Professional Goals
Professional Goals
Professional Goals
Create a learning environment that Domain 3: Learning Environment I will keep a consistent routine and Measured by student behaviors in
is safe and open to positive use cooperative learning in my cooperative learning situations
behaviors between teacher and Managing Student Behavior lessons to create a positive and with classmates and teachers.
student, student and student. open environment in my
Create a learning environment that I will strive to model my Measured by structured routine
has clear expectations and high Domain 3: Learning Environment expectations throughout lessons. I and student behavior exhibited in
standards by modeling and with a will also clearly state expectations school setting with peers and
consistent routine. Managing Student Behavior and procedures verbally and teachers.
visually. Instructions will be
repeated as reminders.
Create engaging lessons that I will state objectives and Measured by well-planned lessons
clearly state goals and expectations expectations at the start of lessons and student responses.
through repetition and constant Domain 2: Instruction and create closures that tie in
assessment by observation and completed objectives.
higher order thinking questions. Communication
Use of formal and informal I will use Lead4ward strategies to Measured by recorded assessments
assessments to monitor progress of assess prior knowledge of students and exit tickets completed by
all students. Domain 1: Planning before lessons. I will also assess students. Observations will also be
understanding throughout lessons noted by the teacher with a
Data and Assessment by observation and assessment checklist and/or rubric.
strategies gained by research and