IMG - 0017 (DF Diff Calc Reviewer 017)

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24. A Brough fflled with wabr is 2 m long and has a opss sedon in the $ppe of isoscehs tsapezoid 30 cm wide
at the bottom,
' If
60 cnr wiOe at the bp and a helght of 50 cm. theBough leaks water at a rate of 2000 cubic cm/mln, how fast is the waEr

ievei ridi'rg wireii the water is 20 cr* deep?

{a *spt B.-7pA c.-4176 D.-8/21

25. Sand is poudng to brm a oonlcal pile srdr ttrat the altihrde is ahnnys trvice lts rdlus. If the volume of a onkal
pih ls
in$ea$ng at the rate of 25rpi cu.fl/min, horr{ fast is the radlus is lncrea$ng when the radlus is 5 feet?
r AF&r-!.. h AF-rA'-i-
ir.ii.5ptil/miii ^ F4',-:-
A. o.5t-vmin I , "t.r1;-Irirti, i -.t1.D.Spi
r.. , ...;

' {i' ?

26. wtrcn trrvo r$istors Rl and R2 arc onnected in parallel, the totat resishnoe R ls gtuen uv u,.""qr.u* ili
= V*, + UR2. If
R1 and M are increa$ng at the rates of 0.01 ohm/sec and 0,02 ohm/sec, respectvely, at whd rate in ohm/s is R changlng at
; ,''' :' ''
+ '"' ,1'
i,' s,# ,,=;*'l',:'*

tdtalrplane w1h a v&city of 160 f,/s f,ies at an angle of 30 degrees with the horizontal passes and observer 800 ft
27. from the
point of hke off. Hnd Sre rate of drange cf the argle of demtion wtren $e angle is @ degrees Just ffier the plane passes

the obseler.
A. 0.1 8.0.2 of c.o.rt D.0.3

.i"t' ' 4

f::d,, L1 ..*,...,....,
28. Hnd approximaEly Ure Omererie betwen aneas d two spheres whoae radllarc 4 feet and 4.05 feet.
A. 1.4 d sC. ft. B. 1.6 pi sq.ft. C. 1.2 pi sq.ft. D. 1.8 il sq.ft.

29. The altitude of a cerbin right circular cone is *re same as the radius of the base, and is measured as 5 inches wfllt a posSble
enror of 0.02 irdt. Hnd appro{mately ttre perentaWrnor in tte cakuhte mlrc of the wlume. A
129ro D' 1'34% t\
A. 0.01% B. a C O.SO%, ,"
ij,;7,r, j,.\
30. Hnd tu oln/aule d the ornrc Y = 2 -(xcubed) at P(1,1). - *-, ,. \
A. 0.18 8.0.17 C.0.16
-i -
- .i i"D,.419
.'.' *";1
", ,; y
. J'. ** _1
,: "i.t
31. Divide 120 inb trrro parts so that the produd of one and the square of the drer is iribxlmum. Find the numbers. Hnd the
A. 60&60 1ffi&2S C.7CI&50 o,.FU* l,' 1?.t.'. f ."
". j t
y"+":' ' t"
]-r * !?lr* k 1"i'
-i'.' :4
I -;jr :r "' qtd:# :

32. A certain travel agency fu

a tour ilrat wiil dk.eadihrson P1500.00 if nd more ifun 150 persrn wi[ Icxn, however &e
** per person v{ill be reducd by PS.W per persm in exces of 150. Hcnv rnany persms will nuke the profit a maximum?

l,-:i+-1.i. : \,t;l:,.;
ilif../ -"'"'.'' l'.''l r'
"tt,*i'"' \:
,,,.J.r*.u -,,./2 r,
33. An irorr bar 20 m long is bent b furm a dmed plane area. Wha[ E Ure targest area-poEqbbf
A. 2x.56 q, m. B. 25.@ sq.m. C. 28.56 sq.m. #51-83 sq.m. : t

{ - ifi[ : '-;']
34. An open trgp rectanguhr hnk wlth square bases ls to have a vdume of 10 cubic meters. The maffial br its boffin m6t
Pl50.O0 per squaG meter, and tfiat fur the sides is P60.00 per squarc m&r. The most economlcal helght is:
8. 2.5 *utrrs tr. J.3 fir€tgrg
4$, arriet€nt C. 3 rneters

35. A balloon is rislrq vertkally orer a point a on tk grarnd at tre rats of 15 Usec. A point
ft fmm A. When the balboo is 40 ft ftom A, at what rate ls disne from B changlng?
B cm thegmurd is teru-tirur-ino
A. 10 fr/s '
B. 12 fl/s qr- it. ts rus D. 15 fl/s
rJ. \; rr

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