MGSD 5-2-18
MGSD 5-2-18
MGSD 5-2-18
col. 1, below
OMING at the would be used in the beau-
heels of surging tification of the Divisoria
protests, the Kilu- area from Burgos St. up to
sang Mayo Uno in north- the Xavier University area
ern Mindanao has iden- on Corrales St..
tified the top companies He said city hall plans
in the region that have to rebuild the historic Am-
allegedly been practicing phitheather situated be-
labor-only-contracting. tween Burgos and Capist-
In a phone interview, rano streets.
Wildon Barros of the The amphitheater was
KMU here challenged the demolished by city hall
Department of Labor and during the Jaraula admin-
Employment to sanc- istration for a bridge-like
tion the top violators of project. Underneath it now
labor-only-contracting in is the station of the Diviso-
northern Mindanao. ria police and a center for
“Sa atong rehiyon, public massage.
dili kita matingala nga Moreno said he wants
naapil sa top corpora- the restore the Amphithe-
tions ang Del Monte, ater and turn the area into
Nestlé, Holcim, La Farge, a landmark.
Coca-cola ug uban pa… He said the fund would
kay mao pud ning mga also be used to improve the
korporasyon nga daghan park and lighting facilities
sa ilang mga trabahante in the area.
ang nisumbong kanamo Meanwhile, the may-
ug mireklamo sa isyu sa or said city hall is now
labor-only-contracting ug studying the possibility of
uban pa,” Barros said. HARD LABOR. Workers from Barangay Pigsag-an engage in strenuous gold panning in the Cagayan River in the outlying barangay of Tuburan,
closing the entire stretch
Barros said the top in Cagayan de Oro. (photo by nitz arancon) of Tirso Neri and RN Abe-
three companies in the
enforcers should employ City Police director, said “friendly games” are also be- been enforcing a tempo- 15 days and there will
a positive approach in ad- they are now implementing ing organized among youths rary traffic scheme along be a temporary truck ban
dressing the problem of the “GangNam Style,” a to instill a sense of camara- the national highway until 24/7 for the same road
gang violence in their areas roman non-traditional approach derie. May 22 because of the from Recto Avenue go-
as this may prove to be more to tackle the city’s gang For two weeks since construction, rehabilita- ing to PN Roa Avenue or
fruitful and beneficial, the problem. implementing the new strat- tion and upgrading of the vice-versa. This excludes
Caraga region’s top police According to Magno, egies, no gang-related inci- drainage system in the the vehicles used by the
official said. instead of pursuing gang dent has been reported here National Highway to RN government and trucks
Police Regional Office members and creating the in the city, he said. Pelaez Boulevard which carrying the equipment of
13 Director Chief Supt. impression that police are Still, Magno said the is connected to Cagayan the contractor.
Noli A. Romana advised out to hunt, arrest or to problem brought about by de Oro River. Other trucks are en-
the region’s chiefs of police place them under detention, violent gangs should not be RTA Assistant Depart- couraged to go through the
to combine developmental As a deterrent, he said law enforcers will project a underestimated, pointing ment Head Engr. Nonito alternative route located in
and coercive approaches in police units may also orga- positive image that they are out that recent incidents Oclarit clarified that the PN Roa Avenue going to
their strategies to combat nize a tour among underage “friends” who are reaching of gang riots and other only affected areas are the Bulua or vice-versa.
gang violence. gang members to prisons or out to help them. gang-initiated activities two sides of the highway Also, implementation
Romana said these may detention facilities “in order Magno said among the in the city have already beside Liceo de Cagayan of the “no loading and
include programs that in- to open up their minds on the measures being adopted is created panic among resi- University and Savemore unloading” including “no
still a sense of community realities of the consequences to separate the apprehended dents, and have resulted in in Barangay Kauswagan. parking” will be observed
responsibility and commit- of violating the law.” gang members and mix them property damage, injuries, Along with this, the in the specified roads and
ment among the youths. For his, Senior Supt. Al- with other groups to avoid and even deaths. (pna) half lane located in RN other traffic scheme. (pia x)
Sadness, confidence
SADNESS and confidence. The truth was that, when would then be brought by Jesus only on that despedida that she pray, as we indeed prayed and
These were the twin emotions Daddy, Mommy, and Ariel were to Paradise in eternal life. rose to ask a question, in the accepted, and gave our faith to,
that came to me and all still alive, we were all The reason for this confi- presence of our relatives who Jesus, as our God and Savior,
my siblings as a united in love and under- dence arises from something were there, too: “How can one and as God the Father, Son, and
consequence of the standing, although just like that happened which we believe become a child of God?” Holy Spirit.
demise on April 18, any other Filipino family was God’s own will for her. Now, after we have interred I am certain this happened
2018, of our 84-year- whose members enter- This was the fact that, 24 hours her remains on April 21, 2018, I because that was the will of
old mother, Mrs. Sal- tained their own thoughts, before she was hit by a mas- saw that this question of Mom- God for her. God willed that
vacion Haber Lazo beliefs, and perceptions sive brain stroke on April 15, my turned out to be life-chang- Mommy would become, as she
Mauricio, two years about many things in 2018, Mommy was among the ing for her. I knew, deep in my indeed became, a child of God,
from the time our Batas life, we’ve had our regular people who went to law office heart, that after she listened to because in her lifetime, she
father, Mr. Melanio Mauricio differences and spats which, in Diliman, Quezon City, to my explanation--that a person performed fully her faith as a
Pauco Mauricio Sr., nevertheless, lasted only participate in a despedida (or becomes a child of God after Christian--by being a good and
and our brother Ariel, both died temporarily. farewell) party for one cousin accepting and having faith in loyal wife, a model and selfless
in 2016. But that feeling of sadness of mine who was going back to Jesus as God and Savior, and as mother, and a servant of the
My siblings, Philip, Leny, notwithstanding, we felt some Canada. God the Father, Son, and Holy God in the church where she
and Marisa, and I, as well as degree of confidence after In that despedida party on Spirit--Mommy became a child belonged to, and, in general, as
our respective families and Mommy died. We are of the April 14, 2018, discussions of God herself. a human being who loved God
other relatives, became very sad belief that whatever sins she were held, yet another time, This happened because and her fellowmen.
by Mommy’s death, because may have committed have been about who are the children of after hearing my explanation, Thank God in the Name of
we know we will be missing forgiven, her soul had been God. Mommy have had pre- I invited Mommy and all those Jesus, Amen!
her terribly, in much the same cleansed, and that she would vious occasions to listen to present during the despedida
way that we have been missing be among those who will meet me discuss this matter before (which turned out to be her E-mail: batasmauricio@
Daddy and Ariel. Jesus in the clouds, and who that Saturday event, but it was own farewell party, as well) to
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Four de
Circulo Places to Visit
Ta Presents
Arte Kamanga ‘Pitik’
Exhibit At Museo de Oro
When In London mma
a ii n
n a a tt tt rr a
in Bukidnon. The
a cc tt ii o
n ss
Forming part of town’s
town’s tourism
tourism officer officer
Panaghugpong 10: Mrs. Judith Laspiñas
Mrs. Judith Laspiñas
Xavier Ateneo Arts is
is a a keykey instrument
Festival, in celebration in
in the promotions
the promotions of of
of the National Arts not
not only only Quezon’s
RC WestBand48 Charter
Month, artists' group rr o
o cc kk wwaa ll ll cc ll ii m
mb b ii n
Circulo de Arte aa n d B l u e Wa te
n d B l u e W a t e rr
before the
before the gathering gathering
The streets streets of of the
n DAYEG 2017
the of
of tribes
tribes come
come March. March.
M u s e o d e named
municipality Oro
municipality named
QaQsu use ei szzt o a
o nn nt iicn nu r att th hoe er Under
Oscar Esteban A Under the the leadership
Hello from
from London! of
of Bukidnon
London! Bukidnon Yes,
Yes, II of Mayor Gregorio
of Mayor Gregorio
l o d i r i
from s n d c oo
London! ,n s i dn e
Yes, r e
a d
nII L l a u r e n G u
a n
packed d i
from s
packed my bags over two c o
bags n soveri d e
Yes, rtwoe d L l a u r e n G ue e a an nd d
as the
weeks the my
ago my sugarbags
and explained
and decided
decided capital
capital two
to h ii ss w ii ff e C a rr m e n
h w e C a m e n
ofof Mindanao
Last Mindanaoago
the and
Thursday, in exhibit is
is King-
December filled
filled to
is7, Capistranosic producer in Gue,Cagayan the
follow ago
Steph and
in United
Uniteddecided King- to Capistrano Gue, the de minor awards go to; Best Vocals but unites in one common goal and
dom b ofor
2017, culture
t the
the l o4th in United
v eUnited
holidays. as
:Dayegas King-
“ PKing- the
Only i k Manobo
t An- Oro and owns people Bammers or
dom for the holidays. Only Manobo people orStu- goes to King’s Band, Best Gui- that is to glorify God through mu-
anual couple
a couple
aChristian the
of showcase
of closests Songfriends word
Writing Lumads Lumads
dio, he is of of the locality
also the locality
a former band tar goes to Among The Gentiles sic”. The song “Balaang Diyos” was
a couple
h i c
indigenous t
of members
members a n s l aways
knew e s are highlighted for
Competition commenced are highlighted for
at member of Almost Satellite, Band, Best Bass goes to Tues- inspired to show to the world how
and o family b o
oett h lland
membersoo ccea ll news a
knew ni d d the world to
o Atrium, bhmy
my h
atrip members
r tand
b a
a t ’ knew
news n the
K9, world to see. see. Also Alsoand days Brew and Best Drums also great our God is. King’s band Mem-