MGSD 4-25-18
MGSD 4-25-18
MGSD 4-25-18
col. 6, below
P10.00 Volume 29, No. 249 WWW.MINDANAOGOLDSTARDAILY.COM April 25, 2018 Wednesday
in Macabalan raid
Police claim
family of slain
sikad driver
signed waiver
vs autopsy
and JOEY NACALABAN Correspondents
THE chief of police of
UTHORITIES Manticao town yesterday
arrested an imam claimed he tried to talk the
and a leader of family of the 21-year-old
weekly prayer meet- trisikad driver who was
ings during a raid near a shot and killed by officers
mosque and the barangay in an alleged buy-and-bust
hall of Macabalan yester- operation to allow an au-
day. topsy but they refused.
Philippine Drug En- “I tried to convince
forcement Agency region- the parents and siblings
al director Wilkins Vil- to have the body of their
lanueva said the suspect, dead autopsied but they
60-year old Rasol Sarip, refused,” said Senior Insp.
was arrested for keeping Marlon Lanioso, Manticao
some 35 grams of sus- police chief, regarding the
pected shabu and a 9mm shooting death of Lermie
pistol in his three-story Lunas (not Lurme as ear-
home beside a mosque in lier reported).
Barra, Macabalan. Police claimed Lunas,
PDEA and the police the first recorded fatality
raided Sarip’s house at since the police resumed
around 8:30 am based on “Oplan Tokhang” in Mis-
a search warrant issued amis Oriental, was shot
by Regional Executive to death after he allegedly
Judge Dennis Alcantar. fought back during a buy-
Sarip, tagged as a BUSTED. Narcotics agents, police and reporters flank 60-year old imam Rasol Sarip (cuffed, seated) of Barra, Macabalan, following his arrest and-bust operation inside a
yesterday over his alleged illegal drug links. Authorities raided his home based on a search warrant issued by a court. (photo by nitz arancon)
“high-value target” by public cemetery in Manti-
pia x photo
Commission on Elec- are aged 18-30 years old are
tions-10 Atty. Reynaldo now qualified to vote for SK
Magbutay bared that there and Barangay candidates and
are 38,913 aspirants who file will be given two ballots, one
their certificates of candida- for the SK and one for the
cy for the incoming May 14 RTP20180420b.JPG barangay elections.
Barangay and Sangguniang It is then up to the voter to
Kabataan Elections. fill out the two ballots but if
This, as Magbutay re- he or she will opt to vote only
minded the aspirants on the once, he or she should return
rules of the election. the other ballot and then the
For the SK elections, teacher serving during the
Magbutay said under the election will just have to put
Sangguniang Kabataan Re- ‘abstain’ on the ballot.
form Act of 2015, those who Campaign period will be
are allowed to run for the SK on the election day. on May 4 to May 12. Thus,
should be between ages 18 Comelec has also ex- election period will end on
on the election day up to 24 panded the age coverage of May 21. (pia x)
Shelter project
THROUGH Ordinance
No.13411-2018, the city
council approved the De-
velopment Permit of the
Japan Non-Project Grant
Aid Relocation Project.
The shelter project can
contain 573 lots/units lo-
cated at Pahiron, Barangay
Lumbia, this city. (cli)
Wednesday, April 25 2018 3
Gold Star Daily
A historical perspective
Housed in a building of mixed the Christmas Carol
materials with a nipa roof, the Contest last December 20,
Misamis Public Hospital opened 2017.
on October 1, 1917 in the district
of Carmen, Cagayan, Misamis
Province. It had a general ward • NMMC Multi-Purpose
and a private room and was further increased to 200. On March Ophthalmology). In addition, Cooperative (NMMC-
11, 1995, through Republic Act it is an affiliated hospital to
equipped with a laboratory
7938, NMRTH was upgraded MPC) Meal Giving
capable of performing basic tests. several schools offering medical,
to a medical center and thus, the nursing, and other paramedical to Ward Patients and
Initial hospital staff consisted of
the following Northern Mindanao Medical courses such as the Xavier Watcher sat OPD
1 Supervising Physician Center was born. University Dr. Jose P. Rizal Building; and Grand
1 Resident-physician School of Medicine, Liceo de Opening and Blessing
1 Superintendent and IV. NORTHERN MINDANAO Cagayan University, Capitol
MEDICAL CENTER University, Butuan Doctors of the New Canteen and
property clerk
2 Nurses College, to name just a few. Office
1 Midwife One hundred years hence, As it continues its quest January 18, 2018
2 Ward attendants under the able leadership Medical for exemplary medical service, Cutting of the ribbon
1 Cook Center Chief Dr. Jose C. Chan, training, and research, NMMC
Northern Mindanao Medical was granted certification with was done by Dr. Jose C.
The hospital was established
under the United States colonial Center continues its tradition of International Organization for Chan present Medical
government of the Philippine service to the people of Cagayan Standardization (ISO) 9001:2008 Center Chief II, assisted
Islands with Francis Burton de Oro City, Misamis Oriental, in 2015. by Dr. Evelyn P. Clarete,
Harrison as Governor General. Region X and beyond. The centennial theme of
Republic Act No. 3537 issued buildings were constructed in 1956 The hospital now has a total “NMMC Alang sa Tanan—Sukad
past Medical Center
Director of Health then was Dr. in November 2, 1929 divided which increased bed capacity of Chief and Dr. Ramon
JD Long, Assistant Director of of 1,177 employees, belonging Kaniadto ug sa Umaabot Pa nga
Misamis Province to Misamis the hospital to 75. President Carlos
Health was Dr. Vicente de Jesus, Oriental and Misamis Occidental. P. Garcia and Senator Emmanuel
to 4 divisions which are the Siglo” summarizes the hospital’s F. Moreno FPAC, Chief
while the Chief of the Division following: Medical Division with glorious past, its distinguished of Medical Professional
Soon after the partition of the Pelaez inaugurated. 277 Physicians ; Nursing Service
of Mindanao and Sulu, was present, as it continues its journey Services.Blessing rites
province, in 1932, a new hospital with nurses, midwives, and
Dr. Jacobo Fajardo. Although III. NORTHERN MINDANAO to a notable future, providing
building was constructed in the nursing attendants totaling to 521 was officiated by Fr. Noel
established under the American REGIONAL TRAINING invaluable medical and surgical
present hospital site near the ; Hospital Operations and Patient Carbayas, parish priest of
colonial government, Misamis HOSPITAL services to everyone.
Provincial Capitol. This was a 25 Support Service (HOPSS) with
Public Hospital was maintained bed capacity wooden structure Nazareno Church at Claro
319 personnel ; and the Finance REFERENCES:
entirely by funds from the which was destroyed in World By virtue of Republic Act Division with 60 personnel. M. recto St. Cagayan de
province under Governor Isidro War II. 4662, which was signed on June 18, Oro City.
Rillas, who served as provincial . NMMC is a premier training The United States and its
In 1945, the Misamis Public 1966, Misamis Oriental Provincial hospital offering residency
By 1920, the hospital had a Hospital became the Northern Territories 1870-1925: The Age
Hospital was renamed as the training in 11 departments
bed capacity of 12 and a decade Misamis Oriental Provincial Mindanao Regional Training of Imperialism, http:quodlib. • Heart Month
(Internal Medicine, Pediatrics,
from its establishment, in 1927, Hospital with Dr. Jose C. Zamora Hospital (NMRTH). Hospital Surgery, Obstetrics-Gynecology,
its bed capacity increased to services were departmentalized Reports of the Philippine
as the first Chief of Hospital. The Pathology, Radiology, Family
21, in response to an increasing and it officially became a teaching Health Service, 1918-1927. The
hospital continued to develop and Community Medicine, • Poster-Making Contest
population in Misamis Province. hospital, accepting post-graduate Government of the Philippine
and at this time, bed capacity was Anesthesiology, Orthopedics,
medical interns and offering Islands, Department of Public
increased to 50. Otorhinolaryngology Head
II. MISAMIS ORIENTAL residency training in several Instruction, Philippine Health •Photo Contest
Under the leadership of Dr. and Neck Surgery, and
PROVINCIAL HOSPITAL departments. Bed capacity was Service.
Iluminado A. Almonte, additional
Gold Star Daily
Mags Z. Maglana tween the Marawi to mandated bodies such as TFBM in preferring to ven-
856-4795 war and the burn- the consideration of a variety of mea- ture out only when
MEMBER ing of Jolo are not only in terms of the sures and mechanisms for concerns that I absolutely have to
Founded by ERNESTO G. CHU damage wrought and the consequences
President Emeritus remain unaddressed nearly a year to the like last Saturday to
to the locality and the population, but day the conflict openly broke out. attend the “Essential
EDITORIAL also to their rallying function. Meranaws and the rest of Philippine Excel” seminar host-
Herbie Gomez, Editor in Chief
Officials under the Duterte adminis- society need to know the truths about the ed by the Philippine
Cong Corrales, Associate Editor tration have mentioned that they do not five months of war. The victims have to Institute of Certified Netnet
Ben Balce, Deskman want to repeat the mistakes committed be identified and memorialized, and the Public Accountants. Camomot
Catherine Chu,RN, Lifestyle Editor in Tacloban in the aftermath of Typhoon survivors recognized. Justice will have Sen. Sonny Trillanes
ADMINISTRATION Yolanda. But while Marawi and Taclo- to be meted out for the different infrac- had this bright idea to require profes-
ban may be considered similar in terms tions committed against civilians and sionals to earn Continuing Professional
Guadalupe Jimenez Chu, President of the extent of damage sustained from
Alfonso Y. Lim, Vice President for Production
various parties held accountable when Development (CPD) units for their
Gladys Elaine J. Chu,Vice President for Marketing disasters, the former cannot be ap- and where possible. Combinations of Professional Regulation Commission ID
James Go, Vice President for Circulation proached by only tweaking and apply- concrete and symbolic forms of repara- renewal, and CPAs have it worse, with
Catherine Chu,RN, Administrative Director ing responses made to the latter. Thus,
Lissa Rosalynn C. Lagura, Finance Officer
tion for survivors and the larger commu- 120 units required for now.
Ruchelle Bangis, General Manager lessons from Tacloban’s rehabilitation nity will have to be put in place. Beyond So, there I was on Saturday, my
Flordelis Paler, Circulation and Advertising could be useful; but cannot be the only installing another military camp, earnest senior-moment minute brain grappling
Atty. Melanie Mae C. Cabanlas, Legal Counsel reference. Marawi is distinct not only measures to ensure the non-recurrence with Choose, Match, Sumif, Sumifs,
Registered with the Securities and Exchange because its destruction was human-in- of another Marawi of May to October If, Iferror, and where the @%$# is my
Commission (CS201028440) on June. 23, duced and could be triggered again but 2017 are called for. Developer tab? I clicked Options and it
2010. Entered as second class mail matter at also because the people of Tacloban RMSM criticized what it considered wasn’t there. It was only at the end of
the Postal Service Office-Region 10, October
1989 and Region 11 with Permit no. PR-XI were not kept out of their residences for a lack of civilian participation in the de- the seminar when Developer was my
96-08 on Dec. 12, 1996. Extension Offices nearly a year (and thus not kept seething velopment of the plans for Marawi’s re- only way to survive through the last
Manila: Unit 1603, 16/F, IPI Buendia Tower, in growing anxiety and mounting anger). habilitation and recovery. Samira Gutoc, workshop that I finally had the brains to
501 Sen. Gil Puyat Avenue, Pasay City, Mobile
No., 09175494885; 09228638541, Telefax.: From the pronouncements of the Meranaw woman leader and organizer of Google this: “How to find Developer in
(02)856-0740; email: goldstar_manila@yahoo. TFBM leadership, it seems all that are the Ranao Rescue Team, has been con- Excel 2010.” And—voila! But it was too
com; Cebu: (Adrian Lee) Gold Star Cebu called for are a “development plan” that sistent in advocating for civilian voices late. The resource speaker had finished
Bldg. 626 La Tressas Drive, Tres de Abril,
Cebu City; mobile no.: 0918-941-3920, tele- would utilize sound land use and urban to be heard, respected, and responded to sharing instructions by then, and I didn’t
phone nos: (032) 2625474, 2624557; Davao: planning parameters and security forces at the height of the Marawi crisis and its have the heart to ask, Sir, puede pakiba-
(Ruben M. Dongzal) cor. Fr. Selga & Malvar, that would keep out armed groups. aftermath. Her group and other organi- lik tanan? It was already 5 pm. Time to
Sicat Bldg. Davao City, Tel. nos.: 082-4402057
/ 0932-619-9703 / 0905-121-4868. email: But Marawi is not just about plan- zations submitted a position paper to the go home.
[email protected] ning for development and maintaining Senate recommending the amendment of And home is where I love to stay
The views expressed in our editorial pages
security, which are staple concerns of the executive order covering TFBM to now most of the time, with the spring
do not necessarily reflect the stand, individual or most localities in the country. Marawi make the membership of civilian leaders cleaning, reading, video games, staring
collective, of this paper’s publishers, editors, man-
agers, and staff members. These are the authors’
would have to be about systematically mandatory. at the trees, listening to chirping birds,
opinions in the huge marketplace of ideas where addressing human rights violations, RMSM also charged that “the plans and the bird that keeps banging its body
readers are free to agree or disagree with, accept
or reject, or use in formulating informed decisions.
legitimate grievances, and possible mar- neither bear the stamp of our will nor on the window pane. Yes, staycation
ginalization due to land dispossession, reflect our culture” and that the “me- and cocooning have become my favorite
and preventing the rise of another his- chanics and implementation are not spectator sports.
BETH DELA CRUZ - 0917-714-3761, 0922-884-8796, torical injustice. To use a contemporary clear to us.” The group reacted to the Bird? Banging? It’s not what you
RALPH FRANCISCO - 0917-704-4623,
phrase that communicates both rationale See MAGLANA/p.7 think. It’s a real bird, the one with
Senior shortchanged?
METRO MANILA feathers, not hair. I read somewhere that
ADRIAN LEE - 032-262 5474, 032-262 4557,
CEBU CITY the reflection of sky and trees on glass
AMOR BARLISAN - 0906-275-2936, windows makes them believe they’re
EDGAR DICHOS - 0916-168-0049, SECTION 4 of the Expanded Senior other side is on the computation of flying to more sky and trees.
CAGAYAN DE ORO Citizens Act of 1994 (RA 9994) pro- discounts. The same fast food outlet but As for what you’re thinking, hmmm,
STEVE BRIAN N. PARBA- 0906-348-7018, 0906-6752-038 wink wink!
CAGAYAN DE ORO Hapsay na bai! vides for the “provi- is located in another mall, computed
Anyway, since I’ve not been to the
BING TENORIO - 0917-793-3999, sion of express lanes wrongly the senior citizen’s discount I
for senior citizens in was supposed to be entitled to. movies, my sis told me all the spoiler
AICKA TENORIO - 092O-2115-114,
VALENCIA all commercial and I was with wife Juliet and we or- alerts for “A Quiet Place” and “Ram-
TERRY BANGAL - 0922 -3156-008, government establish- dered something what else but to eat. page,” so, I guess the next movie worth
ments,” and in the ab- The SC discount net of VAT was not watching is “Avengers: Infinity War.”
LALAINE SUDARIA - 0926-354-3702,
MALAYBALAY sence of such express deducted from the total bill but from a A movie block screening is one of
GLENN L. UY - 0917-112-6041,
lanes, “priority shall portion only. I inquired how the dis- the easiest ways to raise funds and any
EFREN CELOCIA - 0975-640-8038, be given to them.” count was computed and the supervisor superhero or “Star Wars” film is always
LIBONA, BUKIDNON Egay Uy This provision was quite apologetic saying, “Ma-o na the best choice for selling more tickets.
DANILO MANIT - 0935-226-1566,
TALAKAG, BUKIDNON may be interpreted as man- man gud na ang gina compute sa cash A political party should try this, to raise
EVIE TIPON - 0905-888-1999, datory in nature because that section register, sir” even as she acknowledged funds for campaign sorties. All it needs
starts with the directive that “senior cit- the computation was not right. is a potential blockbuster. Plus sponsors
OSCAR LEDESMA - 0916-910-0019,
MANOLO. FORTICH, BUKIDNON izens shall be entitled” to the privilege Simply stated, the SC discount and who can give cash, water or food. And
EVELYN CASANILLO, 0916-834-6159, of having an express or priority lane VAT should have been deducted from this latest “Avengers” of course has the
NORA SORIÑO - 0919-796-9292, in all commercial and governmental the total bill, not just from a portion of highest potential.
ILIGAN establishments. it because the order was for Juliet and People love action movies that leave
HENRY SALAZAR - 0926-014-2978,
Not a few senior citizens will howev- me. And we did not over-order. We had them breathless as the lead character and
ELDIE AGUIRRE - 0919-285-7530, er agree with me that not all commercial two main meals and a bowl of soup. his nemesis rush from one fight scene
establishments have provided express or As an aside, while I was listening to to another. If you’ve watched Keanu
EDGAR CATANE - 0909-701-3523,
OROQUIETA priority lanes. I have personally noticed the explanation of the supervisor, some- Reeves’ “John Wick” and “John Wick:
BREN MASANGCAY - 0920-549-5712, this absence in at least one fast food body from behind me said, “Kuhaa sa Chapter 2,” then you now have a lev-
outlet in a local shopping mall. among order, Miss.” When I looked elled-up standard for an action movie.
AVEL GALORIO - 0908-7398-848,
BAYUGAN, AGUSAN DEL SUR As I noticed the absence of a prior- back, lo and behold, it was retired judge That’s why videos of last week’s alter-
MARIE IVY AYENSA SABELO - 0917-962-0246,
ity sign, and when my turn came to be Greg Pantanosas whom I have not seen cation between Camarines Sur Repre-
LEMIE LEGARTE - 0915-637-1644, attended to by the cashier, I inquired. for some time already. sentatives Rolando Andaya Jr. and LRay
GINGOOG The reply was, “Wala man mi priority In the course of the kumustahan, he Villafuerte became viral. Has that ever
NONOY LERIO - 0950-277-7917,
SURIGAO CITY lane sa senior, sir.” Of course, I did inquired if he had to pay the fine cor- happened in Cagayan de Oro? Hmmm.
FLOR DEGUINION - 0918-708-2225, not have to argue with the fast food responding to notice of violation (not a When there’s too much action,
employee. traffic citation ticket) issued by a traffic though, the one who has chosen a quiet
ROSE MUÑEZA - 0910-537-5103,
SULTAN KUDARAT If this outlet will still not provide enforcer. Judge Greg said he parked his life in a quiet place would rather watch
BASIR ALIPOLO - 0936-306-4043, 0930-523-4232
priority or express lanes in my next car along the highway in front of Naz- nail polish dry. Can’t open a can of soda,
SALVADOR G. HIMULATAN- 0929-798-3600, visit, I will bring this matter to the DTI areno Church while briefly attending to can’t read a book, can’t run your fingers
KIDAPAWAN or the Office of Senior Citizens Affair something there. through his hair, no thanks to wet nail
TENG DATU - 0910-4033-386, 0926-3370-937
(Osca) in my personal capacity as a I informed him I was no longer with polish. Then, a week later, action begins
KABACAN, NORTH COTABATO senior citizen, not as co-chair of the the traffic office, and suggested to him as it peels off no matter how much it
TOTOY MUÑOZ - 0975-418-2734,
Cagayan de Oro City Price Coordinat- to claim his senior citizen’s “parking costs.
JUN LAZO - 0947-712-3696, ing Council. privilege” from the traffic office in The hot and hotter seasons in Pi-
BALINGASAG, MISOR That is one side of the story. The Kauswagan. See CAMOMOT/p.7
Wednesday, April 25 2018 7
Maglana ics against which the
Meranaw are chafing.
some days last week,
though—a pleasantly
The imam also asked
that he be subjected to a
the task group, Senior
Supt. Roy Bahian, was
who shot and killed Lu-
nas were not mistak-
From page 6
Drieza Lininding, chair cool surprise but not drug test to show that he already relieved from en, pointing out that the
announcement that the of the Moro Consensus for the body sensitive to is not a drug user. the Cocpo. lowly trisikad driver
Bangon Marawi Com- Group, in a February sudden weather chang- But Macabalan ba- The elder Rotoras had been subjected to a
prehensive Rehabili- 2018 social media post es. Hot in the morning, rangay chairman Nor- said Aganon did not month-long surveillance
tation and Recovery lamented in reaction to raining in the after- belle Saa said the sa- identify members of the by the Philippine Drug
Program (BMCRRP), guidelines released by noon—Asa ang hustisya chets and cellophane of new task force that he Enforcement Agency and
which TFBM is tasked the National Housing ani? Well, busy im- suspected shabu taken was planning to create. the police.
to develop and imple- Authority that it is “as peaching Chief Justice from Sarip’s house were He said Aganon also Ranario said the
ment, was only confined if we don’t exist and Maria Lourdes Sere- not planted. assured that would look trisikad driver made
to areas outside the 24 deserve any rights over no—that’s what hus- Saa said he accom- into the outcome of the money selling drugs, and
barangays regarded as our land and proper- tisya people seem to panied authorities as investigation, summon the suspect took out a
the most affected area ties.” focus on. they searched Sarip’s a witness, and review revolver when officers
or MAA. Among the defin- Is this the People house. He said these the pieces of evidence. came to arrest him in the
In a report by Min- ing principles of the Power legacy? To re- were found hidden in The Rotoras siblings cemetery.
danews, Secretary Edu- TJ-DWP pillar right move anyone in power the clothes in a closet were assured that Aga- Supt. Lemuel Gonda,
ardo del Rosario, head to compensation is the and replace them with inside Sarip’s room. non would write the Camp Alagar spokesman,
of TFBM and the Hous- satisfaction of the ag- one presumably better National Bureau of In- said the police office in
ing and Urban Devel- grieved. Thus, it is not than the one shooed vestigation in Manila the region were still wait-
opment Coordinating up to the TFBM alone away? Like a dog— Case to provide him a copy ing for an official report
Council, announced in to decide whether its shoo! Or, buti pa ang From page 1 of its findings on the on Lunas’s death from the
early April that the Ban- explanations are ade- dog, pini-pet; ang im- surveillance camera re- Manticao police.
gon Marawi Consortium quate and sufficient. It p e a c h e d , h i n d i . Ts k three sisters of Dr. Ro- cording for review and “We will check on it
(BMC) will undertake will have to be worked tsk. Pinas should be toras met with Aganon, for possible enhance- and find out why there
the Ground Zero devel- out with those affect- renamed as the Repub- and complained about ment. was a sudden signing of a
opment plan that will ed. This does not mean lic of Impeachment and how the police handled He said Aganon waiver. Anyway, we have
cover the 250-hectare giving in to whim and Senate Hearings since I the murder case. would also ask about an investigative unit that
MAA, which is home caprice. But it will ne- gotta feeling there will Dr. Rotoras’s elder what happened to the would focus on the inci-
to an estimated 27,000 cessitate going beyond be more. brother Eldie said it was two cellular phones of dent,” Gonda said.
families, although only the usual practices un- Cagayanons should clear to them that Aga- the victim. He said an autopsy
11,163 of them are con- dertaken in ‘normal’ congratulate Mayor Os- non was not informed report could be used as
sidered homeowners. times of relative peace car Moreno for his resil- that the Task Group evidence in the event that
BMC is led by a and order to bring the ience despite the perse- Rotoras was already
dissolved. He said Aga-
Signed a case reaches the court.
company owned by the displaced into the circle verance of some people From page 1
Chinese government of discussion and de- in trying to remove him non was visibly was
and initially composed liberations and address from his post. But he’s even surprised when he Insp. Arlyne Ranario,
of five Chinese and their sense of exclusion brilliant—he has man- learned of this.
But Aganon, accord-
spokesperson of the pro-
vincial police office, con-
four Filipino business- and powerlessness to aged not only to stay From page 1
es. One of the Filipino which they are obvious- but to continue imple- ing to the elder Rotoras, firmed that the Lunas
firms later opted not ly reacting. menting programs and explained the it could family signed a waiver three soldiers were hurt
to join the consortium. The developments projects for Cagayan de be due to the filing of against an autopsy. during the Saturday en-
The BMC proposal will in March and April Oro. One made of lesser a case against a suspect Ranario said it was the counter. The soldiers are
have to be subjected to 2018 related to plan- resolve and intelligence in court. family that submitted the corporals Daniel Mana-
the “Swiss Challenge” ning for Marawi have could have surrendered, Aganon also point- waiver to the police. tad, Rafael Salido and
described by Secretary made prospects more but not Moreno. He ed out that the head of She said the officers Fernando Dumpa Jr..
del Rosario as a faster opaque and have further keeps moving forward.
“hybrid mode of public heightened IDP appre- There’s also a lot of
bidding.” Only after hensions. moving forward in “A
the winning developer Nevertheless, any Quiet Place” but with
has finished planning, rehabilitation and re- bare feet. Hush is a must
debris clearing, and site construction perceived when monsters with hy-
development will the to be cloaked in sub- persensitive hearing are
IDPs from MAA be able terfuge will not work roaming around, which
to rebuild, a milestone and more so in a high- is good advice, too, in
projected to take place ly-charged setting; and a noisy place populated
in early 2020. accusing IDPs of re- by monsters in human
The negative reac- calcitrance will not re- form—keep your mouth
tions are understand- duce but heighten their shut, listen, and learn.
able. Since the estab- sense of being ‘othered’
lishment of the TFBM, instead. Indeed, these
the BMCRRP had been
the focus of planning,
sound like more abuses Raid
that will feed grievanc- From page 1
with many groups un- es and are the makings
dertaking initiatives to of another historical here for detention. He
enable IDPs and the injustice, which will be is facing charges for
local governments of viewed as such when illegal possession of
Marawi and Lanao del Mindanawons and other prohibited drugs, and
Sur to prepare for and Filipinos look back on arms and ammunition
influence plan prepara- this time. possession.
tion. For the displaced The imam, leader
women and men of (Mags Z. Maglana of Wednesday prayer
Marawi to learn only is a Mindanawon who meetings in Barra, Ma-
much later that there has worked in vari- cabalan, accused law
is another plan, that an ous capacities over the enforcers of planting
external group will lead past 30 years for peace, shabu against him.
it, and that their hopes good governance, sus- Sa r ip sa id he ha s
to return are ultimately tainable development, been a resident of Bar-
subject to it is infuri- and the promotion of ra, Macabalan for about
ating. human rights. She is 40 years already and not
Secretary del Rosa- one of the convenors once has he seen any
rio further explained in of Konsyensya Dabaw. illegal drug.
another news that the Please email feedback “Di man na ako ang
initial development plan to magszmaglana@ mga druga. Negosyante
is intended to be “cas- man ako sa una sa mga
caded to all sectors” as alahas pero giundang
a “top-bottom-up pro- nako kay sakit akong
cess” and alleged that tuhod. Karon daghan ko
the RMSM “refuses to Camomot balay diri sa Macabalan
From page 6
listen, understand and gipapletehan,” Sarip
accept” it. nas are most appropri- said.
However, the notion ate for polished toenails Sarip however ad-
of ‘cascading’ only ac- that are best allowed to mitted that he owns the
centuates the power breathe in flipflops and pistol. He said the gun
imbalance and dynam- sandals. It was raining has an expired license.
Money Matters
Gold Star Daily
everything could magically always have a point in our director of Card MRI where
change. A well hidden in lives where we fail but we Card, Inc. is a member in-
the desert may be too hard should always fight to stand stitution.
to find or a little star in the no matter what,” she said. Clarence Jay is a high
sky may be too faint for the Education as a priority school scholar of Card, Inc.
naked eye, but one only has “Beyond helping me grow As of March 2018, Card
to close their eyes and sim- IMG20180411174457.jpg
my business, my youngest, MRI has already granted
ply believe in their heart that Clarence Jay, also became a 10,390 scholarship slots
they exist. scholar of Card, Inc.,” Mary nationwide.
“I started small. I did not Rose said. Moving forward
really know how to get to my Education is one of the “I am more confident living my
dreams but I started anyway community development life now. Challenges are part
and I thank God I used my programs that Card, Inc. pri- of our lives, but to believe and
heart to see the invisible path- oritizes. Through the Card fight for your dreams is always
way,” Mary Rose Tejano, Scholarship Program of Card an option. You just have to
48, marine products buyer Mutually Reinforcing Insti- acknowledge that there are so
and seller, said. tutions, Card, Inc. has been many people around you who
Journey with Card, Inc. helping its clients and their are willing to help,” Mary Rose
Mary Rose, like all other in the market. Her business Development (Card), Inc. nomically challenged wom- children finish elementary, admitted.
aspiring businessmen and stayed that way for a while (A Microfinance NGO), a en and families. She started high school, and college ed- At present, the business of
women, started small 22 until she experienced prog- social development organi- with a loan of 5,000 pesos ucation. Mary Rose is reaching a net
years ago. She was buying ress in her business in 2010 zation that offers microloans for additional capital. “The scholarship grant income of P20-50 thousand
marine products from fisher when she joined Center to support the livelihood There have been dif- can be availed by deserving a month depending on the
folks and then selling them for Agriculture and Rural activities of the socio-eco- ficulties as their business children of Card members season. (card mri)
Wednesday, April 25, 2018 11
Republic of the Philippines amortization of approved 69,060,807.92 65,328,472.56 63,699,671.99 55,721,683.56 40,959,176.04 364,871,365.52
IN THE MATTER OF THE Total Cash Outflows, PhP 693,349,666.26 425,176,658.27 478,229,368.46 211,047,272.43 196,284,764.92 2,238,254,111.00
APPLICATION FOR THE Cash balance ending, PhP, 18,813,658.62 (9,121,064.92) (66,051,214.71) (109,228,522.76) (131,868,469.99) (266,774,286.86)
Excess/(shortfall) on RFSC, PhP/ 0.1119 (0.0523) (0.3650) (0.5827) (0.6800) (0.2501)
BUKIDNON SECOND ELECTRIC 11. In compliance with Section 2, Rule 6 of the ERC Rules of Practice and Procedure and
COOPERATIVE, INC., (BUSECO), other documentary requirements of the instant application, the Applicant made integral
Applicant, parts herewith the following documents and its proper markings;
--------------------------------------------------/ Annex Document
“A” Verification and Non Forum Shopping Certificates
BUKIDNON SECOND ELECTRIC COOPERATIVE, INC. (BUSECO hereinafter referred to “B” BUSECO Board Resolution approving the implementation of the construction of the
Northern Mindanao Wellness and Reintegration Center 3-phase line project as Contingency
as the Applicant), to this Honorable Commission most respectfully alleges: Capital Expenditure of Bukidnon Second Electric Cooperative, Inc. (BUSECO)
“C” BUSECO Board Resolution authorizing the board president, Fr. Danilo T. Paciente and/
1. That the Applicant is an electric cooperative existing pursuant to law (P.D. 269) with or the OIC-General Manager, Melchie R. Nacalaban tost and as representative to file
postal address at Tankulan, Manolo Fortich, Bukidnon, which may be served by the application for approval of the implementation of the construction of the Northern Mindanao
processes of this Honorable Commission through its OIC-General Manager, Melchie R. Wellness and Reintegration Center 3-phase line project as Contingency Capital Expenditure
of Bukidnon Second Electric Cooperative, Inc. (BUSECO) with the Energy Regulatory
Nacalaban, LLB, whose authority is hereto attached as Annex “C” and made an integral Commission (ERC) and to sign Verification And Non-Forum Shopping portion of
part of this Application. That Applicant’s franchise area includes nine (9) municipalitiesin the application and to sign and execute pertinent documents thereof
the province of Bukidnon, namely : Baungon, Malitbog, Libona, Manolo Fortich, Sumilao, “D” BUSECO Board Resolution authorizing BUSECO Legal Counsel Atty. Eleuterio F.Diao IV,
Impasug-ong, Lantapan, Cabanglasan and Talakag; Malaybalay City and Barangay to represent BUSECO in the filing of application, expository presentation, jurisdictional and
Lilingayon in the City of Valencia; evidentiary hearing, public consultations and other proceedings relative with the BUSECO
application for the implementation of the construction ofthe Northern Mindanao Wellness
and Reintegration Center 3-Phaseline project as Contingency Capital Expenditure of
2. That the Applicant, pursuant to ERC Resolution No. 26, series of 2009, seeks the Bukidnon Second Electric Cooperative, Inc. (BUSECO) with the Energy Regulatory
consideration and approval of the Honorable Commission of BUSECO’s proposed Commission (ERC)
contingency capital expenditure project, the construction of the Northern Mindanao “E” Proof of furnishing the legislative bodies of Bukidnon where BUSECO operates with the
copies of the Application together with all its annexes and accompanying documents
Wellness and Reintegration Center 13.8 kV 3 Phase Line;
CAUSE OF ACTION “F” Proof of posting a copy of the Application within the premises of BUSECO
“G” Affidavit of Publication together with a copy of the Mindanao Gold Star Daily _____________
3. BUSECO received a letter addressed to the OIC-General Manager, dated January 27, issue, where the Application was published for general information
2018, formally requesting for an immediate supply of a 3 phase power for the Northern “H” Project Summary
Mindanao Wellness and Reintegration Center. It is a joint endeavor of the Philippine
government and funded by its partners from UAA Kinming Group (Friends of the Philippines PRAYER
Foundation), a private developer and a philanthropic institution, to be turned over to the
Department of Health (DOH) upon completion of the construction. WHEREFORE, foregoing premises considered, it is most respectfully prayed before
theHonorable Commission, after due notice and hearing, to approve the aforementioned
PROJECT TITLE contingency capital expenditure project of the Applicant.
4. Northern Mindanao Wellness and Reintegration Center Contingency CAPEX; 23rd April 2018, Manolo Fortich, Bukidnon.
5. Construction of 2.93 km 13.8 kV 3 Phase line from Sumpong, Malaybalay City to Northern Counsel for Applicant BUSECO
Mindanao Wellness and Reintegration Center, Purok 17, Brgy. Casisang, Malaybalay City MCLE Compliance No. V – 0022917
Issued on 24-Jan-2016
IBP No. 1080135 issued 1.4. 2018
6. The implementation of the project shall give way for the provision of a reliable and viable Roll No. 41679, Book # XVII, Page No. 336, 1997
electric service for the day-to-day requirements of the said government facility, which will 1906 Bontong, Camaman-an, Cagayan de Oro City
be beneficial for the people of the Province of Bukidnon and its neighboring provinces. Cp No.09279760117
Phone No. (088) 8803895
ESTIMATED PROJECT COST Email Address: [email protected];
7. The estimated project cost of the project is Five Million Five Hundred Forty-Six Thousand
Two Hundred Eighty-Five Pesos and Seventy-Four Centavos (Php 5,546,285.74);
I, MELCHIE R. NACALABAN, of legal age, Filipino with postal address at BUSECO, Manolo
8. The project implementationstarted last February 27, 2018 and was successfully completed Fortich, Bukidnon after being duly sworn in accordance with law hereby depose and say:
last March 22, 2018;
1. That I am the OIC-General Manager of Bukidnon Second Electric Cooperative, Inc.
PROJECT FINANCING (BUSECO) and I have been duly authorized to represent BUSECO in the instant application
by virtue of Board Resolution No. 18-04- 07;
9. The funding for the project was sourced though the Reinvestment Fund for Sustainable
CAPEX (RFSC) in the amount of Five Million Five Hundred Forty-Six Thousand Two 2. That upon prior authority of the Board of Directors, I have caused the preparation and filing
Hundred Eighty-Five Pesos and Seventy-Four Centavos (Php 5,546,285.74); of the foregoing Application and I have read its contents which are true of our own personal
knowledge and belief and based on authentic records and documents; and
3. That I have not caused the filing of a similar complaint or petition before the Supreme
10. The implementation of the proposed Contingency Capital Expenditure Project shall bring Court, the Court of Appeals or any of its subdivisions, or before the other judicial and quasi-
forth an indicative rate impact as follows; judicial bodies involving the same parties and causes of action and should it come to our
knowledge that one is pending or has been filed, we shall immediately inform this Honorable
2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 TOTAL Office within five (5) days from receipt of such knowledge.
Forecasted energy sales, kWh 168,055,903.61 174,519,592.21 180,983,280.81 187,446,969.41 193,910,658.01 1,066,508,619.07
Cash balance beginning, PhP, 30,681,326.91 18,813,658.62 (9,121,064.92) (66,051,214.71) (109,228,522.76) (18,634,014.20) IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I hereunto affix my signature this 26th day of April 2018 at Manolo
Fortich, Bukidnon.
current year collection 150,146,185.96 155,921,039.27 161,695,892.58 167,470,745.88 173,245,599.19 956,656,149.28
50% of income on leased 399,218.50 399,218.50 399,218.50 399,218.50 399,218.50 2,395,311.00
loan proceeds from financial 530,936,593.51 240,921,676.96 259,204,107.59 - - 1,031,062,378.06
institutions, PhP SUBSCRIBED AND SWORN to before me at the place and date above stated, Affiant, for
Total Cash Inflows, PhP 681,481,997.97 397,241,934.73 421,299,218.67 167,869,964.38 173,644,817.69 1,990,113,838.34 purposes of identification, exhibited to me her Employee ID No. 2012-0701.
Available cash for disbursement 712,163,324.88 416,055,593.35 412,178,153.74 101,818,749.67 64,416,294.92 1,971,479,824.14
Four de
Circulo Places to Visit
Ta Presents
Arte Kamanga ‘Pitik’
Exhibit At Museo
When In London de Oro
When In London
Forming part of
Xavier Ateneo Arts
mmaaiinn aattttrraaccttiioonnss
in Bukidnon.
Bukidnon. The
town’s tourism officer
Mrs. Judith
Judith Laspiñas
is aa key
key instrument
Festival, in celebration in
in the
the promotions
promotions of of
of the National Arts not only Quezon’s
not only Quezon’s
rroocckk wwaallll cclliim
RC WestBand48 Charter
Month, artists' group
Circulo de Arte aanndd BBlluuee W Waatteerr
before the the gathering
The streets streets of of the the
n DAYEG 2017
of tribes
tribes come
come March. March.
M u s e o d enamed
municipality named Oro
Qa suuseei szztoo
Q a nn t iicnnu r att hthoeer Under Under the the leadership
Hello from
Hello from London! Yes, I Esteban
London! Bukidnon
Bukidnon Yes, AI of
of Mayor
Mayor Gregorio
F n
packed d
packed my i r i
froms n
my bagsdcc o
bags over ss iiddn
over twoe
Yes,r r ea
twoe d
nI LL ll a
a uu rre e nn GG uuee aanndd
packed the
weeks ago the mysugar
ago and
bags over
and decided capital
over capital
decided to
to hh i s w i f e Caarrm
i s w i f e C meenn
weeks Mindanao
that Thursday,
Mindanaoago and
the inin exhibit
Steph is
United filled
tois7, Capistrano
sic producer in Gue,
Gue, Cagayan the
the de minor awards go to; Best Vocals but unites in one common goal and
dom b
2017, o u
for culture
thethe l
dom for the holidays. Only oininvUnited
4th : as
Dayeg “ P the
t i
An- k Manobo
Oro and owns people
people Bammers ororStu- goes to King’s Band, Best Gui- that is to glorify God through mu-
for the
aChristian the holidays.
of closests showcase
holidays. Only
word Lumads
Lumads of
of the
the locality
a couple closests Songfriends friends
Writing dio, he is also a former band tar goes to Among The Gentiles sic”. The song “Balaang Diyos” was
h i c indigenous
ofof closests
indigenous closests friends
t r
members a
members n s l ways
knewt e sat are are highlighted
highlighted for
and both
family commenced
members and
knew member of Almost Satellite, Band, Best Bass goes to Tues- inspired to show to the world how
about both
my trip
trip local
and the
the and
news the
the world
world to
to see.
see. Also
foreign ‘ h
my e
my trip
a r t b
and the
e a t
the news
’ The [ i n
Mall, K9, Nuncyspungen, and days Brew and Best Drums also great our God is. King’s band Mem-
that I’m
I’m in tourists.
in England
England may
mayPitik? The
have known
known and and adopted adopted
I’m in
in EnglandSo
de are
are why
Oro maypart
have ofof14 Tabularaza. And the last list go to Tuesdays Brew Band. Ma- bers are; Pastor Donald J. Ferrer
come to
to be
be aa surprise
surprise for
for the the as
as Datu
Datu Makapukaw
the of
come 7of group
to be
tribes a or wanted
be a surprise group for
for thethe ofto
of ii n
rest gathered
my friends.
friends. showcase
You may
may of 22 00 1111on,, the
n judges M M a4tha yy oDayeg o rr jor Awards winners; 3rd Place on vocals, Klyr Ryjy B. Anaya on
rest of
rest of my
my that
friends.people question
You who
may Gue has created aInter-
The Past Presidents Of Rotary Club Of West Cagayan de
The composition
Rotarians me
me for for
Of and
Rotary itpast
past was Club Gueis
Of Mr.
West has
Randy Cagayan created
Banas, de an Oro a goes to Judah Band,
OroXavier With 32nd Past placeDistrict guitars,Governors GeorgeOfGenelza RIl 3870 on Drums,
have spread
missed me
spread visualization
me across
for the
across the past the
past The
federation exhibit was
ofof made
tribal 10, led by T h e N a t i o n a following the theme, art as a catalyst for