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Examination Control Division
2075 Bhadra

candidates are required to give their answers in their own words as far as oracticabre.
Atlempl 4!questions.
The Jigures in tle nmgin indicate Full Maiks.

. .-:'. ^ '. ' l:1

L a) one meter diamoter pipe is to carry a water discharge of 1.0 m3ls at the minimum loss
b{etrergy. What will be the permissible height of,6urface roughness? _
b) Derive an expression for ratio of length of inlet to outlet leg for typical siphon as
--L <
, 12-
Where Pn is.atmospheric pressure, Za,.Zs,7a are elevation of inlbt, summit and outlet
2. a) A puinp dmws water from a reservoir and delivers it through a pipe 150 mm diameter,
90-m lon.g, to a.tadk,in which.ttie free surface lbvel is 8 m higher than that in the
reservoir. Thd flow rate is steady at 0.05 ml/s until a power failuro causes the pump to
siop. Neglectiirg miior'losses in the pipe and in the pump aad assuming
assumins that the pumo
stops instantaneouSly, determine for how long flow into bank continues aftir the
power failur* The friction.factor f may be taken as constant at 0.02g and elastic
effects in the j
b) usmg --.1
Hardy-cross )

The consiant fictor 1

,2,1,2 ar:'d 3 respectively. t8l

a) A 900 mm diameter conduit 3600
long is laid
connects two reservoirs' when 1 at a uniform slope of I in
the levelih;;reservoirs 1500 and
pa:tlv full and it is founcl that are low, the conduit runs
anornr;i o# ;iuoo *,,, !i*"u I"r" of flow of 0.322
c ;' ei*i[i' i<il" *r,,,!^i{; ; consranr, R is the
Neglecting losses of head at entry
when the conduit is flowing full "*ilfbtaini(i) the. varue of K,(ii) the discharge
,rt.'o:iirJ,lij in trrr"tu;;:;
is 4.5 m. ""4 the two reservoirs
b) A 3.5 m wide rectangular t8l
channel section c
the width is
tq be red-uced to 2.J - aJ;;;
qf flow in ihe contractea-rlttion?
contracted section
secrion is possibre
nossihl. without
;ffiij:| urr"r,.,g me depth of flow ulrstream
' of the
4. a) tildiau t8l
of the

c) A trapezoidal channel has side slon t3l
The area of"$re sgction i; ;-0;t
Determine aisiharge lf the most

5. a) Sketch
sketch th€
the water-surface :- along
nrn{ir.j in
water-srrrfar.e profile tsl
^r^- rectangular
channel (n=0.014), f the channel
'"%;-*d i,;#;
,';;;;pl'"iluoe" in srope from

--...j : :S** [2+6]

01 r**HuvAN5'yjSS'** ii;: "" . rBe *^-_; i"''tt-T;il-i-tt^ i
rI\Drrr v rL-CnntrOl ile:=- ;; i rgri'
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Division - _i
Examinal ioo Control
z^'. trF555I
ics (cE!s|-
-r^ ac rot as nracticable'
ns practr
in their owlr words as f'ar
their answers
./ required to give
candidates are
'/ Attempt flquestrons' -,.^ indicate FuIl Marks.
,/ The figures
in the margrn i

,/ data if necessary'
Assume suitable -! ^^ a<. chovr

r ' A system
or pipes ::l5t?F#ffi:,1;il::[*itJ#lTilliJl':il'T"il-"T#"f'
below' I'he sectton valve
fig*t where n is the percentage
coefficient Kor, = '
which has a resistance ITI

lengths and
0'024 for all pipes' and their
factor f in the DarcY formula
The friction
diameters are given bY r- n:^;T iliameter ({n)


alve is adjusjed
to give **l
the svstern anc
is loom t 1 0]

ffi*',T.[ J ffil:,"r"* J,J:lt:f#:, and S mm thick

is 1500 m long' -:::
A casti llUu pipe
of 300 H,-1'3"'Oer .1:,:
of water'
2. Y^Y

convey 200 litre-s

p""t ,r q valve at the do*nstream
end that would
clostue of a
a) P.,i**-:llru;f.h5i
be recognrz produceu:l^:*id clos're?
pressrue tr"i;
water hammer
b) what is the peak :t- s+31
c) yhu:i,,:;
closure rs .T$l,"f"'51,':,";:";ffit-Ffff':ff"':ffi:
P.7. o D
each pipe. At c, the pipe
For the resenroir system shown in figure, determine the flow in
discharges into the atmosphSre ut tr""utio1"1110.0.9 t and
atTank 811*l:p,1:closed
" f :0.02 for all pipes and use tbllowing data: t8l
with p;sure of 667 KN/nf o Take
Pipe Diameter Length
I 15 cm 800 m
2 20 cm 500 m
3 30 cm 600 m

667 KNlm2
EL: 170.00 rn

To strnospn€re

4. pipes of 25 mm are to be used to syphon watel from a main canal to branch canal, the
difference of water level between ttt" tro canals being 15m. The length
from the main
of the pipe being 50m'
canal tothe summit of the pipe line is 20m. The total length
a) Determine the number of pipes required to discharge at least 50 Vsec of water to the
branch canal.
Find also ttre maximum height of the summit above the water level of the main
in order the pressure at the summit rnay not fall below 25 KPa (absolute). Take
f :0.03 and ignore minor loss. [4+41

5. Explain variation of hydraulic radius with respect to depth in a very deeP rectangular
channel with suitable illustration. t6l

6. A 3m wide rectangular channel carries a discharge of 15m3/s at a depth of 2 m, What will

be the minimum of hump at which the depth over the hump will be critical?
Calculate the height o? nrr*p for which upstream water depth will be 2.5 m. What will be
the depth of flow on the upstream and onih" h.r-p when its height is 0.2 m? t8]

7. A 3.6 m wide rectangular channel had badly damaged surfaces and had a Manning's n:
0.030. As a fgst phie of repair, its bed was lined with concrete with n 0.015.
If the
the inffease
depth of flow remains the same at 1.2 m before and after the repair, what is
of discharge obtained as result of repair. t7l
rectangular channel section has a change in slope as shown in figure below-
8. A
channel is 4m wide having Manning's n:0.0165. The bed slope Soz = 0.0024 and the
flowing discharge is !6 m'/sec.
jump to
a) Calculate the depth that must exist in the downstream channel for a hydraulic
tenninate at uniform flow condition.
b) If upstream depth Yor : 0.4m, calculate the length of hydraulic jump using at least
three increments of depth in a step calculation. [5+5]


g. Draw a hydraulic jump profile and indicate conjugate depths and energy loss using
specific energy and specific force diagram. Hence derive momentum equation for the
hydraulic jurnp in rectangular channel. t8]
10. Distinguish between Rigid boundary and Mobile boundary channels with respect to
design principle. Explain the procedures of designing rigid boundary channel by
minimum permissible velocity approach. t3+41
Examination Control Division
2A73 Bhadra

Ft!_i er_t 1:Lt_y_$r.uy_ti9_9_ (fgl; 2 _ _. _

{ Candidates are.required to give their answers in their o\rn words as far as practicable.
Anempt 4,ll questions.
The figures in the margin indicate Full Marks
,/ Assurne suitable data if necessary.

1 ln a hydro dynamically rough pipe of 100 mm diameter, the ratio of velocities at l0 mm

and 3'0 mm from the pipe wall is 0.838. Determine the average height of the wall
roughness, shear stress at the wall and mean velocity of flow if velociqv at 30 mm is
1.90 m/s. t8l

Z, A single uniform pipe joins two reservoirs. Calculate the percentage increase of flow rate
obtainable il from ihe mid-point of this pipe, another of the same diameter is added in
parallel to it. Assume equal friction factor for both pipes and neglect minor losses" t8I
3. A reservoir A feeds two lower reservoirs B
mm diameter having a downward slope of
br,anch pipes, one 5'5 km long laid with a do
other 3 km long having a dorvmvard slop
necessary diameiers of the branch pipes so that the steady flow rate in each shall be
A.24 m}is, when the level in each resen'oir is 3 m above the end of the corresponding
pipe.Neglect all losses except pipe friction and take f :0.025 throughout. [10]

4. Discgss Water hamrnet phenomenon. Develop Euler's equation as well as continuity

equation for ursteady flow. t8]
5. Define steady Non uniform and spatially varied flow. Give at least tvro examples of each
- flows" t3l
-6. a) Design an economical trapezoidal channel with a velocity of 0.6 m/s. The side slope asZ
of cannel is 1.5 and conveys a discharge of 3 m3/s. T'ake manning's coeflicient
0.003. Also find the required bed slope. . t6l
b) Define hydraulic exponent. Show that the value of hydraulic exponent for rectangular
section is equal to l0/3. I4l
7. a) Water flows in a 4 m wide rectangular shannel at a depth of 1.8 m and velocity
l.4mls. The channel is oontracted to a u'idth af 1.25m in particular reach. Is the flow
possible in given specific energy? If not. what should be the discharge in channel so
that flow is possible in flre given specific energy? Also deterrnine the depth of flow at
contracted section and upstream of contracted section, 12+2+31
b) Figure shows flow through the sluice gate provided in a rectangular channel of widttl
l0 m. If the discharge in tbe channel is 7m'ls, deternilne the force exerted by water in
the gate. Take momentum correction factor equals to l.15.

8. What is a mild slope? Justi$ analytically the nature of surface profiles (both upstrearn
and downstream end) for mild slope. [l+4]
9. The partial water surface profile shovm in figure below is for a rectangular channel of 3 m
width in which water is flowing at a discharge of 5m3/sec.
a) Does a hydrauli,{Ht* in a channel? If so, is it located upstreerm on clownstream at
point A? '\ t5l
b) Draw and name water surface profile.

A Horizontal section

10. Why shear stress reduction factor "K" is necessary while designing the mobile boundary,
channel? Explain the design procedures (step by step) of mobile boundary channel by
ma:rimum permissible velocity approach
l -L
.i 01 TRIBHWA}.IUMVERSMY Exam. Regutrar
.: Examination Control Division Programme BCB B. Agri. Pass'Marks 5Z

. 2072 Ashwin Year/ Part II/II Time 3 his.

li { Candidates are requiredto grve their aoswers in their own words as hr as practicable:
t Attempt Alt questions.
{ TheJigures tn the magin tndicate Fult Martq.
t it

{ Assune suitable data ifnecessry.

, 1.. A horizontal pipe 60mm in diameter carries oil of specific gravity 0.8. The pressine ,'
I i ,:1.. difference betweeq two sections Skmrapart is found to be 200 kPa. The ,bil florvru
''' tlrioogh the'prpe is co[ested io ", r*t. it ir fo*a frat !962 N of'oil is collected in'i
.' minuies. Comiute the dynamic viscosity of the oit. Assume the flow to bd laminar'ad
veriry it. Also, firrd the velocity at a distdsc.e of 20 mrn fiom the prpe uratl. ,' 14*2+21
I 2. Two reservoirs are connected by a pipe 1000 m long of diameter 300 mm. The pipe
over a hill whose height is 5.m abore the level of water in the upperrcservoir. Ttre
differeme in water levels in the two reservoirs is 13 m. If the absolute pressrue of water
anywhere in the plpe is not allowed to fall below 1.2 m of water in order to prevent
cavitations, calculite the length of pipe in the portion between the upper reservoir and the
I hill summit; and also the discharge through the pipe. fustrme thepeservoirs are open to
the afnosphere having atmospheric pressure of 760 mm of md'cury. Take ftiction f""tor,
I f = 0.032 and neglect bend losses tSI
3. For the duee reservoir system of figrrre below Z, :29 nU Lr : 80 r.q Zz = 129 a,
L2 : 150 tr, Z3:69 rn anC Lg: 110 m. AIt pipes are 250 mm diameter concrete with
roughness height 0.5 mm. Compute the flow rates. Take u : 1.02x16{m3/s. You are not
allowed to use:the.Moody's chart UOl




4. Explain the water hammer phenomenon and mention its causes. Derive the momentum
equation for unsteady flow through pipe. [3+s]
5. lDefine the following; non-perismatic channel, spatially varied flow, hydraulic slope,
graduatly varied flow.
) 1,1

@ a) Deterrnine the most economical section of a tapemidal channel with side of
2:1, carrying a discharge of 9m3/s v,,ith a velocity of 0.75 rn/s. Take Manning's

It:0.025, For conveying the same discharge, if a rectangular channel 1.2 mdeep and
\ 3 m wide is provided, what rvould be the savlng !n po*er per l;rn length of channel? L4+2)

-- P.1

sing Marying's equationn show that the depth of flow is equal to 94Yo of the
diarneter for the partially filled most economical circular channel considering
maximum discharge. l4l
7. A trapezoidal channel of base width 6 m and side slope of 2 .horizontal tb I vertical
carries a flow of 60 cumecs at a depth of 2.5 m. There is a smooth transition to a
rectangular section 6 m u'ide accompanied by a gradual lowering of the channel bed by
0.6 m (i) Find the depth of water in the rectangular sestion and the sfiange in water
surface level. (ii) In case the drop in water surface level is to be resticted to 0.3 m. What
is the ar,nount by which the bed rnust be lovi,ered? Aszume no losses. [6+EI

col -'-.-]:*:-:-
r -,. :_-- -. _.

Mild slope NDI.


Ye aaAa+ Steep
'lb) Justify anatytically the nature of surface profiles in critical sloped channels. t5l
9 . ,'i$'ater in a horizontal channel accelerates snroothly over a bump aqd then undergoes a
..6ya.autic jump as in figure below, if y, : I m, yt = 30 ccr, , y5, y4*dU,r-p
height h. Neglect Aisdon. "rtiJotu'r,
I I6l
I '-p
':. *.
(I )
fl, -l
I .(4
(3) Junrp



b) Design a regime'channel.for a discharge of Z5 m3/s and soil particle size of 0.65 mm
using Lacey's method. Assurne suitaUt;$e slope of cbannel. t3I


Examination Control Division Programme BCE, B. Agri. Pass Marks 5Z

2i72 Year / Part il,il Tirre 3 irrs.

{ Candidates are required to give theii answers in their oum words as far as practicable.
{ Attempt 4!!questions.
'/ Thefigures in the mrgin indicate FuIl Marks.
{ Necessart fteures dre ottaEhed herewith.
y' Assume suitable data if neeessary.
1. 'Water flows by gavity in nr,'o open stand pipes shoum in figure. Estimate the rate of

fq;;:,' '-o,,.

2.5 m

d: 75 mm
i, e - 0.3 rnm

2. Water from a main canal is siphoned to a branch canal over an embankment by means of
a -*rought iron pipo of 100 rnm diameter. The length of the pipeline up to the summitis
30 m and the total length is 90 m. Water surface clevation in the branch canai is 10 m
below ttlat of main canal. Take f = 0.025 and consider all losses.
a) If the total quantity of water required to be couveyed is 0.05 m3/s, how'many
pipelines are needed?
b) What is ma:rimun permissible height of the s'ummit above the water level in &s maia
canal sq that the water pressure at the summit may.aot fall below 20 kPa absolute, the
barometer'reading bei4g 10 m ofwater?
-3. Veriff whether the following sugg'-sted dishibutionof discharge in the pipelines of tb
network shown in figure below is satisfactory @ using Hardy-cross method. If nol
determine the proper distribution. If the elevation at point B is 50 m and pressr:re head is
, 40 m and the elevation at D is 40.m, find the pressure at D. [8+2]
Sugsested discharge (units) 58 42 32 18 20

20 unit unit


50 unit


4. a) In tire figure !slsr.,,;, 'r,'ater flc'Iving thlough a pipe from the resen'oir is suddenly
stoppe<i b.v closing a valve at point B. Draw pressure-time diagram at the 213 L form
valve of the pipe for one cycle of wave motion. t2j

Reservoir valve


b) Water flows tlrough a 25. cm diameter 1500m long pipe at rate of 75 lps. The static
presnrre of water in the pipe is 200m at the downstream end of the pipe and the
ihickness of the pipe materiat is 6 mm. If a valve at the dorrpsEeam end closed in
3 sec estimate the sress in the pipe wall. Take Bulkmod{us oiwater 2.2"10eN/#

5. Define the following; Hydrautic depth, Energy slope, gradually varied flow and spatially
varied flow. t4I
6. a) trn a partially full channel having a triangular section as shown in figue, tbe rate of
discharge Q = KAR", in which K = a constanq A = flow area and R : hydrardic
radiis. Detemrine the depth at which ttre diseharge is marcimum t5]

. }lt
.*- b) lhe velocity distribution iri a chnnel section may bc apprcximzited by the equation
i* u=uo(d/do)" in which u is tbe flow velocity d depth d; uo is the flow velocity a
ir^ "'.
depth & and n = a constaot Derive expressim for the energy aud mornedum
coe,figient. ts]
7. a) Defirc specifiq e,nergy. Showthatthe flow is siticat whelr the discharge is marimum
for tbe given specific energT. Water flows at a'depth of I .8 m'and velocity of 1.5 n/s
in a 3 m wide rectangular chanoel. Fird the wi&h at contaction which just causes
critical flow witbout a change in the upstream deptb- [+4+3]
b) An o1m rectangular channel carrying a discharge of 4.?5 mr/s is flowing at a de,pth of
l.l5n with energr of 1.2 m and a width of 3 m- The flow encourters a simultaneous
grafrtal contaction to a width of 1.5 m and a mooth dowuwards step of 0.6 a. With
tbesc flow conditions, determine the dqpth of the dowixneam flow. t4l
8. a) Sks{ch the flowprofile: t4l
NDL ,c



b) o"alltically ttrat A3 curve meets the y" line and channel bottom normaliy.
JusE& t4]

9.-',$Ihat is.hydraulic jurnp? Why is enerry principle not applied for the analysis of the
' 1'rxnp? Water flows in a 5 m wide rectangular chamel at'Froude nurnber 3:5; the dep,& of
flow is 1.2 m- If vl'ater undergoes a hydraulic jump, what is the Froude mrmbbr
downsteam ofjump? [1+1+4]

distibution on the Alluvial channel bouudry with values: [3+3]





Examination Control Division Programme BCE, B-"{gri. Pass lVlarhs 32

Year / Part !1 / lt Time i hrs.

/ Candidates are required to give their ansu,ers in their orvn rvords as far as practicable.
t Atiempt 4!! guestions.
./ The J'igures in the margin indicate fdlUa*.
/ Moody diarram provided
/ Assume suitable data if necessary.

l. A total 12 liters per sec of oil is pumped through 2 pipes in parallel,. one 12 cm in
diameter and the other 10 cm in diameter, both pipes I000 m long. The specific gravity of
oil is^0.85, average roughness height is 0.26 mm for both pipes and kinematic viscosity is
9 cm'/sec. Calculate the flow rate lhrough each pipe, and power generated by purnp. t8]
2. a) Small swimming pool is drained with velocity of 1.2 m/sec using a pipe with hose
diameter 20 mm, lengh 30 m, and absolute roughness e:
0.2 mm. Find the rvater
depth "d" at instant sho'+n in figure below considering minor head loss coefficient at
entranceK=0.5. I5l

I T.
b) Draw HGL and EGL diagram for the florv system shown in rhe figure considering all
major and minor losses. I1.5+1.5J


3. a) What do you understand by branching pipe system? Exptain- Describe the solution
procedures for three possible different cases ofthree reservoir problem. t6l
b) A pipe netvrork is shown in figwe in which Q and h represenls the discharge aird head
losses respectively. Dete.rmine head losses and discharge indicated by a question
. mark, for this pipe netu'ork. t4l
Qa=20 Qr :30; hs = 60 Qr: ?


Qo ? 'l

hs 2 Itp

Q: = 40:
Qo = 100 he = 120 Qc:30
i'.i i-
, r. i:,

4, Water is flowing from a rescrvoir in a pipe of 600 mrn tliamerer, i000 m long and 6 mm
thick at a velocity of 3.5 m/s. Assuming the value of bulk modulus oielasticity for u'ater
as 2.A6 GPa, modulus o1' elasticitv for'pipe material 2C6 GPa and velocity of pressure
rvave 1400 m,/s. Draw pressrue-time diagram at location 1200 rn ftom reservoir if the
va!'r,e locared at the end of the pipe is closed in I second. t8l
5. Define bed slope, h1'draulic slope and energ), slope. Why for non-uniform flow, these
slopes are not paraliel to each other, explain with neat sketch. i4l
6. a) Prove that for compound open charulel, velocity disuibution coefficienl (nromerttum

correction factor; P =
I q (ro,)
where K; = Conveyance factor of im section,
A; : of irh section.
Cross section area t4l
b) For given channel section shown in the figrue below wirh bed slope : 0-00017,
Manning's roughness coefficient:0.018, discharge 8.97 m'ls, and side slope as l':1,
rietermine the norrnal depth of {low for uniforrn flow. l6l

r 2m r 1mr
3rn r 1mr 2m I
7. A rectangular channel 'r,ith a bottom width of 5 m, bottom slope of 0.00076 and energy
of l.l has a discharge bf l.SS m3ls. In a Gradually varied flow
correction facior in rhis
section &e depth at certain location is found to be 0.25 m, considering
roughness coefficient as 0.0i65 determine the type of GVF profile. How far upstrearn or
dorvnstream will the depth be 0.40 m from depth 0.25 m. Use direct step method using
increment equals to 0.05 m. I8l
8. a) A 3.5 m rectangular channel carries discharge of 4 m3/s of vrater at a depth of l-2 m.
if the width is reduced to 2.0 m and bed raised by 0.15 m, determine the depth of flow
at reduced section and upstream ofthe reduced section. t6l
b) Find the expression for the specific force. Show that the flow is critical when rhe
specific force is minimum. Explain the use of this concept in open channel flou,. [4+21
9. A rectangrlar channel with width l.l m carrying a flow discharge of 7-2 m3ischanges its
bed dope from 0.065 to 0.0085, Show that the hydraulic jump occurs and if so find the
location ofjunlp. Take Maruring's roughness as 0.025. t6]
10. Define an alluvial channel and incipient motion. Find the expression for the shear
reduction factor "K" and explain the physical meaning of this factor. t1+3+2]

07 I RIBIi{iVrli'l LiI'aIVERSI IY Iiranr


Examination Control Division CF]

* Pass X{arks .)t
i ii' -I-inre
2071 Magh 3 hrs.

,.,...,,',-',.,..,,.,,,.' -.,,. $ y bj 99t:. H {cE5s5)

/ Candidates are required to give their ansrvers in their own rvords as far as practicable.
r' Auempt All. queslions.
'/ The figures in the margin indicate Full \l{arks. '
/ Necessarv Moodv's diasram is sttached herewillr.
/ Assume suitable data if necessary.

l. Explain Prandtl IMixing length theory. Show that the velocigr distribution in pipe for
turbulent florv is Logarithmic. Derive an expression of head Iomlo sudden expansion of
pipe. [2+3+3)
2. Water from a main canal is siphoned to a branch canal over an embankment by means of
a wrought iron pipc of I00 mm diameter. The length of the pipeline up to the summit is
30 m and the total length is 90 m. Water surface elevation in the branch canal is 10 m
below that of main canal. t8]
a) If the total quantity of water required to be conveyed is 0.05 m3ls, how many
flipelines are needed?
b) What is the maximum permissible height of'the summit abote the water level in the
main canal so that the u,ater pressure at the summit may not fall below 20 Kpa
absolute, the barometer reading being l0 m of rrvater?

Take f:0.025 and consider all losses.

3. a) Derive the expression of correction facror Ae=-ffi for soiution of pipe

network using Hardy Cross method. Whether r is resistance ooefficient of pipe and Qe
is initial assumed discharge. t21
b) Determine the piezometric head at D for the following three mssrvoir problem. t8l
ItttS EI100 m

{_- WS E|70.0 m

D {=0 $18
IIrS il34.0 m
t 4 Elof D:50-0rn

Where, f is the friction factor of the Darc,v-Weisbach equation used in Moody diagram.

4. A steel pipelinc (e = 0.046 mm) 61 cm in diameter and3.2 krn long dischargcs lieely at
its lower end under a head of 6i m. What rvater-hammer pressure u'ould develop if a
valve at the outlet were closcd in 4 sec? 60 sec? Wall thickness :0.5 cm for both case of
closure. Compute the stress that would develop in the walls of rhe pipe near the valve. If
the working stress of steel is taken as 16,000 psi, what rvould be the minimrim time of
safe closure? Consider E*are, = 2.17 x 10e N,1m2 and lio : 1.9 x lOlt N/m2. t8l
5. Givc the trvo praclicill examples of t,:llorving flo',r' r'cginles t4]
a) unil'onn and trorr-unifomr flolv
b) sparially varied florv, gradualll' r'aricd flow
6. lixplain specific cnergy diagram anil show that at utininrurn spcrcific +ncrgy, llrc ilou' is
critical. A rectangular channel 2 m w-ide has a iltrw of 2.4 m'is at a depth r:1' 1.0 rn.
Detennine if critical depth occurs (a) at the -cectirrn rvhere a hump cf,l\Z = 20 unr liigh is
installed across the bed. (b) a side wall constriction (no hump) redr"rcing thc channtl rvidth
to 1.7 m, and (c) both the hump and sidc wall consiriction combinoi.. Will ths u],'streanl
depth be affected for case (c) ? If so, to rvhat exte nt ? Neglect head icssars of the hump and
constriction caused by friction, expansion and conl-raction. [6+2+2+2J
7. What are the conditions of uniform flow in open channel? A trapezrrirlal chan.nel having
side slope of I : I has to carry a flow of l5 rn'/s. The bed slope is I in 1000. Chezy's C is
45 if tha channel is unlined and 70 if the channel is lined wilh concrete- The ccrst p", *3
of excavation is 3 times cost per m2 of lining. Find which arrangemcnl is econornical. [2r 8]
8. in figure belcu'- First locate and
Sketch possible water surface profiles for the channel
mark thc control points, then sketch the profiles, marking eacla profiie with the
appropriate designation. Show any hydraulicjumps that occur. t8l




9. The depth of uniforrn flow in a rectangular channel is 5 m wide (n : 0.02, Ss : 0.04) is

0.5 m. A low dam raises the water depth of 2 m. Find w'hethcr a hydraulic jump takes
place and if so at utrat distance upstream of the dam. t6l
10. A stream has a sediment bed of median size 0.35 mm. The slcpe of thc channel is
1.5 x l0{. Strcam is considered as trapezcidal rvith base rvidth 3 m and sidc slope
1:5H: I V. i6l
a) lf the depth of flou' in the channel is 0.25 ln, examine whether rhe bed particies rvil!
be in motion or not.
b) Calculate minimum siz-e of gravel that will not move in the tred of channel. Use
empirical equation of crirical shear stress as: t" (N/rnz ) = 0. 155 +' --gPd A'..,= '



Examination Control Division ProgranEe BCE, B.Agri. Pess Mrrk 32

2070 Bhadra Yeer/hrt tr/II Time 3 hrs.

S*bject: - Hydraulics (cEsss)

r' Cadidates are required to give their answers in their own words as fr as praaicable.
/ Anempt AII questions.
J Tlufigwes in the mmgin indicate Full Ma*s.
/ Assune suitable data if necessary.

/./A *v* = 5.75loJ}l

'1.K/ * o.r,
Show that for turbulenr flow in rough pipes I8I

. V: Mesn velocity
V+ : Shear velocity

R = Radius of pipe
K: Average'height of surface protrusions
2- Liquid (s.g. = 0.6, y : 5.0 x l0-i m2/s) is &avm from a tank through a hose of inside +
diameter 25 mm (see figure). The relative roughness for the hose is 0.0004. Calculate the
volumetic flow and the minimum pressure in the hose. The total lengttr of hose is 9 m
and the length of hose to point A is 3.25 m. Neglect minor losses at head enfiance. t8I

r.5 \:


3. Three reservoirs A, B and C are interconrcctd by ttree pip€s sihicfu dl rreet a
J. The water surface of reservoir B is 20 m above the surface of C whilst the surface of A
is 40 m above the surface of B. A flow coutrolvatve is fitt€d just be,fore juncti,on J in pipe
AI. [lo]
The head loss hl through pipes and components can be vnitten as hL: rq'? ,rAere r is the
resistance coefficient. The value of r for the valve and' the Pipes are rs = 150, fnr = 2ffi, .

rg; = 300, rwr'c: (400/#-

Where n is the percentage valve opening, Find the value of n nftich will make the
discharge into reservoir C twice irto reservoir B.
4. a) Explaintheimportanceofsurgetmk Dessibethetpesofsurgetmk t1.5+l-5J
b) A 300 mm diameter pipe of mild steel havipg 6 mm rti*ffi caries water at ttre mk
of 200 Vs. What will be the rise in pressure if the valve at the downshean erd is
closed instantaneously? Compare results ssuning th" pipe to be rigid as well as
elastic. What should be tlre maximum closing time for the computed results to be
valid? Take pipe length as 5.0 km, Modulus of elasticity of prpe material as 2.?5 x
lOllN/m2,Bulkmodulusofelasticityofwater as2.ox l0eN/m2. t5I
q.5. Explain GVF, RVF and spatially varied flow with appropriate sketches. t4l
6. What condition rnake open channel flow unifomr? The area of cross-section of flow in a
channel is 6 m2. Calculate the dimensions of the most efficient section if the channel is
(a) triangular, (b) rectangular and (c) tapezoidal (2:1). Which has the least perimeter? [2+8J
7. a) A flow of 2 m3/s is carried in a rectangular channel of 1.0 m. Will
1.8 wide at a depth
critical depth occur at a section where (a) a frictionless hump 15 cm high is installd
across the bed? (b) a frictionless sidewall reduces the channel width to i.: mt (c) the
hump and the sidewall construction are installed together? I9l
b) Define conjugate depths. Sketch the specific force curve showing conjugate depths
and the zones of subcritical, critical and supercritical flow. [+2]
a rectangular channel with a bottom width of 4 m, bottom slope of 0.00075 and energy
/f* conection factor of l.t has a discharge of 2.0 m3/s. In a Gradually varied flow in this
section the depth at certain location is found to be 0.2 m, considering Manning's
roughness coefficient as 0.016 determine the tlpe of GVF profile. How far upsteam or
downstream will the depth be 0.40 m from depth 0.20 m. Use Graphical Integration
Method using increment equals to 0.1 m. t8I
For a hydraulic jump in a horizontal tiangular channel show that 3Fr,2 = 1r3 - ,
where Frf =Jr- and r=Iz. t6l
8Il Yr

10. Write down the design pmcedures of mobile boundary channel using maximum
perrrissible velocity methodrtractive force method and regime theory approaches with
appropriate expressions t6I

Examination Control Division Programme BCE, B.Agri. Pass Marks 32

2070 Magh Yeer / Part II/II Time 3 hrs.

Sabject: . Hydrauli cs (CEs 5 5)

r' Candidates are required to give their answers in their own words as far as practicable.
/ Attempt All questions.
'/ Thefigures in the margin indicate FuA Marks.'
/ Assume suitable data if necessary.

l: Show that in both smooth and rough pipes for turbulent flow
I v =-"""'"t\Rl'-
S.lSr:s{ !-) + f .ZS
Where v :
mean velocity; u = point velocity at distance y from boundary. v+ = shear
velocity; R = Radius of pipe. t8l
2. Calculate the magnitude and direction of the manometer reading when water is flowing
with velocity of 4.5 m/s for figure below. Consider minor losses also. i8l

F_: _
dia= 75 mm 0.9 m
f = 0.02




For the three reservoir system of above figure, zt : 29 fil, Lr : 80 m, 4 : 129 m,
Lz = 150 lrn, 23:69 m and Lr = ll0 m. All pipes are 250 mm diameter concrete with
roughness height 0.5 mm. Compute the flow rates for water. tr0l

{ E 6

4. a) Define water hammer and write down oontinuity equation aird momentum equation
for unsteady flow in pipe. t3]
b) A value is closed in 4.5 s at the down stream end of a 3200 m pipeline carrying water
at 2.'l mJs, What is the peak pressure developed by the closure, if the wave travels
with velocity of 1000 m/s? Determine the length of pipe subject to the peak discharge. t5I
5. Given a practical example for each of the following open channel flow: (a) GVF (b) RVF-
(c) Spatially varied flow (d) Non uniform flow. t4l
6. a) Prgve that for compound open chaonel, velocity distribution coefficient (Energy

corection factor) c =
- (Ir,)t
where k; = Conveyance factor of i'h section,

Ai: Cross section area of ith section. t4I

b) Set up a general expression for wetted perimeter pw of a trapezoidal channel in terms
of the cross-sectional area A. depth y and angle of side slope $. Then differentiate p'n
with respect to y with A and $ held constant. From this, prove that R = y/2 for the
section of greatest hydraulic efliciency (i.e, smallest p* for a given A). t6]
7. What are the different conditions to be fulfilled when flow is critical open channel? A -h
wide rectangular channel carries 3 m3/s of water at a depth of I m. If the width is to be
reduced to 2 m and bed raised by 10 cm, what would be the depth of flow in the
contracted section? What maximum rise in the bed level of the contracted section is
possible without affecting the depth of flow upstream of transition? Neglect loss of
energy in transition. What would be the change in water surface elevations if the rise in
bed is 30 cm? [3+3+3+3j
8. :
The clean earth (n 0.020) channel in figure below is 6m wide and laid on a slope of
0.005236. Water flows at 30m'/s in the channel and enters a reservoir so that the charurel
depth is 3 m just before the entry. Assuming gradually varied flow, calculate the
distance L. t8l



9. Water in a horizontal channel accelerates smoothly over a bump and then undergoes a
hydraulic jump, as in figure below. :
If y, I m and yz = 30 em, estimate v1, v2 yo.
Neglect friction. t6l

10. Describe the application of shield diagram for designing mobile boundary channel. t6l

t t r t



Examination Control Division BCE Pass Ma rks 32

207L Magh Ycar / Part lil 'finre

Subject: - Hydraulics rcE55s)

/ Candidates are required to give their answers in their own words as far as practicable.
{ Attempt All questions.
'/ The figures in the margin indicate Full Marks.
/ Necessarv Moodv's diagram is attached herereith,
/ As.rume suitable data if necessary.

l. Explain Prandtl Mixing length theory. Show that the velocity distribution in pipe lbr
turbulent flow is Logarithmic. Derive an expression of head loss to sudden expansion of
pipe. [2+3+3]
2. Water from a main canal is siphoned to a branch canal over an embankment by means of
a wrought iron pipe of 100 mm diameter. The length of the pipeline up to the summit is
30 m and the total length is 90 m. Water surface elevation in the branch canal is l0 m
below that of main canal. t8l
a) If the total quantity of .water required to be conveyed is 0.05 m3/s, how many
fipelines are needed?
b) What is the maximum permissible height of the summit above the water level in the
main canal so tlrat the water pressure at the summit may not fall below 20 Kpa
absolute, the barometer reading being 10 m of water?
Take f: 0.025 and consider all losses.

3. a) Derive the expression of correction faclor oa=-ffi for solution of pipe

network using Hardy Cross method. Whether r is resistance coefficient of pipe and Qs
. is initial assumed discharge. t21
b) Determine the piezometric head at D for the following three reservoir problem. t8l
WS EI 100 m

t= I El70.0m

Dy- 0.0\8
E|30.0 m
1, \'- El otD = 50.0 m

Where, f is the friction factor of the Darcy-Weisbach equation used in Mootly diagram.

4. A steel pipeline (e : 0.046 mm) 6l cm in diameter and 3.2 km long discharges freely at
its lower end under a head of 6l m. What water-hammer pressure r.r'ould develop if a
valve at the oqtlet were closed in 4 sec? 60 sec? Wall thickness : 0.5 crn for both case of
closure. Compute the stress that would develop in the walls of the pipe near the valve. If
the working stress of steel is taken as 16,000 psi, what would be the minimum time of
safe closwe? Consider E*are, = 2.17 x l}e N/m2 and Eo : I .9 x 10lr N/m2. t8l
' ,: lijr'nq+{:.':- -....

: it'l


l 5. Give the two practical examples of tollo',ving florv regimes. t4l j

a) unifonn and non-uniform flow ,

l b) spatially varied flow, gradually varied flow !

6. lixplain specific cnergy diagram aud show that at nrininrum spccific cncrgy, the flow is
critical. A rectangular channel 2 m wide has a flow- ol 2.4 mris at a depth ol 1.0 m.
Determine if critical depth occurs (a) at the -section ra,here a hurnp of AZ : 20 cm high is
installed across the bed, (b) a side wall constriction (no hump) reducing the channel '*,idth
to 1.7 m, and (c) both the hump and side wall constriction combined. Will the upstream
depth be affected for case (c)? If so, to rvhat extent? Neglect head losses of the hump and
l constriction caused by friction, expansion and contraction. [6+2+2+21
7. What are the conditions of uniform flow in open channel? A trapezoidal channel having
side slope of I :l has to cary a flow of l5 r#/s. The bed slope is I in 1000. Chezy's C is
45 if the channel is unlined and 70 if the channel is lined with concrete. The cost per m3
of excavation is 3 times cost per m2 of lining- Find which arrangement is economicil. [2r-8]
8. Sketch possible water surface profiles for the channel in figure below. First locate and
mark the control points, then sketch the profiles, marking each profile with the

appropriate designation. Show any hydraulicjumps that occur. t8l




9. The depth of uniform flow in a rectangular channel is 5 m wide (n = 0.02, Ss = 0.04) is

0.5 m. A low dam raises the water depth of 2 m. Find whelhcr a hydraulic jump takes
place and if so at what distance upstream of the dam.
10. A stream has a sediment bcd of median size 0.35 mm. The slope of the channel is
1.5 x l0{. Stream is considered as trapezoidal with base width m and side slope i
1.5H: I V. t6l
a) lf the tlepth of flow in the channel is 0.25 m, examine u,hether the bed particles will
be in motion or not.
b) Calculate minimunr size of gravel that will not move in the bed of channel. Use
empirical equation of critical shear stress as: t" (N/mz ) = 0. 155 +
(1 + 0.177d mm )!o'


OI I TNBHWA].ITJNTVERSITY Ilcgul:rr (206(r & Latcr llatch)

Examination Control Division. BCE PassMarks 32
' 2069 Bhadra Ybar / Part IIiu Time 3 hrs.

- r' Candidates are required to gtve their answers in their own words as far as practicable.
r' AttemptAllquestiow.
r' Theligpres in the margin indicate Fult Morfu.
{ Asswne suitable data ifnecessary.

!/Describe with appropdate expressions ([Prandfl's mixing length theory @) Hagen

poisseuille equation (c) Nikuradse's experiments and (d) Colebrook-white equation. t8l
p Two pipes have a length L each. One of them has diameter Drand the other has diameter
Dz. If the pipes are arranged in parallel, the loss of head when a fotal quantity of water Q
flows through them is Hl. If the pipes are arranged in series and the same quantity Q
flows through them, the loss of head is H2. If D2 = D1D, find the ratio of H1 to H2,
neglecting minor losses and assuming same f. t8l
3. A reservoir A discharges through a pipe 450mm in diar.neter and 900m long which is
connected to two pipes, one 1200m lorfg leading fo reservoir B 36m below A and the
other 1500m long leading to reservoir C 45m belbw A. Calculate the diameters'of tliese
two pipes if they have equal discharges which together etlual that of a 450mm diameter
pipe of lengh 2100m connected drrectly from reservoir A'to reservoir d Neglect all
losses except those due to ftiction and assume that tlie friction factor f is the same for ail
pipes. F0l
_4VDenve an expression for the pressure rise due to instantaneous closure of valve
considering the pipe to be elastic. From the derived expression for elastic pipe, obain the
! pressure rise for rigid pipe. t7t.ll
5, Explain Gradually varied and spatially varied flow wtth one practical example for eich.
v 141.
6. Develop the relationship between Chtzy'l coefEcient, Manning's coefficient and
' 91 Darcy's coefficient. r4J
b) A reckngular channel 8m wide and l.5m deep has a slope of 0.001 and in lined with
smooth plaster. It is desired to enhance the discharge to a ma:dmum by changing the
dimension of the channel, but keeping the same amount of lining. Work out the new
dimension and the percentage iircrease in discharge. Take'roughness coefficient
n:0.015. :t61,
7. What is specific force? Prove that for a given specific force the discharge in a given
channel section is maximum when the flow is in the critical'state. A venturiflume in a
rectangular channel of width of "B" has the tluoat width of 'b'. The depth of liquid at'
entry is H and at the throat is h. Prove that following relation bxists for the discharge
widthratio: frfO*r*r1
t- t3t2
Q=3.13bH"'[ I'l




8.7Derive the dynarnic equation of Gradually virried flow (GVF) and convert the derived
v equation for the case of wide rectangulu channel, using Manning's equatior5 into
following fon4: I8I I

{v - s,[--ty, ly)1"'l where

r"'v'Y so = bed srop, yn = normal depth,
vu y.: critical depth.
dx . l-(y"i y)3

9. Draw a hydraulic jump profile and indicate depths and energy loss using specific enerry .

and specific foroe diagram. Also derive momentrn'equation foi the hydraulic jurnp in
rectarigular charinel. t6l I

10. A tapezoidal channel 1.5m deep, lOm bed width, with 2:1 side slopes is, excavated in
gravel of median size of 60mm. 'What is the maximum permissible channel slope and
what discharge can the channef carry without disturbing its stability? Take angle of
repose($) = 37" and Kz:0.9. t6l
*!f tt





06 TR.IBHUV.qN LINIVERSITY -ttxaln. Back
Ex amin ation-C ontrol Division Programme BCE, B.Agri pass ilIarks a)
206d Jestha Year / Part II / II- Time 3 lus.
f, :

Candidares are required to give their ansrvers in their ouTl lvords'as far as practicable.
Atternpt any Five question-s.

The fgures in the margin ii)dtcate vull fuIarks. , ].i

Assume suitable data if necessary. .t-

l. a) Obtain an expression for pressure rise'due to closure of valve at'thb end of the.pipe line
-/when the'valve is instantaneoirsly closed t8.] j'
-rb) A fldw of 30m3/s is carried in a 5m wide rectangular channel at: a depth of 1.0m. Find the
/ slope. necessary to sustain uniform flo'rv at this clep.th if n 0.012. What change in
roughness would produce uniform critical flow at.this discharge on this given slope? tq]
2. a) Derive an expression for the momentum equation in the case of hydraulic jump in the
rectangular channel. Hence derive the relation between initial and sequent depths. t8]
b) A re-ctangular concrete channel 4m,wide hau a slope of 9 x l0-4. It carriEs a flow of
18m3/s and has a depth of 2.3m at one section. By using the direct step method and
taking one step, compute the depth.300m downstream. Take n = 0.012. What is the type
ofsurface curve obtained? t8]
3. a) Differentiate between pobile boundary and rigid boundary charu:dl. Hence define critic'al
tractive stress and incipient motion condition.
- t6]
b) A reservoir A with surface level 6bm above datum supplies to ajunction box through a
/ - :lgry+f;ripe 600m long. From the junction box,"30&nqgrd 2Q0rulq-diameter pipes
6h-ctro-ff. Th.f,OO mm diameter pipe is 6Q0m long and E-onne"t.rl to a reservoir B of
level48.19rn wTitETOO-mm diameter pipe ii il00m long and is connected to a reservoir C
oflevel45.3Srn.Find.thedischargeintoorfromthereservoirBandC.Takef:0.03.. [10]
4. a) Derive the discharge equation for the trapezoidal weir. Discuss also the impact of
approach velocity and end contraction while deriving such equation. t8]
b) A smooth pipe carries 0.30m3/s of water discharge with a head loss of 3m per 100m
/ length of thapipe. Determine the diameter of the pipe. Use friction factor equation for

. smoothpipe as f :0.0032 - and assume E = 10{m2ls. 6

#+ Y

5. a) Prove that the condition for most economical partially filled circular channel section for
maximum velocity is h : 0.81D, Where h: depth for maximum velocity and D is
diameter of the channel. tSl
b) Pipes of 50mm diameter are to be used to siphon water from a main canal to a branch' I
canal, the differences of water level between the two canals being 12m. The length from
the maiii canal to the summif of the pipe line is \-84g-The total length of the pipe being
45m. Determine the number of pipes required to discharge at least 60 liters/sec to the
branch canal. Find also the maximum heigh of -the summit above the water level of the
. main canal so that the pressure at the summit may not fall below 20KPa (absolute). Take
f : 0.03. Ignore minor losses. t8]
6. a) Denve Darcy-Weisbach equation for the friction head loss in the pipe. What are
Hydraulic grade and Tota]-Energy lines? t8l
b) For the purpose of discharge measurement, the width of a rectangular channel is reduced
from Z.1S m b 2 m and the floor is raised by 0.3m at a given section. What rate of florv
is indicatecl by a drop of 0.15 m in the water snrface elevation at the contracted section
when the depth of the approach floiv is 2 rn? t8l

Examination Control Division

Programrne BCE;B.Agri. PasS Marks 32
2068 Bhadra Year / Part Ulil Time 3 hrs.

" Subjeet: - Hydraulics

/ Candidates are required to give their answersin their own words as far ei$practicable.
/ Attempt All euestlo4s, .-:-^a-. -- -- .:.-,. - ,.. .

/ Thefi.gires in the margin indicate Full Marks.

{ Necessam fisure i.s attached herewith.
y' Assume suitable data if necessary.

1. Explain Prandtl mixing length theory. Starting from the expression for turbulent shear
stress derive the velocity distribution in the regon of hrbulent flow near
hydrodlmamically smooth boundaries in the form = S.ZStog,r(#)- 5.5. 12+61
2. What size of new cast iron pipe is needed to transport 400 lps of water for t km long pipe
with 2m head loss? Take rougbness height of the pipe is 0.26mrn and the viscosity
water 0.0014 Pa.S. t8l
3. Reservoir A, water surface elevation 120m is connected to reservoir B and C having
surface elevation 70m and 50m respectively. A.pipe line 150rnm diameter and 400nn long
connects reservoir A to Junction D: Resenroir B and C are connected to Junction D by
75mm diameter 100m long and 100mm diameter 250m long pipeline respectively.
Assuming &iction factor f 0.04 foi all pipes, estimate the rate of flow for each pipe,
:- neglecting minor head losses. tl0]
4. A z}m long, 75mm dia:neter, steel pipeline, wall thickness 6mm, carries water from a
large reserrroir tank, held at a constant head of 6m. Discharge is 0.022m3/s through a
variable speed valve positioned 10m from the supply tank. Discharge is4o a second
constant head tank held at 2m head as shown in figure below. If the valve closure is
instantaneous, determine the theoretical magnitudes of the pressure wave propagated
away from the valve under frictionless conditions. Draw pressrire (both steady and
popt 5q, 2.5m and 0,5m from the upstream.tank. Takg K :
unsteady) time.cuwe at
2x10e,N/mzandE= ZO+xtOe N/m'z. j t8l

t0m - 10m

5. Differentiate. gradually, rapidly and spatially vilea flow with neat sketches and
sxamples. What is energy slope? r [3+
6. Find a expression for the theoretical depth for maximum velocity in a closed circular
channel in terms of the diameter "d". Compare the discharge at ma:rimum velocity with
that when the channel is running full, assuming that the Chezy's coefficient is unaltered,
and the pressure remains atuospheric ls+2)
Write algorithm and programme coding in any high level languagg (C or Fortran) for
calculating uniform depth for rectangular channel. 12+sl
7. Draw and explain the velocity profile in a cross-section of rectangular, triangular and
trapezoidal strnnnsl shapes. t3l


. t..{

8. Why the critical depth varies for the constriction flow analysis and does lot vary for the
hq+p flow analysis? A rectangular channel 2m wide has a flow of 2.4 m'ls at a depth of
1,0m. Determine if.critical depth occurs (a) a section where a hump of AZ : 20cm high is
installed across the channel bed, (b) a side wall constriction (with no hump$ reducing the
channel width to 1.7m, and (c) both the hump and side wall constrictions combined. Will I .lr.
the upsfteam depth be affected for case (c)? If so, to what extent? Neglect head losses of
the hump and constriction caused by friction, expansion and conhaction. f2+2t3+3+2)
9. A rectangular channel conveying a.dischargeof 30,m3/sec is 12m wide with a bed slope I
in 6000 and having Manning's n : 0.025. The depth of flow at a section is 1.5m. Find
how far upstream or downstream of this section the depth of flow will be 2m. Find also
.... ,,,.th-e",t:rl0c-s---of profile,.Use diuect step --- fbr",calculation"and-.take."ooly-two sFps-for
- -r method
calculation. @i [7+1]
10. A wide channel with uniform rectangular section has a change of slope from I in 95 to 1
in L420 and the flow is 3.75m31s per m width. Determine the normal depth of flow
coresponding to each slope and show that a hydraulic jump will occur in the region of
the jrurction. Calculate the height of the jr:mp and sketch ttre surface profiles between the
upskeam and downsteam regions of uniform flow. Manning's coefficient n:0.013 and
it may be assumed that the channel is wide in comparison with the depth of flow, so that
the hydraulic mean depth is approximately equal to the depth of flow.
Find the pre jr:rnp and post jump heights of the hydraulie jump formed at the toe of the
- spillway, Neglect energy loss due.to flow over spllway. i -: _...: t6l
Height of the crest above D/S bed level : 3m
Discharge: 80 m3/i
Widttr olthe canal: l0.0rn
Hqad over the crest level = 2.47m
Explain the formation condition of repelled and submerged jump for the above flow
11. A channel which is to carry 10 m3/s througb moderately rolling topggraphy on a slope of
0.0016 is to be excavated in coarse alluvium with 50% of particles being 3cm or,;more in
diarneter. Assume that channel is to be unlined and of fiapezoidal section. Find suitable
value of base width and side slope. Take ,A:=34" and K2 (ratio between bid sheiar st:ess,/--
and critical shear stess) :0.75. Use hactive force method- Vl61

6' I tp"rAh,



Examination Control Division Pt'ogrammg BCE, B.Agri. PassMarks 32

' 2067 Shrawan ear / Part II/il Time 3 hrs-

/ Candidates are.requir6d'to give their answers in their own words as far as practicabl
/ Attempt any Five questions.. J.l
./ Thefigures in the Ttrurgt,i indicate
,/ Assume suitable yalues of necessary.

1. a) Describe the variation of the valve, with neat sketches, when -

flowing fluid -ln the long pipe is to by the valve at the downstream end of
pipe- '
b) Distinguish between most economical most efficient channel section. Show that
the mos't of economical trapezoidal section has its side slope equal to 60o. t8

I 2. a) Siarting from dynamic equation of

.rectangular channel, using Manning's
, prove that the flow profile slope for wide
will be:

1 I t- Yn
dy v
l- 1dx I

Where So = bed slope, yn : nornal depth, yi : critical depth 141
1 b) Deive the equation for jump height calculation through the specific energy analysis. t6l
J c) There is a pressure loss of 300KN/m2 w-hen water is pumped through a pipeline A at a
rate of 2 m"lg and there 'is+a.pressure loss of 250 KN/mz when water is pumped'at"a'-'
rate of I .4 mr/s through pipeline B. Calculate pressure loss which wiil occur when . 1 ,5
m'/s oi..rv.ter are pumpia *rough pipes A ;e n;oirrtty if they are connected (i) in
senes, (ii) in parallel, assuming that junction losses may be.neglected. In the latter
1 case calculate the discharge through each pipe. t6l
3. a) Why the critical depth varies for the constriction flow analysis and does not vary for.
I the hump flow analysis? Describe the specific discharge curve for the study of
constriction flow analysis. t8l
'l b) A pipe line 30m long connects two tanks which have a di.fference'of water level of .

lzni'. The first 10m of pipeline from the upper tank is of 40 mm diameter'and the next
.I 20m is of 60mm diameter. At the change in section a valve is fitted. Calculate thet3lle
- ofjlov when the valve is fully open assuming that its resistance is negligible apd-tlmt
o.eq f fotbotfi-pipes is 0.0216. fn ora"r to restrict the flow, the valve Ir t-t"" F'urtiutty
closed. If K for the valve is now 5.6, find the percentage reduction in flow: t8l
I 4. . a) Why
.it is necessary to include kinetic energy correction factor (a) in Bernoulli's
equation and tfiomentum correction factor (9) in momentum equation for the fluid

I flow analysis? Derive the eXpressions foi kinetic energy correction factor and
momentum correction factor.

b) IJsi:rg Har1ry-Crcss method fin<i the discharge, for each pipe as shown m figure beloq'. fq

-V r:50 unit

t:4 n

e : 100 rrnrrt I

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Q:75.rmit 'i

s. a) Define mobile bormdary chanuel. Explain the use of shield diagram for designing
mobile boundary channel. t
'b) A widc re.ct*nEnJa ,-hannel haviryi bottom slope of 5x10'3 has a con$ant vah:e. of
Chezy's co:CEcier:rf eqnal b 76. -If dischzrg" p"r unit width is 4im1s md chrrm.el
ends as aa ehrr,,Trr @l finr; trc-j+ft s'i-qrr-face curye. LIse direct sFFr:r'Hhod t*kirg
ilt^asilEijm of 5_<r,.rrn_. .11-'i

6- a)
b) Distinguish between major and minor head losses. Find the expressim for noinor head ,.

losses. i6l
c) The behavior of ariver witr rwr,-fse of 20O0 m3/s is reguired'to be sardied by I

-^ki"g rri<tnr=e"I model hevi-re-imizomt scale rdio 1/10OO md vericat sale ratio -rzt
1 / 1O0- Finrl tiap-r{i'srir-e of fte::rrnln*el_
L'l I

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