78EKS-1 Sr. No. 2 Examination of Marine Engineer Officer Engineering Knowledge

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Sr. No. 2

(Time allowed - 3 hours)
Steam Candidate
INDIA(2001) Afternoon Paper
Total Marks
N.B. - (1) Attempt SIX questions ONLY.
(2) All questions carry equal marks.
(3) Neatness in handwriting and clarity in expression carries weightage

1. Describe an improved high-life safety valve and in particular explain the operation and arrangement
of the uplift piston.
Sketch the safety valve lid and seat and analyse the prevailing steam conditions:
(a) lid just about to lift,
(b) lid lifting clear of seat,
(c) lid just about to close.
During and after overhaul of this type of safety valve, what important clearances should be

2. With reference to boiler water treatment discuss:

(a) oxygen scavenging,
(b) use of colloids,
(c) alkalinity to phenolphthalein,
(d) caustic alkalinity,
(e) prevention of priming and carry over.

3. Explain the limitations of flanged joints for high pressure and temperature steam pipelines. Describe a
suitable method for making a welded joint, the testing and examination procedures, the possible
defects and the provision for periodic survey.

4. Sketch a cross section through a Vee type auxiliary Diesel engine and describe the arrangement.
In particular, explain how the engine is aspirated and the method of exhaust.
Compare this engine with a slow running Diesel engine for noise, vibration and case of maintenance.

5. Sketch a section through a Babcock boiler drum incorporating a cyclone steam separator. Show the
water circulation path and explain the principle of operation of these separators. What is the thermal
advantage of effective steam separation?

6. Describe how the bearings of a set of main double reduction gearing are opened up and inspected.
Explain how the lower half bearings are turned out and show a simple sketch of one such bearing.
Explain where the load is taken and how the oil pressure is distributed longitudinally and
(a) when stationary,
(b) when going ahead, and
(c) when going astern.
At routine inspections, what clearances are recorded?
7. Explain how burner modulation (regulation) is achieved in automatic combustion control equipment
and trace the sequence of events following an increase in steam demand from the boiler.

8. Give a fully reasoned explanation of the effect that a loss of vacuum would have on the L.P. turbine
exhaust temperature if such a loss was caused by (a) air leakage, (b) dirty condenser tubes. Give some
possible sources of air leakage to the system and describe how such leaks may be detected and

9. Answer EITHER part of the question:

(a) Explain why it is more economical to heat feed water by steam bled from a turbine rather than by
using steam from the boiler which has been passed through a reducing valve only. Sketch the
arrangement of the turbine cylinder at the bleed-off point and describe how the heater might be
changed over from one source of steam to another.
(b) By means of sketches show the position of an Andrews and Cameron balanced slide valve
relative to the cylinder ports and the position of the piston in the cylinder when-
(i) admitting steam,
(ii) cutting off steam,
(iii) at the point of release,
(iv) at the commencement of compression.
Indicate the direction of motion of both valve and piston on each sketch. Draw the corresponding
indicator diagram, and mark thereon the approximate pressures in pounds per square inch.


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