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Chapter 5 – LOGFAS Database Management

You are here
The LOGFAS Connection Manager
Creating a New Database
Copying a Database
Editing a Database
Deleting a Database
Importing a Database
Exporting a Database
Setting the Active Database
Disconnecting a Local Database
Reconnecting a Local Database
Connecting to a Remote Database
Controlled Data Sets
SQL Updates
RIC Updates
AA GeoLoc Updates
AAA Asset Updates

The Management of LOGFAS Databases is achieved using the LOGFAS Connection
Manager (LCM) module; this is one of the Administration Modules that are loaded to the
computer during the Installation Process.
The functions for Database Management provided by the LCM require the LOGFAS
Manager and Sys Admin Staff to work together, so that the requirements are clearly
understood and any upgrading of the LOGFAS Programs and Data Sets is achieved in a
coordinated way. Especially, when the upgrade or change to LOGFAS has to be
coordinated over the whole of the LOGFAS Community throughout NATO and the
Before starting this Chapter, you are reminded that there are two folders added to the My
Documents or Documents folder of the computer. These folders are named as:
These folders represent wherever you place LOGFAS related files on your own computer
will allow you to carry out the required Importing and Exporting processes used in this
Chapter and for the remainder of the Tutorial.
Note: If you are following this Tutorial at a formal Course, the Instructors will tell
you where they have placed these files.
The LOGFAS Connection Manager (LCM)
The LOGFAS Connection Manager (LCM) is automatically loaded to the computer
(Server or Client/Standalone) during the installation process. The application allows
LOGFAS Users to access an individual database from any number of databases held on
the hard drive or on a network drive.
The LCM allows for the following functions to be completed:
 To Create, Edit (the name and properties only), Copy and Delete Databases.
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 To Import and Export Databases.

 To Disconnect and Re-connect a Local Database.
 To Connect to Remote (Server Based) Databases.
 To Update Databases with Centrally Controlled Data Sets.
Normally to activate the LCM, normal MS Windows Program Start procedures can be
Alternately, it is recommended that you create a LOGFAS shortcut folder from the All
Users/Programs/Start directory. In this case, the short cut for the LCM, as well as all the
other program short cuts will automatically be created.
Note: Depending on the procedures and protocols in place at any specific location,
Users may need the appropriate computer permissions to carry out the short cut
folder creation procedure or assistance from the Sys Admin.
For the Tutorial, the shortcut folder option will be applied. To access the module, locate
the LCM icon shown in Figure 5.1; this is in the LOGFAS desktop folder.

Figure 5.1

USE normal MS Windows functions to ACTIVATE the LCM by DOUBLE CLICKING on

the short cut LCM icon.
When the LCM is activated for the first time there will be message to say that there is No
Active Database, and suggesting that the Database Named LOGFAS_logbase should be
made Active. This suggestion should be accepted.
For the Tutorial, ACCEPT the Activation of the Database named LOGFAS_logbase.
There will be a second Important Query dialog as shown in Figure 5.2 that will appear on
the screen.

Figure 5.2

This asks if you want to Apply patch 19000 (for Version 6.2.2) or 19001 (for Version
6.2.3) to the database logfas_logbase?
Note: The required patches will be applied in sequence by the program.
This is in fact the SQL Patch and it must be applied to this Database (or to the current
Active Database and other Databases) in order for the LCM to activate it. If it is not
applied the LCM will not activate the selected database.
For the Tutorial, CLICK on the Yes button; the SQL Patch will be applied and the dialog
will close. Each time you are asked CLICK on the Yes button until the correct Parch level
is reached.
Note: If you are accessing a Database that was created in LOGFAS Vs 6.2.1, there
will be two on these Important Query dialogs; the first will Apply patch 19000 (this
is for LOGFAS Vs 6.2.2) and the second will Apply patch 19001 (this is for LOGFAS
Vs 6.2.3 and above).

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When the SQL Patch has been applied and the LCM is assessed for the first time, the
LCM window that that is shown in Figure 5.3 will open on the screen.

The Installed

Figure 5.3

Note: Figure 5.3 shows a new installation with the Databases that are automatically
added during the Installation Process.
The two databases that are added automatically during the Installation Process are
 LOGFAS_logbase: This database is a default and can be used for many
purposes that we discuss later.
Note: It is recommended that this database is not used for normal work, but is
can be used as a Master for Copying Databases.
 LOGF_TEMPLATE: This database is used by the program when new
databases are created. As the name implies it is a template and cannot be activated
or used for normal work.
It can however, be updated with the Controlled Data Sets so that all new databases
are created with the latest versions (SQL, AAA Asset Types, RICs and AA
GeoLocs) already applied.
Note: The Sys Admin and LOGFAS Manager need to discuss how this, the
Template Database, will be managed and worked with.
This LDM window shows the Installed LOGFAS Version at the Top-Right corner and the
Database List view shows the available databases by name.
For each database the following details are shown.
Active The position of the Tick (Check) indicates the database
which is currently Set Active for use by the LOGFAS
Name The Name given to the database.
Note: The prefix LOGFAS_ is automatically entered for
each database.
Description This is a free-text field that allows a meaningful description
to be added for the database.
Type This indicates the type of database:
 Template is a database loaded automatically
during the installation process.
 Local indicates that the database is installed on the
local computer.

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 Remote is a database located on a Sever but

accessible from the current workstation.
Security Level Indicates the security level that is set against the data
contained in the database.
Releasable Used in conjunction with the Security Level and shows the
Releasibility of the Data within the Database.
Asset This shows which version of the AAA Assets Types (a
controlled data set) has been loaded to the selected
Geo This shows which version of the AA GeoLocs (a controlled
data set) has been loaded to the selected database.
RIC This shows which Update version of the Reportable Item
Codes (a controlled data set) has been loaded to the
selected database.
SQL This shows the version of the database format used and
indicates which SQL Patch has been applied to the
Date Created The date the database was created or installed in the LCM.
Later in this Chapter will discuss the Centrally Controlled Data Sets and how to update
the databases.
The LCM provided functions to the LOGFAS Manager (with the support of the Sys
Admin) for the management of the databases used by the LOGFAS Modules. Which
option is applied will depend on the situation, but the following database functions are
 To Create a New Database.
 To Copy an Existing Database.
 To Edit a Database.
 To Delete a Database.
 To Export a Database.
 To Import a Database.
 To Disconnect and Re-connect a Local Database.
 To Connect to Remote (Server Based) Databases.
We will deal with each of these functions in turn.
Note: Which of the available options is used, will depend on the situation.
Creating a New Database
Note: To Create a New Database the program uses the LOGF_TEMPLATE as the
model. So if this is kept up-to-date with the Centrally Controlled Data Sets, all new
databases created in the LCM will contain the latest versions.
To create a new database, CLICK on the New button in the toolbar as shown in Figure
5.4. Alternatively, you can CLICK on the Action menu and SELECT the New Database

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Figure 5.4

For the Tutorial, CLICK on the New button. The New Database window will appear, as
shown in Figure 5.5.

Figure 5.5

On the New Database window you insert or select the details that will identify the
database being created. The detail to be applied is:
 The ODBC Name for the new database: This is how the Database will be listed
in the LCM Database List view.
Notes: The use of special characters is not allowed within the ODBC Name.
LOGFAS judges characters such as %,*,(,) etc. to be special characters.
The OBDC Name must not contain any spaces; use an Underscore as a
separator if required.
The program will automatically add the prefix of LOGFAS_ to the database as
it is being created, so this should not be included in the ODBC Name field.
 Add a Description for the database. When working with multiple databases a
description helps as time goes on as a reminder why the database was created.
 State the Owner of the Database; this is part of the Security procedures.
 State the Security Level of the database; this shows the highest security level
of the data within the database.
 Choose any Releasibility that is applied to the database and the data it
Note: For the Owner, Security Level and Releasability follow normal security
procedures that apply at the installation location.

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For the Tutorial, ENTER or SELECT the following:

 INSERT the Description as NEW DB FOR TUTORIAL
 SELECT the Owner as NATO/PFP
If Releasability is to be added CLICK on the Choose button and SELECT the required
options. This will not be done for the Tutorial.
When the required details have been inserted or selected the New Database window
should be the same as shown in Figure 5.6.

Figure 5.6

CLICK on the OK button to create the database.

The database creation can take some time. A progress bar will appear at the Bottom-
Left of the screen while the application is working.
When the process is complete, the new database will be listed in the LCM window as
shown in Figure 5.7.

The New
Database is
created and
added to the list.

Figure 5.7

This database is now available for Activation and use as required.

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You are here
The LOGFAS Connection Manager
Creating a New Database
Copying a Database
Editing a Database
Deleting a Database
Importing a Database
Exporting a Database
Setting the Active Database
Disconnecting a Local Database
Reconnecting a Local Database
Connecting to a Remote Database
Controlled Data Sets
SQL Updates
RIC Updates
AA GeoLoc Updates
AAA Asset Updates

Coping a Database
Any database that is listed in the LCM can be copied, to enable, for example, to have a
database for training with another maintained for operational use.
Notes: You do not have to Set Active a Database to copy it; it just needs to be
selected (highlighted). But only Databases with the Type shown as Local or
Template can be copied.
For Server/Client work, the database can be copied on the Server, where it is a
Type Local or Template and then a new Remote Connection has to be created on
the Client.
To copy a database, highlight the Local or Template database that you wish to copy and
click on the Copy button as shown in Figure 5.8.
For the Tutorial, SELECT and Highlight the Database named
LOGFAS_NEW_DATABASE and CLICK on the Copy button.

the CLICK the
Database. Copy

Figure 5.8

The Copy Database window as shown in Figure 5.9 will appear.

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Figure 5.9

On the Copy Database window you insert or select the details that will identify the
database being created. The detail to be applied is:
 The ODBC Name for the new database: This is how the Database will be listed
in the LCM Database List view.
Notes: The use of special characters is not allowed in the ODBC Name.
LOGFAS judges characters such as %,*,(,) etc. to be special characters.
The OBDC Name must not contain any spaces; use an Underscore as a
separator if required.
The program will automatically add a prefix of LOGFAS_ to the database as it
is being created, so this should not be included in the ODBC Name field.
 Add a Description for the database. When working with multiple databases a
description helps as time goes on as a reminder why the database was created.
 State the Owner of the Database; this is part of the Security procedures.
 State the Security Level of the database; this shows the highest security level
of the data within the database.
 Choose any Releasibility that is applied to the database and the data it
Note: For the Owner, Security Level and Releasability follow normal security
procedures that apply at the installation location.
For the Tutorial, ENTER or SELECT the following:
 INSERT the Description as COPY DB FOR TUTORIAL
 SELECT the Owner as NATO/PFP
If Releasability is to be added CLICK on the Choose button and SELECT the required
options. This will not be done for the Tutorial.
When the required details have been inserted or selected the Copy Database window
should be the same as shown in Figure 5.10.

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Figure 5.10

CLICK on the OK button to copy the selected database.

The database creation can take some time. A progress bar will appear at the Bottom-
Left of the screen while the application is working.
When the process is complete, the Copied Database will be listed in the LCM window as
shown in Figure 5.11.

The Copied

Figure 5.11

This database is now available for Activation and use as required.

Editing a Database
The attributes that have been applied to a database (the ODBC Name and Description of
a database, the Owner, Security Level and Releasibility) can be edited to enable the
information to incorporate more up to date or meaningful information, or if the situation
Editing a Database only changes the attributes; it will not modify the data in the database
in any way, only the name and details as they are shown in the Database List view.
Notes: You do not have to Set Active a Database to copy it; it just needs to be
selected (highlighted). But only Databases with the Type shown as Local can be
For Server/Client work, the database can be Edited on the Server, where it is a
Type Local and then the Remote Connection has to be updated on the Client
To edit a Database, SELECT the Local Database that you wish to Edit and CLICK the
Edit button shown in Figure 5.12.

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Figure 5.12

For the Tutorial, SELECT the Database named LOGFAS_NEW_DATABASE and CLICK
on the Edit button.
The Edit Database window will appear as shown in Figure 5.13.

Figure 5.13

Now any of the required details can be changed.

Note: If the Owner, Security Level and Releasibility fields are cleared, they must be
For the Tutorial; CHANGE the Description to NEW DB FOR TUTORIAL WITH EDIT as
shown in Figure 5.14.

Figure 5.14

You must also:

 State the Owner of the Database; as part of the Security procedures.
 State the Security Level of the database; this shows the highest security level
of the data within the database.
 Choose any Releasibility that is applied to the database and the data it

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Note: For the Owner, Security Level and Releasability follow normal security
procedures that apply at the installation location.
For the Tutorial, SELECT the following:
 SELECT the Owner as NATO/PFP
If Releasability is to be added CLICK on the Choose button and SELECT the required
options. This will not be done for the Tutorial.
After making the changes, CLICK the OK button to activate the changes.
The details shown in the LCM Database List view will refresh and the changes displayed,
as shown in Figure 5.15.

The Refresh List


show the

Figure 5.15

If the Database List view does not Refresh automatically, you can CLICK on the Refresh
List button shown in Figure 5.15 or use the F5 key on your keyboard.
This database is now available for Activation and use as required.
For Server/Client work, the database on the Server is Edited, the Client Remote
Connection has to be updated.
Deleting a Database
A database can be deleted. When deleting a database, the system will first delete the
database from the local machine, and then delete the ODBC connection associated with
Notes: The Set Active and LOGF_TEMPLATE Databases cannot be Deleted; the
database for deletion just needs to be selected (highlighted) in the LCM List view.
Only Databases with the Type shown as Local can be Deleted.
For Server/Client work, the Server Database cannot be Deleted by the Client; the
Client can only delete (remove) the Remote Connection.
On the Server, where the Database is a Type Local, it can be Deleted and then the
Remote Connection on the Clients have to be deleted (removed).
Once a Database has been Deleted from the LCM, it cannot be recovered; so great
care must be taken by all concerned. It is recommended that a *.Backup file is
created by Exporting the Database from the LCM – just in case.
Sys Admin should never delete a database without first consulting with the
LOGFAS Manager.
To delete a database, in the LCM Database List view highlight the database that is to be
deleted and CLICK the Delete button.

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For the Tutorial, SELECT the Database named LOGFAS_NEW_DATABASE and CLICK
on the Delete button, as shown in Figure 5.16.



Figure 5.16

A Confirm Delete dialog will appear to confirm that you want to delete the selected item,
as shown in Figure 5.17.

Figure 5.17

If you are certain that you have selected the correct database, CLICK on the Yes button
to begin the deletion. This process will take a few seconds.
For the Tutorial CLICK on the Yes button to confirm the action.
A status bar will appear at the bottom-left of the screen until the deletion is complete.
Once the database is deleted, the ODBC connection will be removed from the LCM
Database List view and the list should automatically refresh.
If the Database List view does not Refresh automatically, you can CLICK on the Refresh
List button or use the F5 key on your keyboard.
Note: Remember, that the Active and the LOGF_TEMPLATE Databases cannot be
deleted from any LCM.

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You are here
The LOGFAS Connection Manager
Creating a New Database
Copying a Database
Editing a Database
Deleting a Database
Importing a Database
Exporting a Database
Setting the Active Database
Disconnecting a Local Database
Reconnecting a Local Database
Connecting to a Remote Database
Controlled Data Sets
SQL Updates
RIC Updates
AA GeoLoc Updates
AAA Asset Updates

Importing a Database
Note: When LOGFAS is being used to plan an Exercise or new Operation there is a
mass of data that is collected and collated at the different Command Levels and
stages of the planning process. This data (information) has to be passed to lower
and Operational HQs.
Instead of passing lots of files between one HQ and another or to the Nations, with
the possibility or human error or omission occurring, HQs often pass a complete
database which has all of the current data that has been used until the point of
transfer contained within the file. These are in the form of *.backup files.
The principle being used can be applied to any situation, including as a backup to
restore a database in case of system failure.
Therefore, the LCM has a Database Import process to allow these files to be added
to the LOGFAS System in place.
Being able to import a database allows for a complete data transfer and a possible
method to restore a backup of a previous database.
To import a database, first CLICK on the Import button on the toolbar as shown in Figure

CLICK on the
Import button.

Figure 5.18

Alternatively, CLICK on the Action menu and SELECT the Import option.
The Import Database window, as shown in Figure 5.19 will appear.

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Figure 5.19

Due the way that this window is configured, follow the Steps:
 Step 1: Select the *.backup file to be imported.
 Step 2: Insert the required ODBC Name.
 Step 3: CLICK the OK button.
Note: If Steps 1 and 2 are reversed the system will overwrite whatever has been
inserted and will insert the file name as the ODBC Name.
For the Tutorial, in the Import File section of the window CLICK on the Browse button.
A standard Windows Open view will appear allowing you to choose the *.backup file to
Note: The file must be a valid PostgreSQL backup file, with the extension *.backup.
For the Tutorial SELECT the File named IMPORT_DEMO.backup in the LOGFAS
ADMIN MAIL IN folder. CLICK on the Open button as shown in Figure 5.20.

SELECT the File named CLICK on the Open

IMPORT_DEMO.backup. button.

Figure 5.20

As you will notice the program has Inserted the File name in the ODBC Name field.
Note: Often the file name format will be too many characters for the field; will not
conform to the required format; or will not be in accordance with local practises,
so it can be changed.
Enter an ODBC Name and Description for the database being imported.

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Notes: The use of special characters are not allowed to be used the ODBC Name.
LOGFAS judges characters such as %,*,(,) etc. to be special characters.
The OBDC Name must not contain any spaces; use an Underscore as a separator
if required.
The program will automatically add a prefix of LOGFAS_ to the database as it is
being created, so this should not be included in the ODBC Name field (or it will be
For the Tutorial;
 INSERT the Description as FOR TUTORIAL.
The Import Database window should now be similar to Figure 5.21.

Figure 5.21

CLICK the OK button to begin the import process.

The import process can take some time. A progress bar will appear at the bottom-left of
the LCM window while the application is working.
When the import is complete, the new database will appear in the LCM Database List
view as shown in Figure 5.22.

The Imported
Database is
added to the list.

Figure 5.22

If the Name column does not reveal the full name DOUBLE-CLICK on the column edge
to auto resize the column width, this can be applied to any of the columns in the LCM.

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Exporting a Database
Note: The principles give at the start of the Section for Importing Databases apply
here as well.
Instead of passing lots of files between one HQ and another, with the possibility or
human error or omission occurring, HQs often pass a complete database which
has all of the current data that has been used until the point of transfer contained
within the file. These are in the form of *.backup files.
Therefore, the LCM has a Database Export process to allow these files to be
created and passed to others.
Being able to export a database allows for a complete data transfer and a possible
method for the creation of a backup file of a database.
To export a database, highlight the database entry that you wish to export and click the
Export button.
Notes: The Database to be Exported does not have to be Set Active, only selected.
Further, only databases of the Type Local can be exported.
For the Tutorial, in the LCM Database List view; SELECT the Database named
LOGFAS_TUTORIAL_IMPORT_DB and then CLICK the Export button on the toolbar as
shown in Figure 5.23.

required Database
and then CLICK
the Export button.

Figure 5.23

The Save As window will appear, prompting you to choose a path for the export file.
By default, the ODBC Name for the Database will be used with the extension shown as
Note: The name for the Save file can be changed, as can the Save In destination
for the file.
For the Tutorial, SELECT the LOGFAS ADMIN MAIL OUT folder as the Save in
destination and ACCEPT the default File Name as shown in Figure 5.24.

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Figure 5.24

The database will now be exported and can be transmitted or passed to other LOGFAS
Users and then Imported on another computer using the LCM and the Import Database

You are here

The LOGFAS Connection Manager
Creating a New Database
Copying a Database
Editing a Database
Deleting a Database
Importing a Database
Exporting a Database
Setting the Active Database
Disconnecting a Local Database
Reconnecting a Local Database
Connecting to a Remote Database
Controlled Data Sets
SQL Updates
RIC Updates
AA GeoLoc Updates
AAA Asset Updates

Setting the Active Database

The LOGFAS modules use the ODBC connection that is shown as Set Active to identify
which database in the LCM Database List view is to be accessed.
Note: Sever based Databases do not need to be Set Active to be accessed by the
Client Computers. The Set Active is done on the Client machine.
To set a selected database as Active, select and highlight the database that is to be used
in the LCM Database List view and then:
 CLICK on the Select Active button on the toolbar, or
 RIGHT CLICK on the selected Database in the List view and SELECT the Set
Active option, or
 CLICK the Action menu and then SELECT the Set Active option, or

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 DOUBLE CLICK on the selected Database in the List view.

Whichever method is used the Green Tick or Check mark will appear against the
selected database and this is now the Set Active database.
For the Tutorial, SELECT database Named LOGFAS_TUTORIAL_IMPORT_DB and
then CLICK on the Set Active button as shown in Figure 5.25.

2. CLICK the Set

Activate button.


Figure 5.25

The Green Tick or Check mark will be shown against the database Named LOGFAS_
TUTORIAL_IMPORT_DB; indicating that this is now the Active database. All of the
LOGFAS Modules will now access this database.
Note: Before changing the Set Active database, all of the LOGFAS modules
(except the LCM) must be closed.
Disconnect a Local Database
There may be times when the LOGFAS Manager wants to prevent the Users from using
a database but does not want to delete it from the system only from the LCM Database
List view.
The LCM has functionality to disconnect a database within the LCM but keep it for later
use. The disconnect function will not delete the database; it will only break the
connection shown in the LCM. When this done the database will not be able to be used
until the connection is restored using the LCM.
Note: Remote databases cannot be disconnected on the Server by the Client. All
databases of the Type Local or Template can be disconnected, except for the Set
Active database (if it is of the Type Local).
To disconnect a Local Database, highlight the database that you wish to disconnect and
click the Disconnect button, shown in Figure 5.26.

Figure 5.26

Alternatively the User can RIGHT CLICK on the selected Database in the List view and
SELECT the Disconnect option or CLICK the Action menu and then SELECT the
Disconnect option.
For the Tutorial, SELECT the Database named LOGFAS_COPY_DATABASE in the
LCM Database List view and then CLICK the Disconnect button on the toolbar as
illustrated in Figure 5.27.

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SELECT the Database

named LOGFAS_

Figure 5.27

The selected database will be removed from the LCM Database List view because the
connection has been removed. But it is still held within the LCM system so it can be
reconnected when required.
Reconnecting a Local Database
When the LOGFAS Manager wants to reinstate a disconnected database to give the
Users access to it, the database has to be added back to the LCM Database List view
and then set Active. There may also be times when a database loses it connection in the
LCM but is still within the program.
The LCM has functionality to search for a local database that has either been
disconnected or lost its connection with the LCM.
CLICK on the Action menu and SELECT the Add connection to Local DB option or
CLICK on the Add connection to Local DB button as shown in Figure 5.28.

Add connection CLICK on Add
to Local DB. connection to Local
DB button.

Figure 5.28

For the Tutorial CLICK on the Add connection to Local DB button.

The add Connection window will open as shown in Figure 5.29. The software will now
find any disconnected local databases on the computer. To reconnect to any of the
databases, ACTIVATE the check box.

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Activate the check

box to connect to a
local database.

Figure 5.29

For the Tutorial, ACTIVATE the Check Box for the Local DB named
logfas_copy_database and CLICK on the OK button.
The database will be reconnected and be available in the LCM window as shown in
Figure 5.30.

Figure 5.30

Note: The name of the reinstated database may need to be Edited to comply with
any local naming conventions.
Connecting to a Remote Database
LOGFAS can be used on a network by applying Server/Client working principles. The
connection by the Client to the Server based database is achieved using the LCM and
then the individual User privileges, rights and permissions are managed using the User
Management Module (UMM) which ids the subject of the next Chapter.
Note: Currently only the EVE and CORSOM modules are fully configured for
Sever/Client working with version and transaction recording.
When LOGFAS is being installed, the installation program will recognise when the
software is being installed on or as a Server and will make the necessary configurations
to allow Server/Client working.
For Client machines, LOGFAS is installed on each client computer; these can also have
their own Local database(s) to permit offline working/training.
To connect to server database, CLICK on the Action menu and SELECT the New
Remote Connection option or CLICK on the New Remote Connection button as shown
Figure 5.31.

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SELECT the CLICK on the

New Remote New Remote
Connection Connection
option. button.

Figure 5.31

The New Remote Connection window as shown in Figure 5.32 will appear on the screen.

Figure 5.32

In the New Remote Connection window the required details are inserted. These are:
 Server: The location of the Server, as an IP Address.
 Database: The allocated name for the Database as it is shown on the Server
LCM Database List view.
 ODBC Name: A name for the database for the Client’s LCM Database List.
 Description: A description for the database which can be displayed in the
Client’s LCM Database List.
The details that must be included are self-explanatory. The Sys Admin will be able to
provide the Server IP Address and Database Name, and provide assistance with the
The ODBC Naming conventions should be agreed with the LOGFAS Manager, to ensure
uniformity in the application and the LOGFAS Users.
Note: If you are attending a formal course, the instructors will give the details for
the Server IP Address and Database Name and other details to be used.
When the required details have been inserted, CLICK on the OK button.
The new database connection is established and the ODBC Name will then be displayed
in LCM Database List view as a Type Remote database.
The Remote Database can then be Set Active and available to the LOGFAS User for
their work.

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You are here
The LOGFAS Connection Manager
Creating a New Database
Copying a Database
Editing a Database
Deleting a Database
Importing a Database
Exporting a Database
Setting the Active Database
Disconnecting a Local Database
Reconnecting a Local Database
Connecting to a Remote Database
Controlled Data Sets
SQL Updates
RIC Updates
AA GeoLoc Updates
AAA Asset Updates

Controlled Data Sets

SQL (Structured Query Language) is a special-purpose programming language designed
for managing data held in a relational database and from time to time it needs to be
updated by the programmers of LOGFAS. It is normally issued to the LOGFAS Users as
part of an Upgrade of LOGFAS or when a Patch is required.
When there is an Upgrade or Patch issued for LOGFAS the SQL requirements are built-
in and need to be applied before a Database is Set Active.
In addition, there are a number of Controlled Data Sets used in LOGFAS by the Users.
These Data Sets are Centrally Managed by Allied Command Operations (ACO),
although all NATO HQs /Organisations and Nations are able to request for data to be
included within the Updates that are issued. These Controlled Data Sets are:
 Reportable Items Codes: Used in LOGFAS to identify the capability of Items
within the database. Updates are normally issued once a year, unless there is an
operational or urgent requirement for a supplementary update to be issued.
The implementation of RIC Updates is directed by RIC Updates are implemented
under the direction of ACO who will state the date for the update to occur. This is
because all LOGFAS Users (NATO and Nations) need to do it at the same time so
that all databases remain equal and allow the transfer of data.
RIC Updating is completed using the LCM.
Note: LOGFAS will not allow data to be imported from one database to
another unless the RIC Number is equal. Any data file being imported that is
not compatible (equal for RIC Update Version) will be blocked from the
 AA GeoLoc Updates: Used in LOGFAS to identify the geographic location
(GeoLocs) used for all Movements and Logistic Planning and Execution and provide
a way of having equal information about locations of interest to the military planners.
Updates are normally issued once a year, unless there is an operational or urgent
requirement for a supplementary update to be issued.
Note: LOGFAS may not allow data to be imported from one database to
another unless the GeoLoc Versions are equal. Any data file being imported
that is not compatible (equal for AA GeoLoc Version) will be blocked from the

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AA GeoLoc Updating can be completed using the LCM or the Geographic Data
Management (GeoMan) module.
 AAA Asset Types: AAA Asset Types are Transportation Templates used by the
Movements Staff when analysing, planning or execution movement’s missions.
The AAA Asset Type Version 6 is built-in to LOGFAS Version 6.2.1; additional
updates may be issued as part of a LOGFAS Upgrade and will be implemented in
the LCM. Alternately, AAA Asset Type Updates can be issued as a data file and
imported into the database using the LOGFAS Data Management Module (LDM).
Note: LOGFAS will not allow data to be exchanged from one database to
another unless the Controlled Data Sets are equal. Any data file being
imported that is not compatible (equal for RIC, AA GeoLoc or AAA Asset Type
Version) will be blocked from the database.
We will deal with each of these Controlled data Sets in turn.
SQL Updates
The process for updating to the required SQL Patch level is built-in (hard-wired) in the
LOGFAS Version being used (including any upgrades). All databases shown in the LCM
Database List view should be working with the current SQL Patch.
When applying the Set Active to a database, the LCM will check the SQL Patch Version
and if required will prompt the User to apply the update. If the User does not apply the
SQL Patch the LCM will not Set Active the database and it cannot be accessed.
For the Tutorial, IMPORT the Database File named TO_UPDATE_DB.backup that is in
the LOGFAS ADMIN MAIL IN folder. In the ODBC Name field, keep the name from the
import file.
Note: When the file has been imported and added to the LCM Database List view.
Do not do anything until directed in the next sections.
The SQL Patch Update can be applied to any database in the LCM Database List view
that is of the Types Local or Template, the database does not have to be Set Active to be
Note: Remember that when working Server/Client on a Network the shared
database is shown as Local on the Server. Clients cannot upgrade the database
from their workstations.
The SQL Update Patch can be applied to any LOGFAS or Version 6.2.1 database so
that it can be used with Version 6.2.2 or better.
Note: At the time of writing this Tutorial the SQL Patch for LOGFAS Version 6.2.3
is 19001. Database will have the required SQL Patches applied in sequence.
SELECT the database that requires having the SQL Patch updated.
For the Tutorial, SELECT the Database named LOGFAS_TO_UPDATE_DB in the LCM
Database List view so that it is highlighted.
Note: The database selected is a LOGFAS Vs 6.2.1 file.
CLICK on Action menu and then SELECT the Update SQL option as shown in Figure

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SELECT the Update

SQL option from the
Action menu.

Figure 5.33

An Important Query dialog, as shown in Figure 5.34 will appear on the screen.

Figure 5.34

This asks if you want to Apply patch 19001 to the selected database. The name of the
database will be included in the question.
CLICK on the Yes button; the SQL Patch will be applied and the dialog will close.
Note: If you are accessing a Database that was created in LOGFAS Vs 6.2.1, there
will be two on these Important Query dialogs; the first will Apply patch 19000 (this
is for LOGFAS Vs 6.2.2) and the second will Apply patch 19001 (this is for LOGFAS
Vs 6.2.3 or better).
Remember: A database that does not have the correct SQL Patch applied cannot
be Set Active in the LCM and cannot be accessed.
For the Tutorial CLICK the Yes button.
After the SQL Patch is upgraded, an Important Query dialog as shown at Figure 5.35 will

Figure 5.35

At this stage and for the Tutorial CLICK on the No button.

Anytime a SQL Patch is issued this process to upgrade will have to be carried out for
each Local or Template Type database shown in the LCM Database List view.
Reportable Item Codes (RICs) - Upgrading RIC Versions
RIC codes are centrally controlled that are used by the various LOGFAS User
Communities to identify the capability characteristics of the Items used by the programs.
They are also designed to overcome problems regarding terminology and language
when working in a Multi-National environment as we do in NATO.

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RIC Codes are updated on a regular basis to introduce new RIC codes, Update existing
codes or to delete unwanted codes. When an update is issued there is always an
implementation data stated, to make sure that all LOGFAS Databases are updated at the
same time.
To prevent data corruption, LOGFAS will not allow a data file to be imported unless the
RIC Version in the sending and receiving databases are equal.
However, when the LCM updates a database after the installation of a new version of
LOGFAS it does not automatically upgrade the RIC Version of a previous database. It is
therefore necessary to upgrade the RIC Version separately in the same way as when a
new RIC Version is released.
Checking the RIC Version of the Database
You can check the RIC Version of the connected database(s) in the LCM Database List
If your database does not contain the current or correct RIC Version, you will need to
Updating the RIC Version
The RIC Version Update can be applied to any database in the LCM Database List view
that is of the Types Local or Template, the database does not have to be Set Active to be
Note: Remember that when working Server/Client on a Network the shared
database is shown as Local on the Server. Clients cannot upgrade the database
from their workstations.
The RIC Version Update can be applied to any LOGFAS Version 6.2.# database.
For the Tutorial, SELECT the Database named LOGFAS_TO_UPDATE_DB in the LCM
Database List view so that it is highlighted.
To access the RIC Updater, SELECT the Update RIC option from the Action menu, as
shown in Figure 5.36.

SELECT the Update

RIC option from the
Action menu.

Figure 5.36

The RIC Updater window will open. You will now need to select the correct version of
RIC Update file to bring your database up to date. To access the file required; CLICK on
the Browse button as shown in Figure 5.37.

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CLICK on the
Browse button.

Figure 5.37

The update files are contained in the C:\Program Files \NATO\LOGFAS6\COMMON\

GEOLOC_RIC_ASSETTYPE directory. These update are provided as part of the
installation process.
For the Tutorial, we have placed examples in the LOGFAS ADMIN MAIL IN folder.
In the RIC Updater window CLICK on the Browse button, the Open window as shown in
Figure 5.38 will open on the screen.

SELECT the file named


Figure 5.38

For the Tutorial, SELECT the File named Update_RIC_V17_V18_

NATO_UNCLASSIFIED_17JAN17.txt from the files available to you.
Note: Depending on the RIC Version status of the selected database, it may be
necessary to upgrade to RIC Version 17 first. Follow the same procedure to
upgrade the versions in sequence.
Then CLICK on the Open button and the Update File field will show the Update file
To start the update process CLICK on the UPDATE RICS button shown in Figure 5.39.

CLICK on the
Update RICS button.

Figure 5.39

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The RIC Update Progress window as shown in Figure 5.40 will appear.

CLICK on the Apply

Modifications button.

Figure 5.40

Now CLICK on the Apply Modifications button to update the RICs. This may take a little
time because there are more than 28,000 individual RICs.
When the RIC Update has been completed the RIC Updater dialog box will open as
shown in Figure 5.41, CLICK OK to proceed with the update.

CLICK on the OK

Figure 5.41

After the modifications have updated the RIC tables all the check boxes should be
activated and the Error Log should be empty as shown in Figure 5.42.

CLICK on the
button to reject CLICK on the OK button
the update. to accept the update.

Figure 5.42

To accept all the updates CLICK on the OK button.

If the Error Log does have a problem to report you should SAVE on the Error Log and
send it to the LOGFAS Support Desk. The Email address is shown in the Introduction to
this Tutorial..
For the Tutorial, CLICK the OK button and the RIC Update Progress window will close
and you will return to the RIC Updater window.
Now CLOSE the RIC Updater window.

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The Selected Database has now been updated from Version RIC 17 to RIC 18. This
process has to be applied to all out of date databases shown in the LCM Database List

You are here

The LOGFAS Connection Manager
Creating a New Database
Copying a Database
Editing a Database
Deleting a Database
Importing a Database
Exporting a Database
Setting the Active Database
Disconnecting a Local Database
Reconnecting a Local Database
Connecting to a Remote Database
Controlled Data Sets
SQL Updates
RIC Updates
AA GeoLoc Updates
AAA Asset Updates

AA Geographic Locations (GeoLocs) - Upgrading GeoLoc Versions

In LOGFAS Geographic Locations (GeoLocs) are used for all Movements and Logistic
Planning, Execution and Reporting. In addition, they provide a way of having equal
information about locations of interest to the military planners.
The AA GeoLocs are updated on a regular basis to introduce New locations, Update
existing locations or to delete unwanted locations. When an update is issued there is
always an implementation data stated, to make sure that all LOGFAS Databases are
updated at the same time.
To prevent data corruption, LOGFAS will not allow a data file to be imported unless the
AA GeoLoc Version in the sending and receiving databases are equal.
AA GeoLoc Updates can be carried out in the LCM or in the GeoMan module; the
process is the same.
However, after the installation of a new version of LOGFAS it does not automatically
upgrade the AA GeoLoc Version of a previous database. It is therefore necessary to
upgrade the AA GeoLoc Version separately in the same way as when a new AA GeoLoc
Version is released.
Checking the AA GeoLoc Version of the Database
You can check the AA GeoLoc Version of the database(s) in the LCM Database List
If your database does not contain the current or correct AA GeoLoc Version, you will
need to update.
Updating AA GeoLoc Version
The AA GeoLoc Version Update can be applied to any database in the LCM Database
List view that is of the Types Local or Template, the database does not have to be Set
Active to be updated.

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Note: Remember that when working Server/Client on a Network the shared

database is shown as Local on the Server. Clients cannot upgrade the database
from their workstations.
The AA GeoLoc Version Update can be applied to any LOGFAS Vs 6.2.# databases.
For the Tutorial, SELECT the Database named LOGFAS_TO_UPDATE_DB in the LCM
Database List view so that it is highlighted.
To start the GeoLoc update process, SELECT the Update Geo option from the Action
menu, as shown in Figure 5.43.

SELECT the Update

Geo option from the
Action menu.

Figure 5.43

The Open window as shown in Figure 5.44 will open on the screen.

Figure 5.44

For the Tutorial, SELECT the File named AA13 GEOLOC UPDATE as of 131214.xml
from the files available to you.
Then CLICK on the Open button and the Update AA GeoLocs dialog, as shown in Figure
5.45, will confirm the details of the update to be carried out.

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Figure 5.45

CLICK on the OK button to proceed. The Importing GeoLocs From File to Database
window shown in Figure 5.46 will open on the screen.

Import button to
continue with
the process.

Figure 5.46

At this stage the program is checking the status of the data within the file and if there are
no problems you can proceed.
For the Tutorial, CLICK on the Import button to proceed.
The AA GeoLoc Update can take some time; a progress bar will appear at the Bottom-
Left of the screen while the application is working.
When the import process has been completed and the data has been Inserted, Updated
and Loaded to the selected database, the status columns will be completed as illustrated
in Figure 5.47.

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Commit button.

Figure 5.47

To complete the Import Process; CLICK on the Commit button and the Importing
GeoLocs From File to Database window will close. The LCM Database List view will
now automatically refresh.
AAA Asset Types - Upgrading Asset Types Versions
In LOGFAS AAA Asset Types are a series of Transportation Asset Templates showing
the common and baseline characteristics. These can be duplicated by the LOGFAS
Users, updated to show any specific requirements or national restrictions and then can
be used for all Movements and Transportation Analysis, Planning and Execution.
The AAA Asset Types are updated on a regular basis to introduce New Assets, Update
existing Assets or to delete unwanted Assets. When an update is issued there is always
an implementation data stated, to make sure that all LOGFAS Databases are updated at
the same time.
To prevent data corruption, LOGFAS will not allow a data file to be imported unless the
AAA Asset Types Version in the sending and receiving databases are equal.
AAA Asset Types Updates are normally carried out using the LDM. But for LOGFAS
Version 6.2.2 an automatic process to update from AAA Asset Types Version 5 to
Version 6 was included in the LCM.
However, after the installation of a new version of LOGFAS it does not automatically
upgrade the AAA Asset Types Version of a previous database. It is therefore necessary
to apply the upgrade of AAA Asset Types Version.
There are 3 ways that this can be achieved:
 Method 1: When you are upgrading the SQL Patch to a Selected Database,
after the final SQL Update has been applied, the program will ask if you want to
upgrade to AAA Asset Types Version 6.
 Method 2: Use the Action menu option for a selected database, to upgrade to
AAA Asset Types Version 6.

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 Method 3: This will only apply if additional Updates are issued, and then you
can use the Import Functions of the LDM.
Checking the AAA Asset Types Version of the Database
You can check the AAA Asset Types Version of the connected database(s) in the LCM
Database List view.
If your database does not contain the current or correct AAA Asset Types Version, you
will need to update.
Updating AAA Asset Types Version
The AAA Asset Types Version Update can be applied to any database in the LCM
Database List view that is of the Types Local or Template, the database does not have to
be Set Active to be updated.
Note: Remember that when working Server/Client on a Network the shared
database is shown as Local on the Server. Clients cannot upgrade the database
from their workstations.
The AAA Asset Types Version Update can only be applied to a Version 6.2.2 or higher
For Method 1: At the end of the SQL Patch updating process, an Important Query dialog
as shown at Figure 5.48 will open.

Figure 5.48

To apply the AAA Asset Types Version 6 update, CLICK on the Yes button.
The update process will be completed automatically.
For Method 2 and the Tutorial, SELECT the Database named
LOGFAS_TO_UPDATE_DB in the LCM Database List view so that it is highlighted.
To start the AAA Asset Types update process, SELECT the Update Asset Type option
from the Action menu, as shown in Figure 5.49.

SELECT the Update

Asset Type option from
the Action menu.

Figure 5.49

An Important Query dialog as shown at Figure 5.50 will open.

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Figure 5.50

To apply the AAA Asset Types Version 6 update, CLICK on the Yes button.
The update process will be completed automatically.
When the update process is completed the dialog shown at Figure 5.51 will open.

Figure 5.51

CLICK on the OK button to complete the process.

The LCM Database List view will now automatically refresh and show the correct version.
Method 3 will be used if there is an interim update issued. The LDM Import wizard
process will then be applied.
For the LOGFAS Manager, after the update to AAA Asset Type Version 6 is completed,
you should arrange for all Local Databases to be cleaned out of the old Asset Type data.
ACTIVATE the Updated Database.
For the Tutorial, ACTIVATE the Database named LOGFAS_TO_UPDATE_DB in the
LCM Database List view.
ACCESS the LDM and then SELECT the Asset menu and then SELECT the Asset
Types option.
The LDM [Asset Types] window shown at Figure 5.52 will open on the screen.

Figure 5.52

To clean out the old Asset Type Data, these are designated with a prefix XX or XXX and
they need to be selected in the Asset types List view and the deleted.

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For the Tutorial, SELECT all of the listed Asset Types that have a Prefix XX or XXX and
then RIGHT CLICK and SELECT the delete option.
The LDM dialog shown in Figure 5.53 will open on the screen.

Figure 5.53

CLICK on the Yes button to continue.

The selected Asset Types will now be deleted.
Asset Types with the Prefix AAA cannot be deleted, if selected inadvertently you
will be given a warning and the deletion will be prevented.
Any Asset Types selected that have been used in the other LOGFAS Modules
cannot be deleted. The LOGFAS Users will have to find where they have been
applied and change the selection to an alternative Asset Type (one that does not
have a XX or XXX Prefix.
Then the deletion process can be repeated.
For the Tutorial, RETURN to or REOPEN the LCM.
Look at the LCM Database List view and you will see that the Updates have been
applied to the Database named LOGFAS_TO_UPDATE_DATABASE, as illustrated in
Figure 5.54.

Updates have been

applied and the current
Versions are shown.

Figure 5.54

For the Tutorial, CLOSE the LCM.

Note: Remember that these updates have to be applied to each individual
Database shown in the LCM Database List view.
Consideration should be given to apply all Centrally Controlled Data Set updates to the
Template Database. Then any New Databases created will have the updates applied

NATO Unclassified Rel PFP/MD/ICI/PatG LOGFAS Version 6.2.3 Doc Vs 1

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