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Goal 1: Professional Create an in-depth class In-depth class profile

Knowledge profile to identify students Lesson observation notes
with the full range of needs about how supervising
To identify the needs of addressed teacher caters for all the
students in order to deliver Use the profile to student needs
lessons in a variety of implement specific Annotated lesson plan
ways. teaching strategies within a with differentiated tasks
lesson plan that were used to meet
This aligns with Standard Identify the content and individual learning needs
1.5: Demonstrate knowledge range of abilities and Examples of visual,
and understanding of create a lesson plan with written and kinesthetic
strategies for differentiated an attempt to engage all strategies used
teaching to meet the specific students in learning
learning needs of students
across the full range of

When viewing reflections and
feedback from my EPT218
placement, I recognised that
I need to establish
connection between my
teaching strategies, content
and students with a range of

Goal 2: Professional Discuss behaviour Annotated notes on

Practice management strategies with discussion with supervising
supervising teacher teacher on behaviour
To improve my behaviour Clearly establish management strategies
management strategies for expectations and Copy of behaviour
students with challenging responsibilities of students management system and
behaviour in the secondary Be actively aware of the strategies used in
school setting schools expectations of classroom/school
challenging behaviour Observations of strategies
This aligns with Standard 4.3: used by supervising
Demonstrate knowledge of teacher
practical approaches to Feedback from supervising
manage challenging behaviour teacher regarding
strategies used
In my EPT218 placement I
experienced a minimal amount
of challenging behaviour from
the primary school students.
By understanding what
behaviour management
strategies are appropriate to
use for secondary school
students I will feel more
comfortable and confident in
teaching the adolescents.

Goal 3: Professional Set and discuss short- Lesson plan with

Engagement term teaching goals with constructive feedback from
supervising teacher supervising teacher
Reflection on professional
To seek more constructive Receive constructive
discussion about lesson
feedback on my lesson feedback from supervising plan evaluation with
planning and delivery and teacher professionally and supervising teacher
apply the feedback to my positively
teaching practice. Apply feedback from
supervising teacher
This aligns with Standard promptly to improve
6.3: Seek and apply teaching practice
constructive feedback from
supervisors and teachers to
improve teaching practices

When gathering evidence for
my portfolio for EPT329 I
recognised a lack of
constructive feedback I
received for the lessons
delivered. It is essential to
seek and apply feedback on
any lesson delivered from my
supervisor and teachers in
order to improve my teaching

Other aims you may have for the professional experience:

Dress professionally at all required times.

Be punctual.

Teacher Education Student: Date:

Supervising Teacher: Date:

Subject Coordinator: Date:

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