Oracle EBS 12.2.7 Rohan TEST
Oracle EBS 12.2.7 Rohan TEST
Oracle EBS 12.2.7 Rohan TEST
7 Upgrade:
Lessons Learned
For developers (and DBAs), the upgrade to 12.2 requires significant research and understanding of
new technologies and concepts that have not been present in past versions of EBS.
The upgrade from 11.5.10 to 12.1.3 required a lot of technical effort using the skills a developer /
DBA already possessed. The upgrade from 12.1.3 to 12.2.7 did not have as much effort, but
required significant research and learning of new technologies.
Even if you are months / year+ from beginning an to upgrade to 12.2, there are
steps you can take in your 12.1 environment today that will make life easier when
it is time to upgrade.
A Problem with Older Versions of EBS…
UNIX Scripts
Before you start the upgrade process. Determine if you want your customizations to
follow Minimal or Full levels.
2: Writing files to $APPL_TOP Directories
If you have custom code that writes data to a directory under $APPL_TOP you will
have to modify it to write to the non-editioned file system.
All of your custom code must reference EBS Tables through the APPS schema.
4: Code Naming Standards for Online Patching
In order for Online Patching to automatically manage derived objects the following
rules have to be in place:
5: Utilities are available for the analysis of your pre-upgrade
These Utilities are scripts and are available as standalone patches for 11i, 12.0, 12.1 and 12.2 –
Note:1531121.1 Using the Online Patching Readiness Reports in Oracle E-Business Suite Release 12.2
6: Online Patching Standards Compliance Report – Part 1
Note: If you run this in a 12.1 environment note that all seeded objects will
automatically be fixed in the upgrade to 12.2. You only need to focus on custom
7: Online Patching Standards Compliance Report – Part 2 for Application Tier
Note: We did not have much luck getting useful results from Instead we
opened up every custom object on the file system looking for non APPS synonym
access to tables and fixed them accordingly.
8: Online Patching Readiness Reports
9: Custom Oracle Applications and Schemas – Part 1
Two types of custom schemas:
3. Register custom Non-EBS application schemas properly that we wanted to become editioned schemas in
5. Online Patching Enablement Readiness Report. This report should show us a list of schemas.
7. Database Check Report. This should give us a list of database objects with references to the data model
that need to go through a synonym in the apps schema.
8. File System Check report. Run Since this did not work for us we had to manually look at all custom
files on the system to fix for compliance.
8. ffsd
12: $OA_HTML Directory
The $OA_HTML directory is a part of the dual file system, but its contents are not
synced during the prepare phase of the ADOP patching cycle.
Patch wizard results would show that a patch has 99% new code to apply.
Some tables were built for custom applications and some were just TEMP tables to hold
backup versions of tables before running scripts.
Full Compliance requires these tables be moved, but even though we were doing
Minimal Compliance we decided to take this opportunity to do some housekeeping.
Created 2 new schemas: XXCUSTOM (for non product specific custom tables)
XXTEMP (for temporary tables such as backup tables)
18: Security Features
Examples of additional security features:
All JSP Pages need to be whitelisted in allowed_jsps.conf unless you alter the profile
option Allow Unrestricted JSP Access
Allowed Redirects.
Whitelist of allowed redirect locations located in allowed_redirects.conf
Can be overridden by profile option Allow Unrestricted Redirects
New Feature converts most OAF data into Rich Tables. This feature has an Export to Excel option. In
testing we were able to crash the system with only a handful of users clicking this button simultaneously
on large datasets. Can disable the Excel button with profile option: FND: Enable BNE Table Integration
You can disable all of the Rich Table integration with profile option: FND: Enable Rich Table Interactions
(old look and feel)
20: Password Lock Issue
Oracle allows you to lock EBS users after a certain number of failed password attempts.
After upgrading to 12.2.7 we noticed a bug where the user’s failed password attempts did not reset
back to 0 after a successful login. This caused a record number of account lockouts. It was treating the
failed password attempts as a cumulative number and never resetting it.
There are a number of suggested patches. This is still an ongoing effort for us.
12.2: Functionality Disabled During An Online Patching Cycle (ADZDPATCH) (Doc ID 1586609.1)
25: Weblogic Server
EBS 12.2.7 Requires EXPERT knowledge of Weblogic Server. It has endless configurations and will require
a significant amount of researching and tweaking for your environment.
Most issues won’t be reproduceable in your test environments since they are not as active as production.
1: Decision Point: Development Standards for Custom Code 14: Unable to view Value Set Values
4: Code Naming Standards for Online Patching 17: Custom Tables Owned by APPS
5: Utilities are available for the analysis of your pre-upgrade system 18: Security Features
6: Online Patching Standards Compliance Report – Part 1 19: Export to Excel Issue
7: Online Patching Standards Compliance Report – Part 2 20: Password Lock Issue
9: Custom Oracle Applications and Schemas – Part 1 22: Cascading Invalid Objects
10: Custom Oracle Applications and Schemas – Part 2 23: Fast Formula String Limitation