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Plan La Granja D’Escarp The kilns


Ciment Catala

The Catalan Cement Manufacturers Association

(which operates with the brand “Ciment Català”)
was established on March 25, 1979 to develop a dual
technical function and of representation of the (at
that time) 9 operating factories.

During this time, the situation of the associated

companies, the social and economic dynamics of The Oven The top interior
the country, and own evolution have positioned
Ciment Català as a sectorial entity of reference for
public administrations, professionals, the business
community and for the whole society, final recipi-
ent of the most used construction material of the
planet: cement.
Throughout almost 4 decades of history, the sector
has experienced high market moments and con-
stantly reinforced – and in a convincing way, with
Geographic Elements millionaire investments – its commitment with a
Sustainable Development.
At the Confluence of Segre and Cinca Rivers.

Economic Elements
Energy Production Green Hydrogen
Mine Federico
In the past, one of the economic engines of the town were its coal mines. The large-scale exploitation of lignite
Green hydrogen utilises renewable electricity from the Mequinenza Carboniferous Basin began precisely in this municipality, when Ignacio Girona y Agrafel
and the hydrogen could potentially be used as installed a cement factory that used coal and marls from their mines. Cement production began in 1876. A part
a combustion fuel in the cement kiln without of the facilities are still preserved, representing an important heritage for the mining and industrial history of the
the resultant CO2 emissions associated with area. After the invention of coal in 1824.
traditional fuels and biomass.
Scale 1 ; 200

Presented by - Diya Choudhary

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