08-10-18 Edition
08-10-18 Edition
08-10-18 Edition
call for audit
of BCDC OK’d
Regulatory agency’s enforcement
procedures called into question
A running back gets a handoff from the quarterback in an offensive drill. Below: The 8 and under squad take a water break DAILY JOURNAL STAFF
after their warmups.
Those calling for an examination of the number and
Youth football tries for resurgence nature of the enforcement actions taken by the Bay
Conservation and Development Commission in recent
years made headway this week when a bipartisan request for
Bay Area Warriors arrives in San Mateo County
By Diego Emilio Perez See BCDC, Page 12
“ ”
suggested by the above cartoon.
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003 0810 fri:0810 fri 303 8/9/18 7:38 PM Page 1
Billionaire Tim Draper drops quest to split California into three parts
By Kathlene Ronayne Court knocked it off the November November ballot has effectively put Draper spent more than $1.7 mil-
THE ASSOCIATED PRESS ballot. an end to this movement.” lion to qualify his initiative for the
“The political environment for radi- The court struck Draper’s measure in ballot, which requires gathering hun-
SACRAMENTO — The billionaire cal change is right now,” venture cap- July in response to a lawsuit but didn’t dreds of thousands of signatures.
behind a measure to split California in italist Tim Draper wrote in a letter to rule on the merits of the case, allow- It’s not his first effort to break up
three said he’s giving up on the effort the court dated Aug. 2 and made public ing Draper the opportunity to fight to California — his plan to split the
Tim to reimagine the nation’s most popu- by his opponents Thursday. “The put it on future ballots. He’s not mov- state into six didn’t qualify for past
Draper lous state after the state Supreme removal of Proposition 9 from the ing forward with the case. ballots.
005 0810 fri:0810 fri 303 8/9/18 8:30 PM Page 1
• According to the Washington, D.C.-based startup Fi s cal No te
in July, state Sen. Jerry Hi l l , D-San Mateo , is the fifth most
productive state senator after he sponsored 232 bills with a passage
rate of 61 percent since he was elected to the state Leg i s l ature in
A firefighter fights fire near torching trees as a wildfire burns near Yosemite National Park.
June Sartor
August 1, 1931 - August 1, 2018
Flames inch close to June passed peacefully on August 1, 2018, her 87th
birthday, at her home in Millbrae after a courageous battle
with Lymphoma. Born in San Francisco, she was a resident of
Millbrae since 1964.
California homes as Her vibrant personality was one of her greatest assets. She
loved meeting people and made many life-long friends. Her
passion for travel took her many places.
thousands evacuate
For many years she worked as a docent at the Monterey Bay Aquarium, it was the
perfect job for her. Monterey held a special place in June’s heart. It was where she
would spend much of her time.
Survived by her husband Edward, her son Andre (Lisa) and daughter Michelle.
By Amanda Lee Myers helicopter water drops. June also leaves behind her beloved best friend and confidant June Athanacio. The
THE ASSOCIATED PRESS Rodriguez’s wife and two daughters evac- “two June’s” grew up together since kindergarten and even though they were not
uated. related, they were closer than two sisters could ever be.
LOS ANGELES — An intentionally set Lake Elsinore Mayor Natasha Johnson We are grateful for and want to thank the caregivers and staff from Senior Assist
wildfire grew perilously close to homes in and her family were among the families of the Peninsula, especially her daily caregiver Terry Knudsen. To the wonderful and
Southern California on Thursday as evacua- evacuating Thursday, Councilman Bob amazing staff of Mission Hospice we thank you for everything you did to make mom
tion orders expanded to more than 20,000 Magee said at a community meeting about comfortable in her final days.
residents, though some homeowners the fire. The family wishes for donations in June’s memory be made to Mission Hospice,
stayed behind to fend off the flames them- Earlier in the day, Johnson told residents 1670 So. Amphlett Blvd, #300, San Mateo CA 94402.
selves. in a video posted on Twitter to stay vigi-
Firefighters fought a desperate battle to lant and listen to evacuation orders.
stop the Holy Fire from reaching homes as “Stay safe,” she said as smoke billowed
the blaze surged through the Cleveland behind her. “God bless.”
National Forest above the city of Lake Magee told residents at the community
Elsinore and its surrounding communities. meeting to follow the mayor’s example and
They were trying to keep the flames from listen to evacuation warnings and orders.
devouring neighborhoods and taking “I also want to remind you not to panic,”
lives, as gigantic fires still burning in he said. “We are in great hands, the best in
Northern California have done. the world.
“Our main focus this afternoon was get- “Pray for our town. Pray for our people,”
ting everyone out safely, ” said Thanh he said.
Nguyen, a spokesman for the crews bat- Fire crews worked in 100-plus-degree
tling the Holy Fire. heat. Aircraft dumped bright pink lines of
As flames raged closer, some residents fire retardant to wall off the fire from
ignoring evacuation orders stood in drive- homes. The 16-square-mile blaze was only
ways or on top of roofs and used garden 5 percent contained.
hoses to keep their homes wet and to fight The fire is named for Holy Jim Canyon,
the flames as smoke billowed around them. where it erupted Monday and burned a dozen
Joe Rodriguez was using a power washer cabins.
to wet down his patio in the McVicker A resident of the canyon, 51-year-old
Canyon Park neighborhood on Thursday Forrest Gordon Clark, was charged
morning. Thursday with arson and other crimes that
Although the neighborhood is under an could send him to prison for life.
evacuation order, the 38-year-old Clark refused to go to court Thursday and
Rodriguez told the San Bernardino Sun that his arraignment was postponed to Friday.
he decided to stay to help save his home. It’s unclear whether he has an attorney.
“Until this thing is barking at my door, Winds gusting to nearly 20 mph at times
I’m going to stick with it,” he said. drove the fire through dense chaparral on
He said a line of fire retardant dropped the foothill slopes and along ridgetops,
on the hill above his house has so far sending up an enormous column of smoke
checked the fire’s advance, along with that smeared the sky for miles around.
006 0810 fri:0810 fri 303 8/9/18 9:24 PM Page 1
police are working with the San Mateo Ave., according to the fire authority.
Standoff ends with former cop Local briefs County Coroner’s Office find out exactly how No injuries were reported, but 17 residents
over domestic violence allegations Hart said the outcome was positive even he died. He was identified by the Coroner’s in the three homes were displaced. They have
A former police officer was arrested follow- though it took a long time to convince Office as Tomas Bandong, 31, of Foster City. made their own temporary housing arrange-
ing a day-long standoff and domestic vio- McGee to come out of the home. Police had “There is no public safety concern, based ments, fire officials said.
lence allegations early Thursday morning at a issued a shelter-in-place for residents in the on the little we know,” Ticas said. The cause of the fire remains under investi-
home in Redwood City, a police spokesman area and had suggested some evacuate. gation.
said. James McGee, 54, of Redwood City, Fire in crawl space causes
allegedly assaulted a woman inside a home on Man’s body pulled from Bay smoke damage to three homes Anti-Trump protester
Windsor Way before police received 911 calls near San Mateo-Hayward Bridge Firefighters on Wednesday afternoon gets probation for assault
at about 2 a.m., police spokesman Lt. Sean
Foster City police are investigating the extinguished a fire that burned in the crawl OAKLAND — A former community college
Hart said.
death of a man whose body was found floating spaces below the driveways of three split- teacher and anti-fascist activist has accepted a
Police arrived to find McGee inside the level homes in Daly City, according to the plea deal and pleaded no contest to a misde-
home alone. Officers contacted McGee but he Thursday morning in the Bay near the San
Mateo-Hayward Bridge. North County Fire Authority. meanor assault for allegedly attacking atten-
initially refused to come out. Hart said author- Crews responded at 3:39 p.m. to a report of dees of a Northern California political rally.
ities negotiated with McGee throughout the At 9:37 a.m., someone called authorities to
report a person seen floating in the water near a structure fire at 433 Wyandotte Ave. Eric Clanton’s attorney Daniel Siegel said
day and he was eventually able to communi- Firefighters found smoke coming from the the 29-year-old agreed to the plea deal
cate with them. the base of the bridge, also known as State
Route 92, police Capt. Martin Ticas said. exterior crawl spaces and broke through the Wednesday in Alameda County Superior
McGee was taken into custody without sig- concrete driveway to find flames in the crawl Court. He was sentenced to three years of pro-
Officers arrived at the scene with firefight-
nificant injuries to anyone, Hart said. space belonging to 433 Wyandotte Ave., fire bation.
ers and searched for the man by using a boat.
The victim was taken to a hospital with Once located, the man was pulled to shore. officials said. The Alameda County district attorney’s
injuries not considered life threatening and He was pronounced dead at the scene, Crews extinguished the fire and contained office initially charged Clanton with felonies
she has since been released, Hart said. according to Ticas. it to the crawl spaces, but smoke damage was for hitting several pro-Trump demonstrators
A search was underway to see if a gun was in The case remains under investigation and reported throughout the home as well as two on the head with a bicycle lock during a 2017
the home. Hart said the victim was not shot. adjacent ones at 427 and 421 Wyandotte demonstration in Berkeley.
police are working with the San Mateo Ave., according to the fire authority.
Police in standoff with Local briefs County Coroner’s Office find out exactly how No injuries were reported, but 17 residents
domestic violence suspect voluntary evacuation order for some. he died. He was identified by the Coroner’s in the three homes were displaced. They have
A man wanted on suspicion of a domestic Madison Avenue is closed at Alameda de las Office as Tomas Bandong, 31, of Foster City. made their own temporary housing arrange-
violence assault in Redwood City early Pulgas and Upton Street, and Vera Avenue was “There is no public safety concern, based ments, fire officials said.
Thursday morning refused to come out of the closed at Windsor Way as a result of the stand- on the little we know,” Ticas said. The cause of the fire remains under investi-
home where it occurred, prompting an hours- off, according to police. gation.
long standoff that continued throughout the Fire in crawl space causes
day, police said. Man’s body pulled from Bay smoke damage to three homes Anti-Trump protester
Officers responded at about 2 a.m. to a near San Mateo-Hayward Bridge Firefighters on Wednesday afternoon gets probation for assault
report from a woman saying she was the vic- extinguished a fire that burned in the crawl OAKLAND — A former community college
tim of a domestic violence assault at a home Foster City police are investigating the
death of a man whose body was found floating spaces below the driveways of three split- teacher and anti-fascist activist has accepted a
on the 700 block of Windsor Way, according level homes in Daly City, according to the plea deal and pleaded no contest to a misde-
to police. Thursday morning in the Bay near the San
Mateo-Hayward Bridge. North County Fire Authority. meanor assault for allegedly attacking atten-
The victim talked to police in front of the Crews responded at 3:39 p.m. to a report of dees of a Northern California political rally.
residence and she said the male suspect was At 9:37 a.m., someone called authorities to
report a person seen floating in the water near a structure fire at 433 Wyandotte Ave. Eric Clanton’s attorney Daniel Siegel said
still inside the home. She was then taken to a Firefighters found smoke coming from the the 29-year-old agreed to the plea deal
hospital and was later released, police said. the base of the bridge, also known as State
Route 92, police Capt. Martin Ticas said. exterior crawl spaces and broke through the Wednesday in Alameda County Superior
Officers contacted the suspect by phone but Officers arrived at the scene with firefight- concrete driveway to find flames in the crawl Court. He was sentenced to three years of pro-
he refused to leave the home. Authorities sur- ers and searched for the man by using a boat. space belonging to 433 Wyandotte Ave., fire bation.
rounded the home and continued to try to Once located, the man was pulled to shore. officials said. The Alameda County district attorney’s
negotiate with him but he refused to commu- He was pronounced dead at the scene, Crews extinguished the fire and contained office initially charged Clanton with felonies
nicate with officers, police said. according to Ticas. it to the crawl spaces, but smoke damage was for hitting several pro-Trump demonstrators
Police issued a shelter in place order for The case remains under investigation and reported throughout the home as well as two on the head with a bicycle lock during a 2017
other residents in the area and recommended a adjacent ones at 427 and 421 Wyandotte demonstration in Berkeley.
Mike Pence outlines U.S. Space The imam said he did not know the cause of death.
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Kavanaugh’s Bush White House role emerges in new documents the Senate Judiciary 125,000 Bush documents and skirting tradi- and media organizations for insight into
By Lisa Mascaro and Mark Sherman
THE ASSOCIATED PRESS Committee’s website tional procedures. Kavanaugh’s legal thinking. But it’s
after being compiled by a Kavanaugh’s five years working for Bush, unclear how revealing the papers will be.
WASHINGTON — The first documents lawyer representing the as a White House counsel and the staff sec- One of the initial pages was a discussion of
from Supreme Court nominee Brett former president as part retary, are the subject of a fierce dispute lunch plans.
Kavanaugh’s time in George W. Bush’s of the GOP’s expedited between Senate Republicans and Democrats The records cast light on Kavanaugh’s
White House were released Thursday as the review process. about the scope of documents being made role when he served in the White House
Senate begins to review the judge’s unusual- But Democrats and oth- available. The battle over the paper trail has counsel’s office. Documents regarding the
ly lengthy public record for confirmation ers scrutinizing come to dominate the debate over confirm- selection of judicial nominees show he
hearings this fall. Brett Ka- President Donald ing the 53-year-old appellate judge to took an interest in news and editorial cover-
The 5,700 pages from Kavanaugh’s time Trump’s nominee quick- replace retiring Justice Anthony Kennedy. age of Democratic resistance to some of
in the White House counsel’s office, a slim ly cried foul, saying Republicans are “cher- The first download of thousands of papers Bush’s early nominees to appellate judge-
fraction of those available, were posted on ry-picking” from the initial cache of Thursday is being pored over by activists ships.
009 0810 fri:1030 FRI 64 8/9/18 7:19 PM Page 1
Barrett Insurance is proud to celebrate our 30th Anniversary
011 0810 fri:0810 fri 303 8/9/18 9:02 PM Page 1
harmful pesticide and Thursday reported a loss of $106.2 period. cents per share, with revenue in
million in its second quarter. In the final minutes of trading the range of $178 million to $181
On a per-share basis, the South on Wednesday, the company’s million.
San Francisco-based company said shares hit $4.75. A year ago, they Cutera shares have fallen 10 per-
says EPA violated law it had a loss of $1.61. were trading at $2.53. cent since the beginning of the
The biopharmaceutical company year. In the final minutes of trad-
posted revenue of $4 million in Corcept reported 2Q ing on Tuesday, shares hit $40.80,
the period. a rise of 53 percent in the last 12
By Michael Biesecker against EPA, including California, Portola Pharmaceuticals shares
net income of $18.2M months.
THE ASSOCIATED PRESS New York and Massachusetts. have decreased 23 percent since MENLO PARK — Corcept
In a split decision, the court said the beginning of the year. The Therapeutics Inc. on Thursday Sunrun reported
WASHINGTON — A federal Thursday that Pruitt, a Republican reported second-quarter net income
appeals court ruled Thursday that forced to resign earlier this summer
stock has decreased 37 percent in
of $18.2 million.
2Q profit of $7.4M
the last 12 months.
the Trump administration endan- amid ethics scandals, violated feder- The Menlo Park-based company SAN FRANCISCO — Sunrun
gered public health by keeping a al law by ignoring the conclusions ChemoCentryx said it had profit of 14 cents per Inc. on Thursday reported second-
widely used pesticide on the market of agency scientists that chlorpyri- share. Earnings, adjusted for stock quarter profit of $7.4 million.
despite extensive scientific evi- fos is harmful. reports loss of $6.9M in 2Q option expense and non-recurring On a per-share basis, the San
dence that even tiny levels of expo- “The panel held that there was no MOUNTAIN VIEW — costs, came to 20 cents per share. Francisco-based company said it
sure can harm babies’ brains. justification for the EPA’s decision ChemoCentryx Inc. on Thursday The results fell short of Wall had net income of 6 cents.
The 9th U.S. Circuit Court of in its 2017 order to maintain a tol- reported a loss of $6.9 million in Street expectations. The average The results missed Wall Street
Appeals in San Francisco ordered erance for chlorpyrifos in the face its second quarter. estimate of three analysts sur- expectations. The average esti-
the Environmental Protection of scientific evidence that its The Mountain View-based com- veyed by Zacks Investment mate of four analysts surveyed by
Agency to remove chlorpyrifos residue on food causes neurodevel- pany said it had a loss of 14 cents Research was for earnings of 24 Zacks Investment Research was
from sale in the United States with- opmental damage to children,” per share. cents per share. for earnings of 35 cents per share.
in 60 days. Judge Jed S. Rakoff wrote in the The results missed Wall Street The drug developer posted rev- The solar energy products dis-
A coalition of farmworkers and court’s opinion. expectations. The average esti- enue of $62.3 million in the peri- tributor posted revenue of $170.5
environmental groups sued last year Michael Abboud, spokesman for mate of three analysts surveyed by od, which also fell short of Street million in the period.
after then-EPA chief Scott Pruitt acting EPA Administrator Andrew Zacks Investment Research was forecasts. Three analysts surveyed Sunrun shares have more than
reversed an Obama-era effort to ban Wheeler, said the agency was for a loss of 11 cents per share. by Zacks expected $68.5 million. doubled since the beginning of the
chlorpyrifos, which is widely reviewing the decision, but it had The biopharmaceutical company Corcept expects full-year rev- year. In the final minutes of trad-
sprayed on citrus fruit, apples and been unable to “fully evaluate the posted revenue of $15 million in enue in the range of $250 million ing on Thursday, shares hit
other crops. The attorneys general pesticide using the best available, the period, which also missed to $270 million. $14.34, more than doubling in the
for several states joined the case transparent science.” Street forecasts. Three analysts Corcept shares have decreased last 12 months.
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012 0810 fri:0810 fri 303 8/9/18 10:01 PM Page 1
sistent, transparent and trustworthy today, Legislature with a list of enforcement cases
Continued from page 1
then the organization will have a much
harder time accomplishing its goals with
added public scrutiny in the future,” he said
Comment on
or share this story at
and their statuses and meeting with other
regulatory agencies to learn from their
enforcement practices as among the steps
in the release. “This audit request is about the agency plans to take as the audit pro-
good government, ensuring that a regulato- ceeds.
a state audit of the agency was approved ry agency is achieving its mandate through conduct an audit, which arrived on the same
In reviewing an array of cases of permit
Wednesday. fair and equitable treatment of those it regu- day he celebrated the 10th anniversary of
holders across the Bay Area, Mullin said
Assemblyman Kevin Mullin, D-South lates.” the harbor’s opening day. He hopes the
state legislators found seemingly minor
San Francisco, was joined by Assembly audit will shed light on how the agency
As president of Westpoint Harbor in alleged violations received the same weight
Minority Floor Leader Marie Waldron, R- sets, collects and uses fines and help ease
Redwood City, Mark Sanders knows from and consideration from the agency as seri-
Escondido, state Sen. Jerry Hill, D-San the fears of permit holders who have feared
experience what it’s like to be facing a cease ous alleged violations that could caused
Mateo, and Assemblyman Marc Berman, D- retribution for speaking up about unfair
and desist order and more than $500,000 in serious harm to the environment, and that
Palo Alto, in calling for an audit of the practices.
fines for allegedly violating several require- the sum of the alleged violations they were
agency, a request that was answered with “We think that it’s really good that the
ments included in the permit he was accused of left them facing hundreds of thou-
unanimous support from the Joint state is saying ‘we need to get this organi-
approved for by BCDC in 2003, such as sands of dollars in penalties, in some cases.
Legislative Audit Committee at its zation back on track,’” he said. “I’m happy
ensuring public access and protection of A recent Solano County court decision
Wednesday hearing. to see this happen, I think it’s long over-
wildlife at the marina. reflecting many of the concerns permit
Months in the making, the bipartisan due.”
request came in response to a series of con- Sanders said he spent 10 years working to BCDC Executive Director Larry holders had expressed, citing several defi-
cerns raised by BCDC permit holders about meet the agency’s requirements to obtain Goldzband said in a statement issued to the ciencies in the BCDC enforcement process,
the organization’s approach and strategy, the permit he needed open a recreational Joint Legislative Audit Committee for its also contributed to legislators’ concerns the
Mullin said in a press release. Complaints marina just south of Bair Island on Redwood Aug. 8 hearing that the agency is ready to agency’s current strategy and approach
ranging from an inconsistent application City’s eastern edge in 2008. He feels he has participate in an audit that concentrates on could erode the public trust in the organiza-
of standards to instances in which staff spent the last 15 years since the permit was its reinvigorated enforcement program. tion, according to Mullin.
allegedly changed permit requirements after granted fielding what he has described as Having served as a BCDC commissioner and As part of the group Friends of Westpoint
permit holders satisfied established require- unfair allegations lodged by commission on the enforcement committee for several Harbor, Paulien Ruijssenaars was active in
ments compelled legislators to push for an staff that he was in violation of the years before becoming its executive direc- an effort to gather more than 5,000 signa-
unbiased opinion to verify what permit approved plans. tor, Goldzband said adopting an enforce- tures for a petition calling for a state audit of
holders say they have experienced. Sanders and the agency had been locked in ment strategy that is fair, robust and timely the agency. Having heard of other instances
Created in 1965 with the charge of regu- disagreements for years before the issue and improves the agency’s performance has in which BCDC acted inappropriately with
lating development in and around the San came to a head during BCDC hearings earli- been part of the agency’s strategic plan for other permit holders, Ruijssenaars was
Francisco Bay, the agency has protected the er this year. After the full commission several years. hopeful the audit would refocus the agency
environment and increased public access to rejected the commission’s enforcement “Staff and commissioners continue to and its permit holders’ efforts on preserving
Bay for more than 50 years, said Mullin. He committee’s recommendation to approve a make and adopt suggestions about how to the Bay and ensuring the public has access
is hoping the audit will incite the agency to cease and desist order and more than improve the program,” he said in the state- to it.
make any internal changes needed to pre- $500,000 in fines for the harbor in March, ment. “Therefore, we look forward to the “We’re just excited that this is an inde-
pare for the potentially unpopular decisions Sanders has been participating in meetings state auditor providing constructive input pendent audit where hopefully there’s going
it will be required to make as sea level rise with staff to try to resolve issues with the about how we can improve the revitalized to be a fair look at all sides,” she said.
intensifies because that will challenge the permit, a process he said is still ongoing. program even more.” “Ultimately, BCDC has a great mission and
agency’s role in protecting the Bay. Sanders was encouraged by the Joint Goldzband pegged providing more we’d like to make sure that that mission is
“If processes and procedures are not con- Legislative Audit Committee’s decision to detailed annual reports to the state followed and executed on properly.”
“The city of Oakland should be held tures” trying to become San Francisco Bay enormous loss in this case.”
Continued from page 1
accountable” for failing to inspect and
shut down the warehouse, Colleen Dolan
said. She showed a photo of her smiling
Area arts players by luring people to a dan-
gerous place to live and party.
Alameda County District Attorney
Almena and Harris could have faced life
in prison if convicted at a trial. Now, they
could serve only half their sentences after
33-year-old daughter, Chelsea Dolan, Nancy O’Malley said the two men had spending a year behind bars if they
taken a few weeks before her death. turned the warehouse into a “death trap” by behave.
warehouse fire testified about their losses But when Dolan tried to display a coro- cluttering it with highly flammable knick-
and slammed a plea deal for two men ner’s photo of her daughter’s charred body, knacks, blocking the building’s few exits Investigators from the U.S. Bureau of
charged with involuntary manslaughter. Cramer gently interrupted her and said he and failing to make adequate safety precau- Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and
The hearing will last through Friday, had previously seen it. tions before inviting the public inside. Explosives said they were unable to deter-
when Judge James Cramer formally sen- “I had to kiss that burned body good- Almena’s wife and three children also mine a cause of the blaze.
tenced the pair who each pleaded no con- bye,” said Dolan, agreeing to comply. “I lived in the warehouse but were staying in Victims’ relatives allege in lawsuits that
t es t t o 3 6 ch arg es o f i n v o l un t ary am angry and bereft.” a nearby hotel the night of the fire. His the Oakland Fire Department failed to
manslaughter for the Dec. 2, 2016, fire at Moments later, Cramer politely inter- wife, Micah Allison, and one of their inspect the warehouse annually as required
the warehouse known as the Ghost Ship. rupted Paul Matiasic, an attorney reading a daughters sat quietly in court alongside the and that inspectors would have discovered
In exchange for their pleas, Derick statement by Sami Long Koppelman, grieving families. the illegal conversions.
Almena, who rented the warehouse and is whose 34-year-old son, Edmond William Chris Allen, brother of 34-year-old vic-
accused of illegally converting it into Alex Katz, a spokesman for the city
Lapine, was killed. tim Amanda Allen Keyshaw, and his par- attorney, declined to comment.
housing and entertainment space, agreed Mataiasic asked the judge rhetorically if ents traveled to the hearing from the
to a nine-year prison sentence, and Max The lawsuits also claim Pacific Gas &
he had lost a child. Boston area. As his mother sobbed outside Electric Co. failed to properly monitor,
Harris, who collected rent and scheduled “Yes, I have,” Cramer said with a sad court, Allen said the family did not feel
concerts, agreed to a six-year term. inspect and repair electrical equipment
smile. “Just so you know.” “justice has been fully served.” that provided power to the warehouse.
Several of the relatives who testified Many relatives who spent the day crying Dressed in jail garb, Almena, 48, looked
Thursday said they were upset with the PG&E said in a statement that it cooper-
and dabbing their eyes audibly gasped. unemotionally at the relatives as they tes-
plea deals. ated with the investigation and that a
The judge did not elaborate. tified, while Harris, 28, stared at the
Cyrus Hoda, the brother judge, who approved the plea deal last review of its records found no electrical
of fire victim Sarah Hoda, month. problems at the building in the 10 years
30, said the plea bargain Cramer told relatives of victims to try to before the fire.
smacked of a “sweetheart keep their emotions in check during the Warehouse owner Chor Ng, who has
deal” and labeled Almena testimony, which he said would be “a never been charged, did not return a phone
and Harris as “culture vul- heart-wrenching hearing as befits the message seeking comment.
MiLB brief
Gavin returns home with San Jose Giants
Pirates hit 3 HRs to back Nova in win over Giants
By Michael Wagaman
John Gavin enjoyed a splendid professional debut with THE ASSOCIATED PRESS
Pirates 10, Giants 5
Giants Low-A affiliate Augusta this season, earning him a in the fifth. Nova yielded three hits Andrew Suarez (4-8) in the second.
promotion to his native San Jose. SAN FRANCISCO — Ivan Nova had and had three strikeouts. Former Pittsburgh star Andrew
The 22-year-old left-hander out of St. Francis-Mountain little problem extending Pittsburgh’s Pirates starting pitchers have a 2.20 Cutchen went hitless in four at-bats
View made his first start with the High-A San Jose Giants streak of strong road starts. ERA over their last 10 road starts. but made a pair of sparkling defensive
Saturday, Aug. 4, taking the loss in a 5-3 defeat by Lake Three home runs, including a mile- Rich Rodriguez, Dovydas plays against his former team.
Elsinore. Gavin is set to make his second start for the SJ stone shot by David Freese, gave the Neverauskas and Casey Sadler com- A five-time All-Star and a Gold
Giants Friday at Municipal Stadium at 7:10 p.m. against A’s right-hander all the cushion he needed. pleted the six-hitter. Glove winner for the Pirates as a center
affiliate Stockton. Nova allowed two runs in six Adam Frazier added three singles and fielder in 2012, McCutchen threw out
An eighth-round pick out of Cal State Fullerton in 2017, innings, Freese hit his 100th career two RBIs, his fourth multi-hit game in Frazier at second after he lined a ball
Gavin was 5-5 with a 2.08 ERA at Augusta, striking out 111, home run, and the Pirates beat the the last six. into right leading off the game. In the
which currently ranks seventh in the South Atlantic League. Giants 10-5 Thursday night. The Pirates have won three straight sixth, McCutchen raced into the alley
“Guys got balls over the plate and overall and improved to 8-2 in their in right-center and made a diving grab
when we had them we nailed them,” last 10 at AT&T Park. to rob Diaz of extra bases.
Pirates manager Clint Hurdle said “And Joe Panik and Steven Duggar drove Pittsburgh scored five unearned runs
Nova was spot on through four. Some
Ask a Professional small misfires in the fifth and then a
in two runs apiece for San Francisco.
Freese singled and scored on Diaz’s
in the seventh after back-to-back
errors by second baseman Panik and
nice shutdown.” homer in the second then broke the third baseman Evan Longoria.
If I choose Nova (7-6) lost to the Giants in May game open with his milestone home “You give up five in the seventh,
but was sharper this time. He retired run, a three-run blast off Mark that’s a pretty good punch there,”
cremation, the first 11 batters and didn’t allow a Melancon in the seventh. Giants manager Bruce Bochy said.
what are my hit until Austin Slater’s leadoff single Diaz and Bell homered off starter “That’s where it got away from us.”
Rick Riffel
options for said the right-hander had his medica-
Managing Funeral Director
Jansen sent back to L.A. MLB brief tion with him on the trip.
with irregular heartbeat Dodgers’ 8-5 win over the Rockies that “We’re holding out hope it’s not too
Cremation offers many options for final DENVER — Dodgers closer Kenley Jansen was at the hotel earlier in the day serious,” Roberts said. “In talking to
Jansen went to the hospital with an and didn’t feel right. Jansen called the the trainer right now, his mood is fine.”
disposition such as burial in a cemetery plot, irregular heartbeat before a game trainer and was taken to the hospital. Roberts didn’t know if the team would
preservation in a columbarium niche, or Thursday against Colorado and will be Jansen has dealt with an irregular make a roster move in Jansen’s absence.
scattering at sea or in a place of meaning. sent back to Los Angeles for more tests. heartbeat in the past and will visit his Los Angeles plays three more games at
Manager Dave Roberts said after the cardiologist in Los Angeles. Roberts Coors Field before returning home.
We are happy to explain all the choices
that accompany cremation. We hope you
will allow us to assist.
©2012 MKJ Marketing
www.ssofunerals.com FD230
015 0810 fri:0810 fri 303 8/9/18 8:57 PM Page 1
Raiders sign S Quincy Mauger spokeswoman Rena Phillips told news outlets. pended and arrested.
Sports briefs Nine players have been suspended and a $12 “The truth is finally coming out,” she told
ALAMEDA — The Oakland Raiders have
School suspends coach million lawsuit was filed after video showed a WALA-TV.
signed free agent safety Quincy Mauger.
then-freshman quarterback, Rodney Kim Jr., The school spokeswoman wouldn’t com-
The Raiders waived long snapper Drew after locker room assault being beaten in April in what his parents say ment further on the action against the coach,
Scott on Thursday to make room on the ros-
MOBILE, Ala. — An Alabama school sys- was a hazing attack. and Riley hasn’t commented on being placed
Mauger spent last season on injured tem has placed a prep football coach on leave The young player suffered a broken arm, and on leave. But he told reporters last month he
reserve with a knee injury in Atlanta after after players were videotaped beating a team- police say they were called about an assault planned to keep coaching.
signing with the Falcons as an undrafted mate in a locker room. complaint. “I enjoy what I’m doing,” Riley said. “I
free agent. Mauger played four seasons at The action announced Wednesday against Mary Kim, the player’s mother, said she love the young’uns. I like being around
Georgia, where he had 186 tackles, seven Davidson High School coach Fred Riley was was “elated” about the coach being placed them, and as long as Mrs. Riley will let me
interceptions and 12 passes defensed. effective immediately, Mobile County schools on leave, but she still wants Riley to be sus- keep coaching, I’ll keep coaching.”
“This time, it took me until hole No. 8 or Curry said. “I had to wait a little bit. It was a shots early, and from there turn it into actu-
49ERS Injuries
The Niners had a parade of injuries early,
starting with LB Malcolm Smith limping
considering a return to the Indianapolis 500
next year.
Stewart, a three-time NASCAR champion
and Indiana native, grew up chasing a win at
feel in practice to be good in the race. It’s
foolish to think you can just show up and be
competitive and have a shot to win.”
Stewart will turn 48 next May before the
Continued from page 13 off with a hamstring issue on the opening
drive. TE George Kittle and backup RB Matt Indianapolis Motor Indy 500. He could potentially get a ride
Breida left with shoulder injuries. Thomas Speedway. He won twice with Andretti Autosport, which fields multi-
He capped his night with the deep ball to there in NASCAR’s ple cars in the Indy 500 every year. Stewart
and backup tackle Garry Gilliam were side-
Gallup, who beat Jimmie Ward down the Brickyard 400, but was has developed a friendship with current
lined by concussions and Harrold had a
sideline. Ward got the start at cornerback in never able to win the Indy IndyCar driver Marco Andretti and was a for-
lower leg injury.
place of Richard Sherman, who is nursing a 500. mer competitor against team owner Michael
hamstring injury. Cowboys OL Marcus Martin limped off He last entered the Andretti.
With the release of three-time Pro Bowl the field in the second half with a toe injury, event in 2001. Now Andretti is also currently a Honda team and
receiver Dez Bryant and the retirement of 15- S Marqueston Huff left with a groin injury, retired from full-time rac- that wouldn’t conflict with Stewart’s busi-
and WR Marchie Murdock had an ankle
year tight end Jason Witten, the Cowboys are
injury. Tony Stewart ing, Stewart said ness interests. Stewart-Haas Racing, which
searching for receiving threats this preseason. Thursday he’d like anoth- Stewart co-owns, fields Fords in NASCAR.
Gallup, a third-round pick out of Colorado er crack at the Indy 500. But he has one Stewart was one of the star attractions
State, has been impressive so far in camp. Noteworthy performances caveat: Stewart will only drive a competitive Thursday when Ford unveiled the Mustang it
“That’s a good feeling, ” Gallup said. car. will run in NASCAR’s top Cup Series next
Joe Thomas got the start at linebacker for “If I go, I’m not going just to run it,” he
“Especially for me being so young and season. Stewart drove one of the new cars
Dallas in place of Sean Lee and delivered an
being a rookie and everything, I needed that said. “I don’t want to be a sideshow like into the unveiling.
interception against C.J. Beathard on a
boost of confidence. It was a good feeling.” Danica (Patrick, a former teammate) was at It was one of the few times Stewart still
tipped pass by Kavon Frazier. ... Cowboys
rookie RB Bo Scarbrough had a 28-yard run Indy this year. If I go, I want to go feeling gets into a stock car. He spends most of his
National aththem and scored a 1-yard TD in the second quarter. like I’ve got the same opportunity to win free time racing sprint cars and although he
No players on either team kneeled during ... James had four catches for 46 yards and that everyone else in the field does.” teased he’d like to run a road course in the
the national anthem, although 49ers receiv- fellow rookie Dante Pettis caught a 53-yard Stewart has five starts in the Indianapolis Xfinity Series, he learned it would come at
er Marquise Goodwin did raise his right fist pass . 500, starting on pole as a rookie in 1996 the expense of four sprint car races.
throughout the song. The Niners have been and leading 64 laps in a career-best fifth in “A lot to give up,” he said. “I still plan on
at the center of the protests during national Helmet foul 1997. doing it somewhere down the road if the
anthem ever since Colin Kaepernick began Patrick made the Indy 500 the final race of opportunity is right. If that opportunity
kneeling two years ago. Eric Reid protested There was one penalty under the new rule her career. Although she qualified in the Fast does come around and I don’t have four sprint
last year but both players are no longer with prohibiting players from leading with their Nine she was in an accident during the race car races on the schedule, I’d definitely like
the team. Linebacker Eli Harrold also helmets. San Francisco LB Elijah Lee was and finished 30th. to do it.”
kneeled during the anthem the past two called for the infraction on a tackle against “It’s an insult to the guys who do it every He’d also like to run for Ford in the 24
years but stood to start this season. Scarbrough in the third quarter. week to show up and think you’re going to Hours of Le Mans.
018 0810 fri:0810 fri 303 8/9/18 10:44 PM Page 1
ing high school juniors to hire yet the NCAA does nothing to
East Division
W L Pct GB
East Division
W L Pct GB
NCAA agents is some kind of fix-all for
the sordid mess that is college
basketball? Do they believe
limit their influence in the sport.
• Making players actually go to
real classes if they’re going to be
Boston 81 35 .698 — Philadelphia 64 50 .561 — Continued from page 13 stiffer penalties will do away with
New York 72 42 .632 8 Atlanta 62 50 .554 1 labeled student-athletes. North
Tampa Bay 58 57 .504 22 1/2 Washington 59 56 .513 5 1/2 wrongdoing when they can’t Carolina surely wasn’t the only
Toronto 52 62 .456 28 New York 47 65 .420 16
Baltimore 35 80 .304 45 1/2 enforce the penalties they have school that allowed athletes to
Miami 47 69 .405 18 efforts to try and fix a system that today?
Central Division is badly broken. But they are attend sham classes, and one-and-
Central Division No, and no. The new rule
Cleveland 64 50 .561 — Chicago 66 48 .579 — incremental at best, and come done players today are gone by
Minnesota 53 61 .465 11 changes are basically for show
Detroit 47 68 .409 17 1/2 Milwaukee 66 52 .559 2
only because of the FBI probe the time any scholastic standards
Chicago 41 73 .360 23 St. Louis 60 55 .522 6 1/2 only, an attempt by Emmert and
Kansas City 35 79 .307 29 Pittsburgh 60 56 .517 7 that threatens to further expose need to be met.
Cincinnati 50 65 .435 16 1/2
the dirty laundry of college bas- his underlings to protect their • Giving the players a cut of the
West Division positions by appearing to do
Houston 73 43 .629 — West Division ketball. action. Coaches make $5 million
A’s 68 47 .591 4 1/2 Arizona 64 52 .552 — something in response to a scan- a year and more, while athletic
Seattle 66 50 .569 7 Los Angeles 64 52 .552 — They are also a bit perplexing, dal that could have far-ranging
Angels 58 58 .500 15 Colorado 60 55 .522 3 1/2 especially calling on USA administrators get fat paychecks,
Texas 51 66 .436 22 1/2 Giants 57 59 .491 7 repercussions as it plays out. too. There’s so much money in
San Diego 46 71 .393 18 1/2 Basketball to assume a new role Real reform is something differ-
Thursday’s Games and rank high school players to college basketball that schools
Cleveland 5, Minnesota 4 Thursday’s Games ent. Real reform means things have to hunt for ways to spend it,
N.Y.Yankees 7,Texas 3 decide which of them can hire like:
Washington 6, Atlanta 3 yet players get little more than
Toronto 8, Boston 5
San Diego 8, Milwaukee 4 agents. And they will be imple- • Allowing players to sell their
Tampa Bay 5, Baltimore 4
L.A. Dodgers 8, Colorado 5 mented without any agreement in books, food and a place to sleep.
Seattle 8, Houston 6 images and likenesses, some-
Friday’s Games Pittsburgh 10, San Francisco 5 sight with the NBA and its play- thing that should have been set- There’s more, of course, because
Boston (Eovaldi 5-4) at Baltimore (Bundy 7-10),4:05 p.m. Friday’s Games ers’ union on lowering the league there’s plenty to change. Right
Texas (Minor 8-6) at NYY (Tanaka 9-2), 4:05 p.m. Nats (Hellickson 5-2) at Cubs (Hendricks 8-9),11:20 a.m. tled in Ed O’Bannon’s lawsuit
Rays (Snell 12-5) at Toronto (Estrada 5-8), 4:07 p.m. Arizona (Buchholz 5-1) at Reds (DeSclafani 5-3),4:10 p.m. draft age to 18. against the NCAA but really was- now, the system is an invitation
Twins(Santana0-0)atTigers(Zimmermann4-4),4:10p.m. NYM (Wheeler 6-6) at Miami (Urena 3-11), 4:10 p.m. Ultimately, they do little to n’t. This means things like allow- for everyone involved to cheat
Cleveland (Bieber 6-2) at ChiSox (Rodon 3-3),5:10 p.m. Brewers (Peralta 5-2) at Atlanta (Gausman 5-9),4:35 p.m. and try to get rich. There are few
Seattle (Leake 8-7) at Houston (Cole 10-4), 5:10 p.m. L.A. (Maeda 7-7) at Colorado (Gray 9-7), 5:40 p.m.
address the more serious issues ing players to profit on sales of
St.Louis (Gomber 1-0) at K.C.(Smith 1-3), 5:15 p.m. Philadelphia (Eflin 8-3) at S.D. (Nix 0-0), 7:10 p.m. facing college basketball, and replica jerseys or having their safeguards, little accountability
A’s (Anderson 2-3) at Angels (Pena 1-3), 7:07 p.m. Pittsburgh (Williams 9-8) at S.F.(Holland 5-8),7:15 p.m. college sports in general. But that name on a new pizza at a campus and almost no incentive to
Saturday’s Games Saturday’s Games change the way things are done.
Boston at Baltimore, 10:05 a.m., 1st game was always pretty much a given eatery.
Washington at Chicago Cubs, 1:05 p.m.
Texas at N.Y.Yankees, 10:05 a.m.
Arizona at Cincinnati, 3:40 p.m.
since no one, it seems, wants to • Kicking out shoe companies, The FBI inquiry was a wakeup
Tampa Bay at Toronto, 1:07 p.m. mess too much with a system that call, one the NCAA answered
Minnesota at Detroit, 3:10 p.m. Milwaukee at Atlanta, 4:10 p.m. or at least halting the arms war in
Boston at Baltimore, 4:05 p.m., 2nd game N.Y. Mets at Miami, 4:10 p.m. makes everyone money but the athletic apparel. The companies quickly only because its very sur-
Cleveland at Chicago White Sox, 4:10 p.m. St. Louis at Kansas City, 4:15 p.m. players. vival is at stake.
Seattle at Houston, 4:10 p.m. L.A. Dodgers at Colorado, 5:10 p.m. and the money they funnel to
St.Louis at Kansas City, 4:15 p.m. Philadelphia at San Diego, 5:40 p.m. Seriously, does anyone in the schools and coaches are at the But piecemeal changes are no
Oakland at Angels, 6:07 p.m. Pittsburgh at San Francisco, 6:05 p.m. NCAA actually believe that allow- center of the FBI investigation, replacement for real reform.
she is the fastest woman on the trial run. race. She was second in the 200 a around the Pacific Rim.
Continued from page 15
planet in a lot of races,” Ruck said
of the American great. “My coach
kind of saw that, so he told me to
Ruck won the 200 in 1 minute,
54.44 seconds, just ahead of
Japanese rival Rikako Ikee.
year ago at the world champi-
onships in Budapest.
It wasn’t a lost day. Ledecky took
“I knew it was going to be
tough,” Ledecky said. “It’s a tough
double. I’ve done it a number of
focus on my lane and my race.” Ledecky was third in 1:55.15. the 800 in 8:09.13 — the fifth times, but it’s always a difficult
And there’s another factor. Ledecky won this event two years fastest on record — and will be the thing. I really put a lot of work into
to calm herself down as she readied Almost everyone is already think- ago at the Rio de Janeiro Olympics favorite in the 400 during the four- not having that happen again. But
to dive into the pool. ing about the 2020 Olympics in — and the 400 and 800, too — day event in Tokyo, the biggest I still have two more years to go
“It’s the name, I guess, because Tokyo and using this event as a though it probably is her weakest meet of the year for most swimmers until the big show here in Tokyo.”
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019 0810 fri:0810 fri 303 8/9/18 5:23 PM Page 1
Continued from page 19
ously the giant shark which, after years
stuck at the bottom of the sea, is awfully
hungry. There are the expected close
scrapes, surprisingly good production
design, PG-13 rated chompings and fluctuat-
ings of Dr. Heller (Robert Taylor), who ing levels of even giant-shark-movie plau-
believes Taylor reckless for an earlier deep- sibility. What is it about sharks that
water nuclear submarine rescue where as inspires such absurdity in plots? Much of
many died as lived. “The Meg” aims for a familiar popcorn mix
Statham, the sleek, gravelly voiced of frights and ridiculousness that may well
action star, is lured back underwater because do the trick for cheap August thrills, or
one of the three people trapped — Lori those who pine for, say, “Deep Blue Sea.”
(Jessica McNamee) — happens to be his ex-
wife. With remarkably little trouble, he “The Meg” is best when it acknowledges
goes from boozing in Thailand to easily its derivativeness, just one more silly shark
piloting a vessel straight down to the movie in an ocean full of them. Its finest
seafloor. Statham, sometimes a one-man moment is when Statham, having willingly
show, here has a fairly large ensemble jumped into the water near the Megalodon,
around him, one assembled to appeal to channels Dory and murmurs to himself:
moviegoers both East and West. Chinese “Just keep swimming.”
actress Li Bingbing stars as the divorced “The Meg,” a Warner Bros. release, is
single-mother daughter of Dr. Zhang, and rated PG-13 by the Motion Picture
Taylor’s love interest. Also in the mix as Association of America for action/peril,
crew members are Ruby Rose (“Orange is the bloody images and some language. Running
New Black”) and Page Kennedy. time: 113 minutes. Two stars out of four.
023 0810 fri:0810 fri 303 8/9/18 10:29 PM Page 1
San Francisco Main Library, 840 W.
Continued from page 1
Councilman Herb Perez also called
the proposal a “money grab” and Hindi
had his own doubts about how toll rev-
Coffee and Coloring. 10 a.m. to Orange Ave., South San Francisco. enue would be spent.
noon. Belmont Library, 1110 Alameda Join the army of keyboard crushers “Most likely what’s going to end up
de las Pulgas, Belmont. Take a break and learn the basics of typing not implement such a program.”
from your day and relax at the library. through our keyboarding class. Free. happening is the operator is going to
Color a page or two and enjoy some Ages 7 and up. For more information The $514 million Managed Lanes be the only one making money and
refreshments and company. Supplies call 829-3860. proposal entails the construction of an there probably won’t be much money
provided but feel free to bring your
own. Free. For more information call Shakespeare in the Park presents additional lane in each direction on the left for the cities,” Hindi said. “The
591-8286. ‘A Midsummer Night’s Dream.’ 7 stretch of Highway 101 in San Mateo express lane seems to be about money
p.m. to 9 p.m. Sequoia High School,
Science Club: Paper Airplanes. 6 1201 Brewster Ave., Redwood City. County between Interstate 380 and for the operator and the operator will
p.m. South San Francisco Main The San Francisco Shakespeare Whipple Road. The far left lane in each most likely end up syphoning most of
Library, 840 W. Orange Ave., South Festival is proud to present our 2018
San Francisco. Summer is coming to Shakespeare in the Park production direction would be converted to an the money and leaving not much for
an end, but the fun continues with of ‘A Midsummer Night’s Dream,’ one express lane with signs and real-time municipalities. And by the time they
Science Club’s newest experiment: of Shakespeare’s most beloved
paper airplanes. Through the use of comedies. Free. For more information surveillance equipment installed. figure that out it’ll already be estab-
the scientific method, test, observe call 558-0888. Those lanes are intended to improve lished and operating and no one will do
and record findings to better under- In addition to concerns about social
traffic by allowing buses, carpools of anything about it.”
stand the processes of aerodynamics. Eddie Min Live Music. 7 p.m. to 9:30 equity, Hindi opposes the project
Free. For more information call 829- p.m. Cafe Zoë, 1929 Menalto Ave., three people or more and motorcycles Foster City Council are not the only
3860. Menlo Park. Eddie Min is a singer, because he said it does nothing to limit
to travel free while charging an elec- ones against the proposal. San Mateo
songwriter and guitarist from commutes in single occupancy vehi-
LEVI J Live Music. 7 p.m. to 9:30 p.m. California. Eddie has been writing tronic toll for other drivers who County Supervisor and C/CAG Board
and composing music since age cles.
Cafe Zoë, 1929 Menalto Ave., Menlo choose to use them. Member David Canepa has also been
Park. San Francisco Bay Area singer- 11. Free for all ages. For more infor- “A carpool lane is a good thing to
songwriter LEVI J blends powerful mation call 322-1926. Whether two-person carpools and address congestion, but I’m troubled an outspoken critic of the project for
acoustic pop songs with classic rock clean-air vehicles ride free or discount-
to create his energetic music. Winner Live Rock and Roll with Dutch by express lanes because single occu- similar reasons.
of the West Coast Songwriter Uncle and Special Guest SONA. 7:30 ed is yet to be determined, as is a pancy vehicles would be allowed to use The C/CAG board will receive more
Competition, LEVI J performs with a p.m. to midnight. Club Fox, 2209
full band playing his original tunes Broadway, Redwood City. Two Bay potential reduction for low-income rid- them while we’ve been preaching for information on the project and contin-
and all-time favorite covers ranging Area rock cover bands come together ers. years to leave single occupancy vehi- ue the discussion at a study session
from Led Zeppelin to Michael for a night of rock and roll. Cost $15,
Jackson. Free for all ages. For more ages 21 and over. For more informa- While toll policies are yet to be cles and get on buses, trains, BART scheduled for August or September.
information call 322-1926. tion call 759-9063. decided and prices would fluctuate and company shuttles and so forth,” he C/CAG is a joint powers authority
‘Equivocation’ By Bill Cain. 8 p.m. ‘Equivocation’ By Bill Cain. 8 p.m. based on traffic volumes, initial esti- said. “But now with this project we’re comprised of board members repre-
Dragon Productions Theatre Co., Dragon Productions Theatre Co., mates suggest tolls would average saying if you’re a single occupancy senting each city and the county that
2120 Broadway, Redwood City. A trib- 2120 Broadway, Redwood City. A trib-
ute to art, politics and the perils of ute to art, politics and the perils of about $1 per mile on Highway 101 in vehicle and you’re willing to pay, works on quality of life issues such as
negotiating both, ‘Equivocation’ is a negotiating both, ‘Equivocation’ is a San Mateo County and could be as high you’re welcome. We cannot be speak- air quality and transportation, among
high-stakes political comedy with high-stakes political comedy with
contemporary resonances. Cost is contemporary resonances. Cost is as $3 per mile. ing on two sides of our mouths.” others.
$15-$35. For more information call $15-$35. For more information call The council appears to favor carpool Councilwoman Catherine The environmental review for
493-2006. 493-2006.
lanes for Highway 101 in San Mateo Mahanpour agreed. Managed Lanes is expected to wrap up
The Boys of Summer at Angelica’s. SUNDAY, AUG. 12 County instead of express ones but, at “This doesn’t achieve getting cars of in October and the design phase in the
8:30 p.m. Angelica’s, 83 Main St., Open House + Open Studios. 10
Redwood City. An authentic Eagles a.m. to 5 p.m. Djerassi Resident Artists this point, the only two options poli- the road, which is really our objective summer of 2019, while the entire proj-
cover band on their city tour. $23- Program, 2325 Bear Gulch Road, cymakers can choose from are express here,” she said. “So if you have a lane ect is scheduled to be complete by
$39. For more information call 679- Woodside. Cost is $0-$50. For more
8184. information call 747-1250. lanes or no project at all. where people can pay, those who can 2021.
Burlingame Movies in the Park: Opera for Families: The Girl of the
has around 25 to 30. The Bay Area “There is always kids that feel like
‘Sherlock Gnomes.’ 8:30 p.m. to 10 Golden West. 2 p.m. to 3 p.m.
p.m. Washington Park, 850 Belmont Library, 1110 Alameda de las Warriors still need to fill roster spots they’re not good enough to play
Burlingame Ave., Burlingame. Pulgas, Belmont. Production of The
‘Sherlock Gnomes’ will be playing on Girl of the Golden West. Free for all on the 11- to 14-year-old teams and the sports and when they do get out here
the big screen in Washington Park. ages. For more information call 591- cheer squad. and try and their teammates are cheer-
For more information call 558-7310. 8286. Continued from page 1
Every coach on the team is USA ing them on and they actually succeed,
SATURDAY, AUG. 11 MONDAY, AUG. 13 that’s what I like seeing,” Edwards
Second Saturday divorce work- Play Poker like a Pro. 1 p.m. to 2 p.m. said Marcus Edwards, president of the Heads Up Certified. This program
shop — a resource for women. 9 San Mateo Senior Center, 2645 trains coaches on the correct way to said. “We don’t want any kid left
a.m. to noon. San Carlos Adult Alameda de las Pulgas, San Mateo. team. behind; we want every kid to come out
Community Center, 601 Chestnut St., Classes cost $85 for residents and “We want to make sure that we are tackle somebody, it is currently used
San Carlos. Hear from legal, financial $105 for everybody else. The classes by more than 7,000 youth and high and enjoy their experience.”
repeat every Tuesday until Aug. 28. sending the kids to high school with
and counseling specialists. Provides school football programs, according When addressing the overall decline
people with the knowledge, support, For more information and to register the right football mentality,” he said.
resources and trust that they need to call 522-7490. to the Heads Up Football website. of youth football as a whole, Miguel
survive the divorce process and “We don’t really care about foot- Andrade, coach of the 8- to 10-year-old
move forward with confidence Kaiser Knit For a Cause. 1:30 p.m. ball,” said Marcus Lewis, vice presi- “Football is, I mean let’s not beat
toward a new life. For more informa- Kaiser Cancer Treatment Center, 220
around the bush, it’s a violent sport, team, said he understands concern about
tion call 434-2177. Oyster Point, South San Francisco. dent of the team. “It’s about these kids concussions but believes it is safe.
Knit for a cause. The Kaiser keeping them out of trouble keeping but it doesn’t have to be hurtful or
Walk ing Tour: San Bruno. 10 a.m. to Permanente Knitting Group meets
them with us under our wing. That’s the harmful to your body.” Edwards said “For parents, it can be a big scare.”
noon. Intersection of San Mateo twice a month at Kaiser Permanente
Avenue and El Camino Real. An explo- Cancer Treatment Center and is open best way for them to learn.” when talking about teaching the right Andrade said, “Oh my god, look at my
ration of San Bruno’s historic business to all knitters. Knitters welcome to
The Bay Area Warriors are a part of way of tackling. “Safety is our main kid, he is playing against these big
join in knitting hats, blankets, scarves
district led by Mitch Postel. For more
and other warm things for donation the Nor Cal Youth Football and Cheer priority.” kids. But if you trust the system and
information call 299-0104.
to radiation and chemotherapy
league. They are a tackle football and this organization your child will be
patients, but any project you wish to The NYCFL is a no weight limit
AARP 2895 monthly meeting. 10
cheer team for kids 6 to 14 years old. ready for when they get to the next
a.m. to noon. San Bruno Senior work on is great. Free. For more infor- league, so kids will not be forced to
Center, 1555 Crystal Springs Road, mation call 877-8530.
The team is made up of four squads sep- level.”
San Bruno. Free. For more information
play with older kids due to their size.
call 583-4499. Dance Connection with Music by arated by age. However, there are still weight restric-
Ron Borelli Trio. Free dance lessons
Millbrae Library B ook Sale and 6:30 p.m. to 7 p.m. with open dance As of now, practice is three times a tions on positions a kid can play with- For more information go to bay are-
Historical Society Yard Sale. 10 a.m. from 7 p.m. to 9:30 p.m. Burlingame week at San Mateo High School. Their in each age group if they exceed a cer- warriorsfootball. com or email
Woman’s Club, 241 Park Road,
to 3 p.m. Millbrae Library, 1 Library
Burlingame. Admission is $10 mem- games are on Saturdays, and each squad tain weight. info@bay warriors.com.
Ave., Millbrae. Come by and look at
books and more for bargain prices. bers, $12 guests. Free entry for men
with dance experience. Light refresh-
Free to attend. For more information
ments. For more information call 342- A
8=BCAD2C8>=B)5 5X]SPPb\
\P]hff^aSbPPbhh^dRRP]Q Qh[[X]ZX]V
call 697-7607.
2221. 1 D ? 7 [TccTabd
S^f]bbXSTc^bXSTPP]SS SXPV^]P[[hf faXcX]Vff^aSb
Q[P]ZbbWTTc^ ^U_
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Saturday Morning Yarn. 10:30 a.m. F > 8 B ^]RTf fXcWX]PPbbX]V[Tf
Cooking Demo: Hakk a-Chinese
South San Francisco Main Library, 840
Soul Food. 6:30 p.m. to 8 p.m. Menlo 6 > : 4 f^aSUUX]SbRRa^bbX]V^ ^dcRR^\\^]f f^aSb
W. Orange Ave., South San Francisco. 6
0 ; <
1>66;4 H>DA1
Are you interested in learning to knit Park Main Library, 800 Alma St., Menlo
and crochet? Experienced staff will Park. Free. For more information call ?>8=CB
B20;4 A0C8=6
be on hand to help you learn the "[[TccTab,
, _
_^X]c $ , 2WWP\_
basics. Supplies are limited so feel
free to bring a skein of worsted Reproductive Justice with Planned #[[TccTab,
_^X]cb $ , 4 g_Tac
weight yarn and size 8 knitting nee- Parenthood. 6:45 p.m. to 8:30 p.m. 1h3
:]daTZ $[[TccTab,
_^X]cb % , ? a^
dles or size ‘J’ crochet hook. For expe- Redwood City Downtown Public
Library, 1044 Middlefield Road,
_^X]cb " % %,, 66P\Ta
rienced knitters, bring a project and &[[TccTab,
_^X]cb ! " ",, AA^^ZXT
6 0 H 2
any questions you might have to this Redwood City. Come hear from
social knitting circle. Free. For more experts at Planned Parenthood about '[[TccTab,
, _
_^X]cb !
0 \PcTda
information call 829-3860. what is stake for reproductive justice
right now and what you can do. For
, $_
_^X]cb , ,
Caah PV
more information call 394-6193.
Native Plant Talk. 11 a.m. Grand
= ;
Avenue Library, 306 Walnut Ave.,
8 1
South San Francisco. California is Presentation by Holocaust
Survivor and Author Sylvia Ruth FT_ _dcb
home to many beautiful and vibrant Gutmann. 7 p.m. to 8 p.m. Redwood ^U[[TccTab2
wild flowers. Join the San Bruno City Library, 1044 Middlefield Road,
Mountain Watch at Grand Avenue Redwood City. Holocaust Survivor, 5X]S00C;;40BC5
Library and find out about the incred- Public Speaker and Memoirist Sylvia 4=38=6F F8C7±
^ U
A 4 8 D
ible wonders growing in your back- Ruth Gutmann will give a talk and [TccTab
yard. Free. For more information call present her newly published memoir,
877-8530. ‘A Life Rebuilt: The Remarkable
Transformation of a War Orphan.’
JAZZphoria. 11 a.m. to noon. Menlo Free. 18 and over. For more informa-
Park City Council Chambers, 701
: 6 2
tion call (415) 827-4940.
Laurel St., Menlo Park. Event features
an octet playing everything from
swing to funk, bebop, ballads and ‘the Textile Tuesday: Don’t Fear the
kitchen sink.’ Free for all ages. For
Zipper. 1 p.m. South San Francisco
more information call 330-2501. Main Library, 840 W. Orange Ave.,
South San Francisco. Textile Tuesday
Summer Festival. 1 p.m. to 6 p.m. 1 is held twice a month. At the first 1>66;4XXbPPccaPST\PaZ^^U7
7PbQa^88]R ' '
Hacker Way, Menlo Park. Festival meeting, work on a specific project. !! '7
includes food, live music and assort- The next workshop is an open sewing
ed arts and craft vendors. For more f
fffQ^VV[TQaPX]QdbcTabR^\ 024B
?>:4ABB?0343 34D24
lab where participants can finish up
information call 347-1493. past Textile Tuesday projects or bring
in their individual sewing projects.
Walk ing Tour: Cypress Lawn. 1:30 Make new friends, learn some new
p.m. to 3 p.m. Cypress Lawn East shortcuts and tricks, or just share
Campus, 1383 El Camino Real, Colma. knowledge and experience with the
Dress in Victorian attire for the annu- group. Free. For more information call
al Victorian Days Heritage Tour. For 829-3860.
more information call 299-0104.
For more events visit
Keyboarding for Kids. 2 p.m. South smdailyjournal.com, click Calendar.
024 0810 fri:0810 fri 303 8/9/18 12:48 PM Page 1
SUDOKU Want More Fun
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This position will provide valuable
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Required: 2 yyears
ears paid experience
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experience for your bright future.
Email resume
[email protected]
Benefits-Bonus-no nights Drive CCar;
Must Drive ar; Speak
Speak and write
write English
Help build the next generation of sys-
tems behind Facebook's products. Face-
book, Inc. currently has multiple open-
650-367-6500 FX: 367-6400 ings in Menlo Park, CA (various
levels/types): Telecommunications An-
drive the best possible user experience
for the Facebook platform. Technical
Program Manager (12724N) Provide
hands-on management of the entire
product/program lifecycle, from the anal-
ysis, design, development, testing, imple-
mentation, and post implementation
The best career seekers phases of cross-functional data products
and projects. Solutions Engineer
read the Daily Journal. (134451N) Build new solutions and ena-
ble partners to realize the full potential of
these solutions. Mail resume to: Face-
book, Inc. Attn: AA-USIM, 1 Hacker Way,
We will help you recruit qualified, talented Menlo Park, CA 94025. Must reference
individuals to join your company or organization. job title & job code shown above, when
The Daily Journal’s readership covers a wide Help build the next generation of sys-
tems behind Facebook's products. Face-
range of qualifications for all types of positions. book, Inc. currently has multiple open- TECHNOLOGY -
ings in Menlo Park, CA (various Help build the next generation of sys-
levels/types): Events Manager, Market- tems behind WhatsApp's products.
For the best value and the best results, ing (3716N) Drive planning and help ini-
WhatsApp, Inc. currently has multiple
openings in Menlo Park, CA (various lev-
recruit from the Daily Journal... tiate processes that will enable success- els/types): Software Engineer
ful events (Inc. product launches of (134394N) Create web and/or mobile ap-
Facebook Platform and core app prod- plications that reach over one billion peo-
Contact us for a free consultation ucts to Facebook’s partners and devel- ple, and build high-volume servers to
support content. Engineering Manager
opers and communication and policy pro-
(133869N) Manage engineers working
grams) globally. This position requires with the engineering teams to build prod-
domestic and international travel. Mail re-
Call (650) 344-5200 or sume to: Facebook, Inc. Attn: AA-USIM,
ucts and/or infrastructure required to
support the products at scale. Mail re-
Email: [email protected] 1 Hacker Way, Menlo Park, CA 94025.
Must reference job title & job code shown
sume to: WhatsApp, Inc. Attn: AA-USIM,
1 Hacker Way, Menlo Park, CA 94025.
above, when applying. Must reference job title & job code shown
above, when applying.
025-030 0810 fri:Class Master Odd 8/9/18 3:15 PM Page 2
203 Public Notices 203 Public Notices 203 Public Notices Tundra Tundra Tundra
CITACION (Derecho familiar)
CASE NUMBER: (Numero del Caso) AT&T MOBIlITy, llC is
17Fl004977 proposing to install new
NOTICE TO RESPONDENT (Name): lORENZO NERI wireless telecommunications
antennas on an existing
You have been sued. Read the information below and on the next page.
Lo han demand. Lea la informacion a continuacion y en la pagina siguiente.
building located at 1206
West Hillsdale Boulevard,
Petitioner’s name is: MONICA VASQUEZ
Nombre del demandante: San Mateo, San Mateo
County, California. The fa-
You have 30 calendar days after this Summons and Petition are served on you to file a cility update will consist of
Response (form FL-120) at the court and have a copy served on the petitioner. A letter
or phone call will not protect you. the removal and replace-
If you do not file your Response on time, the court may make orders affecting your ment of five antennas on the
marriage or domestic partnership, your property, and custody of your children. You
existing building rooftop at Over the Hedge Over the Hedge Over the Hedge
may be ordered to pay support and attorney fees and costs.
For legal advice, contact a lawyer immediately. Get help finding a lawyers at the Cali-
fornia Courts Online Self-Help Center centerline heights of 26 feet
(www.courtinfo.ca.gov/selfhelp), at the California Legal Services website (www.law-
helpcalifornia.org),or by contacting your local county bar association.
(north sector) and 17 feet
(south sector), as well as the
Tiene 30 dias de calendario despues de haber recibido la entrega legal de esta Cita-
cion y Peticion para presenter una Respuesta (formulario FL-120 ) ante la corte y efec- addition of RRUs. Any inter-
tuar la entrega legal e una copia al demandante. Una carta o llamada telefonica o una
audiencia de la corte no basta para protegerio.
ested party wishing to sub-
Si no presenta su Respuesta a tiempo, la corte puede dar ordenes que afecten su ma- mit comments regarding the
trimonio o pareja de hecho, sus bienes y la custodia de sus hijos. La corte tambien le
puede ordenar que pague matencion,y honorarios y costos legales. potential effects the pro-
Para asesoramiento legal, pongase en contacto de inmediato con un abogado. Puede
obtener informacion para encontrar un abogado en el Centro de Ayuda de las Cortes
posed facility may have on
de California (www.sucorte.ca.gov), en el sitio web de los Servicios Legales de Califor- any historic property may do
nia (www.lawhelpcalifornia.org) o poniendose en contacto con el colegio de abogados
de su condado. so by sending such com-
NOTICE: RESTRAINING ORDERS ARE ON PAGE 2: These restraining orders are ef-
ments to: Project
fective against both spouses or domestic partners until the petition is dismissed, a judg- 6118006358 - TC EBI Con- 203 Public Notices 203 Public Notices 203 Public Notices
ment is entered, or the court makes further orders. They are enforceable anywhere in
California by any law enforcement officer who has received or seen a copy of them. sulting, 6876 Susquehanna
Trail S, York, PA 17403, or FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME sonal representative will be required to
AVISO - LAS ORDENES DE RESTRICCION SE ENCUENTRAN EN LA PAGINA 2: STATEMENT #278392 STATEMENT #278396 give notice to interested persons unless
Las ordenas de restriccion estan en vigencia en cuanto a ambos conyuges o miembros via telephone at (339) 234- The following person is doing business The following person is doing business
as Coldwell Banker Commercial, 1575
they have waived notice or consented to
de la pareja de hecho hasta que se despida la peticion, se emita un fallo o la corte de
2597. as CAL-NOR PAINTING, 2901 S. El Ca- Bayshore Hwy #100, BURLINGAME, CA the proposed action.) The independent
otras ordenes. Cualquier agencia del orden publico que haya recibido o visto una copia mino Real #319, SAN MATEO, CA 94010. Registered Owner: Westbay administration authority will be granted
de estas ordenes puede hacenlas acatar en cualquier lugar de California. 94403. Registered Owner: Ricardo Cal- Commercial Real Estate Group Inc., CA. unless an interested person files an ob-
deron, same address. The business is The business is conducted by a Corpora- jection to the petition and shows good
FEE WAIVER: if you cannot pay the filing fee, ask the clerk for a fee waiver form. The conducted by an Individual. The regis- tion. The registrants commenced to cause why the court should not grant the
court may order you to pay back all or part of the fees and costs that the court waived transact business under the FBN on
for you or the other party. trants commenced to transact business 2/10/2004.
FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME under the FBN on 07/01/2018. /s/Andrew Peceimer/ A hearing on the petition will be held in
EXENCION DE CUOTAS: Si no puede pagar la cuota de presentacion, pida al secre- /s/Ricardo Calderon/ This statement was filed with the Asses- this court as follows: AUG. 15, 2018 at
STATEMENT #278305 This statement was filed with the Asses- sor-County Clerk on 7/25/18. (Published 9:00 a.m., Department 28, Room 2F,
tario un formulario de exencion de cuotas. La corte puede ordenar que usted pague, ya
sea en parte o por complete, las cuotas y costos de la corte previamente exentos a pe- The following person is doing business sor-County Clerk on 7/24/18. (Published in the San Mateo Daily Journal, 7/27/18, Superior Court of California, County of
ticion de usted o de la otra parte. BNZ Store, 439 Gellert Blvd, DALY in the San Mateo Daily Journal, 7/27/18, 8/3/18, 8/10/18, 8/17/18). San Mateo, 400 County Center, Red-
CITY, CA 94015. Registered Owner: 8/3/18, 8/10/18, 8/17/18). wood City, CA 94063.
1. The name and address of the court is: (El nombre y direccion de la corte son): Hendrik T. Nursalim, same address. The If you object to the granting of the peti-
business is conducted by an Individual. STATEMENT #278438 tion, you should appear at the hearing
SAN JOSE, CALIFORNIA 95113 FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME The following person is doing business and state your objections or file written
The registrants commenced to transact as Corvera’s Towing, 1132 Hillside Blvd.,
2. The name, address, and telephone number of petitioner's attorney, or the petitioner business under the FBN on N/A. STATEMENT #278330 objections with the court before the hear-
The following person is doing business COLMA, CA 94014. Registered Owner: ing. Your appearance may be in person
without an attorney are: (El nombre, direccion y numero de telefono del abogado delso- /s/Hendrik T. Nursalim/ Howard N. Corvera, 478 Oriente St., Da-
licitante, o del solicitante si no tiene abogado, son): as Radium Enterprises, 719B Partridge ly City, CA 94014. The business is con-
or by your attorney.
This statement was filed with the Asses- Ave., MENLO PARK, CA 94025. Regis- ducted by an Individual. The registrants If you are a creditor or a contingent cred-
Elise M. Mitchell sor-County Clerk on 7/17/18. (Published tered Owner: Ryan A. Downey, same ad- commenced to transact business under itor of the decedent, you must file your
320 South Third Street, Ste. 101 in the San Mateo Daily Journal, 7/20/18, dress. The business is conducted by an the FBN on NA. claim with the court and mail a copy to
SAN JOSE, CA 95112 7/27/18, 8/3/18, 8/10/18). Individual. The registrants commenced /s/Howard N. Corvera/ the personal representative appointed by
(408)297-8080 to transact business under the FBN on This statement was filed with the Asses- the court within the later of either (1) four
sor-County Clerk on 7/31/18. (Published
July 1, 2018. in the San Mateo Daily Journal, 8/3/18, months from the date of first issuance of
SEAL /s/Ryan A. Downey/ letters to a general personal representa-
Date (Fecha): Dec. 11, 2017 FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME 8/10/18, 8/17/18, 8/24/18).
CLERK, by (Secretario, por) /s/Andrea Panattoni/ STATEMENT #278097 This statement was filed with the Asses- tive, as defined in section 58(b) of the
sor-County Clerk on 7/19/18. (Published California Probate Code, or (2) 60 days
The following person is doing business in the San Mateo Daily Journal, 7/27/18, FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME from the date of mailing or personal de-
(Published in the San Mateo Daily Journal 8/3/18, 8/10/18, 8/17/18, 8/24/18) 1)Millie+Mason 2)Printa Portrait 3)Politi- STATEMENT #278437
8/3/18, 8/10/18, 8/17/18). The following person is doing business livery to you of a notice under sectioin
------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ cally Right Tees, 1534 Plaza Lane, #197, as Kidzz Star Jumpers, 710 Runnymede 9052 of the California Probate Code.Oth-
SUPERIOR COURT OF CAlIFORNIA BURLINGAME, CA 94010. Registered St., EAST PALO ALTO, CA 94303. Reg- er California statutes and legal authority
COUNTY OF SANTA CLARA Owner: Bermerton Group, LLC, CA. The FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME istered Owners: Lily A. Oropeza and Vic- may affect your rights as a creditor. You
PETITION FOR DISSOLUTION (DIVORCE) OF MARRIAGE business is conducted by a Limited Lia- STATEMENT #278389 tor Oropeza, same address. The busi- may want to consult with an attorney
The following person is doing business ness is conducted by a Married Couple. knowledgable in California law.
Petitioner: MONICA VASQUEZ bility Company. The registrants com- as Boundless Coaching, 455 Cumber- The registrants commenced to transact
menced to transact business under the business under the FBN on April 2012. You may examine the file kept by the
Respondent: LORENZO NERI land Dr, BURLINGAME, CA 94010. Reg- /s/Lilly A. Oropeza/ court. If you are a person interested in
FBN on N/A. istered Owner: Kate Oppenheimer, same This statement was filed with the Asses- the estate, you may file with the court a
1. Legal Relationship. We are married. /s/Brian Marcelino Huey/
2. Residence Requirements. Petitioner address. The business is conducted by sor-County Clerk on 7/31/18. (Published Request for Special Notice (form DE-
3. Statistical Facts. This statement was filed with the Asses- an Individual. The registrants com- in the San Mateo Daily Journal, 8/3/18, 154) of the filing of an inventory and ap-
1. Date of Marriage. 12/15/04 sor-County Clerk on 6/20/18. (Published menced to transact business under the 8/10/18, 8/17/18, 8/24/18). praisal of estate assets or of any petition
2. Date of Separation: 01/21/13 in the San Mateo Daily Journal, 7/20/18, FBN on 1/1/2018. or account as provided in Probate Code
3. Time from date of marriage to date of separation. 8 Years 1 Months 7/27/18, 8/3/18, 8/10/18). /s/Kate Oppenheimer/ FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME section 1250. A Request for Special No-
4. Minor children. This statement was filed with the Asses- STATEMENT #278510 tice form is available from the court clerk.
The minor children are: sor-County Clerk on 7/24/18. (Published The following person is doing business Attorney for Petitioner:
Child’s Name: Violetta Neri in the San Mateo Daily Journal, 7/27/18, as Chanditoys, 47 Aura Vista, MILL- Tara A. Benning
Birthdate: 07-29-10 FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME 8/3/18, 8/10/18, 8/17/18). BRAE, CA 94030. Registered Owner:
Catalina Zavaleta, same address. The 2835 Emerson Avenue South
Age: 7 years STATEMENT #278193 Minneapolis, MN 55408
Sex: Female business is conducted by an Individual.
Petitioner requests that the court make the following orders:
The following person is doing business The registrants commenced to transact (415)653-9003
5. Legal Grounds Arc Electric Company, 11 King Ct, SAN FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME business under the FBN on N/A. FILED: 7/9/18
Divorce MATEO, CA 94403. Registered Owner: STATEMENT #278391 /s/Catalina Zavaleta/ (Published in the San Mateo Daily Jour-
The following person is doing business This statement was filed with the Asses-
(1) irreconcilable differences Jordan Lee Suiter, same address. The sor-County Clerk on 8/7/18. (Published in nal on 8/2/18, 8/9/18, 8/10/18)
6. Child Custody and Visitation (Parenting time) as TISBE, 2320 Catalpa Way, SAN
Legal Custody of children to Petitioner
business is conducted by an Individual. BRUNO, CA 94066. Registered Owner: the San Mateo Daily Journal, 8/10/18,
The registrants commenced to transact 8/17/18, 8/24/18, 8/31/18).
7. Child Support Marcelo Veiga, same address. The busi-
8. Spousal or Domestic Partner Support business under the FBN on May 31, ness is conducted by an Individual. The ORDER TO SHOW CAUSE FOR
x - Terminate (end) the court’s ability to award support to 2018. registrants commenced to transact busi- FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME CHANGE OF NAME
x - Petitioner x - Respondent /s/Jordan Lee Suiter/ ness under the FBN on N/A. STATEMENT #278516 CASE# 18CIV03733
9. Separate Property The following person is doing business SUPERIOR COURT OF CALIFORNIA,
This statement was filed with the Asses- /s/Marcelo Veiga/ as DBS Trucking, 22 Meadow Ln., RED-
Confirm as separate property to assets and debts in the following list, COUNTY OF SAN MATEO,
Petitioner has not had sufficient opportunity to identify and list such property sor-County Clerk on 7/2/18. (Published in This statement was filed with the Asses- WOOD CITY, CA 94063. Registered
sor-County Clerk on 7/24/18. (Published Owner: Jorge Benjamin Muñoz, same 400 COUNTY CENTER RD,
and reserves the right to amend this Petition the San Mateo Daily Journal, 7/20/18, in the San Mateo Daily Journal, 7/27/18, address. The business is conducted by REDWOOD CITY CA 94063
10. Community and Quasi-Community Property 7/27/18, 8/3/18, 8/10/18). an Individual. The registrants com- PETITION OF
Determine rights to community and quasi-community assets and debts. All 8/3/18, 8/10/18, 8/17/18).
such assets and debts are listed as follows
menced to transact business under the Sridhar Subramaniam
Petitioner has not had sufficient opportunity to identify and list such property /s/Jorge Benjamin Muñoz/
and reserves the right to amend this Petition. This statement was filed with the Asses-
Petitioner: Sridhar Subramaniam filed a
11. Other Requests sor-County Clerk on 8/7/18. (Published in petition with this court for a decree
12.. I HAVE READ THE RESTRAINING ORDERS ON THE BACK OF THE SUM- the San Mateo Daily Journal, 8/10/18, changing name as follows:
FILED. Sridhar Subramaniam
Proposed Name:
Date: 12/08/17 Sridhar Subramaniam Sukhi
/s/Monica Vasques/ STATEMENT #278420
The following person is doing business
Date: 12/08/17
as Scholarlee, 316 N. El Camino Real, THE COURT ORDERS that all persons
#211, SAN MATEO, CA 94401. Regis- interested in this matter shall appear be-
/s/Elise Mitchell/ tered Owner: Academetrix, Inc, CA. The fore this court at the hearing indicated
business is conducted by a Corporation.
(Published in the San Mateo Daily Journal 8/3/18, 8/10/18, 8/17/18, 8/24/18) The registrants commenced to transact below to show cause, if any, why the pe-
business under the FBN on N/A. tition for change of name should not be
/s/Marcus Lee/ granted. Any person objecting to the
This statement was filed with the Asses- name changes described above must file
sor-County Clerk on 7/27/18. (Published a written objection that includes the rea-
in the San Mateo Daily Journal, 8/10/18, sons for the objection at least two court
8/17/18, 8/24/18, 8/31/18).
days before the matter is scheduled to
be heard and must appear at the hearing
NOTICE OF PETITION TO to show cause why the petition should
ADMINISTER ESTATE OF not be granted. If no written objection is
John Alfred McGonigle timely filed, the court may grant the peti-
Case Number: 18-PRO-00721 tion without a hearing. A hearing on the
To all heirs, beneficiaries, creditors, con- petition shall be held on 09/05/18 at 9
tingent creditors, and persons who may a.m., Dept. PJ at 400 County Center,
lEGAl NOTICES otherwise be interested in the will or es-
tate, or both, of John Alfred McGonigle.
A Petition for Probate has been filed by
Redwood City, CA 94063. A copy of this
Order to Show Cause shall be published
at least once each week for four succes-
Fictitious Business Name Statements, Tara A. Benning in the Superior Court sive weeks prior to the date set for hear-
of California, County of San Mateo. The ing on the petition in the following news-
Trustee Sale Notice, Name Change, Probate, Petition for Probate requests that Tara A. paper of general circulation:
Notice of Adoption, Divorce Summons, Benning be appointed as personal repre- San Mateo Daily Journal
Notice of Public Sales and More. sentative to administer the estate of the Filed: 7/25/2018
decedent. /s/Susan Irene Etezadi/
The petition requests authority to admin- Judge of the Superior Court
Published in the Daily Journal for San Mateo County. ister the estate under the Independent Dated: 7/23/2018
Administration of Estates Act. (This au- (Published 8/3/18, 8/10/18, 8/17/18,
Fax your request to: 650-344-5290 thority will allow the personal representa-
tive to take many actions without obtain-
Email them to: [email protected] ing court approval. Before taking certain
very important actions, however, the per-
025-030 0810 fri:Class Master Odd 8/9/18 3:16 PM Page 3
345 medical equipment 379 open houses 620 Automobiles 640 motorcycles/Scooters 670 Auto Service
homediCS duAl Shiatsu Massage bmW ‘03 F650 GS, $3899 OBO. Call
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Puerto Rico cites storm death toll of 1,427 THE ASSOCIATED PRESS seeking assistance from Congress to help
rebuild an island that was already struggling
SAN JUAN, Puerto Rico — Puerto Rico is from a deep economic crisis at the time of the
now estimating that Hurricane Maria killed storm.
more than 1,400 people, far more than the In the weeks after the storm, Puerto Rican
official death toll of 64, in a report to officials said the storm directly caused 64
Congress seeking billions to help the island deaths, many in landslides or flooding. But
recover from the devastating storm. they have long publicly said that far more
The government, relying on updated statis- people died due to indirect effects of the pow-
tics it first reported in June, said there were erful storm.
1,427 more deaths from September to The more exact number has been a matter
December 2017 than the average for the same of debate and the government itself released
time period over the previous four years. In a the 1,427 count in June. But it said it would
report to Congress detailing a $139 billion wait to update its official tally until receiv-
reconstruction plan, the territory’s govern- ing a report it commissioned from George
ment said that the additional deaths resulted Washington University. That report is due in
from the effects of a storm that led to a “cas- coming weeks.
cading failures” in infrastructure across the The use of the higher death toll in the
island of 3.3 million people. report to Congress was first reported
Hurricane Maria, as well as Hurricane Irma Thursday by The New York Times.
two weeks later, knocked out power and water Most of the deaths occurred not in the ini-
to the island and caused widespread flooding tial storm on Sept. 20, but in the ensuing
that left many sick and elderly people unable days and weeks when the island-wide elec-
to get medical treatment. tricity outage and roads blocked by downed
“The hurricanes’ devastating effects on power lines and other debris made it difficult
REUTERSFILE PHOTO people’s health and safety cannot be over- to move around and emergency services were
Graves destroyed during Hurricane Maria are seen at a cemetery in Lares, Puerto Rico. stated,” the government said in the report stretched beyond their capabilities.
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