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THURSDAY, DecembeR 9, 2010 113th Year Issue No. 45 75 ¢ As Low as 58¢
with paid subscription

Wind power meets Coldwater Football shirts go to print
with opposition
105 S. 1st St., Downtown Coldwater by Betty Lou Denney/Hall of the company. Their concerns
were of health, noise and appear-
Two representatives of ance of the wind farms. Also,
Page 4 Nextera Energy Company met light flicker, which, according
with the Recovery Township to the Nextera representatives,
Trustees on December 2. only occurs for half an hour
Nextera is a wind turbine or so in the morning and eve-
industry that is currently set- ning when the sun is in a spe-
ting up the test equipment in cific location. Another concern
the tri-townships of Recovery, brought up by CAT representa-
Granville and Marion. They are tives was land being returned
in these areas talking to land to original tillable ground after
owners about the possibility of the possibility of the project
leasing land for the purpose of being discontinued. Concerns
wind farms. It was stressed that were also expressed about the
this was a meeting simply for value of land next to the farms.
knowledge only. CAT representatives are asking
Looking For Quality Products At A Fair Price?
Four people from Granville people to please be informed
Township representing Citizens about the construction of the
Come See Les Nichols At...

CHATT GUN Against Turbines (CAT) were

(See WIND, page 2)
Jason Lipp
McSports in Coldwater
also on hand to ask questions
SHOP was busy Saturday
8970 State Route 49 • 419-942-GUNS
With your vote, Pepsi may donate afternoon, printing t-shirts
recognizing the great
$250,000 to save Grand Lake season that the Cavalier
Your vote can help the introduces dissolved oxygen football team had just
Grand Lake restoration project into the entire water column; completed. The business,
win $250,000 from the Pepsi a floating wetland whose roots located at 848 E. Main,
Refresh Project to help save absorb nutrients suspended in Coldwater Mall, had a
Grand Lake St. Marys. This the water and a rock pier that first printing of 600 shirts,
month, the project will direct the flow which they expect to
goes head-to- of water through sell within a week. The
head nationally these devices. production had to wait
against other non- The goal of until the results of the
profit proposals vying for a the Commission to install state championship game.
total of $1.3 million in grants a treatment train on every Lipp, who has been screen
Page 5 awarded by Pepsi to projects tributary entering the lake printing for ten years, had
that can make a positive thus removing phosphorus shirts ready to wear by
Girod’s Construction impact on their communities. and other detrimental supporters to welcome
Amish Crew In an initiative jointly led nutrients that feed toxic blue home the team.
All types of construction work. by the Grand Lake Restoration green algae, and to dredge

Cavs wrap up stellar football season

Pole barn additions, remodeling, Commission and the Mercer the mouths of the incoming
foundation and floor repair County Civic Foundation, if tributaries creating islands and
Driver Number: 260-849-1581 Grand Lake wins one of two removing nutrient laden silt
Please leave a message.
$250,000 grants, the money already in the lake bottom. A dream season came to
will be used to fund a water- You can vote for the Grand an end for Coldwater’s high
cleansing “treatment train”. Lake project once per day for school football team Saturday
A treatment train consists 30 days by visiting http:// afternoon as the Cavaliers came
of a sediment collector that www.refresheverything. up short in their bid for a state
intercepts nutrient laden silt com/savegrandlakestmarys championship with a 51-21
before it enters the lake; defeat to Youngstown Ursuline
an aeration device that (See PEPSI, page 2) at Fawcett Stadium.
Fort Recovery pursuing However, the contest also
brought to an end the stellar

automatic meter reading system

careers for 14 Cavalier seniors
that saw Coldwater participate
Page 4 in three state championship
Fort Recovery Village Ad- ing can be based on near real
games in their four year
ministrator Randy Diller pre- time consumption rather than
sented the council, at their De- on estimates based on previous Bettinger hooked up with Reese minutes left in the third quarter
Saturday, the Fighting Irish
Hapner cember 6 meeting, with quotes
from four companies to provide
an automatic meter reading
or predicted consumption. This
timely information, coupled
with analysis, can help both util-
was just too much for the
orange and black as Ursuline
Klenke for a 49-yard scoring
pass. Troy Otten’s kick made it
pushed the margin back to
Furniture & Video ran for 492 yards on 61 tries in 8-7 but that would be as close Coldwater then closed
(AMR) system for the utility ity providers and customers bet- as the Cavaliers would be. the scoring on a nine yard
Old Walmart Bldg. - Portland posting the victory.
department. AMR is the tech- ter control water consumption. Ursuline scored the next 36 touchdown pass from Bettinger
THERAPEDIC MATTRESS Senior running back Akise
nology of automatically collect- The quotes were for soft- points, 29 of which came in to Klenke at the 4:26 mark of
SETS 1/2 PRICE Teague, Mr. Football in Ohio,
ing consumption, diagnostic, ware and equipment to read the second quarter, to break the the final period.
ran for 192 yards on 13 carries
and status data from meters, and the meters, as well as the initial game open with a 44-7 halftime Klenke concluded the game
with three touchdowns in the
transferring that data to a central purchase of 80 meters with the advantage. with nine catches for 125 yards
first half to lead the way for
database for billing, trouble- remote read capabilities. Com- “They are big, fast and a while Bettinger was 18 of 37
Ursuline. Teague finished the
shooting, and analyzing. This panies submitting quotes were strong team,” noted Cavalier for 197 yards. Rammel led the
day with 249 yards and four
advance mainly saves utility also asked to price out the pur- head coach Chip Otten. “They Cavalier running attack with 54
scores on 19 carries and 405
providers the expense of peri- chase of 300 additional meters have a lot of good players yards on ten carries.
all-purpose yards.
odic trips to each physical loca- in 2011 and 2012. Diller added and one great one. One of the Seniors closing their
Teague opened the scoring
tion to read a meter. Once the that town employees would do keys for us was to prevent the football careers at Coldwater
with a 73-yard pass from
entire village is switched over to all the installations, saving the big play but unfortunately we included Aaron Rammel, Kurt
quarterback Paul Kempe to
the new meters, Diller expects village that expense. didn’t do that.” Schoenherr, Ross Wermert,
Page 4 get the Fighting Irish on the
meter readings to be completed On December 8, Diller and The Cavaliers opened Ethan Bettinger, Nate Kaup,
board at the 10:52 mark. Paul
in half an hour, with employees Ryan Thien, Utility Superinten- the second half scoring with Drew Feltz, Reese Klenke,
Podolsky’s run for the two-
driving down selected roads dent, will be conducting a test of
Ray’s to capture data from large seg-
ments of the town.
the system proposed by Dreier
& Maller of Columbus, who
point conversion gave Ursuline
an 8-0 lead.
Coldwater answered on its
a 24-yard pass from Aaron
Rammel to Klenke that pulled
Coldwater within 44-14. A
Dustin Gillis, Brad Gilliland,
Ryan Seas, Kyle Post, Cody
Homan, Brad Buening and
REFRIGERATION, INC. Another advantage is bill- (See SYSTEM, page 2) Teague 42-yard run with four Nick Gilliland.
ensuing possession as Ethan
Mercer joins seven other counties to create Stronger Economies Together
•HEATING Coldwater, Ohio

Saturday . December 11. 2010 by Kirk Dougal common assets to promote, of the modules of the SET regional group will enhance industry trends around the
determining the area’s cluster program and emerge at that effort. country. Looking forward,
Eight area counties industries, choosing target the end with the required “When we are out visiting upcoming meetings will
who have worked together industries, and developing economic plan, probably by companies, we are learning cover specific goals of the
in the past for economic plans to bring a region July of 2011. Also a goal of information about what their region, listing assets and
development are making together to accomplish the those meetings is to make needs are,” Bowen said. identifying barriers for
that association more objectives. Obviously, each a more formal structure “We want to be able to pull new businesses and finally,
formal. of these items are individual between the eight counties that information together putting in place means to
Last week, representa- goals for the counties but which are comprised of as a region. What kind of measure whether the plan
tives from Mercer, achieving them on their own the Ohio Department of training programs do they is working or needs to be
Auglaize, Allen Hardin, has been difficult because of Development’s Region need? How are we going to amended.
Page 6 Hancock, Putnam and Van resources according to Van 3. They have worked retain these businesses over Bowen acknowledged
Wert counties met in Lima Wert County Economic together in the past as a the long term? If we can put the group still has a lot of
4th Annual to participate in the first Development Director loose association and that information together work in front of them but
of four planned meetings Nancy Bowen. have accomplished some and go to our legislators as they also understand how
Men’s Nite Out to produce a regional
economic development plan
“In the past, the
Economic Development
important items such as
grant funding for the Grand
a region, we can say ‘Here
are the dominant issues.’”
vital the SET program’s
success will be to a growing
Wed., Dec. 15, 5 to 8 p.m.
through Stronger Economies Administration has required Lake St. Marys Restoration Bowen pointed out it was a regional economy.
See page 5 Together (SET). Paulding (entities) to do what is a Project, Van Wert significant accomplishment “It is all about the
County is also a part of called an Overall Economic Supersite, and the Ohio just to be included in the leverage as a region that
Page 4 the group but was unable Development Plan in order Skills Bank website. The SET program. The local we will have versus what
to have a representative to get any funding through thought is those successes group is one of only two we can do as individual
present at the meeting. them,” according to Bowen. will be made easier to reach regions chosen in Ohio counties,” she said. “We
The SET program “With them you can get as a formal group with and only 22 nationwide to really feel that collectively
is adopted from the $3-$5 million grants for a branding, coordination and participate. She said they we will be able to bring
Economic Development project. This program allows marketing. needed to apply with the in those projects. We are
Administration and works regions to put together a The group will also form USDA, and it was a very a lot more apt to land
with rural areas to develop plan to be used for USDA its own Business Retention competitive process. something as a region than
their own economic and or EDA grants.” and Expansion program. The first meeting covered we would be as individual
strategic plans. The general Bowen said the aim is Some counties already have the SET program and some counties. Working together
goals are simple: finding for the group to cover all their own BRE, but the of the major economic and is important.”

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the mercer county chronicle
Page 2 • December 9, 2010

Wind System American red cross

(continued from Page 1)
wind farms.
an hour.
• What is the health
(continued from Page 1)
provided the lowest quote of
pleting Phase 1 of the project.
The workers are still filling
in spots were settling has oc-
ohio license plate
the following is a few risk to humans and ani-
the four companies. curred. Due to the weather,
of the questions asked mals? in other business, annexa-
Answer: According to the no additional paving will be
by recovery township tion is proceeding on property done this year, leaving stone
trustees and the answers World Health Organization, owned by J&m manufactur-
there are no health prob- crossings for the winter. in the
given by the nextera repre- ing. Diller met with township spring, paving will continue, as
sentatives. lems related to the wind officials, who have signed off
turbines. well as seeding and brick work
• How do you decide on the proposal. it was ex- in the downtown area. Diller
where to put the wind • How much tillable land plained that the 8.317 acres that
is lost in erecting a tower? suggested that the village, in
farms? J&m is buying north of their the spring, place a thin asphalt
Answer: the habitat, lay Answer: the land current facility will also be overlay on the parking lots at
of the land, terrain and land needed per turbine is 1.5 annexed, due to state law that Van trees Park and Frankie
use along with many other acres. says unincorporated areas can- Walkway in exchange for ease-
• How many towers are not be landlocked. Diller added ments that were granted for the
factors. that the company is expected As one of the nation’s additional $35; with $25 being
• How big an area does you looking to put in the project. council member Dave
area? to request a 10 year tax abate- Bretz suggested the village leading humanitarian organi- credited to your American red
it take to erect one wind ment for new construction on zations, the mission of the cross to help with statewide
tower? Answer: About 40 to 70 consider paving all the way to
towers. the property. the restroom facilities. Diller American red cross is to pro- readiness and response.
Answer: there is a base the council approved three vide relief to victims of disas- these specialty license
of cement 15 feet deep and • How long does it take asked for approval to pay BtF
to complete the construc- ordinances involving pay excavating $464,144.73 for ter and help people prevent, plates will be available for
35 to 40 feet wide. schedules in 2011. According prepare for, and respond to purchase beginning november
• Do the towers have tion process? asphalt and concrete work al-
to Diller, hourly and salary per- emergencies. But we can’t do 22 through the ohio Bureau of
to be erected in a straight Answer: usually six ready completed.
sonnel, along with the village the new truck for the street it without your support. motor Vehicles at any Deputy
line? months. attorney, received an average you can make a difference Registrar’s office, online at
• How close to the site department has arrived at les
Answer: no. increase of one percent. Pub- Wenning Ford. The old truck in people’s lives and show or by calling
• What happens if the can the land be tilled? lic officials will receive no in- your red cross pride by pur- 1-800-589-8247.
Answer: Within a few and some equipment will be put
project is terminated? crease for 2011. up for sale on chasing the “Proud Supporter thank you for being a
Answer: the ground will feet of the base. Sanitary work recently of the American red cross” continued “driving force” for
• How high is the tower? the next meeting of the
be returned to tillable land. started on Wiggs Street, and council will be December 20 license plate. in addition to the wellbeing of your family,
• What happens in an ice Answer: usually 396 to it is hoped that work will be basic registration, this spe- neighbors and friends in our
400 feet. at 7:30 p.m. at the Village hall.
storm? finished by next week, com- the public is invited to attend. cialty license plate costs an community and across ohio!
Answer: each wind tur- • Where does the elec-

tricity go?
bine has a separate com-
puter system and it has the Answer: the power is St. Henry Post Office has temporary
injected into the power grid
ability to be shut down if
needed. there is a greater with the other energy gen-
(continued from Page 1) community and working position open
possibility of ice forming erated by all the other gen- for local, state, and federal
eration sources. or by texting 104816 to support and assistance the St. henry Post services.
with the blades turning. Office has a Temporary the position pays
• What is the minimum • Is wind power a new Pepsi (73774). Voting ends to return Grand lake St.
idea? December 31. marys to an economic relief carrier position $13.05 per hour and has no
speed of the wind when the open. this position works benefits. Applicants must
blades begin to turn? Answer: no, it has been the lake improvement booster, recreational hub
around for a long time. Association is a non-profit and wildlife habitat that can approximately two hours live within a 25 mile radius
Answer: the machines per week, each Saturday, from zip code 45883.
must have 5 miles per hour california has had wind organization dedicated to be safely enjoyed by all.
turbines for 30 years. the saving Grand lake St. marys For more information, visit and as needed to fill in Qualified applicants
of wind or more. it auto- for vacation and sick must successfully pass
matically shuts down after science has come a long by connecting the greater www.lakeimprovement.
way through the years. Grand lake St. marys com. leave. temporary relief a pre-employment drug
the wind exceeds 55 miles carriers are non-career screening.
employees who serve on For more information,
a rural route. they sort, go to or
deliver and collect mail contact human resource
and provide customers on Specialist Peggy thomas
the route with a variety of at 513-684-5452.

Sharing Hometown Recipes, Cooking Tips and Coupons

By Janet Tharpe

Chocolate Mice Stir Up Family Fun for the Holidays

“This isn’t
so much of a
recipe as it is
a fun holiday
treat for
you and the
kids to do
S pending time with my grandson is always a
highlight of my holiday season. We love to
dirty up the kitchen and experiment with fun, new
Middlebury Center, PA
recipes. This Chocolate Mice recipe from Jennifer
(Pop. 1,256) Barley was a huge hit! Adorable and geniusly
creative, these little guys provide as much a recipe
for family fun as they do a wonderful holiday
treat. With four simple ingredients and a few easy
steps, kids of all ages will have a ball making these
decorative delights. What a fun way to spend a long
winter day!
See step-by-step photos of Jennifer Barley’s
Chocolate Mice recipe and thousands more recipes
from other hometown Americans at:
You’ll also find a meal planner and coupons for
Jennifer Barley the recipe ingredients. Enjoy and remember, use
“just a pinch”...
- Janet
Chocolate Mice
What You Need
2 cans maraschino cherries • Lay the cherries down
with stems attached (yields and attach the Kiss to
about 35 mice) it to form a head. (The
1 pkg milk chocolate chips chocolate will serve as
a glue - If it’s not sticky
1 pkg sliced almonds enough, dip the blunt
1 pkg Hershey’s Kisses end of the Kiss into the
chocolate to make it
Directions adhere better.) While the
• Unwrap Kisses and set chocolate is still warm,
aside. Lay out a large attach almond slices
area of wax paper. between the head and
body. These are the ears!
• Melt chocolate chips.
• Add eyes and a mouth
• Take cherries by the with icing if you wish.
stem and dip into melted Enjoy!

Submitted by: Jennifer Barley, Middlebury Center, PA (Pop. 1,256)

December 9, 2010 • Page 3

A Look
419-678-2324 • Fax 419-678-4659 • (USPS 339-560)
email: [email protected]

Published Thursday At
124 West Main Street, P.O. Box 105, Coldwater, Ohio 45828
By The Mercer County Publications, Inc.
Second Class Postage Paid at Coldwater, Ohio
Tom Gray ...................................................................... General Manager
Six County Area
From the Archives of the (Mercer, Auglaize, Darke, Jay, Shelby & Van Wert)
1 Year ............................. $36.00 2 Years .............................. $60.00
Mercer County Chronicle Outside of the Six County Area
1 Year ............................. $44.00 2 Years .............................. $76.00

10 YEArS AGO (2000)


The Marion Local Flyers

News items cannot be guaranteed a publication date.
Paid advertising will be published according to deadline & have no
won the 2000 Division VI placement guarantee. Requests are taken into consideration.

football state championship by

defeating Mogadore 57-0 and
Letter to the Editor
the Coldwater Cavaliers were The Tax Man Cometh crease classroom effectiveness. Al-
state runners-up in Division Scanning world news suggests most invisible, a US Department of
IV by losing to Youngstown the US faces staggering challeng- Education program, “Doing What
es. Fiscally, reducing trillion dollar Works,” has been providing such
Ursuline 49-37. deficits without gutting the economy. insights for years, mostly untouched
Coldwater Mayor LaVern Technologically, catching up for ex- by school bureaucracies.
Stammen, on behalf of the ample with China, that just set a Before the “boo birds” start their
Council, took time out at new high speed rail record of 302 song, is this possible? It is if our
the beginning of the regular mph between Beijing and Shangai systems start thinking. There is no
November 27 meeting to – Ohio’s rail plan called for speeds primer for K-12 modernization with
recognize Jim rengers, who is of…we won’t go there. Business- one-size-fits-all, but there are plenty
retiring after 18 years service as wise, ramping up lagging innova- of clues: Better teacher education
a volunteer fireman. tiveness. Educationally, keep from and ongoing development; class size
to turn things around. It will Let’s just hope things pick up dropping to the bottom of the devel- has proven to not be the issue always
At the annual year end oped world.
be interesting to see how work wise and this will be a called out as inviolate; rethink orga-
awards banquet for the National Closer to home, Mr. Kasich faces nization; teachers are not underpaid
Tractor Pulling Association, the the voting will go with the profitable season for all the an $8B deficit, likely to translate and unions stifle innovation; tech-
Fort recovery Ambassadors Earmarks issue after the first merchants. into 10-20 percent cuts in Ohio aid nology works but it has to be the
were named Grand National of the year. As much as I By the way, if you are to K-12 schools. Call this an early right, not just the politically correct
Pull of the Year. This is the Do you think the President would like to see the Earmarks thinking of sending packages 2011 wake up call; for a change get stuff; all education starts at home
third time that Fort recovery is feeling better about the issue pass, I don’t think it will. to the men and women in the ahead of the tsunami before it crash- with commitment to learning versus
has received this award as the economy? If he does, he There is just so much pressure armed services, you had bet- es on shore. extracurricular froth; and learning
best operated Pull across the needs to see the latest unem- from back home to keep the ter get busy. Time passes so Education promises to dispro- can now bypass many conventional
United States and Canada. ployment rate. 9.8% is noth- earmarks coming back to the quickly and you know how portionately impact local scenes, be- classrooms by using distance tech-
home states. long it takes to get mail over- cause school taxes already constitute niques currently accounting for up to
During the 73rd annual ing to take lightly. Nearly 10 a major tax bite of households. For a quarter of effective learning.
National FFA Convention, people out of 100 are out of I trust everyone had a great seas. Until next week, don’t the systems in this region they may System parameters aren’t im-
Leslie Bowen received her work. Compare that to the Thanksgiving and all the tur- forget to hug those kids and already be out of line. New Bre- mune: K-12 organization based on
American FFA Degree, the “Great Depression” figure of key you could eat. The only tell them how much you love men’s school tax, for example, ex- seat-time is a century old and obso-
highest award any member may 25% and you can see how problem with having turkey them. O, yes, say a prayer ceeds that of far larger and more in- lete, in need of rethinking; teachers
receive. Bowen is a member of bad things can get. While no is all the leftovers you have for all the men and women in tellectually capable systems in metro are not empowered to call the shots
the Parkway FFA Chapter and one wants to go down the to eat for the next week. It is harms way this day. areas. Unless the game plan changes in their classrooms rather than fol-
is the daughter of Steve and depression road again, things amazing just how many ways from history, that Ohio shortfall will lowing bureaucratic mandates; sadly,
Jane Bowen of rockford. had better start changing soon. you can serve turkey. Now the That’s My Opinion........ result in another round of proposed school bureaucrats can become auto-
big thing is all that Christmas What’s Yours? levies with the tearful mantra, “… crats, gathering around them boards
One can only hope this new but it’s for the children.” Problem
shopping that you have to do. too compliant to question strategies
25 YEArS AGO (1985) change in Congress will start

State Supreme Court Issues…

is, it isn’t for the children, but to and funds’ allocations; and lastly,
Don Desch of Coldwater make K-12 management easier, and most school managements – for that
was elected as Vice President reduce the need to think or confront is what they are – lack the profes-
of American Budget Company change. Who said it was supposed sional management training to run

Child Endangering Indictment

at their annual meeting on to be easy? million dollar systems.
December 2, in the home office here is the real world that every The bottom line is that while it
in New Bremen. American private sector practitioner under- will take sacrificing some of the frills,
Budget Co. has offices in stands: The way to improve perfor- learning productivity in K-12 can be
New Bremen, St. Marys, Earlier this year, we – the the trial court, Pepka’s attorney guarantees an accused that the mance and cost effectiveness is to increased, and the cost of learning re-
Supreme Court of Ohio – admitted knowing upon the initial essential facts constituting the improve productivity, output per unit duced. What it will take is something
Wapakoneta, Versailles, of input. For reference, our corpo- besides the closed-mindedness that
Sidney, Lima and Coldwater. reviewed a child-endangering indictment that the charges brought offense for which he is tried will
case that involved a man named were for third-degree felonies, be found in the indictment. rate society just recorded the highest prevails in our systems. A closing
rick Mosier and Neal quarterly profits in 60 years, by in- indicator: In spite of national calls
Muhlenkamp, partners in the Joseph Pepka. Pepka lived in not misdemeanors, and that the But, according to the rules that
state would argue that M.P. had govern criminal trials, a court may creasing productivity; unfortunately, for reform and rethinking, and for
accounting firm Muhlenkamp, an apartment in Eastlake, Ohio,
it had a recession-driven downside, developing evidence-based changes
with his girlfriend, Kaysie Perry, suffered serious physical harm. amend an indictment at any time
Mosier & Associates of and her eight-month-old daughter, Indeed, at the trial a consulting if the amendment does not change
happening because they had reduced in all from pedagogy through testing
Celina, have recently acquired labor and jobs and left those cuts in for learning outcomes, a recent pro-
M.P. physician testified that M.P.’s “the name or identity of the crime place. posal to volunteer 28 years of class-
the business of Penno Tax On the morning of March 3, body temperature had dropped charged.” As long as the state
and Bookkeeping Service of There is a creative and logical room experience and professional re-
2007, Pepka gave M.P. a bath, dangerously low, that her left foot complies with the criminal rules, alternative to just running another search expertise to any of four local
Coldwater from Nancy Penno, but when he placed her in the tub, had been burned from submersion it may cure a defective indictment school levy up the flagpole – start systems, to go after grant funds for
who operated the business for the water was too hot, and the into something hot, and that she by amendment, even if the original thinking about the practical ways local K-12 research and help execute
the past 13 years. little girl cried. Pepka and Kaysie had suffered further injuries that indictment omits an essential to achieve greater learning with it, was met with total silence.
Alfred Pax has retired from cooled the water, and Pepka were consistent with her having element of the offense. fewer resources. The outputs are When the next levy drops think
his teaching and principal finished giving the bath. After the been shaken. The physician also In a prior case, our court stated, proper measures of student learning about it – could your business per-
position at Coldwater schools bath, Kaysie noticed that M.P.’s testified that M.P.’s injuries were “The purposes of an indictment outcomes; the inputs are headcounts petually increase prices and make
and will take over as school feet were pink. Pepka and Kaysie inconsistent with the history given are to give an accused adequate and dollars expended. One guy, it? Perhaps US education reform
treasurer on January 1. he will argued, and then Kaysie left the by Pepka. notice of the charge, and enable an who has some street credibility, Bill needs to start with the alleged “edu-
be filling the position formerly apartment to do laundry, leaving Pepka’s attorney also admitted accused to protect himself or herself Gates, just announced plans to invest cators?”
M.P. with Pepka. that he had received the medical from any future prosecutions for $335M in education research to in- Dr. ronald Willett, New Bremen
held by Maurice Froning, who A little while later, Pepka records and the physician’s report, the same incident.”
recently retired. called Kaysie and told her that he which described the seriousness The name of the crime alleged
In boys basketball action this thought M.P. was having seizures. of M.P.’s injuries, two or three against Pepka was never amended
past week; Marion Local 51, Pepka claimed that he took off months before trial. – he was always charged with FINANCIAL FOCUS
Jackson Center 35; Coldwater M.P.’s clothes, put her in a little bit The trial court concluded that endangering children in violation
70, Tipp City 63; Mississinawa of cold water in the tub to revive the amendment did not change the of a specific Ohio law. The original Still Time for Year-end
Valley 60, Fort recovery 54; her, wrapped her in towels, and nature of the harm alleged, and indictment set forth the elements
Ottoville 56, Parkway 42; called 9-1-1. that Pepka had sufficient notice of child endangering and specified Financial Moves
Dayton Wayne 52, Celina 51; The paramedics later testified regarding the serious-physical- that Pepka was being charged with
Mendon 62, Ohio City 59; New that they found M.P. lying on harm allegation, and that he didn’t third-degree felonies. The holiday season is always a busy time of year, so you’re probably
Bremen 58, St. Henry 53. a wet towel in the living room. need additional time to prepare to The only circumstance in pretty busy. But it is important to take some time now to evaluate year-
She was partially dressed, and defend against that allegation. which child endangering is a third- end financial moves that may be beneficial in preparing for your financial
her clothes were wet. her lips A jury returned guilty verdicts degree felony is when the victim future.
50 YEArS AGO (1960) Which year-end moves should you consider? You will want to talk to
and extremities were blue, she on all three counts, and Pepka was suffers serious physical harm.
Our Lady of Mercy was unresponsive, and her body sentenced to four years in prison on Thus, the original indictment was
your financial advisor and tax and legal professionals first, but here are a
hospital, in Coldwater, on temperature was 85.7 degrees. the felony convictions. But when sufficient to provide Pepka with
few ideas to get you started:
December 6, celebrated its tenth In route to the hospital the Pepka appealed his convictions, adequate notice of both the offense
• Boost your IRA contributions. You have until April 15, 2011, to fully
anniversary. Ten years have paramedics managed to restore the court of appeals reversed the and the degree of the offenses with
fund your IRA for the 2010 tax year, but the sooner you finish with your 2010
contribution, the quicker you can get started on your 2011 contribution —
passed since the hospital opened M.P. to consciousness, but she judgment of the trial court and held which he was charged. and the earlier in the year you fund your IRA, the more time you give your
its doors to the community of ultimately suffered permanent and that the original indictment had As Justice Maureen O’Connor account the opportunity to grow.
Coldwater and surrounding serious physical injury as a result been fatally defective for failing to pointed out in writing for the • Put more money into college savings plans. If you have a 529 college
area. of Pepka’s actions. specify the serious-physical-harm majority, Pepka’s attorney savings plan for yourself or someone else, consider putting more money in
Wally Post, former star Pepka was charged with three element. conceded at trial that Pepka knew before year-end. You can gift up to $13,000 ($26,000 per married couple)
of the St henry high school counts of third-degree-felony child The court of appeals agreed from the beginning “that he was per person per year without gift tax consequences. However, this must be
basketball team, will play with endangering. he entered a not- with Pepka that by allowing the facing third-degree-felony charges accomplished by year-end.
Joe Nuxhall’s All-Stars when guilty plea. But just prior to the state to amend the indictment, the and that the state would argue that • Be generous. If you’ve been thinking of making charitable gifts, don’t
they tangle with the St. henry trial, the state moved the trial court trial court had permitted Pepka to M.P. had suffered serious physical put them off any longer. As long as you make a donation to a qualified
to amend the indictment to add be convicted of a charge that was harm.” charity before the year ends, you can claim a deduction on your 2010 tax
K. of C. on Sunday afternoon in additional language to each of the “essentially different from that Pepka was on notice from return. For example, if you donate $100 to a charitable group [either a
the St. henry high school gym. counts against Pepka specifying found by the grand jury.” the initial indictment that he was
religious organization or one that has received 501(c)(3) status from the
Wally, who makes his home in that he had caused “serious After that ruling, his case came charged with a third-degree felony,
Internal Revenue Service], and you’re in the 25% tax bracket, you can
St. henry, is the property of the physical harm” to M.P. The trial before us for a final review. The and Ohio law makes it clear that
deduct $100 (with a tax benefit of $25) when you file your taxes for 2010,

B & S Excursions
providing, of course, that you itemize. If you donate stocks or other types of
Cincinnati reds baseball club. court granted the motion. issue we were concerned with was the only circumstance in which assets, you may also be able to save on capital gains taxes, because it will
All chain saw operators in Before the opening statements, whether the language added to endangering children is a third- be the charity, not you, that eventually sells those assets.
this area are invited to attend Group
PepkaTour Schedule
objected to the amended the indictment – that the victim degree felony is when the victim • Sell your “losers.” If you own investments that have lost value since
“Chain Day” to be held at indictment and requested that the suffered serious physical harm – suffers serious physical harm. you purchased them, you can sell them before 2010 ends and then use the
hull Bros. in Fort recovery new language be removed, or impermissibly changed the name Therefore we concluded – by tax loss to offset capital gains you may have earned in other investments.
17-2614. Sponsored
“NORTH that
TOthe judge give his lawyer a
ALASKA” or identity of the offense. a five-to-two vote – that Pepka’s If you don’t have any capital gains, you can use up to $3,000 of your tax
by hull Bros., local dealers two-week
Fairbanks, Denali Park,continuance. Pepka’s
Alaska Railroad The Ohio Constitution original indictment was sufficient, losses to offset other ordinary income. If your loss is greater than $3,000,
for McCulloch chain saws, attorney Iditarod
Train Excursion, arguedDog thatSled
he wasn’t provides that “no person shall be and the amendment didn’t change you can “carry over” the excess and deduct it from your taxes in future
the session will instruct prepared Farm,
Kennel, Reindeer to defend against
Anchorage, Pan the held to answer for a capital, or the name or identity of the crime years. However, if you then want to repurchase the investment you sold,
for Goldallegation
on the that Pepka
Beaches of hadSeacaused
Bering in otherwise infamous, crime, unless charged. We thus reversed the you’ll need to wait at least 31 days to avoid violating the IRS’ “wash sale”
owners on the proper care and serious physical harm. on presentment or indictment of a court of appeals and reinstated rules.
maintenance of chain sawsNome,and Glacier/Wildlife
Cruise from
questioning by grand jury.” Thus, the Constitution Pepka’s convictions and sentence. • Take capital gains. In 2011, the tax rate on long-term capital gains is
saw chain. Seward, Alaska Life Center scheduled to increase to 20% for most investors, up from the 15% rate it’s
been the last several years. If you have stocks or other appreciated assets
are you ready For that you were thinking of selling in the near future, you might want to do

B & S Excursions
so before the year comes to a close. However, it’s generally not a good
PLAY idea to make investment decisions strictly because of tax consequences.
Zurich, Lake Lucerne, Zermatt, Glacier If your appreciated assets are still a part of your overall financial strategy,
2011Express Tour
Train Schedule
Trip, Appenzell Swiss Farm you may be better off holding them for the long term, even with a higher
Tour, Cheese Factory & Tasting, capital gains rate.
April 25-29 “Springtime in the
Oberammergau Ozarks”
Passion Play, Linderhof Considering these moves before the year ends may help you better
JUNE 17-26 CastleBranson,
& Munich prepare to address you financial picture in 2011.
Fairbanks, Denali Park, Alaska Railroad

save uP to This article was written by Edward Jones for use by

Train Excursion, Iditarod Dog Sled
May 10-13
SEPT. 7-11 Spring Fling
“THE BIG Mystery
Kennel, Reindeer Farm, Anchorage, Pan
your local Edward Jones Financial Advisor.
NEW YORK CITY Edward Jones, its employees and financial advisors
for Gold on the Beaches of Bering Sea in are not estate planners and cannot provide tax or legal
3-14 Alaska’s
Nome, &
FALL from
FOLIAGE advice. Consult a qualified tax specialist or attorney
Seward, Alaska Sea Life Center for professional advice about your situation.
July 26-29
Canadian Rockies &TRIP Financial Focus is a weekly column courtesy of...
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the mercer county chronicle
Page 4 • December 9, 2010

fort notes Maria Stein Shrine launches

Pledge Partners campaign
by Betty Lou Denney/Hall

What’s happening A full symphony

orchestra can still be heard
around the Fort…. at Wright State university
on December 12 at 3:00 p.m.
A little bit of trivia…. this is the annual christmas
radio city music hall concert. the concert is free
opened this past week with and open to the public.
the world famous rockets the St. Peter neurological
christmas program. For the center’s winning number for
first time, they are using the week was 768, won by
taped music instead of a tammy Barger of celina.
full orchestra; musicians are Anyone that has
very upset. information that you would Postmaster Theodore Schenking posted this letter
Don’t forget to stop by like to share with our May 31, 1932, the day that Victoria Post Office was
the Fort recovery library readers, please send pictures officially closed and local mail was sent to Fort Recovery
to see the thirty beautifully or information to: betty. Alvin Dues, of the Convent Shrine Preservation Post Office.
decorated christmas trees. mercercountychronicle@ Group, presents a check for $10,000 to Sister Florence how did Victoria acquire existence
they are on display from Seifert, president of the Sisters of the Precious Blood. this name for the Post Office Father Dominic Gerlach, in
now until December 31. The donation was the first gift launching the new Pledge at St. Joseph (St. Joe), located his “1839-1961 history of St.
Special hours to view the thouGht For the Partners campaign, which aims to ensure the ongoing on Sawmill road, north of Joseph Parish,” stated that the
trees is on December 10 WeeK: Faithful reader, ministries of the historic Maria Stein Shrine of the Holy St. rt. 119, between St. Peter decision was made to name the
when the library will be mary Ann homan, gives Relics. and Burrville roads, near Fort Post Office, at St. Joe, after
open till 8:00 p.m. you can us something to think recovery? the teacher’s new-born child,
vote for the People’s choice one of central ohio’s veneration. entrusting this
about….the meteorologist most historic religious sites important collection to the henry tebben, a local Victoria lennartz. the Post
Award when you come to sometimes miss on their recently launched a major care of a religious community merchant, was the proposed Office was established in Henry
the library during regular forecasts. this may be the campaign to ensure its meant that this heritage Postmaster for this Post Office tebben’s Store, north of the
hours or during the extended reason. An indian asked continuance and financial would be safeguarded for in 1882. Henry Tebben filled railroad on the west side of
hours on December 10. the meteorologist what the viability. out the Post Office Department the street, in 1882. When that
congratulations to elmer future generations. new Post Office application, store burned down in 1888,
winter was going to be like. For close to 165 years, in 1846, the Sisters of the
and mary lou Klenke on January 21, 1882. this the post office was moved to
the meteorologist told the the maria Stein Shrine of Precious Blood constructed is a copy of henry tebben’s Schenking’s Shoe repair Store.
on their 60th Wedding indian that it was going to the holy relics has been a their first buildings on
Anniversary. they were StAtement to the First (in the 1916 mercer county
be a very cold winter. the beloved part of the mercer the mercer county site Assistant u. S. Postmaster Directory, theodore Schenking
married on thanksgiving indian went back to the rest county landscape and the that would be their long-
Day sixty years ago. the General Frank hatten: was listed as Shoe maker at
of the tribe and informed lives of thousands of people time motherhouse and “The Proposed office to Victoria.)
weather was so bad that them of the meteorologist’s across the united States. prayer center. Soon after,
some people didn’t make it be called St. Joseph, mercer The official U.S. Postal
prediction. they started But, like every physical the convent complex was county, ohio. the named records list the Victoria
home from the wedding. to cut more wood than plant, it takes money to run chosen as the home for the
Parents are reminded that place (St. Joseph) is on the lake Postmaster appointments:
usual to prepare for the and maintain. couple this relic collection, and a relic erie & Western railroad. the henry tebbens, April 12, 1882;
the 2011 chant yearbook upcoming cold winter. A with the age of the complex, chapel was built adjacent nearest office, on the same route and Frank Vonderhaar, october
makes a great christmas few weeks later, the indian the aging population of to the sisters’ chapel. Since is Fort recovery, a distance of 22, 1888. As of october 15,
gift. Purchase your son or saw the meteorologist the Sisters of the Precious then, the sisters have been two and three quarters miles in 1890, the Victoria Post Office
daughter a 2011 chant for and again asked about the Blood who maintain the caring for this precious a south western direction from was discontinued and the mail
$45. the price goes up winter weather. Again, the shrine, and a large annual spiritual heritage. the proposed office. The name was sent to Ferner. the order
in January. Send check, meteorologist warned of deficit and it becomes easy of the nearest office on the was rescinded on June 12,
payable to Fort recovery the shrine houses the
an especially cold winter. to see why aggressive action second-largest collection of same route, on the other side, is 1891, because on november
Schools, to chAnt, P.o. once again, the indian is needed to make sure this relics in the united States. Ferner, a distance of three miles, 13, 1890, theodore Schenking
Box 604, Fort recovery, warned the rest of the tribe place of peace, prayer and today, the maria Stein in a north eastern direction was appointed Postmaster at
OH 45846. A gift certificate to cut even more wood. hospitality continues to Shrine of the holy relics is from the proposed office. The Victoria. the Victoria Post
will be sent to you to put the third time the indian serve future generations. name of the nearest office to the Office was officially closed May
under the tree. an enduring tribute honoring proposed one, not on this route, 18, 1932, and became effective
asked the meteorologist in november of this year, the saints who have gone
Fort recovery elementary is macedon, mercer county, may 31, 1932.
about the winter, he said it the shrine launched a Pledge before us. Annually, more ohio, a distance of six miles in a i thank David Gray, a nephew
Pto will be sponsoring would be the worst winter Partners campaign to ensure than 20,000 visitors from
“Breakfast with Santa” on north western direction from the of former Daily Standard writer
in many, many years. the continued operation of the united States and other proposed office. The name of Gladys Gray, for sending me
December 18, from 9 to Finally, the indian asked the the historic site and support countries come to pray at
11 a.m. at the elementary the most prominent river near it this envelope with Postmaster
meteorologist how he could its ministries. According the shrine and to find peace is the Wabash river. the name theo. Schenking’s signature
Auditeria. cost is $3 per possibly predict the dreadful to shrine administrator Don and hospitality.
person and includes a door of the railroad is the lake erie and the Victoria Post mark.
upcoming bad winter. the rosenbeck, the campaign’s the start of the campaign and Western railroad; it passes (Some people thought that the
prize, donuts, milk/juice and meteorologist replied, “it’s goal is to fund the shrine’s was an encouraging one, through the center of our village Victoria Post Office closed
coffee, as well as several easy, just look at all those annual deficit, which has rosenbeck said, with a major and in front of the house where because theodore Schenking
crafts for kids to do. Pictures indians cutting all the extra averaged over $125,000 donation on november 4 we would like to see the Post died. that cannot be true, if
with Santa will be available wood this year.” Office established. We would Schenking signed his name to
for $2. per year between 2006 and to mark its launch. Alvin
2010. Dues, of the convent like to have a crane erected letters posted the day the Post
Fort recovery library receives check “With the aging of the Shrine Preservation Group,
sisters’ population, the presented a check for $10,000
at this place as the mail trains Office closed! ) Postmaster
do not stop. there are about theodore Schenking performed
burden of covering the to Sister Florence Seifert, 18 families of one hundred his last official Post Office duties
annual deficit of the shrine’s president of the Sisters of the inhabitant. i certify this to be and posted the above letter may
operations becomes even Precious Blood, to launch correct, this 21st day of January 31, 1932, the day that Victoria
1882. henry tebben.” Post Office was officially
more of a challenge for the campaign’s efforts.
At the bottom of the page, closed and local mail was sent
them,” rosenbeck said. “that level of support is a theodore Scheid, Postmaster to Fort Recovery Post Office.
“covering the shrine’s wonderful gift,” rosenbeck at Fort recovery, had to sign once again, the mercer county
deficit indefinitely” will said, “and we plan to this application, and did so historical Society achieved its
not be possible for the build on it through wider on march 30, 1882. henry mission Statement and not only
congregation, he said. this participation.” now the aim tebben’s handwritten name of preserved local mercer county
reality was the springboard is to bring the campaign St. Joseph for the name of the history, but also educated the
for the Pledge Partners to the wider public. “every Post Office was “scratched out public about mercer county’s
campaign, which invites pledge, regardless of size, is with an ink pen,” and the name history.
donors to commit to various welcome and appreciated,” “Victoria” was written in as the [the mercer county
levels of giving over several rosenbeck said. “every name of the Post Office at St. historical Society President
years to ensure the shrine’s pledge is a step toward Joe. The U.S. Post Office had Joyce Alig, may be contacted
financial viability. securing the shrine’s informed mr. tebben and mr. at 3054 Burk-St. henry road,
Soon after the first small ongoing ministry for future Scheid that there was a Post Saint henry, oh 45883, or
group of Sisters of the generations.” Office at Saint Joseph, Ohio, [email protected] or 419-678-
Precious Blood arrived from For more information with this same name already in 2614.]
mauri cron, President
of the Board of Directors
the money is part of a their native Switzerland, the about the Pledge Partners
discretionary grant program young congregation was campaign or to contribute, mercer health to present cooking
of the mercer county
civic Foundation, recently
and is made possible from entrusted with a precious contact rosenbeck or
unrestricted endowed legacy: a large collection Sister mary lou Schmersal ideas for diabetics December 13
presented a check in the funds held at the civic of relics of the saints. With at (419) 925-4532, or mercer health’s
amount of $1000 to Fort Foundation. the money religious persecution raging e-mailing d.rosenbeck@ Diabetic Support Group
recovery Public library is to be used strictly for in europe, the church m a r i a S t e i n S h r i n e . will meet on December
wanted to ensure the relics’ org or development@ 13 at 2 p.m. in the
Director Kathy Faller. programs at the library. hospital’s meeting room.
protection and ongoing
Barb hennard, a family
and consumer science
educator from the ohio
State extension office in
celina, will be speaking.
hennard has worked
with mercer health staff
in offering the Dining
with Diabetes series on planning. Barb will share
numerous occasions. She many healthy recipes and
will offer cooking ideas preparation tips. there
for diabetics focusing is no fee or registration
on nutrition and meal necessary. Please call 419-
678-5119 with questions.
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the mercer county chronicle
December 9, 2010 • Page 5

News from Breakfast with Santa will

be held on December 11 at St.
2101 or email Peg at langep@ by December 7.
from 5:30 - 7 p.m. in the
High School Commons.
For school delays or

Skeet Wolters, Llibrary Assitant

Saint Henry Henry Elementary at 9:30 a.m.
Santa hours are: December 12,
Middle School / High School
Choir Christmas Concerts will
Entertainment provided by the
St. Henry Choir Students. Only
cancellations, listen to WCSM,
14, 17, 19-23 from 6-8 p.m. and be held December 20 in the $5 for all you can eat spaghetti, WDTN, and WLIO.
“An Evening with Bobby December 24 from 10-12 p.m. High School Commons. Sixth breadsticks, salad, desserts and Looking for a gift that helps
LaBonte” on December 10 @ at the Santa House. Grade Musical at 7 p.m. High drinks. Call 419-678-4834 ext promote St. Henry businesses?
Romer’s in St. Henry, Ohio. The Senior Citizens Holiday School and Middle School 2271 for more details. The St. Henry Commercial
Emcee - Mike King, Voice Breakfast for community Choirs at 8 p.m. Middle School/High School Club has “Village Money”
of the Indy Motor Speedway members 55 years and older No School December 23 - Choir spring concerts are gift certificates available to the
Racing Network. Additional will be held December 14 at January 2 -for holiday break. scheduled for May 9 in the High public. The gift certificates come
guest speakers: World of Outlaw 8:30 a.m. in the High School Next Baptismal preparation School Commons. Sixth grade in $5 and $20 denominations,
Driver Jac Haudenschild and Commons. Alternate date is class will be January 4. Call musical at 7 p.m. High School and are available at The St.
3rd Generation Drivers Sheldon December 16. Please call in 419-678-4118 to register if you and Middle School Choirs at Henry Bank.
and Brad Haudenschild. Tickets your reservation to Deb Puthoff have never attended a class. 8 p.m. Arts Festival which If you have news from the
are $50 per person and can be at the high school office - 419- St. Henry Choir “Spaghetti displays artwork by middle and Saint Henry area, please contact
purchased by calling the Celina 678-4834, ext 2201, or Peg Extravaganza” will be held high school students will be Jenny Sutter at 419-678-2324
Mercer County Chamber at Lange at the central office, ext January 15. Dinners served shown from 7 - 9 p.m. in the or [email protected].
Troy and the 419-586-2219.
Championship Trophy
By Roxanne Price
This book, Troy and the
Championship Trophy, came to
my attention when I googled the
author’s name, Roxanne Price.
I found Price an interesting
person with several important
titles with the OHSAA. Roxanne
fascinated me as she awarded
the championship trophy to the
Coldwater Cavaliers Football
team after they won the 2007
state championship game. I was
taken by her enthusiastic, positive
voice as she awarded the two
top teams kind and encouraging
words for their work. During
my search, I also learned she
wrote this book for children.
On, I found
the book and purchased it for
my grandchildren for Christmas
that year.
Troy and the Championship
Trophy could have been written
with the Coldwater Football
team in mind. In this book,
Ms. Price teaches to play as a
team rather than as individuals
and the importance of a good
attitude. Coldwater does just
that. She says it is not whether
you win or lose, but how you
play the game. She encourages
good sportsmanship and insists
that fans remain calm, fair and
not be rude. Ever.
The Coldwater Library has
Troy and the Championship
Trophy in the children’s section
and I encourage adults and
good towards a purchase of
young athletes alike to read it.
There is much to be learned $300.00 or more if ...
from this excellent book written
by a champion of a person,
Roxanne Price. Books make
important Christmas gifts and
I highly recommend this one
for any young sports enthusiast.
Happy Christmas! Happy
reading. Skeet
good towards a purchase of
becomes an $300.00 or more if ...
Enrolled Agent

Moorman, Harting & Co., a

certified public accounting firm
with offices in Coldwater and
Celina, is pleased to announce
that Jenny Brookhart has become
an Enrolled Agent. She became
an Enrolled Agent by passing an
IRS examination and meeting
their experience requirements.
An Enrolled Agent is a person
who has earned the privilege of
representing taxpayers before
the Internal Revenue Service.
Enrolled Agents, like attorneys
and certified public accountants,
are unrestricted as to which
taxpayers they can represent,
what types of tax matters they
SantaDavid says...
can handle, and which IRS
offices they can practice before.
With over 15 years of
You can be naughty or nice...
experience, Brookhart has
provided tax and accounting
services to a large number of
we’ll still give you a Great Deal!
individual clients and businesses,
including partnerships,
corporations and limited liability
companies. She works out of the
firm’s Coldwater office.
Brookhart resides in St.
Henry, Ohio, with her husband
Todd and their three children.
4th Annual

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the mercer county chronicle
Page 6 • December 9, 2010

News from Rockford

local resident Jerry ohio State university and program during those same support the Boys choir and
rockford Belle to host Presley
and King on December 18
holscher and his wife received her real estate years. the rockford Arts in the
elizabeth, both longtime license from hondros Koch also set significant Park Program for rockford
local residents and retired college. She is now a records in volleyball and children. Fellowship and
teachers from Parkway resident of celina. hall basketball at huntington. refreshments will follow
high School, recently realty team excitedly She helped lead the program the concert.
made a trip to Springfield, welcomes DuBry aboard. to three mcc conference Arts Place and Arts in
Pennsylvania, holscher’s A high-achieving mercer titles, four consecutive the Park are asking for
high school alma mater, county high school senior nAiA district postseason rockford area people’s
where he was honored by from each of the six county tournament appearances support by January 2011
the Springfield High School high schools received the and 127 wins against 38 to get the program off the
Alumni Sports hall of Fame. honda/oSu Partnership losses, and the Foresters ground. All money that
though he participated in math medal Award from a won the 1988 nccAA rockford people give will
all sports, he was a four- partnership between honda national championship, be used to support programs
time varsity letter winner of America manufacturing just to mention a few in rockford. For more
in track and co-captain his inc. and the ohio State of her and her team’s information contact lisa
senior year. he was the university. the award accomplishments. Kuhn, Village of rockford,
Suburban class B half mile recognizes and honors the Bates dominated the at the Village Office or
elvis Aaron Presley, Jr. and for an up close and personal
and mile champion in both top senior mathematics competition in track and heidi meade of Arts Place Jesse King to perform at the holiday special. Presley, Jr.
his junior and senior years student in each West field as a thrower, especially at 419-394-0707. rockford Belle. December and King have been friends
as well. the previous fall at central ohio high school in discus. As a junior, he Also don’t forget the 18 is the date of the last event for many years and it has been
huntington, holscher ran for their achievements claimed the nAiA District rockford chamber of of the year hosted by the within the last five years that
cross country, winning all in mathematic courses 21 title, breaking the Commerce’s first annual rockford Belle. Performing they have been performing
his team’s dual meets and throughout high school. huntington university and Winterfest, a Frosty the together will be the actual together at private parties,
being named All Delaware From Parkway high nccAA meet records as Snowman extravaganza, son of the late elvis Presley, regionally and clubs, locally.
county, qualifying for the School, receiving the honor well. he helped lead the on December 11 in elvis Aaron Presley, Jr., and Presley, Jr. is honored to be
district championships and was Jason Ford. team to four mcc team Shane’s Park. Activities his friend, Jesse King. Doors pairing up with King and
running in the state cross Joy Gamble Koch and championships and was a that will begin at 4 p.m. open at 6 p.m. the concert informs, “i heard about Jesse
travis Bates, Parkway four-time all-conference will begin at 7 p.m. the many years ago when passing
country championships. include lighting of the town public is welcome to attend. through ohio and other states.
in 1954, he was on his high School graduates, selection and two-time christmas tree, children’s the Belle is located at 135 it was by coincidence that we
high school’s mile relay were inducted into the team mVP. games, area vendors, mr. market Street in rockford. met. i honor him as a legend
team in the prestigious huntington university Don’t forget the and mrs. claus, carolers, A free-will offering will be from the area and he’s a great
Penn relays at university hall of Fame recently. christmas concert titled a live nativity, a christmas accepted. entertainer and contributing
of Pennsylvania. he also Koch was honored for her the Sweet Sounds of open house and sandwiches in a style like his father, artist of Gospel music. he
competed at the college significant contributions christmas with the Van and desserts. prepare to be riveted by has a great family and has
level for West chester State to the Forester women’s Wert Boys choir at St. if anyone has news Presley, Jr., who just shared many a thanksgiving
university. volleyball and basketball Paul’s united church of from the rockford area, returned from a tour in iowa dinner.”
Parkway high School programs between 1986 christ, (corner of oregon please contact Gretchen and illinois and is looking For more information on
graduate Brandi DuBry and 1990, and Bates for his and Wabash roads), on Bollenbacher at 419-363- forward to having a great time the December 18 show, or a
entertaining the audience in schedule of events, contact
recently joined hall realty. significant contribution to Sunday at 3 p.m. A love 2692 or email fgboll@ rockford again. this time tom rogers at 567-644-
She is a graduate of the the Forester track and field offering will be taken to he joins Jesse King of celina 9993.

this weekend, visit mercer

county’s oldest Village
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Shane’s Park

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the mercer county chronicle
December 9, 2010 • Page 7

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Coldwater Football!

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Congratulations Cavs!

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Coldwater, Ohio

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The Mercer County
Hogenkamp Bo
~ Since 1874 ~

funeraL Home
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& MinSter
P.O. Box 105

Bob Knapke Bob Knapke
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120 Hillcrest Drive PO Box 165 Coldwat
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P: 419.678.1800 800.792.6697
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Tony Gonzalez

funeraL Home 419-678-2324 SecuritiesFinancial Financial Advisors
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celina, OhiO of FINRA/SIPC and a registered investment advisor. Independent Capit
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OH 45828 Drive PO Box 165 Cold 120 Hillcrest Drive PO Box 165 Coldwater,
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Hometown Area!
P: 419.678.1800 800.792.6697
Drive POF: Box P: 419.678.1800
419.678.1700 OH 800.792.6697 F: 419.678.17
120 Hillcrest 165 Coldwater, 45828
P: 419.678.1800 800.792.6697 F: 419.678.1700
Securities and investment
advisory services offered through FSC Securities Corporation, member
Securities and investment advisory services offered
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of FINRA/SIPC and a registered investment advisor. Independent Capital Management is not
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DE 201 E. Vine Street,
Air Conditioning • Refrigeration
PIZZGoodW I Coldwater, Ohio Coldwater, Coldwater, Ohio
419-678-8102 SAND
Luck To All Area Teams!

123 Hamilton Street, Celina, Ohio Judy A. Koesters
Laudick’s Jewelry
Welding Supplies & Rental
Kathryn W. Speelman Van Wert, Ohio
Weld Your Team Together
& from
Located arcoss It Will Be Remembered!
McDonalds • By Appointment
217 W. Market, Celina, Ohio • 419-586-5158
1100 Irmsher Blvd., Celina, Ohio • 419-584-0222
130 Terrace, Coldwater, Ohio • 419-678-8721
120 N. Wayne, Fort Recovery, Ohio • 419-375-4149
Coldwater: 419-678-2929
Van Wert: 419-238-2266 419-678-2378
201 E. Vine Street, 419-238-2266
BEST WISHES TO ALL AREA TEAMS! 333 S. Broadway, Greenville, Ohio • 937-548-9049 MEMBER
Coldwater, Ohio

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Congrats! Serving Your Banking
Something to be proud of
COLDWATER, OHIO • GREENVILLE, OHIO Serving Your Needs since 1888

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Electrical Contractor COLDACOS • S 419-678-8102 130 Terrace Ave., Coldwater
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1000 N. Second Street Coldwater • 419-678-3302 419-678-4877
COLDWATER, OHIO 201 Second Street, Hospital Celina - Ft. Recovery
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419-678-3016 120 TERRACE AVENUE,
Goodluck To All The Winter Sport Participants!

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700 North Second Street, Coldwater, Ohio • 419-678-8711
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Complete Your Sales & Servicing Dealer Since 1946
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401 S. Second Street, Coldwater, Ohio

Congratulations from...
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Good Luck Area Athletes From...
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OH LIC #28130 Complete Farm &ISResidential
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115 E. Main Street, Coldwater, Ohio • 419-678-2812
Owned & Operated By Mike & Mark Gruss In Coldwater, Rockford & St. Henry
Hershey/Big Dutchman Equipment 419-678-1800 • 800-792-6697

BUSINESS! Coldwater, Good Luck To All Area Teams!

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401 S. Second Street, 419-925-5206
Farm & Residential Wiring roCkford &
COLDWATER, OHIO 419-678-4600
115 E. Main Coldwater, Ohio 5695 Depweg
Aqua Blast Road,
& WincoCelina,
St. henry 419-678-7219
••• Authorized Dealer of Mix Mill •••

Coldwater, Ohio • 419-678-2812

Diamond Egg Owner
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~ SINCE 1874 ~

419-678-7219 419-925-5206 815 W. Main, Coldwater, Ohio 419-678-4814

531 E. Market, Celina, Ohio 419-586-6618
5695 Depweg Road, Celina, Ohio • Steve Seitz, Owner
the mercer county chronicle

Page 8 • December 9, 2010

Observations..... by John Bruns

this year, 718 ohio high
schools fielded a football
Pinochle League Girls Basketball

OFF THE team. my research assistant 1. V. Muhlenkamp / D. Schwartz 36 18 in girls non-league action, Ashley heitkamp led St. henry
was busy putting up christmas 2. P. Wynk/ K. Eyink /V. Wynk 31 23 Fort recovery posted a 67-49 with seven points followed by
lights, but i am guessing that 3. R. Wellman / E. Muhlenkamp 30 24 victory over Wapakoneta on Sarah moeder (six), rachel
Saturday afternoon. olivia thien lefeld (four), Stacey lange

4. D. Siefring / R. Stachler 30 24
less than ten percent of that
scored 16 points to pace the lady (four), taylor clune (four), Sara
5. G. Koesters / M. Steinbrunner 30 24
number are private catholic 6. E. Thomas / K. Selhorst 29 25
schools. But last weekend, 7. J. Steinke /H. Hartings 29 25 indians with Kendra Brunswick lefeld (two), Kylie Koesters
five of six championships 8. L. Stammen /J. Stammen 29 25 adding 11. Abby huelskamp (one) and cathy Delzeith (one).
were won by private schools.
9. J. Knapke / G. Stelzer 29 25 (eight), olivia Schwieterman in other action last week, Fort
(eight), Kylie Kahlig (seven), loramie recorded a 56-50 win
10. R. Bonifas /J. Broeker 28 26
An old issue, but… in the school from which the this was not an unusual year 11. D. Elking / L. Kessen 28 26
coach may recruit his football in that regard. options to 12. R. Kremer / E. Wuebbeling 28 26 Kelly nietfeld (six), nicole over marion local. margaret
coldwater high School team. For example, Wayne, an address this “problem” have 13. G. Stammen / R. Heyne 28 26 Dilworth (four), holly Brunswick Wuebker paced the lady Flyers
reported to the State Athletic average size Division i school, not been well received. A
14. S. Wilker / M. Wilker 28 26 (three) and ericka lennartz (two) with 16 points with megan Seitz
completed the Fort recovery adding a dozen markers. Kelly
15. Steve Ritchie / M. Homan 28 26
Association in october of has five times as many boys as separate tournament for the 16. W. Wolters / J. Shane 28 26
2008 that they would have coldwater to compete for each private and public schools 17. A. Post / J. Overman 27 27 scorers. courtney Knippen and Schlarman (six), megan Kuether
161 boys enrolled in grades football position. the guy that cheapens the meaning of a state 18. G. Bruns / S. Evers 25 29 Amy Snider bucketed 18 and (six), chelsea Winner (six),
10 - 12 for the next school can draw five times as many championship. there are some
19. S. Wourms/J. Weigel/T. Stammen 25 29 10 points, respectively, for the Alyssa Winner (two) and lauren
redskins. Fort recovery led at Subler (two) were the other
20. D. Ahlers/G. Braun/J. Bruns 24 30
year. ursuline high School, cards as the next guy should who would say we give out 21. O. Wendel / N. Hoying 22 32
located in youngstown, ohio, win the bet almost any card too many state championship 22. D. Dues / C. Woeste 21 33 every stop, posting an 18-12 lead marion local point getters.
reported 173 boys enrolled game, or football game. there trophies already in football and 23. W. Bruns / J. Penno 19 35 after one, 34-21 at the break St. marys held off Fort
for that same period. it does does exist a very uncomfortable basketball.
24. E. Speck / O. Schwieterman 16 38 and 56-36 at the end of three recovery as the lady roughriders
seem fair that in tournament issue with ohio high School the other option is to K of C Pinochle League periods. recorded a 45-42 non-league
football competition schools Athletic Association divisional forget about the somewhat the indian junior varsity victory. olivia Schwieterman
recorded a 43-24 victory as paced the way for the purple and
1. Jim Kleinhenz / Jim Niekamp 32 10
with approximately similar tournament play and it involves faulty concept of school size 2. Vern Schulze/ Dan Thieman 30 12
enrollment numbers should private schools. the city of altogether and have everybody 3. Randy Evers / Sylvan Jutte 28 14 well. white with 15 points with holly
compete against each other. youngstown has a population in one tournament. this 4. Paul Backs / Adrian Kaup 27 15 the lady indians also recorded Brunswick recording ten. nicole
if there were no class system of a little over 82,000. would effectively eliminate
5. Ed Dues / Tom Lefeld 27 15 a victory over Greenville last Dilworth (seven), Kylie Kahlig
week by a 69-54 margin. Kendra (six), olivia thien (two) and
6. Gary Thieman / Don Schmit 22 20
in the ohio Football Playoffs, Parents and students have most schools from any chance 7. Roger Rindler / Steve Poling 22 20
coldwater or Delphos St. John’s both public and private school of tournament success, but 8. Paul Abels / Bill Rutschilling 21 21 Brunswick led the way for Fort ericka lennartz (two) completed
could have faced teams like options in youngstown. someone always reminds us 9. Jaime Niekamp / Paul Niekamp 20 22 recovery with 14 points with the indian scorers.
huber heights’ Wayne high Attendance at ursuline and of milan high School, with
10. Louie Braun / Bob Lefeld 20 22 olivia thien chipping in 11 host celina picked up a
and Kylie Kahlig and holly 45-39 win over Versailles in
11. Pat Elking / Fred Schwartz 20 22
School, which has 859 boys other catholic schools is by 161 students in grades 9-12, 12. Maurice Bruening / Tom Liette 19 23
enrolled in the top three grades choice. most families choose winning the indiana basketball 13. Lud Wuebker / John Wuebker 19 23 Brunswick adding ten each. the consolation game of the
and is some fifty miles to the catholic education because of championship versus big city 14. Jerry Dippold / Kevin Leugers 19 23 ericka lennartz (one), olivia ovisco classic. lizz carr had
south. Players from Division academic excellence, religious school, muncie central, in
15. Jerry May / Ken Kunkler 19 23 Schwieterman (five), Nicole a dozen points and Amanda
Dilworth (seven), Kelly nietfeld hoying recorded 11 for the lady
16. D. Huelsman / J. Mescher 17 25
i football schools in ohio, a training, and sometimes 1954. our ohio divisional 17. Marv Bruns / Bill Mueller 16 26
minimum of 518 boys in the top because of athletic excellence. play has problems, but it did 18. Ron Clune / Bob Uhlenkake 15 27 (nine) and Abby huelskamp Bulldogs. taylor Guingrich and
three grades, do not necessarily not every young man in allow the coldwater football 19. Alan Albers / Doug Schulze 14 28 (two) rounded out the indian Danielle Bihn each chipped in
have bigger or better athletes youngstown can choose team to have its own “hoosier”
20. Mark Hein / Dale Kaup 13 29 scorers. six markers with Elizabeth Laffin
than players from schools that ursuline as his high School moment. A couple of years St. henry came up short adding five. Mackenzie Welker
have fifty boys or less in a
grade. the homan men from
however. There are financial
restraints, philosophical
ago, a youngstown team,
cardinal mooney, was placed
Swimming in a non-league battle with
Wapakoneta as the WBl
(two), Beth homan (two) and
lexi mills (one) completed the
coldwater, hoying men from differences, and other catholic in a small school division, but redskins posted a 36-29 victory. celina scorers.
St. henry, Jeff hartings, and schools to attend in the city. was widely recognized as the
Coldwater took on
Jim lachey to name a few, there is no doubt however, best team in the state and had Adams Central (IN) last pla-mor bowling
demonstrated small town the pool of potential football votes as a ranked team in the week with the Starfires
players could compete with players for youngstown country. the system, perhaps sweeping to the victory. Saturday Nite Rock
and even dominate athletes ursuline in a city of 82,000 is by mistake, allowed the cavs Adams Central won the 1. Cottrell-Myers 34 6 Thursday Night Ladies
from any school of any size in much larger than coldwater’s, to play and defeat the best girls portion 99-83 and 2. Burrows-Burrows 24 16 1. McSober’s #2 59 21
the country. with some 5000 people in the in the state that year. i am captured the boys meet
3. Strickler-Miller
4. Post-Post
2. Pete’s Pals
3. Pla-Mor Lanes
the “fairness issue” of school district, despite the fact still waiting for that movie or 104-54. 5. Imel-Imel 14 26 4. K-B Plumbing 40 40
school size essentially involves that ursuline has just twelve book. Winners for the lady 6. Blind Team 3 37 5. McSober’s #1 40 40
the number of eligible boys more boys in school than Cavaliers were Janelle
High Team Game: Cottrell-Myers 370 6. Central Vacs-N-More 36 44

coldwater’s Post went

High Team Series: Cottrell-Myers 982 High Team Game: McSober’s #2 485
Moorman (200 yard High Ind. Game: Mike Myers 205 High Team Series: McSober’s #2 1272
Deb Cottrell 165 High Ind. Game: Kathy Schulze 202
free, 2:33.05), Janel

undefeated at wrestling invitation

High Ind. Series: Mike Myers 541 High Ind. Series: Kathy Schulze 520
Hosbach (1 meter Deb Cottrell 441
diving, 155.80), Haley Tuesday Ladies
Senior Citizens 1. Seyfert’s Chips 82 30
Fledderjohann (100
the coldwater Sielski Sam harris of urbana/189, round 2
1. Buschur-Buening 70 42 2. Cooper’s #2 74 38
yard free, 1:05.18) and 2. Pickering-Pulfer 68 44 3. Pit Stop #1 73 39
memorial Wrestling ethan hayes of Dixie/215, coldwater 39 - urbana 36 Carly Hoying (100 yard 3. Stoll-Buening 65 47 4. Pit Stop #2 72 40
invitational was held on and cody Johnson of St. marys 51 - back, 1:18.10). The 400
4. Lane Breakers 65 47 5. Tator Tots 58 54

lincolnview 18
5. Cron-Berning 34 78 6. Pit Stop #3 57 55
December 5 at coldwater Dixie/285. yard free relay team of 6. Wilker-Eyink 34 78 7. Cooper’s #1 54 58
high School. Three schools finished Dixie 54 - carey 24 Brady Rindler, Lillian High Team Game: Pickering-Pulfer 625 8. D & M Transport 50 62
coldwater’s Jeremy 4-1, with team standings Roessner, Julia Rose
High Team Series: Pickering-Pulfer
High Ind. Game: Don Adams
9. Pla-Mor Lanes
10. Blind Team
Post was undefeated determined by overall round 3 and Fledderjohann Sharon Voskuhl 181 High Team Game: Seyfert’s Chips 519
(5-0) for the day in his margin of victory. carey 39 - coldwater 37 also was victorious in High Ind. Series: Dave Pulfer 568 High Team Series: Seyfert’s Chips 1382

weight class of 125. coldwater placed second Dixie 54 - lincolnview

Sharon Voskuhl 465 High Ind. Game: Patty Fenner 187
4:35.61. High Ind. Series: Ginny Lefeld 478
other individual wrestlers with a +73 margin of 25 On the boys side, Liny Tangeman
finishing undefeated victory, behind Dixie, St. marys 54 - urbana 20 victors included
1. Seyferts Potato 246.5 143.5

were: caleb Baum of which had a +113 margin

2. Ace Hardware 231 159 Junior League
Tyler Siefring (1 3. Pla-Mor Lanes #1 230 160 1. Cool People 34 6
urbana/103, Jacob victory. round 4 meter diving, 155.50 4. Braun’s Electron 221 169 2. Flint Tropics II 28 12
campbell of Dixie/112, coldwater 46 - St. marys and 100 yard breast,
5. Mr. Shoppe
6. Pro Shop
3. C.C. Domination
4. Strike Strike Gutter 22
24 16
Josh Vonbehren of results of each round: 27 1:06.93) and Caleb 7. Hogenkamp’s 202.5 187.5 5. Strikers II 18 22
Dixie/119, matt Buxton Dixie 54 - urbana 27 Muhlenkamp (100 8. Pla-Mor Lanes #2 201 189 6. K.W.L. Eggs 14 26

of Dixie/130, cory round 1 carey 61 - lincolnview 15

9. Mercer Savings Bank 176.5 213.5 7. Redskins 12 28
yard back, 1:14.59). 10. Knap’s Carry Out 164 226 8. Domination 8 32
larick of carey/140, coldwater 63 - The 200 yard medley 11. Mercer County Awards 140.5 249.5 High Team Game: Cool People 682
Alex niederkohr of lincolnview 11 round 5 team of Muhlenkamp,
12. Blind Team 102 288 High Team Series: Flint Tropics II 1801

carey/145, Donnie Scott carey 40 - urbana 39 coldwater 36 - Dixie 35

High Team Game: Hogenkamp’s 962 High Ind. Game: Michael Stout 211
Siefring, Jared Jansen High Team Series: Pla-Mor Lanes #1 2699 Paige Hartings 178
of urbana/152, caleb Dixie 49 - St. marys 21 carey 49 - St. marys 24 and Alex Schmitt won High Ind. Game: Tom Braun 248 High Ind. Series: Michael Stout 551
campbell of Dixie/171, urbana 72 - lincolnview 12 in 2:01.84
High Ind. Series: Rick Hartings 649 Paige Hartings 527

Royal League Inter City League

1. Peel’s Penzoil 239.5 138.5 1. Pla-Mor Lanes #1 77 35

Happy Holidays from 2. Pla-Mor Lanes

3. Coldwater Grain
2. Pla-Mor Lanes #2
3. Post #470

4. K of C 205.5 172.5 4. Hardin Creek Machine 62 50

Doors & Windows 5. Jony D Images

6. Jacksons Garage
5. Schwieterman Body
6. Evers Real Estate
• Your Local Source for Cleaning Needs 7. Carl’s Appliance 182.5 195.5 7. Rick’s Pro Shop 57 55

*Clopay Garage Doors * Liftmaster Openers KIRBY - LINDHAUS - ORECK - RICCAR - SEDO - DYSON 8. Blind Team 72 306 8. Seyfert’s Potato 56 56
High Team Game: Pla-Mor Lanes 841 9. TD’s Pub and Grub 56 56
Simonton Windows • Entry Doors Service for Filter Queen - Tri-Star & Others High Team Series: Pla-Mor Lanes 2352 10. Carl’s Appliance 46 66

*Commercial/Residential Sales & Service We service most name brand vacuums High Ind. Game: Keith Vian 244 11. Osterholt Sales 38 74
High Ind. Series: Wes Stienecker 648 12. Blind Team 24 88
419-586-4236 318 S. Ash St. High Team Game: Seyfert’s Potato 803
Hours: Mon. 10-7 Celina
Jackpot League High Team Series:
Tues.-Fri. 9:30-5; Sat. 9:30-12
Coldwater, Ohio Evenings By Appointment
1. Pla-Mor Lanes I
2. Pla-Mor Lanes II
Hardin Creek Machine
High Ind. Game: Andy Wenning
3. The Lead Online 252.5 167.5 High Ind. Series: Greg Bruns 665
4. Seyfert’s Potato 240 180
5. Honda Van Wert 229 191 Wednesday Ladies
6. Tru-Edge 228.5 191.5 1. Pla-Mor Lanes I 84 28
7. Mall Service Center 224.5 195.5 2. Pla-Mor Lanes II 58 54

8. Home Service 221 199 3. Pin Pals 50 62

9. Coil Processing 204.5 215.5 4. V.F.W. #2 32 80

10. Hogenkamp’s 153.5 266.5 High Team Game: Pla-Mor Lanes I 620
11. Platfoot Trucking 147 273 High Team Series: Pla-Mor Lanes I 1729
12. Blind Team 106 314 High Ind. Game: Lorene Zuber 192
High Team Game: Pla-Mor Lanes I 1061 High Ind. Series: Lorene Zuber 474
High Team Series: Seyfert’s Potato 2979

High Ind. Game: Kyle Bruns 256 Boys Varsity Team Results
High Ind. Series: Tom Hennessey 674 Wapak over New Bremen 2811-2280
Mississinawa Valley
Pee Wee League over Ft. Recovery 2115-1903
1. Strikers 22 8 Parkway over Marion Local 2351-2033

Check out our 2. Cav Strikers

3. Buckeyes
Celina over OG
St. Marys over St. Henry

4. K.E.M. Cavs 16 14 Coldwater over Minster 3005-2096
5. The Zoomers 14 16 Versailles over Ansonia 2515-1910
6. The Cavs 12 18
7. The Giants 10 20 Boys Varsity Top 5 Games
8. Blind Team 2 28 Toby James, Coldwater 270-191
• Variable Amounts High Team Game: The Zoomers
High Team Series: Strikers
Anthony Kennard, Wapak
Brandon Brooks, Celina
• Quality Product Choices High Ind. Game: Ethan Post
Madison Siefring
Kevin Dammeyer, St. Marys
Charles Fella, Coldwater
• Service After the Purchase High Ind. Series: Zachary Siefring
Madison Siefring
150 Girls Varsity Team Results

“They’ll like what they choose!” Bantam League

1. St. Henry Reds 34 6
St. Marys over Ansonia
Wapakoneta over Versailles
Coldwater over St. Henry 2576-1920

2. Freezing Flames 24 16 Celina over Marion Local 2332-1973
3. Strikers 24 16 Mississinawa Valley
4. Bowler Monkeys 18 22 over Parkway 2007-1834
Welding Supplies & Rental 5. Bowling Devils
6. Blind Team
36 Girls Varsity Top 5 Games
Coldwater, Ohio Greenville, Ohio High Team Game: St. Henry Reds 493 Danielle Cochran, Versailles 203
High Team Series: St. Henry Reds 1354 Kelsey Koesters, Coldwater 202
419-678-2397 937-548-1202 High Ind. Game: Troy Buehler 136 Taylor Brandt, Van Wert 201
Emily Greer 95 Emily Bruns, Coldwater 200
High Ind. Series: Trey Buehler 382 Erica Keysor, St. Marys 194
Emily Greer 266
the mercer county chronicle
Page 13• June 4, 2009 - June 10, 2009 December 9, 2010 • Page 9

K H A L L &andF fREd

Coldwater Baseball
Marion Local vs Lima Shawnee girls basketball game,
Coldwater vs. Youngstown Ursuline football playoff game

Regional Highlights

more photos available at

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the mercer county chronicle
Page 10 • December 9, 2010

Marilyn Rose (Peak) Niemeyer, 84, celina, ohio, died Kathryn L. Stein, 93, miami, Florida, formerly of Fort
area obituaries at 8:20 a.m. December 1, at the celina manor nursing recovery, ohio, died november 28 at her residence.
home, celina, ohio. She was born on november 16, 1917, in Sandoval,
She was born September 20, 1926, in celina, ohio, to the illinois, to the late herbert and catherine (cook) hipsher.
late russell Peak and etta Smith Peak-yahn. She was married on January 30, 1937, to Ferdinand Stein
Ralph E. Huelskamp, 90, Fort recovery, ohio, died She was married February 16, 1946, to Paul W. niemeyer and he preceded her in death on September 3, 1973.
at 4:24 p.m. on november 30 at Briarwood Village, and he preceded her in death June 29, 1994. She is survived by a son and spouse, richard and mary
coldwater, ohio. She is survived by two sons and spouses, Kevin and Stein, minster, ohio; a daughter and spouse, Judy and ron
he was born January 29, 1920, in coldwater, ohio, to Judy niemeyer, celina, ohio, David and Jan niemeyer, Swartout, lakeworth, Florida; two sons-in-law, edward
the late William and caroline (Selhorst) huelskamp. troy, ohio; nine grandchildren; 19 great-grandchildren; livingston, lakeview, ohio, and John Douglas roughton,
he is survived by three sisters, helen Bowers, Dayton, one great-great granddaughter; two step-daughters and Kitty hawk, north carolina; a sister, Violet Schmitz,
ohio, irene Siefring, new Weston, ohio, and edna Grilliot, spouses, Annie and russ Siler, West milton, ohio and Joy celina, ohio; two half sisters, Betty heiby, marco island,
Versailles, ohio. and George meuther, celina, ohio. Florida, and mary lou hoening, Gettysburg, ohio; nine
he was preceded in death by three sisters, mary She was preceded in death by a brother Ferd Peak; two grandchildren; and 16 great-grandchildren.
huelskamp, Ann Schmitmeyer and marcella huelskamp; sisters, Patty Peak and Virginia l. “Jinny” curry; step- She was preceded in death by two daughters, Janet
one brother, louis huelskamp; four brothers-in-law, Art father John yahn; step brother richard yahn and her step livingston and Joyce roughton; one grandchild; one great-
Schmitmeyer, Frank Dillhoff, herbert Siefring and robert sister Joan ellis. grandchild; one brother, George hipsher; one sister, lillian
Grilliot. She was a 1945 celina high School graduate. She was Jory; three step-brothers, Walter Parks, Bernard Parks, and
he was a member of St. Peter catholic church, St. Peter, a member of St. Paul’s united methodist church, celina, Jake Parks; and a half sister, Barb Snyder.
ohio ohio. She was associated with her husband in the former
Funeral services were held December 4, at St. Peter Funeral services were held December 4, at the lehman- Stein coal company, Fort recovery, ohio, and was a sales
catholic church, St. Peter, ohio, with Fr. thomas Dorn hogenkamp-Dzendzel Funeral home, celina, ohio, with representative for the West Bend company. She was a
officiating. Burial followed at St. Peter Cemetery, St. Rev. Kim Miller officiating. Burial followed in North member of the legion of mary, miami, Florida. She was
Peter, ohio. online condolences may be directed to www. Grove cemetery, celina, ohio. condolences may be made a former member of mary help of christians catholic at memorial contributions may be church, Fort recovery, ohio, and a member of our lady of
made to the mercer county cancer Association. the holy rosary catholic church, miami, Florida.
Lucille Myrtle LeCompte, 88, celina, died at 12:00 Funeral services were held December 3 at mary help
p.m. on December 5 at her residence. of christians catholic church, Fort recovery, ohio, with
Rose Ann Ontrop, 93, St. henry, died at 2:30 a.m. on Fr. Thomas Dorn officiating. Burial followed at St. Marys
She was born September 2, 1922, in manchester, ohio, December 6, at lima memorial hospital.
to the late orville and edna e. (Bradford) Dryden. cemetery, Ft. recovery, ohio. contributions may be made
She was born August 30, 1917, in carthagena, to the late to catholic hospice, miami, Florida. online condolences
She was married June 8, 1946, to Jacque h. lecompte Bernard and margaret (Keller) homan.
and he preceded her in death on march 3, 2010. may be directed to
She was married on July 14, 1945, in Burkettsville, to
She is survived by a daughter-in-law, Patricia lecompte, urban ontrop and he preceded her in death in 1962.
celina; two grandchildren, Shane lecompte and matthew
and tracy lecompte; two great-grandchildren, Brittany sons and spouses, Bill and Phylis ontrop, center Valley,
She is survived by a son, marvin ontrop, St. henry; two area births
Sims-lecompte and Kyle lecompte; two sisters, rose Pennsylvania, and tom and Andrea ontrop, coldwater;
Pierce, Florida and mabel napier, manchester; and a niece, a daughter and spouse, Jean and tom roan, Westerville,
Soprina hartung, Port orange, Florida.
She was preceded in death by her son, howard lecompte, Coldwater; five grandchildren, Lori, Chad, Patrick, Jill and
ohio; a son-in-law and spouse, carl and irene Woeste, Baby Boy Fennig
Justin and Stefanie (Westgerdes) Fennig, union city,
five brothers, Orville, Herman, Harry, Raymond and Peter lynn; and seven great-grandchildren, mikayla, nathaniel, indiana, announce the birth of a son, Grant michael Fennig,
Dryden; three sisters, Dorothy Baldwin, mary hunt and Kylie, lily, Ally, Jackson and chase. at 1:22 a.m. on november 24 at mercer health, coldwater,
Patsy and lou Frazier. She was preceded in death by a daughter, Joan Woeste, ohio. he weighed 10 pounds and 9 ounces and was 21
She was a member of the montezuma united methodist one great-grandchild, Josh and eight siblings, marcella inches long.
church, montezuma. Smith, mary Borgert, Alvina uhlenhake, Ann Siegrist, maternal grandparents are herb and Kay Westgerdes,
Funeral services will be held at 10:30 a.m. on December lillian Fleck, Ferd homan, ray homan and Bernard Fort recovery, ohio. Paternal grandparents are Wayne
9, at the lehman-hogenkamp-Dzendzel Funeral home homan. and melinda Bailey, union city, indiana. maternal great-
in Celina, with Rev. Justin Furmann officiating. Burial She was a member of St. henry catholic church and the grandparent is elton thobe, maria Stein, ohio. Paternal
to follow in Dayton memorial Park cemetery, Dayton, ladies rosary altar sodality of the church. great-grandparents are mike and Brenda Fennig, union
ohio. Friends may call one hour before services December mass of christian Burial will be held at 10:30 a.m. city, indiana.
9 at the funeral home. condolences may be made at onDecember 9, at St. henry catholic church, with Fr.

hospital notes memorial contributions may be Benedict Magabe, officiating. Burial to follow at St. Henry
made to the community health Professionals of celina, 816 cemetery. Friends may call at the hogenkamp Funeral
Pro Drive, celina. home in St. henry on December 9 from 9 a.m. - 10 a.m.
condolences may be left at
Dolores T. Luttmer, 83, yorkshire, ohio, died november Admissions December 3
28 at Briarwood manor, coldwater, ohio.
Arlan Schmidt, 84, celina, ohio, died at 7:45 a.m. on
November 30 linda ridder, celina
She was born September 6, 1927, in St. Wendelin, ohio, Amy Kaiser, Ft. melissa Wendel and
to the late henry and leona (Kunkler) Guggenbiller. november 27, at his residence.
he was born January 5, 1926, recovery baby, St. henry
She was married may 6, 1950, in St. Wendelin, ohio, to linda ridder, celina December 4
leonard luttmer and he survives in yorkshire, ohio. in mercer county, ohio, to the late
ervin and martha (now) Schmidt. melissa Wendel, St. helen Parker, celina
She is survived by two sons and spouses, robert and December 5
Arlene luttmer, Versailles, ohio, and richard and Patricia he was married on november 11, henry
1950, to mary louise Dammeyer December 2 Jessica Gower and baby,
luttmer, Fort loramie, ohio; two daughters and spouses, lenore otte, coldwater new Weston
Barbara and randy Gaerke, coldwater, ohio, and Kathleen who survives in celina, ohio.
he is survived by two sons and helen Parker, celina December 6
and Greg Bruns, russia, ohio; eight grandchildren, carla December 3 Ashlie ehrnschwender
and Sam Ahrns, Kim and Josh riethman, Janelle and nathan spouses, michael and robin Schmidt
and Bruce and Glenna Schmidt, lynseigh Griswold, and baby, celina
Sudhoff, chelle Gaerke, rachel luttmer, Brian luttmer,
Stephen Bruns, Kate Bruns; five great-grandchildren, all of celina, ohio; a daughter and spouse, Susan and coldwater Susan Buschur and baby,
Parker, Austin, Jack, ross, mara; two brothers and spouses, Walter rammel, Fort recovery, ohio; a daughter, Peggy Jessica Gower, new St. henry
norman and Dorothy Guggenbiller, Sharpsburg, ohio, and Scott, Bryant, indiana; a sister-in-law, esther Schmidt; Weston lynseigh Griswold and
eugene and Alfrieda Guggenbiller, St. henry, ohio; three seven grandchildren; two great-grandchildren; three step- helen richards, celina baby, coldwater
9 - May 27, 2009
sisters and spouses, margaret and tom Albers, egypt, ohio, grandchildren; seven step great-grandchildren. December 4
mary Ann and Gerald miller, Decatur, indiana, and marceil he was preceded in death by two brothers, lysle Schmidt olivia Wenning, Ft. Births
and Al lochtefeld, chickasaw, ohio. and Joe Schmidt. recovery November 30

wpoint Our Old Book Case

She was preceded in death by a son Kenny luttmer, and he was a 1943 graduate from rockford high School. Ashlie ehrnschwender, Son to eric and Amy
sisters, thelma Guggenbiller and lucille Schmitmeyer. he was a uS Army Veteran company h 19th infantry. he celina Kaiser, Ft. recovery
She was employed at new idea and Buckeye Apparel, was a retired farmer and he retired from Stamco, and horse Susan Buschur, St. Son to Dennis and melissa
both of coldwater, ohio, and last employed at Willowdell, racing. he was a member of St. Paul’s united church of henry Wendel, St. henry
locker. She was a member of St. nicholas catholic christ, rockford, ohio, mercer county horseman’s, celina
mary Delzeith, St. December 3
church, osgood, ohio, and St. Barbara ladies Sodality, VFW, American legion, celina eagles and the united henry Daughter to lynseigh

and she served on the board of elections richard Kolter,

for many years. one of States trotters Association. that Sunday, June
December 5 28, i Griswold and ronald
mass of christian Burial wasmercer held county December historical
1 at St. So- Funeral services were held December 1 at St. Paul’s will also have an exhibit of
united church of christ, rockford, ohio, with rev. Stephanie Jacobs, celina huston Jr., coldwater
nicholas catholic church, osgood, ohio, with rev. David ciety members who now lives all of December
the letters, which are Son to Jessica and Kirk

R RIX’S in inJohnson tn, alerted Catherine Costello officiating. Burial followed at UCC sent to me, naming the
city, Cemetery, 6 oldest
Zink officiating. Burial followed St Martin celinaof mer- Gower, new Weston
osgood, ohio. condolences me mayto be theirmade65th at class www. re- cemetery, rockford, ohio. memorial contributions can be Zach elliott,
high school graduates
union, for the rockford class made to State of the heart hospice and to the church. cer and Auglaize counties. December 4 of 1944. Kolter also sent me now, iDismissals
am not saying that Daughter to Ashlie

a copy of the class reunion these November
graduates are30“prehis- ehrnschwender and
attention letter, from Paul Sell, at EvErybody’s toric” Garner,
carly just because new the exhibit ryan Goodspeed, celina
“SnowbirdS” Bluffton, in.
Y RIX QUINNBe sure to notify us of i began to wonder, how doing it. will be the same day as the Son to olivia and Jason
cynthia Artifacts
Vogan, exhibit. Wenning, Ft. recovery
many people in mercer i will host both exhibits, the
More and more teens are reading the paper,

same yaney, celina Daughter to mark and
because they know it’s pretty cool to know
your change of address! what’s going on around town.
ol’s almost out! How did these county are fortunate enough Sunday afternoon.
if i December 1 letters Susan Buschur, St.
Read The Mercer County Chronicle and you’ll always be “in the know.”

– SophomoreCall (419) 678-2324 to celebrate their 65th class THE MERCER COUNTY receive enough
– even before disposable or email diapers reunion. CHRONICLE evelin
to makeBirt twoandlists,baby, top henry
of theSt.
three Washington town- marys
ten oldest high School December 5
[email protected] 124 W. Main St., P.O. Box 105, Coldwater 419-678-2324
earned from private tutors, like
ow. During rest time, they learned
Your One-Stop Shop serving our friends & neighbors for ship
over 60 high
years!! School Graduates • Ohio State Liquor Agency
Graduates in
December mercer 2 and in Daughter to Stephanie
are celebrating their 71st,
We Accept: Double Coupons
Amy Kaisercounties
and in
baby,2009, i Jacobs and Aaron Stith,
Gels IGA
• Lottery Tickets Sold Here Every Thursday!
g to wise men debate philosophi- 74th, and 75th class reunions
__________ • Sony Picture Station
We Also Accept: • We Offer Carryout Service ______________ will
Ft. send those two lists to celina
same today, but we refer to these this.comyear: carl MFG. Adams,
Coupons class
__________ • We Sell Postage Stamps YOUR Produce David letterman at nyc. of

coldwater FFA students

k shows.” 451 Stachler Dr., St. Henry • 419-678-4249 of 1938; PaulSenior Adams,Citizensclass of
• Bihn’s Dry Cleaning Drop Off Idaho 3 Lb. Bag
"Mix or Match" course, if David letterman
1935, and Arden ______________
• Copies Made Here
shows our “top ten lists,” on
Mon.-Thurs. 8 am-8 pm, Fri. 8 am-7 pm; Sat. 8 am-6 pm, Sun. 9 am-4 pm Discount on ..........
: What’s
the most beneficial • We Accept Food Stamps & WIC Dole Mini Peeled
class of 1934. the class of Carrots . . . . 1 Lb. Bag his late nite Show, most of
will again do snow removal
d? -- Curious Ad Effective December 8-14, 2010 Grocery Deli 10/ 10 us Senior citizens will fall
Collect & Save for a 1938 had twelve students, and All Purpose Yellow
clothing. If chosen correctly, it
was the last Beckman high orSchool IGA Eckrich Virginia Baked Onions . . . .2 Lb. Med. asleep before his Show is
FREE Holiday Turkey or a Tomato Juice .....46 Oz. 4/ 5 Ham . . . . . . . . . . . . Lb.$449 Dole 12-16 Oz.
$ or Honey
ummer, warm $ in the winter, proper
10 In-Store Gift Certificate Graduation class from
Rockford Wash- Garden Salad or over! Perhaps, we should be
at play. Without Stopclothing,
in for detailsit’sat hard
checkouts! ington township high24 Oz. 99¢ Armour
Ketchup ............... Roast Beef
$ 99 Cole Slaw . . . . . . . . .
. . . . Lb. 4
the Guinness Book FFA of when she was a senior.
sy to get arrested. School, before Hunt's the
- 27.5 high Oz. This Rockford School Building was built in 1884, and stood students records? again will be “if it snows a lot during
to10/at 10
$ Eckrich
eived the idea of business? – Local
Dec. 11 & 18
School students Spaghetti
were sent Sauce 401 South
Bologna Franklin
. . . . . . . . Lb.Street,
$ 99 in front
2 Sellingof the 1923forSchool removing snow from the night and we are
Cub Scouts Hunt's - 4 Pk. St. Henry Heritage Club!
be here for Snak-Pak Pudding10/ 10 Summer Sausage $399
Building. Eckrich - Lb.
residents’ driveways this cancelled the next day, we
extraAs my FortSan
carryout recovery
Giorgio high mercer county who are the carry Seedless this column. i invite $ the the mercer county his- come up to school around
10 Swiss
Big Eye
graduates citizens of Auglaize county to torical Society
Navel Oranges 1 winter as a community
. . . . . . . . . . .in
Lb. the
d as the first person who wanted School
serviceclassmates Spaghettiknow, .. 16our Oz. 10/ $
4 99 . . . . . 2/ President
9 am-2 pm
class of 1959 will
Peter Pan - Assorted
be celebrat- county?” if you readers help write Next New me, Power about
Fruit - 1/2 Auglaize
Pts. service
Joyce Alig,project.
may beStudents
9 a.m. and get to work,”
Butter ..16 Oz. 2/ 4 Macaroni Salad Lb.$169 county’s
r another. One Neanderthal ap- $ Yoder's
Peanut Blackberries
Stop in & register
asking,“How about me trade you for our St. Henry ing our 50th class Dixie reunion in me, i will make a list of the oldest
or Raspberries . . . . 2/ 5
Graduates $ of at 3054 Burk-St. henry road, wrote a spokesperson
have offered the service
Merchant's Christmas Drawing & IGA June. i recall when
your cranky goat?” The second Sugar my parents
....................... 4 Lb.“top2
$ 49
ten oldest high
See our Deli Experts
School the 70th class reunion or the past
Saint two oh
henry, years.45883, or for the FFA. With the
National Giveaway of 2,010 Cash!$
celebrated their 50th
IGA - 12 Oz.
class Graduates in
to mercer
help you with county,
your older inFrozen 2009. Former
[email protected] or 419- help of students, snow
Vince Kanney, Terry Chocolate Chips ........3/ 5
…and swapped
Winners: Aggie his Moorman,
Kremer, Leslie Steinlage & Mike Feltz
reunions at Fort recovery.
Rolls - Save i$2.00
in 2009.” Holiday Write me a letter, TV the
Trays, Dips, Cheese
next open $house at student
7-9 Oz.
10/ 10 678-2614. Diane Selhorst blowers, skid loaders and
names& of the mercer county historical
2 Huge . . . . .
ed the tricks of the trade. "Where Quality, remember
Well-Trimmed thinking
Bounty Towels i or4email me,Balls,
that ........... $ 99 theBuckeyes Ore-Ida
came up~~~~~~~~~~~~
with the idea tractors are brought on
advertisements appeared on an- Meats Are
thought those people
Our Specialty!"
were Graduates NEW who are celebrat-
Snack Items!!! museum
Potatoes will
. . be
28-32 held
Oz. 2/ $
Snacks trailers to remove snow
And now, i am ing their 70th class reunion June 28, with the 30th $ Annual
All Beef is U.S.D.A. Choice! Boneless Pork Jack's
ntists who unearthed these U.S.D.A.scrolls Sirloin Roast “getting old.” Seyfert's Pizza . . . . . . . . . . . . 4/ 10
6 "Bucket Tuesday" Prehistoric
or older. Artifacts
Assorted exhibit, in the village. last year
missing.$179one of them. Kettle Chips .......... 2/
ar chunks of manuscript Ground Marie Calander's
Round Lb.
Who are the people
Pretzels in 2/ 4
$the community Post at hosted
Pies . . by
. . . . the
. . . . mercer
. . . . . . 5
$ 99
the FFA removed snow
indian relic collectors. two or three times. “the
were humankind’s $earliest “cou- 8 Piece Bucket
2 Lb. Boneless WholeCumberland Gap minster is kind enough to Edy's Premium
F c Ice Cream . . . . . . . . . . 2/ 6
19 Frito-Lay ried hicken $
Ham Doritos or more tractors and snow
All beef is ground several times
daily for "your freshness!"
es your questions. Send them to$ 19
U.S.D.A. Tenderized 2
Free! Tostitos ................... 3/ 10
7 $ $ 99 (3-5 pm)
(Save $1.00) Carryout
blowers we have, the more
Pepsi 6/24 Oz. ......3/ 11

$ 99 Cube Steak 1/2 Ham. . . . . . . . Lb.$229 Fudge Shoppe Large selection of
driveways we can clean
Cookies .................... 2/ 5
$ Christmas candies at
2 Lb. Hillshire
$ 99 Farms Spiral "I Can't Believe before we stop for the
Ham ................... Lb. 2 Holiday Cookies ..... 2/ 6
$ 69 $
day,” the spokesperson
These Prices!"
U.S.D.A. Boneless
Cheezits ..................... 2/ 5

omethin’ to said. When the FFA is

Rump Roast Turkey BU HOT See what Dips &
75 Years Ago...1934Cheeseballs were voted the
2 Lb. 69¢ Lb. Y!eight section crews
$ 89 Dairy cleaning driveways, an
Pick Any 5 Meat Pkgs. w/ 25 purchasenorthern railroad
$ Meyer's Original & 1%
Chocolate monday.
were taken offBEST
Four crews
of the at our
were laid
Wine Show.
We would like to thank
off on announcement is made
Select Sizes $ 79 everyone who helped make
by radio station WcSm
(w/Pick 5 Label)
the northern division
Milk and four on 1the southern division, the
buck about
Fresh Meats and/or Frozen Pkgs. Boneless Skinless . . . . . . . 1/2 Gal. our "Winey-Gate" Event

5/ 19
$ 99 Chicken Breast latter 1
$ 59 Crystal Farms 8 Oz.
including the crews at ohio city,
successful. We raised 180


Cream Cheese . . 4/ 5 yes we carry a great selection Pepsi 2 Liter .................. 2/ 3
Food Pantry and $ and the necessary phone
Bakery and lewisburg. Kraft -the Burkettsville crew will take care of number is broadcast for
20 Pks. ..................... 5
12 Oz. (PP $2.49)
of fine wines for the holidays!
$ 99
Lb. Lofthouse
the coldwaterAmerican section. Forty of$the79 younger men were dis- those needing help. to
Bologna . . . . . . . 1 $ 99 Singles . . . . . . . . . 1 wonderful 7-Up 2 Liters .................. 99
$ 69 Reg. & Frosted ¢
See our
Cookies . . 12 Ct. 2 charged including eight foremen and 32 laborers. be put on the cleanup list,
selection of "Stocking
Coca-Cola 20 Pk. ....... 5
3 Lb. Smoked Parkay Qtrs. $ 99
....... 6 5 call a FFA instructor at
$ 79
Sausage by Everett “Buck” Hall Let Connie help with your holiday Margarine 50 Years .16 Ago...1959
Oz. 4/ Stuffers" - bagged
2 Liter ....................... 4/ 5
Ring - 14 Oz.
Bologna . . . . . . . 3
meal plans: Roasters of Chicken,
$ 19 Noodles, Potatoes, Beans, new idea
Holiday sends
Sony huge
Picture shipment
Station via "bulk" candies, gift &
fruit baskets!
one of the 419-678-4821, ext. 5142.
major shipments of farm
photosmachinery to be exported
Develop your here! We reserve the right to limit quantities!
Cakes & Cookie
ne nice to see. And now in a through the recently opened St. lawrence Seaway will em-
the mercer county chronicle
December 9, 2010 • Page 11

classifieds Ohio Scan 80A Real Estate - Bricker Auction

Myrtle Bricker, Deceased 

Buildings For Sale Has Your Saturday, December 18, 2010 - 10:00 AM
Building Shifted Or Settled? 
2663 E. 200 N., Portland, Indiana
Contact Woodford Brothers Inc.,
for straightening, leveling, foun- 80 Acre Farm – Sold in 4 Parcels
dation and wood frame repairs at 1. 2 Acres w/older 2,176 sq. ft. 2 story home w/Living Room,

020 For Rent 025 For Sale 040 Notices 045 Wanted 1-800-OLD-BARN. www.wood- Family Room, 4 bedroom, utility room, bath, enclosed back porch, enclosed front porch and ¼ basement; 2 small older
out buildings, older barn (rough) – any inspections need to
LAND CONTRACT or SOWAR!S INTERIOR De- ***DO YOU SHOP FOR WILLIAMS AUTO PARTS Business Opportunity ALL be done before auction
short term Rent to own sign, Coldwater. SALE on BARGAINS?*** That!s We buy late model CASH VENDING ROUTE Be
homes available. Several valences and draperies. what you will find at Re- wrecks. We have late your own boss 25-machines/candy 2. Approx. 10 Acres woods w/30’ wide driveway from C.R. 200
all for $9,995.00 All major credit
available. Addresses and Huge selection of Consignment Shop model used auto and truck
cards accepted. 1-877-915-8222
Pics at www.creative - (419) 678-2811. Blinds, located in downtown St. parts, late model re - shades, installed and re- Mary!s on the corner of buildable wrecks. 127 De- 3. Approx. 68 Acres w/approx. 66 tillable acres (20 +/- acres has
419-586-8220 for details. paired. Spring and Vine Street at troit Avenue, Portland, IN., Vend 3. been in hay for 30 +/- years)
702 E. Spring St. You will 260-726-8001.
025 For Sale VINYL, REPLACEMENT, find lots of new and gently Business Services REACH
4. Parcels 1, 2 and 3; 80A – W1/2 NE1/8 Section 12 Wayne
050 Work Wanted
and New Construction used Men!s, Women!s,
Township, Jay County, Indiana
Windows, wholesale Teen!s and Children!s READERS with one ad place-
FARMERS CORNER Ani- prices, install yourself, c l o t h i n g NOW ON ment. ONLY $295.00. Ohio’s TERMS: 10% NON-REFUNDABLE EARNEST MONEY day of auction,
mal bedding, semi!s Gardner!s Wholesale, Van CLEARANCE. Hurry in GIROD!S CONSTRUC- best community newspapers. balance due within 30 days or at closing; any & all statements day of
100-100 cu. yards, pine & Wert. (800) 258-4021 while supplies last. Cur- TION -Amish Crew. All Call Kathy at AdOhio Statewide auction shall take precedence over written ad.
Classified Network, 614-486-
hardwood for poultry, rently accepting Fall & types of construction work.
6677, or E-MAIL at: kmccutch-
dairy, & horse. M.L. En- Winter apparel in all sizes. Additions, remodeling, Personal Property: Misc. iron & scrap metal, older manure spreader,
terprise, LLC, 260-341- WOODSHAVINGS deliv- Visit our website for more
8928. ered in 12-90 yard loads information:
pole barns, basements, [email protected] or check out our riding Wheel Horse lawnmower w/attachments, 2 older semi-trailers
website at:
foundation and floor re-
for horses, calves, and for scrap – sold after real estate
FIREWOOD OR slab pair. Driver number
chickens. Compost also or call (419) 300-8847 260-849-1581. Please
Business Services REACH
Mel Smitley’s Real Estate & Auctioneering 

wood. $50 truck load. available. Reliable, Hours: Tuesday-Friday leave a message.
$100 wagon or trailer load. prompt and friendly serv- 12:00 noon to 6:00 p.m. OVER 1 MILLION OHIO
Call (419) 268-2129. ice. 260 622-4059 or Saturday 10:00 a.m. to GOODHEW'S ALL SEA- ADULTS with one ad placement. 260-726-6215
877-573-3631. 3:00 p.m. Find us on SON CONSTRUCTION. Only $975.00. Ask your
Facebook. local newspaper about our 2X2
035 Help Wanted
Sale, Scratch-n-Dent, One Need a new roof or a re-
of a kind, various floor dis- pair? We specialize in Display Network or Call Kathy at Mel Smitley AU01011555

plays, Discounted up to standing seam metal 614-486-6677/E-mail kmccutch- Rob Green AU19500011
75% off. Kerns Fireplace CHEESEMAN LLC hiring
AT CANALSIDE Book roofs. We also install sid- [email protected]. or check out our 
Laci Smitley AU10600051 

and Spa, 5217 Tama regional drivers. High
Shop. Thousands of used ing and gutters. No job website:
Road, Celina, Ohio 45822, books! Low prices! 115 too big or too small. Gen- Ryan Smitley, Clerk
earnings 35-44 cents per
one mile west of 127. 419 West Spring Street, St. eral handyman. 25 years
mile and Weekly Home
363-2230 Mary!s (419) 300-2665 experience. Locally
time. Visit us at cheese-

Looking for Christmas Items & Gifts?

owned and operated. Call
MOPED SALE, over 100 or call recruiting
for a free estimate
new and used mopeds. at 800 762-5793. 765-509-0191 or
Parts, service & repairs.
PROFESSIONAL seat weaving. Over 30 765-857-7004. Stop By Our Consignment Store For A Great Selection
Lyle!s Moped Sales, 12th years experience as a
DRIVER wanted for local
& Main, Delphos 419 chair caner. Call Joe cell LITTLE JJ!S Tree Service
$5.00 Off the purchase
trucking firm. Home most
692-0249. number 260 251-1418. Tree trimming and re -
nights. 2 yrs. OTR exp.,
moval; stump grinding.
of $25.00 or more
OAK WOOD PELLETS clean MVR, benefits avail-
able. Call 260-639-7346. Firewood available.
$180 per ton. Clean EARN TOP $$ selling 765-509-1956
bagged corn. Used corn women!s designer inspired
& pellet stoves. Custom STYLISTS wanted at Hair high fashion jewelry. #1 1643 Celina Rd. (Next to Ace Hardware)
mixing, bagging and Fashions and Tanning in Direct Sales Company in SMALL AMISH Crew, any St. Marys • 419-300-MOVE
cleaning. Delivery avail- North Star 419-336-8102 this industry, established kind of roofing, including
able. 419 305-8702 in 1955. No inventory in- the New Life Time Andura Limit one coupon per person
WANTED: Trained and vestment, no delivery. Roof which covers over SENIOR CITIZEN RELOCATION • BEDDING
RECLINERS, SOFAS, Experienced John Deere Expires 12/31/2010
Call Dee for an interview. ANY existing roof without & USED FURNITURE • HOUSEHOLD GOODS CONSIGNMENT
bedroom sets, table and Technician. Prefer to 419 230-9942.
chairs, curio/wardrobe/ tearing off. Foundation
have certifications but not
china cabinets, televi - work. Any kind of repair
a must. Competitive pay, IRONBEAR MARTIAL work. Any kind of paint-

Have A Website?
sions, computer desks, benefits, and 401(K).
microwaves, lamps, kero- Arts and Self Defense. ing. Dry wall finishing and
(334) 289-5966 Contact Free tryout at Celina repair. References, Expe-
sene and electric heaters, Seth.
laundry sorter cart, day YMCA in Celina. No rienced. Free estimates.
bed, childsize folding membership required. Call 937-260-5871 - Joe.

Tell the World!

WOULD YOU like to be Teaching children and
chairs, pub table, lift chair
an in-home child care pro- adults. Call Dave Weaver STATE CERTIFIED Scale
and much more. Nice
vider? Let us help. Call (419)584-1958. Buying, hauling away junk,
clean furniture/ fraction
Online 24/7
YWCA Child Care Re - wrecked, used vehicles.
cost of new. Yesterdays
source and Referral at Great workout Scrap metal of all kinds.

Treasures, 973 S. Merid-
1-800-922-2916 or
ian St., Portland, IN. Roll-off container services.
045 Wanted
419-225-5465. 24 hour towing. Selling
Monday-Friday 12:30-5 used and new parts.
to be included in next weeks directory
040 Notices
Assisted Living AutomobiLe PArts
and Saturday 10-2. $1.00 III Sons Towing, Hauling
off all DVD!s. All kinds of JD!S SALVAGE. Wanting and Salvage LLC (419)
video games. See our ad to buy running/non-run- 363-2277.
at ON FACEBOOK BARN- ning cars, trucks, ATV! s WENDEL SEAMLESS
REFRIGERATORS, HART!S Furniture. All and motorcycles. Free GUTTERING. For all your
new furniture and mat - pickup! 765 509-0355
Briarwood Village
RANGES, washers, dry-
Williams Auto Parts, Inc.
guttering and leaf cover
ers. Nice, clean, used. tresses on sale. Large se- needs. Call us for a free
Rich and Ginny!s, 208 lection of clean used fur- WANTED Buying antique quote. Call Jim at
niture. 200 East Main, toys, dolls and other
East Wiggs Street, Fort
Van Wert (419)238-5079
260-997-6774 or Steve at 100 Don Desch Dr., Coldwater 419-678-2311 127 Detroit Ave., Portland, IN 800-669-5762
Recovery, (419) 375-4173 items. 765-584-4970 260-997-1414.
Have News?

Email us at
[email protected] The Gardens at St. Henry
522 Western Ave., St. Henry 419-678-9800 The Mercer County Chronicle


124 W. Main St, Coldwater • 419-678-2324
419-678-4949 419-678-3969

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the mercer county chronicle
Page 12 • December 9, 2010

American legion Auxiliary unit 571 Knapke speaks to Coldwater Kiwanis

the november for supplies and for the of canned goods. our tom Knapke, facilitator put in place by various of several “Airy-gators” to
meeting of the maria tea Basket. Janie luebke donations for this year for groups studying ways to groups and agencies add oxygen to the water.
Stein legion Auxiliary seconded the motion. are as follows: $25 to the restore the health of Grand regarding the management Another solution is the
was held november the red ribbon project nurses Scholarship; $25 lake, was guest speaker at of the lake and he is trying use of wetlands around the
8 with 19 members is underway. rosie is to the marie moore Fund; the november 23 meeting to consolidate those plans. lake as filters. A third
present. asking for volunteers to $50 to the Dayton VA; of the coldwater Kiwanis he said he has learned a lot dredge will be on the lake
President rosie read help place the bows in the $50 to the Fisher houses; club. tom stressed that the about water, algae, science next spring removing
a thank you letter from cemeteries. Janie luebke $25 for the ohio military condition of the lake has a and technology since he’s some of the “muck” on the
Kathy rindler for using discussed the christmas Family Assistance Fund. “ripple effect” into many been in the facilitator bottom and plans are being
Sunset tours for our Dinner theatre at St. martha rindler made facets of the local and area position. results from made for a “carp derby” to
outing. She thanked the Anthony on november 21. a motion to donate the communities. not only are the test alum and silica remove some of the rough
members that attended marilyn holdheide made total amount of $175 for those who live near the lake treatments are due soon. fish. Tom said that all of
the living rosary and a motion to donate $25 these programs. marilyn or have businesses near the other potential solutions the potential solutions are
read a thank you note to this program. Ginny holdheide seconds the lake are impacted by the include the placement expensive and that raising
tangeman seconded. motion. $130 is needed to health of the lake, but also of several collectors in money locally is important
from Barb Brackman.
those who reside, work, streams that flow into because the local money
Jane meyer stated that the Jane meyer ordered the renew the yearly candle
or visit the surrounding the lake to try to capture can be used as “matching
Past President’s plaque poppies. Betty overman that is lighted at the relic area. he noted that there phosphorus before it gets money” to generate other
is now done. $285 of made 193 ditty bags chapel for the Auxiliary. are fourteen different plans into the lake and the use sources of funding.
the memorial donation by and two lap robes that it was agreed to do this
rosamary obringer was
used toward this. After
were distributed to the
chillicothe and Dayton
again this year. if anyone
is interested in running
mercer health care Fund presents
discussion, it was agreed
to use the balance of
her donation toward the
We have nine working
roasters at this time. We
for District President for
the next two years, let
rosie know. She will
check to meD Foundation
John irmscher, President
warmer that was recently need 10 for the country submit your name to of the health care Fund
purchased for our kitchen. Fest. it was agreed to our District President Board of Advisers of the
Any members that are purchase a new one. Barb Shirley maurer. the mercer county civic
making the rectangles Brackman made a motion Auxiliary is still saving Foundation, recently made
for the blankets for the to purchase one and irene pop tabs for the ronald a visit to mercer health to
hAP project, make sure Bruns seconded. mcDonald house. present a grant check to the
you attach tags with your the christmas party michelle Fleck will be meD Foundation. the check
name on them and give will be held December contacting the minnich in the amount of $5000, was
13 with cocktails at 6 family to find out what presented to Foundation
them to rosie or Janie Development Director John
luebke and then they p.m. and supper at 6:30 items are needed for hoying. Also attending the
will deliver them to the p.m. members need to their christmas project ceremony was Ken obringer,
District president at the sign up if attending. for the military soldiers. Director of marketing at
Fall roundtable. Fall there will not be any She will report at mercer health. the money
kitchen cleaning is done. gift exchange, we will December meeting. Pot is to be used specifically for
it was suggested placing be donating $5 towards of Gold winner is Shirley expenses related to the use of
extra kitchen items on our socks for the Veterans Kemper. the door prize an mri machine. the mercer
garage sale this spring. as we have been doing of a turkey was won by health care Fund, one of 117 amount of $42,000 in 2010. fund, call the mercer county
lucille Droesch made a the past two years. the Barb Brackman. next such funds held at the civic to contribute to one of the civic Foundation at 419-586-
motion to donate $25 to food pantry is asking month’s meeting will be Foundation, provided checks funds, or to create a separate 9950.
to health related fields in the
the Department President for $1 donations instead our christmas party.
Stateline Writers club plans to celebrate
Bauman orchards issues
christmas, then take two month hiatus
precautionary recall for apple cider For the november Stateline Saturday, December 11, at cJ’s will be contacted closer to
Bauman orchards of company in connection with discovered the potential Writers club, members were highmarks at 11 a.m. in the that meeting about their
rittman, ohio, announced the consumption of Bauman product contamination. asked to submit an article, party room. the assignment is assignments.
a voluntary recall of orchards, inc.’s apple Because of potential poem or any other writing of to complete a writing of your meetings are regularly held
their choice, but were told choice. the only stipulation is on the 3rd Saturday of each
approximately 50,000 gallons cider.” product contamination, they must write something, that it be somehow related to month at 10 a.m. at the celina
of apple cider due to potential the products subject to Bauman orchards urges no excuses! the readings the christmas holiday and that mercer county library.
product contamination. recall are identified by UPC its customers who have that everyone did bring in it not be too long. members interested persons are invited
Doug Bauman, Vice codes: 2290600128 and purchased the suspect were imaginative and varied. are also to bring a small gift and encouraged to attend.
President of Bauman 2290600064, and include products not to consume most members went through for no more than $5 that can, Stateline members say they’ll
orchards said, “this recall both gallons and half them and to return them to their older work and picked but doesn’t have to, be related “see you again in march when
is being conducted as a gallons. the products were the company. customers out something special or to their reading. the Stateline Writers club’s
precautionary measure distributed to stores in ohio, may bring those designated memorable; others were After the christmas party, regular meeting schedule
because the apple cider was sold September 1 through packages to any store location inspired to do something new. Stateline will be going on it’s resumes.” if anyone wants any
under processed. to date, no December 5. where purchased or call it was a very fun meeting! winter schedule. there will more information, they can
illnesses or adverse effects An ohio Department Bauman orchards at (330) it was suggested that the be no meetings in January or call Gretchen Bollenbacher
have been reported to the of Agriculture inspection 925-6861. December meeting/christmas February; the group will meet at 419-363-2692 or email to
party be held a week early on again in march. members [email protected].

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