Esaimen Listening Speking

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Subject : English Language

Year : 4 Zamrud

Enrolment : 27 pupils

Date/Day : 22nd August 2017 (Tuesday)

Time : 12.15 pm 12.45 pm (30 minutes)

Theme : World of Knowledge

Topic : Care for the Sea (Unit 6)

Focused Skill : Listening and Speaking

Previous Knowledge : Pupils are already familiar with some of the vocabulary in the
topic which was introduced in the listening and speaking skills.

Content Standard : 1.1 By the end of the 6- year primary schooling, pupils will be
able to pronounce words and speak confidently with the
correct stress, rhythm and intonation.

: 1.3 By the end of the 6- year primary schooling, pupils will be

able to understand and respond to oral texts in a variety
of contexts.

Learning Standard : 1.1.4 Able to talk about related topics with guidance.

: 1.3.1 Able to listen to and demonstrate understanding of oral

texts by:
(a) asking and answering questions

Learning Objectives : By the end of the lesson, pupils should be able to:

1) Talk about the animal they presented with correct

2) Answer questions posted by teacher about the animals

Vocabulary : Turtle, Crab, Shark, Jellyfish, Clam, Seahorse

Educational Emphases: (Choose from the 16 elements of EMK appropriate to the topic.)
Moral Values : Cleanliness, Love for the Sea Animals.
Thinking Skills : Guess sea animals based on the input they learn earlier on.
Multiple Intelligences : Visual-Spatial, Verbal-linguistics, Musical.
Entrepreneurship : Blogging
Resources/Teaching Aids : Picture of sea animals under the sea, music video
Stages/Time Content Activities Remarks

Arousing pupils interest 1. Teacher shows picture of animals

Set to the lesson under the sea. Picture of
Induction animals
(3 minutes) Showing picture of 2. Teacher asks questions related to under the
animals under the sea the picture shown. sea

Asking questions related 3. Pupils answer the questions by

the picture. giving their own opinion.
1. Who likes to go to the
2. What are animals living
under the sea?
3. What can we do to
protect our sea?
1. Teacher shows some pictures
Presentation Pre listening and of animals under the sea to Imagination
(10 minutes) speaking activity the pupils. Phase

2. Pupils listen to the teacher.

- Generating
3. Teacher explains some of the ideas
characteristics of those

- Synthesising

Assessment for
learning objective

1) To demonstrate the 1) Teacher asks pupils to form into

Practice pupils understanding groups of five. Development
(20minutes) of the text using a Phase
bubble map related to 2) Teacher distributes to each group - Enrichment
the text. an envelope which consists of - Assessment
several scrambled sentence
strips and a manila card with a
blank bubble map template.

3) Teacher asks each group to Assessment for

complete the bubble map by learning objective
pasting the correct sentence (2)
strips about the advantages of
electronic books from the
sentence strips in the envelope.

4) Each group puts up and presents

their completed bubble map.

5) Pupils get peer and teachers

feedback for their presentation.

1) To test the pupils 1) Teacher distributes Action Phase

Production comprehension of the comprehension questions based -Implementation
(15minutes) text. on the text to the pupils. -Continuous
2) Pupils answer all the questions in Assessment for
full sentences. learning objective
3) Teacher facilitates the pupils
while they are answering the

4) Pupils exchange their work and

check the answers with their
Closure 1) To recap the lesson. 1) Pupils volunteer to pick a
2) To instill moral question from a mystery box and
(2 minutes) values. then he /she reads the question
and answer it loudly.
2) Pupils list out the importance of
using the technology wisely.


Comments by Supervisor:

Prepared by:
Che Nor Aziah Mohamed
Noorliza Abdul Razak
IPGK Dato Razali Ismail

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