Class Rules and Expectations 2015-16
Class Rules and Expectations 2015-16
Class Rules and Expectations 2015-16
Course Objectives:
Students will read a diverse collection of both fictional and nonfictional literature.
Students will learn to write in a variety of styles, while gaining an understanding of
grammatical structures.
Students will develop critical thinking and research skills, demonstrating these skills in
both written and oral formats.
Students will learn to work cooperatively to achieve common goals.
Students will be able to determine relevance of classroom materials to other disciplines as
well as their own lives and experiences.
Required Materials
Personal Technology
Having a cell phone in class for any reason is only allowed when specifically
instructed by the teacher. Cell phone use is a privilege and can be revoked at any time
that the teacher deems it to be a distraction. If a cell phone becomes a problem in class,
or if the phone is brought into the classroom when not specifically instructed by the
teacher, a detention will be given.
Music On occasion, when working independently, you may be given permission to listen
to music, by means of an MP3 player or personal digital device. You will be informed
ahead of time if this is going to be an option. You may not stream music through the
school laptops and you must bring headphones to class, prior to the bell ringing.
Daily Work/Participation
Other activities
Comments on Grading Symbols:
M = assignment has not been turned in
X= an assignment that has been excused
T= the student has turned in an assignment but it
has not
been graded, yet.
L = assignment was turned in late
Academic Progress:
I review grades on a regular basis. Those students who have a D+ or below can expect to have a
conversation with me, about their progress. If the student is unable to improve the situation in a
timely manner, I will call a parent/guardian regarding my concerns.
Academic Integrity
Cheating is not acceptable, and will not be tolerated. Copying someones work,
allowing someone to copy your work, presenting work done by others (for example,
information found on the internet or in other resources), etc. will result in a zero for
everyone involved. In addition, there will be a mandatory parent conference and the
cheating incident will be recorded in your permanent file.
At times, students are permitted to work on assignments in collaborative groups. The
expectation is that all group members contribute to the work.
o If a student is merely copying the work of others without making a contribution, this is
considered cheating and the student will be removed from the group, and may receive
a zero for the assignment.
Late Homework
Late Papers/Projects/Presentations
Major assignments are generally broken down into smaller chunks, with progress deadlines. If
you are not meeting those progress deadlines, be prepared to stay after school on the
deadline date to complete the work. These assignments are required in order to pass the
class. Failure to satisfactorily complete an Absolute (large paper, project, or
presentation) may result in after school detention or Saturday school every day until the
assignment is completed. Students that do not complete one or more
absolutes will fail the course regardless of overall marking period grade
and must repeat the class next year in order to earn credit.
Make up Work
Quizzes will be given over reading assignments and homework to verify completion.
Tests will be given at the end of each unit or major work/author as well as for assigned
vocabulary. These tests will generally include short answer and essay questions.
Exams will be given at the end of each trimester. Exams will be comprehensive, addressing all
skills and concepts covered in the course to date. Exams will be worth 20% of the overall course