Cole Survey
Cole Survey
Cole Survey
Survey of Egypt.
Eight brass bolts were cemented into the rock round the base, one near
each of the four corners, and, as these were not intervisible, four more v~ere
placed, one at about the middle of each side, in such a position that each point
was visible from the adjacent points on each side of it.
These bolts are numbered from 1 to 8 clockwise from No.1 which is at
the S.E. corner of the Pyramid.
excavation the bottom edge of the casing blocks was found, giving a clear
line for almost the entire length of the excavation.
~ratus designed
ar wires. Each SOUTH SIDE.-Five pits were dug at various places along the edge j in
uracy of about four of these it was found that the casing blocks and pavement had been
destroyed. In one, tp.e top edge of the casing block was still in place and the
lton and Simms excavation was extended as far as possible along this edge, which was found
for a distance of 18 metres, the edge being clearly defined for a distance of
visible at points 15 metres.
~ stations.
9.6" which was WEST SIDE.-Four pits were sunk, the pavement being found in 3 of
mted and a clos- In the fourth, the pavement had been entirely destroyed. The maximum
.in East direction length of the line given from these three holes was 28 metres.
traverse method
Ie readings on both
: latitude of station
the Great Pyramid,
~ it existed on the
of the casing blocks
es of this, the casing
~ pavement, startin.g
) the north. In thIS
S.E. '
Bottom of KE. corner-socket ... ...
Rock W. of B.l\L I =foundation of pavement
North Side.
Top surface of pavement W. of 2 (beginning of pavement)
the Ii
3 at B. on diagram .. 604129 as po
4 Top surface of pavement E. of remaining casing-blocks... . 604049 paver
5 Top surface of casing block (near 4) 619011
6 Top surface of pavement W. of remaining casing-blocks at A. 604115 of thE
7 Top surface of casing block (near 6) 619077 line c
it waf
North West Co'rner. cIamI
8 Rock E. of K.W. corner socket=foundation of pavement ... 598584 the Ii
9 Bottoll of K.W. corner socket ... ... ... ... 596034 'J
West Side. sure 1
10 Rock in hole L=foundation of pavement ... 598841
11 Top surface of pavement in hole K . 604129 end, :
12 Top surface of casing block in hole K . 619148 faces.
13 Top surface of pavement in hole .T 604154 ']
South West Corner. end.
14 Rock N. of S.W. corner socket=foundation of pavement 598798 J
15 Bottom of S.W. corner socket ... 598485 methc
on th
South Side. botto
16 Rock in hole H=top surface of pavement ... 604222 ']
17 Top surface of casing block in hole H 619333 differ.
18 Top surface of pavement in hole G 604220 on tb
19 Top surface of pavement in hole F ... 604264 mark
South East Corner.
20 Bottom of S. E. corner socket ... ... ... 503700 read.
21 Rock W. of S.E. corner sockeet=foundation of pavement 598305
East Side. trave:
22 Top surface of pavement in the southern end, of the hole C .. 604193 These
23 Top surface of pavement in the northern part of the hole C . 604210 the P
From this list we can see that the pavement is practically flat, but has
a very slight slope of about 15 millimetres up from the N.W. corner to the
S.E. corner.
The method adopted for surveying the actual base of the Pyramid, i.e. the
the lines of the bottom edge of the casing blocks on the pavement, was as
follows :-
The 6 inch theodolite was set up on one edge of the excavation as near
~ as possible in the line of the edge of the casing blocks still traceable on the
9 pavement at the bottom of the excavation. It was then adjusted by means
5 of the sliding head on the tripod until the marks on the extreme ends of the
7 line on the pavement fell accurately on the centre hair of the telescope as
it was revolved about its horizontal axis, the horizontal plate being level and
clamped rigidly. A mark was then placed in the ground at the far end of
4 the line, so that it also fell on the centre hair of the theodolite.
4 This mark was checked, using the opposite face of the theodolite.
The theodolite was set up over' this mark, and after checking to make
sure that the vertical hair would accurately traverse the line with the hori-
1 ~. ~ntal circle clamped, a second mark was placed on the ground, at the other
9 end, in the continuation of the line. This mark was also checked on both
8 faces.
4 The line between the two marks was extended in both directions by
means of the theodolite, until it intersected the main traverse lines at each
8 A mark was placed in the ground at each point of intersection. This
.5 method was used on all four sides of the Pyramid, with a slight modification
on the South side, since the top edge of the casing had to be taken, as the
bottom edge was totally destroyed.
2 The whole work was repeated two or three times ab initio; the maximum
3 difference in position of the final marks was about 3 centimetres, this being
9 on the extension of the short southern edge. The mean position for each
mark was taken as the best obtainable position.
The short distances between these marks and the nearest traverse points
were measured with a standardized steel band graduated in centimetres and
o read to millimetres by estimation.
The co-ordinates of the points of intersection of the sides and the main
traverse were found, and the equations of the four sides were written down.
3 These equations were solved in pairs to give the co-ordinates of the corners of
o the Pyramid. From these co-ordinates the lengths and azimuths of all four
sides and the two diagonals were found.
- _ _d
These are as folloWB:- found
Side. Length. True Azimuth.
The position of the South side was found from the actual prolongation
of the whole of the existing top edge of the casing blocks, to which the bottom Me
edge .was a8sumed exactly parallel, and the horizontal distance of 5;5times --
the vertical height of the edge above the pavement. This height is given I
in the list of levels, namely No. 17 to No. 16, and is 1'511 metres. Therefore
the distance to be added is 1'511 X5'5/7=1'187 metres to the south of the
line of the top of the casing. This distance has been~ added to get the
co-ordinates of the south-east and south-west corners, and hence the actual
lengths of the sides. ?
In justification of using th~ constant of 5'5/7, reference should be made
to W. M. Flinders. The PyramM,s and Temples 01 alza in which he gives
the angle of slope as 51 0 50' 40" 1'- 05" also Borchardt, Geqen die Zahlenmystik
an der qrossen Pyramide; finally a fu,!ther check was made by measuring up
the slope of the existing casing-ston~ on the North side. This gave approxi-
mately 1'173 metres as the horizontal_distance for a difference in height of
1'496 metres (from points 4 to 5). The theoretical distance horizontally of
1'175 millimetres agrees within the limits of accidental error of the actual
Ins. Ius.
. .
- 3 43 - 3 06 + 37
__.=l. ~ d&.tL.i2tlE.!.
These differences in azimuth are due to the fact that the new azimuths
are found from the actual directions of the. sides determined from the ex-
cavated pavement, whereas those of Prof. Petrie are of a hypothetical base
obtained by computing " a square that shall pass through the points of the
casing found on each side, and having also its corners lying on the diagonals
of the sockets."*
In the lists of azimuths given above it will be seen that the most dis-
crepant side is the East side which differs by about 3' from the other three. ,
In order to check this a further excavation was made on this side 23 metres
south of the original one. In this excavation the pavement was found, and
on it the line of the casing blocks was clearly. shown. This line was found
to lie exactly in the line as already extended, thus confirming the accuracy
of the original extension.
Prof. Borchardt pointed out a small line on the pavement which projected
a few centimetres from the edge of the casing-block about the middle of the
North side. This line was neither a joint in the pavement nor in the line with
the joint of the casing block. The measurements from the two northern
corners to this line are as follows:-
to N.E. corner=1l5'161 metres.
to N.W. corner=1l5090 "
Diff.= 71 millimetres.
Thus this Fne is probably the original line of the aXIS.
azimuths WEST SIDE.-This is the extension of points in the pavement 28 metres
rom the ex- apart. The pavement is badly worn in most places, as are also the casing
;hetical base blocks which are still in place. The points chosen are however fairly definite
points of the and there is little doubt that they are correct. The final errors at either end
he diagonals should be less than 3 centimetres.
It should be clearly understood that these possible errors are due to
he most dis- uncertainty of the absolute position of the line on the pavement since a difference
other three. of 1 millimetre only at either end of the line on the excavation will make
Ie 23 metres a difierence of 5 millimetres or more at each end of the extended side, to which
s found, and must be added the possibility of slight deviation of the original side from the
le was found straight line. Checking along the 55 metres on the northern edge has shown
the accuracy this is likely to be inappreciable.
The position of the points of intersection of the adjacent sides was also
,ich projected found on the corner sockets, and measurements were taken from these points
middle of the to the outside edges of the socket where they existed.
the line with The South Western corner socket was too broken to give any information.
jWO northern For the other three sockets, the-follo~g measurements were found:-
'-', N.E. ~
S.E. 1 E 85
) N 75
NEW N.W. W 76
y defined line From these measurements we see that the corners of the Pyramid ob-
Jd not exceed tained from the extension of the sides actually fall on the diagonals obtained
from the socket corners where these can be determined, thus giving additional
confirmations that the size and orientation of each side as found above is
~learline and very close to the truth.
her end.
,p edge of the
very definite
1 centimetre
(lust be added
tween the top
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