MGSD 5-5-18
MGSD 5-5-18
MGSD 5-5-18
of Metro-COWD deal
period begins
Associate Editor
Kabataan councils. HE Philippine
Of the 2,986 candi- Competition
dates, 198 are seeking to Commission (PCC)
be elected or reelected has given Manny V.
as barangay chairpersons Pangilinan-owned Metro
while 1,650 want to serve Pacific Water Investments
in the barangay councils. Corp. and the Cagayan
Data from the Com- de Oro Water District
mission on Elections (COWD) the green light
(Comelec) show that 192 to momentarily proceed
candidates are campaign- with their 2017 joint ven-
ing for the SK chairman- ture agreement.
ships in their barangays This was revealed yes-
while 946 others are vying terday by James Judith,
for seats in the various the lawyer of councilors
youth councils. Teodulfo Lao Jr., Enrico
Most of the candidates Salcedo and Reuben Daba
are male. For the barangay who filed a complained
See BEGINS/p.5 and asked the PCC to
void the Metro Pacif-
Iligan bet ic-COWD deal.
The joint venture
could be agreement resulted in
kicked out the creation of the firm
Cagayan de Oro Bulk
of ticket due Water Inc. (Cobi) that
has been COWD’s lone
to narco list
FOUND DEAD. An investigator stands at the door as he looks outside the house where the body of 41-year old Jojie Tagab spawls on cold
concrete. Tagab was found dead in the house at Phase 2, Sitio Balongis, Barangay Balulang at around 7 am. The suspicion is that he committed supplier of treated water
suicide. (photo by nitz arancon) See DEAL/p.5
Bacolod, Lanao Del Norte, estry nursery and farmer’s Del Monte shall provide
THE Bureau of Fisheries which will receive P1-mil- training center project in reasonable support for the
and Aquatic Resources lion worth of projects and Barangay Balubal is in the procurement of seeds, fer-
(Bfar-10) has given the mu- coming in third place is offing. tilizers and nursery tools
nicipality of Laguindingan a img_8082 Mahinog, Camiguin and The City Council com- to boost the seedling pro-
P2-million worth of projects will receive P500-thousand mittee on agriculture and duction of the nursery. It
and a plaque of recognition worth of projects. fisheries chaired by Coun- shall likewise, provide the
after they recently bagged Assuncion commend- cilor Annie Daba referred honorarium of three labor-
the cleanest water in the ed the efforts of the local to the Office of the City ers, among others.
entire Philippines. governments as well as its Mayor and the City Le- For its part, the City
This is in connection farmers and fisherfolk for gal Office for review the Local Environment and
Tubajon Aqua Marine Park in Tubajon, Laguindingan
of the Bfar’s celebration making their waters clean proposed Memorandum Natural Resources Office
of farmers and fisherfolk fishermen who constitute cer-in-charge of the Fishing for sustainable living. of Agreement to be en- shall provide technical
month. half of the national labor Management Regulatory This month’s celebration tered into by and between assistance to the nursery
Bfar-10 Regional Direc- force who contributes to Enforcement Division said also highlights the installa- the city government, Del technician and workers
tor Assuncion Maputol said the economic development Laguindingan is the first tion of Fisherfolk Regional Monte Foundation, Inc. and support the BISFFA
this month’s celebration of the country. awardee where they gave Director. This year’s new- Balubal Integrated Social in livelihood development
aims to give recognition to On May 2, Evee P2-million worth of proj- ly-installed FRD is Junreil Forestry Farmer’s Asso- through established link-
the efforts of farmers and Dominguez, Bfar-10 offi- ects, and plaque of recog- Pacoy. ciation and the Barangay ages. (cli)
Construction of Bukidnon
Airport to start this month
MALAYBALAY City — The proposed airport Cebu Pacific initially
Construction of Bukidnon has 2.65 kilometers runway pledged to have Bukid-
Airport will start as the length capable of accommo- non-Manila and Bukid-
groundbreaking rites take dating Airbus 320 and 330, non-Cebu flights, he said.
off yesterday, at the luxu- and Boeing 727 and 737 As of 2018, the govern-
riant fields of Maraymaray, planes. He said the construc- ment allotted P679 million
Don Carlos town. tion is projected to be com- for lot acquisition and site
In an interview, Senator pleted in two to three years. development such as earth-
Juan Miguel Zubiri said “Bukidnon Airport is works and site preparation,
air travel for the people of one of the flagship pro- but the total project cost is
Bukidnon takes longer due grams of President Rodri- still being finalized by De-
to long hours of land travel go Duterte. Once complet- partment of Transportation,
to and from Laguindingan ed, the airport can serve he said.
Airport or Davao Interna- the people of Bukidnon, The Bukidnon Airport
tional Airport—depending including nearby provinces is jointly being undertaken
on what part of Bukidnon in north-central Mindanao by DOTR, and Don Carlos
you come from. such as North Cotabato, local government.
“This dilemma will soon Davao del Norte, Maguin- The Department of Pub-
be a thing of the past as we danao, Lanao del Sur, and lic Works and Highways is
start the airport’s construc- even Davao del Sur,” the in-charge of constructing the
tion this May,” he said. senator said. airport’s access roads. (pia x)
AMBULANT BUSINESS. At night many street vendors occupy Divisoria like this woman. Photo by Joey
P. Nacalaban
‘Jobs mismatch’ blamed for small number of hires during Davao city job fair
JOBS mismatch has been blamed He surmised that jobs mis- (Technical Education and Skills ates, 200; service crews, 200; car-
for the small number of job appli- match is worsened by the unavail- Development Authority) is try- egivers, 200; waiters/waitresses,
cants who were hired during the ability of specific jobs that some ing to upgrade our schools so that 190; assistant herd managers
Labor Day Job and Business Fair unemployed individuals look for. that they become competitive,” for New Zealand, 174; delivery
on May 1 to 2 at the Gaisano Mall “That’s why, the chamber is he added. drivers, 150; mechanical, electri-
of Davao. promoting for more investments DOLE reported a total of cal, and civil engineers, 139; and
Only 238 of the 5,174 jobseek- to come into the city so that our 12,532 jobs during the two-day welders, 125.
ers interviewed during the job graduates don’t have to go to Ma- job fair. Data from the Philippine Sta-
fair were hired. And of those in- nila, don’t have to go to Cebu to The top 10 jobs for local em- tistics Authority showed that
terviewed, only 2,540 were con- look for decent jobs. We are try- ployment were masons, 1,205; Davao Region’s employment rate
sidered qualified – 1,859 for local ing to get them here,” he said. call center workers, 605; carpen- as of January 2018 was 95.3 per-
employment and 578 for overseas He also urged the job appli- ters, 598; tile setters, 402; rebar- cent, higher compared to the 94.1
jobs – data released by the De- cants to upgrade their skills to in- men/ steelmen, 144; sales clerks/ percent recorded in the same pe-
partment of Labor and Employ- crease their employability. associates, 128; service crews, riod last year.
ment (DOLE) 11 showed. FAIR. Labor Day Job and Business Fair on May 1 to 2 at the Gaisano Mall in Milan said the city lacks work- 113; marketing professionals, During the event, the agency
Davao City. (Mindanews photo)
Davao City Chamber of Com- ers in the construction industry 100; foremen, 70; and manage- awarded projects worth P10.6
merce and Industry Inc. president the demand for a qualified work- government, I should say, should with the massive infrastructure ment trainees, 54. million to 26 groups, comprising
Arturo Milan urged government force. look into and try to develop the program of the current adminis- While the top 10 jobs for over- 74 individuals, as beneficiaries
to look for solutions to the jobs “There is something that skills that is really needed in the tration. seas employment were nurses, of its Integrated Livelihood Pro-
mismatch in the region to address doesn’t fit. This is where the market,” he added. “That’s why, our TESDA 2,671; cleaners, 702; sales associ- gram. (Mindanews)
Money Matters
Gold Star Daily
Plaintiffs, through the undersigned counsel unto this Honorable Court respectfully allege that;
1. That they plaintiffs are the owner of a certain parcel of land located in Man-asog, Barangay Pilaring, Pilar, Surigao ASIAN countries should invest ment. This is very counterpro- older workers so that they can
del Norte more particularly described as follows; on education and training pro- ductive. Instead, what compa- go to potential companies and
Under Tax Declaratio1n Numbers 08-16-0400578 a parcel of coconut land situated at
Man-asog, Barangay Pilaring, Pilar, Surigaodel Norte bounded on the North by Pedro grams that will enhance the em- nies and countries should do employers and show them what
Espanola, South by Rosario Antipasado, East by InocencioSumando, West by Epimaco ployment prospects of retirees is they should help the elderly they have in terms of credentials
Espanola. Declared for tax purposes in the name of SalcedaTesado, with an assessed
value of P 21,600.00, marked as Annex 1 and made an integral part of this complaint.
and other senior citizens who are people to become more employ- which can be more relevant and
still willing to work. able. For instance, European updated in today’s technology-
2. That plaintiffs are all of legal age and resident of the United State of America except for CriseforoTesado Literato Increasing human capital will countries such as Germany and dependent environment,” ac-
who reside in Barangay Pilaring, Pilar, Surigaodel Norte wherein all notices of this court for the United State of America
resident shall be serve to the undersigned counsel. help address the challenge of ag- Ireland have launched programs cording to Murakami.
ing societies in the region, accord- whereby subsidies are given to For her part, Norma Man-
3. That all defendants are all of legal age and resident of Barangay Caridad, Pilar, Surigaodel Norte where they can
be served with summons and all court notices.
ing to panelists at an Asian Devel- companies to promote training sor, Director of Social Security
opment Bank (ADB) -sponsored specifically targeting seniors and Research Center of University
4. That sometime in 2005 while the plaintiffs is out of the country except for CriseforoTesado Literato and taking seminar on “Tapping Technology lower-skilled workers so that of Malaya, urged governments
advantages thereat, defendants by means of stealth, forced and intimidation have it surveyed without the knowledge of
the adjoining owners and the plaintiffs. To Maximize Longevity Demand they can further develop their and other sectors of society to
in Asia” held Thursday. skills. Their programs have been increase their investments on tel-
5. That it came to our knowledge that our property was already fenced and defendants took possession over the 3,793
square metersof our land and then constructed fenced on the portion encroached this May 2017.
Yumiko Murakami, head every effective,” Murakami said. ecommunications infrastructure
of Organization for Economic Furthermore, governments in order to address the techno-
6. That defendants purposely and maliciously built a concrete fenced in the eastern portion encroaching an area of Cooperation and Development- should provide certifications to logical gap in various countries
3,793 square meters of the subject property.
Tokyo Center, stressed that train- workers that will enable them to across Asia.
7. That the fenced of the defendants deprive and limits the exercise of property ownership of property ownership of ing programs for elderly and enhance their employability. “Countries should also ensure
the plaintiffs including collecting and harvesting of the fruits of the coconut tree for copra purposes on the encroached area. low-skilled workers will help “What happens today is tech- portability of benefits such as in-
8. That we were in possession of the said encroached land from the death of our mother until it came to our knowledge provide them sustainable living nology has been developing so surance, pensions and savings for
that the defendants built fenced. in a world which depends greatly fast. Your degree in college by retirement. Governments should
9. That due to the malicious action of the defendants, plaintiffs compelled to hire a lawyer to protect our right and
on technological innovation. the time you are 35, it might ensure that people will be able to
incurred expenses in the amount of P30,000.00 plus P5,000.00 per appearance. “Companies are hesitant to not be so useful. Governments retire with dignity,” according to
hire elderly people for employ- should provide certifications to Mansor. (PNA)
10. That the malicious action of the defendants render the plaintiffs to suffer mental anguish, sleepless nights and
wounded feelings that when converted to monetary consideration would be in the amount of P500,000.00.
1. Ordering the defendants to turn over the possession of the encroached property to the plaintiffs with a total area
Lukewarm faith
On Sundays when my family goes Ranging from “Help me pay my can make such a Herculean effort
of 3,793 square meters; bills”, “please, Lord, let Mr. de la Cruz
2. Ordering the defendants to remove all the improvements they introduce to the land at their own expense; to church, I look around, observing in Gospel-sharing and outreach
the faces of my fellow attendees. sign the contract tomorrow so I can programs, but at the same time
3. Ordering the defendants to pay the amount of P500,000.00 as damages to the plaintiffs;
Some look frazzled, finally get the money I need to build support the anti-poor policies of
4. And such other damages as maybe proven in court during trial.
my dream home”, to “Lord, please a leader who salivates over the
Such other relief/s which is just and equitable is likewise prayed for. Tafline Sia trying to
calm down enable me to pass the board exam. I slaughter of thousands of his own
Done this 26th day of May, 2017, Surigao City for Dapa, Surigao del Norte, Philippines.
a squirming child, while others promise to tithe my future income to countrymen.
(SGD.) ATTY. ROLANDO T. LITERATO look almost bored, if impatient, the church”, there is no shortage of I know a good number of
(Counsel for the Plaintiffs) betrayed by their constant glances reasons for why Filipinos step into Filipinos who can recite Catholic
PTR NO. 8410677 at their watches. Some have blank hallowed ground. No, not to forge a prayers off the top of their heads.
ROLL NO. 27637 expressions, betraying nothing. I real connection with God. But perhaps I have come into contact with a
IBP NO. 966805 see some whip out their phones to forge new business commitments, number of Protestants who attend
MCLE Exempted (Former Judge) and begin checking notifications in yes. Or perhaps to secure the Bible study and go to church
Cor. Narciso and Burgos St., Surigao City attempt to while away the time, then affections of a most beloved someone. regularly. By definition, these
hastily put them away once the mass Why try to hide the boredom people profess their faith towards
VERIFICATION AND CERTIFICATION OF NON-FORUM SHOPPING which they have come for begins. you feel during mass? Why try to Jesus Christ, the beacon of love,
When the offertory basket is passed conceal the value of your donation peace, hope, mercy, and justice.
I, CRISEFORO T. LITERATO, son of deceased SALCEDA TESADO, Filipino, of legal age, and resident of Pilar, around, people discreetly drop their to the church? And most importantly, How, then, can a people so devoted
Surigaodel Norte, after having been duly sworn to in accordance with law, do hereby depose and say: gazes to cleverly-hidden devices, to why bother going to church at all if to a religious figure that preaches
satisfy their curiosity about that lone you would much rather be elsewhere? forgiveness and mercy turn a blind
1. That I am one of the plaintiff in the above-entitled case; beep, or the string of buzzes they Perhaps it is because there is a facade eye towards the ongoing spate of
valiantly tried to ignore during the to maintain, one that tries to maintain killings and the widespread chaos
2. And that I have cost the preparation of the foregoing complaint and all allegation therein are true and correct on my homily. They pretend to rummage a life of religious devotion and purity that has gripped our nation?
own personal knowledge and based on the authentic document and facts; through their bags for a longer of soul. Perhaps because you feel that Although not all are like
amount of time than is necessary to others will think ill of them for doling this, most neatly fit into this
3. That I have not hereto commence no other action or proceedings involving the same issue in any court, tribunal secure some cash from their wallets out such a small amount of money, or description. Imposing their
or agency, unto the best of my knowledge, no such other action or proceeding is pending therein, and that any - perhaps to hide their phones from because you are ashamed because in beliefs on others, calling social
issue I should thereafter learned involving the same or similar action or proceeding has been filed or pending in any view. They make sure to ball up the your mind’s eye, your paltry sum is nonconformities a colorful
court, tribunal or agency; bills in their palms before dropping nothing to the hundreds, thousands, assortment of derogatory names,
it into the basket, as if they are millions of pesos others have the acting infuriatingly self-righteous
4. I shall report such fact to this Honorable Court within FIVE (5) days from notice; hiding something shameful. goodness of heart and financial in the light of another’s perceived
Pardon me for saying this, capability to give. moral transgressions, and yet
IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I havehereunto set my hand this 24 day of May 2017, in the City of Surigao, Philippines. but I think little of the Filipinos’ I’ve interviewed a good number eagerly falling behind a leader
religiosity. It looks like most people of people before, asking them why whose cause they should, by all
(SGD.) CRISEFORO T. LITERATO they do this and that in the name rights, strongly oppose - this is
go to church not for the sake of the
(Plaintiff) of religion - forswear their cussing,
salvation of their souls, not to put the prevailing image of the modern
their spirits at ease by listening to abstain from meat during Lent, and Filipino Christian. Ever-ready are
SUBSCRIBED and SWORN, to before me this 24thday of May 2017, at Surigao City, Philippines, by the above- go to the priest for confession - but
what the Lord wants them to hear, Pinoys to boast that the Philippines
mentioned affiant who have satisfactorily proven to me his identity. He further certifies that he is the same person who are unsympathetic towards the plights
executed and personally signed the verification before me.
but because society has ingrained is the black sheep of the East - the
into their minds that they have a of the less-privileged, deeming them lone Christian country in a sea of
duty to hear the Word of the One “beggars”, “shabu kids”, and even pagans - and yet, whenever I step
(SGD.) ATTY ROLANDO T. LITERATO “criminals”. Discriminating against
(Counsel for Plaintiffs) they worship, whether or not they out into its streets, walk into its
actually care about the contents them, refusing to lend a helping establishments, and encounter its
PTR NO. 8410677
of His message. And, oftener than hand, and taking advantage of their citizens, I find I cannot believe
DOC. NO. 38: ROLL NO. 27637
not, they go to church in attempt to helplessness. These doings are quite them. I have found too many
PAGE NO. 8: IBP NO. 966805
BOOK NO. 1: MCLE Exempted (Former Judge) ingratiate themselves with a God contrary to the teachings of the head contraries to the truth they speak
SERIES OF 2017 Cor. Narciso and Burgos St., Surigao City whom they have often ignored, from of their religion, I’m afraid. I cannot of to echo their words.
Whom they wish to ask something. help but wonder how these people (advt)
MGSD May 5, 12 & 19, 2018
Gold Star Daily
in Basilan LANAO
Mindanao Media Hub in Davao City is now in full
DEL NORTE — elections. going to be the focus in the swing after the Presidential Communications Opera-
The local government of Tagoloan Mayor Ma- election, added Batalo. tions Office, together with President Rodrigo Duterte’s
ZAMBOANGA City — Tagoloan in Lanao del Norte minta Dimakuta said if we Symbolic pledge to special assistant, Secretary Christopher Lawrence Go,
Authorities have arrested initiated the signing of peace sign the covenant, we are Qur’an also took place led the hard hat and the time capsule laying ceremony
three Chinese in an island covenant and candidates willing to promote friendly during the signing of peace on Thursday. (pna)
town in the province of forum at the municipal hall, rivalry in the Barangay and covenant where candidates
Basilan, a top police offi- recently. SK Elections. swore their utmost com- Zambo mayor sees fair village, SK polls
cial said. The peace covenant Evelita Batalo, munici- mitment to not hurt anyone ZAMBOANGA City — Mayor
Senior Supt. Rufino signed by Tagoloan political pal election officer, said that under the guidance of Islam Maria Isabelle Climaco-Salazar
Inot, Basilan police di- candidates pledged for free, out of the seven barangays in the Qur’an. expressed confidence that the Ba-
rector, identified those ar- orderly, honest, peaceful, of Tagoloan with 8,079 Senior Insp. Joemark rangay and Sangguniang Kabataan
rested as Tsz Kin Tsui 40, and credible elections. registered voters, five aspir- Capitle assured that the elections here will be transparent
Wang Po, 33, and Chun Ltc Eliezer Valdez of the ing barangay chairmen are Philippine National Police and fair.
Wai Ho, 32. 4th Mechanized Infantry unopposed in the upcoming will continue to be non-par- Salazar called on other elected
Inot said they were Battalion, said we will not elections on May 14. The tisan and 24-hour to serve officials to adhere to the Commission on Elections’
arrested by policemen aim for peaceful and honest two barangays which have and cater complaints most directive to keep the May 14 polls free from political
around 6 pm Wednesday in elections but, instead, very rivals six Brgy. Malimbato, especially in the conduct of intervention, and ensure honest and peaceful elections.
Barangay Dasalan, Hadji peaceful and very honest and Brgy. Inagongan, are the elections. (pia x) (pna)
Muhtamad, an island mu-
nicipality formerly known Norcot traffic enforcers impound 45 vehicles
as Pilas Islands. COTABATO City — Traffic enforcers in North Co-
Inot said they were tabato impounded 45 vehicles found without proper
arrested after the baran- registration permits and license plates during a six-day
gay officials of Dasalan operation along the Kidapawan–Kabacan stretch of the
reported to the police the highway in the province.
presence of three foreign- 31723398_1912781235407617_1381059172254089216_n.jpg Genalinda Ganotice, Land Transportation Of-
ers in the area. He said fice–Kidapawan officer-in-charge, said among those
the locals found their impounded during their April 27 to May 2 operations
presence “highly ques- were 31 passenger vans and 14 motorcycles. (pna)
Upon questioning, the Zambo 2-day job fair hires 384 workers
police official said the the ZAMBOANGA City — The Department of Labor and
three claimed to have trav- Employment announced that 384 job seekers were
elled aboard a double-en- hired on the spot during the two-day Labor Day job
gine speed boat from Hong fair in this city.
Kong to Indonesia, and DOLE Regional Information Officer Karen Grafia
then to Hadji Muhtamad told reporters that of the total figure, 379 were em-
“to gas up there in going ployed locally while the remaining five for overseas
SYMBOLIC pledge to Qur’an also took place during the signing of peace covenant where candidates swore employment. (pna)
back to Hongkong.” (pna) their utmost commitment to not hurt anyone under the guidance of Islam in the Qur’an. (AJacob/PIA LDN)
NOTICE TO THE PUBLIC Attached herewith is a copy of our Notice of Sale for Extra Judicial
Foreclosure of Real Estate Mortgage issued in the above-entitled case.
In compliance with the Section 5 of R.A. 9048, a notice is hereby You or your authorized representative are requested to be present at the
auction sale to be held at the Office of Clerk of Court, Regional Trial Court,
served to the public that SIMEON DUBLAS MARTINEZ has filed Branch 31, Km. 3, Brgy. Osmenia, Dapa, Surigao del Norte on May 22, 2018
with this Office, a petition for Change of First Name from “SEM” to at 2:00 o’clock in the afternoon.
“SIMEON” in the Birth Certificate of SEM DUBLAS MARTINEZ who Failure of the plaintiff/mortgagee or his representative to attend,
was born on May 3, 1958 at Tandag, Surigao del Sur and whose without previously notifying the undersigned Sheriff of his desire to cancel
the safe or not to proceed with the auction sale unless he is present
therein, shall be construed as a waiver of his/her right to be present, and
DUBLAS. the auction sale shall be held as scheduled. Agreement to post the sale
Any person adversely affected by said petition may file his must be submitted for approval before the hour of the scheduled auction.
written opposition with this Office not later than May 19, 2018. Dapa, Surigao del Norte, Philippines, March 15, 2018.
as ‘disaster warriors’
Text & photo by ROMMEL G REBOLLIDO
It is usually during the In rural communities,
dry season in the Philip- a boy being circumcised is
EIGHTY volunteers from 11 barangays in Villanueva pines – when school is off, asked to chew guava leaves
town, Misamis Oriental were recently trained to be di- that boys, mostly nine to which extract he will spit
saster “warriors” in their respective community. 12-year-olds, go though the on the cut as an antiseptic.
Participants were taught on the basic knowledge and traditional “rite of passage” Some boys were known to
skills on how to be alert and responsive to any disaster to manhood. have swallowed the leaves
that may strike their community at any given time. The continued prac- instead out of anxiety.
The training, conducted by experts from the Philippine IMG_1932.jpg tice of circumcision in the In more urbanized plac-
National Red Cross-Misamis Oriental, held on March Philippines is attributed to es, however, the procedure
7-9 and March 14-16, was through the auspices of FDC the belief of many Filipino is done the modern way,
Misamis Power Corporation. mothers, who are usually almost painless with an
Last year, the Gotianun-led power firm like- the most insistent – even anesthetic and the proper
wise sponsored the same training, where 80 villag- shoving their boys to be surgical tools by medical
ers-turned-volunteers also attended, including the town’s circumcised. practitioners.
police officers. Many of them said cir- The practice of circum-
Villanueva, known as the “Industrial Hub” in Northern cumcision increases the size cision seemingly started
Mindanao, is reportedly prone to both natural and man- of their boy’s penis, makes during the stone age as sug-
made disaster like earthquake, typhoon, flood, tsunami, their child taller and so on. gested by tools and arti-
landslide, fire, among others. Anna Tuason, a 52-year- facts that were recovered in
“Thus, it is our prime objective in sponsoring this old mother of four boys, said Egypt, where the procedure
training to equip the people of Villanueva the knowledge CIRCUMCISION, custom- going through the “cutting” his sons are much taller than is known to have started.
and skills needed to become disaster warriors,” said Engr. ary to many Filipinos, con- process means main stream- their father whom she hinted In the Philippines, how-
Luis Lagarnia Jr., FDC Misamis’ plant manager. tinue to be prevalent amid an ing into the vast majority to be uncircumcised. “Mubo ever, nothing is known as to
“Implementing this program will also make the resi- emerging debate on whether of circumcised males and man gud ilang amahan,” she how and when it began.
dents in our host community aware of our commitment to cut or not. escape from being ridiculed said giggling. In recent years, however,
to harmonize our operations with environmentally sound The widespread practice as “pisot” or “supot.” But medical practitioners there has been an ongoing
practices and programs for the community,” he said. of “tuli” among Filipino Such social stigma that said it is genetics and not the debate on whether circum-
The training, Villanueva Mayor Jennie Rosalie Uy males, makes the Philip- developed against the un- removal of foreskin that deter- cision should continue to be
said, benefited every barangay in strengthening their pines as among the few circumcised boosted with mines the height of a person. practiced or not.
respective Barangay Disaster Action Team. countries that adhere to what some Filipino folk beliefs A person will grow tall with The debate gave rise to
Under Republic Act 10121 and with the onslaught of many western countries on the benefits of circum- or without circumcision, Dr. a question on who gives the
climate change all over the world, all local government consider as inhumane penile cision contributed much in Daniel Galang said. better pleasure – a circum-
units, including the barangays, are mandated to have their mutilation. cementing the practice into No matter how many cised one or one that is not?
respective disaster risk reduction and management team. (pr) But for many Filipinos, the Filipino psyche. circumcisions a boy has to Ask the mothers.
R.A. 9048/10172 Form No. 10.1 (LCRO) Republic of the Philippines Republic of the Philippines
Province of Misamis Oriental
Republic of the Philippines MUNICIPALITY OF JASAAN
Province of Lanao del Norte Province of Misamis Occidental OFFICE OF THE MUNICIPAL CIVIL REGISTRY
Municipality of Lala Oroquieta City
R.A. No. 10172 Form No. 101 (LCRO)
NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION In compliance with Section 5 of R.A. 9048, a notice is hereby
served to the public that ELLEN LIMOSNERO PANCHITO has filed In compliance with Section 7 of R.A. 10172, a notice is hereby served to
In compliance with Rule 7 R.A. Act No. 10172, a notice is hereby served
with this Office a petition for change of first name from ELY to the public that JULIET O. NINON-TACCAD has filed with this Office a petition
to the public that ERLINDO ABAD TIHAP has filed with this Office a Petition
ELLEN in the birth certificate of ELY BENZON LIMOSNERO who was for Correction of Clerical Error particularly the Gender from “MALE” to
for Correction of Clerical Error SEX/GENDER from “FEMALE” to ”MALE”
“FEMALE” in the Certificate of Live Birth of her daughter RUTH NINON
in the Certificate of Live Birth of ERLINDA ABAD TIHAP who was born on born on January 11, 1976 at Clarin Settlement, Oroquieta City and
March 14, 1983 at Lala, Lanao del Norte whose parents are PRUDENCIO C. TACCAD who was born on January 31, 2002 at Jasaan, Misamis Oriental
whose parents are Laureto C. Limosnero and Concepcion Benzon. and whose parents are Juliet O. Ninon – Taccad and Fortune B. Taccad.
TIHAP and REMEDIOS M. ABAD. Any person adversely affected by said petition may file his
Any person adversely affected by said petition may file written Any person adversely affected by said petition may file his written
written opposition with this Office not later than 14 May 2018. opposition with this office not later than 10 days.
opposition with this Office not later than 15 days.
Municipal Civil Registrar Civil Registrar Municipal Civil Registrar
MGSD May 5 & 12, 2018 MGSD May 5 & 12, 2018 MGSD May 5 & 12, 2018
Sunggod Ta Kamanga
Four Places to Visit
Circulo de Arte Presents ‘Pitik’
Exhibit At Museo de Oro
When In London
Forming part of
Xavier Ateneo Arts
a ii n
n a
town’s tourism
is a
a tt tt rr a
in Bukidnon. The
a cc tt ii o
tourism officer
Mrs. Judith Laspiñas
a key
key instrument
n ss
Festival, in celebration in
in the promotions of
the promotions of
of the National Arts not
not only only Quezon’s
Month, artists' group rr o
o cc kk wwaa ll ll cc ll ii m
mb b ii n
Circulo de Arte aa n d B l u e Wa te
n d B l u e W a t e rr
collaborated with Cave,
Cave, but but alsoalso to to this
Museo de Oro to put festival which
festival which is also is also
up the “Pitik” exhibit. considered
considered a a prelude
before the
before the gathering gathering
The streets streets of of the of
M u s e o d e named Oro
the of tribes
tribes come
come March. March.
municipality named
Qsu use ei szzt o a
o nn nt iicn nu r att th hoe er Under
Oscar Esteban A Under the the leadership
province of of Bukidnon of
Bukidnon of Mayor Gregorio
Mayor Gregorio
aa n d i s c o n ss ii d
F n
Hello od i r i
fromsn dc o
London!,n e
nYes,e rr a e
ed n
Hello from London! d Yes, L ll a au u rr e en n G Gu ue e a an nd d
as the
packed themy
interview, mysugar
bags explained capital
over two
two h i s w i f e C a r m e n
his wife Carmen
that Mindanaoago and
the andexhibit is
decided filled to
is Capistrano
of Mindanao
weeks ago is filled
decided to Capistrano Gue, Gue, the the