LP7 23012024 (5R)

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Subject English
Date / Day 22nd January 2024 (Monday)
Time 10.35 am - 11.135 am
Year 5R
Number Of Pupils 34
Proficiency Level Intermediate
Theme World of Knowledge
Topic Learning World
Focus Skills Main: Writing
L/S/R/W/LA Complementary: Reading
Pupils’ Prior Knowledge Pupils have learnt about the types of schools.
Content Standard Main Skill:
4.2 Communicate basic information intelligibly for a range of
purposes in print and digital media

Complementary Skill:
3.2 Understand a variety of linear and non-linear print and
digital texts by using appropriate reading strategies

Learning Standard Main Skill:

4.2.4 Describe people, places and objects using suitable

Complementary Skill:
3.2.2 Understand specific information and details of two
paragraphs or more

Learning Objectives By the end of the lesson, pupils will be able to:
(SMART) 1. Read and answer reading comprehension questions
about school.
2. Read and reply the conversations in written messages
3. Describe their dream school in sentences
Language Content a) Vocabulary
b) Sentence Patterns
Assessment Formative:
1. Read and reply to the conversation in the comic worksheet.
2. Describe their dream schools in sentences
Thinking Skills (HOTS) Creativity skills - pupils imagine and describe their dream
house in sentences
Multiple Intelligences 1. Interpersonal (Interaction with teacher and friends)
2. Visual-spatial (Pupils read the comic and fill in the blank
speech bubbles)
Moral values ● Love the environment
Cross Curricular Pendidikan Moral Tahun 5
Elements (EMK)
Soft Skills Lifelong Learning and Managing Information Skills
Current Pedagogy Exploratory Learning

Steps/Time Content Teaching & learning Remarks

(Minutes) Activities
Set Activity:
Induction “Act it Out” 1. Teacher spins the Wheel Preparation Phase
of Names. (Setting the tone of
(5 minutes) lesson)
List of words:-
1) Classroom 2. One pupil is selected
2) Basketball court from the Wheel of Names.
3) Tables Teaching aids:
4) Chairs 3. The selected pupil ● Wheel of
5) Computer comes to the front of the Names

4. The teacher shows a

word to the selected pupil.

5. The selected pupil

draws the word without
using letters or symbols.

6. The rest of the pupils

guess the word.
7. Step 1 - 6 is repeated
several times.

8. Pupils guess the topic

that they will be learning
for the day.

Presentation Activity:
“Read and Answer” 1. Teacher presents the Imagination Phase
(15 mins) reading text using
Reading Text:- Powerpoint slides.
Assessment of
2. Pupils read the reading learning objective 1
text silently.

3. Teacher discusses the Teaching aids:

reading text with the pupils. ● Powerpoint
4. Pupils take out their ● Exercise
exercise books. books

5. Teacher presents the

reading comprehension
questions using
Powerpoint slides.

6. Pupils copy down the

questions in their exercise
*Refer to Appendix A
Sample Questions:-
1) What is the 7. Pupils are given 8
atmosphere like minutes to answer all the
at Sunny reading comprehension
Elementary questions.
2) What role does
8. Teacher discusses the
Mr. John plays at
Sunny answers with pupils.
3) What activities do
participate in
during the
afternoon at
4) How is lunchtime
described at
5) How is the end of
the school day
described at

Sample Answers:-
1) The atmosphere
at Sunny
School is
described as
happy and filled
with students who
are excited to
learn and play.
2) Mr. John is the
librarian in Sunny
3) In the afternoon,
participate in
activities such as
experiments and
instruments in the
school band.
4) Lunchtime is
described as
great, where
students get to
eat yummy food
in the cafeteria
and talk with their
5) The end of the
school day is
described as a
time when
students either go
play on the
playground or
hop on the school

Practice Activity:
(15 mins) “Comic Write Out” 1.Teacher gives out the Development Phase
worksheet to every pupil in (Guided practice)
Comic:- the classroom.

2. Pupils read the comic in Assessment of

the worksheet. learning objective 2

3. Pupils are given 10 Teaching Aids:

minutes to write down their ● Powerpoint
replies in the blank speech slides
*Refer to Appendix B bubbles.
● Worksheet
Sample Answers:- 4. Teacher discusses the
1) I am eating a answers with the pupils.
2) My school is
great with a lot of
teachers and
3) My best friend in
the school is
Sarah because
she is very
4) My favorite
teacher in the
school is Madam
Poh because she
makes her
lessons fun and
5) My favorite place
in the school is
the library
because there
are many story
6) My favorite
subject in the
school is Physical
because I get to
go to the field.

Production Activity:
(20 mins) “My Dream School” 1. Teacher gives out a Action Phase
small booklet to every pupil (Independent
Writing prompts:- in the classroom. practice)
1) Surroundings
2) Building 2. On the cover of the
3) Classrooms booklet, pupils are Assessment of
4) People instructed to write the title, learning objective 3
5) Canteen ‘My Dream School’.
6) Timetable Teaching Aids:
3. Pupils turn to the first ● Powerpoint
page of the booklet. slides

● Small booklet
4. Teacher presents the
first writing prompt which
is, surroundings, to the

5. Pupils describe how the

surroundings of their
dream school would look

6. Step 3 - 5 is repeated
five times.

Closure Activity:
(5 mins) “Outside the Box!” 1. Teacher presents Closure Phase
Powerpoint slides to pupils. (Summary and
Video QR Code:- reinforcement)
2. Teacher shows pupils a
video about a school in
Bali that is built mainly Teaching aids:
from bamboo, mud and ● Powerpoint
grass. slides
● Video Link
3. Teacher prompts the
moral value of the day,
love the environment, to Moral value:
pupils ● Love the

Student’s Reflection:

Cooperating Teacher’s/Supervisor’s Comments:


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