How Dramatic Play Promotes Development
How Dramatic Play Promotes Development
How Dramatic Play Promotes Development
Physical development. Children develop small muscle skills when they button
and snap dress-up clothes and dress the dolls. They practice hand-eye
coordination and visual discrimination skills when they put away props
and materials.
Observing and To get the most from their play, children need specific skills and a range of
experiences to give them ideas for make-believe. It is therefore useful to
Responding to familiarize yourself with the six skills children use to pretend at a high
Individual Children level. Children who have and use all six skills are engaging in what Sara
Smilansky calls “socio-dramatic play.” Here are the six skills that she
identifies (Smilansky & Shefatya, 1990).
Make-believe. In early dramatic play, children imitate actions they have seen
others do, such as picking up a toy phone and talking on it. At a higher
level, they are able to use words to describe and then re-enact real-life
actions or events. For example, a child might point to the table and say,
“I’m the doctor. Pretend this is my office. You be the Mommy and bring
your baby for a checkup.” Children may also engage in fantasy—enacting
situations that aren’t drawn from real life such as slaying dragons or
battling monsters.
Interaction. Notice when and why children interact with one another in the
Dramatic Play Area. At an early stage, several children may be pretending
at the same time but not interacting with each other except if they need a
prop someone else is using. At a more advanced level, children have agreed
on what roles they are playing and they relate to one another from the
perspective of their chosen role.
Verbal communication. Listen to what children say when they are engaged in
Knowing the six skills gives dramatic play. If they are talking from the perspective of the role they are
you a framework for playing, and communicating with others about the make-believe situation,
observing children’s play they are playing at a high level.
and deciding when and how
to intervene. Knowing these skills gives you a framework for observing children’s play
and deciding when and how to intervene. The following chart shows the
progression from a beginning level of simple dramatic play to the more
advanced level of sociodramatic play for each of the six essential skills.
Play Skills Beginning Level Advanced Level
Role Chosen Role relates to child’s attempts to Child selects roles related to the
understand the familiar world (e.g., outside world (e.g., firefighter, police
mommy, daddy, baby, animals) officer, doctor)
How Child Plays Role Child imitates one or two aspects of Child expands concepts of role (e.g.,
role (e.g., child announces,“I’m the child says,“I’m the mommy,” feeds the
mommy,” rocks the baby, and holds baby, goes to a meeting, prepares
a bottle) dinner, reads the newspaper, goes to
work, talks on the phone, etc.)
Use of Props
Type of Prop Needed Child uses real object or replica of Child uses any object as prop (e.g.,
object (e.g., real or toy phone) block for phone) or holds hand to ear
and pretends it’s a telephone
How Child Uses Prop Child enjoys physically playing with Prop is used as part of play episode
objects (e.g., banging receiver of (e.g., child calls a doctor on phone
phone, dialing) because baby is sick)
Make-Believe Child imitates simple actions of adult Child’s actions are part of a play
(e.g., moves iron back and forth on episode of make-believe (e.g.,“I’m
ironing board, holds phone receiver ironing this dress now so I can wear it
to ear) for the party tonight”)
Length of Time Involvement in play is fleeting (e.g., Child is engaged in dramatic play for
child enters area, plays with doll, puts more than 10 minutes (e.g., child
on hat, and leaves area) dresses up as a doctor, examines a
“patient,” writes a prescription, and
asks,“Who’s next?” )
Interaction Solitary play (e.g., child pretends to be Cooperative effort (e.g., child agrees
a mommy rocking a baby, paying no to be a passenger on a bus, gives the
attention to what others are doing) driver a ticket, and asks for change)
Verbal Communication Verbalization centers around the use Dialogue about play theme––
of toys (e.g.,“Bring me that phone” or constant chatter about roles children
“I had the carriage first”) are playing (e.g., restaurant scene:
“What do you want to eat?”“Do you
have hamburgers?”“Yup. We have
hamburgers, french fries, and cokes.”