Class IV-Model Question paper-MEK (General)

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Sr. No. 7
Function: Marine Engineering at Operational Level

India (2002)

M.E.O. Class IV
(Time allowed - 3hours)
Morning Paper

Total Marks 100

NB : (1)All Questions are Compulsory

(2)All Questions carry equal marks
(3)Neatness in handwriting and clarity in expression carries weightage
1. With reference to rotary vane steering gears:
(a) Describe, with the aid of a sketch, how such a unit incorporates an integral
rudder carrier;
(b) Explain how vertical rudder movement is accommodated.
2. Discuss the following types of material failure :(a) Fatigue
(b) Creep
3. State with reasons the principal causes of fire in accommodation and service spaces
while at sea and in port.
4. (a) (i) Sketch a cascade control system.
(ii) Explain the operation of this cascade system.
(b) State the reasons for using a cascade control system in preference to other
(c) Explain why the controller settings on the main loop of a cascade control system
differ from those on the sub loop.
5. (a) Describe the reverse osmosis system for the production of drinking water on
board the ships.
(b) state(i)
pre-treatment used with RO equipment.
The post -treatment necessary.
(c) List its advantages compared with a low-pressure evaporator.
6. Explain why inter-cooler is fitted to air compressors. How often are they tested and
how is this done? Is it possible to run such a compressor without its inter-cooler, and
what would be the effect of this?

7. With reference to auxiliary diesel engine machinery:

(a) (i) State why this may be mounted on resident mountings.
(ii) State why such mounting have great flexibility;
(b) state why limit stops are provided;
(c) State how the external piping is connected.
8. In engine rooms that are operated under UMS conditions describe with the aid of
sketches how the following are monitored:
(a) The perforation of a high pressure fuel pipe.
(b) The imminence or possibility of a scavenge fire.
(c) Condition that may be conductive to a crankcase explosion.
9. The amount of fuel oil atomized by a return flow oil burner is directly controlled by
the ____________.
(A) header supply valve
(B) burner root valve
(C) oil micrometer valve
(D) fuel oil back pressure
Briefly Justify Your Answer
10. Fuses are rated in _____________.
(A) voltage
(B) amperage
(C) interrupting capacity
(D) all the above
Briefly Justify Your Answer


Sr. No. 7
Function: Marine Engineering at Operational Level

India (2002)

M.E.O. Class IV
(Time allowed - 3hours)
Morning Paper

Total Marks 100

NB : (1)All Questions are Compulsory

(2)All Questions carry equal marks
(3)Neatness in handwriting and clarity in expression carries weightage

Answer for Question No. 9
Answer for Question No. 10

Correct Answer : D
Correct Answer : D

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