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Women’s group slams military over member’s arrest story on

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P10.00 Volume 29, No. 284 WWW.MINDANAOGOLDSTARDAILY.COM June 5, 2018 Tuesday

223,000 kids flock

from Surigao
finally home
after 21-day

to Oro, Misor schools

sea ordeal
BUTUAN City -- The fish-
erman marooned at sea for
21 days has returned safely
to his home and family in
Surigao City after he was
By NITZ ARANCON rescued in the island nation

Correspondent of Palau.
EARLY 223 thou- A report from the Phil-
sand children and ippine Coast Guard (PCG)
teenagers trooped identified the fisherman
to various public schools as Robert dela Cruz, 39,
across Cagayan de Oro of Barangay Washington,
and Misamis Oriental as Pantalan Uno, Surigao
classes opened yesterday. City.
The education depart- The Coast Guard said
ment counted 133,325 dela Cruz was found drift-
people enrolled in kinder- ing at sea and was rescued
garten, elementary, junior by the crew of M/T Seri
high and senior high in Begawan, a Malaysian
public schools in the flagged tanker, at about 51
city. Excluding those in nautical miles southeast of
kindergarten, the city has Anguar Palau, Island and
about 4,371 public school 490 nautical miles East of
teachers. Davao region on Saturday.
In Misamis Oriental, The Coast Guard said
officials said there were dela Cruz and his com-
89,500 enrolled in public panions went for a fishing
schools, and some 6,800 venture in April 26 at the
teachers. Pacific Ocean aboard their
Officials however said mother boat but he was
the figures could shoot subsequently separated
up, pointing out that the from the rest of the crew.
Department of Educa- He was on a small boat to
tion is still anticipating catch fish.
latecomers in the coming DAY 1. City Central School teacher Violeta Olayvar helps her young pupils with their classwork during the first day of classes yesterday. Her class Officials said after
has 36 pupils as of yesterday’s count. (photo by nitz arancon)
days. hours of searching, he

Solons frown over rising dropout rates,

Jonathan dela Peña, eventually ran out of gas-
schools division super- oline and started drifting.
intendent in Cagayan de According to the Coast
Oro, said the number of
elementary graders in
the city reached 92,110
blame perennial school problems, K-12 Guard, dela Cruz survived
by eating raw fish and
drinking rainwater for 21
students, as of yester- TWO lawmakers ex- what they said was the are not in school. He said the government days.
day’s count. With 2,693 pressed dismay over the alarming increase in the “Most of them, or al- “brags” the increase in Dela Cruz’s ordeal cov-
elementary grade teach- perennial problems in the number of school dropouts. most 3.3 million are aged the net enrollment in ele- ered the distance of 600
ers, the ratio is 1:34 or public education system Citing the 2016 Annual 16 to 24 years old who are mentary and high schools nautical miles or 1,100
one teacher for every 34 which, they said, were Poverty Indicators Survey, supposed to be in senior but there are still millions kilometers of open sea.
students. aggravated by the “ill- the Philippine Statistics high school or college “deprived of their right to The Coast Guard Dis-
Dela Peña also count- planned and haphazardly” Authority’s latest, Rep. level already. More than education.” trict South Eastern Min-
ed 35,447 students in implemented “K to 12” Antonio Tinio of ACT half or about 53 percen of Tinio said the number danao Operation Center
junior high who would be program. Teachers said 3.8 million them belong to the poorest of children accommodated received information from
See FLOCK/p.7 They blamed these for or one in 10 young citizens families,” Tinio said. See FROWN/p.7 See ORDEAL/p.7

163 Lagonglong villagers

A woman

flee as soldiers, rebels clash

watches over
her sleeping
child against
the backdrop of
slogans against
By NITZ ARANCON in Lagonglong, Misamis onglong because of rising militarization
Correspondent at the capitol
Oriental. tensions and skirmishes in grounds
SOME 163 indigenes There were at least 38 the town. yesterday.
fled their homes and then families, including many Sariza Acosta, spokes- Families from
Sitio Kamansi,
camped out at the capitol children, staying at the cap- person of the Tagtabolon Barangay
grounds an hour before itol park. The lumad group Tribe Organization, said Banglay in
midnight on Sunday for Kalumbay said there is a the evacuations actually Lagonglong
town, Misamis
fear of being caught in two-week old baby there started in May 26 after sol- Oriental
the crossfires, days after at presstime. diers started surrounding evacuated as
troops killed two New Peo- The evacuation was the the village. tension gripped
their village
ple’s Army rebels during a sixth time for villagers of “Basin sulongon sila again. (photo by
clash in an outlying village Kamansi, Banglay, Lag- See FLEE/p.7 nitz arancon)
1/8 PAGE
Gold Star Daily

Tuesday, June 5, 2018

Editor: Cong B. Corrales
7 Oro woodpushers to compete in Asean age group chess tourney
MAYOR Oscar More- Age Group Chess Champi- seven-member team ad- cluded 2018 National sa Lumancas (8-under girls); and bronze med-
no bids the seven young onships to be held on June vanced to the Asean age Grand Finals Age Group girls); silver medalists- alists-Lorebina Carrasco
and finest chess players 18-28 in Mandaya Hotel, group competition after Chess Tournament in Ruelle Canino (10-under ll (14-under girls), Clyde
of Cagayan de Oro City Davao City. hauling one gold, three Roxas City, Capiz. girls), David Rey Anche- Harris Saraos (14-under
good luck as they are set CDO chess head coach silver and three bronze The medalists are: gold ta (12-under boys), and boys), and Ronald Canino
to compete in the Asean Johnnel Balquin said the medals in the just-con- medalist- Maria There- Mary Joy Tan (16-under (16-under boys). (cio)

Mental Health Code for city sought Rights body

takes on rise
COUNCILOR Reuben Council regular session measures to help address son can realize his or her
in cases vs
cli photo

Daba, chair of the City presided over by Vice issues on mental health. own abilities to cope with
Council committee on
social services, recently
Mayor Rainier Joaquin Uy,
Daba explained that resi-
“So nagalihok atong
CSWD uban sa commit-
normal stresses of life and
work productively. It em-
proposed a joint meeting dents of the city who have tee on social services nga phasizes that mental health THE City Inter-Agency
with the committee on mental illness are being magahimo kita og mental is not just the absence of Council Against Trafficking
health and sanitation and cared for at the House of code kay mao kana ang psychiatric disorder or and Violence Against Wom-
health insurance chaired by Hope, a custodial psychiat- atong kinahanglanon para illness but a positive state en and their Children , in its
Councilor Maria Lourdes ric care facility of the city. makaacquire og mental fa- of well-being. latest meeting presided over
Gaane for the creation of a He said the City Social cility dinhi sa city,” he said. Uy referred the special by Councilor Edna Dahino,
Technical Working Group Daba
Welfare and Development Mental health is de- report of Councilor Daba chair of the City Council’s
to look into the enactment Department (CSWD), and fined by the World Health to the committee on social committee on women and
of the proposed City Code In his special report his committee are jointly Organization as a state of services for further discus- family relations, to discuss
on Mental Health. during the latest 18th City working to create possible well-being where a per- sion. (cli) in detail the prevalence of
cases on violence against
NMMC docs to undergo women and children in the
‘tele-medicine’ training During the meeting,
Councilor Dahino stressed
DEPARTMENT of Science their work/office numbers the importance of the VAW
and Technology (DOST- for consolidation on the Mapping System and its role
10) will be conducting a conduct of the training. in the creation and imple-
TeleMedicine training for Protocols on patient re- mentation of the Integrated
medical doctors in North- ferrals through phone calls, Referral System.
ern Mindanao Medical emails, texts and other The Integrated Referral
Center (NMMC) on June forms of telecommunica- System is designed not only
22. tions will also be tackled to promptly meet the needs
This training is one of and addressed. Through but also to resolve any and
the region’s initiatives for this, referred patients gain all problems and concerns
the project entitled: Roll- access to medical care of victims and/or survivors
Out of 1000 Telehealth and opinions from clinical of violence. Furthermore, it
Device in Selected Rural specialists in the different also aims to provide assis-
Health Centers in the Phil- fields. tance to the victims and/or
ippines. Five speakers from the survivors such as medical,
Aimed to convene University of the Philip- psychological/counseling,
NMMC doctors and train pines-National TeleHealth shelter and legal assistance,
them for patient referrals Center will be coming over among others.
from Rural Health Units to train the participants. The meeting was attend-
(RHUs), the training also Also, issue on data priva- ed by representatives from
intends to come up with cy will be addressed by a the Cagayan de Oro City
an NMMC doctor’s direc- speaker from the Depart- Police Office, City Pros-
tory for the RHUs. Further, ment of Information and ecutor’s Office, National
clinical specialists from Communications Technol- Bureau of Investigation,
NMMC are to provide ogy-region 10. (dost x) Department of Interior and
Local Government, City
for WATER Health Office, City Social
Welfare and Development,
Department of Education,
produce potable & irrigation
purposes for LGU, Farm, Industrial
Bureau of Jail Manage-
Domestic thru: ment and Penology, City
advanced drilling equipment Planning and Development
technology & survey Office, GFPSTWG, Oro
(geo-resistivity, borehole logging) Youth and Development

Council, World Vision
Inc., Balaod Mindanao,
Tuesday, June 5, 2018 from survey-drilling-pump
Migrams Ministry, Tisaka/
* NO WATER NO PAY POLICY install-control panel-pump test
* ACCEPT DEFERRED PAYMENT (non-stop 48 hours pump test) Drop-in Belen, Northern
Mindanao Medical Center,
Cagayan de Oro Hotel and
Surewell Drilling Corp. rehabilitation of abandoned well
contact # 0945 7689380 well maintenance (change pump)
Restaurant Association and
-welcome free consulation- the City Administrators
Office, among others. (cli)
1/8 PAGE 1/83 P
Tuesday, June 5, 2018

PELAEZ personally turned-
over shoes,shades
shadesand andhygiene
to the
the Children
Children of Barangay North
Poblacion, Medina,Misamis
Misamis Oriental.
Oriental. This
This initiative
initiative of Vice Governor
Pelaez supported by by Toms
Toms Shoes
Shoes and and Clean
Clean the World (CTW) (CTW)
through Children
through Children International
International Philippines
Philippines (CIPI).In
(CIPI).In addition, Vice
Governor Pelaezalso
turned-over aa 32-inch
32-inch LEDLED TV for educational
shows purposes
shows purposes envisioned
envisioned to to help
help widen
widen the
the knowledge of the the
students andteachers.
Present during thethe activity
activity were
were Barangay
Barangay Chairwoman
Chairwoman HELEN
PELIN, Barangay
PELIN, Barangay Councilors
Councilors DEMETRIA
LAGO, DaycareWorker
Worker Teacher
and theirparents.
As Chairmanofofthe theCommittee
Committee on on Education,
Education, Culture and the Arts, Arts,
Vice GovernorPelaez
concerned notnot only
only with
with the education of the
students butalso
healthandand proper
proper hygiene.
hygiene. (advt
1/8 PAGE
Gold Star Daily

Tuesday, June 5, 2018

Editor: Cong B. Corrales
13 killed, 4
injured in Gabriela decries Briefly
285 candidate soldiers undergo training

arrest of member
CAMP SIONGCO, Maguindanao — The second batch
Davao Sur of this year’s candidate soldiers will begin their four-
month training to become new foot troopers.

road crash By ERWIN M. MASCARIÑAS Castro as the new finance

Major Gen. Cirilito Sobejana, newly-installed Ar-
my’s 6th Infantry Division commander, administered

4 id photo
Correspondent the oath-taking of the 285 candidates, witnessed by
DAVAO City — Thirteen officer of the New People’s their proud parents and relatives.
workers of a coconut pro- BUTUAN City — A wom- Army. Of the 285 candidate soldiers, 256 are male and the
cessing plant were killed en’s rights group denounced However, Hijos denied remaining 29, female. (pna)
while four others were the arrest of one of its mem- this allegation.
injured when their utili- bers calling it a “misogy- “De Castro is a small Valencia City opens FIBA-compliant gym
ty vehicle collided with a nistic” move of the Army’s businesswoman who devot- VALENCIA City — Valencia City government has
10-wheeler truck at 12:30 402nd Infantry Brigade. de_castro ed part of her time towards just completed its gymnasium remodeling and is now
pm on Sunday in Sitio Lan- In a statement issued yes- the promotion of women’s primed to host international sporting and cultural
tawan, Barangay Astorga, terday, Atel Hijos, Gabriela rights in Caraga. She has events.
Sta. Cruz, Davao del Sur. Women’s Party secretary been a volunteer of GWP The gymnasium’s modernized structural design and
In a report, Police Re- general, condemned the ar- since 2006,” said Hijos. state-of-the-art facilities complied with the standards
gional Officer (PRO-11) rest of their volunteer Nerita Bishop Modesto Villas- set by International Basketball Federation or FIBA.
spokesperson Chief Insp. de Castro based on what anta of the United Church of IWith a theatre gallery, it is big enough to hold 2,500
Milgrace Driz said the they claimed to trumped-up Christ in the Philippines in audiences sitting comfortably. (pia x)
De Castro
overspeeding utility vehicle charges. Tandag City who claimed to
owned by Franklin Baker “The arrest is meant to ment, we believe that the have to met de Castro several Maritime cop arrested for extortion
Co., which runs a coconut sow fear among the people arrest is based on made-up times in relation to human ZAMBOANGA City — Operatives of the Counter In-
processing plant in the prov- of Caraga who dare to ex- offenses and trumped-up rights work questioned the telligence Task Force and Special Action Force arrested
ince, overshot to the oppo- pose and criticize President charges and accusing an charge of murder against de a policeman in an entrapment operation for extortion
site lane while navigating Duterte and his military and ordinary citizen and defender Castro. in Isabela City, Basilan province.
a curve along the national police’s misogynistic and an- of women’s rights of crimes “This is a frightening Chief Supt. Edwin de Ocampo, deputy regional
highway and crashed into an ti-people actions,” Hijos said. that she did not commit,” scenario. We now see the director for administration, identified the arrested
approaching truck driven by On May 31, at around said Hijos. systemic targeting of people policeman as PO3 Basir Alam, assigned with the
Efren Pesores. 1:00 pm, personnel of the Hijos accused the author- who are helping communi- Philippine National Police-Maritime Group 9 based
Police identified the Police Regional Office 13 ities of denying de Castro of ties fight for their rights,” said in Isabela City. (pna)
slain victims Jonathan and soldiers of the 402IB ar- a legal counsel while being Villasanta.
Dadong, Niña Itchon, rested de Castro in Emenville interrogated. Other names included Anti-drug programs receive commendation
Jayson Tusan, Recmar Subdivision, Barangay Am- “Despite her constant in the warrant of arrest that KIDAPAWAN City — Mayor Joseph Evangelista claimed
Bautista, Maria Fe Regino, bago, this city. The warrant demand for a lawyer while was served to de Castro are, that the Dangerous Drugs Board (DDB) and the National
Roy Pleños Itchon, Joel of arrest for the criminal case being interrogated, she was Rizaldy Sumunod, Tulong Youth Commission (NYC) had given appreciation and
Cedeño Durson Adlog, number 18-3304 for murder denied her right to be accom- Wagdos, someone known recognition of the city government’s anti-drug programs.
Rannie Cabal, Alfredo was issued by Judge Lilibeth panied by a counsel,” added as Jing or Ado, Bernard The mayor said he received the accolade from
Beringuel, Vicente Sanico, Ladaga at the Regional Trial Hijos. Suazo, Raul Salas, Vicente the DDB and the NYC after his lectures during the
and one unidentified per- Court 11, Judicial Branch 28, Captain Al Anthony Consigna, Nilo Camino, anti-drug forum held a week ago in Kalibo, Aklan
son while Ron Gie Rada of Lianga, Surigao del Sur on B. Pueblas, Civil-Military Anlonia Sellas-Dizon, Bello where he introduced two of his special programs to the
died on the way to the March 13. Operations Officer of the Sinzo, Jr., Bernilito Crido, participants. (mindanews)
hospital. (mindanews) “This is a form of harass- Army’s 402IB accused de and Ombid Sinzo.
Republic of the Philippines
10th Judicial Region
Cagayan de Oro City



Mortgagors. Advertising and Subscription
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Upon extra-judicial petition for sale under ACT 3135 as amended filed by BANGKO
(088) 855-1736
AND EVELYN B. LAPUT, mortgagor, resident of B19, Lot 21, Xavier Heights Subdivision, Upper
Balulang, Cagayan de Oro City, to satisfy the mortgage indebtedness which as of February 28,
2018, amounts to (P1,276,097.78) excluding penalties, charges, attorneys fees and expenses
of foreclosure, the undersigned Sheriff will sell at Public Auction on June 25, 2018 at 9:00 A.
M. or soon thereafter at RTC Branch 24, Hall of Justice Building, Cagayan de Oro City, to the
highest bidder for CASH and in Philippine Currency, the properties with all its improvements
to wit:
• Mobile Numbers:

A PARCEL OF LAND, (Lot 22, Block 41, Psd-10-020903, being a portion of Lot 5237,
Cagayan Cadastre) situated in the Barrio of Barra, Municipality of Opol, Province of
Misamis Oriental, Island of Mindanao. Bounded on the NE., along line 3-4 by Road Lot 0926-9670-439
40 (8.00 m. wide), on the SE., along line 4-1 by Lot 24, on the SW., along line 1-2 by Lot
23., on the NW., along line 2-3 by Lot 20, all of Block 41, of the Subdivision plan Psd-
10-020903. Containing an area of One Hundred Forty (140) SQUARE METERS MORE OR

Prospective buyers may investigate for themselves, in the event of Auction Sale can not
take place for whatever legal reason the sale will proceed on the following day, without
further notice, posting and publication, the title here in above describe and encumbrance
thereon, if any there be.
• Email us at:
[email protected]
Cagayan de Oro City, Philippines, May 11, 2018.
Sheriff IV
Copy Furnished:
BANGKO CENTRAL NG PILIPINAS – BSP Building, A. Mabini corner Pablo Ocampo, Sr. Street, Malate, Manila
DARLENE B. LAPUT – 526 Hayes Street, Cagayan de Oro City.

Posted: BULLETIN BOARD – RTC Branch 24, Cagayan de Oro City

BULLETIN BOARD – Barangay Barra, Opol, Mis. Oriental
BULLETIN BOARD – City Hall, Cagayan de Oro City MGSD May 29, June 5 & 12, 2018
Serving people for 29 years
Gold Star Daily

Tuesday, June 5, 2018

Editor: Cong B. Corrales
Ched orders BSU external centers closed
By LITO RULONA Medina, Talisayan, Salay, away from Kinoguitan. Section 62 of Ched Mem- a reasonable period and 13, the Ched-10 recognizes
and Gingoog City. Ched-10 were also or- orandum Order NO. 40, with adequate provisions for that some of the BSU-ESC
VICE Governor Joey Pe- “This is a good develop- dered to let BSU-Kinoguitan series of 2009. continued use by the school particularly those in the
laez has announced that ment kay sa mawala na gyud furnish the necessary trans- Those were allowed to through a long-term lease. Bukidnon area could be
the 2014 Commission on tanan ang mag-operate,” fer credentials and records operate were told to work In Gingoog City and formed into a satellite cam-
Higher Education’s (Ched) he said. to students affected by the out the allocation of P1.5 Iligan City, BSU-ESCs puses because of the efforts
Gradual or Outright Phase The campuses that were closure, cause the preserva- Million for capital outlay, campuses were ordered to and initiatives of the various
Out Order of all Bukidnon ordered to close were BSU- tion of all the students’ aca- P2.5 Million for personnel close graduate programs and stakeholders.
State University – External ESCs located in the munic- demic records by submitting services and P1.5 Million immediately facilitate the However, Ched-10
Study Centers (BSU-ESCs) ipalities of Kinoguitan and the same to the Ched-10 or for maintenance and other transfer of the existing grad- shall close ESCs in Kalil-
in Misamis Oriental will not Magsaysay. to the National Archives operating expenses starting uate students affected by the angan, Baungon, Malitbog
be fully implemented. Ched Deputy Executive Office. the next year 2019 so that it closure to nearby Higher and Libona through the
Pelaez said based on Director Napoleon Imperial, Another ESCs that were could transition into a satel- Education Institutions. phase-out process effec-
Ched Resolution No. 097- CESO III ordered Ched-10 allowed to operate was or- lite campus. The order was based on tive school year 2018-
2018 and Ched Implement- to close Kinoguitan campus- dered to comply with some Imperial also ordered Ched implementing order 2019. ESCs in Talakag and
ing Order dated May 29, es within the first semester conditions within the pre- BSU administration should upon discussion and delib- Kadingilan could also be
the following BSU-ESCs and recommend enrollment scribed period otherwise transfer ESC into a site eration during the 503rd facing phase-out process
shall continue to operate in of incoming freshmen to they were also ordered to that owns or that with a Joint Management Com- for the second semester
the municipalities and cities Sugbongcogon which is 10 close immediately under definite and feasible pro- mittee and Commission this year if they still failed
of Sugbongcogon, Alubijid, minutes to 15 minutes walk the conditions set forth in gram for ownership within en banc meeting on March to transfer to another site.

Iligan city’s 45 families evacuated to safe place in Zambo del Sur town
‘Tartanilla’ DUMINGAG, Zamboan- Chief Insp. Andrew Li- avoid being caught in the Limos said the 45-fam- other needs to the affected

will not be families

ga del Sur — Some 45 mos, the local police chief, crossfire as the NPA rebels ily-evacuees are temporar- families.
consisting of 230 said the 45 families are from might mingled with the ily sheltered at the covered He said the offensive was
people have been ordered Barangay Saad, a remote community in Barangay court of Barangay Pobla- launched last Friday after
phased out toas theevacuate to a safe area village in this town, the cen- Saad.
military launched an ter of the military offensive Barangay Saad is located
cion. the NPA rebels threatened
Limos said the municipal to burn the heavy equipment
By NORA SORIÑO offensive against the New against the NPA rebels. in the boundary of this town social welfare and develop- of a construction firm under-
Iligan City Bureau Chief
People’s Army rebels in the Limos said the families with the municipality of Siayan, ment office has immediately taking a government project
ILIGAN City — There’s outskirt of this town. were told to evacuate to Zamboanga del Norte. provided food supplies and in Barangay Saad. (pna)
no truth to reports that the
“tartanilla’’ would no lon-
ger be seen in the city, City 3 Reds surrender
in Soccsksargen
Councilor Sorilie Bacsarpa
said late last week.
In fact, she added,
efforts are being made
to widen the routes of DAVAO City — The campaign against the New People’s
the alternative means of Army continued to gain ground in Mindanao as three
transportation. To note, the 03duyogramadhan1 more rebels surrendered to the military over the weekend.
horse-drawn carriage has Capt. Jerry Lamosao, the Army’s 10th Infantry Divi-
been seen for decades ply- sion spokesperson, said three NPA members in Region
ing the city streets although 12 abandoned the Communist armed group and brought
at present, its routes have with them their firearms.
been limited to Badelles On Saturday, two NPA members operating in South
street through Tambacan Cotabato gave themselves up to troops of the 27th In-
and through the market. fantry Battalion in Barangay Upper Sepaka, Surallah,
It has become scarce South Cotabato.
but through the years with Goyo Lagal Pandatu, 27, married and a resident of
the gasoline fueled ve- Barangay Moloy, Surallah, South Cotabato and Toto
hicles lording it over the Lumbay Sore alias Toto, 32, married and a resident of
major city streets like any Parishioners of the Redemptorist Church in Iligan City flock to the Duyog Ramadhan booth after Mass on Barangay Upper Sepaka, also in Surallah, surrendered
Sunday morning. Proceeds are intended for Maranao children displaced in the Marawi Siege. During Mass,
other progressive city in a Maranao Muslim youth shared about his faith and the Ramadhan to the Catholic churchgoers. MindaNews with their firearms — an M16 rifle, an improvised M79
the country. photo by Bobby Timonera rifle and a Caliber .45 Thompson sub-machine gun. (pna)

Gold Star Daily

Tuesday, June 5, 2018

Editor: Herbie Gomez
Gunpowder and treason Let’s not rush to
“You can fool some people some time
but you can’t fool all the people all the
12 as the day of the proclamation of
independence. The 21-page declaration
federal system
THE GOLD STAR DAILY is published by the Min-
danao Gold Star Daily Corp. at Gusa Highway, My Wit’s End time.” -Get up, Stand was signed by 98 Filipinos, all of whom SHIFTING from the present uni-
Cagayan de Oro City. Telefax: (08822) 73-33-66, up, Bob Marley and were appointed by Aguinaldo, and one tary-presidential form of government to
73-27-30, (088) 855-1737; 855-1743,
the Wailers retired American artillery officer, for the proposed federal-parliamentary sys-
E-mail: [email protected], PRESS
good measure. tem is no small matter. It Street Talk
856-4795 JUST like other bud- I’m not a big history buff but it’s not demands probity and
MEMBER ding republics in the every day that a pivotal point in our na- statesmanship of the
Founded by ERNESTO G. CHU
President Emeritus
world, treachery and tion’s history falls on the same day your highest order in those
treacherous behavior column gets published. who advocate it.
EDITORIAL have been ingrained in Politicos in power, no matter how Radical change in
our history and polity. they package themselves as “pro-peo- our mode of gover-
Herbie Gomez, Editor in Chief Cong Case in point, 119 ple,” will always behave according to
Cong Corrales, Associate Editor
Corrales nance cannot, should
Ben Balce, Deskman years ago today, General their original socio-economic standing. not, be dictated by
Catherine Chu,RN, Lifestyle Editor Emilio Aguinaldo ordered the execution As we are witnessing today, this truism the preference of a Manny
of General Antonio Luna in Cabanatuan, still holds true as it was 119 years ago. few powerful people.
Nueva Ecija. Anybody who threatens the status
Guadalupe Jimenez Chu, President
No individual or group
Luna was supposed to attend a war quo will always end up dead. can speak unilaterally, let alone decide
Alfonso Y. Lim, Vice President for Production
Gladys Elaine J. Chu,Vice President for Marketing council at the behest of Aguinaldo. Why’d you thought all those “drug this issue, for all Filipinos. Not even if
James Go, Vice President for Circulation However, Aguinaldo was nowhere in lords” killed without the benefit of the they are hand-picked by the president.
Catherine Chu,RN, Administrative Director sight except for the soldiers who were courts and some were spared? If you still
Lissa Rosalynn C. Lagura, Finance Officer And not especially by today’s president.
Ruchelle Bangis, General Manager there who were ordered to arrest him believe that all these killings were part A societal issue, at the least, demands
Flordelis Paler, Circulation and Advertising at all cost. Only three years before this, of the grand scheme to eradicate drug the widest discussion and debate possi-
Atty. Melanie Mae C. Cabanlas, Legal Counsel Andres Bonifacio and his brother suf- use in the country, then you’re woefully
Atty. Jerry Pacuribot, Legal Counsel ble, plus a referendum where all aspects
fered the same fate at Naic. mistaken. and viewpoints are considered openly
Registered with the Securities and Exchange A little digression and trivia, if you Impunity, by the way, is not only and thoroughly. Short of that, one cannot
Commission (CS201028440) on June. 23, will. A year before he ordered the assas- characterized by wanton killings by
2010. Entered as second class mail matter at speak of due process and democratic
the Postal Service Office-Region 10, October sination of Luna, June 5, 1898, Agu- people in power. This also manifests in decision making.
1989 and Region 11 with Permit no. PR-XI inaldo issued a decree declaring June See CORRALES/p.7 Some advocates of federalism sound
96-08 on Dec. 12, 1996. Extension Offices
Manila: Unit 1603, 16/F, IPI Buendia Tower, as if all it takes to establish and institu-
501 Sen. Gil Puyat Avenue, Pasay City, Mobile
No., 09175494885; 09228638541, Telefax.:
(02)856-0740; email: goldstar_manila@yahoo.
com; Cebu: (Adrian Lee) Gold Star Cebu
What are schools for? tionalize the new system is gravity—i.e.
enact it at the top and let it trickle-down
to the different layers of the bureaucracy
Bldg. 626 La Tressas Drive, Tres de Abril, “ASK and it will be given to you; seek a young woman or man, goes to school and society.
Cebu City; mobile no.: 0918-941-3920, tele- and you will find; knock and the door because he or she has questions in her Not only that, they want federalism
phone nos: (032) 2625474, 2624557; Davao:
(Ruben M. Dongzal) cor. Fr. Selga & Malvar, will be opened to you. or his mind that he or she has wants adopted through a simple and uncom-
Sicat Bldg. Davao City, Tel. nos.: 082-4402057 “For everyone who answers to. Asking questions is how plicated route: convert Congress into
/ 0932-619-9703 / 0905-121-4868. email: asks, receives; and the learning and studying begins. a constitutional assembly and get it
[email protected]
one who seeks, finds; Whether it is in the physical sciences done pronto. Would that they were just
The views expressed in our editorial pages and to the one who or the social sciences, technology or the kidding! In fact, their preference for a
do not necessarily reflect the stand, individual or
collective, of this paper’s publishers, editors, man- knocks, the door will arts, or our personal, psychological or constituent assembly should raise alarms
agers, and staff members. These are the authors’ be opened. spiritual life and whatever level we are up and down the Philippine archipelago.
opinions in the huge marketplace of ideas where
readers are free to agree or disagree with, accept “Which one of you in the school, be it in the grade school, So delicate a task as constitu-
or reject, or use in formulating informed decisions. Fr. Leo would hand his son a high school, college, etc..., we go to tion-making should not be entrusted to
BUREAUS / AGENCIES Pabayo stone when he asks for school because we have questions in traditional politicians with deep dynastic
a loaf of bread, or a our mind that we want to find answers roots in politics as a livelihood. Filipinos
BETH DELA CRUZ - 0917-714-3761, 0922-884-8796,
METRO MANILA snake when he asks for a fish? to. The answers to the questions we are shouldn’t take their cue from the same
RALPH FRANCISCO - 0917-704-4623, “If you then, who are wicked, know asking are just waiting out there to be politicos who manipulate them today
ADRIAN LEE - 032-262 5474, 032-262 4557, how to give good gifts to your children, known or discovered by us. and dominate politics on all layers and
CEBU CITY how much more will your heavenly We seek answers to our questions for corners of our system.
AMOR BARLISAN - 0906-275-2936,
Father give good things to those who various reasons. The most basic reason To let the trapos have their way on
EDGAR DICHOS - 0916-168-0049, ask him. is that we are hungry for knowledge and this issue is to kiss goodbye to term
STEVE BRIAN N. PARBA- 0906-348-7018, 0906-6752-038
“Do to others whatever you would understanding. We get some satisfaction limits, accountability, free elections, and
CAGAYAN DE ORO have them do to you. This is the law and and joy for our discoveries of truths that even free speech and press freedom. The
BING TENORIO - 0917-793-3999, the prophets.” we have been seeking to know. That is latter are already under attack today and
AICKA TENORIO - 092O-2115-114, The Gospel passage I just quoted what all studies have always been about. are already weakened by expletives and
VALENCIA is somehow related to what we do in Whatever it is that we are studying, imperious authoritarianism.
TERRY BANGAL - 0922 -3156-008,
DANGCAGAN, BUKIDNON school as students and teachers, as well our studies have always been about To let the system be coopted and
LALAINE SUDARIA - 0926-354-3702, as members of the staff doing other knowing the truths about the world and dominated by such people will guaran-
GLENN L. UY - 0917-112-6041,
works in the school. about our lives as persons. tee that the proposed federal territories
MALAYBALAY We are in education, and education However, that is only one reason why will remain firmly under their control.
EFREN CELOCIA - 0975-640-8038,
is, in a sense, about asking questions and we search for answers in whatever field We would only end up with a rewritten
DANILO MANIT - 0935-226-1566, finding the answers to these questions. of knowledge or study we are engaged Constitution tailor made for their inter-
TALAKAG, BUKIDNON A person, be she or he is a child or See PABAYO/p.7 ests, political and economic.
EVIE TIPON - 0905-888-1999,
MARAMAG, BUKIDNON How do we know this? They are the

Spend the money right

OSCAR LEDESMA - 0916-910-0019,
same generation of trapos who appro-
EVELYN CASANILLO, 0916-834-6159, priated the yellow banner of EDSA and
NORA SORIÑO - 0919-796-9292,
ushered President Cory into power,
ILIGAN THE Pangtawid Gutom program or 4Ps Farmers feed the nation. They spouting the fairly simple concepts of
HENRY SALAZAR - 0926-014-2978, leaves a lot of questions on whether it deserve to be aided with their needs to decentralization, devolution, and auton-
ELDIE AGUIRRE - 0919-285-7530, Knock, Knock makes poor people produce food -- farm implements, fertil- omy and later enacted the Local Gov-
DIGOS become dependent and izers, new technology, fair price for their ernment Code.
EDGAR CATANE - 0909-701-3523,
OROQUIETA lazy or not, whether it produce and better roads for transporta- But instead of enforcing and institu-
BREN MASANGCAY - 0920-549-5712, has become politicized tion. But farmers who get these support tionalizing the Code’s mandate to em-
AVEL GALORIO - 0908-7398-848,
by giving preference from the government but squander the power the Filipino and the community,
BAYUGAN, AGUSAN DEL SUR to political allies, and aid provided by the government should they bastardized it by making it impossi-
MARIE IVY AYENSA SABELO - 0917-962-0246,
most importantly, is be prosecuted and jailed for their sins. ble for deserving and qualified but poor
LEMIE LEGARTE - 0915-637-1644, the money spent for It is sometimes ironic to watch China candidates to win in their districts.
GINGOOG the purpose as intend- making deserts green with farm produce First, they made election campaigns
NONOY LERIO - 0950-277-7917,
ed or simply wasted while we, surrounded by water and hav- prohibitively expensive by flooding
Ben on something else than their bailiwicks with money, pork barrel
FLOR DEGUINION - 0918-708-2225, ing very fertile soil, are lagging behind
TANDAG, SURIGAO DEL SUR Contreras for the stomach? favors, and flying voters. Second, they
ROSE MUÑEZA - 0910-537-5103, in food production. Neighboring Asian
SULTAN KUDARAT Criticize it and one might be accused countries learned from us decades ago fielded their family members and cro-
BASIR ALIPOLO - 0936-306-4043, 0930-523-4232
of being anti-poor. But the money would but now, we import rice from them. nies to run for all available positions,
SALVADOR G. HIMULATAN- 0929-798-3600, be put to better use if used to help the China has a serious reforestation crowding out other candidates.
TENG DATU - 0910-4033-386, 0926-3370-937
poor till their farms. And when the gov- program that resulted in lush forest after Where none of this worked, they
COTABATO CITY/ ernment finally decides to change gears, 50 years. Here, we have a billion worth brought in the usual combination of
KABACAN, NORTH COTABATO the concerned agency should see to it of reforestation program during the time guns, goons, and gold to soften up or
TOTOY MUÑOZ - 0975-418-2734,
ZAMBOANGA CITY that the people who decide to go farm- of Environment Secretary Ramon Paje intimidate voters.
JUN LAZO - 0947-712-3696, ing will get the assistance they deserve which is shrouded with questions if not, And so the promise of autonomy or
like what other countries are doing. See CONTRERAS/p.7 See VALDEHUESA/p.7
Tuesday, June 5, 2018 7
Flock gional director Allan
Farnazo gave nothing
percent of junior high
school students do not
main insufficient,” she
added. “The shortage of
sila,” Acosta.
Acosta said soldiers
government to use a gym
as an evacuation center
From page 1
but empty motherhood reach senior high school. classrooms and schools, from the Army’s 58th “but the LGU shunned
taught by 1,371 teachers. statements and a souvenir Tinio said this is cor- especially high schools, Infantry Battalion and them away.”
The ratio is 1:26. program-type of hifalutin roborated by the data forces children coming NPA rebels exchanged Kalumbay said the po-
For senior high, there message when he was from the Human Devel- out of four to five ele- firepower the following lice and military held the
were only 5,868 who en- asked for data. opment Report 2015 that mentary schools to be day, May 27, resulting in evacuees at checkpoints
rolled so far, and 307 “Thank you so much show that the mean years crammed into a single the death of two suspect- for various reasons such
teachers. The ratio is 1:19. for all that we have been of schooling in 2014 was high school. This means ed rebels identified by as the search for arms
R a n d o l p h To r t o l a , through in school year only 8.9. classrooms bursting to the military as Cesario and overloading.
Misamis Oriental schools 2017-2018. As we begin Rep. France Castro capacity, deteriorating Latio of Gingoog City “The (evacuees) are
division superintendent, school year 2018-2019, I of the same party-list learning and teaching and Odelo Compas. in need of food, water,
counted 17,500 children call on all our personnel group, meanwhile, point- conditions, eventually, The slain suspects and other basic needs in
enrolled in kindergarten, to make this a banner year ed out that the data show dropping out of the stu- were allegedly from the the coming days. They
104 thousand elementary for Deped Region 10,” that the average Filipi- dent.” (pr) ordnance unit of sub-re- are also in dire need of
graders, 57 thousand in reads part of Farnazo’s no youth does not even gional committee of the support and attention
junior high and 15 thou- text message. “Just like graduate from junior NPA-North Central Min- from the government
sand in senior high in the the immortal Olympic high school. Ordeal danao Regional Com- to heed their calls,” the
province. motto ‘Citius, Altius, For- “With this alarming From page 1 mand. group said.
The ratio: 1:20 for tius’ which means, ‘Fast- statistics and the peren- the Malaysian vessel Acosta’s group has The military said the
kinderten, 1:40 for elem- er, Higher, Stronger,’ may nial problems of short- seeking assistance re- appealed to Misamis May 27 encounters took
tary, 1:35 for junior and this school year be simply ages of teachers and garding the rescued Fil- Oriental Gov. Yevgeny place in two areas in
senior high. just like that. A year that classrooms, it is appall- ipino fisherman. The Vincente Emano to ask Barangay Banglay: Ka-
Dela Peña pointed out is better that the previous ing that the government Coast Guard then sent 4th Infantry Division mansi and Bayhutao.
that the data differ from school year.” is so keen on adding two BRP Tubbataha to the commander Maj. Gen. L t . Te r e I n g e n -
one school to another in Farnazo also shared a more years to basic ed- designated area together Ronald Villanueva to te, Camp Evangelista
Cagayan de Oro. sermon-like quote which ucation, without careful with medical personnel. pull out the troops from spokesperson, said one
“Data vary depending he attributed to a saint planning and prepara- By May 27, the crew Sitio Kamasi, saying of the slain rebels, Com-
on school enrollment and named Calixto: “I say to tion of the curricula, of BRP Tubbataha met they feared that of more pas a.k.a. Sapayan, was
teacher deployment,” he you, ‘May God grant you learning materials and with dela Cruz and pro- fierce encounters there. the first to be found by
said. safe passage on all your personnel. More im- vided medical assistance The evacuations were soldiers. His remains
Dela Peña said teachers journeys ahead. May you portantly, it neglects to to the dehydrated fish- difficult, according to were then brought to
would be moved around find companions worthy provide sufficient fund- erman. Acosta. The evacuees, a mortuary in Jasaan
as soon as the enrollment of your dreams. May ing to schools, putting Capt. Marco Anto- Acosta said, was stopped town on Saturday, and
period ends in an effort to your plans always hold the burden on teachers, nio Gines, Coast Guard by police officers and subsequently claimed
achieve the ideal teach- and may your courage parents and students,” commanding officer of soldiers five times on by his cousin, barangay
er-pupil ratio. rise to meet them. May said Castro. MRRV 4401, presented their way to the capitol. chairperson Elizabeth
Tortola, for his part, you live to bring on love The two officials au- a certificate of appreci- Acosta said the evac- Macabuhay of Barangay
said he was expecting of God to all the con- thored House Resolution ation and letter of vom- uees fled to Balingasag Kibanban in Balingasag
the number of students to cerns of the earth and the 1887 to conduct an inqui- mendation to the crew town about a week ago town.
increase. most distant peripheries ry in aid of legislation on of M/T Seri Begawan but then decided to “We have to make
“Posibling madugan- of his church. And my the status of the imple- headed by Capt. Manjit camp out at the capitol sure that families were
gan pa ang atong mga your passion always burn mentation of the K to 12 Lal for their humanitar- grounds. She said they informed and proper
enrollees kay na-a pa may brightly – that on God’s program. ian act of rescuing the were stopped in Jasaan, burial rites were done
ubang estudyante nga time, you may set the For one, Castro wants Filipino fisherman. Villanueva and Tagoloan for Compas and Latio.
wala pa ma-enroll labi world on fire.” to look into whether or M/T Seri Begawan left towns, and then on the These people were vic-
na kadtong tu-a nagpoyo not education department Gladstone, Queensland, highway in Baloy in Ba- tims of the circumstances
sa mga farflung areas,” has a monitoring system Australia for Behai Port rangay Tablon, this city. and should be given due
Tortola said. Frown to track Grade 12 gradu- in Guangxi, China in “Gi-ingnan mi sa mga respect regardless of our
He said school su- From page 1 ates, noting if they were May 19. It passed by pulis nga mobalik mi sa differences in ideolo-
pervisors were under in- in the public school sys- immediately employed, South of Palau in May among agi, pero unsa-on gies and principles. They
structions to assess class- tem become smaller as if they pursued college 25. namog balik nga na-a were still Filipinos,”
rooms, chairs, textbooks one goes from kindergar- education or otherwise. may gira didto sa among said 58th IB commander
and teachers in order to ten to 12th grade. “The trend of under- sitio,” said Acosta. Lt. Col. Roy Anthony
determine how the public He said nearly eight funding of our public Flee In a statement, Derilo.
schools can be improved. percent of 6th graders do schools is clear. Main- From page 1 Kalumbay said evacuees Latio was buried at
Meanwhile, Depart- not graduate and reach tenance and operating sa mga rebilde, di ma-ip- asked assistance from the Lagonglong public
ment of Education re- 7th graders while 18 expenses of schools re- it kami kon mag-gira the Lagonglong town cemetery.

Corrales by PNoy.
All they see as the result
physical, social, spiritual, etc..
That is our hope. How-
too much, in fact. We are good
with slogans but do not act.
cigarette brands in Cugman
and in Misamis Oriental was
ticipate in its proceedings.
Thus, no sooner than the
From page 6
of Marcos’ martial law are the ever, with all the advances in I hope when people good intelligence work. Ku- oligarchs who enacted the
day-to-day activities. The key edifices built during that era. knowledge that man has at- around our President are ac- dos to our Criminal Investi- Local Government Code
phrase that defines impunity Unfortunately, they don’t see tained we are not sure if these cused and found guilty, they gation and Detection Group in (R.A. 7160) in 1991 than
is that the perpetrator knows how it destroyed the demo- have really made our lives will not just be removed or Caraga and other government they proceeded to emas-
they can do it without being cratic institutions of the re- better. For sometimes these reassigned somewhere but agents for a job well done! culate it by stuffing poli-
held accountable for the deed. public. I guess that’s why we advances in knowledge only prosecuted and duly punished. The outcome of the raids tics and the bureaucracy
Of course, our republic are committing the very same derail us from knowing what A leader needs to act by exam- speak of the hugeness of the with their family members
is young and far from being mistake today -- the willful is really true and good and ple. Otherwise, his men will group behind it. These are and cronies, defying the
ideal. But this recent couple of demolition of the indepen- beautiful in life, namely, love drag him down faster than his moneyed people who proba- non-partisan nature of ba-
years have shown that we’ve dence of the Supreme Court, of God and neighbor. Many of enemies could. bly boast of connections. rangay elections.
stepped back, regressed to the the Constitutional Commis- the things that we have learned Agriculture Secretary I hope to see the Philippine If that’s how they treat
time when the appearance of sions, and Congress. in the past had led to wars and Manny Piñol suggested that Drug Enforcement Agency do reform legislations, will they
justice is with the barrel of As depressing the times all kinds of evils that came the 4Ps money be put to better the same thing. I am sure they behave differently under a
a gun. are today, I still believe these with them. That is true even use in agriculture. Piñol has are not lacking in information federal system?
I used to take solace in people will have their day today. In spite of the studies so far shown sincerity and and intelligence information.
thinking that treacherous peo- of reckoning. You can call that are going on, we are not efficiency in his job. He is the (Manny Valdehuesa Jr.
ple always have their day of me a hopeless romantic but sure about what will really least controversial, too. He is a former Unesco regional
reckoning. But reviewing this I believe a critical mass will make life better for us. might just do the trick. Valdehuesa director for Asia-Pacific;
part of our history, as a repub- awaken and rise up to put an China cannot stop produc- From page 6 secretary-general, Southeast
lic, depresses me. Aguinaldo end to these latest dark days
is still being revered as one of in our history. Contreras ing food to feed her people.
We can’t, too. We are now
self-government among the
grassroots withered before it
Asia Publishers Association;
director, development acad-
From page 6
the nation’s heroes. Ironically, Believe you me, they will standing at P120 million and could bloom. emy of Philippines; member,
a hero along with the guys have their day. corruption. We plant trees but it’s going to multiply faster Not only that, what was Philippine Mission to the
he betrayed --Bonifacio and there is no follow through. than we can imagine. With supposed to be the “home” UN; vice chair, Local Gov-
Luna. We can’t even account for so much mouths to feed, we of people power—the com-
Today, some people insist Pabayo the number of seedlings and can’t afford to be complacent munity’s Barangay Assem-
ernment Academy; member,
government peace panel
that the martial law of strong- From page 6
how the program progresses. and idle. bly (it’s parliament with an during the administration of
man Ferdinand Marcos did in. The more important reason It seems like nobody cares. Hunger breeds anger, all-inclusive membership)— Corazon Aquino; awardee,
the republic more good than is that we want answers to Is it because the corrupt have helplessness and restlessness. became a redundancy, or so PPI-Unicef outstanding col-
bad. Worse, some people still questions that will have im- already shared the loot? Let’s help our farmers and it seemed to the elite of the umnist. An author of books
think and believe we are now plications in our personal life. What this country lacks is encourage people to plant. community who even today on governance, he is chair-
better off compared to the We hope that they will make certainty of punishment. We *** belittle it by ignoring its ex- man/convenor of Gising
time of the “delawans” led our life better, in all aspects -- are good only with politics -- The raid on counterfeit istence, not bothering to par- Barangay Movement Inc..)
Gold Star Daily

9 Tuesday, June 5, 2018

Editor: Cong B. Corrales

A year after Marawi siege, hopes still high among evacuees

MARAWI City — Call- in Marawi City. Wanisa Dia, the siege dito, nasabi namin ang among the thousands of remember that with every
ing the prayer in time “Marami ang namatay robbed them of a life- hangarin namin na mak- the individuals displaced hardship comes relief,”
for iftar (breaking of the sa amin. Nagpapasalamat time’s worth of memories. abalik kami sa Marawi at by the siege. the governor said.
fast) made Haji Muhaim- ako sa Allah na nabigyan “Masakit sa amin na makikipagtulungan daw Hataman, meanwhile, “As we fulfill our du-
in emotional. ako ng isa pang buhay. nawala lahat ng kinalaki- siya sa amin,” Wanisa reiterated the importance ties as Muslims, we must
Muhaimin, the 49-year Naging parang panata han namin,” Gulam said. said. of unity in rebuilding. also remember to con-
old imam (prayer leader) ko na ang maging bilal,” However, they both Najma Radia, 23, for “In our efforts towards tinue the work that lies
in Sagonsongan resettle- Muhaimin said expressed how Hataman’s her part, remains hopeful healing, we must go back ahead of us together, as
ment site’s local mosque, He said many of his visit gave them a glimmer that they will still find to the core of our faith as we worship Allah and
expressed his gratitude to relatives were killed in of hope to return to where their parents. Muslims and, as we fast dedicate all our efforts
the Almighty for sparing the crossfire. they built their lives. Najma, Gulam, Wan- together as we honor the for his glory,” he added.
his life in last year’s war For couple Gulam and “Sa pagbisita niya isa, and Muhaimin are Holy Month, we must (bpi armm)

Fearless journo recalls

Marawi siege experience Lumad child narrates
AS the nation marks with
how her mom saved her
pna photo

grief the first year com-

memoration of the Marawi
siege by pro-Islamic State “NANG binaril kami ng tat- called. On their way home,
Maute terrorists, journalist long lalaki na naka-motor, three other riders chased
Benjie Liwanag recalled tinulak ako ni mama palayo them on the highway and
his daring coverage of para hindi ako tamaan ng began firing. A happy mo-
the bloody fighting that bala,” eight-year old Nene ment for the child instantly
lasted for five months, (not her real name) narrated became a nightmare.
during which, he found how she survived the gun Beverly was hit at the
himself in the line of fire a attack on May 26 at Barangay back and Nene on the left
number of times, but cited Salvacion, Trento, Agusan shoulder. Lucy jumped off
prayers and faith in God as del Sur. from the motorcycle and hid
his savior during his war Nene was nonetheless hit in a nearby canal. She saw
reportage. on her left shoulder while her the gunmen drive closer to
Liwanag, defense re- mother, Beverly Geronimo, Beverly and pumped more
porter of radio station including cannons and 27, died on the spot from bullets at her.
dzBB under TV network machine guns. seven gunshot wounds. Beverly was a farm-
GMA, was one of the Liwanag immediately Just a few hours earlier, er who joined the Tabing
more than 80 journalists called dzBB in Quezon Nene and Beverly were at Guangan Farmers Associ-
from various parts of the City to make his first on- Trento town center, buying ation (Taguafa) in Trento
world who covered the the-spot broadcast of the school supplies for the incom- to protect their community
war on terror waged by the ongoing firefight. ing school year that started from mining projects. She
Armed Forces of the Phil- He knew beforehand this week. Nene is an incom- was a vocal critic of large
ippines and the Philippine how dangerous and risky ing grade three student of the scale mining companies
National Police against his assignment was but he Lumad school Mindanao In- OZ Metals and Agusan Pe-
more than 1,500 Maute was determined to fulfill terfaith Services Foundation, troleum.
terror group members that his job as a reporter. Inc. (Misfi).
WOUNDED. Nene and her injured shoulder. Photo courtesy of SOS
At her tender age, Nene
lay siege on Marawi City “I prayed to God, morn- Like most schoolchil- rebel schools, but it was items they bought, these is now forced to bury her
in southern Philippines on ing, noon and night to pro- dren, Nene was excited her second home where were loaded on a “skylab,” a mother and become one to
that fateful day of May 23, tect me from harm, and the about the new school year. she learns academics and motorcycle fitted with wings her younger siblings, ages
last year. Lord heard and answered Her school, as other Lumad Lumad culture. to take on more passengers six and two. Already, she
In an interview, Liwa- my prayers Thank you, schools throughout Mind- On May 26, Nene, Bev- and cargo. misses her mother. “Mabait
nag said it was the second Lord!” he said. anao, may have been con- erly and another relative, “We already noticed si mama at maalaga.
day of the fighting when “During the five-month tinuously branded by the Lucy, were at Trento’s pub- suspicious looking men on Magaling syang maglu-
he arrived in Marawi by Marawi siege, I covered military and President Ro- lic market for the school board motorcycles at the to ng sinugba,” recalled.
car from Iligan City, where the gun battles for four and drigo Duterte himself as supplies. Along with other public market,” Lucy re- (
he and his driver, Joshua a half months, my office
Otadoy, had to pass check- gave me a weeklong leave What it takes to be an instructional leader Republic of the Philippines
points put up by govern- twice to visit my family in By: KATHRYN O. AGBAYANI – ESP I
ment forces on strategic Metro Manila, but contin- Libertad, Misamis Oriental
Instructional leadership differs from that of a school administrator
areas going to Marawi. ued to monitor the situation or manager in a number of ways. Principals who pride themselves
Before they proceeded daily during my vacation as administrators usually are too preoccupied in dealing with strictly NOTICE OF PUBLICATION
to Marawi, Liwanag and so I would be updated of managerial duties while principals who are instructional leaders involve
Otadoy donned their bul- the latest news,” Liwanag themselves in setting clear goals, allocating resources to instruction, In compliance with Section 5 of R.A. No.10172, a notice
let proof vests and steel said. managing the curriculum, monitoring lesson plans, and evaluating is hereby served to the public that POPIN ARANGCON
teachers. In short, instruction leader makes instructional quality the top GAAN has filed with this Office a petition for correction of
helmets for their protection During the Marawi priority of the school and attempts to bring that vision to realization. entry in sex from “MALE” to “FEMALE” in the certificate of
since they were in a war siege, Liwanag reported It principals are to take the role of instructional leader seriously, they
Live birth of Popin Arangcon Gaan who was born on April
zone, where stray bullets blow-by-blow accounts of will have to free themselves from bureaucratic tasks and focus their efforts
26, 1980 at Sto. Niño, Libertad, Misamis Oriental and whose
toward improving teaching and learning.
fly and zoom anytime of the fighting live on radio Curriculum Principals need to know about the changing conceptions parents are Laurentina Arangcon Gaan and Aurilio Gaan.
the day or night. and TV on real time, tailing of curriculum, educational philosophies and beliefs, curricular sources and Any person adversely affected by said petition may file
While approaching government troops during conflict, and curriculum evaluation and improvement. Instruction. Principals his written opposition with this Office not later than June
Marawi, they could hear heavy fighting, finding need to know about different models of teaching model, and the theories 15, 2018.
underlying the technology-based learning environment. Assestment,
the rattling sounds of gun- himself in the line of fire. Principals need to know about the principles of student assessment, (SGD) ZENIA O. ACOSTA
fire from various calibers, (pna) assessment procedures with emphasis an alternative assessment methods, Municipal Civil Registrar
and assessment that aims to improve student learning. MGSD June 5 & 12, 2018

Republic of the Philippines R.A. 9048/10172 Form No. 10.1 (LCRO) NOTICE TO THE PUBLIC
Province of Lanao del Norte Republic of the Philippines
MUNICIPALITY OF BACOLOD Province of Lanao del Norte
CCE-0051-2018 R.A. 10172 Date: 16 May 2018
Municipality of Lala
R.A. Form No.10.1 (LCRO) R.A.10172 In Compliance with publication requirement and pursuant
OFICE OF THE MUNICIPAL CIVIL REGISTRAR to OCRG Memorandum Circular No. 2013-1 Guidelines in the
NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION Implementation of the Administrative Order No. 1 Series of
NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION 2012 {IRR on R.A. 10172}. Notice is hereby served to the public
In compliance with Rule 7 R.A. Act No. 10172, a notice is hereby
that ZALDY SUGAN MALINIS has filed with this Office, a petition
served to the public that RICHELL PATI-AN DU-OMA has filed with this In compliance with Rule 7 R.A. Act No. 10172, a notice is hereby
Office a Petition for Correction of Clerical Error SEX/GENDER from “MALE” served to the public that GERWIN LIM DELA PEÑA has filed with this Office for correction of entry in sex from “FEMALE” to “MALE’’ in the
to “FEMALE” in the Certificate of Live Birth of RICHELL PATI-AN DU-OMA a Petition for Correction of Clerical Error SEX/GENDER from “FEMALE” to certificate of live birth of ZALDE SUGAN MALINES at Oroquieta,
who was born on JULY 12, 1990 at Poblacion, Bacolod, Lanao del Norte “MALE” in the Certificate of Live Birth of GERWIN LIM DELA PEÑA who Langcangan, Misamis Occidental and whose parents are
whose parents are CORA TINGCANG PATI-AN and RICHARD ABELLA DU- was born on JANUARY 4, 1967 at Lala, Lanao del Norte whose parents are CesarioLumasag Malines andMarcosa M. Sugan.
OMA. GREGORIO MONTIBON DELA PEÑA and CASTILLA SUANNIN LIM Any person adversely affected by said petition may file written
Any person adversely affected by said petition may file written Any person adversely affected by said petition may file written
opposition with this Office not later than 05 June 2018.
opposition with this Office not later than June 22, 2018. opposition with this Office not later than 15 days.

Municipal Civil Registrar Municipal Civil Registrar City Civil Registrar
MGSD June 5 & 12, 2018 MGSD June 5 & 12, 2018 MGSD June 5 & 12, 2018
Gold Star Daily 1/8 PAGE
Matters Tuesday, June 5, 2018
Editor: Ben Balce
maintains B’non IPs hope skills training
P14-b capex
for 2018
LOPEZ-OWNED developer
would lift them out of poverty
MEMBERS of Indigenous Peo- program also focuses on former manually. With the help of this Datu Ingikon Maydskie Pan- pentry, massage and cookery and
Rockwell Land Corp. is main-
ples (IP) communities in this New People’s Army (NPA) re- training that I will engage in, I dian, who replaced his late father are NC II holders,” Pandian said
taining its PHP14 billion capi-
town are optimistic that their eco- bels. will enhance my little knowl- Datu Mayda Magdalino Pandian in the vernacular in an interview.
tal expenditures this year, as it
nomic conditions would some- Top TESDA officers and lo- edge and skills in dressmak- as head of the Mindanaw Tribal Alvin Feliciano, TESDA Dep-
launches new projects and beefs
day improve through the special cal government officials led the ing. My target is to create tribal School, said he and his fellow uty Director General for opera-
up its land bank to support con-
skills training program (SSTP) launch at the school campus of dresses, especially for my fellow Manobos welcome TESDA’s tions, said one of the programs
tinued growth.
spearheaded by the Technical the Mindanaw Tribal School in IP neighbors. Once I get an NC II program for IPs. of the administration of President
Senior Vice President for Resi-
Education and Skills Develop- Barangay Panadtalan. from TESDA upon completion Pandian said his fellow IPs Rodrigo Duterte, aside from free
dential Development Val Soliven
ment Authority (TESDA). Endera, who resides meters of my dressmaking training, that who do not have a chance to go education, is to provide free tech-
told reporters after the com-
Marivic Endera, 34, a member away from the school, said she will be my ticket to ask help or to school, will be given a chance nical and vocational skills train-
pany’s stockholders’ meeting
of the Manobo tribe and mother enrolled for dressmaking skills apply for a loan from other gov- to get a decent job or livelihood ing for IPs and former rebels.
on Wednesday that they hope to
of six, expressed her gratitude to training. ernment agencies for me to get through TESDA. Feliciano said completing the
introduce to the market their first
the government for giving her a Based on the training module, a brand new sewing machine,” “About 20 men and women TESDA training is a short cut to
resort development in Mactan,
chance to be part of TESDA’s she will undergo 280 training Endera said in the vernacular from our fellow IPs here are in- a good future.
Cebu, and the second tower of
National SSTP that was launched hours or 35 training days. Upon in a chance interview after the cluded in the list to avail of this He said TESDA is an architect
their premium high-rise develop-
here Friday. completion and upon passing launch. SSTP. Most of the women are of blue collar jobs but for him,
ment in Quezon City next month.
TESDA’s National SSTP TESDA’s assessment, she will In the meantime, she helps enlisted in dressmaking. But the agency is a creator of “gold
Soliven said the horizontal
seeks to empower IPs and cul- get National Certification (NC) her husband, who is a chainsaw prior to this SSTP, around 200 of collar” jobs.
affordable housing project in
tural communities through the II in dressmaking. operator, make a living from her my fellow Manobo Tribe have Feliciano urged IPs to take
Lipa, Batangas will be launched
Technical and Vocational Educa- “I used to make or repair or- commission as part-time dealer already completed their TESDA advantage of the opportunities
towards the last quarter of the
tion and Training (TVET). The dinary dresses of my neighbors of home products. skills training in masonry, car- given by the government. (PNA)

FSCC remains vigilant vs. Telco welcomes latest

potential systemic risks crowdsourcing speed

test outcomes in Phils
FINANCIAL Stability Coordi- tentially dampen further growth
nation Council (FSCC) recently momentum were discussed by
held its quarterly meeting to as- the FSCC.
sess and review potential risks Global issues flagged by
to the continued stability of the third-party institutions, as well Average fixed broadband download
Philippine financial market.
The latest systemic risk re-
as local challenges were re-
viewed as to their likelihood and
speeds in the Philippines now 5 times
view highlighted the country’s impact. faster versus 2014.
strong economic performance The availability of additional
on several fronts. market liquidity to support the IN reaction to latest news re- Signal data.
In a news release issued government’s infrastructure ports and blogs about the speed Globe was able to retain its
Wednesday, the Bangko Sentral development program and the test results in the Philippines, position of having the widest 4G
ng Pilipinas (BSP) said this has uptrend in market prices (global Globe reiterated its commitment availability as its users were able
been driven primarily by local interest rates and benchmark to improve internet speeds and to find its 4G connections 67.5%
sources of growth, specifically currencies) were primarily con- the overall quality of experi- of the time, the report read.
by increased consumption from sidered in light of the technical ence (QoE) of internet services. “These consistent reports from
individuals, which is fuelled by models that have been designed The Philippines is now the most Ookla and other crowd sourc-
more disposable income and by by the FSCC Technical team. improved country in Southeast ing speed tests showed that our
government expenditures. Since the notion of “financial Asia when it comes to Internet high network investments have
This positions the Philip- stability” is forward-looking in connection, clocking 5 times started to pay off. We were able
pines well in the ASEAN and perspective and pre-emptive in faster fixed broadband download to improve our internet services
global context, where the latest nature, the FSCC highlighted speeds according to a recent in- by efficiently using our spec-
forecasts from the International the necessity for continued vig- fographic released by Yugatech trum assets and improving our
Monetary Fund (IMF) shows ilance in the surveillance of un- using the latest Ookla data. network continuously,” Joel
continued growth over the next folding market developments The new infographic is a wel- Agustin, Globe SVP for Net-
few years, said the central bank. and in systemic risk monitor- come update to previous info- work Technology Group, said in
Various risks that could po- ing.(PNA) graphics portraying the country a statement.
as Asia’s laggard. Based on the Globe Telecom is allotting
Republic of the Philippines 2018 report by Ookla, the aver- $850 million to $900 million
10th Judicial Region INFOGRAPH CAPTION. Infograph courtesy of Yugatech. Released with
Branch 31 age fixed broadband download every year until 2020 as capital
permission from Yugatech
Dapa, Surigao del Norte speed in the Philippines is 5 expenditures (capex), in a bid to
times faster than in 2014. continuously upgrade its network Rosa and Calamba in Laguna as The company’s bid to deploy 2
PETITION FOR THE CORRECTION AND/OR SP 18-09 According to Speedtest Global for its fast-growing data business. well as in Cebu and Davao. million broadband lines by 2020
OF BIRTH AND CERTIFICATE OF LIVE BIRTH Index Report by Ookla for April In the first 3 months of 2018, Globe continues to deploy is expected to redefine home
OF MARIFE SINDAY CIENCIA, 2018, fixed broadband download Globe already spent around VDSL and now includes 16 cit- broadband experience for Filipi-
speeds have increased dramati- P6.6 billion to remarkably ex- ies in Metro Manila and in 18 ar- nos amid growing customer de-
MARIFE SINDAY CIENCIA. mand for bandwidth-intensive
cally by 403% to 17.62Mbps as pand its network and support eas that include Bulacan, Cavite,
-versus- of April 2018, from 3.5Mbps in the growing subscriber base and Baguio, Cavite, Cebu and Davao multimedia content.
THE LCR OF DAPA, SDN. 2014. The country is followed demand for data. City. VDSL technology provides Globe continues to be aggres-
Respondent. by Malaysia with 391% im- In terms of wired broadband high-speed Broadband service sive in expanding its LTE cover-
x- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - x age across the country by deploy-
ORDER provement. facilities, Globe was able to de- up to 200 Mbps using existing
A verified petition for Correction and/or Cancellation of Entries in For mobile, average download ploy fiber broadband in 12 cities copper footprint. ing additional 934 LTE sites using
the Record of Birth and Certificate of Live Birth of the petitioner was filed speeds in the Philippines contin- in Metro Manila as well as in 19 Agustin said that the total de- the 700MHz, 2600 MHz and
through counsel Atty. Maica G. Naybe praying this Court to order the Local ued to improve from May 2017 provinces nationwide. Major- ployment using various broad- 1800 MHz frequencies in the first
Civil Registrar of Dapa, Surigao del Norte to correct or cause the correction
of entries in the Record of Birth and Certificate of Live Birth of the petitioner to April 2018, according to a ity of the company’s fiber build band technologies reached more quarter of the year including Jolo,
under Local Civil Registry No. 57, to wit: Yugatech report citing an Open are located in Quezon City, Sta. than 1 million lines since 2016. Tawi-Tawi, and Batanes. (PR)

PLDT sustains growth in

a. Her name: from Marifi Sinday Ciencia to MARIFE SINDAY CIENCIA;
b. Mother’s Name: from Virgencita Sinday to VIRGENCITA BAQUEQUE The Importance of Instructional Materials
SINDAY; Dr. Ananias T.Clarido, Jr.

digital service revenues

c. Father’s Name: from Bel Ciencia to BEL TUMABANG CIENCIA; and
d. Date and place of Marriage of parents: from September 19, 1969 to Instructional materials enable teachers to help learners
SEPTEMBER 28, 1968;
Finding the petition to be sufficient in form and substance, the same
involve themselves in learning through the use of videos,
is hereby set for hearing on July 23, 2018 at 8:30 in the morning, sitting at images, alternative games, electronic books, and etc. These
RTC-Branch 31, Km.3, Brgy. Osmeña, Dapa, Surigao del Norte, at which time materials can help provide the chance for the learners to learn in DIGITAL enterprise unit of lo- nues, which was higher by 14 per-
and place all interested persons may appear and show cause, if any, why interactive and creative ways. cal telco giant PLDT, Inc. has cent, Managed IT services up by
this petition should not be granted. One of the best skills that a teacher must have is the skill in registered a strong performance 23 percent, and Cloud Infrastruc-
Let this Order be published once a week for three (3) consecutive choosing the best instructional materials to be used in teaching.
weeks in a newspaper of general circulation in Province of Surigao del Norte
for the first quarter of the year, ture and Software as a Service,
This is encapsulated in the statement of Marbas that, . . . "--
and Surigao City at the expense of the petitioner. because the teacher is the one who manages the classroom."
driven by its ongoing nationwide which increased by 51 percent.
Likewise. Let copies of this Order and petition be furnished to the Because of today's furtherance in technology, it is very deployment of digital services. Overall, data, broadband and
Office of the Solicitor General, Makati City, the Office of the Provincial
essential for the teachers to be sensitive enough to the The information and commu- digital platforms continue to
Prosecutor of Surigao del Norte, and the Local Civil Registrar of Dapa,
Surigao del Norte. environment that the learners that are exposed to. This nication technology revenues of drive PLDT’s revenue growth,
SO ORDERED. furtherance has been a great challenge to teachers in choosing PLDT Enterprise reached P5.59 increasing by 13 percent to
Done in Chambers, May 24, 2018. the best materials to be used because today's learners are more billion, increasing by 6 percent PHP18.3 billion at the end of
Dapa, Surigao del Norte, Philippines. interested in more interactive and more digital materials. Thus, from P5.3 billion for the same March 2018, accounting for 50
technology has been an essential tool to help teachers innovate
their ways of teaching to a more interactive way that will
period last year. percent of total service revenues
MGSD June 5, 12 & 19, 2018
Acting Presiding Judge
effectively suit the learners' needs. The growth in revenues were for the first three months of the
contributed by Data Center reve- year. (PNA)
Money Matters
Gold Star Daily

Tuesday, June 5, 2018

Editor: Ben Balce
Deped, BSP, BDO Foundation tie up for financial literacy program
EDUCATION Secretary Leonor is all about. It’s finding solu- velopment of financial education Tonisito Umali. the needs and capabilities of the economic and financial educa-
Magtolis Briones led the launch tions to challenges that we face. initiatives. Learner-friendly materials schools -- were also previewed tion becomes an integral part of
of the Financial Literacy Program It’s finding solutions to reaching The Memorandum of Agree- The partnership includes the during the launch. The materials formal learning.”
for Schools, a partnership project the goals that you want to reach, ment (MOA) was signed by Bri- distribution of learning materials, focus on simple ways to save and “Therefore, this is really a
of Bangko Sentral ng Pilipinas what you want to be, and what ones, together with BSP Governor primarily videos, which shall be manage one’s expenses. wonderful development for all of
(BSP), Department of Education you want to do with the rest of Nestor Espenilla Jr., and BDOF used for the training of teachers “We really appreciate our us not only in the public school
(DepEd), and BDO Foundation your lives.” President Mario Deriquito. and non-teaching personnel, and partners, BDO and Bangko Sen- system, but in the education sys-
(BDOF), on May 28, 2018 at the Having already incorporated Also present in the launch for classroom instruction accom- tral ng Pilipinas, for taking the tem as well,” the Education chief
BDO Corporate Center in Orti- Financial Literacy in the K to 12 and MOA signing were DepEd panied by teachers’ guides. initiative in helping us out in ful- added.
gas, Mandaluyong City. Basic Education Program, and in Undersecretary for Finance, The learner-friendly videos, filling the requirements of law,” Personal capacitation, im-
During her keynote address, the in-service training (INSET) Accounting, and Employee Ac- which shall be made available Briones mentioned, referring to provement
Briones reiterated the importance program for teachers and non- count Management Victoria through various formats -- DVD, Republic Act 10922, otherwise The Secretary further empha-
of financial literacy in finding so- teaching personnel, the Depart- Catibog, and Undersecretary USB sticks, Learning Resource known as the “Economic and sized how this initiative goes be-
lutions to life’s challenges. ment partnered with BSP and for Legislative Affairs, External Materials Development System Financial Literacy Act,” which yond the provisions of the law.
“This is what financial literacy BDOF to further advance the de- Partnerships, and School Sports (LRMDS), links, etc., based on mandates DepEd to “ensure that (PNA)

Market favors extended

tenors of BSP’s TDF DA-10 funds livestock
BANKS subscribing to the Bangko
Sentral ng Pilipinas’ (BSP) term
deposit facility (TDF) favor 14-day
and 28-day tenors, TDF auction re-
sults reflected Wednesday.
3.5866 percent.
Tenders for the P40-billion 14-
day and P20-billion 28-day TDF
were oversubscribed, prompting
the central bank to award the facili-
auction market in Oro
LIVESTOCK farmers in Ca- Office 10 (DA-RFO 10). The total cost of the project operated by the City Eco-
Among the three tenors, the sev- ties in full. gayan de Oro City will now Carlene C. Collado, regional amounts to P5 million wherein nomic Enterprise Depart-
en-day TDF was the only under- The 14-day TDF fetched an have a place to sell their farm director, Lester A. Jaducana, the city government counter- ment (CEED) in partnership
subscribed as tenders fell short to its average yield of 3.6883 percent, animals as the Livestock Auc- administrative and finance part is P1.43 million. This is with the Project Management
offered amount of PHP50 billion. increasing from last Wednesday’s tion Market will soon rise in division chief, handed over intended for the construction Team.
Bids for the seven-day TDF only auction at 3.5783 percent. Barangay Mambuaya, Cagay- the check worth P3.57 mil- of four buildings within the It is foreseen that the pro-
reached P48.21 billion. The 28-day facility likewise set- an de Oro City. lion to city government repre- one-hectare agricultural lot, ject will provide economic op-
The BSP awarded the short tenor tled at a higher rate of 3.6431 per- The project is funded un- sentative Hector R. San Juan, for Cattle and Pig Holding portunities for the indigenous
TDF amounting to P48.11 billion at cent on Wednesday’s auction from der the Bottom-Up Budgeting DVM, city agriculturist of the Shed, Admin building and the farmers in the hinterlands and
an average rate of 3.6930 percent, the 3.5716 percent yield in the pre- Program of the Department of Agricultural Productivity Op- livestock auction facility. will likewise increase livestock
higher than last week’s rate of vious bidding. (PNA) Agriculture – Regional Field erations Office (APOO). This will be managed and population in the city. (DA X)

Duterte arrives in Seoul for 3-day visit

PRESIDENT Rodrigo Roa Du- The President’s three-day Of- proceed to Cheong Wa Dae to Korean investors.
terte arrived here early Sunday ficial Visit will kick off with his (Blue House), the official resi- President Duterte will cap off
morning, June 3, for his first meeting with the Filipino com- dence of the Republic of Korea, his Official Visit by gracing the
Official Visit to the Republic of munity at the Convention Hall and meet with President Moon Philippine Food Festival at the E-
Korea. of the Grand Hilton Hotel and Jae-in for the bilateral summit Mart headquarters, where Philip-
The President, who flew on a Convention Center on Sunday meeting. pine agriculture products will be
commercial flight, arrived at the afternoon. The President will also wit- showcased in one of the biggest
Incheon International Airport at In an interview, Ambassador ness the signing of agreements supermarket chains here.
4:57 am (Seoul time). Hernandez said the Filipinos in which will be followed by a joint Ambassador Hernandez noted
He was accompanied by South Korea are “very excited” press statement of the two lead- that when the Korean War broke
Presidential Spokesperson Harry to finally personally meet Du- ers at the Cheong Wa Dae. out in 1950, the Philippines was
Roque Jr., Agriculture Secretary terte. The South Korean leader will the first in Asia to send troops.
Emmanuel Piñol, Presidential “You know, the Filipino com- then host a dinner for President “After that, South Korea has
Communications Secretary Mar- munity here in South Korea is Duterte at the State Guest House. never forgotten our principled
tin Andanar, Science and Tech- solidly behind the President and On the last day of his Official stand for freedom and it has al-
nology Secretary Fortunato dela in his campaign against corrup- Visit here, President Duterte will ways cherished our brotherhood
Peña, Trade Secretary Ramon tion, against drugs, and against participate in a forum hosted by forged in blood,” he said.
Lopez, and Special Assistant to criminality,” the envoy said. the Korean business community. “So over the years, the lead-
the President Christopher Law- On Monday, the President will Hernandez said Duterte’s ers and the officials of the two
rence “Bong” Go. lay a wreath at the Seoul Nation- meeting with the business com- countries continue to nourish this
Philippine Ambassador to the al Cemetery to honor the fallen munity on Tuesday is one of the relationship and which led to the
DIGONG VISITS KOREA. President Rodrigo Roa Duterte is accompanied
by Korean officials as he is accorded with foyer honors upon his arrival at the Republic of Korea Raul S. Her- soldiers, leaders, and heroes of highlights of his visit, noting that current state of robust and vibrant
Incheon International Airport in Seoul, Republic of Korea on June 3, 2018. nandez welcomed the Chief Ex- South Korea. the gathering is seen as an oppor- bilateral relations,” he added.
toto loZANo/PReSideNtiAl ecutive and his delegation. President Duterte will then tunity to promote the Philippines (PCOO)

Duterte to focus on economic, DOT secretary wants world

to see PH heritage, culture
security cooperation in Seoul DEPARTMENT of Tourism
(DOT) will hold the door open
from the country’s popular
beaches, she would like to pro-
PRESIDENT Rodrigo Duterte expertise, stressing that despite “I will likewise stress the for everyone to see how capti- mote Philippine culture and tra-
on early Sunday morning, June insurmountable challenges, need to work together to help vating Filipino culture is, DOT dition as well.
3, departed for his first Offi- South Korea transformed itself achieve greater security by chief Bernadette Romulo-Puy- She shared that she attend-
cial Visit to South Korea, as he to become one of the most ad- addressing conventional and at said when asked of her plans ed last year a local festival in
expressed confidence that the vanced and progressive econo- emerging threats to stability in at the agency. Ifugao province, which she de-
Philippines will build stronger mies in the world. our region,” he added. “I love beaches, I love Bora- scribed as a “beautiful” experi-
security and economic cooper- “There is much room for even While in South Korea, the cay, I love Bohol, but there is ence.
ation with one of Asia’s vibrant healthier growth across the are- President will also meet with more to it than that,” she mused, “Last year, I was invited to and (shared Ifugao’s) heirloom
economies. as of mutual interests. The Phil- South Korean business leaders referring to other emerging des- the Punnuk Rice Festival and a rice... it is one of the beautiful
“Today, we stand shoulder ippines stands ready to write a and encourage them to invest in tinations yet to be explored. rice ritual in Ifugao, we drank experiences,” she said in a re-
to shoulder in advancing our new chapter of closer ties, deep- the Philippines. The Tourism chief said aside rice wine, (observe) the rituals, cent television interview. (PNA)
shared aspirations and in fac- er amity and more comprehen- “This way, they can actively FIBECO CONFAB. First Bukid-
ing threats to our nations, our sive collaboration with South contribute to our objective of non Electric Cooperative, Inc.
peoples and in our region,” the Korea,” Duterte said. providing a comfortable life for (FIBECO) employees during sem-
President said in his departure In his scheduled talks with our people,” he said. inar/workshop on the conduct of
speech at the Ninoy Aquino In- South Korean President Moon The President will also meet customer service. L-R Darwin Ra-
mos-Public Relations Officer, Ar-
ternational Airport Terminal 2. Jae-in, President Duterte said he with the Filipino community in mando A. Cantoy-ISD Manager,
President Duterte recalled would explore ways to bring co- South Korea and thank them Engr. Argel Balicao-Selecios-MS
that the ties between the Philip- operation to a whole new level for their sacrifices, particularly Section Head, Warlyn Manatad-
pines and South Korea run long based on respect for sovereign for making the national econo- Area Manager (Valencia City),
Ester Baylon-Area Manager (Don
and deep, noting that nearly 70 equality and democratic ideals. my afloat.
Carlos), Hydee Bungcas-MS Divi-
years ago, the two countries “I will emphasize the im- President Duterte, who left sion Chief, Celso Manlangit-Area
stood side by side in defense of portance of strengthening our for South Korea via a commer- Manager (Kibawe), JOSE ERIC
freedom and democracy. partnership in defense and se- cial flight to Incheon Airport, C. BARILEA -Area Manager (Kali-
Economically, he said there curity, trade and investments, promised to report to the people langan/Wao), Eliezer Curan- Area
Manager (Maramag), Engr. Ron-
is much to be learned from and political cooperation,” Du- a fruitful outcome in his three- dina - Area Manager (Quezon)
South Korea’s experience and terte said. day Official Visit. (PCOO) (PR/ SuPPlied Photo)
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Four de
Circulo Ta Presents
Arte Kamanga
to Visit
Exhibit At Museo de Oro
When In London
Forming part of
Xavier Ateneo Arts
a ii n

n a

Mrs. Judith
is a
a tt tt rr a
in Bukidnon. The
town’s tourism
Judith Laspiñas
is a key instrument
a cc tt ii o

tourism officer

n ss

Festival, in celebration in the

in the promotions
promotions of of
of the National Arts not only
not only Quezon’s Quezon’s
Month, artists' group rr o
o cc kk wwaa ll ll cc ll ii m
mb b ii n
Circulo de Arte a n d B l u e W a t e rr
a n d B l u e W a t e
Cave, but
Cave, but alsoalso to to this
collaborated with
Museo de Oro to put
Discover The Perfect Solution For Imperfect Skin With
festival which
festival which is also is also

Kevlo Products
considered a
considered a prelude
up the “Pitik” exhibit. before the gathering
The streets streets of of the thebefore the gathering
The of tribes
of tribes come
come March. March.
u s e o d e named
municipality named Oro
Q u e
a susei szt o
Q z a nn t icnu r att th
o n i n hoe er Under the leadership
province of Bukidnon Under the leadership
Oscar Esteban
province of Bukidnon A of of Mayor Mayor Gregorio Gregorio
aa n
Hello d
nl odi r e
Hello i
from s
from c
sn dccare o
London!n s
oo,niss ivital
London! i d
d e
n e ifr a
Yes, r e
ed d
I L l
n L l removing
you're a u r e n G ue e a ascars
nd d and perfectly blended to give
packed the mysugar bags your overcapital two a u r e n pimples, Gu n bengkoang fiber extract that
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news known babyworld soft
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Also after the Toner
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could The
be the known first use. andIt isadopted enriched with
dry, irritated skin and prevents
that I’m in
answer. So
in England
Manobos are part of ashoney,
that I’m are why may
maypart Pitik?
have of
have as Datu Makapukaw redness caused by frequent
Datu grapefruit,
Makapukaw mulberry, It is a skin brightening
come 7 group
7 tribes
to be a
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surprise asfor
for the
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answer of my
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past skin has
types created
and excellent a for and cleanses to remove only for the price of P250.00.
and spread
have women
missed visualization
me committed
for the federation
federation exhibitdry
extremely wasofandmade
of tribal
fragile 10, led
skin. build by up Xavier of bacteriaT hand e N a t i o n a l following the theme, art as a catalyst for
[visual weeks
two weeks you but
but here
here area
are of
aa leaders
possible in thethewith town the to skin Center chemical residue C o from m them i sWestminster
s i o n products fo r AYou narei can nthe ggetStoi nthese i n g ,3 values education.
Thefor Culture
leadersSoothes in and hydrates
town to KEVLO
couple of youthful
places Heldthat and I recom-glowing
every Second,
Second, while The
The London
exfoliating Eye.
dead Next
skin isconstant
is The Big application
Big Ben. It’s
Ben. It’s Lastly,
of anti the Westminster Ab-
Ab- You can get to these 3 See you
See you next
next week,
week, Ur- Ur-
skin want
couple from Held
of places to answer
head I every
to toe.The further
further progress
progress of is Casa and
and and the Arts (XCCA). Culture
bey which and
just the
around Arts
solution the toA imperfect
l a b tourist n g attractions
S i n i n g .in banLifers! Happy Holi-
mend when you you the visit London. town The
London. London
cells. It Eye
Leaves a
you gi- a
feeling 16-storey
perspirants Gothic for clock
only P250.00. major
mend questions:
when the
visit town
What continue
del LondonArte Eyemembers,is a gi- a 16-storey Gothic clock bey
improving (NCCA)
which isskin. just around
leads It iscalled athe
the skinT major
h e tourist
care and e l eattractions
cLondon b rusing
a t i othe nin XbanLifers!
a v i e r HappyA t e n eHoli-
comes Prime
alive as Soap they continue
ant silky
Ferris smooth
wheel improving and
on theprovides Performances
tower and UK UK national from Big
national Big Ben. It’s
Ben. It’s formally
formally called central days fromfrom United
United King-
comes alive as they antthe Ferrisethnic wheel gathering
on the tower and
Underarm Whitening beauty products central London
you’ll using the days
Panaghugpong is a
does your heart beat the that
a ethnic luminous
n e wof gathering g r oRiver complexion
u p symbol, XU Glee which Club, houses Xavier the the celebration
the Collegiate Church
Collegiate of theof
Church of aimsbullet trainsto ofpromote
the Under-
Under- dom!
witness of my my list the
list is is various
London’s southbank and for festivities.
only the P1, The symbol,
100.00 which
Cream houses the never regret and bullet
the trains
results of the
KEVLO's of
o r ? F premium othe r Iw various
om southbank
it’s? Thamesand
composed of
festivities. theof It TheRiverXU UK UKand other tools
parliament. tools
The Eliza- for St.
Eliza- St. Peter
thePeter Manobos.atArts
at Westminster.
Westminster. more a
With is nclear
d your
ground. p
You o pcan
that ula
can just e multi-arts
r i ztake
tribes take dom!
these peoplepeople like
like thethe
soap for the dances
body I know
is filled and
with a M
Thames a n o inb London.
in London.
o p e o
It has
has l e Philharmonia,
and other
parliament. The andfor the
It’s a Manobos.
Gothic With
is clear
ground. that
You the tribes
just these
comprised of various
weird about?
butwhichyouofwould would Why?”
theofget gettribe tobest32 M
Senior a
Glown o b o
Body p e o
Whitening p l e their
beth way
It is of
a life, to
whiteningthethe b
cream a plazas
large,h o w
investment c a s i
abbey n g
and artistic
a the
mind you, creation
walk from of
the Manobo ofmyQuezon
weird but which
you four the theto
tribe 32 o ffsealed
Cream Qu
Q ue eand
zz o
and on nair-con-
air-con-g ii vv e
g e beth their
XU Tower, way home
Cultural of life, to the
Dance the churchthe plaza
church in the
in the surrounded
City West- or
of West-
the indigenous
a 20-minute walk from the productions For more
For more of ofof
my of UK trip,
UK trip,
know whitening
London ingredients
more with in in s t u d e n t a r t i s t s . Big Benspecially
Manobos bell, is is formulated
undergo- for
t h i tethe
h b ao you
e t
s ht will
sh ef it l il ec d
s a drastic
London Eye are slowly
via the West- in Bukidnon are not
know London perform more with in t h
ditioned a n k s
t h a n k s govoidal g i v
ovoidal i n g
i v i n g cap- cap- b y
b y ing Manobos
BigT r Ben
o u p bell,
underarms , a coming
m o n
that g w i
containst h b o o
within t h s
London. f i l l e d
It’s people
London Eye are
via slowly
the West- visit
p e r
f o r m i n g
visit are a rnot
the market de Arte,
today! acurious
It young
helps yourditioned from both
crucial the highland
conservation minster
o f fresh
P within
h i l London.
i p p i n It’s
e on
arts your
in modernized
communityto go to
it’s of
efficient a
of a very
efficient very
train system.
system. performing
sules If you for want passengers
your rituals
skin to toachievefrom
ing both
natural the highland
active with
ingredients fresh
the vegetables
coronation and being
minster modernized
Bridge to go to objects
. Follow
objects waiting
@vicmadz to
in to the be
skin become
artists' collectiveradiant, fairer,sules
performingtdifor passengers rituals eatosmooth, other
and groups,
lowland dotted
areas where
and tothe fruits,coronation
skin invisitors
a short and through amount of time, thewhat . Follow waiting
@vicmadz be
By the way, way, Considered
the skin London P ithat kLondon on pcsky. e nThis d work which
that will last
are lastsafefor for and four culture
effective such asFam- in life, The Big Bigcelebrate
Ben and the West-
the university
the looking Considered
the London a n the
a nglowing d London d noticeably
d awhitern csky. e
e instantly s
a s years. and
work whichlowlandwill areas four and
burials fruits,
of the
time. Royal
Royal visitors
For Fam-
more through
information Ben time,
and what
West- put in
put in the
the history
Instagram pages
Underground It is of Mindanao,
perfect isthe afor all is
public skinseeo ntheW e from
d n estructures d This a y , years. pray
t h e help
this toa iBen’s
Big theire vregular
Ben’s God
regular n
the a rrtakes
t . sensitive
ily e d
a e d place.
e ll ii g
e g h Ifcinema,
te eyou
d can tt o
o swe we
g ncan can Abbey.
fAbbey. do
i c adon c eis is oto tof Twitter, Instagram and
as one
Underground of isthe a most
public students
iconic creamy London from
lotion nearby
of the underarms. ily takes It andh If
place. tinquiries
you can youminster but
as people
Vic people
but that
Madriaga need
on need
that You-
au u tt h
composed It
en has a
n tt ii ccsystem
transit ofcombination
system e sscollege
t ii serv-
serv- of
a ll ss iconicschools, London structure bongs
colleges (Pitik
( Ma
M ammwill
b abe
be ba
b aheard
y ato) again
) fthe
f o purchase
o rr recall
purchase the Queen
Queen well
well grown
grown preserve
arts and what
culture can
can in Vic Madriaga on You-
kojic, e
gluthatione, f t
licorice, v February
reflectors 7, the
an colleges that same whitens contains powerful dance,
natural skin the literary
KEVLO arts,
at Ayala Centrio, help by
tube by
Lon- help supporting
and supporting
ing theforLondon
Metro LondonPhilippines, and its itsandhas
been an
d u the
n ii vvand
eopening e ss on
r ss iicontinuously
t ii e
2021. Though
its under
free its under funeral
funeral and
2nd chemical
tookfloor place
place inside be
a day
day of in order
of touring
in orderLon- tube and Facebook.
ing Metro
arbutin the andPhilippines,
four alumni
timesand faster a day d as u n e r t brighteners that m u
penetrate s i c , d r a m a t i c u p l i f t i n g n a t i o n a l a n
their d
Feedback? c u
products l t u rand
Email: al
whitening festival
festival effect. itself
countiesIts has
has for to
to many
also many
withlearn tourists
daily a use. around
around It or containsWith friendly
renovation, friendly
deep for
tourists long
still at
free products
skin Concept at Store
Abbey anin
an in or don,
to help sit down
and theaa their
the Feedback? products
Email: and vic-
o fe cX also
ofglobe. learn a
Panaghugpong thing that or flock M a r c h 3 , 2 0 1 8 . arts, o rrand visual arts, spirit, and harness education
crafts so programs.
that their
overe c 150 o am
o mvyears
ei eare
ra now. Awt eonr e
a now. w ogood r tt hhoyy.forthe
two excellent
globe. from extracts their way way flock such
are Big Ben.
Big as chopping
pigmentation. chopping a ff ff o
It contains da
d ab bthemll e
e p p rratii cc e e ..09176788584.
cup of
of tea perhaps. KEVLO
tea generations
crafts Soap
[email protected].
[email protected]. that their
two from their wood using using wood wood young ones can see
spectacle for
spectacle for those those of life. The opening wood to understand
to understand and and young ones can see
Extra Infoof life. The opening that they are not being

Holidaze With Bukidnon Folks In New York

wh ho o a a rr ee ii n n ss e ea a rr cc h h r i t u a l p e r f o r m e d and and no no bladed
bladed tools, tools, A A ss a a tt rr a a vv e e ll know that these that they are not being
w r i t u a l p e r f o r m e d cleaning and and creating
creating p ph ho o tt oog g rr aap ph he e r, know
r, II people, practices and left that these left alone
alone by by society.
for an
for an unforgettable
unforgettable by the lumads is in cleaning
experience. Through by the lumads is in the best
Through preparation for the the best milled rice believe that one is beliefs once existed. Sunggod Ta Kamanga milled rice believe that one is people, practices and Sunggod Ta Kamanga

Miss Earth 2017 Winners Visit FDC Misamis

experience. preparation for the and the fastest one not only tasked to beliefs once existed. f o r m e i s n ’ t j u s t a
Regional Director May Director May American year’s farm farm exploits and the fastest one not organization’s
only tasked to Time is one of the f o r m e i s n ’ t j u s t a
Salvaña Unchuan year’s
American gentlemen
gentlemen exploits -- and
and inductedinducted
to create
create intofire
into office
office outby byfrom Con- the
Con- the
create memorable
organization’s secre-
secre- Time is one of the festival, it is a reminder
Salvaña Unchuan there by sacrificing
was just just an an a aoverall
overalllive sul to
sul Arman Talbo fire
Talbo out
ofamong from
the Phil-Phil- tary. create
tary. I’m proudmemorableof her.a l s o greatest greatest foe foe by by any any festival, it is a reminder
and her her staff, staff, The The by
there was live wood
wood Arman are
are of the
among p
p h
h oo t
t oo ss
proud b
b uu
of t
t a l s o
and pig
holiday, and chickens.
cheerychickens. vibe that that ippine ippine Consulate
manyConsulateother ways ways General.that u un nd de e rr ss tt a an nd d tt h he tribe, with
e tribe, with technology
technology to to the
the world
world that that the the
De ep pa a rr tt m me en n tt pig and
o ff holiday, cheery vibe many other General. that
D o By spilling
kept spilling
all of of us us warm,the blood
warm, blood cozy Consul Consul General Maria The- Thank Thank youofto tothe Ma’am Gen and modernization Manobos like their
Tourism Region Region 10 10 kept By all the cozy the people
the people
General ofMaria
of Quezon
Quezon The- culture
culture you of the Ma’am people
people Gen and modernization Manobos like their
Tourism culture and practices
has highlighted highlighted the the and o ff happy.
o tt h
happy.he e ss a a cc rr ii ff ii cc eed d resaresa
a rr e
De Vega
eDe Vega
e n tt e also
rr tt a
ii n
ne ed Tubeo
d Tubeothat for
group photo. i n a r a p i d p a c e
taking i n a r a p i d p a c e culture and practices
has by for a quick message mo-
festival as
festival as one one of of the the animals animals to to thethe blades blades by through
for a quick
through the
the ways mo-
ways photos of.
of photos
of of. Although
Although itit consuming consuming the the world,
world, are are veryvery muchmuch alive. alive.
The ABA Christmas
Christmas Party
Party ments
ments later.
later. Happy holidays,
Happy holidays, friends,
Underarm Whitening also served
also served as
Cream the chance
as the chance and major thanks for read-
and major thanks for read-
for the group’s
for the group’s offic- offic- Three
Three margaritas,
margaritas, 2 2 pina
pina ing! Get
ing! Get to
to know
know meme better:
ers for CY 2016-2017 to coladas,
ers for CY 2016-2017 to coladas, several hors several hors http://www.Mindanaoan.
take a
take a bow
bow andand be be rec-
rec- d’oeuvres
d’oeuvres and and a a plate
plate full
full com Quick
com Quick note:
note: my
my blog
The members of the As- ognized for all the amaz- of
The members of the As- ognized for all the amaz- of delicious food later, I was delicious food later, I was has been on the #1 spot in
has been on the #1 spot in
sociation of
sociation of Bukidnons
Bukidnons in in ing work they’ve done. ready to call it a night. I was Top Blogs
Blogs PH’s
PH’s Travel
Travel and
ing work they’ve done. ready to call it a night. I was Top
America (ABA)
America (ABA) chose chose an an To Shirley Guray-Soto, happy to see the ABA mem- Leisure category for a few
To Shirley Guray-Soto, happy to see the ABA mem- Leisure category for a few
extraordinarily cold
extraordinarily cold win-win- Jovito Yabo, Jr., Emilita bers again (including Nanay days running.
running. Thanks!
Jovito Yabo, Jr., Emilita bers again (including Nanay days
ter day
ter day to celebrate
celebrate their their Sabana,
Underarm Leonila Delfin,
Delfin, Julie
Julie Nabong,
Nabong, who who was was my my
GlowtoBody Sabana, Leonila
Christmas party.
party.CreamI had 4
I had 4 WendelinaWhitening
Wendelina Obenita, Toner
Obenita, Gen Gen seatmate
seatmate and and mymy foodfood part-
part- You can
You can also
also find
find me
me here:
layers of clothes on, includ- Maier, Lalaine Agbayani, ner -
layers of clothes on, includ- Maier, Lalaine Agbayani, ner - we kept on bugging the we kept on bugging the Instagram, Twitter and
Instagram, Twitter and
ing a heavy coat
ing a heavy coat to com- Evato com- Eva Ramirez,
Ramirez, PearlPearl Kiel,
Kiel, waiters
waiters to to come
come to to our
our ta-ta- Snapchat – – @mindanaoan
bat the painfully chilly New Melquiades Taveros, Edna ble
bat the painfully chilly New Melquiades Taveros, Edna ble first whenever they had first whenever they had // Facebook:
Facebook: http://www.fa-
York weather.
York weather. Thankfully,
Thankfully, Sacayle and Victor Isidore goodies like fried macaroni
Sacayle and Victor Isidore goodies like fried macaroni
the party
the party was
was fun,fun, the
the peo-
peo- Barroso, Marilou Velez and cheese and spicy beef blogger and
and mymy YouTube
Barroso, Marilou Velez and cheese and spicy beef blogger
ple were
ple were welcoming
welcoming -- so so and Antonio Alkuino - you tacos straight from the kitch- vlog:
and Antonio Alkuino - you tacos straight from the kitch- vlog:
welcoming that2017
II was
even Ibasco
all deserve
and aaFDC pat Utilities,
on the
the Inc.’s
en) but
Miss Earth
welcoming that even all pat on en) frankly II was
was mostly
for Assets mostly
and com/mindanaoan1
com/mindanaoan1Air 2017 Kim de Guzman, Miss Philippines Water 2017 Jessica
Miss Philippines
asked to be Management
one of the judg- Valentin
back! Nepomuceno
Congratulations are recently
are happy led
happy becausea tree
because II got planting
got to
to wit-
wit- Marasigan, Miss Earth 2017 Karen Ibasco, Miss Philippines Fire 2017 Nellza Bautista
asked to Cellular
be one of the Treatment
judg- back! Bleaching
of the atimpromptu
the powercarol- plant site of FDC Misamis Power Corporation in Vallanueva and Miss Philippines Eco-Tourism 2017 Vanessa Mae Castillo after the conduct of
es of theScrub also in order to the new
impromptu carol- also in order to the new ness my aunt Emilita getness my aunt Emilita get Til next
Til next ish!
ish! Safe
Safe travels,
town, Misamis Oriental. a tree planting activity at the power plant site of FDC Misamis Power Corporation in
ing contest alongside
ing contest alongside two set two set ofof officers,
officers, who
who were
were recognized
recognized for for her
her work
work as as everybody! Vallanueva town, Misamis Oriental.

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