Survey Questions

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Survey Questions: (people whom underwent plastic surgery) Introduce our self them begin with: 1.

Could you recall when the first time you underwent plastic surgery was? 2. Would you consider yourself to be addicted to plastic surgery? 3. Would you mind sharing the reason for having the surgery? 4. What were the hopes you had regarding the surgery? 5. Has the surgery changed you as a person? If yes how? 6. What is your opinion on youths whom are addicted to plastic surgery? 7. What are your suggestions on how to deal with those whom are addicted to plastic surgery? 8. Personally do you think that the surgery has left an emotional or physical scar on you? 9. If you were given the opportunity would you undergo another plastic surgery?

Survey Questions: (Anti Plastic Surgery Organizations) 1. What is the main objective of your organization? 2. How does your organization go about carrying out its aims? 3. What do you think lure youths to undergo plastic surgery?

4. Would you mind sharing with us your opinions on youths whom had underwent repetitive cosmetic surgeries? 5. What are the negative effects that are these youths are not prepared to face? 6. Personally what is your take on how to deter youths from undergoing plastic surgery? 7. Is there any message that you would want to pass on to the youths regarding plastic surgery? Survey Questions: (Plastic Surgeons) 1. On the average how many plastic surgeries do you perform in the month? 2. Do youths contribute a large proportion of your patients? 3. What are the main reasons that your patients (esp. youths) have for undergoing plastic surgery? 4. What are the hopes the patients (esp. youths) have with them before the surgery? 5. Were there instances where your patients (esp. youths) had the mindset that the plastic surgery would change them as a person? 6. How do you manage to deal with them? 7. What is your take on your patients (esp. youths) whom are addicted to plastic surgery? 8. What in your opinion lure youths to undergo plastic surgery on a frequent basis? 9. Given a situation that you could undergo plastic surgery would you undergo it and why?

Survey Questions: (Psychiatrist) 1. On the average how many youths whom are addicted to plastic surgery do you counsel? 2. What are the main tell tale signs that youths are addicted to cosmetic surgery? 3. What are the main reasons that youths undergo plastic surgery? 4. Was there an instance where a youth had the mindset that undergoing plastic surgery would transform him/her into another individual? 5. Do you think it is ever possible to eradicate plastic surgery addiction and how? 6. Whom do you think is to be blamed for a growing no. of youths undergoing plastic surgery? 7. Is there any message that you would like to send youth on the topic of plastic surgery?

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