Singhy, 2014 Groundwater Simulation Review

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Science of the Total Environment 499 (2014) 414423

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Groundwater resources management through the applications of

simulation modeling: A review
Ajay Singh
Agricultural and Food Engineering Department, Indian Institute of Technology, Kharagpur, West Bengal 721302, India


A comprehensive review on the simulation modeling applications has been provided.

Simulations of uid and mass transport were used for transition zone forecasting.
Major constraints for regional groundwater models are setting boundary conditions.
Distributed models often provide only slightly better results than the lumped models.
GIS and remote sensing is extremely useful for groundwater modeling.

a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t

Article history: The global population is increasing rapidly and expected to touch the 9.5 billion mark by 2050 from the current
Received 11 January 2014 7.2 billion. The management of the groundwater resources is a challenging task worldwide against the backdrop
Received in revised form 7 May 2014 of the growing water demand for industrial, agricultural, and domestic uses and shrinking resources. Moreover,
Accepted 12 May 2014
this task has been hampered signicantly due to declining/rising groundwater levels and associated contamina-
Available online 28 May 2014
tion. A broad range of solutions could be considered to address the aforementioned problems of groundwater
Editor: Carla M Koretsky management, but the effectiveness of all the solutions and their combinations cannot be veried with eld
experiments. Given their predictive capability, simulation models are often the only viable means of providing
Keywords: input to management decisions, as they can forecast the likely impacts of a particular water management strat-
Groundwater management egy. This paper presents a comprehensive review on the simulation modeling applications for the management
Simulation modeling of groundwater resources. The past papers on the overview of groundwater simulation models, use of remote
Groundwater depletion: remote sensing sensing and GIS in groundwater modeling, and application of simulation models in arid and semiarid regions
Semiarid region are described in detail. Conclusions are drawn where gaps exist and more research needs to be focused.
2014 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

1. Introduction socioeconomic impacts (Shah, 2007). While, overdraft causes the

groundwater depletion, untreated or partially treated sewage, industrial
The sustainability of groundwater resources is a critical issue (Alley efuents, and agricultural chemicals are the major contributors of con-
et al., 1999, 2002; Hiscock et al., 2002; Gleeson et al., 2012) against tamination. Similar to groundwater depletion, rising watertables are
the backdrop of increasing water demand for industrial, agricultural, also serious groundwater management problems in arid and semiarid
and domestic uses for the burgeoning global population, which is ex- regions of the world (Boumans et al., 1988; Hoffman and Durnford,
pected to touch the 9.5 billion mark by 2050 from the current 7.2 billion 1999; McFarlane and Williamson, 2002; Kitamura et al., 2006;
(United Nations, 2012), and shrinking water resources (Singh and Konukcu et al., 2006; van Dam et al., 2006; Guganesharajah et al.,
Panda, 2012a). However, groundwater is often not adequately managed 2007; Ritzema et al., 2008; Wang et al., 2008; Han et al., 2011; Singh,
to ensure its long-term sustainability (Sophocleous, 2010). In fact, 2012a,b; Singh and Panda, 2013). The continuous expansion of the
groundwater depletion and contamination are prevalent in both devel- irrigation system, absence of natural and articial drainage, seepage
oped and developing countries (Konikow and Kendy, 2005; Fogg and from unlined canal networks, percolation from irrigation elds, and
LaBolle, 2006; Rodell et al., 2009) and have locally led to signicant under-exploitation of poor quality groundwater are major factors
contributing to a rising watertable problem (Singh et al., 2012).
Tel.: +91 3222281335, +91 9434706472; fax: +91 3222255303. A wide range of solutions could be considered to address problems
E-mail addresses: [email protected], [email protected]. in groundwater management, which involves both quantity and
0048-9697/ 2014 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
A. Singh / Science of the Total Environment 499 (2014) 414423 415

quality-related issues (Das and Datta, 2001). But the effectiveness of all 2. Overview of groundwater simulation models
the solutions and their combinations cannot be veried with eld ex-
periments (Singh et al., 2006a). Moreover, many problems and pros- Research on the development and application of groundwater ow
pects associated with a particular water management options are and transport models has increased signicantly over the last ve de-
often not recognized until they are well advanced. Simulation models cades (Tyson and Weber, 1964; Feddes et al., 1978; Wang and
by way of their predictive capability are often the only feasible means Anderson, 1982; Belman et al., 1983; Lerner and Kumar, 1991;
of providing input to management decisions (Singh, 2010). These Simunek et al., 1998; Varni and Carrera, 1998; Izbicki et al., 2004;
models can help to forecast the likely impacts of a particular water man- Bester et al., 2006; Howard and Maier, 2007; Michael and Voss, 2008;
agement strategy. Therefore, the results of simulation studies of existing Harou et al., 2009; Chandio et al., 2012). Groundwater simulation
and proposed water management policy may form the basis for the models can be divided broadly into two categories viz. groundwater
identication of suitable water management plans for the future ow and solute transport models. Groundwater ow models solve for
(Jhorar et al., 2009). the spatio-temporal values of hydraulic head, whereas, the solute trans-
In recent years, a large number of simulation models have been used port models solve for the spatio-temporal values of solute concentra-
for groundwater management by the researchers worldwide (Table 1). tion. Groundwater simulation models based either on nite difference
Both, the nite element and nite difference techniques have been or nite element techniques have been advocated for predicting
widely used in groundwater simulation modeling. Almost all the previ- groundwater levels (Verruijit, 1972; Ayers and Vacher, 1983). The rst
ous studies in Table 1, except Konikow and Bredehoeft (1992), advocate simulation model for studying the dynamic behavior of a groundwater
verication of model before it is used for simulation. During the last two basin was developed by Tyson and Weber (1964) using nite difference
decades, many researchers have used remote sensing and geographic technique. Later, this model was used by a number of researchers (e.g.,
information systems (GIS) for the solution of groundwater manage- de Ridder and Erez, 1976; Tyagi, 1986; Tyagi et al., 1993). Sauerwein
ment problems (Choudhury, 1994; Kite and Pietroniro, 1996; Kemna (1967) also used the nite difference technique for the solution of
et al., 2002; Herzog et al., 2003; Schmid et al., 2005; Leblanc et al., two-dimensional unsteady state ow conditions. Pinder and Cooper
2007; Hendricks Franssen et al., 2008; Li et al., 2009; Xu et al., 2011). (1970) and Shamir and Dagan (1971) considered a vertical cross section
As far as author is aware, there has been one previous review (Hunt, and used vertical integration to develop one-dimensional equations,
2006) on groundwater modeling during the recent past. However, it which were solved using a nite difference approximation.
was only concentrated on the applications of analytic element method The rst nite element model using stream functions and concentra-
and did not incorporate nite element and nite difference methods tion as dependent variables was introduced by Lee and Cheng (1974).
in groundwater modeling. Application of simulation models in arid However, Segol et al. (1975) and Segol and Pinder (1976) rst devel-
and semiarid regions was not included. Also it fails to incorporate the oped and demonstrated a eld application of an alternative model
uses of GIS and remote sensing in groundwater modeling. A recent re- using uid pressure, velocity components, and concentration as depen-
view (Werner et al., 2013) has covered some aspects of groundwater dent variables. The developed model performed better than the previ-
modeling. But it is specically limited to seawater intrusion processes ous models. Numerous other researchers including Andrews (1981)
and management of coastal aquifers. This paper, therefore, presents a and Din et al. (1987) have used nite element models for groundwater
comprehensive review on the simulation modeling applications for simulation using a diffusive interface approach. Models that incorporate
the management of groundwater resources. The past papers are transition-zone simulation require simultaneous solution of uid-ow
grouped into three sections; overview of groundwater simulation and mass-transport equations. Further, Frind (1982) extended the
models, use of remote sensing and GIS in groundwater modeling, and Galerkin nite element to deal with two-dimensional coastal aquifer
application of simulation models in arid and semiarid regions. aquitard systems and Rubin (1983) used the concept of boundary-

Table 1
Simulation models used in the past.

Model/code Basic model features Purpose Model applications Region

1D-Simulation model FDM S Gupta and Pandey (1983) and Gupta (1985) India
3D-GWFM FDM Freyberg (1988) USA
PLASM, MODFLOW, AQUIFEMM-1 FDM, FEM C, V, S Anderson and Woessner (1992)
FEM, FDM V Konikow and Bredehoeft (1992) USA
MODFLOW, GFLOW FDM C Hunt et al. (1998) USA
SWAP-SWATRE, SIMGRO FEM C, S D'Urso et al. (1999) Italy
SWAP, SLURP FEM S Kite and Droogers (2000) Turkey
MODFLOW, GFLOW, MODPATH FDM C, S Pint et al. (2003), Budge and Sharp (2009) USA
SWAP, WOFOST, SEBAL FEM C, S van Dam and Malik (2003) India
GWFM C, V Hassan (2004)
GLUE SA Beven (2006)
UCODE, MMA C Poeter (2007)
MODFLOW FDM S Michael and Voss (2008) Bangladesh, India
WBM FDM C, V Zhang et al. (2008) Australia
HEM Harou et al. (2009)
UPFLOW S Raes (2009) Belgium
MODFLOW, MT3D FDM V, S Wondzell et al. (2009) USA
ISOQUAD FEM, FDM S Yang et al. (2009a) Taiwan
SEAWAT, UCODE FDM C Sanford and Pope (2010) USA
SVAT, MODFLOW, SIMGRO FDM, FEM V, S van Walsum and Veldhuizen (2011) Netherlands
MODFLOW FDM C, V, S Sherif et al. (2012) UAE
SGMP FDM C, S, SA, S Singh (2013) India
HYDRUS-1D, SWMS2D FEM, FDM V, S Zhu et al. (2013) China

FDM nite difference method; FEM nite element method; GWFM groundwater ow model; WBM water balance model; HEM hydro-economic model; S simulation;
C calibration; V validation/verication; SA sensitivity analysis.
416 A. Singh / Science of the Total Environment 499 (2014) 414423

layer approximation to simulate advectivedispersive transport of salt using cross-correlation analysis. Some other applications of
in the transition zone. However, this approach is applicable to only MODFLOW by Ting et al. (1998) in the Pingtung Plain, Taiwan;
simple cases where the DupuitForchheimer assumptions and Gedeon et al. (2007) in the north-east Belgium; and Pisinaras et al.
boundary-layer approximations are justied. The nite difference and (2007) in the Ismarida plain, North Greece, are found in the literature.
nite element models were respectively developed and used by Recently, Xu et al. (2012) integrated a SoilWaterAtmospherePlant
Sondhi et al. (1989) and Rao and Sarma (1993) for simulating ground- (SWAP) package with the groundwater ow model MODFLOW in
water ow in large canal irrigation projects in India. The seepage losses such a way that the SWAP package calculates vertical ux for
from canal networks and percolation losses from agricultural elds MODFLOW, while MODFLOW provides averaged watertable depth to
were estimated as components of recharge, in these models. determine the bottom boundary condition for SWAP zones. They
Although, in theory, distributed models are expected to outperform applied the integrated model to simulate a regional groundwater ow
their lumped counterparts, in reality, there have been mixed results. problem in Hetao Irrigation District, upper Yellow River basin of North
Beven (1989) and Grayson et al. (1992) concluded that physically China. The results of MODFLOW applications are better when it is inte-
based distributed models, when compared to lumped models, often grated with other software applications. This is mainly because each
provide only slightly better results. A similar observation was made by software works in sync with each other to solve many aspects of
Reed et al. (2004), who reported the results of a comprehensive inter- groundwater management problem.
comparison study of several physically based and conceptual distribut- The traditional numerical models with specic boundary conditions
ed models and concluded that lumped model outperformed distributed are able to depict the complex structures of aquifers including compli-
models in most cases. Given these conclusions and the magnitude of cated prediction of groundwater levels (Sorooshian and Gupta, 1995;
efforts required to parameterize and validate distributed hydrologic Singh and Woolhiser, 2002; Wu et al., 2003). A three dimensional
models, it is reasonable to question whether distributed models can steady-state nite difference groundwater ow model was used to
effectively be used in forecasting. Carpenter and Georgakakos (2006) quantify the groundwater uxes and analyze the subsurface hydrody-
presented the results of an intercomparison of lumped versus distribut- namics in the Akaki catchment by giving particular emphasis to the
ed hydrologic model and concluded that a distributed model gave better well eld that supplies water to the city of Addis Ababa, Ethiopia
results than the lumped model. They applied the models in two study (Ayenew et al, 2008). The model can also be used for analyzing the
watersheds located in the southern Central Plains of the US and used groundwatersurface water interaction, effect of pumping on the well
operational quality data to drive the models. Khakbaz et al. (2012) eld, and groundwater ow pattern.
calibrated a semi-distributed model for the Illinois River Basin at Siloam Yang et al. (2009b) applied two groundwater models BPANN and ITS
Springs, Arkansas using streamow observations at the basin outlet for prediction of groundwater levels in western Jilin Province, China.
only. They concluded that model performance at the basin outlet can They compared the model performance in terms of MAE, RMSE, and
be improved by using a semi-distributed structure calibrated at both CE and found that BPANN models are superior to the ITS in forecasting
interior points and the outlet, even when only a few years of historical the groundwater levels. The use of standard regional groundwater
record are available. While, Wilson et al. (1979) showed that accounting ow models in predicting regional patterns of water chemistry based
for the spatial variation of precipitation signicantly inuences the vol- on well-water was evaluated by Furlong et al. (2011). They concluded
ume, time to peak, and peak ow of predicted hydrograph. The results that particle tracking with the implied ow eld of a standard regional
of Wilson et al. (1979) were substantiated by Troutman (1983), Beven groundwater ow model can account for uncertainties in ow and
(1985), Krajewski et al. (1991), Ogden and Julien (1994), and Shah regional water quality interpretations. Groundwater ow and transport
et al. (1996). The researchers i.e., Refsgaard and Knudsen (1996), Shah models have also been used in a number of past studies by the re-
et al. (1996), Boyle et al. (2001), Koren et al. (2004), and Zhang et al. searchers worldwide (Besbes et al., 1978; Flug et al., 1980; Carrea and
(2004) have compared distributed versus lumped model simulations. Neuman, 1986; Tracy, 1995; Zhao et al., 1998; Bakker et al., 1999;
Studies on the distributed and lumped modeling have also been under- Vermulst and De Lange, 1999; Bethke and Johnson, 2002; Helweig
taken by Beven (1992, 2002), Duan et al. (1992), Michaud and et al., 2002; Weissmann et al., 2002; Trowsdale and Lerner, 2003,
Sorooshian (1994), Boyle et al. (2001), Smith et al. (2004), and Kampf 2007; Plummer et al., 2004; Sanford et al., 2004; Zhang et al., 2008).
and Burges (2007).
The MODFLOW model has been used worldwide because of its easy 3. Use of remote sensing and GIS in groundwater modeling
accessibility, user-friendliness and versatility (Kashaigili et al., 2003).
Palma and Bentley (2007) used MODFLOW for simulating the ow in Groundwater resources management and modeling are hindered
the Leon-Chinandega aquifer located in Nicaragua. The model results signicantly by a lack of good quality data. The problem is particularly
indicated that pumping induces a decrease in base ow, depleting serious in arid and semiarid regions where observation infrastructure is
river discharge. The agriculturally based watershed model SWAT and weak (Schmid et al., 2005; Brunner et al., 2007). Regional groundwater
the groundwater model MODFLOW with streamaquifer interaction models require distributed input data (Wondzell et al., 2009), while, typ-
routines were suitably modied and linked into a comprehensive ical hydrological measurements provide only point data. In the absence
basin model known as SWATMOD by Sophocleous et al. (1999). The de- of required extensive data, these models cannot be used as reliable
veloped model SWATMOD, which is capable of simulating the surface decision support tool because of under/over estimation of outputs
water, groundwater, and stream aquifer interactions, was applied in (Storey et al., 2003; Kasahara and Hill, 2006). The new sources for spatial
the Rattlesnake Creek basin in south central Kansas. The model was input data have emerged with the recent developments in remote
run for a 40 year historical simulation period and a 40 year prediction sensing and GIS (Bobba et al., 1992; Kite and Pietroniro, 1996; Jackson,
period. A number of hypothetical management scenarios involving re- 2002; Leblanc et al., 2003; Brunner et al., 2004; Dar et al., 2010; Stisen
ductions and variations in withdrawal rates and patterns were simulat- et al., 2011). A detailed review of the remote sensing applications in
ed. Later, the fully distributed groundwater model MODFLOW was groundwater modeling is provided by Brunner et al. (2007). The review
integrated with the quasi distributed watershed model SWAT by also provided the examples of its uses in Botswana and China. The differ-
Sophocleous and Perkins (2000) and applied in Kansas. Budge and ent aspects regarding the use of remote sensing technique in water re-
Sharp (2009) derived aquifer parameters of the Barton Springs segment sources management are given in Becker (2006). Earlier, Tsihrintzis
of the Edwards Aquifer by introducing spatially varying parameters in et al. (1996) have presented a review of the uses of GIS in water
MODFLOW. They used the algorithms developed by Padilla and resources.
Pulido-Bosch (1995) to investigate the heterogeneity of karst aquifers Groundwater ow models are appropriate tools to assess the effect
and concluded that spatial variability within an aquifer can be inferred of foreseen future human activities on groundwater dynamics
A. Singh / Science of the Total Environment 499 (2014) 414423 417

(Dawoud et al., 2005; Mylopoulos et al., 2007). However, models re- evaluation of groundwater resources and for deciding the location of
quire good quality data on the physical and hydrogeological settings. rainwater harvesting structures in semiarid regions.
The physical ones refer to topography, land use, soils, canals and Chowdary et al. (2003) advocated the coupling of simulation models
drainage ditches, climate and crops demand for water (Xu et al., and GIS because GIS had no data representation exibility for space and
2011). The hydrogeological settings include the aquifer system and time. Coupling can range from loose to tight coupling. A loose coupling
boundary conditions, main hydraulic parameters characterizing each involves a data transfer from one system to another, while, in a tight
aquifer layer, and the dynamics of groundwater levels. All of them coupling, the data management is integrated into the system. The GIS
vary both, in space and time, thus adopting GIS in association with a is used to preprocess data or to make maps of input data or model re-
model is helpful. Coupling GIS technology with a process-based ground- sults. This approach was adopted by the majority of the past applica-
water model may facilitate hydrogeological and hydrologic system con- tions because it allows the use of existing physical models with little
ceptualization and characterization (Hinaman, 1993; Kolm, 1996; Gogu or no modications to the software (Roaza et al., 1993). Fayer et al.
et al., 2001), thus also a proper adaptation of the groundwater ow (1996) used GIS technique for identifying all possible combinations of
model to the area under study (Brodie, 1998). Various examples con- soil type and vegetation which was used for estimating the areal distri-
rm the appropriateness of GIS applications in groundwater hydrology bution of natural recharge for a groundwater ow and transport model.
(Herzog et al., 2003; Brunner et al., 2008; Li et al., 2008). Recently, a spatially distributed water balance model WetSpass in
The calibration of a groundwater model is necessary for achieving a conjunction with remote sensing images and GIS tools was used by
close match between the observed and simulated state variables. The Gebreyohannes et al. (2013) for the assessment of available water
trial and error method is usually used for adjusting the sensitive param- resources in the Geba basin of Ethiopia. They used the model for prepar-
eters of the model during the calibration (Poeter and Hill, 1997; Gupta ing the digital maps of long-term surface runoff, evapotranspiration and
et al., 1998). However, adjusting too many parameters during the groundwater recharge. The model predictions are veried with
calibration will result in an over-parameterized groundwater model, observed river ow data and were found reliable.
which will have a very little predictive value (Li et al., 2009). Garcia
et al. (2006) introduced a model that utilizes GIS to predict relative re- 4. Application of simulation models in arid and semiarid regions
ductions in crop yield due to waterlogging and salinity at a eld-scale
by incorporating spatially and temporally variable crop, climatic, and Water and salt are the key elements that decide the sustainability of
irrigation data to simulate crop yields. This model utilizes soil and irrigated agriculture in arid and semiarid ecosystems. Due to that, water
water data commonly collected in eld-scale studies. Some examples and salt balance studies have been done at various research stations
of remote sensing data applications in groundwater modeling can also worldwide (Williams, 1987; Garg and Ali, 2000; Dai and Labadie,
be found in Choudhury (1994), Meijerink (1996), Hendricks Franssen 2001; Upadhyaya and Chauhan, 2002; Oster and Wichelns, 2003;
et al. (2008), and Dams et al. (2013). Tuteja et al., 2003). In arid and semiarid areas, provision of irrigation is
The potential of GIS technique in numerical modeling for groundwa- vital to enhance crop production. However, without appropriate man-
ter resources was demonstrated by Chenini and Mammou (2010). They agement, irrigated agriculture can be detrimental to the environment
coupled GIS software ARCVIEW with groundwater model MODFLOW and may endanger its sustainability (Sakthivadivel et al., 1999; van
and used it in the Maknassy basin of central Tunisia. The similar studies Dam et al., 2006). For example, during the past four decades, most of
of GIS-MODFLOW applications in groundwater modeling were also the canal irrigated areas of Haryana State (India) are facing rising
undertaken by Kim et al. (2008) and Depaz et al. (2009) for mapping groundwater levels, and problems such as waterlogging and soil
the groundwater recharge. Akbar et al. (2011) developed a GIS-based salinization are emerging (Agarwal and Roest, 1996; Singh et al.,
modeling system ArcPRZM-3, which can be used for a site-specic 2010; Singh, 2011). The groundwater simulation models were devel-
single simulation or regional synchronized multiple simulations which oped and applied for the management of waterlogged saline lands by
require spatial distributed data. The model was applied in Woodruff many researchers worldwide, i.e., Gates and Grismer (1989), Hossain
County, Arkansas, USA for developing a health risk map, which was et al. (1994), Aslam and Skogerboe (1995), Hill (1996), Simunek et al.
based on dissolved bentazon concentration in soil. Ireson et al. (2006) (1996), Havard et al. (1997a,b), Nathan and Mudgway (1997), Cheng
proposed the coupling of a water resources management simulation et al. (1998), Ramasesha (1998), Lamsal et al. (1999), and Singh
model (MIKE-Basin) and a nite difference groundwater model (2013). Almost in all the previous studies, a recharge reduction and/or
(ASM). The GIS software ArcView was used in this study. They applied draft increase measures are recommended to combat the problems of
the models in data scarce Vrbas River basin, in Republic Srpska in waterlogging and associated salinization.
Bosnia and Herzegovina and concluded that the proposed technique is Some researchers used one dimensional unsaturated ow model to
valid as an initial knowledge development and optioneering step, simulate water management under drained and undrained conditions
which can support the collection exercise for detailed modeling. (Singh and Kumar, 1998). While, others used a groundwater simulation
A GIS module GRASS (Kunkel and Wendland, 2002; Neteler and model to predict the dynamic behavior of the watertable in response to
Mitasova, 2004) was created to overcome the proprietary problem of groundwater pumpage and net recharge (Singh et al., 1984). A distrib-
common GIS software. The GRASS was integrated with nite difference uted irrigation water management model FRAME, which was a combi-
groundwater ow model MODFLOW by Carrera-Hernandez and Gaskin nation of an unsaturated ow model SIWARE and a groundwater
(2006). The results indicate that the integrated model can be used to simulation model SGMP (Boonstra and de Ridder, 1990; Boels et al.,
solve large scale groundwater ow problems. Thus, the module GRASS 1996) was used for the simulation study by Kumar and Singh (2003).
provides a tool for groundwater ow modeling to those users who can- The model FRAME was applied on a regional scale in Sirsa Irrigation
not afford commercially available software. Leblanc et al. (2007) used Circle in the northwestern part of Haryana, India, which was faced
the remote sensing and GIS techniques for regional groundwater with serious waterlogging and salinity problems in areas underlain
modeling in Lake Chad Basin, Africa located in a semiarid area. They with saline groundwater irrigated by the canal networks. It was con-
demonstrated the usefulness of these techniques through a better cluded that the model FRAME can be used for studying the impact of
denition of groundwater recharge and discharge areas, groundwater/ policy changes on the future groundwater behavior, which is the
surface water interaction, and paleohydrological settings. Gaur et al. major benet of the model. Connell (2007) presented a series of semi-
(2011) developed a methodology by combining the MODFLOW and analytical and analytical solutions for transport of a surface released
GIS. The developed methodology was applied on the sub-basin of the contaminant vertically through the unsaturated zone to the watertable
Banganga River, India for delineating the groundwater potential zones. and then within groundwater. The study presented three different
They concluded that the developed model is very helpful for the approaches to describe transport in the unsaturated zone. Earlier the
418 A. Singh / Science of the Total Environment 499 (2014) 414423

similar studies were undertaken by Refsgaard et al. (1999) and Hantush located in the Haryana State of India. Recently, Singh and Panda
et al. (2000). A three dimensional nite element model, based on Galerkin (2012b,c) used SAHYSMOD in northwest India, where the groundwater
weighted residual techniques, was presented by Chandio et al. (2012). level is rising continuously. After successful calibration and validation,
The model was applied in a waterlogged area located in the lower Indus they used the model for studying the long-term effect of different man-
Basin, Pakistan for groundwater simulation. Babajimopoulos et al. agement alternatives on the future groundwater scenarios. None of the
(2007) applied a mathematical model SWBACROS to estimate the contri- previous applications of SAHYSMOD, except Singh and Panda (2012b,c),
bution of a shallow groundwater to the water needs of a maize crop. considered the socio-economic issues, which have wider policy signi-
Management of waterlogging and secondary salinization is causing cance on the water resources management, in groundwater simulation.
universal concern because of its implication on food security and envi- Some models are used to simulate both the salt and water balances
ronmental conservation (Sharma, 1999; Singh et al., 2010). Researchers of saturated and unsaturated systems. Oosterbaan and Abu Senna
i.e., Skaggs (1982), Workman and Skaggs (1989), and Singh et al. (1989) used the model SaltMod in Nile delta of Egypt for salt and
(2006b) used eld scale deterministic hydrological model DRAINMOD water balance analysis. Some earlier applications of SaltMod by Rao
to simulate groundwater ow under shallow watertable conditions et al. (1992) in Tungabhandra Irrigation Project, Karnataka, India;
and they found that the model is quite useful for controlling the rising Vanegas Chacon (1993) in the Leziria Grande Polder, Portugal; Singh
watertable and groundwater salinity problems. However, Sinai and et al. (2002a,b) in the coastal areas of Andhra Pradesh, India;
Jain (2006), who used DRAINMOD for the prediction of watertable Srinivasulu (2002), and Srinivasulu et al. (2004) in Konanki pilot area,
depths in irrigated elds at the Jordan Valley, concluded that Andhra Pradesh, India; Srinivasulu et al. (2005) in Nagarjuna Sagar
DRAINMOD cannot give the right prediction because of a strong side right canal command, India; Bahceci et al. (2006) in KonyaCumra
effect of the Jordan river, presence of sandy permeable layers below Plain, Turkey; Sarangi et al. (2006) in Krishna district of Andhra Pradesh,
the depth of the drains which magnies the boundary condition effect India; and Singh (2012c) in Haryana State of northwest India, are found
of the Jordan River, and a very signicant component of deep and lateral in the literature. In all the previous studies, SaltMod was applied in areas
seepage. Raes and Deproost (2003) concluded that sophisticated mech- where sub-surface drainage system was installed except Singh (2012c).
anistic models for simulating water ow in unsaturated porous medium Also the aquifer parameters were not calibrated and sensitivity analysis
(Feddes et al., 1978; Belman et al., 1983; Simunek et al., 1998) can be of the model parameters was not performed in any studies except the
used to obtain reliable estimates for any type of environment but the last one. The model SGMP was used by Tyagi et al. (1993) for the
data requirement is quite extensive and their use requires great groundwater balance analysis of an irrigated semiarid area located in
expertise. Lower Ghaggar Basin in the command of Bhakra Canal System in Hary-
The SoilWaterAtmospherePlant model (SWAP, van Dam et al., ana State of India. Later, SGMP was used by Boels et al. (1996), Boonstra
1997; Kroes et al., 1999) was applied by Anuraga et al. (2006) for the and Bhutta (1996), Boonstra (1999), Anchal et al. (2002), Kumar and
estimation of groundwater recharge using land use and soil data of an Singh (2003), and Singh (2013) for the groundwater balance analyses
area located in an agricultural subwatershed in Karnataka, south India. of different regions. The impact of potential policy changes on the
The model SWAP also can simulate water budgets under a broad groundwater resources has not been studied in any previous applica-
range of cropping systems and has been tested and validated for differ- tions of SGMP except the last one.
ent crops and irrigation scenarios in semiarid areas of India, Iran, and Conventional perception holds that the best solution for dealing
Pakistan (Bastiaanssen et al., 1996; Smets et al., 1997; Kelleners et al., with the twin menace of waterlogging and salinity is to maintain a net
1999; Singh, 2004; Noory et al., 2011). The calibration and validation ux of salt away from the rootzone and to control the watertable. A
of SWAP were done by Mandare et al. (2008) in the parts of northwest simulation model, SUTRA (Voss, 1984) was used by Khouri (1998) to
India where the groundwater quality is marginal and canal water sup- tackle the problems of waterlogging and salinization. Researchers like
ply is scarce. They prepared some monographs for water management Humphreys et al. (2006) and Khan (2007) suggested two approaches
alternatives at the eld level by considering the quality and quantity to reduce net recharge to shallow saline groundwater from cropped
of groundwater and its impact on the crop yield and soil salinity. areas using a soil, water and groundwater management model, SWAG-
SWAP has also been applied in many hydrological studies for a wide MAN. First approach applies the concept of growing deep-rooted crop
range of climatic and agriculture conditions (e.g., Kite and Droogers, (crop consuming water from soil and shallow watertable) over an
2000; van Dam and Malik, 2003; Qureshi et al., 2003). The digital area equivalent to recharge from a unit area of crop to maintain the
groundwater model PLASM has been extensively tested covering irriga- total water balance. The second approach involves achieving whole
tion commands in some of the critical basins, such as the Bist-Doab, farm water balance for average and wet climatic conditions to nd out
Upper Bari-Doab and the southwestern tracts in the Punjab (Sondhi optimum cropping pattern to minimize recharge from cropped eld.
et al., 1996). This work has shown that models can effectively simulate A physically-based regional hydrological model SIMGRO (Querner,
the seasonal behavior of groundwater basins and can, therefore, provide 1988, 1997), which simulates the water ow in the saturated zone, in
information that can aid better planning and management. A nite ele- the unsaturated zone, and in the surface water in an integrated manner,
ment model was developed to access water and dissolved solutes to was applied to an irrigated area of 2650 ha in the province of Mendoza,
parallel drains in a tile-drained soil aquifer system (Kamra et al., Argentina, after it was calibrated with data on groundwater levels,
1991a,b). The model results revealed that the closely spaced drains evapotranspiration and salinity (Kupper et al., 2002.) It can take into
are quite effective in desalinizing top 80 cm soil prole, where most account the effects of irrigation, drainage, groundwater use and their
crop production activities take place. However, the deep-widely spaced impact on the evapotranspiration of different crops (Querner et al.,
drains are more effective in removing the salts from the entire soil 1997). The modied version of the SIMGRO model was used by van
prole. Walsum and Veldhuizen (2011) in a shallow watertable area of The
An integrated Spatial-Agro-HYdro-Salinity MODel, SAHYSMOD Netherlands. They concluded that the coupling of model is difcult if
(Oosterbaan, 2005), which is a combination of the salinity model the ow resistance across the boundaries of subdomains is small. Re-
SaltMod (Oosterbaan and de Lima, 1989) and the nodal groundwater cently, Querner et al. (2012) has applied SIMGRO in peat meadows of
model SGMP (Boonstra and de Ridder, 1990), was used by Akram The Netherlands, where the conditions for farming are not favorable
et al. (2009) to evaluate factors affecting design and operation of a and soil subsidence prevails. They used the model to examine the possi-
bio-drainage system. The results showed that the major constraint of ble future strategies to control water level and found that in the future
bio-drainage is salt accumulation in tree plantation strips in arid and the soil subsidence will increase and more water will be needed to
semiarid regions. Earlier the model SAHYSMOD was used by Rao et al. maintain the target surface water levels. The model SIMGRO was used
(1995) for the salt and water balance analysis of a waterlogged area for the simulation of water ow in an integrated manner in all the
A. Singh / Science of the Total Environment 499 (2014) 414423 419

previous studies without considering the climate change impact. that some aspects of some of the subjects have either been overlooked
However, Querner et al. (2012) used this model for simulating different or only briey referred to. It is expected that these gaps could be lled
future scenarios by taking into account the impact of climate scenarios. by subsequent contributions and that there is scope for further discus-
The accurate quantication of the water balance and water redistri- sion about the subjects covered in this review.
bution in soil is strictly required for a proper simulation of solute trans-
port and for management of plant growth and irrigation. Several models
Conict of interest
are available to serve the purpose (e.g., SWAP, CropSyst, Hydrus,
RZWQM, and MACRO). Despite their common basis of the representa-
The author has no actual or potential conict of interest including
tion of water ow in the unsaturated zone, apparently similar hydrolog-
any nancial, personal or other relationships with other people or orga-
ical models give different results when applied in the same ecological,
nizations within three years of the beginning of this work.
climatic and agronomic scenarios (Simunek et al., 2003; Vanderborght
et al., 2005). Bonfante et al. (2010) compared the performance of
three well known models (SWAP, MACRO and CropSyst) in terms of Acknowledgments
simulated soil water contents, using detailed high frequency and high-
resolution measured data. They concluded that generally SWAP had The author extends great gratitude to the editors and anonymous re-
the best performance, followed by CropSyst and then MACRO. The viewers of the journal whose constructive and insightful comments and
similar conclusions were made by Smets et al. (1997) who used suggestions have led to considerable improvement to the early versions
SWAP93 to analyze the water ow and salt transport for the prevailing of the manuscript.
irrigation regime and climatic conditions, and Cirkel et al. (2010) who
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