyatt (NO) pin Lucas rassing 41-9 home loss to Wallace pushing rookie Colt
Classic starting 5 p.m. Trace in a tri-match 5:30 p.m. Espinoza, GE; 7. John Smith, Shumate (SV) 2:46 and Jake
Pittsburgh, Holmgren thanked McCoy into the starting lineup
Friday. this evening. SV, 4:35; 8. Vincent Fosburgh,
LCC; 9. Dylan McFarland, O-G,
Bellows (SV) pin Tim West (WT)
Mangini for his efforts. Then, at least a year early. McCoy
103 Tregg Keysor (CG) pinned 2010 Lima Central 2:56; 10. Derek Shrider, PA; 11.
0:30; 189: Aaron Harris (WT) pin
Tyler Shumate (SV) 2:51; 215: he told him his time was up. was supposed to sit and learn
Logan Siebeneck (OG) :19
112 Brett Sampson (CG) Catholic Scores: Genoa 304.5, Byrd, UR, forfeit; 12. Moss, CH; Klotz (LA) dec. Lucas Krouskop “It’s difficult,” Holmgren but he handled the assignment
pinned Austin Escabedo (OG) Carey 242.0, Northeastern 13. Felty, BL, tf 19-4; 14. Wayne (SV) 4-0. said. “I’ve never had to do this like a seasoned veteran and
1:24 230.0, Ben Logan 226.0, Erford, O-G; 15. Sudoff, NO,
1:30; 16. Josh Weis, O-G.
Three Pools - Round by
before. I like the man a lot. But when the Browns stunned New
119 Jake Graham (CG) won Lakota 187.0, Wayne Trace 171 Pound - Pool 16: 1. Jeff
Round Results
I want to win here. We want England on Nov. 7, it appeared
Consolation 1: 103: Trevor
by forfeit
125 Thomas Martin (CG) won 185.0, Ottawa-Glandorf Siefker, O-G, 2:28; 2. Colman, Bockey (SV) pin Dustin Taylor to win here. We did not win Cleveland had arrived.
by forfeit 176.0, North Union 173.0, AR; 3. Clay, BL, tf 23-5; 4. Wyatt, (WT). enough.” Instead, the upset only trig-
130 Mathias Klausing (OG) Urbana 160.0, Arcadia 150.0, NO; 5. Bobby Sunderhaus, LCC,
6-5; 6. Snider, GE; 7. Dixon,
Consolation 2: 103: Trevor At 10:04 a.m., the Browns gered a slide. Browns went 2-6
dec. Dylan Kleman 10-4 Lima CC CH, 13-7; 8. Jake Bellows, SV; Bockey (SV) pin Widmer (GE)
released a statement announc- down the stretch, losing their
135 Dallas Patino (OG) pinned
Tyler Schroeder (CG) 1:58
138.0, (12) 9. Crofut, NU, 2:39; 10. Lucas 5:02; 135: Cory Binkley (SV)
maj. dec. Bailey (NU) 13-3. ing the coaching change. By 11 final four games. Cleveland
140 Collin Hanneman (OG) Spencerville Shumate, SV; 11. Johnson, UR,
Consolation 3: 135: Cory a.m., Holmgren was sending struggled in close games, going
dec. Hunter Giesige (CG) 6-4 1 2 3 . 0 , 3:50; 12. Kimberlin, CA; 13. Tim
West, WT, 19-13; 14. Mason Binkley (SV) pin Jared Eley request forms to NFL teams 3-9 in tilts decided by 10 points
145 Draven Delgado pinned Tinora 120.0, Meyer, O-G; 15. Stahl, LA, 5:58; (LCC) 5:20. asking permission to speak or less. Sunday’s loss dropped
Kenny Smith (CG) 1:11
152 Brandon Benroth (CG)
CHCA 95.5, 16. Vizi, GE. Tenth 1: 135: Thomas (CH) with their coaches. Holmgren Mangini to 2-10 in the AFC
pinned Wayne Erford (OG)2:46 Paulding 189 Pound - Pool 16: 1. pin Aaron Hefner (SV) 0:34.
Tenth 2: 135: Collin Hanneman did not reveal names of any North.
160 Dakota Fischer (CG) 62.0, Lehman Cath. 32.0. Sheehy, GE, 2-0; 2. Harris, UR;
3. David Gremling, LCC, 3:44; 4. (O-G) pin Aaron Hefner (SV) potential candidates. Holmgren was left with
pinned Dylan McFarland (OG) PLACERS:
103 Pound - Three Pools: 1. Marshall, TI; 5. Baker, BL, 4:31; 4:59. His search will not be limit- little choice but to cut ties
171 Jeff Siefker (OG) dec. Alvarado, CH; 2. Morrison, GE; 3. 6. Aaron Harris, WT; 7. Sanchez, Round 3: 103: Trevor Bockey ed to those with pro experience with Mangini, who has two
Gavin Windau (CG)7-4 Baum, UR; Trevor Bockey, SV; AR, 3-1; 8. Jacob Wells, O-G; (SV) pin Flavell (NU) 3:25; 135:
Logan (BL) pin Aaron Hefner
or ones favoring a West Coast years left on a contract worth a
189 Jacob Wells (OG) dec. Widmer, GE; Dustin Taylor, WT; 9. Walker, CA, 2:01; 10. Tyler
Shumate, SV; 11. Frey, NU, (SV) 1:08 and Reinhart (GE) pin offense. And, he doesn’t have a reported $8 million. Mangini’s
Alec Gladwell (CG)12-3 Gray, BL; Zack Ellsworth, LCC;
4:09; 12. Retchenbach, CA; 13. Cory Binkley (SV) 1:20. timetable to name Cleveland’s assistants remain under con-
Logan Siebeneck, O-G; Flavell,
215 Wyatt Karhoff (OG) won
by forfeit NU; Johnston, TI; Cullison, NO. Workman, BL, 1:57; 14. Cody Round 2: 103: Alvarado (CH) fifth coach since 1999. Money, tract. Holmgren gave them the
285 Greg Martin (CG) pinned 112 Pound - Pool 16: 1. Maag, O-G; 15. Burns, NO, 2:35; tech. fall Trevor Bockey (SV) he said, is no object. rest of this week off and will
Max Inniger (OG):42 Reeder, NO, 9-5; 2. Klavinger, 16. Ryan Schindler, PA.
215 Pound - Pool 16: 1. Klotz,
16-0; 135: Larick (CA) pin Aaron
Hefner (SV) 1:55 and Cory
Only weeks ago, Holmgren meet with the staff again next
In JV action: GE; 3. Keiffer, AR, 1:49; 4.
LA, 3:13; 2. Pulfer, LEH; 3. Wyatt Binkley (SV) pin Bame (AR) hinted about a return to coach- week. Defensive coordinator
152 Marty Stever (CG) dec Cummings, CH; 5. Joe Stahl, WT,
0:48; 6. Potts, UR; 7. Gruber, NU, Karhoff, O-G, 1:56; 4. Moses, 3:50. ing. He hasn’t ruled it out but Rob Ryan may interview for
Derek Ebbeskotte 13-3
160 Eric Otto (CG) pinned Josh md 9-1; 8. Coy, BL; 9. Sammet, AR; 5. Nick Hanenkratt, PA, 5-4; Round 1: 103: Trevor Bockey the 62-year-old with three Super the Panthers’ open position.
Weis (OG) 2:37 CA, 2:59; 10. Sydney Salinas, 6. Blevins, NU; 7. Andy Norling, (SV) dec. Zack Ellsworth (LCC) Bowl visits on a sparkling After being fired for the
WT, 0:38; 8. Lucas Krouskop,
285 Adam Johnson (CG) PA; 11. Gares, TI, 0:59; 12. Austin
SV; 9. Keller, GE, 5-2; 10.
2-0; 135: Bailey (NU) maj. dec.
Aaron Hefner (SV) 11-0 and
17-year Hall-of-Fame-worthy second time in just over two
pinned Cody Maag (OG) 3:26 Escobedo, O-G; 13. Griffith, GE,
Fausnaugh, CA; 11. Swank, Cory Binkley (SV) pin Collin resume, insists he’s enjoying years, Mangini addressed his
---- 1:40; 14. Ashley King, SV.
119 Pound - Pool 8: 1. BL, 4:59; 12. Williams, NO; 13. Hanneman (O-G) 2:35. his executive role. Still, the team one last time for nearly
Minster pulls Timmons, LA, md 8-0; 2. Leist, Haffner, UR, 9-2; 14. Nye, LA;
----- bug hasn’t completely left, and 20 minutes.
away from LadyCats CA; 3. Pierce, NO, 1:50; 4. Taylor 15. Dylan Ellerbrock, O-G, 4:23;
16. Mahan, TI. Bulldogs finish Holmgren may coach again. “In football, you go with
MINSTER — Minster’s Deatrick, PA; 5. Reeder, GE,
285 Pound - Three Pools: 6th at Wendy’s “I’ll always be a coach,” through a lot of emotions with
girls basketball team doubled 2:03; 6. Terry, BL; 7. Pratt, CA,
1-0; 8. Aaron Miller, WT. 1. Moser, TI; 2. Damschroder, TIFFIN — The Elida mat he said. “Heck, people in the people, from laughing to crying
up on Kalida in the first peri- 125 Pound - Three Pools: 1. CA; 3. Smith, LA; 4. Harmon,
team ended building call me coach. To tell to being angry to jubilation,”
od Monday night and went Schertzer, CA; 2. Bickford, LA; 3. BL; 5. Reeder, GE; 6. Diller, AR;
up sixth you right now that I would tight end Benjamin Watson
7. Keaton, GE; 8. Cash, UR; 9.
on to a 51-27 non-conference Hites, BL; 4. Kaffenbarger, NO; 5. never coach again, whether it’s said. “It’s definitely not a time
Brandon Jarell, PA; 10. Buckner, out of 15 here or any place, that probably to just say bye. I know it was
triumph at Minster Middle Josh Hemker, PA; 6. Peck, NU;
7. Scott, GE; 8. Murray, UR; 9. GE; 11. Conrad, NU; 12. Max teams at
School. Inniger, O-G. wouldn’t be honest. As of right tough for him. It was tough for
Spencer Lake, LCC; 10. Cocke, last week’s now, I am the president of the us to hear it. But when you sign
Tara Clune TI; 11. Moss, CH; 12. Zimmer, Spencerville Wrestlers:
2 - d a y
and Erica BL. Semifinals - Pool 16: 152: Cleveland Browns and my job up for football, that’s kind of
Thompson (NU) pin Austin Lotz Wendy’s Classic at Tiffin is to find the best coach avail- how it goes.”
Fullenkamp 130 Pound - Pool 10: 1.
(SV) 1:58.
led a balanced
Newland, BL, 6-2; 2. Mathias
Consolation Semifinals - able, the right coach for this Mangini was followed into
Klausing, O-G; 3. Keenan, GE, Elida is in the Wapakoneta job. That’s what I am trying the room by Holmgren, who
Lady Wildcat md 10-1; 4. Cooper, NU; 5. Pool 16: 160: Espinoza (GE)
WBL tri-match Thursday,
crew with 10 points each. Higgins, CA, 11-4; 6. Parcels, dec. John Smith (SV) 8-1; 171: to do and that does not include didn’t provide any clues about
Bobby Sunderhaus (LCC) dec. starting at 6 p.m. me right now. who will take over. He chal-
Julia Vandemark topped NO; 7. Tolento, LA, 1:52; 8.
Jake Bellows (SV) 6-4; 215:
Team Scores: Tiffin
Kalida with nine.
DeNijs, UR; 9. Luis Torres, LCC,
Blevins (NU) maj. dec. Lucas “I probably won’t coach lenged the Browns to get better
md 13-2; 10. O’Flaherty, CA. Columbian 184, Lancaster again but I don’t want to lie to in the offseason, a message
Kalida hosts Ottoville 6 135 Pound - Three Pools: Krouskop (SV) 11-1.
149.50, Fremont Ross 140.50,
p.m. Thursday. 1. Kameran Clemens, WT; 2. Consolation 9th Semifinals you — ever.” McCoy, who spent time in
Reinhart, GE; 3. Larick, CA; 4. - Pool 16: 140: Jonas Johnson Whitmer 122.50, Madison Holmgren has not yet spo- Holmgren’s office this season
KALIDA (27) Cory Binkley, SV; 5. Jared Eley, (SV) pin Poiry (GE) 1:42; 171:
Lucas Shumate (SV) pin Kimberlin 122, (6) Elida 116.50, ken with Fox, whose contract analyzing film and his throw-
Emily Turnwald 3-0-6, Sam LCC; 6. Bailey, NU; 7. Deselem,
NO; 8. Bame, AR; 9. Logan, (CA) 1:52; 189: Tyler Shumate Mohawk 109.50, Newark was not renewed in Carolina, ing mechanics, took to heart.
Edwards 0-0-0, Nicole Kaufman
1-0-2, Christy Ellerbrock 1-0-2, BL; 10. Thomas, CH; 11. Collin (SV) dec. Frey (NU) 7-2. 97.50, Upper Sandusky 86, or Gruden, former Tampa Bay The trials of an eventful first
Chelsea Verhoff 1-0-3, Alexis Hanneman, O-G; 12. Aaron Consolation 13th Semifinals -
Pool 16: 112: Ashley King (SV),
Woodmore 82.50, Maumee coach and ESPN analyst who pro season were not lost on
Wurth 0-0-0, Haley McIntyre 0-0- Hefner, SV.
bye. 82, Margaretta 66, Otsego worked under Holmgren in McCoy. The former Texas star
0, Julia Vandemark 2-4-9, Amy 140 Pound - Pool 16: 1.
Smith, AR, md 14-2; 2. Reeder, Round 3 - Pool 16: 112: Austin 64.50, Tiffin Calvert 61, San Francisco and Green Bay. rose from third-stringer to per-
Smith 1-0-2, Summer Holtkamp
0-0-0. Totals 8-2-5/9-27. NO; 3. Zach Cotterman, WT, Escobedo (O-G) pin Ashley King Perkins 38.50. Mornhinweg, Philadelphia’s haps the Browns’ future quar-
MINSTER (51) 7-4; 4. Niederkohr, CA; 5. Blair, (SV) 1:05; 152: Austin Lotz
Individual Elida Results:
offensive coordinator, is also terback. He’ll begin his second
Maria Dahlinghaus 2-1-5, Kayla BL, md 17-6; 6. Swartz, LA; 7. (SV) pin Conley (NO) 3:55; 160:
Hamilton (NU) dec. John Smith 103 Riley Overholt 1-2/2.5pts; from the Holmgren coaching year with a second coach.
Albers 1-0-3, Meghan Baumer Alvarado, CH, 8-3; 8. Pierce, GE;
(SV) 9-6; 171: Lucas Shumate 112 Dakota Rolfe 1-2/4pts; 119 tree and a close friend. “I’ve never been through a
9. Jonas Johnson, SV, 3:30;
0-0-0, Jayna Stechschulte 2-0-6,
Erica Fullenkamp 4-0-10, Heather 10. Taylor, NU; 11. Poiry, GE, (SV) pin Mason Meyer (O-G) Austin Arbogast 2-2/10pts/4th According to several reports, coaching change, junior high,
Schmiesing 1-2-4, Ellen Gruber 3:32; 12. Dallas Patino, O-G; 13. 0:28; and Jake Bellows (SV) pin Place; 125 Nick Pauff 3-0/25pts./ the Browns have contacted the high school, college,” he said.
0-0-0, Samantha Hoelscher 2-0- Canaday, UR, 0:26; 14. Griffith, Johnson (UR) 5:20; 189: Tyler
Shumate (SV) pin Workman (BL)
Champion; 130 Adam Troyer
1-2/4pts; 135 Tyler Fay 0-2; 140
New York Giants about talking “It’s new territory for me, new
4, Kayla Wuebker 2-3-7, Delanie GE; 15. Willmuth, NO, 0:44; 16.
1:19; 215: Lucas Krouskop (SV) Tyler Dunlap 1-2/1pt; 145 Zach to defensive coordinator Perry ground. But it’s something that
Wolf 1-0-2, Tara Clune 4-2-10. Curtis John, LCC.
145 Pound - Three Pools: 1. pin Dylan Ellerbrock (O-G) 3:04. Green 3-2/12pts/5th Place; 152 Fewell. being in this business, being in
Totals 14-9-8/18-51.
Score by Quarters: Cody Hahn, LCC; 2. Fejes, GE; 3. Round 2 - Pool 16: 112: Tyler Smith 4-2/19pts/4th Place; Holmgren and general man- the NFL, I’ve learned so many
Kalida 8 6 3 10 - 27 Sawyer Temple, WT; 4. Marshall, Klavinger (GE) pin Ashley King 160 Ian Dukehart 2-2/12pts/5th ager Tom Heckert will serve as lessons just in my first year.
(SV) 0:25; 140: Alvarado (CH)
Minster 15 8 15 13 - 51 TI; 5. Draven Delgado, O-G; 6.
dec. Jonas Johnson (SV) 7-6;
Place; 171 Nickoli Sackinger
2-3/8pts/6th Place; 189 Theran
the Browns’ point men in the This is just one more thing that
Three-point goals: Kalida, Rose, BL; 7. Saenthavisouk, CA;
152: Austin Lotz (SV) pin Jones Carroll 1-2/4pts; 215 Quentin search he described as “pretty has happened.”
8. Howard, NO; 9. Jared Moyer,
Verhoff, Vandemark; Minster,
Stechschulte 2, Fullenkamp 2, WT; 10. Welch, NU; 11. Shearer, (UR) 0:54; 160: John Smith (SV) Poling 4-2/14pts/4th Place; 285 wide. We’re not limiting our- In Cleveland, it happens
selves in any way.” quite a bit.

Lewis gives Bengals no hint on future

CA; 12. Hill, AR. pin Moss (CH) 0:20; 171: Dixon Nate Sackinger 1-2/2pts.

By JOE KAY including more control over ros- back,” safety Chris Crocker said. man Domata Peko replied, “It to be more balanced. Instead, Lewis led them to a division title
The Associated Press ter decisions. He also has lob- “But it’s going to be a decision was kind of mixed. It was a little the offense regressed during a in 2005. He was coach of the
bied years for a covered practice between him and ownership. bit of both. I’m not sure what’s 10-game losing streak that tied year last season for getting the
CINCINNATI — Coach field — the Bengals are the only One thing is when you lose and going to happen.” the club record for futility. Bengals to the playoffs again
Marvin Lewis gave Bengals northern NFL team without one. you don’t have a good season, In some ways, change has Benson’s open to returning if and has a 60-69-1 record. Lewis
players and assistants no hints Lewis turned down an extension something changes. You don’t already begun. the Bengals return to their run- wants to change how the front
on Monday about whether he’s last season, saying their differ- know what’s going to change.” A few players cleared out based approach. office works to get the organiza-
inclined to return. ences had to be resolved before Lewis presided over stan- their lockers following the team Owens also is a free agent. tion on solid footing.
Lewis told owner Mike Brown he would agree to stay. dard end-of-the-season meet- meeting. Running back Cedric The club has a 1-year, $6 mil- In most other NFL cities,
what needs to change for him A 13-7 loss in Baltimore on ings with players and his assis- Benson — a free agent — tossed lion option for Chad Ochocinco. there would be no discussion of
to consider staying in Cincinnati, Sunday ended the final season tant coaches on Monday, mak- an orange jersey in his box of Several defensive starters, keeping a coach with two win-
where he’s had two winning on his contract. Brown evidently ing sure not to tip his hand about stuff and left with a smile. including CB Johnathan Joseph, ning records in eight seasons.
records in eight seasons. Bengals would like to keep Lewis — a fir- his intentions. Benson was the focal point also can become free agents. Lewis works for an owner who
completed their worst season ing would have happened quick- Some players listened for of a run-based offense that won The Bengals have only two doesn’t like change. The ques-
under Lewis, finishing 4-12 with a ly Monday if the owner wanted subtle clues and came away dis- the AFC North last season. The winning records in the 20 years tion is whether Brown likes him
loss in Baltimore Sunday. change. appointed. Asked if Lewis’ com- Bengals shifted philosophies and since Brown took over the team. enough to give him what he
Lewis wants changes in “I think he wants to be back, ments felt more like a farewell or signed receiver Terrell Owens at They went 15 years between wants, something he wouldn’t
how the organization operates, and I think everybody wants him a see-you-again, defensive line- the start of training camp, hoping playoff appearances before do for previous coaches.
www.delphosherald.com Tuesday, January 4, 2011 The Herald — 7

NFL INDIVIDUAL Stanford routs Virginia AP TOP 25

LEADERS Tech 40-12 in Orange Bowl
The Associated Press
The Associated Press
The top 25 teams in The Associated
Press’ college basketball polls, with
first-place votes in parentheses,

1. Baylor (23)
Pts Pvs
978 2
records through Jan. 2, total points
Final 2. Connecticut (14)12-1 967 1
Quarterbacks based on 25 points for a first-place 3. Duke (1) 13-0 911 3
Att Com Yds TD Int The Associated Press “They’re really good and we vote through one point for a 25th-place
vote and last week’s ranking:
4. Stanford (2) 10-2 881 9
helped them be good,” Hokies
Rodgers, GBY 475 312 3922 28 11 5. Tennessee 13-2 827 5
MEN 6. West Virginia 14-0 789 6
Vick, PHL 372 233 3018 21 6
Freeman, TAM 474 291 3451 25 6 MIAMI — As the Stanford coach Frank Beamer said. “There 1. Duke (65)
Record Pts Pvs
13-0 1,625 1
7. Texas A&M 11-1 778 7
M. Ryan, ATL 571 357 3705 28 9 Cardinal accepted their were a couple of long 2. Ohio St. 14-0 1,551 2
8. North Carolina 13-0
9. Xavier 10-2
703 10
670 4
Orange Bowl trophy, plays against our defense
Brees, NOR 658 448 4620 33 22 3. Kansas 13-0 1,491 3 10. Kentucky 11-1 633 11
Kitna, DAL 318 209 2365 16 12 4. Syracuse 15-0 1,437 5
Cutler, CHI 432 261 3274 23 16 fans chanted “One more and then the game got 5. Pittsburgh 13-1 1,358 6
11. Michigan St. 13-1
12. UCLA 12-1
598 12
565 8
E. Manning, NYG
Ale. Smith, SNF
10 year!” They’re hoping to away from us. The thing 6. San Diego St. 15-0 1,198
7. Villanova 12-1 1,187
13. Notre Dame 12-3 486 16
Sh. Hill, DET 416 257 2686 16 12 keep the coach and quar- kind of snowballed.” 8. Connecticut 11-1 1,168 4
14. Maryland
15. Georgetown
470 18
360 19
Att Yds Avg LG TD
terback who helped the Tight end Coby 9. Missouri
10. Kentucky
13-1 1,116 10
11-2 1,052 11 16. DePaul 13-2 300 21
M. Turner, ATL 334 1371 4.10 55 12 school to its first bowl Fleener caught scoring 11. Purdue 13-1 930 12 17. Iowa St.
18. St. John’s
297 20
287 17
A. Peterson, MIN 283 1298 4.59 80t 12 win in 14 years. passes of 41, 58 and 12. Texas
13. Georgetown 12-2
11-2 902
9 19. Oklahoma 10-3 279 15
S. Jackson, STL
Bradshaw, NYG
8 Andrew Luck threw 38 yards from Luck, all 14. Notre Dame 12-2 688 15 20. Ohio St.
21. Iowa
191 13
189 14
for 287 yards and four in the final 21 minutes.
15. BYU 14-1 648 16
L. McCoy, PHL 207 1080 5.22 62 7 16. Texas A&M 12-1 569 18 22. Texas 11-3 162 23
Forte, CHI
Blount, TAM
6 touchdowns Monday night to lead Zach Ertz had a 25-yard TD recep- 17. Kansas St. 11-3 523 17 23. Syracuse
24. Florida St.
122 24
107 25
fifth-ranked Stanford past No. 12 tion, Jeremy Stewart scored on a
18. Michigan St. 9-4 504 20
Gore, SNF 203 853 4.20 64 3 19. UCF 13-0 490 19 25. Arkansas 12-1 72 22
Jacobs, NYG
F. Jones, DAL
Virginia Tech, 40-12. The blowout 60-yard run and Stepfan Taylor 20. Illinois
21. Memphis
21 Others receiving votes: Wis.-Green
Receivers was the latest success for a school added a 56-yard run. Fullback- 22. Vanderbilt 11-2 238 24 Bay 69, Miami 64, Boston College
No Yds Avg LG TD that went 1-11 just four years ago linebacker Owen Marecic scored 23. Washington 10-3
24. Cincinnati 14-0

54, Arizona St. 38, Southern Cal 29,
Georgia 27, Michigan 24, Duquesne
R. White, ATL
Witten, DAL
9 before hiring Jim Harbaugh as on a 1-yard run and had a sack. 25. UNLV 12-2 136 — 19, Bowling Green 15, Oklahoma St.
S. Moss, WAS 93 1115 12.0 56 6 coach. Luck went 18-for-23 and was Others receiving votes: Louisville
13, Kansas 11, Northwestern 6, Texas
Tech 4, Marist 3, Florida 1, Florida
Fitzgerald, ARI
Amendola, STL
3 Afterward, Luck and Harbaugh chosen the game’s most valuable 124, Minnesota 96, Temple 74, Gulf Coast 1.
Colston, NOR 84 1023 12.2 43 7 deflected questions about whether player. Wisconsin 55, Baylor 50, Florida
35, Butler 25, Wichita St. 17, North
Ballots Online: http://tinyurl.com/
H. Nicks, NYG
L. McCoy, PHL
the game might have been their “Andrew Luck is the straw Carolina 9, Saint Mary’s, Calif. 8,
last at Stanford. Harbaugh is that stirs the drink around here,” Gonzaga 7, Arizona 2, Cleveland St.

Ca. Johnson, DET 77 1120 14.5 87t 12 2, Florida St. 2, Georgia 1.
Cooley, WAS 77 849 11.0 35 3 expected to be courted by NFL Harbaugh said. Ballots Online: http://tinyurl.com/
No Yds LG Avg teams and perhaps alma mater Fleener had six catches for 173 cfbse4

Michigan; Luck is projected as the yards for the Cardinal, who out-

McBriar, DAL 65 3115 65 47.9
A. Lee, SNF
Morstead, NOR
45.6 likely first pick in the draft if he gained Tech 534-288. Tuesday Merchant
Dec. 28, 2010
Donn. Jones, STL 94 4276 63 45.5 turns pro this year. Stanford began to pull away Kerns Ford 12-4
Dodge, NYG
N. Harris, DET
“There are a lot of worse deci- by going 97 yards in two plays The Associated Press
Caballero’s Tavern 10-6
Masthay, GBY 71 3114 62 43.9 sions you might have to make in in the third quarter. After Delano EASTERN CONFERENCE
Adams Automotive
R C Connections
Rocca, PHL 73 3195 63 43.8 life,” Luck said. “I don’t want to Howell made an interception at Atlantic Division
W L Pct GB Delphos Sporting Goods 8-8
Be. Graham, ARI
J. Baker, CAR
43.1 make an impulsive decision. I’ll the 3, Taylor busted loose and Boston 26 7 .788 — Ace Hardware 8-8
Topp Chalet 6-10
Punt Returners enjoy this as long as I can. I know reached Hokies’ territory. On the New York
19 14
13 21
13 1/2 Surveyor’s 6-10
D. Hester, CHI
the deadline is coming up. I’ll sit next play, Luck threw deep to Toronto 11 22 .333 15 M-W Trailers 6-10
Ginn Jr., SNF 24 321 13.4 78t 1 down with my parents, weigh the Fleener for a 26-12 lead. New Jersey
Southeast Division
9 25 .265 17 1/2 Unverferth Mfg.
Men over 200
Logan, DET
De. Jackson, PHL
pros and cons and go from there.” Luck also threw for a safety W L Pct GB Mark Biedenharn 206, Dan
Banks, WAS 38 431 11.3 53 0 The sophomore turned in a per- that cut Stanford’s lead to 7-2. Miami
27 9
22 12

Wilhelm 223-204, Jason Mahlie 226-
L. Washington, SEA 22 249 11.3 84 0 formance reminiscent of two side- His pass was batted backward by Atlanta 22 14 .611 5
223, John Jones 215-203, John Allen
212, Carter Prine 202, Jason Wagoner
Amendola, STL
Munnerlyn, CAR
0 line spectators, former Stanford Antoine Hopkins to 303-pound Charlotte
11 21
8 24
17 227-214, Kyle Early 278-257-264,
Camarillo, MIN 39 359 9.2 52 0 quarterbacks John Elway and Jim OT Derek Hall, who caught the Central Division Josh DeVelvis 300, Zach Sargent
Plunkett. Elway, who is expected ball rather than knocking it
Tra. Williams, GBY 41 326 8.0 52 0 W L Pct GB 259-235-235, Andrew Schimmoller
Kickoff Returners Chicago 22 10 .688 — 204-268-267, Dan Stemen 257-217-
No Yds Avg LG TD to become the Denver Broncos’ down and was tackled in the end Indiana 14 18 .438 8 267, David Newman 206-215-223,
Weems, ATL 40 1100 27.5 102t 1 chief football executive this week, zone. Milwaukee
13 18
11 23
8 1/2
Bill Stemen 222-223, Denny Dyke
217-210, John Adams 222-215, Larry
Stephens-Howling, ARI 57 1548 27.2 102t 2
Logan, DET 54 1448 26.8 105t 1 served as honorary captain. The Hokies’ Tyrod Taylor Cleveland 8 26 .235 15 Etzkorn 215-209, Bruce VanMetre
Spurlock, TAM 44 1129 25.7 89t 1 “As an alum, it’s the great- passed for 222 yards but was WESTERN CONFERENCE
233-204, Shawn Allemeier 233-
L. Washington, SEA
Banks, WAS
1 est — to be able to come down thrown for 70 yards in losses; Southwest Division 300, Scott Scalf 222-268-257, Todd
Merricle 224-212, Matt Metcalfe 253-
D. Manning, CHI 33 816 24.7 62 0 here and watch a great football Tech twice came away empty after San Antonio
— 224, Butch Prine Jr. 215-210-266,
Roby, NOR
Harvin, MIN
team,” Elway said. “They’re well- driving inside the Stanford 35. Dallas 25 8 .758 4 Brian Gossard 256-213, Don Rice
coached, they played great. Some Taylor’s scrambling skills New Orleans 21 14 .600 9 227-235-203, Dan Grice 205, Ron
Amendola, STL 50 1142 22.8 84 0 Houston 16 18 .471 13 1/2 Wilhelm 209, Terry Johns 203-247,
Scoring Touchdowns great players. A big thrill.” helped the Hokies score their only Memphis 15 19 .441 14 1/2 Jason Johns 213, Mike Hughes 236-
TD Rush Rec Ret Pts
A. Peterson, MIN 13 12 1 0 78 The Cardinal (12-1) likely will touchdown. On third-and-goal he Northwest Division
W L Pct GB
256, Mark Gedeon 257-240, Lenny
Hubert 224-226-258, Travis Hubert
Ca. Johnson, DET 12 0 12 0 74 end the season ranked in the top 5 rolled left, retreated, spun 180 Utah 24 11 .686 — 225-202, Derek Kill 233-243.
G. Jennings, GBY
M. Turner, ATL
72 for the first time since the unbeat- degrees near the Stanford bench Oklahoma City
23 12
20 13
3 Men over 550
H. Nicks, NYG 11 0 11 0 66 en 1940 team finished No. 2. and threw to David Wilson for an Portland 18 16 .529 5 1/2 Dan Wilhelm 619, Jason Mahlie
632, John Jones 606, John Allen 567,
“They’ve bounced back from 11-yard score.
Mi. Williams, TAM 11 0 11 0 66 Minnesota 9 26 .257 15
R. White, ATL 10 0 10 0 64 Pacific Division Carter Prine 553, Jason Wagoner
Maclin, PHL 10 0 10 0 60 some terrible years and put Taylor moved the Hokies 60 W L Pct GB 622, Kyle Early 799, Josh DeVelvis
Stanford back on the football yards in the last 47 seconds of the
Forte, CHI 9 6 3 0 56 L.A. Lakers 23 11 .676 — 657, Zach Sargent 729, Andrew
Phoenix 14 18 .438 8 Schimmoller 739, Dan Stemen 741,
Witten, DAL 9 0 9 0 56
Kicking map,” Plunkett said. “I’m very first half to set up a field goal but Golden State 13 21 .382 10 David Newman 644, Bill Stemen
proud of them.” that was their final score.
L.A. Clippers 10 24 .294 13 625, Dave Stemen 553, Denny Dyke
PAT FG LG Pts Sacramento 7 24 .226 14 1/2 586, John Adams 600, Larry Etzkorn
Akers, PHL
M. Bryant, ATL
128 Virginia Tech (11-3), playing “I’m still proud of my boys for ———
610, Bruce VanMetre 629, Shawn
Jo. Brown, STL 26-27 33-39 53 125 in a bowl game for the 18th con- this whole season,” Taylor said. Monday’s Results
Allemeier 720, Scott Scalf 747, Todd
Buehler, DAL
Crosby, GBY
secutive year, fell to 1-27 against “We had a heck of a season and Miami 96, Charlotte 82
Merricle 625, Matt Metcalfe 667,
Butch Prine Jr. 691, Brian Gossard
Gould, CHI 35-35 25-30 54 110 top-5 teams. They were outscored it’s nothing to hold your head Orlando 110, Golden State 90 650, Don Rice 665, Dan Grice 585,
Feely, ARI 29-29 24-27 55 107 27-0 by the Cardinal in the second down about right now.” Boston 96, Minnesota 93
New Orleans 84, Philadelphia 77
Terry Johns 646, Jason Johns 585,

OSU looks to redeem

Mare, SEA 31-31 25-30 51 106 Mike Hughes 676, Mark Gedeon 693,
Barth, TAM 36-36 23-28 53 105 Denver 113, Houston 106 Lenny Hubert 708, Travis Hubert 618,
----- Utah 102, Detroit 97 Derek Kill 668.
AFC Today’s Games
Quarterbacks Milwaukee at Miami, 7:30 p.m. Wednesday Industrial

Big Ten in Big Easy

Att Com Yds TD Int San Antonio at New York, 7:30 p.m. Dec. 29, 2010
Brady, NWE 492 324 3900 36 4 Toronto at Chicago, 8 p.m. K&M Tire 16-0
P. Rivers, SND 541 357 4710 30 13 Oklahoma City at Memphis, 8 p.m. Moeís Dougout #2 12-4
Roethlisberger, PIT 389 240 3200 17 5 Portland at Dallas, 8:30 p.m. DRC 13th Frame Lounge 10-6
Flacco, BAL 489 306 3622 25 10 Atlanta at Sacramento, 10 p.m. Downtown Fitness 10-6
Cassel, KAN 450 262 3116 27 7 Detroit at L.A. Lakers, 10:30 p.m. Delphos Restaurant Supply 8-8
Schaub, HOU 574 365 4370 24 12
P. Manning, IND 679 450 4700 33 17 By PAUL NEWBERRY lack of passion on either side. And, Wednesday’s Games
Toronto at Cleveland, 7 p.m.
Rustic Cafe
Rusty Buggy
Garrard, JAC
Orton, DEN
The Associated Press of course, the regional debate over Chicago at New Jersey, 7 p.m. Villager Tavern 0-16
J. Campbell, OAK 329 194 2387 13 8 who’s the best has raged for much Milwaukee at Orlando, 7 p.m. Men over 200
Rushers NEW ORLEANS — No pres- longer than that, a latter-day civil Washington at Philadelphia, 7 p.m.
San Antonio at Boston, 7:30 p.m.
Justin Rahrig
Matt Hoffman 201-204, Shane
Att Yds Avg LG TD
A. Foster, HOU 327 1616 4.94 74t 16 sure, Ohio State. war played out every Saturday Charlotte at Minnesota, 8 p.m. Schimmoller 217-270, Josh DeVelvis
Charles, KAN 230 1467 6.38 80 5 The Big Ten was shut out on from Ann Arbor to Tuscaloosa. Golden State at New Orleans, 8 p.m. 212-208, Sean Hulihan 212, Lenny
Hubert 222-236-222, Terry Trentman
Chr. Johnson, TEN
Jones-Drew, JAC
5 New Year’s Day. This past Saturday, it was all Portland at Houston, 8:30 p.m.
Atlanta at Utah, 9 p.m. 213-234-227, John Beebe 214, Matt
Mendenhall, PIT 324 1273 3.93 50t 13 Unless the Buckeyes win SEC. Denver at L.A. Clippers, 10:30 p.m. Elling 208, Ted Furley 257, Dave
R. Rice, BAL
Hillis, CLE
tonight’s Sugar Bowl against Alabama blew out Big L.A. Lakers at Phoenix, 10:30 p.m. Miller 213, Chuck Warnimont 202,
Charles Warnimont 202, Steve
D. McFadden, OAK 223 1157 5.19 57t 7 Arkansas, it will Ten co-champion Metzger 211-214, Harold Beckner

Benson, CIN 321 1111 3.46 26 7 be a total wipeout Michigan State 49-7. 208, Bruce Kraft 223-246, Rick
Green-Ellis, NWE 229 1008 4.40 33t 13
Receivers at the hands of the Mississippi State rout- Schuck 212, Don Rice 249-289, Dale
Metzger 212, Brian Gossard 246-
No Yds Avg LG TD hated Southeastern ed Michigan 52-14. 279-236, Bruce VanMetre 256-261,
Wayne, IND
And. Johnson, HOU
8 Conference. Penn State was the The Associated Press
Dan Grice 201-227, Frank Miller 245-
203, Joe Geise 215-209.
B. Marshall, MIA 86 1014 11.8 46 3 Ohio State coach only team to put up Atlantic Division Men over 550
Welker, NWE
Ste. Johnson, BUF
Jim Tressel would much of a fight, losing GP W L OT
Philadelphia 39 24 10 5
Justin Rahrig 609, Matt Hoffman
Bess, MIA 79 820 10.4 29 5 prefer not to put the to Florida 37-24. Pittsburgh 40 25 12 3 53 127 94
581, Shane Schimmoller 669, Josh
DeVelvis 573, Sean Hulihan 602,
B. Lloyd, DEN 77 1448 18.8 71 11 entire conference He’s still looking N.Y. Rangers 40 22 15 3
N.Y. Islanders 37 12 19 6
120 Lenny Hubert 680, Terry Trentman
for his first bowl win
Bowe, KAN 72 1162 16.1 75t 15
T. Owens, CIN 72 983 13.7 78t 9 on his team’s back, New Jersey 38 10 26 2 22 68 122 674, John Beebe 577, Matt Elling
B. Watson, CLE 68 763 11.2 44 3 especially since the against the SEC, going Northeast Division
574, Ted Furley 618, Dave Miller
598, Chuck Warnimont 552, Charles
No Yds LG Avg No. 6 Buckeyes (11-1) have never 0-3 in his decade as the Buckeyes’ Boston 38 21 11 6 48 110 85 Warnimont 561, Steve Metzger 579,
Lechler, OAK 77 3618 68 47.0 won a bowl game against an SEC coach — including back-to-back Montreal
40 21 16 3
40 16 19 5
100 96
90 121
Bruce Kraft 667, Don Rice 705, Brian
losses in the national champion-
Gossard 761, Bruce VanMetre 707,
Scifres, SND
B. Fields, MIA
team in nine previous tries. But it’s Buffalo 38 16 18 4 36 105 114 Dan Grice 614, Frank Miller 639, Joe
Sepulveda, PIT 56 2550 62 45.5 hard to get past the Big Ten’s ship game. Toronto 38 14 20 4
Southeast Division
32 90 113
Geise 604, John Jones 561.
B. Colquitt, DEN 86 3835 63 44.6 0-for-5 performance on the first Besides, the Buckeyes have GP W L OT Pts GF GA
Thursday National
D. Colquitt, KAN
Hodges, CLE
43.9 day of 2011 — including three been fretting about bigger con- Tampa Bay 39 23 11 5
Washington 40 23 12 5
106 Dec. 30, 2010
Podlesh, JAC 57 2496 63 43.8 defeats at the hands of their rival cerns than beating the SEC. Star Atlanta 42 21 15 6 48 131 125 Sportsman Club-Van Wert 14-2
Koch, BAL
Mesko, NWE
43.2 to the south. quarterback Terrelle Pryor and Carolina
38 18 15 5
37 18 17 2
K-M Tire
Punt Returners “I didn’t really see many of three other offensive starters will Westrich 10-6
get to play in this game but
Edelman, NWE
the games,” Tressel said Monday. Central Division
Bowersock Hauling 10-6
Mariani, TEN 27 329 12.2 87t 1 “Obviously, I saw the results. Does they’ve already been suspended GP W L OT Pts GF GA Day Metals
Detroit 39 24 10 5 53 133 110
E. Royal, DEN 25 298 11.9 33 0 it add something more to our chal- for the first five games next St. Louis 38 20 13 5 45 101 104 D R C Big Dogs 2-14
Bess, MIA
Leonhard, NYJ
0 lenge? I don’t think so. Arkansas is season, the NCAA-imposed pun- Chicago
41 21 17 3
38 19 13 6
First Federal
Men over 200
Mi. Thomas, JAC 34 358 10.5 78t 1 enough of a challenge on its own. ishment for selling off memora- Columbus 39 20 16 3 43 101 114 Dave Kroeger 228, Randy Ryan
L. Webb, BAL
Cribbs, CLE
0 What someone else did or didn’t bilia and receiving discounts on Northwest Division
225, Brian Gossard 246, Don Rice
Arenas, KAN 39 322 8.3 36 0 do is probably going to have very tattoos. Vancouver 38 25 8 5 55 131 95
247-257, John Beebe 267-212,
Lenny Hubert 267-235-204, Tom
Cosby, CIN
Kickoff Returners
30 225 7.5 20 0 little effect on how we do against Over the weekend, Pryor talk- Colorado 39 20 14 5
Minnesota 38 18 15 5
112 Schulte 216-257, Chuck Verhoff 300-
No Yds Avg LG TD Arkansas.” ed with the media for the first Calgary 40 18 19 3 39 107 115 275, Dave Knepper 214, Dave Miller
D. Reed, BAL 21 616 29.3 103t 1 Even so, there’s little doubt time since his punishment was Edmonton 37 12 18 7
Pacific Division
31 95 126 207-204, Shawn Allemeier 205-215,
Brian Schaadt 204-257-221, Don
Bra. Smith, NYJ
Br. Tate, NWE
2 the Big Ten is feeling a bit of an announced, reiterating his vow to GP W L OT Pts GF GA Eversole 212, Bruce VanMetre 211-
Mariani, TEN 60 1530 25.5 98t 1 inferiority complex against the return to the Buckeyes for his Dallas
San Jose
40 23 13 4
40 21 14 5
236-205, John Jones 205-258-235,
Jerry Mericle 229, Rick Suever 258-
Decker, DEN
E. Sanders, PIT
0 SEC, which already has claimed senior season — even if he’ll miss Anaheim 42 21 17 4 46 109 119 213-202, Jason Wagoner 230-245-
Karim, JAC 50 1248 25.0 65 0 an unprecedented four straight nearly half the games — but stir- Los Angeles 39 22 16 1
Phoenix 38 17 13 8
234, Ray Geary 228, Frank Miller
Sproles, SND
Carroll, MIA
national titles and has a shot at ring up another tempest when 249-236, Tim Koester 236-215-
215, Ted Wells 201-244-213, Jeff
Scoring Touchdowns making it five in a row when asked about critical comments by NOTE: Two points for a win, one point for
overtime loss. Milligan 205, Chip Kayser 206-234,
TD Rush Rec Ret Pts Auburn faces Oregon in the ESPN analyst and former Ohio Dave Moenter 204-279-277, David
A. Foster, HOU
Bowe, KAN
0 108
0 90 BCS championship game next State QB Kirk Herbstreit. ------ Mahlie 210, Zach Sargent 213-236-
242, Dan Wilhelm 248-215-202, Jeff
Green-Ellis, NWE 13 13 0 0 78 week. “I don’t worry about what Kirk Monday’s Results
Boston 2, Toronto 1
Lawrence, 236-209-212, Jim Looser
Hillis, CLE
Mendenhall, PIT
78 Ohio State will be the final Herbstreit says, to tell you the Florida 4, Carolina 3, OT
212, Jim Meeks 212-218.
Men over 550
Chr. Johnson, TEN 12 11 1 0 72 Big Ten team to play this sea- truth,” Pryor said. “Did he beat N.Y. Islanders 5, Calgary 2 Dave Kroeger 587, Brian Gossard
Tolbert, SND 11 11 0 0 68 son, relegated to one of the BCS Michigan?” Chicago 4, Los Angeles 3
Vancouver 4, San Jose 3
614, Don Rice 695, John Beebe 653,
B. Lloyd, DEN 11 0 11 0 66
Gates, SND 10 0 10 0 60 backup games but fully aware The Buckeyes were 0-3-1 Today’s Games
Sean Hulihan 553, Lenny Hubert
706, Tom Schulte 654, Chuck Verhoff
R. Gronkowski, NWE 10 0 10 0 60 there’s always a bit of a subplot against their biggest rival during Minnesota at New Jersey, 7 p.m. 766, Dave Knepper 561, Dave Miller
PAT FG LG Pts when these two conferences get Herbstreit’s career. They’ve won Tampa Bay at Washington, 7 p.m.
Buffalo at Colorado, 9 p.m.
579, Shawn Allemeier 594, Brian
Janikowski, OAK 43-43 33-41 59 142 together. all three meetings with Pryor as Detroit at Edmonton, 9 p.m.
Schaadt 682, Don Eversole 584,
Bruce VanMetre 652, John Jones
Vinatieri, IND
Folk, NYJ
They are the two richest foot- their quarterback. Columbus at Phoenix, 9 p.m. 698, Jerry Mericle 615, Rick Suever
Rackers, HOU 43-43 27-30 57 124 ball-playing leagues, rolling in While Tressel would’ve pre- Wednesday’s Games
Carolina at N.Y. Rangers, 7 p.m.
673, Jason Wagoner 709, Ray Geary
ferred that Pryor keep his opinions
561, Frank Miller 662, Tim Koester
Cundiff, BAL
D. Carpenter, MIA
dough from lucrative television Tampa Bay at Pittsburgh, 7 p.m. 666, Ted Wells 658, Jeff Milligan
Bironas, TEN 38-38 24-26 55 110 deals. For at least the past two to himself, he has no doubt that his Atlanta at Florida, 7:30 p.m. 597, Chip Kayser 630, Dave Moenter
Kaeding, SND 40-40 23-28 50 109 decades, they’ve ranked 1-2 in quarterback’s heart is in the right Dallas at Chicago, 8:30 p.m.
Calgary at Vancouver, 10 p.m.
760, David Mahlie 555, Zach Sargent
691, Dan Wilhelm 665, Jeff Lawrence
Scobee, JAC
Succop, KAN
102 attendance, so there’s clearly no place. Nashville at Anaheim, 10 p.m. 657, Jim Meeks 622.
8 – The Herald Tuesday, January 4, 2011 www.delphosherald.com

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Q NE 20.00 acres, 21 Farm doc
Monterey township,
place a 25 word classified phos Herald urges our appliances, Remodeled 22 Gather together
28 29 30 31 32
ad in more than 100 news- readers to contact The home. A great country 4 25 Cut in half
papers with over one and Better Business Bureau, bed, 1 1/2 Bath home and S 35 Q SW 28 Whir
a half million total circula- (419) 223-7010 or in Lincolnview school dis- 19.15 acres, Jennings 29 Saw or hammer 33 34 35 36 37
tion across Ohio for $295. 1-800-462-0468, before trict. Has new carpet, Township, to Carol 31
Helped an actor
Mendicant’s shout 38 39 40 41
It's easy...you place one entering into any agree- paint, landscape, new Ann Odenweller, Janet 35 Deceived
Marie Almond, Joseph
order and pay with one ment involving financing, central air, water 37 Ante- relative 42 43
James Schimmoeller
check through Ohio business opportunities, or heater, new lighting, up- 38 Diet (hyph.)
Scan-Ohio Statewide work at home opportuni- dated plumbing and elec- 40 Term paper
Classified Advertising Net- ties. The BBB will assist tric, some new and Bonnie Louise 42 Kennel sound
44 45 46 47 48 49 50

work. The Delphos Herald in the investigation of windows, 19176 Venedo- Miller. 43 Old hand
51 52 53
advertising dept. can set these businesses. (This cia-Eastern Rd., Venedo- James L. 44
Watchdog breed
Computer screen
this up for you. No other notice provided as a cus- cia. 419-586-8220.
Schimmoeller 51 Left 54 55 56
and Margaret G.
classified ad buy is sim- tomer service by The Del- www.creativehomebuying-
53 Wander freely
pler or more cost effective. phos Herald.) solutions.com
Call 419-695-0015, ext Schimmoeller, Lot 29, 54 Malt brew 57 58 59
Auto Repairs/ Fort Jennings, to Carol
55 Not prompt
290 Wanted to Buy 810 Parts/Acc. Ann Odenweller, Janet
— Kippur
Marie Almond, Joseph 58 Jug 10 Physiques, slangily 34 Lawn-mower path
040 Services Midwest Ohio James Schimmoeller
59 House addition 11
Yellow Pages
Montezuma’s empire
“Jurassic Park” star
Raines and Bonnie Louise DOWN 18 Break-even amount 41 Evening party
Auto Parts Miller. 1 Toledo locale 21 Despicable 43 Clout
Table or floor.
Jewelry Specialist Sean P. Jordan
Sheet-music words
I knew it!
Think over
Out of town
About 2.2 lbs.
Come to our store. Cash for Gold Windshields Installed, New and Sarah J. Jordan, 4 Be quiet! (2 wds.) 24 Hunter’s need 46 Gossip tidbit
Lot 116 and Lot 117,
Hohenbrink TV. 5 Furnace output 25 Simmer 47 Ration out
Scrap Gold, Gold Jewelry, Lights, Grills, Fenders,Mirrors, 26 Holds gently 48 Freeway’s lack
6 Drop the ball
419-695-1229 Silver coins, Silverware, Pocket
Hoods, Radiators Columbus Grove, to 7 Pries open 27 Prefix for “trillion” 49 Almond-shaped
Watches, Diamonds.
4893 Dixie Hwy, Lima Thomas Dale Bartz 8 Goat cheese 30 Viking name 50 Stimpy’s pal
and Betty Jane Bartz. 9 Disney CEO Bob — 32 Susan — of “L.A. Law” 52 Uncooked
2330 Shawnee Rd.
080 Help Wanted 1-800-589-6830 Rick Byrne, Mike

Use caution when cleaning ears

(419) 229-2899 Byrne, Carl Byrne,
Jayne A. Byrne,
840 Mobile Homes
BOOTH RENT positions
Jean Byrne, Nancy
available for 3 managing

300 Household Goods Byrne and Shirley DEAR DR. GOTT: Does with wax impaction. Some
cosmetologists and 1 nail
tech. Call for more infor-
mation. (419)695-1811.
RENT OR Rent to Own. 2
bedroom, 1 bath mobile Wilhelm, S 10 Q SW hydrogen peroxide help with people prefer to first use a DR. PETER J. GOTT
home. 419-692-3951. .498 acre, Monterey hard earwax in children, and couple of drops of one of
Township, to Vernon
NEW, QUEEN plush top
how much should I use? I the oils I mentioned, wait a
mattress, never used, still
sealed in original wrapper. 890 Autos for Sale E. Schwartz.
Rick Byrne, Mike
thought I read that two drops minute or two for it to soften
DANCER LOGISTICS, $75.00. (260)749-6100. in each ear every night was the wax, use an eye dropper
Byrne, Carl Byrne, correct, but I’m unsure. to add two drops of warmed
INC.. 900 Gressel Dr.,

Jayne A. Byrne, Jean

Delphos, OH 45833
WE’LL BEAT YOUR DEAR READER: Ear hydrogen peroxide and wait
600 Apts. for Rent
Is now hiring drivers for
dedicated runs. Owner-op- Byrne, Nancy Byrne wax protects the ear by until the bubbling stops. Then
BEST PRICE and Shirley Wilhelm,
erators welcome to apply. preventing bacteria, dust and have the person tip his or her
Class A CDL with at least 1 BDRM Apt. 321 S. Ca- GUARANTEED! S 10 Q SW 5.50 acre, foreign matter from entering head to the side to catch any would like a copy should send
2 years OTR experience nal St. Available Soon. On all name-brand tires we sell – Monterey Township, and causing damage. Wax residue in a small towel. It’s a self-addressed, stamped No.
required. Apply in person (419)695-2761 including Goodyear, Continental,
to Joshua R. Byrne can build up in the ear canal always more comfortable 10 envelope and a $2 check
and Teresa J. Byrne. or money order payable to
10 am to 3 pm M-F or Michelin and more.
Call (888) 465-6001,
THE RIGHT TIRE but can also occur if a person to warm the products going
Ray F. Kaufman attempts to clean the ear but into the ear. This can be Newsletter and forwarded
620 Duplex For Rent
ext. 810.
AT THE RIGHT PRICE! and Elma Kaufman, inadvertently pushes the wax accomplished by immersing to PO Box 167, Wickliffe,
S 30 Q SW .444 acre, deeper into the canal. both oil and peroxide OH 44092-0167. Be sure
1/2 OFF first month’s rent Monterey Township, Softeners can include bottles in a small bowl of to mention the title or print
to Timothy A. out an order form from my
DRIVER WANTED, home with 1 year lease. 2 BR
glycerin, hydrogen peroxide, warm water briefly before
Kaufman and Linda
duplex. Stove, refrigerator,
website www.AskDrGottMD.
weekends, 2 yrs. experi-
washer/dryer, dishwasher. baby oil, olive oil, mineral beginning the process. If you
K. Kaufman.
ence, Class A, CDL. New
equipment, Call D K All electric, $450/mo. De-
oil or almond oil, saline don’t already do this or if you com.
Trucking (419)549-0668 posit and utilities. No pets. Ray F. Kaufman solution, or over-the-counter use only peroxide, you might
567-204-0347. and Elma Kaufman, Dr. Peter H. Gott is a
preparations designed for want to try the combination
Requires presentation of

S 30 Q S W 1.139 retired physician and the

competitor’s current price ad
on exact tire sold by Dealership
Monterey Township, such a purpose. Hydrogen routine. However, you should author of several books,
peroxide and other methods use peroxide only when
within 30 days of purchase.
See participating Dealership
and S 30 Q SW 40.534 including “Live Longer,
should be used only if you absolutely necessary, because
acres, Monterey
for details.
Live Better,” “Dr. Gott’s No
are sure there is no infection, it can cause severe dryness
CDL Drivers phos. 3 BR, basement

Local family owned &

$450/mo. plus $500 de-
posit. Plus all utilities. No RAABE Township, to Timothy
A. Kaufman, Kent discharge, redness or hearing of the ear, resulting in further
Flour, No Sugar Diet” and
“Dr. Gott’s No Flour, No
operated company hiring pets. References required. 11260 Elida Rd., Delphos
R. Kaufman, Dennis impairment. You are correct issues. Sugar Cookbook,” which are
in that two drops is the proper To give you related
M 7:30-8 ; T-F. 7:30-6:00; Sat: 9-2
J. Kaufman, Larry J.
FULL AND PART TIME 419-692-0055 available at most bookstores
2 years tractor-trailer Combo Req. Over 85 Kaufman, Ronald U. amount to use, but I am information, I am sending or online. His website is www.
Must Have Good MVR
800 House For Sale
Kaufman, Barbara A. unsure why you feel nightly you a copy of my Health AskDrGottMD.com.
use is necessary, unless you Report “Ear Infections and
Brinkman, and Karen
have had a major problem Disorders.” Other readers who
Very Competitive pay with Quar-
S. Heidenescher. Copyright 2010, United Feature Syndicate, Inc.

Use up leftover mashed potatoes

terly and Yearly Safety Bonuses. www.raabeford.com
William F. Goecke
Benefits Include: Health, Dental FULL REMODEL
Free & Low Price
completed soon.
and Life Ins. Pd-Short/Long Term
Can customize to you. 920 Merchandise and Joyce T. Goecke,
S 17 Q SW 4.741
Disability. Pd-Holidays and Vaca-
tion. 401K with Co. Contribution. 607 W. 7th St., Delphos.
Hopper, Pneumatic and Van work 0 Down, Home Warranty acres, Ottawa, to Scott
Free appliances. 27” CONSOLE GE TV.
A. Schroeder and Make potato patties from of the tube to suit the shoe;
servicing the livestock feed indus-
try. Come work for a company 419-586-8220 Works great call
Barbara J. Schroeder. leftover mashed potatoes. sandals get a paper-towel
Simply add an egg to 2 cups tube. -- Sandra N., e-mail
Clara C. Knoll, S
where you are part of the family. chbsinc.com
mashed potatoes, form into I use the tubes from paper
Apply in person or email for ap-
7 Q SE 77.877 acres,
plication or questions:
[email protected] Puppies. 2 male, 1 female,
Monroe Township, to patties and fry in a pan with towels, the few I get, to roll
D&D Trucking FULL REMODEL 8 weeks old. Call
Janice A. Hersh. a little oil. You can add meat, linens in so they don’t crease
seasoned breadcrumbs, cheese and wrinkle. Works well for

complete soon at:
A m m p a c k
and Services, INC

or onion for extra flavor. The me. -- Liz, e-mail

5025 N Kill Rd Delphos,OH 45833 829 Moening St., Delphos
Can customize to you. FREE KITTENS Three 9
Properties LTD, S 7
0 Down, Home Warranty
Week old, short haired
Q SW 2.397 acres, first reader tip shares another REUSE A CEREAL BOX:
Free appliances. brown tigers. Box trained,
Monterey Township, way to use up leftover mashed You can cut apart cereal
potatoes. boxes and make templates
Vet checked. Need homes
to Richard O. Wagoner
our time? -- Julie, e-mail
for the New Year.
Cook. Apply in person. www.chbsinc.com
(419)695-2061 and Terri L. Wagoner. USING UP LEFTOVER for measuring quilting pieces
Rambler’s Roost Restau-
MASHED POTATOES: or make stars, bells, etc., SHAKE TO MAKE: With
Johanna Klima, using mason jars as drinking
We use leftover mashed and cover them with foil for
rant on Lincoln Hwy., Mid- FREE PET Rabbit with
dle Point, OH. dec., S 7 Q SW 10.0 glasses, you can also create
potatoes to make potato soup. Christmas decorations. The
USE YOUR tax return for cage. (419)695-1875
acres, and S 18 Q NW iced tea (from a mix) right in
a downpayment on a new
68.160 acre, Jennings Simply thin it down with lightweight pasteboard is
them. Put the powder in and
home!! Hurry, interest
rates are rising. We work
Township, to Jerome milk or water until it is the useful for many crafts. -- Pat,
then add the water, put the
AD HERE? consistency you want, bring e-mail
Would you like to be an
E. Klima.
with credit dings and will
lid on and shake. I love how
in-home child care pro -
help you with
Earl G. Forbush, to a gentle boil and then top ANOTHER MAN’S
convenient this is. I use jars
vider? Let us help. Call
Call today with bacon, cheese, chives TRASH: I remember my
financing. Locally owned
YWCA Child Care Re -
Lot 26, Slausons from spaghetti sauce this way,
and sour cream. An absolute neighbors looking at me oddly
and operated.
Ewings Sub., Ottawa,
source and Referral at:
419-695-0015 too. -- Cricket, e-mail

call 419-586-8220 or visit
1-800-992-2916 or
! to Randal J. Otto. favorite in our house. If you when I picked two sets of
don’t have quite enough, draperies out of their garbage
(419)225-5465. chbsinc.com

add a can of creamed corn to can. (I had their permission, Sara Noel is the owner

AT YOUR stretch the recipe. -- Daisy,

of course). I didn’t see old
draperies. I saw new bags
for groceries. It took me an
of Frugal Village (www.
frugalvillage.com), a Web
site that offers practical,
money-saving strategies for
TUBES: I store my shoes on enjoyable afternoon to make
a shoe rack on the closet wall. the totes and have been using everyday living. To send
I noticed that the U-shaped them for two years now. tips, comments or questions,
wire made indentations on They are sturdy and wash write to Sara Noel, c/o United
the leather of the shoes. I now beautifully. My neighbors’ Media, 200 Madison Ave., 4th
stuff TP cardboard rolls into trash is my treasure, funny Floor, New York, NY 10016,
my shoes first, THEN slide though they still think it’s or e-mail sara@frugalvillage.
the tube onto the U-shaped trash. What will it take for com.
950 Miscellaneous 950 Car Care 950 Construction 950 Tree Service wire support. It keeps the shoe people to understand that we Copyright 2010, Sara Noel
from resting against the wire can be better stewards of our Distributed by United Feature Syndicate,
of the rack. I adjust the length money, our environment and Inc.


19” to 60” screen sizes $
22.95* CONSTRUCTION OUR TREE Ask Mr. Know-It-All
Is Angelina Jolie fit to play the queen of controversy
Buy with service *up to 5 quarts oil 419-692-2329 SERVICE
after the sale! FLANAGAN’S • Kitchen and Bath- • Trimming • Topping • Thinning

By Gary Clothier
• Deadwooding
CAR CARE “Cleopatra: I watched two more games
Ask about rebates! room Remodeling
Stump, Shrub & Tree Removal
A Life,” is and bought a stick and ball
• Roofing
Q: Is Angelina Jolie going excited about to bring back home. What are
Ph. 419-692-5801 • Siding
207 S. Main St. 419-692-7261
to star as Cleopatra in an the possibility the stick and ball called? --
Mon.-Fri. 8-6, Sat. 8-2 • Replacement
Delphos 419-692-5831 Bill Teman 419-302-2981
upcoming movie? -- H.Y.L., of having I.C., Exton, Pa.
email: [email protected] Windows Ernie Teman 419-230-4890
Kingman, Kan. Jolie play the A: An outdoor team sport of
• Garages
950 Transmission • Plumbing and Turn your clutter into
cash with the Classifieds. A: I recently saw an lead role in the ancient Gaelic origins, hurling
interview with Angelina movie version, is played with a stick called
Life Tastes
Electrical Service
Jolie, who says she would claiming she a “hurley” and a ball called
for both new and
Good Again existing homes
enjoy playing the role if the would be the a “sliotar.” The object of the
Eating Gluten Free Transmission, Inc. • Drywall
right script came along. Stacy “perfect fit.” game is to get the ball through
Schiff, author of the book H o w e v e r , Angelina Jolie the goal as in soccer, but with
Give Us A Call Year Round For
• automatic transmission
New Product Line All Of Your Home Improvement
there are those a twist. The team can also
Answer to Puzzle
• standard transmission Needs Both Large And Small
Elida Health Foods • differentials FREE ESTIMATE who disagree and think Jolie score points if the ball makes
is unfit to portray the Queen it over the bar of the goal. If
101 W. Main Street • transfer case
Chris Herron
of the Nile, owing to her white the ball goes over the bar, the
Elida, Ohio 45807 • brakes & tune up
419-339-2771 OW L C H E F F I B
2 miles north of Ottoville
950 Electricians AHOY A ERO E G O skin. At press time, Jolie has team is awarded one point; if
M-F 10:30-5:30 PM, Sat. 10:00-1 PM
419-453-3620 D I OR NARR A T E D not confirmed whether she it goes under the bar, the team
SO L I C I T C Z A R S will play the role or not. is awarded three points for a
Sell the extras in COT V E
Q: Many years ago, driving
along a country road in
goal. A player can advance a
ball by carrying it for up to four
HUM TOO L CU ED Ireland, I saw folks walking consecutive steps, and the ball
RESIDENTAL & CLASSIFIEDS A LMS L I ED P RE to a nearby stadium. I decided
to join them. “What are we
can be struck with a stick on
the ground or hit in the air like
Gina M. Fox C OMMERCIAL in print & online
AR F PR O here to see?” I asked a ticket a baseball. The ball can also be
WIRING www.delphosherald.com
419-236-4134 WELDING A K I T A MON I T OR attendant. He gave me a kicked, slapped, and carried
I’ve got GIFTS for *ALL* on your
list including *Stocking Stuffers* Call today ED PAXTO N Call W I T HDR EW RO V E quizzical look and answered, by balancing or bouncing on
419-695-0015 A L E L A T E E L AN “Hurling.” I had never heard the stick while running.
Call Black Friday, spend $100,
get $25 in FREE products! 419-695-0015 419-692-5193 YOM EWE R E L L of it. Before I left the country, Copyright 2010, Gary Clothier
www.delphosherald.com Tuesday, January 4, 2011 The Herald – 9

Summer love Tomorrow’s


may not translate By Bernice Bede Osol

Wednesday, Jan. 5, 2011

Dear Annie: I am a treated others this way. Your desire for recognition is apt
20-year-old college sopho- Anna’s cold shoulder is to be stronger than usual in the coming
months, which is okay as long as you
more. The summer before my beginning to warm again. I acknowledge all those who are trying
senior year of high school, I admit, I miss my friend -- their best as well. Don’t do anything
took a trip to Europe with a she’s smart, funny and has at the expense of another.
CAPRICORN (Dec. 22-Jan. 19)
religious youth group. From many good qualities. But a - Although your financial trends look
the moment we boarded the big part of me says to value hopeful, if you get a bit extravagant
plane, “Rachel” and I shared my dignity and mental health you could negate any advantages that
a connection. By the second more. Am I on the right track? you might have realized. Don’t be
your own worst enemy.
day, we were inseparable. -- Agony in Iowa AQUARIUS (Jan. 20-Feb. 19)
After the trip, we stayed in Dear Iowa: Anna sounds - You’re apt to have a nifty way of
touch. mentally unstable. Without managing things, which makes things
good for everybody concerned. Don’t
A year later, the youth appropriate treatment, we let someone come in and disrupt your
group held a reunion and can guarantee her hot-and- plans with selfish ideas.
I got to see Rachel again. cold attitude will continue. PISCES (Feb. 20-March 20)
- Both your instincts and rational
That December, If you think you thinking will have good effects on
she came to my can convince her to what you undertake to do. Neither
school’s postsea- get help, it might should be circumvented or ignored;
each will have its virtues.
son football game, be worth retaining ARIES (March 21-April 19) -
and we both finally the friendship, but Once again you could find yourself in
said “I love you.” I otherwise, you are the company of someone you recently
met but hardly know. However, these
spent last summer smart to let this one repeat meetings are likely to bring you
in her hometown, go. Sorry. both closer together. BEETLE BAILEY
attending classes Dear Annie: I TAURUS (April 20-May 20) - Do
all that you can to work on a special
at a local univer- can understand the project of yours, because tomorrow
sity and working health concerns there will be other things that’ll be
part time. of “Smokeless occupying your time. It might be a
The summer in Seattle,” who while before you can get back to your
could not have Annie’s Mailbox doesn’t want her GEMINI (May 21-June 20) - As
been better, but kids exposed to long as you never promised to help
Rachel and I both decided to the grandparents’ smoking. and you’re not truly needed, give
precedence to your project over that
step back and go our separate But I totally agree with you, of another’s. Please yourself instead
ways since she wanted the Annie. How much longer of being used by someone else.
full “college experience” for will Grandma and Grandpa CANCER (June 21-July 22) -
Even if it isn’t of your making, you’ll
her freshman year. But now I be able to continue the tradi- gladly ride the tide of change as long
want to find ways for us to be tion of having the family for as it doesn’t disturb your personal
together. I feel that this isn’t Christmas dinner? ocean. In fact, you can benefit from
a change of course that takes you to
over -- it can’t be. Could the children buy an new places. SNUFFY SMITH
I have no doubt that we air purifier for the grandpar- LEO (July 23-Aug. 22) - The best
are in love. We are perfect ents’ home as a gift? If all way to gain the cooperation of others
is to look at the world from their
for each other in our val- the family members contrib- perspective. By knowing their views,
ues, aspirations and every- uted, a top-of-the-line system you’ll be able to make adjustments
thing in between. I will give could be purchased. This is that benefit both you and them.
her whatever time and free- also a good way to let the VIRGO (Aug. 23-Sept. 22) -If
possible, you should arrange your
dom she needs. All I want to grandparents know you are agenda so that you’re free to do things
know is whether I am right to concerned for their health, as your way, which will make for a very
believe the love we share is well as that of the children. productive day. When you have to
stop and do for another, it’s likely to
too special to die. Do I have As someone who had be far too disruptive.
to let her go and move on wonderful grandparents and LIBRA (Sept. 23-Oct. 23) - Even
forever, or should I try to get who is now a grandparent though it might be the middle of the
week, some sort of social diversion
back together when the time myself, I hope they will not could benefit you very much, such
is right? -- Confused and do anything to endanger that as having a quiet dinner with close
In Love very important relationship. -- friends with whom you can relax.
SCORPIO (Oct. 24-Nov. 22) -
Dear Confused: The Connecticut Grandmother Projects that you leave dangling are
intensity of finding someone Annie’s Mailbox is written likely to affect your feelings of self-
special during the summer by Kathy Mitchell and Marcy worth, so don’t begin anything that
may not translate to a per- Sugar, longtime editors of the you know in advance you won’t be
able finish. Work on lots of quick,
manent relationship, regard- Ann Landers column. Please short jobs.
less of how it seems to you e-mail your questions to SAGITTARIUS (Nov. 23-
now. And too much intensity [email protected], Dec. 21) - Try to get in touch with
some friends whom you may have
can be frightening. You and or write to: Annie’s Mailbox, unwittingly been neglecting lately.
Rachel may have a future c/o Creators Syndicate, 5777 Even if your pals are unavailable, they
together, but you should not W. Century Blvd., Ste. 700, would delight in getting a message
from you.
presume it, nor should you Los Angeles, CA 90045. Copyright 2011, United Feature Syndicate, Inc.
put your social life on hold
waiting for her. Yes, there
is a risk that she will find BORN LOSER
someone else (so might you).
We recommend you limit this
to a light and easy friendship,
periodically texting and keep-
ing in touch via Facebook. If
she wants more, she will let
you know.
Dear Annie: Several
years ago, a dear friend sud-
denly ended our friendship.
Confused, I asked why, and
“Anna” presented me with
a litany of my faults. I felt
blindsided and unfairly treat- FRANK & ERNEST
ed. I thought I was a good
friend. I even took care of
her when she was recovering
from surgery.
Two weeks later, Anna
asked if we could be friends
again. I replied, “Of course!”
and things returned to nor-
mal. But last year, she once
again abruptly ended things. I
have since discovered she has

Tuesday Evening January 4, 2011

8:00 8:30
WPTA/ABC No Ordinary Family V
9:00 9:30 10:00
Detroit 1-8-7
10:30 11:00
11:30 12:00
Nightline Jimmy Kimmel Live
WHIO/CBS Live to Dance NCIS Local Late Show Letterman Late
WLIO/NBC The Biggest Loser Parenthood Local Tonight Show w/Leno Late
WOHL/FOX Glee Million Dollar Local
ION Without a Trace Criminal Minds Criminal Minds Criminal Minds Criminal Minds
Cable Channels
A&E The First 48 The First 48 The First 48 The First 48 The First 48
AMC Demolition Man Demolition Man
ANIM When Animals Strike When Animals Strike When Animals Strike When Animals Strike When Animals Strike
BET American Gangster The Mo'Nique Show Wendy Williams Show
BRAVO Matchmaker Matchmaker The Fashion Show Matchmaker Matchmaker
CMT The Dukes of Hazzard Canadian Bacon Mobile Home Disaster Smarter Smarter
CNN Parker Spitzer Larry King Live Anderson Cooper 360 Larry King Live
COMEDY Steve Byrne Tosh.0 Tosh.0 Tosh.0 Tosh.0 Daily Colbert Tosh.0 Tosh.0
DISC Dirty Jobs Dirty Jobs Auction Auction Dirty Jobs Dirty Jobs
DISN Wizards-Waver Good Luck Good Luck Wizards Wizards Hannah Hannah
Sex/City Sex and t Bridalplasty
Pregame College Football
Kendra Kendra Chelsea E! News Chelsea
Postgame SportsCtr
ESPN2 College Basketball High School Football Quarterback Kick-Off SportsCtr Nation NFL Live Football
FAM The Notebook The 700 Club Whose? Whose?
FOOD Challenge Cupcake Wars Chopped Cakes Cakes Cupcake Wars
FX Hellboy-Army Hellboy-Army
HGTV First First House Hunters House Hunters Property Property House Hunters

HIST Modern Marvels Top Gear Ax Men Tougher in Alaska Modern Marvels
LIFE Reba Reba Wife Swap Wife Swap How I Met How I Met Frasier Frasier
MTV Teen Mom 16 and Pregnant 16 and Pregnant 16 and Pregnant I Used to Be Fat
NICK My Wife My Wife Chris Chris Lopez Lopez The Nanny The Nanny The Nanny The Nanny
SCI Caprica Caprica Caprica Requiem Requiem Gurren Gurren
SPIKE Ways Die Ways Die Ways Die Ways Die Ways Die Ways Die Permanent MANswers Walker, Texas Ranger
Fam. Guy Fam. Guy Fam. Guy Fam. Guy
Our Gang Our Gang Our Gang Our Gang
Glory Daze
Our Gang Our Gang
Our Gang Our Gang
Lopez Tonight
Our Gang Our Gang
TLC Not to Wear What Not to Wear Extreme Couponing Not to Wear What Not to Wear
TNT Gladiator Southland Memphis Beat Southland
TOON Zathura Titan Star Wars King/Hill King/Hill Fam. Guy Fam. Guy Chicken Aqua Teen
TRAV Mysteries-Museum Mysteries-Museum Ghost Adventures Ghost Adventures Mysteries-Museum
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Premium Channels
HBO Percy Jackson Bette Midler: Showgirl Must Cathouse: Cat Call
MAX Whip It Gran Torino The Erotic Traveler
SHOW Vicky Cri Cairo Time Joan Rivers: A Piece of Work The Reader
©2009 Hometown Content, listings by Zap2it
10 – The Herald Tuesday, January 4, 2011 www.delphosherald.com

New Year fireworks sent birds into tizzy

By JEANNIE NUSS life services director. places without running over them.” popping champagne.
Associated Press The birds were the second mass wild- A few stunned survivors stumbled around “I think the switchboard lit up pretty
life death in Arkansas in recent days. Last like drunken partiers. good,” said Beebe police Capt. Eddie Cullum.
BEEBE, Ark. — Celebratory fireworks week, about 83,000 dead and dying drum There was little light across the coun- “For all the doomsdayers, that was definitely
likely sent thousands of discombobulated fish washed up along a 20-mile stretch of tryside at the time, save for the glimmer of the end of the world.”
blackbirds into such a tizzy that they crashed the Arkansas River, about 100 miles west of fireworks and some lightning on the horizon. Paul Duke filled three five-gallon buckets
into homes, cars and each other before plum- Beebe. Wildlife officials say the fish deaths In the tumult, many birds probably lost their with dead birds on New Year’s Day. “They
meting to their deaths in central Arkansas, are not related to the dead birds, and that bearings. were on the roof of the house, in the yard,
scientists say. Still, officials acknowledge it’s because mainly one species of fish was affect- “The blackbirds were flying at rooftop on the sidewalks, in the street,” said Duke,
unlikely they’ll ever pinpoint a cause with ed, it is likely they were stricken by an illness. level instead of treetop level” to avoid explo- a suspension supervisor at a nearby school.
certainty. Full test results could take up to a month. sions above, said Karen Rowe, an orni- A few dead birds still littered town streets
So for the small town of Beebe, Ark., While officials examine bird carcasses thologist with the Arkansas Game and Fish Monday.
where New Year’s revelers spent the holi- for signs of disease and labs test the contents Commission. “Blackbirds have poor eyesight, The birds will not be missed. Large roosts
day weekend cleaning up more than 3,000 of their stomachs for toxins, the tale of the and they started colliding with things.” like the one at Beebe can have thousands of
dead red-winged blackbirds, The Mystery of blackbirds’ tumble is quickly turning into the Shane Roberts said it sounded like hail birds in one tree that leave ankle- to knee-
Why the Birds Fell Out of the Sky remains stuff of local legend. pelting his house. deep piles of droppings in places.
unsolved. The blackbirds rained onto rooftops and “I turn and look across my yard, and “The whole sky turns black every morning
Some speculated Monday that a bout of sidewalks and into fields. One struck a woman there’s all these lumps,” Roberts said. and every night,” Roberts said, as a few live
bad weather was to blame. Others said one walking her dog. Another hit a police cruiser. His 16-year-old daughter, Alex, spent birds chirped and hopped from tree to tree
confused bird could have led the group in a Some say an umbrella was one resident’s only Saturday morning picking them up with her behind his home.
fatal plunge. A few spooked schoolkids even protection from the falling birds. bare hands. “Their legs are really squishy,” Red-winged blackbirds are the among
guessed that the birds had committed mass Birds were “littering the streets, the yards, she said. North America’s most abundant birds, with
suicide. the driveways, everywhere,” said Robby For some people, the scene unfolding somewhere between 100 million and 200 mil-
“There was probably some physical rea- King, a county wildlife officer in Beebe, a shortly before midnight evoked images of the lion nationwide, according to the Cornell Lab
son, but I doubt anyone will ever know what community of 5,000 northeast of Little Rock. apocalypse and cut short New Year’s celebra- of Ornithology in Ithaca, N.Y. Rowe put the
it was,” said Thurman Booth, the state’s wild- “It was hard to drive down the street in some tions. Many families phoned police instead of number of dead in Beebe at “easily 3,000.”

Man who helped get Vietnam wall built found dead Carrier CO scrutinized over video
By RANDALL CHASE administration, helped develop the Air Force Cyber Command.
Associated Press
Associated Press A citation for his service in 2008 said Wheeler recognized that
the military needed to combat the growing vulnerability of
NORFOLK, Va. — A Navy captain’s command of
DOVER, Del. — A military expert who served three U.S. weapon systems to cyber intrusions, according to his
a nuclear-powered aircraft carrier was under scrutiny
Republican presidents and helped get the Vietnam Veterans biography.
after raunchy comedy videos he made and showed to his
Memorial built as part of his dedication to those who fought in Longtime friend and fellow West Point graduate Richard
crew surfaced years after they were produced, causing an
that war was found dead in a landfill, and authorities are trying Radez said that in an e-mail the day after Christmas, Wheeler
embarrassment for the Pentagon.
to piece together when he was last seen alive. wrote he believed the nation wasn’t sufficiently prepared for
Capt. Owen Honors was chief executive officer — or
The body of John Wheeler III, 66, was uncovered Friday cyber warfare.
second in command — of the USS Enterprise when he
when a garbage truck emptied its contents at the Cherry Island “This was something that had preoccupied him over the last
broadcast the videos that used gay slurs, mimicked mas-
landfill in Wilmington. The truck had collected the trash from couple of years,” Radez said.
turbation and staged suggestive shower scenes. He now
about 10 commercial disposal bins in Newark, several miles Wheeler’s house in New Castle was dark Monday night
commands the ship awaiting deployment from the port
from Wheeler’s home in the historic district of New Castle, and no one answered the door. Yellow police evidence tape
city of Norfolk.
but police said they aren’t sure which container his body came was stretched across two wooden chairs in the kitchen, where
Asked if Honors’ command was at risk, Cmdr. Chris
from. several wooden floorboards were missing.
Sims of U.S. Fleet Forces Command told The Associated
Friends say they traded e-mails with Wheeler — who had According to The News Journal of Wilmington, Ron
Press in an e-mail Monday: “The investigation currently
not been reported missing — around Christmas. Wheeler also Roark, who has lived next door to Wheeler for seven months,
being conducted will provide the necessary information
had been scheduled to take an Amtrak train from Washington said Monday he had met Wheeler only once and rarely saw
to make that decision in an informed manner.”
to Wilmington on Dec. 28, but it’s not clear if he ever made him. But for four days around Christmas, he said he and his
Ward Carroll, an aviator who flew with Honors, called
the trip, said investigators, who have labeled Wheeler’s death family heard a loud television in Wheeler’s home that was
the officer “one of the good guys” but said he doesn’t
a homicide. constantly on, but no one appeared to be home.
expect him to command the Enterprise when it heads to
Family members may not have reported him missing “It was so loud, we could hear it through the walls, and we
sea this month.
because they were out of town, Newark police spokesman Lt. found that strange,” Roark told the newspaper.
“I was disappointed, both professionally and person-
Mark Farrall said. Though the police have searched the home, it was not con-
ally, that he wantonly and with great prejudice walked
Efforts by The Associated Press to contact his wife, sidered a crime scene, Farrall said.
across the lines that exist,” said Carroll, who is now edi-
Katherine Klyce, were unsuccessful, but his family issued a “We don’t have a crime scene at this point,” said Farrall.
tor of Military.com. “I don’t see there’s any way he stays
statement through the police department. In New York City, a doorman at the building where
in command.”
“As you must appreciate, this is a tragic time for the family. Wheeler and Klyce shared a condominium, said he hadn’t
Those who serve under Honors now and have in the
We are grieving our loss. Please understand that the family has seen Klyce in two weeks and a package for her had been at the
past, though, hit the social networking sites and contacted
no further comment at this time. We trust that everyone will front desk for days. He said two detectives were at the condo
The Associated Press, most expressing their support for
respect the family’s privacy.” in the Harlem section of the city.
Wheeler followed in his decorated father’s footsteps and New York City police said they couldn’t immediately con-
“Capt. Honors is a very professional person, but he
attended the U.S. Military Academy at West Point. After firm that they were involved in the investigation. Telephone
knew when to have fun,” Colorado native Jessica Zabawa
graduating in 1966, in the midst of the Vietnam War, he messages left for Klyce at the New Castle home were not
wrote in an e-mail to the AP. She served on the Enterprise
served five years in the Army, including as a staff officer at the immediately returned.
from 2007 to last September. “Capt. Honors knows when
Pentagon, and retired from the military in 1971. Wheeler spent much of his post-Army career in Washington,
to be serious and when it’s time to unwind.”
In later years, Wheeler, as special assistant to the Secretary D.C. For eight years from 1978 to 1986, he was special counsel
Navy higher-ups knew about the videos that were
of the Air Force at the Pentagon during the George W. Bush to the chairman of the Securities and Exchange Commission.
played on the shipwide television system during the

US, Russia plan more anti-hijacking exercises weekly movie night that a sailor called a “big event.” In
a statement to the Virginian-Pilot, which first showed the
videos on its website over the weekend, the Navy said its
By DAN ELLIOTT Russia’s war with Georgia. leadership had put a stop those with “inappropriate con-
Associated Press Russia could scuttle another exercise if its leaders are tent” on the Enterprise about four years ago.
unhappy for any reason with western nations, Golts told The The Navy at first downplayed the videos as “humorous
DENVER — A first-of-its-kind hijacking exercise involving Associated Press in Moscow. Cooperation could also falter if skits,” but soon called them “not acceptable” and said
the U.S., Canadian and Russian militaries went so well that a Russian Prime Minister Vladimir Putin or President Dmitry they were under investigation.
similar drill is planned for 2011, an American officer said. Medvedev decide to take anti-West positions during the 2011 Some sailors who served on the Enterprise say his
Jet fighters from Russia and the North American Aerospace election campaign. video skits provided a much-needed morale boost during
Defense Command pursued a small passenger jet playing the “There’s no doubt that this exercise can be the victim of long deployments at sea.
role of a hijacked jetliner across the Pacific and back during anti-Western moods,” Golts said. They portrayed Honors as a man who genuinely cared
the August exercise. The aim: To practice handing off respon- The fact that the first exercise happened at all is a sign that about his sailors and helped them blow off steam with
sibility for a hijacked jet between Russia and NORAD, a joint U.S.-Russian relations are slowly improving, said Kevin Ryan, corny and occasionally outrageous videos he concocted
U.S.-Canadian command that for decades devoted its efforts a retired U.S. Army brigadier general who is research director every week during six-month tours of duty in the Middle
to tracking Soviet forces. for the Belfer Center at Harvard University’s Kennedy School. East at the height of the Iraq War. Maintaining morale is
Officers reviewed the exercise in November at NORAD “If things continue to improve, (future exercises) can actu- typically part of the chief executive officer’s job.
headquarters at Peterson Air Force Base, Colo. The verdict: It ally by themselves begin to produce more trust and confidence “He was a caring professional and, yes, he has a sense
“was pretty much carried on flawlessly,” said U.S. Air Force between the militaries and afterward between the political of humor, but you need that on a boat,” said Misty Davis,
Lt. Col. Lee Haefner, who was the lead planner. leaders,” Ryan said. who served on the Enterprise from 2006 to 2010. The
NORAD and Russian officers will meet in Russia in Andrew Kuchins, a fellow at the Center for Strategic and offending video was shown in 2007, and was a compila-
February to begin planning a second exercise, Haefner said. International Studies in Washington, D.C., said the August tion of previous videos he had shown, she and others
Whether that comes off depends on what happens in U.S.- exercise wasn’t a “game-changer” but was important if Russia said.
Russian relations and internal Russian politics, said Alexander and the West want a working security agreement to combat “It’s no worse than anything you’d see on ‘Saturday
Golts, a prominent military analyst in Moscow. The first hijackings or other acts of terrorism. Night Live’ or ‘The Family Guy,”’ Davis said Monday.
hijacking exercise was initially planned for 2008 but was “You have to actively do things concretely together and not “I used to watch all of them. They were freaking hilari-
postponed when U.S.-Russian relations soured in the wake of have just a rhetorical security partnership,” Kuchins said. ous.”

Brain Jackson doc faces hearing on manslaughter charge

(Continued from page 1) an action and a reward, “dopamine By LINDA DEUTSCH Vegas, could face not only a prison sentence of up to four
is indispensable for the formation Associated Press years, but the revocation of his medical license if he is con-
ing a puff. Upping the ante, they’d of these habits,” Volkow says. victed. Murray has pleaded not guilty, and his lawyer has said
be paid according to their level A movement to pay people for LOS ANGELES — Prosecutors are set to unveil their case that nothing he did should have harmed Jackson.
of temptation: Could they hold behavior changes may exploit that against the man hired to look after Michael Jackson’s health An autopsy report found Jackson died from an overdose
an unlit cigarette while watching? connection, as some companies during rehearsals for his comeback tour as a judge determines of propofol. In a statement to police, Murray acknowledged
Keep the pack on the table? Or offer employees outright payments whether the doctor should stand trial in the superstar’s death. giving Jackson the drug and other sedatives to help him sleep,
did they need to leave the pack in or insurance rebates for adopting
another room? better habits. Jackson’s family and fans are expected to attend the hear- then briefly leaving the star’s bedside. Cellular phone records
Smokers who’d predicted they It’s not clear yet just how well ing, which begins today with testimony from police, a coroner show Murray made at least three personal calls around the
could resist a lot of temptation a financial incentive substitutes as and medical experts about their search to find what killed time Jackson was stricken.
tended to hold the unlit cigarette a reward. In one experiment, pay- Jackson and whether Dr. Conrad Murray was responsible. His lawyers claim the amount he administered could not
— and were more likely to light up ing smokers at General Electric In spite of an autopsy report attributing his death to acute have killed the superstar. That remains one of the key myster-
than those who knew better than to up to $750 to kick the habit nearly intoxication of a powerful anesthetic complicated by other ies to be unraveled.
hang onto the pack, says Nordgren. tripled the number who did, says sedatives, the circumstances of Jackson’s death are mysteri-
He now is beginning to study how Dr. Kevin Volpp, who directs the ous.
recovering drug addicts deal with Center for Health Incentives at the Prosecutors have suggested that Murray’s lawyers will
real-world temptations. University of Pennsylvania. blame Jackson, claiming he may have injected himself with
But temptation can be more A similar study that dangled the fatal dose of propofol.
insidious than how close at hand dollars for weight loss found no But that issue is unlikely to arise until trial.
the cigarettes are. difference — and environmental The guardians of Jackson’s legacy will be watching as the
Always snack in front of your temptation might help explain the hearing focuses on the star’s drug use. Executors of his estate Answers to Monday’s questions:
favorite TV show? A dopamine- differing results. have spent the last year and a half since his death burnishing A Komodo dragon — the world’s largest lizard —
rich part of the brain named the It’s getting hard to smoke in generally eats about once a month in the wild. The car-
Jackson’s musical reputation, intensifying memories of his nivorous lizard consumes up to 80 percent of its body
striatum memorizes rituals and public but “every time you walk star power with the release of a movie, “This Is It,” and an
routines that are linked to getting a down the street, there’s lots of weight in one feeding. It stores it in its tail to keep going
album, “Michael,” featuring music he left behind. without another meal for a month or more.
particular reward, explains NIDA’s sources of high-calorie, tasty, low- The court proceedings, which are likely to lead to a lengthy
Volkow. Eventually, those envi- cost food,” Volpp says. 1970s TV sitcom supermom Shirley Jones, who played
trial, could open doors they would rather keep closed. Shirley Partridge in “The Partridge Family” (1970-74)
ronmental cues trigger the striatum However paying for behavior
to make some behaviors almost plays out, researchers say there are For Murray, the court case is the continuation of a night- won an Oscar for Best Supporting Actress for her por-
automatic. some steps that may help counter mare. His dream job as Jackson’s $150,000-a-month personal trayal of a prostitute in “Elmer Gantry” (1960).
Even scientists who recognize it your brain’s hold on bad habits: physician died along with Jackson on June 25, 2009, and, to Today’s questions:
can fall prey. —Repeat, repeat, repeat the make it worse, he stands accused of involuntary manslaugh- Who is the only major league baseball player to catch
“I don’t like popcorn. But every new behavior — the same routine ter. four no-hitters?
time I go to the cinema, I have to eat at the same time of day. Resolved Prosecutors have scheduled 30 witnesses to testify at the What is the estimated age of the oldest-known plant
it,” Volkow says. “It’s fascinating.” to exercise? Doing it at the same preliminary hearing before Superior Court Judge Michael in the world — a creosote bush found growing in
Much of what scientists know time of the morning, rather than Pastor. California’s Mohave Desert?
about dopamine’s role in habit for- fitting it in haphazardly, makes Murray, 57, was hired to help Jackson prepare and to Answers in Wednesday’s Herald.
mation comes from the study of the striatum recognize the habit accompany him on his European comeback tour, entitled Today’s words:
alcohol and drug addiction, but it’s so eventually, “if you don’t do it, “This is It.” But Jackson died between rehearsals, and Murray Misprision: misconduct or neglect of duty while in
a key player in more common hab- you feel awful,” says Volkow the is accused of gross negligence when he administered propofol, office
its, too, especially overeating. neuroscientist, who’s also a pas- which Jackson demanded to get to sleep. Unca: an eighth note
In fact, for anything that links sionate runner. The Houston cardiologist, who also has a clinic in Las

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