Int2 Trigonometry Worksheet Sine Cosine Area

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9. Trigonometry2 - Sine,CosineRule,Area of

Two yachtsIeavefrom harbour H.

Yacht A sails on a bearingof 072o
fbr 30 kilometresand stops. t
Yacht B sailson a bearin-eof 140'
for 50 kilometresand stops.

How far apart are the two yachts

when they have both stopped?

Do not use a scale drawing. 4RE

2. The areaof triangle is 38 squarecentimeters.

AB is 9 centimetresand BC is 14 centimetres.

Calculatethe size of the acuteanele ABC 3RE

Two boats leave port together.

B o a t D s a i l so n a c o u r s eo f 0 5 7 '
at l3 miles per hour.

Boat E sailson a bearingof 104"

at l5 miles per hour.

After 45 minutes Boat D receives

a distresscall from Boat E requesting port
their help as soon as possible.

How far. to the nearestmile. would Boat D have to travel to reach Boat E? 4RE

4. The areaof the trianele shown is 36 cm'

Showthat sin R _
- 43 4RE


5. In triangleABC

AB = rl units
AC = 5 units
BC= 6 units

Showthat cosA =l 3KU


6. A TV signal is sent from a transr.nitter T.
v i a a s a t e l l i t eS . t o a v i l l a g eV .
as shown in the diagram.

The villa_seis 500 kilometresfiom the

The signal is sent out at an angle of 35"
and is receivedin the village at an angle of 40'.

Calculatethe hei-ehtof the satelliteabove the ground. 5RE

1. The path in the diagram

oppositeruns parallel
to the river.

Jennif'erleavesthe path
at P, walks to the river
to bathe her feet at R
and rejoins the path
further on at Q.

Calculate the distance between the river and the path. 5RE

8. The radio masts,Kangaroo (K), Wallaby (W)

and Possum(P) are situated
in the Australianoutback.

Kangaroois 250 kilometresdue south of Wallaby. 2-50km

Wallaby is 410 kilometresfiom Possum

Possumis on a bearingof 130" from Kangaroo.

Calculatethe bearingof Possumfrom Wallaby. K

Do not use a scale drawing. 4RE

9. Each leg of a fblding table is prevented .1 :r aa

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from opening too far by a metal bar. 'i ,

; ri
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The metal bar rs 21 centimetreslong.

It is fixed to the table top l4 centimetresfl'om the hinge and to the table leg
l2 centimetresfiom the hinge.
l*- ll cnr

a) Calculatethe size of the obtuse

angle which the table top makes
with the leg. 1 2c r n 3KU
b) Given that the table leg
is 70 centimetreslong,
c a l c u l a t et h e h e i g h to f t h e t a b l e . 3RE

10. group advertises
A nei.r'spaper
a new masazineon a heliurr-r

From the baseof the balloon. B. trvo holding wires

are attachedto the ground at A and C.

The distancefrom A to C is 130 metres.

From A. the angle of elevationof B is 53'.

53' 68"
From C, the angle of elevationof B is 68' A
<_ t30m ----)
Calculatethe height of point B above the ground.

Do not use a scale drawing 5RE

I l. The bonnet of a car is held open. at an angle of 57', by a metal rod.

In the diagram,

PQ representsthe bonnet

PR representsthe metal rod.

QR representsthe distance from

the base of the bonnet to the front of the car.
PQ is l0l centimetres

QR is 98 centimetres a
98 cm
Calculatethe length of the metal rod, PR.

Do not use a scale drawing. 4KU

12. TriangleABC hasan areaof 14 squarecentimetres.

andAC is 7 centimetres.
AB is 6 centimetres
Calculatethepossiblesizesof angleBAC 4RE

I -). An orienteeringcoursehas 3 checkpoints- A. B andC.

B i s o n a b e a r i n go f 0 3 0 '
and a distanceof 8 km from A.

C i s o n a b e a r i n go f 1 5 5 ' f i ' o m B
a n d a b e a r i n go f 1 0 5 " f r o m A .
8 2KU
a) Explain clearly why ZABC = 5,5"

b) Calculatethe distancebetween 05'

points B and C.

Do not use a scale drawing. 4RE

14. Calculatethe areaof the triangle. 3RE

1,5. A rescueboat. at R, picks up a

distresscall from a boat B. 3-50knt

a w a y ,o n a b e a r i n go f 1 2 0 ' .

At the sametime anotherdistress

call comes from a yacht Y. which is
170 km away from B and on a bearing
of 220' from B.

a) Prove that ZRBY = 80' 2KU

b) The rescueboat is obliged to respondto
the nearestdistresscall first.

Will the peopleon the boat or those

on the yacht be rescuedfirst ?
(You must support your answer by showing working). 4RE

16. The diagram shows the position N
of a helicopterbaseand two oil rigs,
Delta and Gamma.

From the helicopterbase,the oil rig Delta

is 35 kilometresaway on a bearingof 050".

From the samebase,the oil rig Gamma

is 20 kilometresawav on a bearins of 125'.

Calculatethe distancebetweenDelta and Gamma.

Do not use a scale drawing. 5RE

11. The end wall of a bungalow is in the shape of a

rectangleand a triangle as shown in the diagram.

The roof has one edge inchned at an angle of 24"

to the horizontaland the other edge inclined
at 42o Io the horizontal.

The width of the houseis 12.8metres.

Calculatethe length of the longer sloping edge of the roof.

Do not use a scale drawing. 4KU

I 8. The diagramshowspartof a golf course.

The distanceAB is 420 metres.

AC is 500 metres
the distance
andangleBAC = 52".

Calculate BC.
Do not usea scaledrarving. 3KU

19. p a r a l l c lt o t h e g l o u n d .
A n a e r o p l a n ei s f 1 1 ' r n g

Lights have been fined at A and B

as shown in the diagram.

When the aeroplaneis flying at a certainheight.

the beamsfrom theselights
meet exactly on the ground at C.

The angle of depressionof the beam of light from A to C is 50".

The angle of depressionof the beam of light fiom B to C is 70'.

The distanceAB is 20 metrcs.

Frnd the height of the aeroplaneabove C. 6RE

20. The sketchshows a plot of ground,

PQRS, split into two triangles.

Calculatethe areaof the plot of ground. 4KU

2t. The diagramshowsthepositionof threeairports,A, E and

G is 200kilometresfiom A
E is 160kilometresfiom A
FromG the bearingof A is 0-52' i
FromA the bearin-s
of E is 216"

How f'ar apart are airports G and E ? 6RE

22. The side wall of a house.with measurements

a s s h o wn i n t h e d i a g r a r n r. e q u i r e sp a i n t i n g .

The wall is in the shapeof a rectangleand a triangle.

On average.a litre of paint will cover 8 squaremetres.

A p a i n t e re s t i m a t e st h a t h e w i l l r e q u i r e l 2 l i t r e so f p a i n t . 8'6m

Will this be enough pairrt?

Justify your answer. 4RE


13. A t r i a n g u l a rf i e l d .
P Q R i : s h t r rn r in
the diagram.

P Q = 1 4 0m e t r e s .
QR = 120 metres
a n d a n g l eP Q R = 1 3 2 '

Calculatethe length of PR.

Do not use a scale drawing. 4KU

The diagram shows two positionsof a student
a s s h ev i e w st h e t o p o f a t o u e r .

From position B. the angle of elevationto T at the

top of the toweris 64o

From position A. the angle of elevationto T at the

top of the tower is 69o.

The distanceAB is 4.8 metres

and the height of the studentto eye level is 1.5 metres.

Find the height of the tower. 6RE

25. A field, ABC, is shown in the diagram.

Find the areaof the field. 2KU

26. A ship,at positionP. observes

a lighthouse
positionQ on a bearingof 040'.

The shiptravels30 krlometres

on a bearingof 125'to positionR.

From positionR, the shipobserves

the lighthouse
on a bearingof 340".

Whentheshipis at positionR,
how f'aris it from the lighthouse? 6RE

21. The diagramshowsthepositions

of an oilrig andtwo ships.
The oilrig at R is 70 kilometres
from a shipat A and 100kilometres
fiom a shipat B. AngleARB = 65'.
Calculate AB.
Do not usea scaledrawing. 4KU
28. A t r a f f l c i s l a n d .A B C . i s s h o w n
in the diagrant.

Find the areaof the tratflc island if

A B = 1 2 . 6m e t r e s .A C = l 0 m e t r e s
a n d a n g l eB A C = 7 2 " 2KU

29. The diagram shows the goalposts

on a rugby field.

To take a kick at goal, a player moves

from T to position P.

TP is perpendicularto TB.

Angle TPA =40o and angle APB = l0'

The distanceAB betweenthe goal posts

is 5.6 metres.

Find the distance from T to P. 6RE

30. A family wants to fence

off a triangular part of their garden

fbr their pet rabbits.

They have a long straightwall available

and two straightpiecesof f'encing6 metres
and 7 metresin length.

They first erectthe f'encingas shown in the diagrarn.

a) Find the areaof gardenenclosedby the wall and the two piecesof f'encing. 2KU
b) What size should they rnake the angle at A so that the greatestarea of garden
is enclosed'l

Give a reasonfbr your answer. 2KU

31. A ship is first spottedat position R, which is on a bearingof 3l5' fiom a

lighthouse,L. The distancebetweenR and L is l0 kilometres.After the ship has
travelleddue West to position T, its bearingf}om the lighthouseis 300".

How far has the ship travelledfrom R to T .5 RE


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