Assessment Sheet of Affective: Subject: Chemistry Class / Semester: X / 1 Sub Chapter: Basic Competence

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Subject : Chemistry

Class / Semester :X/1

Sub Chapter : Atomic Build Particles (Isotope, Isobar, Isotone)

Basic Competence :

2.1 Demonstrate behavioral science (curious, disciplined, honest, objective,

open, able to distinguish between fact and opinion, tenacious, thorough,
responsible, critical, creative, innovative, democratic, communicative) in
designing and conducting experiments and discussions are realized in
everyday attitudes.

Indicators :

2.1.1 Demonstrate behavioral science curious discuss to solve the

problems about isotope, isobar, and isotone with scientific
2.1.2 Demonstrate behavioral science active attitude in asking and
answering questions related to the isotope, isobar, and isotone.
2.1.3 Demonstrate behavioral science critical attitude in response to
explanation or opinion regarding the isotope, isobar, and isotone.
Direction : Give check symbol () in 1, 2 or 3 on table

Name Curious Active Critical Total
1 2 3 1 2 3 1 2 3








Characteristics Indicators

1. Pay attention to teacher explaining

Collect the other information sources bok and
teacher explaining.
2. Ask to fiends or teacher
1. Do the exercise seriously in group
Active 2. Answer the explaination of teacher explaining
Answer and responding to friends answer
1. Pay attention to teacher explaining
Critical 2. Can relate the one matter and the other matter
3. Give respond to the answer of other friends
Very Good : if the total Score is 9
Good : if the total Score is 6-8
Enough : if the total Score is 4-5
Less : if the total Score is 3
Skill Assessment

Subject : Chemistry

Class / Semester :X/1

Sub Chapter : Atomic Build Particles (Isotope, Isobar, Isotone)

Basic Competence :

4.3 Processing and analyze the atomic structure based on Bohr atoms theory
and mechanical quantum theories

Indicators :

4.3.1 Analyze isotope, isobar, and isotone of elements

4.3.2 Analyze the conclusion about isotope, isobar, and isotone.

Direction : Give check symbol () in 1, 2 or 3 on table

No. Aspect
1 2 3

1. Present the result using understandable languange

2. The idea its same with concept

3. Can make conclusion of isotope, isobar, and isotone.

Criteria 1. Less : 1-3
Maximum score = 30
2. Enough : 4-6 Score scale,
0% - 25% (less)
> 25%-50% (enough)
> 55%-75% (good)
> 75%-100% (very good)

Score = 100%

3. Good : 7-10
Skill Assessment Rubric

No. Aspect


Present the result using understandable Student can't present their Studen
languange result in front of class their r

but th


The idea its same with concept Student can't explain their Studen
idea to modify manufacture their id
of colloids manuf


Can make conclusion from their idea Student cant make Studen
conclusion from their idea to conclu
modify manufacture of modify
colloids colloid

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