Lesson Plan Listening and Speaking

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Subject : English Language

Date : 22rd February 2016

Time : 9.00a.m. - 10.00a.m. (1 hour)

Class : 3V

Number of Pupils : 20

Proficiency Level : Mixed ability

Focus : Listening and Speaking

Theme : World of stories

Topic : Mouse Deer and Crocodile

Content Standard :
1.1 By the end of the 6-year primary schooling, pupils will be able to pronounce words and speak
confidently with the correct stress, rhythm and intonation.

Learning Standards : 1.1.1 Able to listen and respond to stimulus given with guidance :
(g) oral blending and segmenting

1.1.4 Able to talk about a stimulus with guidance.

Lesson Objectives : By the end of the lesson, pupils are able to:

1) Listen to vocabularies in the audio clip that can be found on first scene from the story Mouse Deer and
Crocodile and spell as well as pronounce them correctly.
2) Perform a role play based on first scene from the story Mouse Deer and Crocodile that they have read in
Teaching Aids : Audio clip on Mouse Deer and Crocodile,

Cross Curricular Creative & innovative

Element (EMK) :

Educational i.CCTS - Generate ideas, order,

ii. Multiple Intelligences Musical, Verbal-Linguistics , mathematic-logical

iii. Olympic values- Joy of effort

iv. Moral values Co-operation and helpfulness, diligence

Stage/ Time Teaching and Learning Activity/ Strategy Notes

Set Induction 1. Teacher shows picture of the book cover Mouse

Deer and Crocodile. Teaching aids :
(5 minutes)
2. Teacher asks the pupils to guess the title of the
Book cover Mouse Deer and Crocodile.
3. Pupils guess the title of the book cover. Refer to Appendix A
4. Teacher relates the book cover with todays topic .

Multiple Intelligences:

Visual Spatial and verbal linguistics

1. Teacher plays a muted video clip of cover Mouse Teaching Aids
Deer and Crocodile.
Presentation Video clip of Mousedeer and the
2. Pupils watch the video clip carefully and write crocodile.
(15 minutes) down the keywords that related to the video clip.
3. Teacher discuses with the class regarding the
4. Pupils narrate the flow of story line. Multiple Intelligences:

Visual Spatial and verbal linguistics

1.Teacher plays the audio clip of the story Mouse Deer

and Crocodile.
Practice Sample Questions:
2.Pupils pay attention and listen to the storyline
(20 minutes) i. Did you enjoy the activity?

3.Teacher plays the audio clip again.

Teaching Aids:
4.Teacher asks questions to pupils based on the
i. Paper strips (Refer to Appendix
audio clip.
5. Teacher distributes worksheet where vocabularies ii. Box
that found in the story where stated. Appendix D)

6 .Pupils identifies the vocabularies and finds the Multiple Intelligences:

meaning using prediction.
i. Visual Spatial
7 Then teacher allows the pupils to use dictionaries to ii. Kinesthetic
find the meaning of words. iii. Verbal Linguistic

8 Pupils fills up the meaning for the vocabularies.

9 Teacher conducts the Spelling Bee section. CCTS:

10 Teacher passes the poison box around. i. Generate ideas

ii. Applying
11 Teacher plays the music. iii. Creating

12 Teacher pauses the music.

13 Pupil who holding the poison box called to front of

class and asked to pick a paper from the box.

14 Pupil remembers the word and spell the word .

Production 1) Teacher divides the pupils in the groups of 5. Teaching aids:

2) Teacher gives instruction and demonstration.
(15 minutes) 3) Teacher distributes the storyline of the story Mouse i. Storyline (Refer to Appendix E)

Deer and Crocodile.

4) Pupils discuses and prepared to perform the role
. play section. CCTS:
4) Pupils perform the role play in front of the class.
1) Generate ideas
5) Teacher selects the group which performs the best.
2) Classifying

Multiple Intelligence: Visual Spatial

Closure 1. Teacher sums up everything students had Sample Question:

learnt on the topic for the day .
(5 minutes) 2. Teacher recaps the lesson i) What have you learnt in todays
ii) Did you enjoy the lesson?

Multiple Intelligence:

Visual Spatial

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