MyGov 30th April 2024 & Agenda Kenya

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Committee pledges aid Kisumu City’s Sh5.2b How iconic 90

to farmers affected by housing project to -year -old Madini
substandard fertilizer generate jobs and laboratory
supply spur economic powers major
PAGE 5 growth PAGE 15 mineral
discoveries in
April 30, 2024 Kenya

Issue No. 42/2023-2024


ICT Ministers to set up Africa The Week

cyber-security and AI Council

In numbers

Cost of a fresh
During the Connected produce market
Africa Summit 2024, constructed in
Iten town by the
the ministers agreed to Elgeyo Marakwet
pursue a collaborative County

approach to advance 100,000

the continent’s shared Expected number
vision of a digitally- of jobs to be
created at the
empowered Africa by Naivasha Special
Economic Zone
2030 as investors
stream in to
the 1,000-acre
BY YOBESH ONWONG’A (MYGOV) strategically
AND EVALYNE GITHINJI (PCO) located piece of

armonization of digital
policies will unlock Af-
rica’s resolve to position 800,000
itself as a global trade
powerhouse powered by the Af-
Let us dismantle Metric tonnes
of rice that
rican Continental Free Trade Area inter-country bar- the country
(ACFTA) Framework, President
William Ruto has said.
riers and embrace experiences in
President William Ruto (centre) confers with MICDE Cabinet Secretary Mr. Eliud terms of shortage
President Ruto said that closing seamless tech Owalo (right) during the official opening of Africa Connect Summit. Looking on every year
the digital divide is a priority in
terms of bolstering the continent’s
development,” is ICT PS Eng. John Tanui (left) and Broadcasting PS Prof Edward Kisiang’ani.

cybersecurity space, artificial in- – ICT CS Eliud dens, Nairobi, the President under- Africa: Unlocking Growth Beyond 258m
telligence, enhancing connectiv-
ity, expanding the contribution of
Owalo scored the pivotal role of African
youth in the continent’s digital
Connectivity”, is a high-level in-
ternational forum for key African
Amount of money
Kenya Power
the ICT sector to Africa’s GDP and transformation, highlighting them Policy and decision-makers aimed will invest over
driving overall GDP growth. intensify job creations and poverty as both architects and beneficiaries at shaping the future of Africa’s the next three
“This will be attained through reduction,” he added. of a digitally-enabled society. Digital Economic Landscape. years to drive the
increased access to broadband ser- Addressing attendees during the The Connected Africa Sum- He noted that the young African uptake of electric
vices, and to enhance both service official opening of the Connected mit 2024, held under the theme, vehicles in the
quality and affordability which will Africa Summit 2024 at Uhuru Gar- “Shaping the Future of a Connected

State launches national Number of

flood emergency team

farmers in Kericho
County who will

amidst ongoing rains

be compensated
with top dressing
fertilizer after
BY DPCS made by Deputy President they bought fake

he Government has Rigathi Gachagua at State fertilizer
established a National House Nairobi after a meet-
Flood Emergency ing chaired by President
Multi-Agency team and a William Ruto.
response centre to address The Government, the DP Tourists who
the flooding situation wit- said, is seized of the flood visited the
nessed in various parts of situation and has inten- country in 2023
the country resulting from sified the response to the according to the
the ongoing rains. Tourism Research
The announcement was CONTINUED ON PAGE 2 Institute
2 | NEWSFOCUS APRIL 30, 2024


ICT ministers to set up Africa State launches

emergency team
cyber-security and AI Council amidst ongoing
heavy rains
CONTINUED FROM PAGE 1 National Youth Service
will provide shelter to
situation. The Deputy the most vulnerable
President said the Mul- members of our soci-
ti-Agency Emergency ety,” the Deputy Pres-
Response Centre will be ident said.
based at Nyayo House, He added that the af-
under the Ministry of fected households will
Interior, to monitor be provided with food
the flooding situation and non-food items
across the country and during the flood disas-
initiate immediate in- ter.
Cabinet Secretary, Ministry of Information, Communications Minister of Information, Communications, Science, terventions to save lives Stating that the
and the Digital Economy, Mr. Eliud Owalo speaking during the Technology and Innovation, Lesotho, Nthati Moorosi speaking and property from de- weather outlook for the
official closing ceremony of Africa Connect Summit. at the Connected Africa Summit. struction. next week indicates that
Picture by Eric Bosire. Picture by Eric Bosire. He stated that the the country will receive
Government will apply above-normal rainfall,
CONTINUED FROM PAGE 1 approach to advance the address emerging risks of embrace seamless tech de- all required resources the Deputy President
talents, driven by their continent’s shared vision accelerated digitalization. velopment. Together, let’s in terms of money and urged all members of
noble creativity and reso- of a digitally- empowered Ms Moorosi, observed sculpt a unified, prosper- personnel to ensure no the public to exercise
lute innovative spirit, are Africa by 2030. that the Nairobi declara- ous digital future for Af- lives are lost. caution while traveling
at pole position coupled Reading a joint com- tion serves as a roadmap rica. Through bolstering He said the resolution and those living in the
with ground-breaking munique during the for achieving a digitally fiber internet access and was made following lowlands to move to
advances in Fintech, agri- closing ceremony of the empowered Africa. promoting digital inclu- an emergency session higher grounds.
tech, renewable energy Connected Africa Sum- The Cabinet Secretary, sivity, we can harmonize chaired by the Presi- “Do not dare nature,”
and digital services. mit, 2024, Ms Nthati Moo- Ministry of Information, tech advancement across dent at the State House. said the Deputy Pres-
“With their brilliant rosi, Lesotho’s Minister Communications and the regions,” the CS said. The meeting brought ident in reaction to a
minds, they are actively of Information, Commu- the Digital Economy, Mr. The Principal Secretary, together all key stake- section of Kenyans who
contributing to the growth nications, Science, Tech- Eliud Owalo called for the Broadcasting and Tele- holders in the disaster have been daring to
of the global technology nology and Innovation, prioritization of fiber in- communications, Prof. response. drive and cross through
sector marking out Africa announced that the ICT ternet expansion and dig- Edward Kisiang’ani said “The meeting has re- swollen rivers.
as an indispensable hub of ministers agreed to estab- ital inclusivity to set the Africa must overcome the solved that all internally The Government said
technological innovation. lish the Africa Cyber-se- stage for a wave of digital fear of risks associated displaced persons will daily alerts (flood alerts)
During the summit, Af- curity and AI Council to entrepreneurship across with cybersecurity and be facilitated to find al- will also be provided to
rican ICT Ministers agreed enhance the continent’s Africa. “Let us dismantle embrace emerging tech- ternative settlement. inform Kenyans about
to pursue a collaborative capacity and capability to inter-country barriers and nologies. In extreme cases, the the rains and flooding.



The National Irrigation Authority invites sealed tenders for the following: Kenya Maritime Authority (KMA) is a state corporation whose mandate is to regulate, co-ordinate and oversee
maritime affairs guided by the Kenya Maritime Authority Act No. 5 of 2006 and the Merchant Shipping Act, 2009.
KMA invites sealed National Open tenders as below: -
S.No. Tender No. Tender Name Tender Target
Submission Group No Tender No. Item/Service Description Closing Targeted
Deadline Dates/ Time Group
1. NIA/T/252/ Provision of Insurance brokerage 13th May All 1 KMA/ONT/26/2023- Provision of Repair, Servicing and Maintenance 14th May, 2024 Open
2023-2024 Services for National Irrigation Authority 2024 at 12.00 2024 of KMA Generators at 10.00 am
for Financial Year 2024/2025 noon local
(Framework Agreement)
2. NIA/T/253/ Provision of Staff and Directors Medical 13th May 2024 All Eligible Tenderers may obtain further information and download the Tender Document free of charge from the
2023-2024 Insurance Services for National Irrigation at 12.00 noon Kenya Maritime Authority (KMA) website; under “Tenders” portal and/or Public Procurement
Authority for Financial Year 2024/2025 local time Information Portal (PPIP) respectively. Those who download the document must
immediately forward their particulars (i.e. Name & Contacts of Applicant) to email; [email protected] and/
Detailed tender document that include mandatory preliminary requirements, or [email protected] for purposes of registration and any further tender clarifications and addendum.
technical and financial evaluation criteria may be viewed and obtained by interested and eligible Original, Completed Tender documents plus one copy should be enclosed in plain sealed envelope, clearly
tenderers free of charge from the Authority’s website: marked with tender reference name & number and should be deposited in the Tender Box located at 4th Floor of
or GoK’s e-procurement portal, as from 3rd May 2024. Tenderers who Kenya Maritime Authority’s Headquarter Offices; KMA Towers, Mbaraki Road, Mombasa addressed to: -
intend to submit their tenders MUST promptly submit their names and contact details to:
[email protected] or [email protected] for communication of any clarifica- Director General
Kenya Maritime Authority
tion(s) and addendum (s) during the tendering process. P. O. Box 95076-80104
Physical Address
Chief Executive Officer/CEO so as to be received on or before 14th May, 2024 at 10.00 am
National Irrigation Authority (NIA)
Tenders will be opened immediately thereafter in the presence of the Candidates or their representatives who
Irrigation House, choose to attend at the 4th Floor KMA Board Room- KMA Towers, Mbaraki Road, Mombasa.
Lenana Road, Hurlingham, Nairobi, Kenya
Tel: +254-711061000 Any canvassing will lead to automatic disqualification. Late tenders will not be accepted.
E-mail: [email protected]; [email protected]

APRIL 30, 2024 NEWSFOCUS | 3

US, Kenya historic tech portance of safeguarding

digital assets and infra-
structure, Owalo said

partnership to boost that the partnership will

collaborate on knowledge
exchange and collabora-

digital economy
tive efforts in cybersecu-
rity practices, aimed at
enhancing both nations’
capabilities to counteract
BY MATHEW CHEPKEWEL data flows and protect Communications, and emerging cyber threats.
(MYGOV) individual data, thereby the Digital Economy, Mr. “The US and Kenya ac-
creating a secure and Eliud Owalo, said the col- knowledged the impor-

he United States growth-conducive digital laboration with Kenya is tance of equipping the
and Kenya have an- environment,” she said. seen as a pivotal moment workforce with advanced
nounced a joint digi- Raimondo said a nota- for global tech agree- digital skills to navigate
tal partnership to enhance ble element of the agree- ments, offering a frame- and succeed in a tech-
cooperation in artificial ment is the establishment work for other countries, nology-driven world.
intelligence (AI), improve of the AI Safety Insti- particularly those looking Both parties committed
data flows, and promote tute, led by President Joe to advance their digital to expanding educational
digital upskilling, mark- Biden, which will focus capabilities. programs and training in-
ing a significant step in on AI safety, ethics, and “The partnership is itiatives that prepare indi-
international tech collab- security. watched closely by the viduals for high-demand
orations. “This move is part of a global tech community as tech roles,” revealed the
Speaking in Nairobi, US broader U.S. strategy to a potential guide for future CS.
Secretary of Commerce engage with global part- collaborations between Owalo said both coun-
Gina Raimondo said the ners, including the United advanced and emerging tries expressed a strong
agreement is the first be- Kingdom and the Euro- economies in the digital commitment to leveraging
tween the US and an Af- pean Union, to promote age,” said Owalo. US Secretary of Commerce Gina Raimondo (left) shakes technology for economic
rican nation, aiming to international cooperation The U.S -Kenya joint hands with Cabinet Secretary, Ministry of Information, growth and development.
serve as a model for future on AI technologies and statement highlights the Communications and the Digital Economy, Mr. Eliud “The initiatives agreed
international tech part- standards,” she said. critical role of interna- Owalo. upon are poised to not
nerships and strengthen The Cabinet Secretary tional cooperation in lev- “The U.S. and Kenya individuals for high-de- only foster innovation
the digital economy. for Information, eraging technology for acknowledged the im- mand tech roles. but also strengthen bilat-
Raimondo said the part- economic and social pro- portance of equipping the “As the demand for eral ties through shared
nership emphasizes both gress. workforce with advanced semiconductors contin- knowledge and mutual
countries’ commitment to The part- Centred on the joint de- digital skills to navigate ues to skyrocket globally, benefits in the digital
fostering innovation, in- nership velopment of digital infra- and succeed in a technol- the U.S. and Kenya will age,” said Owalo.
creasing digital trade, and
enhancing investment op-
is watched structure, the partnership
will build on innovative
ogy-driven world,” Ow- leverage opportunities for
alo said. cooperation in manufac-
Present was ICT PS John
Tanui; Deputy Assistant
portunities. closely by the strategies to expand digital He noted that both turing and supply chain Secretary Thomas Bruns;
“It underscores the im- global tech connectivity and build re- parties committed to ex- diversification to address Counsellor to the Secre-
portance of data privacy silient infrastructure that panding educational pro- global supply chain vul- tary Ted Dean; and Coun-
and security, aiming to community as a supports Kenya’s econ- grammes and training nerabilities,” said the CS. try Representative Michael
ensure safe cross-border potential guide omy. initiatives that prepare Recognizing the im- Mugo.


Gateway to International Careers in Hospitality & Tourism


ANNUAL TENDER FOR SUPPLY OF GOODS, SERVICES & The Kenya Deposit Insurance Corporation (KDIC) Invites Tenders from interested and eligible
bidders for the provision of goods/services listed below.
Kenya Utalii College invites interested, competent and eligible bidders for supply of Goods,
KDIC/EOI/04/2023-2024 Request for Expression of Interest to Provide Open
Services & Works in financial Year 2024-2025.
Consultancy Services Employee Engagement,
Employee Satisfaction Work Environment and
Details of these tenders can be accessed through link PPIP portal or KUC Website Organizational Culture Surveys
KDIC/PQ/02/2024-2026 Supplier Registration Provision of Legal Services Open

Completed Tender documents in plain sealed envelopes clearly indicating the tender number KDIC/OT/14/2023-2024 Tender Renewal of Firewall and End Point Open.
and name as indicated in the List provided should be addressed to: - Licenses

The Principal & CEO Eligible candidates may obtain the Tender documents from KDICs website or
Kenya Utalii College the PPIP Portal (free of charge). Bidders who download the tender docu-
P O Box 31052 – 00600 Ngara ments are required to forward their company details to; [email protected] in order to
NAIROBI. facilitate subsequent clarifications and/or addendum.

Complete bid documents in plain sealed envelopes and clearly marked with the TENDER
And should be placed in the Tender Box at the College Reception, not later than 10:00 a.m. NUMBER should be addressed to: -
on the closing date; Monday 13th May, 2024. The tenders will be opened in Madaraka Hall,
Main Campus at 10.15 a.m. in the presence of tenderers/representatives, who may wish to Chief Executive Officer.
attend. Kenya Deposit Insurance Corporation
P.O. Box 45983-00100 NAIROBI
Kindly observe Government Directives on COVID-19 preventive Measures. Canvassing will lead Old Mutual Tower, 17th Floor, Upper Hill Road,
to automatic disqualification. Report corruption issues to: [email protected] NAIROBI.

And be deposited in the tender box provided at Old Mutual Tower, 16th floor, Upper Hill Road
PRINCIPAL & CEO Nairobi, so as to be received on or before 14th May 2024 at 10:00am. The bid documents shall
KENYA UTALII COLLEGE be opened immediately thereafter at KDIC headquarters in the presence of Tenderers who
chose to attend.

ISO 9001:2015 Certified

4 | NEWSFOCUS APRIL 30, 2024


Kenya’s tourism sector roars harness and ignite Ken-

yans’ interest in travel-
ling within the country in

back, eyes three million visitors

the spirit of the “Tembea
Kenya” initiative aimed at
promoting domestic tour-
BY ERASTUS ism to boost economic
GICHOHI(KNA) India with 94,273 tourist statistics indicating that growth across the coun-
arrivals by the end of 2023. the country recorded a try. Speaking in Naivasha

he Kenya Tourism According to KTB Chief 95 per cent recovery rate during the launch of the
Board (KTB) has Executive Officer Ms. June from the pre-pandemic new BMW GS 1300 bike
announced an am- Chepkemei, the country 2019 tourism arrivals of by BMW Motorrad, Chep-
bitious plan targeting to is seeking to diversify its 2,048,834. In one of its kemei said the country
double international tour- tourism attraction sites diversification strategies, aims to attract 10,000 rid-
ist arrivals to three million and enhance its marketing Chepkemei said the Board ers across the continent to
by the end of this year strategies to achieve three has partnered with mot- tour Kenya and experience
through a revamped di- million international tour- orsport organizations and breathtaking terrains and
versification strategy. ist arrivals this year. federations to tap into ad- landscapes.
According to the Tour- Chepkemei noted that venture and leisure sectors In addition, the Board
ism Research Institute, the tourism sector is on to showcase the country’s CEO said the country is
1.96 million tourists vis- an upward trajectory diverse sites. gearing up to become a
ited the country in 2023, with the recent number of She added that the notable hub for adventure
representing 31.5 percent Kenya Tourism Board CEO June Chepkemei (centre) tourist arrivals recorded partnership seeks to tourism to showcase an
of the 1.48 million that joined by officials from Inchape Kenya during the offi- on the rise coupled with array of Kenya’s deserts,
toured the country in cial launch of the new BMW’S GS 1300 Motorrad bike in an increase in the coun- Kenya’s coastal beaches, moun-
2022, but the figures are
yet to rebound to the pre-
Naivasha. Photo by Erastus Gichohi/KNA. try’s bed capacity and the
most recent attraction for
top tourism tains and other surreal
terrains and landscapes.
Covid levels of 2,048,834 ist inbound earnings of Kenya’s top tourism local meetings, incentives, source mar- Julia Vershinskaya, the
tourists who visited the Sh353 billion, compared source markets, the report conference, and exhibi- ket, the report Managing Director of In-
country. to Sh268.2 billion that the further shows, were the tion [MICE] facilities. chape Kenya, the new
The Institute’s 2023 re- sector earned in 2022, in- USA with 265,310 arriv- The CEO added that the further shows, adventure motorbike of-
port indicates that last dicating the rapid growth als, Uganda with 201,623, sector has bounced back was the USA fers biking and adventure
year alone, tourism ar-
rivals generated tour-
and recovery of the sector
post-Covid-19 pandemic.
Tanzania with 157,818,
the UK with 156,700, and
from the Covid pandemic
aftershocks with 2023
with 265,310 enthusiasts a new riding

P.O. Box 1125-30100, Eldoret, Kenya

Tel: 0788 232 004, 0740 354 966 | Email: [email protected] | Website:


The Kenya National Highways Authority (KeNHA) is a State Corporation established under the Kenya Roads Act,
2007, with the responsibility for the Management, Development, Rehabilitation and Maintenance of National
TENDER NO: UOE/PRE-Q/REG/05/2024-2026
KeNHA invites sealed bids from eligible Service Providers for the following tenders.
University of Eldoret invites interested and competent firms to submit sealed applications for consideration for the
supply and delivery of goods and services as categorized below for the period 2024/2026 financial years. Women,
S/ Tender No. Tender Description Mandatory Tender Closing/ Youths and Persons with Disability are encouraged to apply:
No. Pre - Tender Opening Date/
1. KeNHA/2767/2024 Request for Proposal (RFP) to Kibwezi Road- 23rd May 2024 at
Lease, Operate and Manage side Station 11:00am Category Category Description Type Closing/Opening Dates
Developed Kibwezi Roadside along Kibwezi –
Station: A Facility Along Kitui A9 Road, KeNHA Headquarters, Category- A Supply of Goods and Provision Reserved for Youth, Tuesday 14th May, 2024
Kibwezi - Kitui Highway (A9). Kibwezi town at Barabara Plaza, Jomo of Services Women and Persons with
2.00pm on Kenyatta International Disabilities
9th May, 2024. Airport (JKIA), Nairobi,
Category - B Supply of Goods Open Wednesday 15th May, 2024
Off Mazao Road, Block
C - 2nd Floor Board Room Category - C Provision of Services Open Thursday 16th May, 2024
2 KeNHA/2768/2024 Request for Proposal (RFP) to Kitui Roadside at 11.00am East African
Time. Category - D Provision of Works Open Friday 17th May, 2024
Lease, Operate and Manage Station along
Developed Kitui Roadside Kibwezi – Kitui Category - E Tender for Provision of Garbage Reserved for Youth, Friday 17th May, 2024
Station: A Facility Along A9 Road, Kitui at Collection services Women and Persons with
Kibwezi - Kitui Highway (A9). 9.00am on Disabilities
9th May, 2024.

Complete application documents may be obtained from Procurement Office during normal working hours (Mon-
day-Friday) from 8.00 a.m. to 1.00 p.m. and from 2.00 p.m. to 5.00 p.m. free of charge. The same can be down-
A complete set of Request for Proposal (RFP) document may be obtained by interested Bidders free of charge loaded from the University of Eldoret website or free of charge.
by downloading from KeNHA website: or Public Procurement Information Portal (PPIP): or from KeNHA Office JKIA Barabara Plaza Block C, 2nd Floor Supply Chain Office during The application documents, in plain sealed envelopes marked with tender number and reference, should be
normal working hours upon payment of non-refundable fee of Ksh, 1,000.00 (One thousand shillings only) in submitted in the manner prescribed and addressed to:
form of a banker cheque payable to Kenya National Highways Authority. Vice-Chancellor
University of Eldoret
Bidders are encouraged to download the Tender document from the above websites to minimize physical visits P.O Box 1125-30100 Eldoret.
to the KeNHA Office.
The sealed envelopes shall be deposited in the Tender Box `A` located at the reception of the University of Eldoret
All interested bidders are required to continually check the Kenya National Highways Authority website: Administration Block so as to be received on or before Tuesday 14th, Wednesday 15th, Thursday 16th and or Public Procurement Information Portal (PPIP): for any other tender Friday 17th May, 2024 at 11:00 a.m. respectively.
addenda or clarifications that may arise before the submission date.
Applications for pre-qualification/registration will be opened immediately thereafter at the Forestry Complex
Boardroom in the presence of bidders who choose to attend.
Deputy Director (Supply Chain Management)
Late applications shall not be accepted.
For all your queries email us on: [email protected], Customer Care : 0700 423 606 #Road Safety Starts With You
University of Eldoret Town Campus May & September 2024 intake ongoing. Join Us!
@KeNHAKenya Website : Kenya National Highways Authority Visit:
ISO 9001:2015 Certified
University of Eldoret is ISO 9001:2015 Certified
APRIL 30, 2024 NEWSFOCUS | 5

Committee pledges aid to farmers MINISTRY OF PUBLIC SERVICE, PERFORMANCE

affected by substandard fertilizer AND DELIVERY MANAGEMENT

are two types of fertiliz-

he National As- ers that have been with- STATE DEPARTMENT FOR PUBLIC SERVICE
sembly Committee drawn from NCPB stores:
on Agriculture has the KEL Green fertilizer
pledged to compensate and the GPC Original Plus
over 500 farmers in Ker- Organic fertilizer, which VACANCIES
icho County who bought is manufactured by Silica
fake fertilizer with top Booster Limited. We have VACANCY NO.1/2024: DRIVER II CSG 15 100 POSTS
dressing fertilizer to help come to note that even
improve their crop yields. in this particular store in
The members made the Kericho, there are 1,800 The Ministry of Public Service, Performance and Delivery Management invites applications from qualified
promise to farmers who bags of KEL Green Ferti- persons for the position of Driver II, CSG 15 - One Hundred (100) posts
congregated at the Na- lizer that were distributed
tional Cereals and Pro- National Assembly to farmers. Details on the requirements for the position can be accessed in the Ministry of Public Service, Performance
duce Board (NCPB) depot Committee on Agriculture They have started the and Delivery Management website under opportunities>careers menu.
on the outskirts of Kericho (center) Vice Chairman process of compensat-
town following an inquiry Brighton Yegon in Kericho ing the 537 farmers who Applicants who meet the requirements should submit their application by filling Application for
town. Photo by Sarah
and public hearing from Njagi bought this fake fertilizer. Employment Form PSC 2 (Revised 2016) available on Public Service Commission of Kenya website
affected farmers during Farmers have already ( Applications should be sent to the address below or hand delivered to the
their ongoing probe re- gon said out of the 1,800 planted, so they ought to State Department for Public Service, Uchumi House 12th Floor, Room 1201 between 8.00a.m and
garding the distribution bags of fertilizer held at be compensated with top 5.00p.m. (East African Time) Monday to Friday or Emailed to [email protected] on or
of standard fertilizers by the Kericho depot, 537 dressing to help improve before 20th May, 2024, 5.00 p.m. (East African Time).
unscrupulous suppliers farmers who bought the their yields,” said Yegon.
through the NCPB. sub-standard fertilizer The Konoin area MP in The Principal Secretary
Addressing the me- will be compensated with Bomet County noted only State Department for Public Service
dia at the NCPB depot top dressing fertilizer to a few of the affected farm- Ministry of Public Service, performance and Delivery Management
grounds over the week- address nutrient deficien- ers had come forward to P.O Box 30050-00100
end, Vice Chairman of the cies in their farms. receive their compensa- NAIROBI.
Committee Brighton Ye- “As you all know, there tion


Tourism Fund (TF) is a State Corporation established under the Tourism Act, 2011, mandated to mobilize Kenya Power invites tenders from interested bidders for provision of the following:-
resources to finance the development of a sustainable tourism industry in Kenya.
The Fund is seeking to recruit qualified Kenyan Citizens to fill the following positions: - COMMENCE- MEETING/ CLOSING
N0 Position Job Summary JOB
1. KP7/9A/OT/ Procurement of Third Thursday N/A Friday
1. Manager Legal Services This position reports to Corporation TF 3
Secretary and Director, Legal Services. TPT/79/23-24 Party Garages for Supply 02.05.2024 10.05.2024
of Fleet Repairs and at 10.00 a.m.
2. Manager, Finance & Accounts This position reports to Director, Corporate TF 3 Maintenance Services for
Services Central Rift Region
3. Manager, Human Resource & Administration This position reports to Director, Corporate TF 3 2. KP1/9A.2/OT/ Procurement of Addi- Thursday N/A Thursday
Services 102/ICT/23-24 tional Licenses for Cyber 02.05.2024 16.05.2024
4. Manager, Information Communication and This position reports to Director, Corporate TF 3 Security Solution at 10.00 a.m.
Technology Services
3. KP1/9A.2/OT/ Upgrade of Data Centre Thursday N/A Thursday
5. Manager, Resource Mobilization This position reports to Director, Strategy & TF 3 104/ICT/23-24 Infrastructure 02.05.2024 16.05.2024
Resource Mobilization Management System at 10.00 a.m.
4. KP1/9A.2/OT/ Upgrade from Tape to Friday N/A Friday
Visit Tourism Fund Website: for full details of the position. 106/ICT/23-24 Disk-Based Long Term 03.05.2024 17.05.2024
Retention (LTR) Appliance at 10.00 a.m.
Application Process for Data Backup
Interested and qualified persons are requested to submit their applications indicating their current salary together
with a detailed curriculum vitae, professional certificates and testimonials. 5. KP1/9A.4/OT/ Supply of Electric Motor Friday N/A Tuesday
TPT/16/23-24 Vehicles and Cycles 03.05.2024 28.05.2024
The successful candidate will be required to avail the following documents at the point of receiving the job offer; at 10.00 a.m.
• Valid certificate of good conduct 6. KP1/1/3A/4/1/ Design, Supply, Thursday Wednesday Wednesday
• EACC clearance OT/005/23-24 Installation, Testing and 02.05.2024 08.05.2024 15.05.2024
• HELB clearance certificate Commissioning of 10.00 a.m. – at 10.00 a.m.
• Valid KRA compliance certificate. Grid-Tied Solar PV System 12.00 p.m.
• Clearance from a reputable credit reference bureau at IESR
Officers in Grade TF 03 shall be appointed on a contract of five (5) years renewable subject to performance
of Energy
Studies and
Method of Application
Research off
Tourism Fund posts job openings on the Tourism Fund Careers Portal; and Thika Road
only accepts applications to job openings electronically via this process. All applications to be addressed to: The Next to Utalii
Chairman, Tourism Fund P.O. Box 46987 – 00100 Nairobi and submitted online on or before the 16th May Hotel)

Job openings posted on the Careers Portal are taken off at midnight (GMT +3) on the deadline date. Tender documents detailing the requirements of the above tenders may be obtained from the Kenya
Power website ( from the dates shown above.
No hard copies or Email applications will be accepted.
Only shortlisted candidates will be contacted. Any form of canvasing will lead to automatic disqualification. SUPPLY CHAIN & LOGISTICS
“Tourism Fund is an equal opportunity employer and encourages all qualified persons including the youth,
women, persons with disability and persons from minority groups to apply”
6 | NEWSFOCUS APRIL 30, 2024


New pact between

KPC and KPA to boost
petroleum supply in
Kenya, East Africa
agreement stipulates the Mombasa as a gateway

he Kenya Pipeline roles of the two state cor- of East Africa, as Uganda
Company (KPC) porations, said KPC Man- has already committed
will now operate the aging Director Mr. Joe from June to import all
Sh40-billion new Kipevu Sang. KPC’s role is to pro- their petroleum products
Oil Terminal 2 in a bid vide security of supply of through Kenya and will
to improve petroleum petroleum products across use KPA and KPC facili-
product supply in the the region, he added. “We ties.
country and the East Af- can bring in 8.1 billion li- “I want to assure Ugan-
An oil tanker docked at the Kipevu Oil Terminal 2 (KOT) at Kenya Ports Authority,
rican Community trading tres of petroleum products dans that we are ready to Mombasa. Photo by Andrew Hinga/KNA
block. every year. It has been in- serve the market, and we
The company has signed creasing; three years ago want all the volumes of “We are improving our tankers’ turnaround time. doing business because
a service level agreement it was 7.5 billion litres. petroleum products to be connectivity in terms of To enhance efficiency, time is money. If you de-
(SLA) with the Kenya This year, we are targeting transported through the the flow of the products. KPA will allocate a space lay a ship for an hour, it
Ports Authority (KPA) close to 9 billion litres,” pipeline because it is safe, KPA can discharge up for KPC to set up a labo- is so costly,” Capt. Ruto
for the operations and Sang said after signing the efficient, and cheap,” to eight million litres an ratory at KOT 2 instead of said.
maintenance of the new SLA at KPA Headquarters Sang stated. To bolster hour. We are also improv- transferring samples to The KOT facility he
terminal, aligning with a in Mombasa. storage capacity, KPC ing our capacity so that their laboratory. added is one of its kind
Presidential directive on MD Sang noted that plans to commission a we can serve the country Through the collabo- in the region and the
synergizing the two state 60 per cent of the petro- storage facility to handle better and ensure Ken- ration, Capt. Ruto stated government and KPA in-
corporations. leum products are con- 100 million litres of pe- yans go about their work that the two entities are vested heavily in coming
KPC Chairperson Faith sumed locally, while the troleum products in Port without the headache of keen to enhance effi- up with the facility that
Boinett termed the sign- remaining 40 per cent Reitz, Changamwe. having to imagine that ciency in the evacuation is not only for the present
ing a milestone that will are for transit markets in there is a stock out,” MD of petroleum products. but for the future too.
open the country to re- Uganda, Rwanda, Bu- We are Sang said. “By giving them a small “This facility is built
gional businesses and rundi, the Democratic On his part, KPA Man- space to carry out labora- to operate for about 100
employment opportuni- Republic of Congo (DRC),
improving aging Director Capt. Wil- tory tests here we will be years, in fact, this facil-
ties. His KPA counterpart, some parts of Somalia, our connec- liam Ruto noted that the able to reduce time before ity is dredged to minus 15
Benjamin Tayari, said the
agreement will remove
South Sudan, and a bit
in Tanzania. The agree-
tivity in terms of SLA gives the two state
corporations shared re-
a ship starts operations. It
is also important to give
meters, but there is a pro-
vision to re-dredge again
bottlenecks that resulted ment, the KPC MD said, the flow of the sponsibilities and obli- ourselves specific time- to minus 18 meters,” ex-
in ineffectiveness. The is cementing the Port of products. gations that will improve lines to reduce the cost of plained Capt. Ruto.




Date: 23rd April 2024
The Public Sector Accounting Standards Board (PSASB) is a semi-autonomous Government
Agency under The National Treasury. The Board is established under section 192 of the Public
2. SDW/ONT/016/2023-2024 SUPPLY AND DELIVERY OF FURNITURE AND FITTING Finance Management Act (PFMA) 2012.

The Ministry of Tourism and Wildlife, State Department for Wildlife invites sealed bids from interested bidders
for supply of solar system, furniture and fitting.

The PFMA 2012 section 194 (d) mandates PSASB to prescribe formats for financial statements
and reporting by all state organs and public entities. In furtherance of this mandate, the Board is

2. Tendering will be conducted under open competitive method using standardized tender document. in the process of developing seven new financial reporting templates. These templates are:

3. Tendering is open to all qualified and interested tenderers. 1. Financial Reporting Template for County Governments TVETS
4. Interested eligible candidates may obtain the tender document from or www.tour- 2. Financial Reporting Template for National/ County Development Projects

E free of charge. Further information can be obtained at Supply Chain Management Unit, 3. Financial Reporting Template for County Bursary Funds/Schemes
NSSF Building Block ‘A’ 15th floor P.O. Box 41394 - 00100 Nairobi, during normal working hours (from
4. Financial Reporting Template for County Emergency Fund

0800hrs and 1700hrs).
5. Financial Reporting Template County Corporation/ SAGAs
5. Prices quoted should be net inclusive of all taxes and must be expressed in Kenya shillings and shall remain
6. Financial Reporting Template National/County Money Lending Entities

valid for a period of 180 days from the closing date of the tender.
7. Financial Reporting Template County Equalization Fund
6. The tenderer should chronically serialize all pages of the tender documents submitted with one copy.

7. Application in plain sealed envelopes and clearly marked must be sent to the Principal Secretary, State The Board invites all stakeholders to provide their input on the draft templates on or before
17th May 2024.

Department for Wildlife, P. O. Box 41394 - 00100, Nairobi or deposited into the Tender Box on the 15th
floor, NSSF Building Block ‘A’, so as to reach us on or before Wednesday 8th May, 2024 at 10.00 a.m.
8. Tenders will be opened immediately thereafter in the presence of the tenderers or their representatives who Visit our website,, to access the draft templates and send your input/com-
choose to attend the tender opening on 8th May 2024, 10.00am at the NSSF Building. ments to the Chief Executive Officer via [email protected] in the format provided
9. Tenderers who download the tender document and require clarification must forward their particulars at
least 7 days before the tender closing date to the head of procurement to facilitate any further clarification
or addendum. SN Template Name Page Comment/proposal
10. Tenders will be opened immediately after the deadline date. The tenders will be publicly opened in the
presence of tenderers or designated representatives
11. Late tenders shall be rejected.
APRIL 30, 2024 NEWSFOCUS | 7

Thika Water Company secures


water infrastructure upgrade ment site. overhaul of our infrastructure.

Murang’a University of Technology invites sealed bids from interested and eligible candidates/firms for

BY MUOKI CHARLES(KNA) supply and delivery of goods and services for the financial year 2024/2025, registration of suppliers for
he Thika Water and Sew- Other works will include re- In certain areas, new ones will the financial year 2024/2026 and disposal of assorted obsolete & scrap items.
erage Company (Thi- placement and rehabilitation be established. Everything is in No. TENDER & REGISTRATION CATEGORIES
wasco) has entered into a of existing water distribution place, and we expect work to 1. Provision of Services for the Financial Year 2024/2025 (Security Services, Cleaning
Services & Insurance Services)
Sh15.4-billion partnership with networks, rehabilitation of the commence in January,” he said. 2. Registration of Suppliers for Goods, Services and Works for the Financial Year’s 2024-2026
the Danish International Devel- existing water treatment plant, The Company is also eyeing DISPOSAL OF ASSORTED OBSOLETE & SCRAP ITEMS
opment Agency (DANIDA) to and provision of new last mile to benefit from water from the 3. Sale of Assorted Idle and Unserviceable Assets

upgrade and expand its infra- water connections. multi-billion Kariminu II Mega Interested and eligible candidates may examine and download the Tender, Registration and Disposal
Document(s) free of charge from the University’s website: or the government tender
structure to increase water sup- Speaking during a tree plant- Dam in Gatundu North Sub- portal website at
ply in its area of jurisdiction. ing drive at the company’s County, which has been sup- Duly Completed Tender and Registration Documents in plain sealed envelopes clearly indicating respective
The project, set to commence Kang’oki sewerage site, the plying water to Ruiru, Juja and “Tender Title and Reference Number” without identifying the Tenderer should be addressed to:
The Vice Chancellor,
in January 2025, will span 36 chairman said water demand Nairobi. Murang’a University of Technology
months and help alleviate water is expected to increase from “Talks are ongoing, and we P.O. Box 75-10200
Tel.: 0771-370824/0706-249039 Murang’a, Kenya
shortages and rationing in the the current 60,000 cubic me- hope to get additional water
OR be deposited into the Tender Box located at the Ground Floor, Directorate Block so as to be received
fast-growing town, which aims ters once the town achieves city from Kariminu II Dam. This will on or before 16th May, 2024 at 11.00 A.M. Tender and Registration documents will be opened immediately
to be elevated to city status. status, making the project in- adequately address water short- after closing, in the presence of Bidders or their representatives who choose to attend the opening session
at the Assembly Hall. Any canvassing will lead to automatic disqualification of a bidder.
Once completed, the project strumental in addressing water age in Thika and boost its quest
Women, Youth and Persons with Disability who are duly registered and satisfy all the conditions
will involve large-scale water needs. to become a city,” he said. of the Tender and Registration documents are encouraged to apply.
supply, generating 70,000 cubic Wakimani said the company Ngoliba Member of the County
meters of water daily compared has been relying on archaic in- Assembly (MCA) Joachim Njama
Murang’a University of Technology invites small and micro-enterprises and disadvantaged groups to
to the current 40,000. frastructure for water supply welcomed the project, saying it a supplier’s sensitization forum on RESERVED Procurement Opportunities, under the Preference and
The company chairman, Jo- which was set up decades ago will enable the company to sup- Reservations 2011 and Legal Notice No. 114. Youth, Women and Persons with Disability(s) are all invited to
attend. The forum will take place on 9th May, 2024 on a virtual platform from 10.30 A.M to 12.00 P.M
seph Wakimani, stated that the and which has been unable to ply water to his semi-arid ward
Interested participants are required to register by sending an email to: [email protected] or call
project will entail setting up a effectively feed the ever-rising in the lower part of the county, 0706-249-039 during normal working hours to receive the Link to the meeting.
new dam, expanding the River population. where residents are forced to
Chania intake connection, and “This will be a major pro- rely on water from the heavily MUT IS ISO 9001 :2015 & ISO/IEC 27001:201 CERTIFIED

establishing a new water treat- ject which will entail massive polluted River Athi.


EASA @70
ICAO Platinum Training Centre of Excellence (TCE)
The East African School of Aviation (EASA) is an Approved Training Organization regulated and certified by the Kenya Civil PROFESSIONAL SHORT COURSES
Aviation Authority (KCAA). Our mandate is to develop courses and offer training to the Authority, the Industry in Kenya and the
Customer Care in Aviation Open to all 5 Days
Target audience: Our courses are designed to meet capacity needs and requirements across the aviation sector that include;
Civil Aviation Authorities, Airport Operators, Ground Handling Agencies, Air Cargo Regulated Agencies, Approved Maintenance Supervisory Management Open to all 4 Weeks
Organizations (AMOs), Disciplined Forces, Government, Inter-governmental and non-governmental agencies, County Govern-
Instructor Development Course (IDC) Any professional courses 15 Days
ments & Constituencies and High School leavers.
Advanced Instructor Training (AIT) IDP or Equivalent 15 Days
Accreditations and Accolades
• International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO) Platinum Training Centre of Excellence (TCE) Train Air Plus Training Developers Course (TDC) IDP or Equivalent 10 Days
• Technical and Vocational Education Training Institution (TVET) Management of Strategic Change in Aviation Aviation professionals 10 Days
• Approved Training Organization (ATO)
• ISO 9001:2015 - KEBS QMS for Civil Aviation Aviation professionals 5 Days
• Centre for Kenya National Examinations Council (KNEC) technical examinations. Executive Civil Aviation Management Aviation professionals 2 Weeks
• ICAO TRAINAIR Plus Full Member
• IATA Authorized Training Centre (ATC) and Accredited Training School (ATS) AVSEC 123 Basic Aviation professionals 10 Days
• ICAO Aviation Security Training Centre (ASTC)
AVSEC Risk Management Workshop Aviation professionals 4 Days
• ICAO endorsed Government Safety Inspector (GSI) Training Centre
• IATA 2019 ,2020 and 2022 Top Regional Performer in Africa & Middle East AVSEC Instructors Aviation professionals 7 Days
• Recipient of ICAO Global Aviation Training (GAT) Awards in 2015, 2017 , 2018 and 2022
AVSEC Inspectors Aviation professionals 7 Days
We have intakes in January, May & September for the following courses; Cargo and Mail Security Aviation professionals 7 Days

COURSE DURATION INTAKES AVSEC Supervisors Aviation professionals 8 Days

DEPARTMENT OF AVIATION SAFETY AND SECURITY MANAGEMENT AVSEC Management Workshop (ICAO sponsored) Aviation professionals 7 Days

KNEC Diploma in Aeronautical Engineering (Avionics , Airframes & Engines) 3 Years Jan/May/Sept AVSEC Screeners Course (Initial & Re-Current) Aviation professionals 5 Days

KNEC Diploma in Electrical and Electronics Engineering (Telecommunication Option) 3 Years Jan/May/ Sept National Inspectors Aviation professionals 7 Days

Certificate in Aircraft Maintenance Licence (Airframes & Engines Avionics) 6 Months May/Sept Safety Management Course (SMS) Aviation professionals 5 Days

Human Factors Aviation professionals 5 Days

Auditing Techniques Aviation professionals 5 Days
EASA Diploma in Travel and Tourism Management 2 Years Jan/Sept
Surveillance (Risk Based Oversight) Aviation professionals 5 Days
EASA Diploma in Air Cargo Management 2 Years Jan/Sept

EASA Diploma in Airport Operations (Offered at Wilson Airport Campus) 2 Years Jan/May/Sept
For more information, please contact;
IATA Diploma in Travel & Tourism (Foundation level)

IATA Diploma Travel and Tourism (Consultant Level)

6 Months

6 Months
Jan/ Sept

Jan/ May/Sept
The Registrar - Academic Affairs.
P.O. Box 30689 - 00100, Nairobi, Kenya. EASA INTAKE
Embakasi, off Airport North Road.
IATA Diploma Managing the Travel Business 6 Months May/Sept Email : [email protected], [email protected]
Phone : +254 20 682 3607
IATA Diploma in Air Cargo Services (Introductory Level) 6 Months Jan/Sept
Mobile : +254 716 164 230
IATA Diploma in Dangerous Goods Regulations (DGR) 6 Months May/Sept
“The sky is only but the lower limit’’
IATA Diploma in Advanced Air Cargo Rating and Marketing 6 Months May/Sept KENYA
IATA Airline Cabin Crew/ Flight Attendants Course 6 Months May/Sept

Bachelor in Civil Aviation Management (BCM) 4 Years Jan/ Sept

Executive Master of Business Administration EMBA (Aviation Option) 1 Year Jan/Sept

8 | NEWSFOCUS APRIL 30, 2024


KISIP II National Coordinator urges counties to establish Union (EU).

Arwa added that KISIP 2

GBV rescue centers to assist violence victims is implementing rigorous

training programs to raise
awareness about GBV, is-
BY MUTISOMBITHI all forms violence. coming up with key doc- by many, particularly streaming consultants; Joy sues of sexual exploitation,
(MYGOV) Arwa also expressed uments which will assist women and vulnerable Wasirimba, Yvonne Otweyo abuse, and harassment to

the need for counties to in guiding development populations, who con- among others. equip individuals with the
he Second Kenya streamline Genter Based of GBV policies and strat- tinue to endure violence Cases of physical and knowledge and skills to
Informal Settle- Violence (GBV) issues as egies during thew project and exploitation within emotional violence against recognize, prevent, and re-
ments Improve- KISIP 2 moves to roll out implementation period. informal settlements,” women, men, children and spond to incidents of vio-
ment Project Slum upgrading works “The integration of the National Coordinator Persons Living with Disa- lence and harassment.
(KISIP 2) National Coordi- in several devolved units Gender-Based Violence said. bilities (PLWDs) have been He further urged the
nator George Arwa is urg- countrywide. (GBV) prevention meas- The four-day workshop recorded in the county in teams to establish robust
ing county governments Speaking in Naivasha ures within our project brings together a team from the recent past. reporting mechanisms and
to identify strategic points during a capacity build- works marks a significant the National Project Coordi- KISIP 2 is a Government support systems and ensure
to establish Gender Based ing workshop for County milestone in our collective nating Team (NPCT); led by of Kenya project financed survivors receive timely as-
Violence (GBV) centers GBV Focal Point Persons, pursuit of progress and KISIP 2 GBV Focal Lead Ms. by the World Bank, Agence sistance and justice, aligned
which will be used as res- the coordinator noted that equity. It acknowledges Shamsa Abdi; social safe- Française de Development with survivor-centered ap-
cue centres for victims of the forum will assist in the harsh realities faced guards and gender main- (AFD) and the European proaches.


KNEC is ISO 9001:2015 Certified



The Kenya National Examinations Council (KNEC) wishes to recruit secondary school teachers/college tutors
EMPLOYMENT OPPORTUNITIES as assessors for KCSE oral and practical papers between 1st May and 30thJuly 2024. The selected professionals will be
trained on the job during assessment of the 2024 KCSE papers.

Credit No: 61210 KE Teacher/tutors who are already in the KNEC database of assessors need not apply.

Applications are invited from all interested and qualified teachers/tutors as follows:
Project ID No: P121019
The Government of Kenya (GoK) in conjunction with the World Bank (International Development 1.0 KCSE ORAL AND PRACTICAL EXAMINATION PAPERS
Association – IDA) is implementing the Infrastructure Finance and Public Private Partnerships Project –
Additional Financing (IFPPP-AF) whose overall development objective is to increase private investment Secondary school teachers to be recruited for the following papers:
in the Kenyan infrastructure market by improving the enabling environment to generate a pipeline of
bankable PPP projects. This objective will be achieved through the provision of technical expertise and SR/NO PAPER NAME PAPER CODE
building capacity to implement the Government’s Public Private Partnerships (PPP) National program. 1.1 Power Mechanics 447/2
The Public Private Partnerships (PPP) Directorate is looking for highly motivated individuals, on full time
basis, to fill the positions of: 1.2 Electricity 448/2
1.3 Aviation Technology 450/2
No Position No. Required Reference No
1.4 French Oral 501/3
1 Project Officer 2 IFPPP/PPPD/PO/2024-2025 1.5 German Oral 502/3

2 Financial Analyst 2 IFPPP/PPPD/FA/2024-2025 1.6 Arabic Oral 503/3

1.7 Kenyan Sign Language Signing Practical 504/3
3 Environmental & Social Safeguards Expert 2 IFPPP/PPPD/ESS/2024-2025
1.7 Music Practical 511/1
4 Commercial Lawyer (Transactions) 2 IFPPP/PPPD/TCL/2024-2025

5 Legal Assistant 2 IFPPP/PPPD/LA/2024-2025 2.0 REQUIREMENTS

For detailed job description and requirements for the vacancies above, please visit our website 2.1 Qualifications for recruitment /vacancies/ 2.1.1 Must be a practising teacher/tutor in the relevant subjects;
2.1.2 Must be registered and/or employed by the Teachers Service Commission (TSC) or a recognised
NOTE: professional body;
1. The appointments are on a three (3) year contract term and renewable subject to performance. 2.1.3 Must have a Diploma (and above) in Education or in the relevant area of specialisation;
2. Only shortlisted and successful candidates will be contacted. 2.1.4 For Aviation Technology, the applicant must have a Diploma in aeronautical engineering;
3. Shortlisted candidates shall be required to produce originals of their Identity Card, academic and 2.1.5 Have a minimum teaching experience of three (3) years;
professional certificates and transcripts during interviews. 2.1.6 Must be recommended by his/her head of institution or employer;
4. The successful candidate will be required to provide clearances from KRA, DCI, EACC, HELB and 2.1.7 Must NOT be on interdiction or any other form of disciplinary action from the employer;
CRB. 2.1.8 Must be 50 years of age and below.


CVs will be evaluated taking into account the following criteria: Academic and professional qualifications;
Relevant experience; Professional and work experience as well as Communication and inter-personal 3.1 Applicants are required to do the following:
skills. Great understanding and work experience in PPP Projects will be of significant advantage 3.1.1 Access the KNEC examiners’ portal using the link;
3.1.2 Those with CP2 accounts should log into the portal using their usernames and passwords;
Interested candidates fulfilling the required qualifications should submit their application documents 3.1.3 Those who would have forgotten their CP2 passwords should click on “reset password” button
(curriculum vitae with details of qualifications, experience, daytime telephone numbers, email address and enter their mobile number in the format (2547********) and submit to get new passwords
and names of three referees) clearly indicating the position applied for and vacancy Reference No. These for logging into the system;
should be emailed or sent to the address below on or before 13th May, 2024. 3.1.4 Those without CP2 accounts should click on “create account” and follow the instructions to
acquire login credentials to access the system;
3.1.5 Upon successful login, the applicant should complete their personal profile and save. On the
Postal Address: Physical Address: dashboard, click on apply for assessors’ vacancies and all the declared vacancies will be avail-
Infrastructure Finance and Public Private Public Private Partnerships Directorate able for the applicants to choose.
Partnerships Project, Attention: Procurement Expert
Attention: Procurement Expert 6th Floor, Re-insurance Plaza, The slots are limited and only qualified applicants who have presented all the required documents will
P.O. Box 30007 –00100 Building No. 4 Aga Khan Walk/Taifa Road be shortlisted for the exercise.
Nairobi, Kenya. Nairobi, Kenya.
Chief Executive Officer
Telephone No: +254-20 3225000 E-mail: [email protected] The Kenya National Examinations Council
P.O. Box 73598 -00200
APRIL 30, 2024 NEWSFOCUS | 9

Retirement Benefits Statistics from RBA sion planners under the tough regulations to fa-

Authority targets
show that only 26 per insurance sector so that cilitate easier remittance
cent of Kenya’s labor we can venture where of workers’ savings by
market is saving for re- the mass is. their employers as well
informal sector for tirement, which trans-
lates to a paltry 3.2
“And the mass is in
the informal sector, we
as ensure retirees access
their savings upon re-
pension plan expansion million active RBA mem-
are talking about peo-
ple in the Jua Kali sector
“Our first mandate
BY WANGARI According to Ngunyi, and professionals such is to regulate the pen-
year strategic plan, im- the Authority is now eye- as lawyers and doctors sion sector and ensure

he Retirement plementation of which ing the informal sector as who are not in formal that members’ benefits
Benefits Authority starts in July this year. well as professionals who employment, and we are are protected anytime a
(RBA) has lined up “Our asset base is have not yet enlisted telling them to join an member contributes to a
a target to increase its as- about 1.7 trillion, but in themselves in any pen- individual pension plan pension scheme.
set base to Sh3.2 trillion the new strategic plan, sion scheme to realize the and save for retirement,” The industry is highly
Retirement Benefits Authority’s by the year 2029. we are targeting to reach ambitious projections. said Ngunyi. regulated, and no money
Deputy Director of ICT, Peter According to RBA’s about Sh3.2 trillion in the “Most of the 26 per He reassured Kenyans can be lost, so Kenyans
Ngunyi during the launch of a Deputy Director of ICT, next five years,” Ngunyi cent that is covered is about the safety of their should be assured that
public sensitisation programme Peter Ngunyi, the ambi- said during the launch from the formal sector. savings, saying the Au- anytime you save for a
in Nyeri. PHOTOS BY BETH tious target is contained of a public sensitization So, RBA is trying to part- thority had put in place pension, your money is
NDIRANGU in the Authority’s five- program in Nyeri. ner with individual pen- adequate safeguards and safe,” he said.





Country: Republic of Kenya
Country: Republic of Kenya
Name of Project: Kenya Primary Education Equity in Learning (KPEEL) Program
Name of Project: Kenya Primary Education Equity in Learning (KPEEL) Program
Credit No.: TCF0306/ TCF0307
Credit No.: TCF0306/ TCF0307
Contract Titles: Technical Assistance (TA) for Competence Based Curriculum
Contract Titles: Technical Assistance (TA) for Competence Based Assessment (CBC)
RFB Reference No.: KE-MOE-422244-CS-CQS RFB Reference No.: KE-MOE-422486-CS-CQS

The Government of Kenya has received Financing from the World Bank toward the cost of the Kenya Primary Edu- The Government of Kenya has received Financing from the World Bank toward the cost of the Kenya Primary Educa-
cation Equity in Learning (KPEEL) Program. Kenya National Examinations Council as one of the sub-implementing tion Equity in Learning (KPEEL) Program. Kenya Institute of Curriculum Development as one of the sub-implementi-
agencies, intends to apply part of the proceeds for Consulting Services. ng agencies, intends to apply part of the proceeds for Consulting Services.
The Consulting Services (“the Services”) include Technical Assistance (TA) for Competence Based Assessment. The Consulting Services (“the Services”) include Technical Assistance (TA) for Competence Based Curriculum
The Consultant will be required to complete the assignment within a duration of three and half months (100 days) (CBC). The assignment will take an estimated period of one (1) year upon submission of an inception report and the
and the consultant shall ensure full consistency with Terms of Reference. Expected commencement dates will be consultant shall ensure full consistency with Terms of Reference. Expected commencement dates will be June,
June, 2024. 2024.
The detailed Terms of Reference (TOR) for the assignment can be found at the following website: and Public Procurement Information Portal (PPIP) or can be obtained at the address given below. The detailed Terms of Reference (TOR) for the assignment can be found at the following website: and Public Procurement Information Portal (PPIP) or can be obtained at the address given below.
The Ministry of Education now invites eligible Consulting Firms (“Consultants”) to indicate their interest in providing
the Services. Interested Consultants should provide information demonstrating that they have the required qualifi- The Ministry of Education now invites eligible Consulting Firms (“Consultants”) to indicate their interest in providing
cations and relevant experience to perform the expected Services. The shortlisting criteria shall be: (a) 10 years’ the Services. Interested Consultants should provide information demonstrating that they have the required qualific
experience in implementing high stake national level examinations and monitoring assessments; (b) having unde ations and relevant experience to perform the expected Services. The shortlisting criteria shall be: (a) Experience in
rtaken three (3) contracts of similar scope and complexity in the last five (5) years; and, (c) Key Experts will not be national curriculum development/review and development of curriculum support materials and designing compet
evaluated at the shortlisting stage. ence Based curriculum; (b) evidence of having supported national curriculum development and, (c) Key Experts will
not be evaluated at the shortlisting stage.
The attention of interested Consultants is drawn to Section III, Paragraphs, 3.14, 3.16, and 3.17 of the World Bank’s
“Procurement Regulations for IPF Borrowers” dated July, 2016 and revised in September 2023 (5th Edition) The attention of interested Consultants is drawn to Section III, Paragraphs, 3.14, 3.16, and 3.17 of the World Bank’s
(“Procurement Regulations”), setting forth the World Bank’s policy on conflict of interest. In addition, please refer to “Procurement Regulations for IPF Borrowers” dated July, 2016 and revised in September, 2023 (5th Edition)
the following specific information on conflict of interest related to this assignment: “Consultants shall not be hired for (“Procurement Regulations”), setting forth the World Bank’s policy on conflict of interest. In addition, please refer to
any assignment that would be in conflict with their prior or current obligations to other clients, or that may place th the following specific information on conflict of interest related to this assignment: “Consultants shall not be hired
em in a position of being unable to carry out the assignment in the best interests of the Borrower” for any assignment that would be in conflict with their prior or current obligations to other clients, or that may place
them in a position of being unable to carry out the assignment in the best interests of the Borrower”
Consultants may associate with other firms to enhance their qualifications, but should indicate clearly whether
the association is in the form of a joint venture and/or a sub-consultancy. In the case of a joint venture, all the Consultants may associate with other firms to enhance their qualifications, but should indicate clearly whether
partners in the joint venture shall be jointly and severally liable for the entire contract, if selected. the association is in the form of a joint venture and/or a sub-consultancy. In the case of a joint venture, all the
partners in the joint venture shall be jointly and severally liable for the entire contract, if selected.
A consultant will be selected in accordance with the Quality Based Selection (CQS) method set out in the Pro-
curement Regulations. A consultant will be selected in accordance with the Quality Based Selection (CQS) method set out in the Proc-
urement Regulations.
Further information can be obtained at the address below during office hours i.e., 0800 to 1700 hours.
Further information can be obtained at the address below during office hours i.e., 0800 to 1700 hours.
Expressions of Interest (EOIs) must be delivered in a written form to the address below in person, by mail or
by email. EOIs Must be enclosed in plain sealed envelope marked with the reference number and deposited Expressions of Interest (EOIs) must be delivered in a written form to the address below in person, by mail or by
in the tender box located at Jogoo House ‘B’ground floor at the reception on or before 17th May, 2024 at email. EOIs must be enclosed in plain sealed envelope marked with the reference number and deposited in
1100 EAT. the tender box located at Jogoo House ‘B’ground floor at the reception on or before 17th May, 2024 at 1100

The Principal Secretary, Ministry of Education The Principal Secretary, Ministry of Education
State Department for Basic Education, State Department for Basic Education,
Postal Address: P.O. Box 30040, Nairobi, Kenya Code: 00100 Postal Address: P.O. Box 30040, Nairobi, Kenya Code: 00100
City: Nairobi Zip code: +254 City: Nairobi Zip code: +254
Tel: (0)20 318581 Ext.30413 Tel: (0)20 318581 Ext.30413
Fax: 254-020-318581 Fax: 254-020-318581
Email: [email protected] Email: [email protected]
10 | NEWSFOCUS APRIL 30, 2024


Kenya surpasses fertilizer usage goals KALRO introduces

new crop varieties
set by Abuja Declaration, says PS Rono to combat hunger
has been evidenced in the

enya is among the maize crop where the yields BY PATRICK NYAKUNDI crops and pasture
African countries have been observed to stag- (KNA) varieties through the
that have achieved nate. The Government, use of climate-smart
the Abuja Declaration on This means focusing also through the Ministry technologies that will
Fertilizer usage of 50 kilo- on soil health is critical as of Agriculture and enhance sustainable
grams (nutrients) per hec- nutrient replenishment Livestock Develop- agriculture.
tare. is necessary for sustaina- ment, is implement- The new crops and
State Department for ble increase in yields,” Dr. ing development pastures that have
Agriculture Principal Sec- Ronoh said. initiatives that will been introduced in-
retary Dr. Kipronoh Ronoh He added that the Min- contribute to the clude sorghum, cow-
said the declaration called istry in collaboration with country’s food and peas, grain amaranth,
on all African countries to other stakeholders have nutrition security to and green grams,
promote fertilizer use from developed the Agricultural achieve the United following extensive
the low of eight kilograms Soil Management Policy Nations Sustainable research and farmer
(nutrients) per hectare to State Department for Agriculture Principal Secretary 2023, to guide the sustain- Development Goals trials that have shown
(PS) Dr. Kipronoh Ronoh speaking in Nairobi during the
50 kilograms (nutrients) pre-summit dialogue on the African Fertilizer and Soil able management of agri- (SDGs). To achieve they perform well in
per hectare in a span of ten Health Summit. Photo by Joseph Ng’ang’a. cultural soils in the country this feat, the Principal arid and semi-arid
years and map out strate- and especially address the Secretary for the State lands (ASALs).
gies for maintaining an up- dialogue on the African on Fertilizer for the Africa low productivity arising Department of Agri- KALRO Direc-
ward trajectory in fertilizer Fertilizer and Soil Health Green Revolution of 2006. from declining soil fertil- culture, Dr. Kipronoh tor General Dr.
application. Dr. Ronoh said Summit, Dr. Ronoh said The PS explained that to ity and deteriorating soil Rono, stated that the Eliud Kiplimo Kire-
Kenya, with about 55 kilo- Kenya and the African Un- increase fertilizer use, ag- health. State Department is ger said his organ-
grams (nutrients) per hec- ion Commission (AUC) ricultural production, and According to the PS, the implementing various ization t hrough
tare, is among the countries are jointly organizing the agricultural productivity, expected outcome of the programs, projects, climate-smart tech-
that have achieved the tar- Summit to take stock of the government has been Africa Fertilizer and Soil and activities at both nologies is targeting
get. achievements made since implementing fertilizer Health Summit is endorse- national and county 500,000 smallholder
However, this is still far the Abuja Declaration subsidy programmes. ment by Heads of States and levels to end hunger, farmers and pasto-
below its fertilizer apparent The subsidy programmes Governments of a 10-year ensure food security, ralists in developing
annual consumption po- have been implemented ei- action plan which will de- and promote sustain- resistant crops, to
tential of 1.5 million metric
The county ther as a short-term meas- liver concrete recommen- able agriculture. enhance technology
tonnes (MT). “The current administra- ure to ensure competitive dations for steps to be taken Rono particularly adoption and foster
apparent annual consump-
tion in Kenya is estimated
tion will stop production and sustained
profitability or to facilitate
by African leaders and
stakeholders over the next
singled out the mile-
stone achieved by
linkages. He revealed
that KALRO’s dryland
at 750,000 MT, which is just issuing cash sup- uptake of technologies. 10 years. the Kenya Agricul- research program has
50 percent of the potential,” port and instead “The continuous use of Summit (AFSH) will tural Livestock Re- been instrumental in
the PS said. fertilizers has not often re- take place from 7th to 9th search Organization developing numerous
Speaking in Nairobi introduce an sulted in desired results of May 2024 at KICC, Nairobi, (KALRO) of intro- crop varieties suited
during the pre-summit e-card increased crop yields; this Kenya. ducing new dryland for ASALs

The Commission on Administrative Justice

(Office of the Ombudsman)

Hata Mnyonge ana Haki


The National Construction Authority (NCA) is a State Corporation established
The Commission on Administrative Justice (Office of the Ombudsman) is a Constitutional Commission
under the National Construction Authority Act 2011, with the responsibility to
established under Article 59 (4), Chapter fifteen of the Constitution and the Commission on Administrative oversee the construction industry and coordinate its development.
Justice Act, 2011 with the mandate of addressing all forms of maladministration in the public sector in The Authority invites eligible garages to be registered for servicing,
Kenya. The Commission is also charged with overseeing and enforcing the implementation of the Access
to Information Act, 2016. maintenance and repairing of the Authority’s vehicles as follows;

The Commission seek to fill the following positions:-

No Town Date Eligibility Closing/
1 Senior Compliance Officer HQ 1 CAJ 5 Date
2 Planning and Strategy Officer I HQ 1 CAJ 6
1 NCA/REG/001/ Registration of OPEN 15th May
3 Investigations Officer I HQ 1 CAJ 6 2023- 2024 Garages for 2024
4 Clerical Officer II (General Administration) HQ 1 CAJ 9 servicing,
5 Driver II HQ 2 CAJ 10 maintenance and
repairs of NCA motor
Job specifications and other requirements are available on our website: vehicles
An application letter, curriculum vitae, copies of certificates and other credentials should be sent by
14th May 2024 at 5.00pm with the job reference number clearly marked on the document to the address
The registration document with detailed information and instruction may be
THE COMMISSION SECRETARY viewed and downloaded from the Authority’s website; and the
Public Procurement Information portal, free of charge.
P O BOX 20414 CITY SQUARE, 00200

Only shortlisted candidates will be contacted. Manager, Supply Chain

The Commission on Administrative Justice is an Equal Opportunity employer.

@ncakenya National Construction Authority [email protected] +254-709 126 102/172/173

APRIL 30, 2024 NEWSFOCUS | 11

Ministry of Roads and





 Scan to Register

7th - 10th May 2024 DeKUT, Nyeri County

Virtual Physical
Charges Ksh.
10,000 Ksh.
Or Visit:

+254-20-2719974 [email protected] Engineers Board of Kenya

Ministry of Roads and


Opening up Rural Kenya

12 | NEWSFOCUS APRIL 30, 2024


County unveils Sh50m fresh produce market to drive economic growth


lgeyo Marakwet The newly constructed Speaking at the tial bottom-up economic business operators, pro- Kapcherop, and Kapyego
County has commis- market, boasting multiple ground-breaking cere- model. viding them with a con- centers, further stimu-
sioned a Sh50-mil- stories, will not only serve mony, Elgeyo Marakwet Every hustler doing ducive environment to ply lating economic growth
lion fresh produce market as a hub for fresh produce Governor, Wisley Rotich, business will be accom- their trade. across the county.
in Iten town to boost eco- but also offer convenient emphasized the signifi- modated in this market,” Additionally, Governor Highlighting the
nomic activities in the parking space capable of cance of the market in the Governor Rotich said, Rotich announced plans broader vision for Iten,
area and accommodate accommodating at least context of the bottom-up addressing gathered resi- by the Ministry of Housing Governor Rotich under-
the burgeoning business 60 vehicles simultane- economic model. “This dents. The new market is to replicate similar mod- scored the town’s poten-
community. ously. is part of the Presiden- designed to host up to 600 ern markets in Chepkorio, tial beyond commerce.

Tel No: 254 20 3922000, Fax No: 254 20 3922400 Email: [email protected]
Commercial Street, Industrial Area
P.O. Box 47715-00100 GPO Nairobi, Kenya


Kenya Medical Supplies Authority (KEMSA) intends to register suppliers for the Financial Year 2024/2025, and
# Category Description Eligi- Submission
2025/2026, and herewith invites applications for categories as detailed below:
bility deadline
32 KEMSA-REG-C-032-2024/2026 Human resources recruitment services OPEN 15th May 2024
# Category Description Eligi- Submission
bility deadline 33 KEMSA-REG-C-033-2024/2026 Provision of architectural, QS and property valua- OPEN 15th May 2024
tions services
1 KEMSA-REG-A-001-2024/2026 Supply of Office Furniture, fittings and equipment AGPO 15th May 2024
34 KEMSA-REG-C-034-2024/2026 Provision of auctioneering services OPEN 15th May 2024
2 KEMSA-REG-A-002-2024/2026 Supply of ICT Equipment and Consumables AGPO 15th May 2024
(Printers, scanners & toners) 35 KEMSA-REG-C-035-2024/2026 Provision of catering services AGPO 15th May 2024
3 KEMSA-REG-A-003-2024/2026 Supply of motor vehicle tyres, tubes and batteries AGPO 15th May 2024 36 KEMSA-REG-C-036-2024/2026 Provision of Communication and PR services OPEN 15th May 2024
4 KEMSA-REG-A-004-2024/2026 Supply of Staff Uniform and personal protective AGPO 15th May 2024 37 KEMSA-REG-C-037-2024/2026 Provision of transportation services for HPTs OPEN 15th May 2024
38 KEMSA-REG-C-038-2024/2026 Provision of Environmental consultancy services OPEN 15th May 2024
5 KEMSA-REG-A-005-2024/2026 Supply and delivery of general office stationary AGPO 15th May 2024
39 KEMSA-REG-C-039-2024/2026 Provision of financial consultancy services OPEN 15th May 2024
6 KEMSA-REG-A-006-2024/2026 Supply and delivery of cleaning materials, deter- AGPO 15th May 2024
gents, toiletries and soaps. 40 KEMSA-REG-C-040-2024/2026 Provision of fumigation and pest control AGPO 15th May 2024

7 KEMSA-REG-A-007-2024/2026 Gift vouchers AGPO 15th May 2024 41 KEMSA-REG-C-041-2024/2026 Provision of insurance brokerage services OPEN 15th May 2024

8 KEMSA-REG-A-008-2024/2026 Supply and delivery of fuels, oils and lubricants OPEN 15th May 2024 42 KEMSA-REG-C-042-2024/2026 Provision of insurance underwriting services. OPEN 15th May 2024

9 KEMSA-REG-A-009-2024/2026 Supply and delivery of general hardware and OPEN 15th May 2024 43 KEMSA-REG-C-043-2024/2026 Provision of laboratory equipment maintenance OPEN 15th May 2024
electrical goods. services.

10 KEMSA-REG-A-010-2024/2026 Supply and delivery of laboratory equipment, OPEN 15th May 2024 44 KEMSA-REG-C-044-2024/2026 Provision of marketing and promotional materials AGPO 15th May 2024
chemicals and glassware 45 KEMSA-REG-C-045-2024/2026 Clearing and forwarding services OPEN 15th May 2024
11 KEMSA-REG-A-011-2024/2026 Supply and delivery of PABX parts and accessories. AGPO 15th May 2024 46 KEMSA-REG-C-046-2024/2026 Provision of networking (LAN/WAN) OPEN 15th May 2024
12 KEMSA-REG-A-012-2024/2026 Supply and delivery of tools and equipment AGPO 15th May 2024 47 KEMSA-REG-C-047-2024/2026 Provision of sanitary bin services AGPO 15th May 2024
13 KEMSA-REG-A-013-2024/2026 Supply of Health Products (Pharmaceuticals) OPEN 15th May 2024 48 KEMSA-REG-C-048-2024/2026 Provision of security services OPEN 15th May 2024
14 KEMSA-REG-A-014-2024/2026 Supply of Health Technologies OPEN 15th May 2024 49 KEMSA-REG-C-049-2024/2026 Provision of software development and support OPEN 15th May 2024
(Laboratory Consumables) services.
15 KEMSA-REG-A-015-2024/2026 Supply of Health Technologies AGPO 15th May 2024 50 KEMSA-REG-C-050-2024/2026 Servicing of computers, printers, faxes, copiers and AGPO 15th May 2024
(Non-Pharmaceuticals) air conditioners
16 KEMSA-REG-B-016-2024/2026 Works Contractors OPEN 15th May 2024 51 KEMSA-REG-C-051-2024/2026 Supply and maintenance of electrical fences, OPEN 15th May 2024
17 KEMSA-REG-B-017-2024/2026 Contractors for interior design, furnishing and OPEN 15th May 2024 alarms and access control equipment’s
decorations 52 KEMSA-REG-C-052-2024/2026 Supply and delivery of electrical equipment and OPEN 15th May 2024
18 KEMSA-REG-C-018-2024/2026 i) Provision of Air Ticketing Services OPEN 15th May 2024 fittings

19 KEMSA-REG-C-019-2024/2026 ii) Printing and branding services AGPO 15th May 2024 53 KEMSA-REG-C-053-2024/2026 Installations of solar and related equipment. OPEN 15th May 2024

20 KEMSA-REG-C-020-2024/2026 Provision of motor vehicle repairs and mainte- OPEN 15th May 2024 54 KEMSA-REG-C-054-2024/2026 Supply and delivery of software licenses and OPEN 15th May 2024
nance service applications.

21 KEMSA-REG-C-021-2024/2026 Provision of legal services OPEN 15th May 2024 55 KEMSA-REG-C-055-2024/2026 Supply, delivery and maintenance of firefighting OPEN 15th May 2024
22 KEMSA-REG-C-022-2024/2026 Provision of Consultancy Services (customer sat- OPEN 15th May 2024
isfaction, enterprise risk management survey, 56 KEMSA-REG-C-056-2024/2026 Supply, delivery and maintenance of two-way OPEN 15th May 2024
alcohol and drug abuse survey, governance and communication
compliance audits, tax consultancy, cost policy, 57 KEMSA-REG-C-057-2024/2026 Supply, installations and maintenance of security AGPO 15th May 2024
employee engagement survey, culture survey and alarms and accessories and CCTV.
change management program, Integrity survey)
58 KEMSA-REG-C-058-2024/2026 Cranes and lifting services OPEN 15th May 2024
23 KEMSA-REG-C-023-2024/2026 Provision of Media Monitoring Services OPEN 15th May 2024
59 KEMSA-REG-C-059-2024/2026 Maintenance of boreholes OPEN 15th May 2024
24 KEMSA-REG-C-024-2024/2026 Provision of event organization services AGPO 15th May 2024
25 KEMSA-REG-C-25-2024/2026 Provision of general cleaning services. AGPO 15th May 2024
Interested and eligible applicants may download a complete set of Registration documents from the KEMSA Website:
26 KEMSA-REG-C-026-2024/2026 Provision of ground Maintenance, Landscaping AGPO 15th May 2024 and/or PPIP Portal: https: //
and Beautification.
Downloaded registration document should be submitted to the following email address: supplierregistration@kemsa.
27 KEMSA-REG-C-027-2024/2026 Provision of Design and Artwork in general printing AGPO 15th May 2024
28 KEMSA-REG-C-028-2024/2026 Provision of messengerial and courier services AGPO 15th May 2024 Note: Applicants under the AGPO category are only required to complete the form indicating the categories they are inter-
ested in and attach valid AGPO certificate.
29 KEMSA-REG-C-029-2024/2026 Provision of office partitioning and office repair AGPO 15th May 2024
services. (works) After the deadline for submission of registration documents by interested applicants, a list of those who will be successful
will be published on KEMSA website. However the registration process remains open for purpose. of updating the list.
30 KEMSA-REG-C-030-2024/2026 Provision of photography and Video services. AGPO 15th May 2024
31 KEMSA-REG-C-031-2024/2026 Provision of maintenance services for generators OPEN 15th May 2024 KEMSA: YOUR PARTNER IN HEALTHCARE
APRIL 30, 2024 NEWSFOCUS | 13

Naivasha Special Economic

Zone to generate 100,000 jobs
as investors stream in

President William Ruto is taken through a demo exercise of bidding on a car

online when he officiated the launch of Africa Auto Auction, the first compa-
ny to open doors at the Naivasha Special Economic Zone
Second-hand Japanese-made models are
being showcased at the car bazaar of the
newly launched Africa Auto Auction company
at the Naivasha Special Economic Zone which Kenya to revamp TVET institutions
to address labor market demands
will enable Kenyans to bid for cars and other
machinery using local currency.

Technology (PASET) at a enroll in TVET institutions,

he government’s move to attract invest- enya is revamping Nairobi hotel. rebranding of TVET, and
ments and operationalize the Naivasha the Technical, Vo- Present during the panel support for Special Needs
Special Economic Zone by assuring the cational Education, discussion were the Chair TVETs had led to a massive
lowest power tariffs from geothermal energy is and Training (TVET) system of PASET Governing Coun- enrollment of students into
poised to create over 100,000 jobs for Kenyans. with the aim of aligning it cil and Minister of State for the TVET system. He added
The zone, which sits on a 1,000-acre strate- with the growing industrial Education in Rwanda, Clau- that the government’s sup-
gically located piece of land in the Mai Mahiu and labour market needs in dette Irere. port for TVET and the inter-
area of Naivasha, has already attracted bids the country. The forum attracted aca- est shown by students had
from five investors worth billions of shillings. Education Cabinet Sec- demia, industry, and gov- outstripped the capacity of
Thanks to its proximity to the Inland Con- retary Mr. Ezekiel Machogu ernments across Africa to the current infrastructure,
tainer Depot, the Standard Gauge Railway, and noted that TVET is a pow- discuss the future of skills, equipment, and support fa-
the steady and sustainable geothermal power erful tool to prepare the education, and entrepre- cilities to meet the training
from Olkaria wells, the zone’s attractiveness youth for the labour market neurship on the continent needs of the students.
Education Cabinet Secretary
compares to no other. and provide lifelong learn- under the theme: “Lever- He further mentioned (CS) Ezekiel Machogu
Through the government’s commitment to ing opportunities to adults, aging Technical, Vocational, that current enrollment in
revise its investment policies, regulatory laws, hence the need to provide and Technical Training TVET institutions is 389,962 trainer versus trainee ratio
relaxed taxation processes, and lower power strong training spaces for (TVET) in the knowledge students against 7,133 of being 1:55.
tariffs, the Naivasha SEZ has taken off with the young people. and skills ecosystem for Af- trainers. “The government has
first company opening its doors to Kenyans. The Cabinet Secretary rica’s industrialization.” Mr Machogu said the en- recruited 2,000 trainers as
Jumbo AAA Holdings launched its first car spoke during the Sixth Mr. Machogu stated that rolment has outstripped part of the continuous re-
auction firm at the zone, where Kenyans will Conference on the Partner- the 100 percent transition the recommended ratio be- cruitment of trainers to ad-
bid for their favorite second-hand cars, spare ship for Skills in Applied to secondary schools, cap- tween trainers and trainee dress the imbalance,” Mr
parts, motorcycles, and machinery using local Sciences, Engineering, and itation for students who of 1:20 with the current Machogu said.
currency through a click of a button.

Government implements projects to

The investment, termed as a game-changer
in the automotive industry, is expected to re-
duce the time of procuring a car or machinery
from 90 days to seven days while cushioning
Kenyans from exchange volatility by trading in
Speaking during the official launch of the
achieve UN development goals
company by President William Ruto, Nakuru BY PATRICK NYAKUNDI(KNA) that will enhance sustain- support it has offered to has been instrumental in

Governor Susan Kihika said the zone opera- able agriculture. KALRO especially in fund- developing numerous crop
tionalization will turn around the economic he Government, The new crops and pas- ing and other development varieties suited for ASALs
fortunes of the county and country. through the Min- ture that have been in- partners who have con- to overcome some of the
Kihika who lauded the President’s com- istry of Agriculture troduced are sorghum, tributed to achieving the challenges in the respective
mitment to support investors setting up en- and Livestock De- cowpeas, grain amaranth research. areas.
terprises at the zone said the move will create velopment, is implement- and green grams follow- The PS challenged “The AgriFI Kenya Cli-
100,000 jobs for deserving youths, spur eco- ing development initiatives ing extensive research and farmers to invest in cli- mate Smart Agricultural
nomic growth and industrialize the region. which will contribute to the farmer trials that have mate-smart crops and grass Project, co-funded by the
The Governor said the zone’s proximity to country’s food and nutri- shown that they do well in varieties so that they can EU and the Kenyan Gov-
the steady availability of high voltage geo- tion security to achieve the arid and semi-arid lands improve production besides ernment, aims to support
thermal power promises investors the lowest United Nations Sustainable (ASALs). earning an income. KALRO’s research on cli-
power tariffs of ksh.5 per kilowatt/hour of Development Goals (SDGs). “The climate smart tech- Dr. Rono said cli- mate-smart agricultural
all the Special Zones and Export Processing To achieve this feat,the nologies developed by mate-smart crops and technologies to address cli-
Zones[EPZ]. Principal Secretary for State KALRO under the AgriFi pasture varieties will con- mate challenges head-on,”
Through government commitment to geo- Department of Agriculture project marks a critical tribute to the government’s Dr. Kireger said, in a
thermal exploration, more than 1,000 MW of Dr. Kipronoh Rono said milestone in our journey effort in delivering Bot- speech read on his behalf
power are currently produced at the Olkaria that the State Department towards a sustainable fu- tom-up Economic Trans- by KALRO Deputy Director
wells with the Rift Valley region estimated to is implementing various ture. By introducing new formation Agenda in food General Dr. Felister Makini.
host over 10,000 MW unexploited geothermal programs, projects and ac- dryland crops and pasture security and combat pov- Further the Director Gen-
energy. tivities at both national and varieties, we will improve erty afflicting many in the eral said they are endeavour-
The government has previously commis- county levels to end hunger productivity and resilience country. ing to advance agriculture
sioned one billion piped water projects from and ensure food security of our agricultural sec- KALRO Director General research and develop tech-
Naivasha town destined for the Industrial Park, and promote sustainable tor even in the face of se- Dr. Eliud Kiplimo Kire- nologies and innovations that
constructed 1.5 KM of internal link roads and agriculture. vere moisture deficits,” ger said his organization will help counter the effects
equipped power connections at the expansive Rono particularly singled said Rono, in a speech through climate-smart and challenges of climate
zone. out the milestone achieved read on his behalf by Badu technologies is targeting change which is a global phe-
Kihika said a close collaboration between by the Kenya Agricultural Katelo, the Deputy Secre- 500,000 smallholder farm- nomenon.
the county and the national government will Livestock Research Or- tary Administration, State ers and pastoralists in de- “The development of cli-
upscale more water piping to the zone to cater ganization (KALRO) of Department of Agricul- veloping resistant crops, to mate smart agriculture (CSA)
for the needs of the envisioned Naivasha in- introducing new dryland ture at KALRO in Kiboko, enhance technology adop- technologies has emerged as a
dustrial city. crops and pasture varieties Makindu Sub-County. tion and foster linkages. solution, aligning climate re-
through the use of the cli- Rono also lauded the He revealed that KALRO’s silience with food security,”
mate-smart technologies European Union for the dryland research program he said.
14 | NEWSFOCUS APRIL 30, 2024





The Kenya Copyright Board (KECOBO) is a State Corporation operating under the office of the Ministry of Gender,
Culture, the Arts & Heritage with the mandate including licensing and supervising Collective Management METHODS
The Kenya Rural Roads Authority (“KeRRA”) through the Government of Kenya has received financing from Agence
Pursuant to this mandate, KECOBO hereby invites public comments on the licensing of Collective Management Française de Développement (“AFD”) and European Union (“EU”), and intends to use part of the funds for training of
Organizations (CMOs) in accordance with Regulation 11 (2) (c) of the Copyright (Collective Management) Regula- small-scale contractors in the rehabilitation of roads to Low Volume Sealed standards using Labour-based methods
tions 2020. The Board is seeking written comments from any interested person on the suitability of the applicants in the counties of Laikipia, Meru, Tharaka-Nithi, Samburu, Isiolo and Marsabit.
listed below.
In this connection, the Kenya Rural Roads Authority – KeRRA now invites small-scale local construction firms in-
S/ COMPANY RIGHTS REPRESENTED DATE OF terested in carrying out low volume seal road rehabilitation works in the above mentioned counties to apply for
NO. REGISTRATION consideration for training.
1. Music Copyright Society of Authors, Composers, Arrangers and Publishers of 4/3/1983
Kenya (MCSK) Ltd music The proposed training aims at providing the owners and senior staff of these enterprises with the knowledge and
skills required to carry out road improvements, rehabilitation and maintenance operations correctly and to manage
2. Film Makers Rights Achievers Audiovisual Producers 24/07/2019 their businesses efficiently.
of Kenya (FRAK) Ltd
1. Target Group: -
3. Kenya Association of Music Producers of Sound Recordings category 11/12/ 2003
Producers (KAMP) Ltd
i. Contractors currently registered with National Construction Authority (NCA) 5, 6 and 7 only. (Contractors
4. Kenya Association Music Authors, Composers, arrangers, publishers, perform- 11/12/ 2003 already registered in Categories 1 to 4 should not apply
Producers (KAMP) Ltd ers, producers of audiovisual recordings (music &
film), reprography, visual arts etc ii. Contractors must have already been trained under Roads 2000 Labour-based gravelling works and
successfully undertaken at least 2 gravelling projects in the last 5 years
5. Performing and Audiovisual Rightsholders in musical works (authors, compos- 9/10/ 2009
Rights Society of Kenya ers, publishers), performers of sound recording and iii. Interested contractors should be in the register of prequalified contractors in the respective counties
(PAVRISK) Ltd producers of sound recording, audiovisual works
(producer of audiovisual works, actors, scriptwriters), 2. Required Qualification
and other rights (reprographic and visual arts)
6. Collective Management All classes of rights including authors, composers, 11/05/2018 i. Managing Directors Minimum Qualification • Minimum KCSE grade D+
Services Ltd publishers, performers, and producers • Additional technical or professional training will be an
added advantage
• KIHBT R2000 Labour Based Gravelling Contractors
The comments should be sent to [email protected] or physically delivered to the Kenya Copyright Board Training certificate
Reception on 5th Floor, NHIF Building, Ragati/Ngong Road so as to reach us not later than 7th May, 2024 before
5.00 p.m. ii. Site Supervisors Minimum Qualification • Diploma in Civil Engineering
• KIHBT R2000 Labour Based Gravelling Contractors
Training certificate
• Successfully supervised at least one R2000 gravelling

3. Training Duration:

a. Managing Directors - 3 weeks (2 weeks Classroom in Isiolo + 1 week for Practical Training on demonstration
road in Isiolo)

b. Site Supervisors - 5 weeks (3 weeks Classroom in Isiolo + 2 weeks for Practical Training on demonstration
road in Isiolo)

4. Selection process

Stage 1: Primary Screening Vetting of all applications to select candidates meeting the conditions set in
THE KENYA SCHOOL OF LAW the prequalification Questionnaire and recommend for interview
Stage 2: Interviews Oral and written interviews to ascertain suitability of the recommended candi-

dates and the correctness of information provided

Stage 3: Verification and Verification of the authenticity of all information provided and recommenda-
final selection tion to KeRRA for formal invitation for training

REGISTRATION OF SUPPLIERS FOR THE FINANCIAL YEARS 2024-2026 At the end of the selection process 25 Contractors i.e. 25 Managing Directors / Contract Managers and 50 Site super-
visors will be selected and invited for training.
TENDER No: KSL/REG/004/2023-2024
The selected contractors will undergo intensive classroom and field training by Kenya Institute of Highways & Building
CLOSING ON 15th MAY 2024 AT 12 NOON Technology (KIHBT). Most of the training will be undertaken in Isiolo region. Only those contractors who complete the
training course successfully will be considered in carrying out low volume seal road works by labour-based methods.

The Kenya School of Law is a Postgraduate Training Institution established under the provisions of the As part of their commitment the selected contractors will be required to contribute Ksh. 50,000 which is about 20
Kenya School of Law Act, 2012 of the Laws of Kenya. % of the total training cost for the Managing Director together with 2 Site Supervisors. Payments will be paid through
e-citizen paybill 222222, Account Number, KERDFA–COMPANY NAME.
The School invites sealed applications for registration of interested and qualified suppliers, contractors
and consultants for the financial years 2024-2025 and 2025-2026 in various categories as indicated in This training programme is NCA approved and all contractors who successfully complete the course will earn up to
the Tender document. The registration documents containing submission information, detailed terms 30 CPD points.
and conditions of qualification may be viewed and downloaded free of charge from the Public Procure-
A brochure providing more information about the training course and the required prequalification forms will be
ment Information Portal (PPIP) or from our website or obtained from the Supply Chain
available from the Authority’s Website free of charge with effect from 3rd May, 2024.
Management office located at Administration block gate C, Kenya School of Law Langata South Road
during normal working hours upon payment of non-refundable tender fee of kshs.1000.00 The Prequalification Forms shall be deposited in the Tender Box located at the office of Regional Director of the
respective regions on or before 11:00am on 16th May, 2024.
Duly completed Registration documents, in plain sealed envelopes clearly marked “category No…. For Regional Director, Regional Director, Regional Director,
the supply/provision of……………………………” should be addressed to Kenya Rural Roads Authority Kenya Rural Roads Authority Kenya Rural Roads Authority
Meru Region, Tharaka Nithi Region, Isiolo Region,
P. O. Box 442-60200, P. O. Box246-60400, P. O. Box 528-60300,
The Director/Chief Executive Officer MERU CHUKA ISIOLO
Kenya School of Law
Langata South Road - Karen Regional Director, Regional Director, Regional Director,
P O Box 30369-00100 Kenya Rural Roads Authority Kenya Rural Roads Authority Kenya Rural Roads Authority
NAIROBI Laikipia Region, Samburu Region, Marsabit Region,
P. O. Box 495-10400, P. O. Box 44-20600, P. O. Box 73-60500,
The Director/Chief Executive Officer
Deputy Director (Supply Chain Management)
The Kenya School of Law is an ISO 9001:2015 Certified Organization
APRIL 30, 2024 NEWSFOCUS | 15

Kisumu City’s Sh5.2b housing The projects rolled out

by the Affordable Housing
said, have decayed while
others have been grabbed,
different state agencies
and we have some en-

project to generate jobs and Fund at a cost of Sh172.6

million, he said, will come
with modern sheds, cold
adding that plans were
underway to include
them under the affordable
cumbrances. Some have
arrears in statutory pay-
ments but we are inviting

spur economic growth storage facilities, lactation

rooms, ICT hubs and a cir-
culation area with each
housing programme.
“The units here in Ki-
sumu were done by
them to have discussions
with the fund and see how
we can partner to rebuild
MAHANDARA(KNA) will gazette the rates for market accommodating them,” he said.
acquiring the units. up to 200 traders. The units here Members of the pub-

isumu City is poised “This is a fixed contract He added that the state lic were taken through
for a transformative project and there shall be department was relooking in Kisumu the Affordable Housing
housing revolution no variations. Therefore, at all government houses were done by Regulations, 2024 which
following the unveiling the contractor is expected in the area including civil have been developed by
of the Sh5.2 billion Lu- to deliver the project be- servants pool houses with different gov- the State Department for
mumba Estate Affordable tween 18-24 months,” he a view to redeveloping ernment agen- Housing and Urban De-
Housing Project.
This follows the demo-
Speaking at Ofafa Me-
them under the affordable
housing programme.
cies and we have velopment to operational-
ise the Affordable Housing
lition of old houses at the morial Hall in Kisumu Some of the units, he encumbrances Act.
pre-independence estate, during a public partic-
ending 63 years of its ex- ipation meeting on the
istence. Affordable Housing Reg-
The project, spear- Jared Buoga ulations 2024, Buoga dis-
headed by the national closed that four other
government through the mentally sustainable fea- major affordable housing
Affordable Housing Pro- tures, promising a better projects are in the pipeline
gramme, will see over quality of life for residents. in the area.
1,600 units developed to This includes a health The projects to be done
bridge the shortage of facility, shopping mall, in Maseno, Muhoroni,
houses in the area. State Early Childhood Develop- Ahero and Upper Kanyak- THE INFORMATION AND COMMUNICATIONS TECHNOLOGY AUTHORITY
Department for Housing ment (ECD) center, paved war, he said, will go a long
and Urban Development walkways, parking lots, way in addressing housing
Nyanza Regional Direc- playgrounds, and a club- needs in the lakeside city.
tor, Jared Buoga, said the house. Additionally, the “We are already work- ICTA-PROGRAM IMPLEMENTATION UNIT
project will feature a mix project is expected to cre- ing on the designs for the
of social housing and af- ate employment opportu- four projects which we
fordable housing, with a nities for locals during the hope to roll out in the next REQUEST FOR EXPRESSION OF INTEREST
section of the estate of- construction phase, fur- financial year,” he said.
fered for sale at market ther stimulating economic Also underway, he said, (Consulting Services – Firms Selection)
rates. The project, com- growth in the area. was the construction of
prising studios, one-bed- Buoga said the con- ultra-modern markets at Country: Kenya
room, two-bedroom, and tractor who is on site has Kisian, Mowlem and Mu-
Name of project Kenya Digital Economy Acceleration Project (KDEAP)
three-bedroom units, been given 18 months to horoni with contractors
will incorporate modern complete the project af- given up to four months to Project No.: P170941
amenities and environ- ter which the government complete the projects. Credit No: 7289-KE and 7290-KE
Assignment Title: Design & Supervision of the Implementation of Huduma Kenya Multichannel
Delivery Channels (Huduma on Wheels Prototype, Digital Self-Service Kiosk
Prototype, User Tutorial Prototype & Digital Assistant)
Contract No.: KE-ICTA-401465-CS-QCBS

1. The Government of Kenya has received a financing from the World Bank towards the cost of the Kenya Digital
Economy Acceleration Project (KDEAP) and intends to apply part of the proceeds for consulting services.
2. The consulting services (“the Services”) include Design & Supervision of the Implementation of Huduma Kenya
Multichannel Delivery Channels (Huduma on Wheels Prototype, Digital Self-Service Kiosk Prototype, User Tutorial

INVITATION TO TENDER Prototype & Digital Assistant). The assignment is expected to take Eighteen (18) calendar months from the date
of contract commencement.

Tourism Fund is a body corporate established under the Tourism Act, 2011, charged with the mandate of mobiliz- 3. The detailed Terms of Reference (TOR) for the assignment can be found at the following website:
and or can be obtained at the address given below.
ing resources to finance sustainable development of the tourism and hospitality industry in Kenya.
4. The Information and Communications Technology Authority through the Program Implementation Unit (PIU) now
The Fund invites sealed bids from interested and eligible bidders for the following tenders; invites eligible consulting firms (“Consultants”) to indicate their interest in providing the Services. Interested
Consultants should provide information demonstrating that they have the required qualifications and relevant
No Tender Description Tender Number Closing: Date & Time experience to perform the Services. The shortlisting criteria are:
a) Core business and years in business: The firm shall be registered/incorporated as a consulting firm in
1. Supply, Installation, Testing and Commission of TF/05/2023-2024 14th May, 2024 at 12:00 the design and supervision of digital applications and services or related fields for at least ten (10) years.
Electronic Document Management System Noon b) Relevant experience: The firm shall demonstrate having successfully executed and completed at least
2. Provision of Repairs and Maintenance Services of ICT TF/06/2023-2024 14th May, 2024 at 12:00 two (2) projects of similar nature both in scope and complexity in a similar operating environment in the
last ten (10) years. Details of the assignment, name and address of the client, scope, value, and period
Equipment. Noon
shall be provided.
3. Provision of Maintenance Services for Network TF/07/2023-2024 14th May, 2024 at 12:00 c) Technical and managerial capability of the consulting firm: The firm shall demonstrate as having the
Infrastructure. Noon requisite technical capacity including relevant equipment, tools, software etc. and managerial capacity to
undertake the assignment in the submitted company profile(s).
The tender document can be viewed and downloaded free of charge from the following websites: Key Experts will not be evaluated at the shortlisting stage. or .
5. The attention of interested Consultants is drawn to Section III, paragraphs, 3.14, 3.16, and 3.17 of the World Bank’s
NOTE: Bidders who download the document from the mentioned website MUST immediately forward their par- “Procurement Regulations for IPF Borrowers” First Published July 2016 and Revised Fifth Edition September
ticulars for records and for purposes of receiving any further clarifications and/or addendums to 2023 (“Procurement Regulations”), setting forth the World Bank’s policy on conflict of interest.
[email protected] . 6. Consultants may associate with other firms to enhance their qualifications but should indicate clearly whether the
association is in the form of a joint venture and/or a sub-consultancy. In the case of a joint venture, all the partners
Completed Tender documents in plain sealed envelopes clearly marked on top with the title and reference of the in the joint venture shall be jointly and severally liable for the entire contract, if selected.
Tender should be addressed to: - 7. A Consulting firm will be selected in accordance with the Quality Cost Based Selection (QCBS) method set out in
the Procurement Regulations.
The Chief Executive Officer
Tourism Fund 8. Further information can be obtained at the address below during the following office hours 0900 and 1600 hours
Tourism Fund Building, Access from Bishops Road, 6th floor from Monday to Friday excluding lunch hour (1300 to 1400hours) East African Time (EAT) and public holidays.
P.O. Box 46987-00100, Nairobi 9. Expression of interest must be delivered in written form by 16th May 2024 at 1000hours EAT. - using one of
Tel. No. 020-2714900/1/2 Fax No.020-2714911 the following modalities: (i) deposit in the tender box located on 12th Floor, Telposta Towers, Kenyatta Avenue in
Email: [email protected] Nairobi, Kenya or (ii) send by email to: [email protected] and quote the Assignment title and Contract
No. in the subject row. For expressions of interest that will be deposited at the tender box, the packages should
And must be deposited in the Tender Box at 6th floor, Tourism Fund Building, Access from Bishops Road, Nairobi be clearly marked Design & Supervision of the Implementation of Huduma Kenya Multichannel Delivery Channels
so as to be received on or before 14th May, 2024 at 12 Noon East African time. (Huduma on Wheels Prototype, Digital Self-Service Kiosk Prototype, User Tutorial Prototype & Digital Assistant);
Contract No. KE-ICTA-401465-CS-QCBS
Tenders will be opened immediately after the closing time in the presence of the candidate’s representatives who Address:
choose to attend in the Training Room no.1 on 6th Floor, Tourism Fund Building. Chief Executive Officer,
The Information and Communications Technology Authority,
P.O Box 27150, Kenyatta Avenue
AG. CHIEF EXECUTIVE OFFICER 00100, Nairobi, Kenya.
TOURISM FUND Tel.: (+254) 20 667 6999 , E-mail: [email protected] / [email protected]
Attn: Deputy Director, Supply Chain Management
16 | NEWSFOCUS APRIL 30, 2024


Government launches new initiative to Kenya Power commits

transition public institutions to LPG usage Sh258 million to boost
learning institutions, the
electric vehicle adoption
he Government will project will later cover
assist five thousand other institutions includ-
public learning in- ing public hospitals, na-
stitutions, including sec- tional youth colleges and
ondary schools, TVETs, correctional institutions.
and teachers’ training col- Mr. Liban revealed that
leges, to switch from the ELUP will further sup-
use of firewood to lique- port the distribution of
fied petroleum gas (LPG). LPG cylinders to low-in-
Currently, the project, come households, exe- Kenya Power MD and CEO, Eng. (Dr.) Joseph Siror
dubbed the Enhanced cute and operationalize (second from left) during the launch of an electric
Liquefied Petroleum Gas the importation of LPG vehicle (EV) charging station at Stima Plaza, Nairobi.
Uptake Project (ELUP), is through the Open Tender BY JOSEPH
being piloted in 20 learn- Principal Secretary, State Department for Petroleum System Framework, de- NG’ANG’A(KNA) time) and a 22 kW AC

Mohamed Liban gives a keynote address at Kenya
ing institutions drawn School of Government. Photos by Bonface Malinda/ velop common user bulk enya Power will in- charger (two-hour
from across the eight re- KNA LPG infrastructure as vest up to Sh258 charging time).
gions in the country. well as develop the pol- million over the next This is the second EV
According to Principal for stakeholders held at accessories, civil works icy, legal and regulatory three years to drive the charging station owned
Secretary of the State De- the Kenya School of Gov- and housing cages, ret- framework. The PS said in uptake of electric vehi- by Kenya Power, follow-
partment for Petroleum, ernment, Kabete, over the rofitting of cook-stoves, low-income households, cles in the country. ing a similar one located
Mr. Mohamed Liban, the weekend, Mr. Liban added provision of seed gas and the project will distrib- The investment in- at the Ruaraka Depot,
implementation of the that the initiative was part training of users in the ute six- kilogramme LPG cludes the cost of setting which hosts the compa-
project is on course, and of the grand measures that identified learning insti- cylinders, including ac- up charging stations at ny’s transport section.
actual works are expected support forest conserva- tutions. Participants at cessories and initial gas various locations across “The future of trans-
to commence by June this tion and climate mitiga- the workshop were heads at subsidized costs with the country and the pur- port is electric and as a
year. tion efforts. He said that of secondary schools and the benefiting families chase of electric vehicles company, we are very
The PS revealed that, once operational, ELUP TVET institutions and rep- expected to meet the sub- and motorbikes to aid excited to be leading the
in the long run, the pro- will contribute to assist- resentatives of the boards sequent cost of re-filling company operations. conversations around
ject, whose management ing Kenya in increas- from the participating in- their gas cylinders. As part of the plan, E-mobility.
is being spearheaded by ing its LPG consumption stitutions. He noted the project Kenya Power launched “Alongside our need to
the State Department from 7.5 kilograms to 15 The PS also said the ini- aims to reach 4.5 million an electric vehicle (EV) charge our electric ve-
for Petroleum within the kilograms per capita per tiative also aimed at con- low-income earners and charging station at Stima hicles, we intend to use
Ministry of Energy and year, as well as enhancing tributing to the fulfillment the process of identifying Plaza, which has been our EV charging stations
Petroleum, targets to as- LPG penetration from 24 of the government’s Bot- the beneficiaries is on-go- set up at a cost of Sh6.5 to collect data that will
sist all public institutions percent to 70 percent by tom-Up Transformation ing, regretting that close million. inform the next steps of
in switching from the use 2028.Through it, the State Agenda (BETA) of im- to 14,000 deaths in Kenya The charging station our support to the grow-
of firewood for cooking Department for Petroleum proving the quality of life annually is attributed to comprises two charg- ing e-mobility indus-
to LPG. Speaking during will support the installa- of Kenyans. indoor air pollution from ers: a 50 kW DC charger try,” said Kenya Power’s
a sensitization workshop tion of storage tanks and He said in addition to the use of wood. (one-hour charging CEO Eng Joseph Siror.


Office of the Cabinet Secretary


In partnership with
The Hydrologists (Miscellaneous Amendment) Bill, 2024 was developed SUBMISSION DEADLINE
and subjected to regional public participation from 21st February - 1st
March, 2024. Date: 30th April 2024


This is pursuant to Article 10(2) (a) of the Constitution of Kenya as read
together with Sections 4(a) and 5(3) (a) and (b) of the Statutory Instru-
ments Act, 2016 which entrenches public participation in the legislation All prospective bidders for the above ongoing procurement of works for the construction of the Gigiri - Karura -
process. Outering Road Transmission Pipeline are hereby informed that the Addendum No. 1 to the bidding document,
responses to clarifications sought by bidders, and the minutes of the pre-bid meeting and site visit can be
downloaded from the AWWDA website:, and PPIP Portal, for free.
The Ministry of Water, Sanitation and Irrigation upon receipt and compi- Bidders who download the Addendum No. 1 document from the website MUST forward their particulars im-
lation of stakeholders’ submissions therefore invites the general public mediately to [email protected], for records and circulation of any further clarifications and addenda
that may be sought from the address below.
to validate the Hydrologists (Miscellaneous Amendment) Bill, 2024 at
the Kenya School of Monetary Studies on 16th May, 2024 starting All Bidders are further informed that the Bid Submission date has been extended from 8th May 2024 to 22nd May
2024 at 12:00 pm East African Time.
from 8:30 am.
Electronic Tenders WILL NOT be permitted.

The Hydrologists (Miscellaneous Amendment) Bill, 2024 is posted at the Chief Executive Officer,
following websites: and Athi Water Works Development Agency,
Athi Water Plaza, Muthaiga North Road, Off Kiambu Road P.O. BOX 45283-00100, Nairobi, Kenya.
Tel: 254-715 688272;
Email: [email protected]
Julius Korir, CBS
APRIL 30, 2024 NEWSFOCUS | 17

CS- Land use plans and policies to be strictly enforced after

review of the National Land Policy is completed
BY CATHERINE MUINDI(PCO) The review of the policy is being spear- ordinating committees and technical work-
headed by a multi-sectoral team including ing groups.
All land use policies will be enforced representatives from the Ministry, county Mr.Nixon Korir, the Principal Secretary for
strictly to bring an end to the rampant governments, National Land Commission, Lands told participants that the Ministry’s
disregard for physical planning guide- Academia, Civil Society and professional Strategic Plan 2023-2027 calls for a review of
lines once the on-going review of the bodies. several strategic issues including the National
National Land Policy is completed. Ms Wahome noted that valuable comments Land Policy to bring it into accord with the
According to the Lands, Urban Devel- and inputs from institutions and individuals, Constitution and emerging realities.
opment, Physical Planning and Public among them Coast Civil Society groups, has Korir said that the revised policy will form
Works Cabinet Secretary Ms Alice Wa- been incorporated in the policy as part of the the basis of review of the Survey Act Cap 299,
home (pictured), irregular developments consultative process, and in compliance with Land Act, 2012, Land Registration Act, 2012,
in many parts of the country are a major article 10 of the Constitution. National Land Commission Act, 2012 among
contributory factor to the current de- She lauded the Coordinating and Steer- others adding, “develop a policy that is radi-
structive impact of the on-going floods ing Committees for their efforts and ensur- cal in its philosophy, strategic in outlook and
caused by heavy rains. ing that the review process has been done realistic within the context of Kenya,” Korir
Ms Wahome who was speaking in Na- through multi-sector, multi-disciplinary co- added.
kuru while attending a working session
together with Lands PS Generali Nixon
Korir where they were briefed on the first
draft of the National Land Policy 2024. MINISTRY OF INTERIOR
The policy will replace the National
Land Policy 2009 which expired in 2019 AND NATIONAL ADMINISTRATION
which was written before the promul-
gation of the 2010 Constitution and did
not capture the radical changes in Ken- REVOCATION OF LEGAL NOTICE NO.
ya’s land laws. He noted the project aims PSRA/001/2024 TENDER NOTICE
to reach 4.5 million low-income earners
and the process of identifying the bene- PRIVATE SECURITY REGULATION ACT
ficiaries is on-going, regretting that close (No. 13 of 2016) This is to bring to the attention of the general public that
to 14,000 deaths in Kenya annually is at- an invitation for several Goods, Works and Services. Tenders
tributed to indoor air pollution from the IT IS HEREBY NOTIFIED for the general have been uploaded on the PUBLIC PROCUREMENT
use of wood. information of the public that the Cabinet Sec-
The new Constitution transferred many INFORMATION PORTAL and KENYA AIRPORTS
roles previously exclusively performed by retary for Interior and National Administration AUTHORITY’S WEBSITE.
the State Department for Lands and Physi- has revoked Legal Notice No. PSRA/001/2024
cal Planning to County Governments and the Interested bidders are requested to visit KAA’s website at
National Land Commission(NLC). dated 5th February, 2024 by the Private
The Government, Ms Wahome said has Security Regulatory Authority as published or Public Procurement
called for strict adherence to land use plans
to reduce the impact of floods in the country in myGov Newspaper on 6th February, 2024. Information Portal at free of charge
in future adding that the National Govern- for more information.
ment and counties have to enhance their co-
ordination in order to enforce land use plans
Dated the 21st March, 2024
Canvassing for the tender by the tenderer or by proxy shall
“Both two levels of Government will have lead to automatic disqualification of their tender.
to step up their coordination and enforce-
ment efforts to ensure land use plans and General Manager Procurement and Logistics
policies are strictly followed, “ the CS said. Cabinet Secretary for Interior and For: MANAGING DIRECTOR/CEO.
She further said that both the National and
the County Governments need to be conver- National Administration
sant with physical planning laws.

Tel No: 254 20 3922000, Fax No: 254 20 3922400 Email: [email protected]
Commercial Street, Industrial Area
P.O. Box 47715-00100 GPO Nairobi, Kenya
Maseno University invites tenders from eligible candidates for the following

S/No. Tender No. Description of Service Tender Closing

1 MSU/ONT/015/2023- Provision, Installation and Configu- 7th May 2024 , at Reserved
2024 ration of Amphitheater Audio Visual 11.00 am (Youth, KEMSA wishes to inform the general public and all stakeholders that our headquarters
Equipment at Maseno University - Women & will be relocating from Commercial Street, Industrial Area to The National Supply Chain
Phase 1 PWDs)
Centre in Embakasi off Airport North Road, with effect from 1st May 2024. The move will
A complete set of tender documents may be downloaded from Maseno University Website
centralize our operations and inject efficiency for improved service delivery.
or at no cost.
Our phone numbers and email addresses remain unchanged and customers can contin-
Bidder’s shall submit an original and a copy of the tender documents clearly marked “original” or “copy” and ue to access all services at the new office location uninterrupted.
packaged together. Sealed and dully completed tender documents in plain envelopes indicating Tender Number
and without identifying the sender must be addressed to:
We remain committed to provide reliable, affordable and quality Health Products and
THE VICE-CHANCELLOR Technologies and supply chain solutions that save and transforms lives in East and
Central Africa.
And be deposited in the tender box situated at the entrance to the Administration Block College Campus on or
before Tuesday 7th May, 2024 at 11.00 am. Tenders will be opened immediately thereafter in the Procurement KEMSA: YOUR PARTNER IN HEALTHCARE
Department Boardroom-Main Campus. Interested bidders or their representatives are invited to attend the
opening session. Late bids shall not be accepted.
18 | NEWSFOCUS APRIL 30, 2024



TENDER NOTICE The Geothermal Development Company Limited (GDC) invites sealed tenders from eligible candidates
for the following:
The Kenya Medical Practitioners and Dentists Council (“Council” of “KMPDC”) is a body corporate established
GDC/SC/REG/060/2023- Registration of Suppliers & Service CATEGORY A (Goods)
under Section 3 of the Medical Practitioners and Dentists Act (CAP 253 Laws of Kenya) with the mandate to
regulate the training and practice of medicine, dentistry and community oral health within the Republic of Kenya.
2024 Providers for a period of two (2) years 13th May 2024 at 10.00 am
The Council is also mandated by CAP 253 to regulate all health facilities within the country. (f/y 2024-2026). CATEGORY B (Services)
14th May 2024 at 10.00 am
The Council invites eligible and competent firms for Expression of Interest as indicated below;
Tender Number Tender Name 15th May 2024 at 10.00 am

KMPDC/EOI/001/2023-2025 Expression of Interest for Supply, Delivery, Installation, Commissioning and Interested eligible bidders may obtain further information and inspect the tender document from the office
Maintenance of an E-Learning Platform. of Manager, Supply Chain at Kawi House, South C off Mombasa Road, Red Cross Road between 9.00am
and 4.00pm during week days.
Interested eligible Firms may obtain the EOI document from the office of the Supply Chain Management De- A complete set of the registration document may be obtained by interested firms upon payment of
partment, on 2nd Floor at the KMPDC Complex along Woodlands Road during normal working hours (8.00AM- a non-refundable fee of Kshs.1000 payable to our accounts office in cash or by banker’s cheque. The
5.00PM) from Monday to Friday. The documents can be downloaded free of charge from documents can also be viewed and downloaded from the website or PPIP Portal
or free of charge. Bidders who download the tender document from the website
MUST forward their particulars immediately to [email protected] for records and any further
Completed EOI documents are to be enclosed in plain sealed envelopes marked with EOI name and reference tender clarifications and addenda.
number and deposited in the Tender Box on Ground Floor at the KMPDC Complex, along Woodlands Road off The application for registration should be submitted in sealed marked envelopes properly labeled
Lenana Road; addressed to: with the Registration Reference Number indicated above, Category & the tender closing date; shall be
addressed to;
Chief Executive Officer
Kenya Medical Practitioners & Dentists Council
Managing Director & CEO,
P.O. Box 44839-00100,
Nairobi, Kenya Geothermal Development Company
P.O Box 100746-00101
so as to be received on or before Friday, 10th May 2024 at 11.00am. NAIROBI, KENYA

Applications will be opened immediately thereafter, in the presence of candidates or their representatives who and deposited in the tender box at Ground Floor GDC office Kawi House, South C Off Mombasa Road,
choose to attend the opening meeting, at the Tribunal Centre on 3rd Floor. Red Cross Road on or before the dates specified above.
Registration documents will be opened immediately thereafter in the presence of the tenderers or their
Chief Executive Officer
representatives who choose to attend at Kawi House, South C GDC Board Room Ground Floor.
Kenya Medical Practitioners & Dentists Council Late registration document will not be accepted.





The Office of the Controller of Budget (OCOB) is an independent office established under Article 228 of the
Constitution of Kenya, 2010 to oversee the implementation of the budgets of the national and county
governments and report on them. The National Youth Service invites sealed bids from eligible firms for the Supply, Delivery and Installation of Data
Center Servers & Storage; Network Monitoring & Autonomous Response Appliance; and Cyber Security Solution
Pursuant to Article 252 (1) (c) of the Constitution, the OCOB seeks to recruit highly qualified and competent staff to National Youth Service Headquarters, Nairobi as tabulated below;
to fill the following vacant positions.
S/No Tender Name Tender No.
Position No. of Posts Terms of Service 1. Supply, Delivery and Installation of Data Center NYS/ONT/037/Data Center Servers & Storage/
1 Director, Corporate Services 1 Contract Servers & Storage at NYS Headquarters, Nairobi 2023-2024

2 Manager Legal Services 1 Permanent and Pensionable 2. Supply, Delivery and Installation of Network NYS/ONT/038/ Network Monitoring & Autono-
Monitoring & Autonomous Response Appliance mous Response Appliance/ 2023-2024
3 County Budget Coordinator 1 Permanent and Pensionable at the NYS Headquarters, Nairobi
4 Accountant 1 Permanent and Pensionable 3. Supply, Delivery and Installation of Cyber Security NYS/ONT/039/ Cyber Security Solution/ 2023-
solution at the NYS Headquarters, Nairobi 2024
4 Internal Auditor 1 Permanent and Pensionable
5 Administrative Assistant 2 Permanent and Pensionable Complete set of tender documents may be purchased or obtained by interested tenderers upon payment of a
non-refundable fee of Kshs. 1,000 made through MPESA [Paybill No. 222222, Account Number NYSHQ2-
6 Customer Care Assistant 1 Permanent and Pensionable Bidder’s Name] and collected from the Supply Chain Management Offices at the NYS Headquarters in Nairobi,
7 Assistant Accountant 1 Permanent and Pensionable during official working hours between 9:00am - 4:00pm from Monday to Friday.

8 Clerical Officer 1 Permanent and Pensionable Tender documents may also be viewed and obtained electronically free of charge from the websites, www.nys. and . Tenders shall however not be submitted electronically but physically delivered
9 Driver 2 Permanent and Pensionable to the address provided below.
10 Support Staff 2 Permanent and Pensionable The Director General / CEO
National Youth Service Headquarters
Please visit the career page on our website for detailed job profiles and instructions on how to P.O Box 30397-00100,
apply. Applications should be sent by post or hand delivered to our Office addressed to the undersigned: Nairobi

The Controller of Budget Tenders in plain sealed envelopes, marked tender number on the right-hand side corner and bearing no indica-
Bima House 12th Floor, Harambee Avenue. tion of the tenderer should be addressed, delivered and placed in the tender box on 1st floor of the NYS Head-
P.O Box 35616-00100 Nairobi quarters Administration Block Building, so as to be received not later than 15th May 2024 at 11:00am.

so as to reach the Office of the Controller of Budget not later than 14th May, 2024 at 5.00pm. Submitted bids will be opened immediately after the tender closure on the same date and time publicly in the
presence of the tenderers or their representatives who choose to attend. Late bids will be returned unopened.
Only shortlisted candidates will be contacted.
The Government reserves the right to reject any tender and does not bind itself to accept the lowest or any tender.
The Office of the Controller of Budget is an equal opportunity employer.
Head Supply Chain Management Services
For: NYS Director General/CEO
APRIL 30, 2024 NEWSFOCUS | 19


Office of the Principal Secretary

Kenya Electricity Transmission Company Limited (KETRACO) is a State Corporation whose mandate is to plan, design,
construct, operate, own, and maintain high voltage national electricity transmission grid and regional power intercon- (Hydrologists Act, 2017)

KETRACO now invites tenders from interested/eligible firms to bid for the tender given below: NATIONAL STAKEHOLDERS’ VALIDATION ON THE
S/ Tender Description Tender Closing Date Eligibility
NO Reference Number
The Hydrologists (Miscellaneous Amendment) Bill, 2024 was developed and subjected to regional public
1. Procurement of Assorted Tools for KETRACO-PT- 016 22nd May 2024 Tender is reserved for Youth, participation from 21st February - 1st March, 2024.
Overhead Lines Maintenance Works -2024 at 10:30 am Women and People Living
EAT with Disability This is pursuant to Article 10(2) (a) of the Constitution of Kenya as read together with Sections 4(a) and 5(3)
(a) and (b) of the Statutory Instruments Act, 2016 which entrenches public participation in the legislation
KETRACO tenders run on SAP ARIBA e-procurement platform and therefore the tender document detailing the process.
requirements may be viewed by clicking on the link provided in KETRACO website ( beginning
30th April 2024. The Ministry of Water, Sanitation and Irrigation upon receipt and compilation of stakeholders’ submissions
therefore invites the general public to validate the Hydrologists (Miscellaneous Amendment) Bill, 2024 at the
All enquiries on this tender should be channelled through [email protected]; [email protected];
[email protected],cc [email protected] or through message board in SAP Ariba.
Kenya School of Monetary Studies on 16th May, 2024 starting from 8:30 am.

Complete tender documents shall be electronically submitted through SAP ARIBA platform on or before the dates as The Hydrologists (Miscellaneous Amendment) Bill, 2024 is posted at the following websites: http://www.
indicated in the table above for specific tenders. and Members of the public may submit comments, input or
memoranda regarding the draft Bill to the Cabinet Secretary, Ministry of Water, Sanitation and Irrigation,
Tenders will be opened electronically promptly thereafter in the presence of the tenderers or their representatives who P.O Box 49720-00100, Maji House, Nairobi or to the Registrar/CEO, Hydrologists Registration P.O. Box
choose to attend in KETRACO Procurement Office at Kawi Complex, Block B, Second Floor. 51224-00100 Nairobi or emailed to [email protected] or [email protected] to be received by
Wednesday 15th May, 2024 at 5.00pm.
Julius Korir, CBS


The Kenya Civil Aviation Authority is responsible for providing regulatory oversight, air navigation services and
LAPFUND is a State Corporation established in 1960 by an Act of Parliament Cap. 272, Laws of Kenya and a aviation training in Kenya. The Authority is seeking to recruit qualified Kenyan citizens to fill the following vacant
Defined Contribution Retirement Scheme registered and regulated by the Retirement Benefits Act of 1997 and positions in its establishment:
Subsequent Regulations.
LAPFUND invites interested firms/tenderers to bid for the following tenders. POSTS
1 Chief Aviation Security Inspector REF: ASSR/AS/02/24 1
OPENING DATE 2. Chief Inspector - Approved Training Organizations REF: ASSR/PEL/04/24 1

1. LAPFUND/ICT/SERVER/03/ Supply, Delivery, Installation, Open Tender 14th May 2024 at 3. Chief Airworthiness Inspector - Airframe and Power-Plant REF: ASSR/AW/02/24 1
2023-2024 Migration and Commissioning 10.00 am 4 Chief Airworthiness Inspector - Avionics REF: ASSR/AW/03/24 1
of Servers and Unified Storage
Solution 5 Head of Curriculum Development & Research Unit REF: EASA/AS/28/24 1

2. LAPFUND/ICT/EDRMS/04/ Supply, Delivery, Installation, Open Tender 14th May 2024 at 6 Senior Inspector - Approved Training Organization REF: ASSR/PEL/06/24 1
2023-2024 Testing, Commissioning, 2.00 pm 7 Senior Internal Auditor – Information Systems REF: IAD/05/24 1
Migration, and Training of
Electronic Document and 8 Senior Procurement Officer REF: EASA/ADM/04/24 1
Records Management System
9 Curriculum Development & Research Officer REF: EASA/AS/29-30/24 1
3. LAPFUND/HR/02/2023-2024 Provision of Medical Insurance Open Tender 15th May 2024 at
10 Assistant National Continuous Monitoring Coordinator REF: ASSR/NCMC/03/24 1
Cover for LAPFUND Staff and 2.00pm
Board Members 11 Safety Officer REF: ASSR/SSP/03/24 1
12 Air Transport Officer I REF: ASSR/ATER/09/24 3
1. Interested and eligible bidders may view and download the above tender documents from LAPFUND
13 Aviation Personnel Licensing Officer I REF: ASSR/PEL/10/24 1
website or Public Procurement Information Portal ( or a hard
copy at LAPFUND Procurement Office on 10th Floor 316 Upperhill Chambers, 2nd Ngong Avenue at a cost 14 Airworthiness Inspectors REF: ASSR/AW/20/24 4
of Ksh 1,000 only. The tender documents can be downloaded from the above websites free of charge.
15 Flight Operations Inspector (Medium to Wide Bodied Aircraft) REF: ASSR/FO/19/24 8
2. Completed tender documents shall be sealed in a plain envelope, clearly marked as stated in the tender 16 Flight Operations Inspector (Helicopters) REF: ASSR/FO/20/24 1
documents showing Tender reference number and Tender Name and addressed to: -

Chief Executive Officer Interested candidates are required to submit their application letters quoting the job reference number on the
Local Authorities Provident Fund envelope & application letter and attaching copies of certificates, testimonials, and a detailed CV with full contact
10th Floor, 316 Upperhill Chambers,2nd Ngong Avenue details of three professional referees to the address below. The applications should be received not later than
P.O Box 79592 – 00200 14th May 2024.
Nairobi, Kenya. Details of the job specifications can be obtained from the KCAA website at
T: +254 709 805000, +254 709 805100
Email: [email protected] The Kenya Civil Aviation Authority is an equal opportunity employer. Female candidates and persons with
disabilities (PWDs) are encouraged to apply. Note that persons with disabilities are required to attach a copy of
3. Completed documents shall be deposited in the Tender box at the LAPFUND offices located at 316 Upper- valid NCPWD membership card.
hill Chambers, 2nd Ngong Avenue at the reception area on 10TH Floor. The Director General
Kenya Civil Aviation Authority
4. Tenders will be opened immediately after the deadline date and time specified in the tender document. Aviation House - JKIA
Tenders will be publicly opened in the presence of the Tenderer’s designated representatives who choose P. O. Box 30163 – 00100 NAIROBI
to attend.
Only shortlisted candidates will be contacted.
20 | NEWSFOCUS APRIL 30, 2024


PS urges stakeholders to help harness PS urges media to disseminate

creativity, talent and energy of youth the opportunities offered by data
BY MONICA OMORO(PCO) National Youth Council of empowerment and op- (MYGOV) day conference which will her part noted underscored
Strategic Plan is designed portunity for generations to bring together players in the media’s critical role in

he State Department to harness the immense come” the PS said. he Principal Secre- the tech and data protec- advancing public under-
for Youth Affairs and potential of the youth by He told the youth of this tary for ICT and the tion industry presents an standing of data protection
the Creative Econ- providing them with the Nation to keep believing in Digital Economy opportunity to fortify the issues, ultimately fostering
omy is calling on stake- necessary tools, resources their abilities and dreams, Eng. John Tanui is urging implementation of robust a culture of responsible data
holders to harness the and opportunities to thrive break all ceilings of any lim- the media to foster dis- data protection frame- management and privacy
creativity, talent and en- in the rapidly changing itations, connect with one semination of information works, setting the stage inviting.
ergy held by Kenyan youth world through initiatives, another by strengthening, on the opportunities pre- for a more secure and “We extend a cordial invi-
to build an equitable and participation representa- broadening and deepening sented by data in contrib- responsible digital land- tation for you to attend the
stable nation. tion and association. networks locally and glob- uting to development. scape across the conti- NADPA Conference encour-
According to the Prin- Madey observed that ally, and unleash their full Eng. Tanui who was nent. aging your active participa-
cipal Secretary for the the launch of NYC Stra- potential. speaking during a media “Participants can look tion especially during the
State Department Ishmael tegic Plan marks a sig- “It is within this con- briefing breakfast ahead forward to delving into plenary sessions. Your abil-
Maalim Madey, once given nificant milestone in the text that the National Youth of the upcoming Network the nuances of data pro- ity to effectively disseminate
the capacity to exploit Government commitment Council Strategic Plan takes of African Data Protec- tection trends across var- information and educate the
their talents, creativity to the empowerment and on renewed significance. The tion Authorities (NADPA) ious African countries, public on data protection is-
and energy for their eco- development of the youth Strategic Plan is designed to Annual General Meet- gaining insights into best sues makes their participa-
nomic empowerment, the in the country. harness the immense poten- ing (AGM) and confer- practices, and fostering tion essential in advancing
youth should aim towards “The Government recog- tial of our youth by provid- ence scheduled to take partnerships to advance the cause of data privacy,”
becoming enterpreneurs nizes the critical role played ing them with the necessary place from May 7th to data protection initiatives she said.
and employers and change by the youth in shaping the tools, resources, and oppor- 9th 2024 in Nairobi em- on the continent.” While highlighting the key
their mind sets which future of our nation since tunities, to thrive in today’s phasised that hosting the He called for media’s par- milestones made by the Of-
focusses more on white 75 per cent of the country’s rapidly changing world” meeting in Kenya serves ticipation during the con- fice, the Data Commissioner
collar jobs to grow eco- population is under the age Madey said. as a pivotal platform for ference which provides an noted that the Office has is-
nomically and sustainably. of 35 years. The young rep- He added that through knowledge exchange and avenue to highlight best sued registration certificates
Madey who was speak- resent not just the country’s targeted initiatives in par- sharing of experiences practices, success stories, to 5,195 entities and received
ing at a Nairobi hotel while present but the future lead- ticipation, representation among African data pro- and challenges within the a total of 5,315 complaints
launching the National ers, innovators and drivers of and association, “”e aim to tection authorities. data protection landscape, since the enactment of the
Youth Council (NYC) Stra- progress”, the PS declared. create an enabling environ- “It is barely a week since offering a platform for ex- Act.
tegic Plan urged the youth “As we launch this Stra- ment, where every young we hosted the Connected perts, policymakers, and Out of the total complaints
to “think outside the box or tegic Plan today, let us reaf- Kenyan can thrive and fulfill Summit and we are glad to stakeholders to share in- received, the Office has is-
even burn the box”, think firm our commitment to the their potential”. host another global con- sights and experiences. sued one hundred and six
freely and use technology youth of Kenya by harness- “This Strategic Plan ad- ference, The 9th AGM in “Your active participation (106) determinations, sixty
and be innovative to come ing their creativity, talent, dresses the strategic issues Kenya presents a unique and contributions to these (60) enforcement notices
up with ideas which could and energy to build a more as well as the key result areas opportunity to showcase discussions will enrich the and nine (9) penalty notices
spur their growth towards prosperous and equitable that align with our National Kenya’s unwavering ded- exchange of ideas and drive to ensure that data control-
transforming them into society for all and together, priorities and the aspirations ication to data protection meaningful progress in the lers and processors comply
enterpreneurs for the we can turn the aspirations of our youth,” The PS de- and its position as a Silicon realm of data protection, with data protection regu-
betterment of their lives. outlined in this plan into re- clared Savannah,” Tanui said. “ he added. lations.
The PS noted that the ality, leaving a lasting legacy The PS said that the two- The Data Commissioner on

Diplomats urged to forge

partnerships and networks
training, which is over- lenges of climate change,

ewly appointed Am- seen by the Foreign Service terrorism and pandemics
bassadors and High Academy, is to expand the that require collabora- REPUBLIC………………………………………………………………………………..APPLICANT
Commissioners have new state officers’ existing tive solution-oriented ap- -VERSUS-
been urged to forge part- understanding of diplomacy proaches to cooperation; JEFFREY OKURI PEPPELA & 24 OTHERS………………………………………RESPONDENTS
nerships and networks that and deepen their interaction proactive responses to in-
will help Kenya better pur- with Kenya’s foreign policy ternational crises includ- NOTICE OF THE RE-HEARING OF YOUR APPEALS
sue her interests overseas. with a view to achieving the ing armed conflict, natural (By way of Substituted Service pursuant to orders of the Court delivered on 24th April 2024 by Lady Justice
Principal Secretary in Bottom-Up Transformation disasters and humanitarian Ongijo, sitting is Mombasa)
the Ministry of Foreign and Agenda (BETA),” Dr Sing’oei emergencies all which re- 1. JEFFREY OKURI PEPPELA 2. AGGREY LANOGWA 3. EDWARD ODANGA 4. PAUL GICHINI 5. JONATHAN
Diaspora Affairs, Dr. Korir said at the commencement quire agility in diplomacy MANKO MURIMI 6. GEORGE NGÁNGÁ 7. ZECHARIAH OICHOE 8. JOHN MUTUA and 9. SIMON NJOROGE
Sing’oei reminded them of of a three-week induction to restore stability,” the PS MBUGUA.
their paramount responsi- training for the diplomats. said. TAKE NOTICE THAT:
bility to safeguard and ad- He said that the appointed On the domestic front,
vance the nation’s utmost state officers who will serve Lucy Kiruthu, an ambassa- 1. The Court of Appeal 1st March 2024 in Criminal Appeals Number 64,66-69 of 2016 Mombasa declared the judge-
ment of the High Court in Mombasa High Court Criminal Appeals No.122, 153, 168, 169, 171, 172, 173, 174, 175,
interests. as Heads and Deputy Heads dor, was appointed as the 176, 181 of 2014 , and Criminal Appeals No. 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 13, 17, 18, 19, 21 and 22 of 2015 a nullity and
Appointed on the 8th of of Mission, are expected to Director-General of Politi- further ordered the expedited re-hearing of the said appeals.
March 2024, the ambassa- take charge in long-estab- cal and Diplomatic Affairs.
dors will represent Kenya’s lished embassies and con- Ambassador Kiruthu suc- 2. The Applicant has in compliance with the said orders filed an application seeking a mention for case management
and directions. Summonses have since been issued requiring your attendance before Court in person or by ad-
interests, promote peace, sulates. ceeds Moi Lemoshira, who vocate on the 30th April 2024 at 9 a.m for hearing of the application inter-partes via the online link to the Court
and forge alliances with na- Some few will be tak- continues as Kenya’s envoy
tions around the world. ing charge of the country’s to Japan.
3. TAKE FURTHER NOTICE that in the event of your failure to appear in person or by advocate as ordered by the Court,
They will also be tasked newly established mis- Formerly, Ambassador the applicant shall be at liberty to seek orders for your arrest and committal to prison to serve the remaining
with promoting trade, at- sions of Rabat, Abidjan, and Kiruthu served as Kenya’s term of the sentence of life imprisonment as passed by the Courts Martial following your convictions.
tracting investment, and Jeddah; proof of Kenya’s representative to the United
fostering economic ties to expanding diplomatic foot- Nations in Geneva and as the 4. By dint of this notice, you are deemed properly duly served and the application may be heard and decided your
absence notwithstanding.
stimulate growth and pros- print and determination by Deputy Chief of Mission in
perity. the government to widen its Washington, DC, USA. 5. The Applicant’s email address by which you may provide your contact information for online service of our doc-
Dr. Korir Sing’oei reiter- spheres of cooperation, he Ambassador Yabesh uments is [email protected] or [email protected]. You may collect a copy of the application
ated the significance of the said. Monari, the Director-Gen- physically at our physical address provided below.
appointments-the great- “The new diplomats are eral of Foreign Service Ad- Dated at Mombasa this 24th April of 2024.
est position of honour and expected to operate in an ministration, exhorted the
trust bestowed on any pub- environment characterised officers deployed to Kenya JAMI YAMINA
lic servant to undoubtedly by increased technological Missions abroad to effec- Ag. ASSISTANT DIRECTOR OF PROSECUTION COUNSEL.
shape the course of global advances that bypass the tively communicate Kenya’s
affairs and Kenya’s foreign traditional intermediaries Foreign Policy Agenda and DRAWN BY: OFFICE DIRECTOR OF PUBLIC OF PUBLIC PROSECUTIONS .KILINDINI
policy. that define diplomatic com- project the nation’s strategic PLAZA 5th FLOOR, MOI AVENUE, P.O BOX 80896-80100,
Email; [email protected] ,[email protected].
“The objective of the munication; global chal- interests.
APRIL 30, 2024 NEWSFOCUS | 21

Kwale County distributes 1,000 hybrid

coconut tree seedlings to local farmers
mum support to all farm- the initiative, which in- duction level of coconut in
ers in the coastal county. volves the distribution of the county.

he Kwale County She decried that the co- hybrid coconut seedlings Speaking at the flag-off
Government has conut production in the to over 1,000 farmers, ceremony at the county
kicked off the dis- coastal region has been de- marks a pivotal moment headquarters, Governor
tribution of 1,000 hybrid clining over the years ow- in efforts to revitalize the Achani emphasized the
coconut tree seedlings to ing to the wanton felling of coconut sub-sector and critical role of farming in
local farmers in a bid to coconut trees for housing, promote sustainable agri- the county’s economy and
significantly enhance co- fuel, and industrial use. culture. urged farmers to seize the
conut production across Achani also noted that She says her adminis- opportunity presented by
the coastal county. the coconut sub-sector tration will give the agri- the onset of the long rainy
The county government had also been constrained cultural sector its rightful season.
has embarked on an ag- by lack of adequate re- position in the develop- “I urge farmers to seize
gressive expansion pro- search, poor agronomical ment of the county and the opportunity at this on-
gram for the cultivation of Some of the hybrid coconut seedlings distributed practices, lack of appro- called on the people to set of the long rains and
coconut plantations, com- to Kwale farmers as part of efforts to significantly priate and affordable tech- avail themselves of the that the distribution exer-
monly called “the tree of enhance coconut production across the coastal county. nologies, exploitation by various opportunities in cise will take place in all the
life,” across Kwale to en- middlemen and lack of agriculture made possi- 20 administrative wards of
courage massive produc- roots. Coconut trees are a filings for mattresses are access to credit facilities by ble by the devolved gov- Kwale to lift families out of
tion of coconuts. source of food, beverage, made from the tough fiber the smallholder farmers. ernment to improve their poverty,” she said.
Every single part of the oilseed, fibers, timber, and of coconut husk. “The full potential of the standards of living. She went on, “Farming is
coconut tree is good and health products, and are G over nor Fat u ma coconut sub-sector can Achani says the distri- the backbone of our econ-
useful, often referred to also associated with mys- Achani who has launched be realized by investing in bution of the seedlings omy; I therefore call on all
as the tree of life because tery and omen in the life of the distribution exercise value addition activities in dubbed ‘cash crop revo- farmers to take advantage
of its usefulness, starting coastal communities. has re-affirmed that the the coconut value chain,” lution programme’ is part of the long rainy season
from the leaves and fruits Products such as floor devolved government will she said. of efforts by the devolved and put efforts in farm-
down to the trunk and mats, rope, brushes, and continue to provide maxi- Governor Achani says unit to increase the pro- ing,”.




1. The Ministry of Gender, Culture, The Arts and Heritage, State Department for Gender and Affirmative Action,
The Office of the Data Protection Commissioner is established pursuant to the Data Protection Act, 2019 and
hereinafter referred to as “Procuring entity” invites eligible bidders to tender for provision of professional
designated as State Office in accordance with Article 260 (q) of the Constitution to regulate the processing of Personal
Cleaning Services, during the financial years 2024/2025-2025/2026 by AGPO category
Data; ensure that the processing of Personal Data is guided by the principles set out in Section 25 of the Act; protect
the privacy of individuals; establish legal and institutional mechanism to protect Personal Data and provide data
NO DESCRIPTION TENDER NO CATEGORY subjects with rights and remedies to protect their Personal Data from processing that is not in accordance with the Act.
1 OPEN TENDER FOR PROVISION OF CLEANING SERVICES MGCAH/SDGAA/OT/03/2023- AGPO In order to enhance the human capital requirements to deliver on the mandate, the Office of Data Protection Com-
2024 missioner is seeking to recruit highly competent, proactive and self-driven individuals to fill the following twelve (12)
vacant posts.
2. The tender document containing detailed terms and conditions of the tender may be downloaded from the
State Department for Gender and Affirmative Action (SDGAA) website or from Public S/ Post Grade Vacancy No. Number of Remarks
Procurement Information Tender Portal (PPIP) free of charge. The tender is No. Positions
exclusively reserved for youth, Women and Persons with disability who are registered by the National
Treasury (AGPO). 1. Data Protection Officer II - ODPC 7 01/2024 1
Inspection & Compliance Open to applicants
3. Duly completed tender documents in sealed envelopes marked Tender Number. MGCAH/SDGAA/ from; Mombasa,
2. Data Protection Officer II - ODPC 7 02/2024 1 Kwale, Tana River,
OT/03/2023-2024 is to be submitted in hard copy (No Spiral binding) to the The Ministry of Gender, Cul- Registration
ture, The Arts and Heritage, State Department for Gender and affirmative action, and must be deposited in the Lamu, Wajir, Isiolo,
Tender Box located at Teleposta Towers 4th floor and addressed to: 3. Data Protection Officer II - ODPC 7 03/2024 4 Laikipia, Kajiado,
(Regional) Kericho, Bomet,
The Principal Secretary Vihiga and Nyamira
4. Assistant Office Administrator II ODPC 8 04/2024 3 counties
State Department for Gender and Affirmative Action
(Regional) (re-advertisement)
P. O. Box 29966 - 00100
NAIROBI 5. Assistant Records Management ODPC 8 05/2024 1
Officer II
So as to be received not later than Thursday 9 May 2024 at 10.00 a.m.
Open to applicants
6. Driver II (re-advertisement) ODPC 10 06/2024 1 from all counties
4. Late applications will not be accepted. The Tender will be opened/closed Immediately thereafter.
7. Office Assistant ODPC 11 07/2024 1
5. Prices quoted must be net, inclusive of all taxes, delivery cost and must be in Kenya Shillings. The prices shall
remain valid for 120 days from the closing date of the tender. Total 12

6. Other Addresses:
Full information on job and appointment specifications, and terms of service may be obtained from the careers
The Principal Secretary,
section in our website:
Ministry of Gender, Culture, the Arts, and Heritage,
State Department of Gender and Affirmative Action Interested and qualified candidates are hereby invited to submit their online applications through the recruitment
Supply Chain Management Office portal on or before 22nd May, 2024. Please note that manual or any other form of applica-
Teleposta Towers, tions SHALL NOT be accepted.
P.O. Box 29966 – 00100,
Nairobi, Kenya Note: Successful candidates may be deployed in any of ODPC regional office in Mombasa, Kisumu, Nak-
Email: [email protected] uru, Eldoret, Nyeri, Machakos and Garissa.

Kindly note that the tender MGCAH/SDGAA/03/2023-2024-2026 advertised on 23rd April 2024 is hereby Only shortlisted and successful candidates will be contacted and shall be required to produce originals of their
cancelled. National Identity Card, academic and professional certificates and transcripts during interviews.

ODPC is committed to implementing the provisions of the Constitution - Chapter 232 (1) on fair competition and
merit, representation of Kenyans diverse communities and affording equal employment opportunities to men and
Principal Secretary
women, members of all ethnic groups and persons with disabilities. THEREFORE, PEOPLE WITH DISABILITIES,
to automatic disqualification.
22 | NEWSFOCUS APRIL 30, 2024


Government rolls out nutrition programme

in West Pokot for Inua Jamii beneficiaries
Mr. Phillip Wapopa said the pro- fer programme at Siyoi, Wapopa

he Government has initi- gramme has received accolades said some families did not know
ated a Nutrition Improve- with beneficiaries having used how to utilize their monthly sti-
ment through Cash and the funds to uplift their living pends properly.
Health Education (NICHE) pro- standards. “Currently we have a total of West Pokot County Coordinator for Children Services Phillip Wapopa
gram with the aim of improving Mr. Wapopa said the govern- 2,450 on the NICHE programme during a sensitisation forum on Nutrition Improvement through Cash
the nutrition and health stand- ment has partnered with Com- and with the on-going On-De- and Health Education (NICHE) for those under the Inua Jamii Cash
ards of Inua Jamii beneficiaries munity Health Promoters in mand Registration (ODR), more Transfer programme at a Kaibos Church in Kapenguria.
in West Pokot County. training and sensitizing the vul- beneficiaries will be captured. Photo by Anthony Melly
NICHE aims to improve the nerable groups on proper nutri- The Sh500 that is added on top county has 14,600 people bene- County Nutrition Officer Ms
welfare of vulnerable groups in tion and health and so far cases of the Sh2,000 received under fitting from the Inua Jamii Cash Leah Chelopei said stunted
society through sensitisation and of malnutrition and poor health Inua Jamii will go a long way in Transfer among them 9,000 el- growth is the greatest health
training on proper nutrition and standards have gone down. improving health among them,” derly, 5,000 orphaned and below challenge with the county
health standards. Speaking during a sensitisa- the Children Services Coordina- 1,000 people with disabilities, standing at 34 per cent according
The West Pokot County Co- tion forum on NICHE for those tor noted . with mobilisation expected to to the latest Kenya Demographic
ordinator for Children Services under the Inua Jamii Cash Trans- He clarified that so far the capture more. and Health Survey (KDHS).


P.O. BOX 976 – 40202


Tender Notice Nyaribari Masaba National Government Constituency Development Fund invites bids from Interested and
Eligible bidders/firms for Construction Works in various schools as below.
Kenya Revenue Authority invites bids from eligible candidates for the following tenders: The details of the tender(s) are as follows;




Provision of Investment Management
11.00 AM 11.00 AM
Scheme for a Period of Three (3) 2023_24 BUILDING AT AMABUKO PRIMARY SCHOOL
13TH May, 2024 22ND May, 2024
Provision of Property Management
11.00 AM 11.00 AM
and Ushuru Pension Plaza for a 2023_24 BUILDING AT NYANTURAGO PRIMARY SCHOOL
Period of Three (3) Years
10TH May, 2024 27TH May, 2024
Framework Contract for Provision
of Vehicle Maintenance Services OPEN
Outside Nairobi Region for a period 2023_24 BUILDING AT SOSERA PRIMARY SCHOOL
Provision of Maintenance and 8 NGCDF/NM/IPS008/ CONSTRUCTION OF 4NO. CLASSROOMS ON A STOREY Youth
Repair Services for Two (2) Cradle 21ST May, 2024 3RD June, 2024 2023_24 BUILDING AT IBACHO PRIMARY SCHOOL
Machines, Cleaning of External 11.00 AM 11.00 AM
Windows, Aluminium Fins and
and Installation of Spare Parts for a
Period of Two (2) Years
17TH May, 2024 29TH May, 2024 Disability
11.00 AM 11.00 AM (PLWD)
Supply and Delivery of Customs OPEN
Uniforms for a Period of One (1) Year Interested tenderers who meet the following mandatory requirements supported by certified copies at
submission will be considered for further evaluation;
KRA/HQS/NCB-069/2023-2024: 1. Provide certificate of incorporation.
Provision of Maintenance and Repair 8TH May, 2024 24TH May, 2024 2. Provide valid NCA Certificate under categories NCA 7 and above.
Services for KRA Air Conditioners, 11.00 AM 11.00 AM 3. Provide PIN/VAT registration certificate.
Ventilation and Refrigeration 4. Provide valid tax compliance certificate
Systems (HVAC-R) Countrywide for VIRTUAL TIMES TOWER 5. Must provide a bid bond of 2% of the bid price which must remain valid for 120 days (After the expiry of
a Period of Two (2) Years tender validity period) in form of a bank guarantee from a reputable bank or approved insurance by Public
KRA/HQS/NCB-070/2023-2024: Procurement Regulatory Authority.
14TH May, 2024 22ND May, 2024 6. Duly filled form of tender.
Provision of Insurance Brokerage
11.00 AM 11.00 AM 7. Duly filled confidential business questionnaire.
Services for Ushuru Pension Towers OPEN
and Ushuru Pension Plaza for a 8. Valid CR12 from the Registrar of Companies
Period of Two (2) Years In addition, interested bidders must show proof of the following;
a) Adequate equipment holding for the specified type of work.
Tender documents detailing the requirements of the above tenders may be obtained from the Kenya Revenue b) Key technical staff to be engaged.
Authority website and the Public Procurement Information Portal (PPIP) c) Audited accounts for the last three years.
d) Bank account in the name of the company (Attach six month’s bank statement).
Deputy Commissioner - Supply Chain Management e) Works of similar magnitude and complexity undertaken in the last three years.
Times Tower Building, 21st Floor, f) Litigation history of the company (Both court and arbitration cases).
P.O Box 48240– 00100 GPO, g) Evidence of sound financial standing and access to bank credit line.
h) Copy of receipt
Tel. +254709 012353
Nairobi, Kenya. Tenderers may inspect and obtain a complete set of tender documents upon payment of a non-refundable fee of
website: Kenya Shillings One Thousand (1,000/-) payable to Nyaribari Masaba NGCDF account during normal working
Email :[email protected] hours as from 1st May 2024 to 21st May 2024.
Any canvassing or giving of false information will lead to automatic disqualification. Completed set of tender documents, in plain sealed envelopes, clearly marked with the respective Tender Num-
ber, description and bearing the name and address of:
Simplify your VAT and non-VAT business return filing by on-boarding on eTIMS today!
The Fund Account Manager,
National Government Constituency Development Fund,
Nyaribari Masaba Constituency,
P.O. BOX 976 - 40202,
Should be deposited in the NGCDF Tender Box at Masimba NGCDF Office on or before Tuesday 21st May 2024
Disclaimer: KRA notifies taxpayers that it will not accept responsibility for payments not received, credited and validated in the relevant KRA accounts. at 10.00AM. Tenders will be opened immediately thereafter in the presence of tenderers and/or their represen-
Corruption Reporting: +254 (0726) 984 668, Email: [email protected]. Short Messaging Services (SMS): Dial (*572#) or Text to 22572.
Contact Centre: +254 (020) 4 999 999, +254 (0711) 099 999, Email: [email protected]. Complaints & Information Centre Hotlines: +254 709 017 700 tatives in attendance.
/ 800 Email: [email protected]

The Fund Account Manager,

APRIL 30, 2024 NEWSFOCUS | 23

KoTDA partners with Acyberschool to In her remarks, the Chief Ex-

ecutive Officer, Acyberschool

train one million Kenyan youths in AI and Chairperson, Africa Cy-

bersecurity and AI Foundation
(ACAIF) Evalyn Oloo urging
BY BERNADETTE KHADULI The MoU, which was signed berschool will enable us to train Kenyan youth to take advan-
(KNA) during the Connected Africa Kenyan youth on AI, emerging tage of the training, said the
Summit 2024 at Uhuru Gardens technologies, and cybersecurity MoU will help young Kenyans

T he Konza Technopolis
Development Authority
(KoTDA) has signed a Mem-
in Nairobi, will be implemented
over five years, with both par-
ties collaborating to mobilize
This means that soon, we
shall enhance our ability to
to acquire skills required in the
market as well as prepare them
to be ready for future jobs.
orandum of Understanding the resources required to make have more jobs in the digital “Cybersecurity and AI are
(MoU) with Acyberschool to the partnership successful. space,” said Okwiri. emerging areas which are key
train one million Kenyan youths Speaking after the signing, He added that the program in the new digital jobs.
on Artificial Intelligence (AI) KoTDA Chief Executive Officer which will be done in phases Konza Technopolis We are training Kenyans for
and cybersecurity. Mr. John Paul Okwiri noted that is a key target for the two part- Development Authority CEO the future of work, and I would
The partnership is aimed at the partnership will boost the ners, and believes that through John Paul Okwiri and CEO, like to encourage all young
positioning Kenyan youth at a Jitume Digital Skills program mobilizing resources together, Acyberschool and Chairperson, people to take this opportunity,
vantage point in creating and and accelerate digital skills de- they will be able to augment Africa Cybersecurity and AI train and acquire the relevant
thriving in digital economy jobs velopment in the country. their key efforts in Jitume pro- Foundation Evalyn Oloo sign a skills required to thrive in the
across Africa and beyond. “This partnership with Acy- grams. MoU in Nairobi. digital industry,” she said.

How iconic 90 -year -old Madini laboratory

powers major mineral discoveries in Kenya
BY WAGEMA Fluorescence (XRFs) and standards has hampered
X-Ray Diffraction (XRD) the country’s mission to

he 90-year-old for defining chemical market herself as a min-
Madini Mineral Test- composition of any rock eral hub.
ing Laboratory holds sample, this section re- Kenya annually loses
a special place in Kenya’s mains the pinnacle of millions in revenue as
mineral landscape as the technological advance- miners eyeing the inter-
only premier mineral pro- ment in mineral engineer- national market take their
cessing, identification, ing. samples for testing in ISO
and classification center Already, the govern- certified laboratories in
in the country. ment has embarked on South Africa and Canada.
First established in 1933 the process of transform- PS Mwangi says the
with help from the Brit- ing Madini into a regional collaboration between the
ish Geological Survey, the mineral testing and pro- two nations towards ISO
laboratory has for decades cessing center. certification of the lab will
remained a central cog in The journey towards ISO include equipment up-
Kenya’s mining ecosys- certification has started to grade, capacity building
tem. grant the lab international for lab experts and joint
From being a signifi- standardization status and partnerships in mineral
cant enabler in mineral strategically place it as the exploration and analysis.
mapping, the laboratory main regional referral fa- “This is the vision we
has over time become a Geologists drying a wet rock in a giant rock oven before the crushing process at the cility for mineral analysis have to make our lab into
central theater for major Madini Lapidary lab in the region and beyond. a world class mineral anal-
mineral discoveries. To fast-track the ISO ysis center,” he says.
To mining experts, the in Kenya. It is solidly at the lyzed include rare earths, pulverizing of rocks into certification process, At the heart of this up-
lab is a venerable sanc- heart of mining and min- construction, strategic the desired powder qual- Kenya has entered part- grading is Laboratory In-
tuary where human ex- eral processing. As a key minerals, precious and ity. Here, rocks are also nership with the Indo- formation Management
pertise, augmented by enabler in mineral discov- semi-precious stones. sliced into ultra-thin frag- nesian Government on System (LIMS), a formi-
science and cutting-edge eries in the country, her The lab has both lapi- ments for petrographic upgrading the lab into a dable online program to
technology, dissect rocks analytical capacity aids dary and chemistry sec- analysis. This entails deep world class facility. streamline lab operations
to lay bare the secrets in revealing the mineral tions. The lapidary lab is examination of rock slices In March, a delegation and help track the min-
within. resources we have,” says the arena for heavy lifting under the powerful mi- of Indonesian government eral analysis process in
The Principal Secre- the PS. in mineral processing. croscope to study and map officials and mineral ex- real-time for miners. This
tary for the State Depart- Mining, by nature, is This section is respon- distribution of elements. perts met with a Kenyan will also eradicate fraud-
ment for Mining, Elijah a highly specialized field sible for the physical op- The chemistry section delegation led by Cab- ulent documentation
Mwangi, terms the Madini that pays homage to proof erations including is markedly different from inet Secretary for Min- for minerals. Mr. Josiah
Laboratory as the bedrock of minerals before deploy- the lapidary. There are no ing, Blue Economy, and Chumo, the Head of the
of the country’s mining ment of capital-intensive massive crushers or giant Maritime Affairs Salim Lab, says Madini is poised
landscape. investments for exploita- The state has ovens to dry wet rocks. Mvurya over the creation to become the main re-
He adds that the facility tion. As a result, the lab is embarked Equipped with ul- of a joint technical team ferral facility for mineral
not only offers vital infor- critical in providing geo- tra-modern computers to draft a bilateral engage- analysis in the region.
mation on mineral types logical insights on mineral on the process and a wide range sophis- ment framework over the “Getting the interna-
in Kenya but also helps distribution across Kenya. of transforming ticated equipment like project. Currently, though tionally recognized status
in the acquisition of vital
data on quality, distribu-
Additionally, it aids in
gathering vital geodata
Madini into a Specific Gravity Testers
for testing actual weight in
Madini’s testing parame-
ters are superior as per the
is a special achievement
that will market Kenya’s
tion, and location. on Kenya’s mineral re- regional mineral carats for precious stones regional standards, lack of analytical capacity for
“This the only such lab sources. The minerals ana- testing center like gemstones, X-Ray internationally recognized minerals,” he notes.

A rock sample being sliced for extraction A geologist at Madinin lab conducting a A chemical analyst at Chemistry Lab An analyst operating an XRD machine at
of a sample for examination under a petro- petrographic analysis on a rock fragment. using an XRF machine to conduct multiple the lab.
graphic microscope. simultaneous tests for minerals on rock


Kenya, KSG
sign pact
to boost
Issue 122 • April 30, 2024 service
P I C T U R E S P E A K P.4

President William Ruto (centre)

and ICT CS Eliud Owalo (second
right) during the Connected
Summit in Nairobi last week.

Countries commit to harmonise legislation

TECHNOLOGY BY THE NUMBERS: and regulations on ICT across Africa, enhance
cross-border data transfer and foster

Big win for establishment of continental digital platforms

to facilitate e-commerce

Africa at K
enya rallied the continent to fast-track role in the region is evident.

digital connectivity and transforma- The declaration – perhaps what has been
tion as the country held Connected the missing link in Africa’s ICT cooperation –
Africa Summit 2024 last week in Nairobi. provides the roadmap for an interconnected
The Summit, which was attended by over continent. Ms Moorosi Nthati, Lesotho’s
Number of delegates

Kenya’s ICT
5,000 delegates from 49 countries from across Minister for ICT, Science, Technology and
at the Summit the world as well as 16 digital and technology Innovation, who read the declaration on
ministers from the continent, saw the coming behalf of her colleagues, said they had

up of the “Nairobi Declaration on Fostering pledged to harness digital infrastructure and
a Connected and Empowered Africa”. By technologies to drive inclusive economic

agreeing to work together in a collaboration growth of at least 5 per cent annually within
Number of countries worked out by Kenya, the country’s leadership the next decade.

that participated FULL STORY ON PAGE 2


“Mr Oyolo, as well as KYEB, received

special mention at the Summit for
supporting the event and digital
transformation in the country.”

As part of its mandate

to enhance government
communication, the Kenya
Yearbook Editorial Board (KYEB)
was at the Connected Africa
NYERI State intensifies
Summit 2024 to document the The county
response to
country’s and Africa’s digital flooding crisis
transformation journey. has an area
FULL STORY ON PAGE 2 of 2,361 km2.
2 April 30, 2024


enya rallied the continent to fast-track C O M M I T M E N T align with the continent’s shared values and
digital connectivity and transforma- developmental goals.
tion as the country held Connected With increased connectivity between
Africa Summit 2024 last week in Nairobi.
The Summit, which was attended by over
5,000 delegates from 49 countries from across
African ministers issue African countries, President Ruto said the
continent’s digital transformation would
gain pace.

roadmap for the continent’s

the world as well as 16 digital and technology “We are here to mobilise our shared dreams
ministers from the continent, saw the coming and ambitions, visions and strategies to pave
up of the “Nairobi Declaration on Fostering pathways to our common future; a future
a Connected and Empowered Africa”. By designed and built by Africans, for Africa,”
agreeing to work together in a collaboration
worked out by Kenya, the country’s leadership
role in the region is evident.
The declaration – perhaps what has been
digital transformation he said.
By working towards a common digital
future, the African countries are laying a
sustainable foundation of connectivity and
the missing link in Africa’s ICT cooperation – Countries commit to harmonise legislation and regulations on ICT across empowering their people to achieve the UN
provides the roadmap for an interconnected Africa, enhance cross-border data transfer and foster establishment of sustainable development goals, as well as the
continent. Ms Moorosi Nthati, Lesotho’s AU’s Agenda 2063 –Africa’s blueprint and
Minister for ICT, Science, Technology and continental digital platforms to facilitate e-commerce master plan for transforming the continent
Innovation, who read the declaration on into the global powerhouse.
behalf of her colleagues, said they had “We must all be concerned by the fact that
pledged to harness digital infrastructure and our rate of connectivity is poorer than the
technologies to drive inclusive economic existing potential. This has critical implications
growth of at least 5 per cent annually within for our ambitions for both connectivity
the next decade. and economic transformation through the
A 2022 United Nations Conference on Trade digital economy. The reason is that even an
and Development (UNCTAD) report estimated increase of only 10 per cent in our broadband
that Africa’s digital sector contributed to 4.5 connectivity can lead to a 1.4 per cent GDP
per cent or $115 billion to the continent’s Gross growth in the continent,” President Ruto said.
Domestic Product (GDP) in 2020. Africa’s digital economy has immense
A similar study by Google and the World potential, which is projected to reach $712
Bank’s International Finance Corporation billion by 2050. This growth projection is
(IFC) found that the digital economy could informed by a number of key positive factors,
contribute $180 billion (5.2 per cent) to including the youthful population – the
Africa’s GDP by 2025 and $712 (8.5 per cent) youngest globally, which is motivated and
billion by 2050. prepared to drive the digital economy, foster
The Nairobi Declaration is a step towards innovation and entrench new technologies.
this goal, with the ministers agreeing to Deputy President Rigathi Gachagua
increase internet access rates across Africa challenged African countries to exploit the
by 20 per cent in the next five years and opportunities available in the digital space for
train a million young people in digital skills INFOBOX socio-economic development of the continent.
by 2027, the key ingredients for the take off Mr Gachagua said the continent cannot
of the digital economy.
Most African countries are at different
DP Rigathi Gachagua (eighth left) and ICT CS Eliud Owalo (ninth left) with other Nairobi Declaration afford to be left behind as other nations take
advantage of the digital opportunities.
leaders from Kenya, Africa and across the world during the Connected Summit.
stages of digital transformation, thanks to on enhancing “Our continent is not designed and destined
their different levels of infrastructure. will drive the growth of Africa’s digital the sector, leading to faster infrastructure to be an endless consumer of digital innova-
Kenya, Morocco, South Africa and Senegal, economy and the continent’s overall digital development and broader access to digital
Connectivity in Africa tions. Africa must make digital innovation a

according to the World Bank, are among transformation. technologies for all citizens. lifestyle,” he observed.
Harmonise legislation and reg-
countries whose digital economy is on rapid But various challenges have stalled the Fifth, they agreed to foster the establishment ulations on ICT across Africa to ICT CS Eliud Owalo said the Summit would
economic growth. growth over the years, including lack of of continental digital platforms to facilitate ensure a consistent and predictable help African countries reap from growing
The institution notes that by 2025, the share collaboration between nations as well as e-commerce, financial inclusion and other regulatory environment. opportunities that digital technology offers.
of the four countries’ economies powered limited infrastructure in some countries, aspects of Africa’s digital economy. Eng. John Tanui, the Principal Secretary ICT,
by the internet would be between 7 per cent
and 9 per cent.
cybersecurity and conflicting regulatory
Sixth, they observed that they would collab-
orate to boost manufacture of semi-conductors
2. Enable cross-border data trans-
fer to facilitate trade and infor-
mation sharing across regional blocs.
said Kenya is deeply committed to harnessing
the transformative power of technology to
It is, therefore, not a coincidence that Kenya The African ministers at the Summit commit- and affordable digital devices as well as in the drive Africa’s development agenda forward.
has taken a lead role in rallying the continent
to increase connectivity.
ted to remove some of these hurdles, by first
harmonising legislations and regulations on
building of data centres towards promoting
investments in cloud services.
3. Promote knowledge sharing on
AI through benchmarking.
Broadcasting PS Eliud Kisiang’ani noted
that Africa has no choice but to embrace
President William Ruto told the delegates
at the Summit that Kenya is willing to share
ICT across the continent to ensure a consistent
and predictable regulatory environment that
Egypt and South Africa are among countries
that are ahead in the manufacture of digital 4. Harmonise taxation on ICT to
incentivise investment in the
sector, leading to faster infrastructure
the digital transformation to transform its
agriculture sector in particular as climate
its digital experiences and learn from other fosters innovation and investment. devices that include smartphones. Kenya is change worsens food security challenges.
countries from across the continent. Second, they pledged to enable cross-border following in their footsteps with the recent development. But as Africa embraces the digital trans-
“It is by sharing knowledge and experiences,
pooling resources, harmonising strategies,
aligning investments and working as partners,
data transfer to facilitate trade and information
sharing across regional blocs, unlocking the
full potential of the digital economy.
setting up of the East Africa Device Assembly
Plant in Machakos County to manufacture
cheaper smart phones.
5. Foster establishment of con-
tinental digital platforms to
facilitate e-commerce.
formation, one of the biggest challenges the
Summit highlighted is the rise in e-waste, the
fastest growing waste stream in the world.

that we shall rise together. This collaborative Third, they agreed to promote knowledge The establishment of the Africa Cybersecu- Collaborate towards ensuring “We need increased collaboration so that
spirit is what we need to transform Africa sharing on AI through benchmarking to enable rity and AI Council by the ministers is perhaps that Africa participates in the the recyclers in different countries are not
into a digitally empowered and economically African nations to develop effective strategies, one of the big gains of the conference, as manufacture of semiconductors and working in silos. We should allow movement
thriving continent,” he said. policies and frameworks for harnessing the this will enhance the continent’s capacity affordable digital devices. of e-waste from one country to another even if

The collaborations between the countries technology. and capability to address emerging risks it is for recycling to build economies of scale,”
Collaborate on data centres
would be in the areas of e-commerce, fintech, Fourth, they noted that the different regimes of accelerated digitalisation at the top deci- towards promoting investments said Catherine Masolia, the chief operating
healthtech, edutech and agritech, among of taxation hinder the development of the sion-making level. in data centre infrastructure and cloud officer of WEEE Centre, adding Africa should
others. sector, therefore, they said they will harmonise Ms Nthati said the Council would serve services. not treat e-waste as a burden but an economic
These are the sectors that UNCTAD notes taxation on ICT to incentivise investment in as an advisory entity, driving policies that opportunity if it is to benefit from it. ■


Kenya Yearbook highlights Board Chairman

Sande Oyolo
event and the digital transformation

the journey to digitally (centre), Directors in the country.

Jimmy Mauta (left) Ms Kimeto said KYEB is digitising all
and Mulei Muia at its content including “AgendaKenya”,

transform Africa KYEB booth during

the Connected
Summit 2024.
“Towards Food Security”, “Cabinet
Series” and the “Yearbooks”.
“We offer communication services
Below: KYEB to the government and publish the

CEO, Ms Lilian
s part of its mandate to “Yearbook”, which is a one stop
Kimeto, during an
enhance government interview with KBC shop for all what the government has
communication, the Kenya at the Summit. achieved in a financial year,” she said.
Yearbook Editorial Board (KYEB) was For the conference, she observed
at the Connected Africa Summit 2024 Ms Kimeto said KYEB is tens of digital hubs and free that KYEB was helping the conference
to document the country and Africa’s digitising all its content Wi-Fi hotspots, training of to tell “connected Africa” story to the
digital transformation journey. over 140,000 youths on digital world.
Led by the Board Chairman Sande including “AgendaKenya”, skills, the successful use of “We always look at what the gov-
Oyolo, Directors Mulei Muia, Jimmy “Towards Food Security”, technology in distribution of ernment is doing and document the
Mauta, Dr Paul K’Angira and Ms fertiliser and the digitisation of bottom up economic agenda.”
Mary Njenga and the CEO, Ms Lilian
“Cabinet Series” and the government services. Some of the interesting conversa-
Kimeto, the KYEB team aided to tell “Yearbooks”. Mr Oyolo, as well as KYEB, tions at the forum included the one
the progress Kenya has made in the received special mention at on “Unlocking the She-Tech Poten-
ICT sector, including the roll out of the Summit for supporting the tial” as well as managing e-waste. ■
April 30, 2024 3


Huduma Kenya, KSG sign pact

uduma Kenya and the Huduma Kenya service excellence
Kenya School of Govern- culture across the Public Service.
to boost service delivery ment (KSG) have signed
an MoU that facilitates the rolling
The focus is on transforming the
mindset of public servants to ensure
out of a Customer Service Excel- that every interaction is guided by a
lence (CSE) Training Framework for customer-centric perspective,” he
the Public Service. The move seeks said. The two institutions are set to
to enhance mwananchi’s experience establish a Centre of Excellence that
while accessing services. will be jointly operated by them.
Huduma Kenya Ag. CEO Mugambi The centre will provide training
Njeru and the Ag. Director-General programmes targeting all cadres
KSG, Prof Nura Mohamed, signed of public officers including execu- Huduma
the MoU. The event was presided tives, managers, quality standard Kenya Ag. CEO
over by the PS, State Department of assessors, front office staff and
Mugambi Njeru
Public Service, Mr Amos Gathecha. technical officers. The MoU is a
(right) and the
Ag. Director-
Access our products
“These two institutions, today, major step forward in the journey General KSG, through our website
are signing an MoU to enhance towards achieving a more efficient, Prof Nura
Mohamed, w w w. k e n ya ye a r b o o k . c o . k e
customer service training. This col- effective, and citizen-centric Public
signed the MoU
laboration is aimed at replicating the Service in Kenya.■ in Nairobi.
or buy physical
copies at
h tt p s : / / k y e b . e c i t i z e n . g o . k e /

State allocates Sh4 billion

to mitigate flooding crisis
Government sets up
a multi-agency in
response to crisis as
it resettles displaced
families and starts
repair of infrastructure
destroyed by the rains

he government has scaled up meas-
ures to mitigate the flooding crisis
caused by the ongoing rains, as it
also enhanced the distribution of food and
non-food items to affected families.
Deputy President Rigathi Gachagua said
the government had allocated Sh4 billion for
immediate response to the disaster.
Other interventions include resettlement
of displaced families, restoration of bridges
washed away by the raging waters, repair of
critical infrastructure and activation of the
National Disaster Response Centre.
“We are in discussions with the National
Treasury; we are trying to put up Sh4
billion as an emergency fund. The National
Youth Service will be facilitated to resettle
the displaced families, unblock drains and
waterways and handle the spilling dams. The
National Disaster Response Centre will be 24 President
hours open to monitor the situation in the INFOBOX Rigathi
country,” said Mr Gachagua.
The DP said the Kenya Urban Roads Au-
thority is repairing 26 bridges in Nairobi to Flood warning:
Tips for safety
avoid disruptions.
Additionally, he said the Ministry of Health
is working with the health facilities to ensure
availability of medicine to avert outbreak of The government to provide daily
diseases that could further put at risk the lives flood alerts to inform Kenyans
of those in various camps. on the situation as the rains
“We are grateful for the work done by intensify.
volunteers who rescued hundreds of people The Meteorological Department
from flooded areas. They did a good job and and road agencies are providing
we truly appreciate them,” he added. regular public advisories on areas
He called on Kenyans not to put themselves likely to be affected by torrential
at risk by attempting to cross flooded roads rain. Flood victims
and rivers, noting it was unfortunate lives Motorists and pedestrians are wade in a
have been lost due to such daring acts. urged to cease and desist from flooded area.
The government established a multi-agency risky behaviour in flooded or Right: Displaced
team and a response centre as part of the overly wet areas. persons at
measures to address the flooding crisis that The public is urged to cooperate Kiamaiko,
Mathare in
has affected thousands of people following with safety, health, risk,
Nairobi. They
the ongoing heavy rains. emergency and communication received
Mr Gachagua announced the formation of teams dispatched to monitor, donations from
the government. Please contact our
the team following a meeting at State House, report and oversee situation.
Nairobi, chaired by President William Ruto. marketing team
He said the emergency response centre for publication
would be based at Nyayo House, under the partnerships and
Ministry of Interior and Coordination of
National Government to monitor the flooding
and initiate immediate interventions to save “The meeting has resolved that all internally said the Deputy President. E-mail:
lives and property from destruction. displaced persons will be facilitated to find The Kenya Meteorological Departments [email protected]
He stated that the government will avail all alternative settlement. In extreme cases, the indicates that the country would continue to
required resources, including financial and National Youth Service will provide shelter to receive heavy rainfall in the coming week, an Tel: +254 20 271 5390
personnel to ensure no lives are lost. the most vulnerable members of our society,” indication that the flooding may persist. ■
4 April 30, 2024


President William Ruto

PICTURESPEAK (centre) with various
African Heads of State
and Government as
well as World Bank
officials during the
IDA21 Summit in
Nairobi on Tuesday.
The leaders called for
increased concessional
funding from the World
Bank’s International
Association (IDA). IDA
supports low-income
countries with grants
and long-term low-
interest loans for

State Department
for Broadcasting and
Sports PS Eng. Telecommunications
Peter Tum (left) Secretary of
with Sir Mo Farah, Administration,
the British long- Ms Juliana Yiapan,
distance runner and leads in marking the
multiple champion. National Tree Growing
The athlete paid Day at Kanunda
him a courtesy call Primary School in
in Nairobi. Kisii County on April
Right: Mo pays 26. The Department
tribute to fallen partnered with the
athlete Kelvin Kenya Forest Service,
Kiptum. Kisii Polytechnic,
Kenya Yearbook
Editorial Board and
the Community Forest
Association in the

Nairobi City County

and national
officials with
various partners
during the launch
of the the World
Immunisation Week
at Kibera on April
24. The government
seeks to raise the
immunisation rate.


NHIF Building , 4th Floor, P.O. Box 34035-00100 Email: [email protected] Tel: 0202715390 / 0757029456
APRIL 30, 2024

NAIROBI-KENYA I Issue No. 42/2023-2024

Deputy President urges collaborative BRIEFS

efforts for Nairobi Rivers regeneration NFDK support disabled
individuals and institutions
BY DPCS formed in December 2023 in Coast region
by President William Ruto

he government is to to coordinate the resto- The National Fund for enhancing the educational
going out of its way to ration of the Nairobi Rivers the Disabled in Kenya landscape and fostering in-
ensure that the resto- basin to its former glory. (NFDK) has disbursed clusivity within the region,”
ration and regeneration of Mr Gachagua said the grants worth Sh1.6 billion Pratt said.
Nairobi Rivers succeeds in government will work and to eight educational insti- During their visits to differ-
tutions in the Coast Region. ent counties, Pratt noted
order to restore the glory of engage with all elected Additionally, the Fund is- a concerning trend of par-
the city and the dignity of leaders irrespective of their sued trade tools worth ents concealing their dis-
the residents, particularly political party affiliation. Sh724,040, which were abled children, seemingly
those living along the riv- “The elections are over provided to disabled in- hesitant to expose them to
ers. and what we have now are dividuals from Nyali and public view.
To achieve this, Deputy elected leaders irrespec- Mvita Sub-Counties. However, she underscored
President Rigathi Gacha- tive of which part of polit- Speaking at the Coast the significance of the ad-
gua is calling for concerted ical formation they come Regional Commissioner’s vocacy program designed
efforts among all stake- from. Do not allow myopic Office in Mombasa, the to encourage parents to
Chairperson of the Board openly acknowledge and
holders and also assuring politics to come your way. present these children, so
of Trustees of NFDK, Kris-
communities that will be Serve the people without tina Pratt, said the Fund that they can receive the
affected by the clean-up checking political forma- strives to challenge the necessary assistance and
program of humane and Deputy President Rigathi Gachagua tion. Elections are over, we misconception that indi- support.
compassionate treatment do not have this side or that viduals with disabilities are “I want to appeal to all ben-
during the exercise. side. We are supposed to either incapable of working eficiaries, as you receive
The DP stated that though He was addressing mem- Reaffirming the govern- serve the people,” he said. or cannot be integrated the assistance you applied
the program must succeed, bers of the Nairobi Riv- ment’s commitment to Nairobi Deputy Governor into the workforce. for, whether a grant, tool of
the state agencies imple- ers Commission, Nairobi safeguarding the lives and Njoroge Muchiri and MPs “The flagship of the trade, or assistive device,
NFDK has brought sig- please use it for the in-
menting the program must County elected leaders, and properties of citizens, the Phelix Jalang’o (Lang’ata),
nificant benefits to the tended purpose,” she said.
involve the persons and senior government officials Deputy President also told Ronald Karauri (Kasarani), Coast Region, with 18 Coast Deputy Regional
communities that may be during a meeting he hosted the Commission, which is Esther Pasaris (Nairobi institutions catering to Commissioner, Mbogho
affected by the project. He at his official residence in chaired by Dr. Pamela Olet, Woman Representative), learners with disabilities Majioe said the Govern-
added that the agencies Karen. to involve the elected lead- Beatrice Elachi (Dagorreti receiving projects valued ment conducted thorough
must work with the City The Deputy President fur- ers in the program. North), Yusuf Hassan at Sh44,873,300. These vetting to ensure that no
County elected leaders. ther called on the elected “In every stage of imple- (Kamukunji), Mejjadonk projects encompass es- imposters posing as disa-
“Whatever decision you leaders to support the pro- mentation let us carry along Gathiru (Embakasi Cen- sential facilities such as bled individuals benefit.
make, put people first. You ject, dubbed the “Nairobi the elected leaders. They tral) and James Gakuya dormitories, dining halls,
must empathize with them Rivers Regeneration are very important because (Embakasi North), MCAs, ICT labs, and classrooms, . By Fatuma Said(KNA)
and always put yourself in Program”. they are the representatives among other leaders were
their shoes as you make of the people. We must con- present at the meeting. Government pushes for
decisions. Though we want In every stage tinue engaging the leaders The leaders praised the
the rivers cleaned and re-
of implemen- and take part in the pro- Deputy President for con- industrial growth through
stored, people must be in-
volved and be granted the tation let us carry
gram. Along the way there
will be employment oppor-
vening the forum, his push
for their involvement and
aggregation parks initiative
opportunity to participate
and raise queries,” Mr.
along the elected tunities in the program,” he
constant engagement with
all elected leaders across
The Government, in col-
laboration with counties
that the CAIPs program is
a collaboration between
Gachagua said. leaders The commission was political divide. and development partners, the national government
is keen to leverage the and the counties, where
County Aggregation and the national government
Industrial Parks (CAIPs) contributes 50 percent of

Kenya’s commitment to digital innovation to program to promote indus- the cost required to es-
trialization and boost Gross tablish the parks while the
Domestic Product from the other 50 percent is met by
be showcased at Transform Africa Summit manufacturing sector from
the current 7.6 percent to
15 percent by 2027 and 20
the county governments.
She acknowledged that
the program has experi-
BY EVALYNE GITHINJI global space, adding that percent by 2030. Speaking enced unexpected delays

enya has expressed there is a need to formu- in Eldoret, Uasin Gishu, occasioned by unforeseen
during the CAIPs monitor- delays in the signing of the
its readiness to host late laws and policies that intergovernmental partici-
ing and evaluation tour in
the Transform Africa are facilitative. The PS for the county, Cabinet Secre- pation agreement between
Summit (TAS) on August 28- Broadcasting and Telecom- tary for Investments, Trade, the ministry and the county
30, 2024, at the Kenya Inter- munications, Prof. Edward and Industry, Rebecca governments but added
national Conference Centre Kisiang’ani, noted that the Miano, confirmed that the that the issue has been re-
in Nairobi, Kenya. time has come for Africa to aggregation and industrial solved.
Speaking during the soft discuss how to work col- parks are up and running “After the assent into law in
launch of the Transform Af- laboratively and realize the well. The CS, accompa- March 2023 of the county
rica Summit held in Nairobi, continent’s dynamism by nied by Governor Jonathan government additional al-
Chelilim Bii, County Com- location act 2023, there
Information, Communica- believing that Africa is the
missioner Dr. Eddyson Ny- was further the need to
tions, and the Digital Econ- present. His ICT and the ale, and other stakeholders sign the intergovernmen-
omy Cabinet Secretary, Mr. Ministry of Information, Communications and the Digital Digital Economy counter-
Economy, Cabinet Secretary, Mr. Eliud Owalo speaking at the from the private sector, vis- tal agreement between the
Eliud Owalo, noted that the Digital Symposium for Smart Africa and The Partnership for part, Eng. John Tanui called ited the proposed export counties and the National
Summit will provide the Digital Access in Africa (PDAA) initiative event held in Nairobi. upon the region to attend the processing zone (EPZ) site Treasury. These frame-
country with a significant Photo by Henry Kwenya. Summit and agree on how to at Simat-Kapseret Ward, works were key to the mo-
platform for the continent region, among other key ensure TAS will be success- optimally utilise emerging CAIPs at Moiben Sub- dalities of implementation
to discuss pertinent matters topical matters. ful,” said Owalo. technologies such as Artifi- County, and the RIVATEX of the project and are now
related to digital identity for “I assure you that we have Owalo noted that Africa cial Intelligence, cloud in- Eldoret plant to check on things of the past,” the CS
Africa, enhance digital skill- the highest level of com- needs to think and act uni- frastructure, synchronise the progress and discuss said.
various challenges facing . By Ekuwam Silvester and
ing, and establish elaborate mitment from the highest formly to have fundamen- policies and share resources the projects. Miano noted Judy Too(KNA)
digital infrastructure in the echelons of Government to tal bargaining power in the as a continent.

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