8 - Natural Resources Research
8 - Natural Resources Research
8 - Natural Resources Research
Original Paper
Efficient water allocation is one of the most prominent issues in water resources manage-
ment. In this research, a two-stage interval-parameter stochastic fuzzy programming with
type 2 membership functions was used to allocate water resources optimally to different
users under uncertainty. This method can handle uncertainties expressed as probability
distributions, discrete intervals, and fuzzy sets. The model considers treated wastewater as an
allocable water resource in a scenario, in addition to water that is extracted from wellheads,
springs, and qanats. Moreover, the loss rate of water during distribution, surplus water in the
reservoir in the previous and the next period, and treated wastewater parameters have been
incorporated into the model. This model was applied to a case study of water resources
allocation within a multi-user and multi-reservoir context in the Zarand region of Kerman,
Iran. The results indicate that reasonable solutions have been generated, in the form of
interval and fuzzy information under different scenarios that could help managers provide
optimal water resources allocation plans. The results also demonstrate that establishing a
wastewater treatment station increases the system net benefits, surplus water in wellheads
for the next period, and system reliability (level of satisfying the fuzzy goal and constraints),
and decreases encountering water shortages.
KEY WORDS: Water resources management, Optimal water allocation, Mathematical programming
model, Optimization, Uncertainty.
INTRODUCTION and even under the ground, and beyond the earth in
clouds and the atmosphere. However, 97.5% of this
Water, a blessed gift bestowed by God that amount is comprised of saline waters and thus only
covers 70% of our planetÕs surface, is found all 2.5% is fresh, and the latter is not distributed equally
around the earth, in lakes, rivers, oceans, icebergs across the planet (Shiklomanov 1998). Moreover,
only 0.4% of the total volume of freshwater avail-
Department of Industrial Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, able to humans is in the form of lakes and rivers, and
Shahid Bahonar University of Kerman, Kerman, Islamic unlike other resources such as oil, which can be
Republic of Iran. utilized in different forms, there are no substitutes
Department of Civil Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, Shahid (Guo et al. 2010).
Bahonar University of Kerman, Kerman, Islamic Republic of
Water scarcity is a serious concern in many
To whom correspondence should be addressed; e-mail: countries that limits the development of the indus-
[email protected] trial and agricultural sectors as well as the overall
aspects of human life (Li et al. 2015). Water shortage decision is made before the realization of random
occurs due to the population growth, global eco- variables; then, the second decision can be deter-
nomic development, urbanization and industrializa- mined to minimize penalties after the random event
tion, climate change, water infrastructure has taken place, and their values are known. The
destruction, and poor water quality (Sophocleous process of making the first decision is called the first
2004; Xie et al. 2013). Today, many parts of the stage, and the relevant variables are called first-stage
planet face scarcity of water resources. Based on variables. The process of making other decisions is
statistics released by the United Nations, 700 called the second stage, and the relevant variables
million people in 43 different countries are suffering are called second-stage variables.
from water shortage. It is predicted that by 2025, 1.8 Pereira and Pinto (1985) proposed a stochastic
billion people who live in regions and countries optimization approach for the planning of a multi-
faced with water shortages and 3–4 million people reservoir hydroelectric system under uncertainty.
die annually due to water shortage or related dis- Wang and Adams (1986) introduced a two-stage
eases (Wang and Huang 2015). Moreover, it is re- optimization framework for optimal water reservoir
ported that the agriculture sector will likely face the operations. In their research, periodic Markov pro-
problem of reduced water availability and the need cesses were used to describe seasonality of water
to produce more food in the near future (Dogra resources inflows. Ferrero et al. (1998) examined the
et al. 2014). hydrothermal scheduling of multi-reservoir systems
Over the past decades, optimal and efficient using a two-stage dynamic programming approach.
water allocation has challenged many water resource Seifi and Hipel (2001) proposed a method for the
managers. Ineffective allocation of water resources long-term planning of reservoirs with stochastic in-
and farmland further aggravated the conflict among flows. They used TSP and an interior-point method
the water users (Dong et al. 2018). This ineffective for optimizing reservoir operation. Ahmed et al.
allocation exacerbated the problem of water pollu- (2003) also used a limited branch and boundary
tion (Dong et al. 2018). Water allocation planning is algorithm to solve the two-stage stochastic planning.
an essential component of managing water uses, and Previous research on the TSP method does not
it involves deciding how much water is available reflect the dynamic changes in system conditions
from a particular resource and how much water can (especially in high-volume systems). Thus, multi-
be taken (Sophocleous 2004; Shao et al. 2011). In stage stochastic programming (MSP) method has
other words, equity in water allocation is a signifi- been developed by the recent researchers (Yin and
cant challenge that needs to be considered by Han 2015; Hu and Hu 2018; Zahiri et al. 2018). In
authorities and decision makers (Shukla and Gedam MSP, recourse actions are permitted for each period
2018). based on uncertainties related to specified values.
Optimization techniques play a vital role in The most prominent advantage of MSP is its flexi-
helping the decision makers optimally allocate water bility in the decision-making and scenario-setting
resources to different users. The variety of uncer- process, although period information should be
tainties existing in water resources management may investigated. Among the conducted research, quan-
intensify the complexity in decision-making process; titative researchers have implemented this method
therefore, conventional optimization techniques independently in the field of water resources man-
such as linear programming, quadratic program- agement. For example, Pereira and Pinto (1991)
ming, and integer programming would become introduced a multistage stochastic optimization
ineffective (Wang and Huang 2015). method in hydrological energy system planning.
Among the variety of methods used in water Watkins et al. (2000) presented an MSP model to
resources management for dealing with uncertain- utilize water from mountain lakes. Modeling with
ties, two-stage stochastic programming (TSP), as a MSP to manage water resources is identical to the
kind of stochastic optimization method, was widely two-stage approach.
used for dealing with randomness in such systems The role of wastewater in todayÕs world where
and has the ability to take corrective actions after a the demand for water is rising sharply, and the
random event occurs (Brige and Louveaux 1988; earthÕs water resources are consequently decreasing,
Tajeddini et al. 2014; Parisio and Jones 2015). TSP is is becoming more and more prominent. Under such
a scenario-based approach and is useful in analyzing circumstances, the use of unconventional water
long-term and midterm schemes. In TSP, at first, a including sewage from refinement plants in various
Optimal Allocation of Water Resources Using a Two-Stage Stochastic Programming Method
m X
m X
n x ¼ ½x ; xþ ¼ ft 2 xjx t xþ g ð8Þ
max f ¼ NBi Ti Ci Pj Dij ð5Þ
i¼1 i¼1 j¼1 where x , xþ represent the lower and upper bounds
of x , respectively.
subject to:
Huang and Loucks (2000) presented a TSP
m method with interval parameters or inexact two-
qj Ti Dij 8j ð6Þ stage stochastic programming (ITSP) approach to
allocate water to different consumers. Their re-
search has been used extensively for water resources
Ti max Ti Dij 0 8i:j ð7Þ
management and environmental planning, and pro-
TSP is not easily implemented in the real-world vides solutions for generating decision alternatives
cases of water resources management because it is and identifies and analyzes significant factors that
difficult for a planner to determine a deterministic affect a systemÕs performance (Huang and Loucks
value of parameters such as allocation targets Ti , the 2000). ITSP is an effective measure for addressing
net benefit of water allocated NBi or the penalty of problems where an analysis of policy scenarios is
water not delivered Ci . In addition, the inadequate desired periodically over time and uncertain
quality of the information to present them as prob- parameters have probability distribution functions
ability distribution has made TSP a challenging and interval numbers (Xie et al. 2018). Huang et al.
method (Birge and Louveaux 1988). Therefore, (1993, 1995) proposed an IPP to manage water re-
incorporating interval-parameter programming sources in an agricultural environment. Li and
(IPP) within a TSP framework is a practical ap- Huang (2008) also combined TSP and IPP in a
proach to better reflecting uncertainties. IPP was nonlinear programming framework. Their model
introduced by Huang et al. (1995), and it has been considers several water resources, demand regions
widely used in various fields, especially in water re- and a bunch of water end users, and responses as
sources management. Huang and Loucks (2000) interval parameters maximize economic benefit and
have used IPP in the TSP framework since 2000. The minimize failure risks. Xie et al. (2013) applied ITSP
reasons for using such method in water resources by considering multiple water resources and several
management can be summarized as follows: consumers. Various scenarios corresponding to dif-
ferent river inflow levels were evaluated. The results
The quality of data obtained from uncertain indicated that different inflow levels could lead to
parameters is not satisfactory enough to be different water allocation schemes with variation in
used to obtain the probability distribution system benefit and system failure risk. Zhang and Li
function. Besides, even if these distributions (2014) used ITSP for sustainable development and
are available, their reflection in large-scale water resources management and applied it to an
TSP models can be extremely challenging area in China that includes multiple water resources
(Huang and Loucks 2000). In other words, in and some regions and users. Fu et al. (2016) pre-
order to obtain the probability distribution sented an ITSP method based on adaptive water
function of an uncertain parameter, accurate resource management (AWRM). In their model, the
and reliable information is required (Fan cost of water exchange between different regions is
et al. 2011). considered, and results indicated that optimistic
It is hard to solve the TSP model with all water policies lead to higher income but may be
uncertain parameters being expressed as a subject to higher risk of system failure, and the re-
probability density function (Fan et al. 2015). sults can be used by managers to adjust investment
Using and presenting information as interval activities and avoid making inappropriate decisions.
and fuzzy parameters is more favorable than Ji et al. (2017) applied the ITSP model to manage
deterministic parameters (Fan et al. 2011). water resources in Tianjin, China (a coastal city
facing severe water shortage). In their optimization
If x is a closed set of real numbers, then x is a model, water supply cost and sewage treatment cost
gray number with upper and lower bounds but with were considered besides water utilization benefits
unknown distribution; thus, and water shortage penalty. Liu et al. (2017) pro-
Optimal Allocation of Water Resources Using a Two-Stage Stochastic Programming Method
max a ð21Þ
subject to:
where lD ; lG ; lC are fuzzy decision membership
functions, fuzzy goal, and fuzzy constraints, respec- X
m Xm X
i Ti þ DTi y i Pj Ci D
tively. The desired decision is the one with the i¼1 i¼1 j¼1
highest lD value: fa
f þ Df ð22Þ
max lD ¼ max minflG :lC g ð20Þ
Ordinary fuzzy sets are not applicable if the q gj a
Dq Ti þ DTi yi D 8j ð23Þ
j ij
membership functions are given imprecisely. i¼1
Therefore, in practical problems, the appropriate
choice of membership functions for fuzzy goal and Timax DTi max a Ti þ DTi yi ð24Þ
constraints is one of the critical issues. To reflect
such issues, the concept of type 2 fuzzy sets is Ti þ DTi yi D
ij 8i:j ð25Þ
effective in addressing such uncertainties. The con-
cept of type 2 fuzzy sets is shown in Figure 2. D
ij 0 8i:j ð26Þ
Maqsood et al. (2005) proposed an IFTSP to
manage water resources for allocating water opti- 0 yi 1 8i ð27Þ
mally to different consumers. In their optimization
model, type 2 fuzzy membership function has been 0a1 ð28Þ
used. Wang and Huang (2013) used IFTSP to reflect
uncertainties in the objective function and right- In this model, a is degree of satisfaction of the
hand side of constraints as fuzzy and interval fuzzy objective or constraints (optimal system relia-
parameters. The results indicate that several interval bility), f is lower bound of net system benefit where it
solutions can be obtained under various scenarios,
is expressed as intervals, f is upper bound of net
which enhances the diversity of solutions for sup- system benefit, q is upper bound of water inflow, q
porting decisions of water resources allocation.
Fan et al. (2015) also used IFTSP in their study is lower bound of water inflow, f is lower interval of
and obtained a series of fuzzy interval solutions upper-bound net system benefit, f is lower interval
under different a-cut levels. Zhou et al. (2016) pro- of lower-bound net system benefit, f is upper inter-
posed an IFTSP approach to support water re- val of upper-bound net system benefit, f þ is upper
sources management under dual uncertainties. They interval of lower-bound net system benefit. Equa-
took into account uncertainties as fuzzy parameters tion 29 is established for this model; thus,
and variability of a-cut levels. Their results showed h i h i
that any change in a-cut level could affect the solu- f ¼ f f ¼ f ; f þ f ; f þ :
tions. Therefore, fuzzy sets are highly applicable in h þ
¼ f f þ; f f ð29Þ
Optimal Allocation of Water Resources Using a Two-Stage Stochastic Programming Method
Constraint C Goal G
Decision D̂
− + − + − + − +
± ± ± ±
̅± and ±
: upper and lower bounds of the type-2 membership fuzzy goal
̅ ± and ±
: upper and lower bounds of the type-2 fuzzy constraint
: fuzzy decision
Figure 2. Fuzzy decision theory with type 2 membership function (Wang and Huang 2013).
Tiþmax DTi max a Ti þ DTi yi ð33Þ Ti þ DTi yi opt Dþ 8i:j ð43Þ
Problem Formulation
Objective Function
Problem Statement
This problem can be formulated as an IFTSP
This research aims to use IFTSP for optimally model:
managing and allocating water resources. In this
optimization model, treated wastewater was consid- max a ð49Þ
ered as allocable water. Therefore, the related
parameters have been incorporated into the model. In
addition, loss rate of water during transportation and Constraints
surplus water in the reservoirs have been considered.
In order to develop the agricultural and industrial
sectors, these disparate groups of water users need to Desirable system benefit constraint
be aware of how much water they can expect for their
activities and economic investments. This informa-
tion is essential for planning because, if the promised
water cannot be delivered, they will have to obtain
water from higher priced alternatives or make nega-
tive changes in their development plans. X
m Xm X
i Tai þ ðDTai :yai Þ Paj :Ci :Da
i¼1 i¼1 j¼1
m m X
X n
Study Area Overview þ
NBi Tb Pbj :Ci :Db
i þ ðDTbi :ybi Þ ij
i¼1 i¼1 j¼1
In this research, Zarand city located in the X
m m X
X n
Kerman province of Iran was selected as a case þ NBi Tc
i þ ðDTci :yci Þ Pcj :Ci :Dc
study. This area is part of the Bafq swamp southern i¼1 i¼1 j¼1
basin that has been surrounded from the north and X
east by Kerman hills, from the west by Davaran hills, þ NB
i Twi þ ðDTwi :ywi Þ
and from the south by Kerman plain. The area is i¼1
m h
X i þ Tc þ ð DTc :yc Þ Dc
1 1 1 1j
i þ ðDTci :yci Þ Dcij ð1 þ eÞ þ aDf
qc j i
i¼1 þ Tw 1 þ ðDTw1 :yw1 Þ Dw1j
qcj h
8j ¼ 1:2:3 þ h2 b2 Ta2 þ ð DTa 2 :ya 2 Þ Da
þ Tb 2 þ ðDTb2 :yb2 Þ Db2j
Equations 51–53 illustrate that the total water allo- þ Tc þ ð DTc :yc Þ Dc
2 2 2 2j
cated to all water users should be less than the i
available water flows of the water resources in order þ Tw2 þ ðDTw2 :yw2 Þ Dw
to balance the relationship between water supply h
and demand. þ h3 b3 Ta3 þ ð DTa 3 :ya 3 Þ Da
Constraint of available water in wellhead þ Tb3 þ ðDTb3 :yb3 Þ Db3j
þ Tc 3 þ ðDTc3 :yc3 Þ Dc3j
þ Tw 3 þ ð DTw 3 :yw 3 Þ Dw
Swt1 aD Swt 8j ¼ 1:2:3
T. Khosrojerdi et al.
Equation 55 demonstrates that total wastewater allocated and greater than shortages of each con-
allocated for various consumptions should be less sumer under all water inflow levels.
than the obtained wastewater from various uses and
the total capacity of the wastewater treatment sta- Technical constraints
tion. 0 a 1 ð60Þ
Water demand, water shortage, and nonneg- 0 yai :ybi :yci :ywi 1 8i ¼ 1:2:3 ð61Þ
ativity constraints
Equations 60–61 are technical constraints.
i max Tai þ ðDTai :yai Þ Daij Da
ij 0 In this model, Ta i is allocation target for con-
8j ¼ 1:2:3 sumer i from wellheads, Tb i is allocation target for
ð56Þ consumer i from springs, Tc i is allocation target for
consumer i from the qanats, Tw i is allocation target
Db for consumer i from treated wastewater,
i max Tbi þ ðDTbi :ybi Þ Dbij ij 0
yai :ybi :yci :ywi are decision variables with zero to one
8j ¼ 1:2:3 values from well, springs, qanats, treated wastewater
ð57Þ to determine the optimal set of allocation targets,
ij ; Dbij ; Dcij , Dwij are optimal water shortages
i max Tc
i þ ð DTc i :yc i Þ Dc
ij Dc
ij 0 for consumer i from wellheads, springs, qanats, and
8j ¼ 1:2:3 refined wastewater under water inflow level j,
Pwj :Pcj :Pbj :Paj are probability of occurrence of flow
ð58Þ level for wellheads, springs, and treated wastewater,
e is loss rate of water during distribution,
i max Twi þ ðDTwi :ywi Þ Dwij Dw
ij 0
qa :qb :qc are lower interval of the upper-bound
8j ¼ 1:2:3 wellhead, spring, and qanat water flow, qaþ :qbþ :qcþ
ð59Þ are upper interval of the lower-bound wellhead,
spring, and qanat water flow, qaþ :qb :qcþ are upper
Equations 56–59 show that the maximum allowable interval of the upper-bound wellhead, spring, and
allocation target should be greater than the water qanat water flow, qa :qb :qc are lower interval of
a Probability f
qb Probability f
qc Probability
j¼1 ((180,182), (208,210)) 0.49 ((2, 2.5), (3.5, 4)) 0.15 ((10, 10.5), (11.5, 12)) 0.12
j¼2 ((210, 212), (258, 260)) 0.31 ((4, 4.5), (4.75, 5.25)) 0.55 ((12, 13), (15, 16)) 0.11
j¼3 ((260, 264), (276, 280)) 0.20 ((5.25, 5.75), (6.75, 7.25)) 0.30 ((16, 16.5), (17.5, 18)) 0.77
Tai max (106 Tbi max (106 Tci max (106 Ta (106 Tb (106 Tc (106 NB (Rials) C (103
m3) m3) m3) m3) m3) m3) Rials)
Agriculture 220 4 15 (193.5, (3.15, 3.85) (12.6, 15.4) (11.31, 17.34) (70, 80)
Industry 6 0 0 (2.7, 3.3) 0 0 (1650432, (80, 90)
Municipal 20 0 0 (13.5, 16.5) 0 0 (71.58, 131.161) (3000, 5000)
Optimal Allocation of Water Resources Using a Two-Stage Stochastic Programming Method
Parameter Quantity
i opt Tb
i opt Tc
i opt yai ybi yci
Activity Users
Shortage Da
Low ðj ¼ 1Þ 0 0 60.647
Medium ðj ¼ 2Þ 0 0 32.513
High ðj ¼ 3Þ 0 0 (0, 1.213)
Shortage Db ij
Low ðj ¼ 1Þ 0 0 (0.589, 0.895)
Medium ðj ¼ 2Þ 0 0 0
High ðj ¼ 3Þ 0 0 0
Shortage Dcij
Low ðj ¼ 1Þ 0 0 (3.885, 4.191)
Medium ðj ¼ 2Þ 0 0 (1.324, 1.936)
High ðj ¼ 3Þ 0 0 0
Optimal resources allocation amount from wellhead Aa ij
Low ðj ¼ 1Þ 13.5 3.3 132.852
Medium ðj ¼ 2Þ 13.5 3.3 160.987
High ðj ¼ 3Þ 13.5 3.3 (192.286, 193.5)
Optimal resources allocation amount from spring Ab ij
Low ðj ¼ 1Þ 0 0 (2.254, 2.560)
Medium ðj ¼ 2Þ 0 0 3.15
High ðj ¼ 3Þ 0 0 3.15
Optimal resources allocation amount from qanat Ac ij
Low ðj ¼ 1Þ 0 0 (8.408, 8.714)
Medium ðj ¼ 2Þ 0 0 (10.663, 11.275)
High ðj ¼ 3Þ 0 0 12.6
Surplus water in the wellhead for the next period Sa1 j
Low ðj ¼ 1Þ (14.952, 17.452)
Medium ðj ¼ 2Þ (28.376, 30.876)
High ðj ¼ 3Þ (5.687, 8.61)
System benefit and reliability
System net benefit f (2178604.361, 3578184.443) million Rials
System reliability a (0.2843, 0.6712)
By incorporating above results into the other because it brings the highest benefit. Municipal
sub-model, overall results based on scenario 1 ob- usage has the second priority and the agriculture
tained. The results shown in Table 7 present the sector has the last priority. In Table 7, the solutions
optimized water allocation, water shortage amount, Da
11 ¼ Da12 ¼ Da13 ¼ 0 Da
21 ¼ Da21 ¼ Da21 ¼ 0
and related system benefits. In case of insufficient indicate that there will be no shortage of water for
water, the industry use should be first guaranteed municipal and industrial users. However, under low
Optimal Allocation of Water Resources Using a Two-Stage Stochastic Programming Method
Low ðj ¼ 1Þ 0.49 0 0 38.126
Medium ðj ¼ 2Þ 0.31 0 0 10.205
High ðj ¼ 3Þ 0.2 0 0 0
Db ij
Low ðj ¼ 1Þ 0.15 0 0 (0.6, 0.921)
Medium ðj ¼ 2Þ 0.55 0 0 0
High ðj ¼ 3Þ 0.3 0 0 0
Low ðj ¼ 1Þ 0.12 0 0 (3.896, 4.217)
Medium ðj ¼ 2Þ 0.11 0 0 (1.346, 1.988)
High ðj ¼ 3Þ 0.77 0 0 0
Dw ij
Low ðj ¼ 1Þ 0.26 0 0 (6.081, 6.123)
Medium ðj ¼ 2Þ 0.33 0 0 (4.044, 4.086)
High ðj ¼ 3Þ 0.41 0 0 3.286
Optimal allocation from wellhead Aa ij
Low ðj ¼ 1Þ 0.49 12 2 135.374
Medium ðj ¼ 2Þ 0.31 12 2 163.294
High ðj ¼ 3Þ 0.2 12 2 173.5
Optimal allocation from spring Ab ij
Low ðj ¼ 1Þ 0.15 0 0 (2.228, 2.549)
Medium ðj ¼ 2Þ 0.55 0 0 3.15
High ðj ¼ 3Þ 0.3 0 0 3.15
Optimal allocation from qanat Ac ij
Low ðj ¼ 1Þ 0.12 0 0 (8.382, 8.703)
Medium ðj ¼ 2Þ 0.11 0 0 10.613, 11.253)
High ðj ¼ 3Þ 0.77 0 0 12.6
Optimal allocation from treated wastewater Aw ij
Low ðj ¼ 1Þ 0.26 1 2.5 (13.876, 13.918)
Medium ðj ¼ 2Þ 0.33 1 2.5 (15.913, 15.955)
High ðj ¼ 3Þ 0.41 1 2.5 16.713
Surplus water in the wellhead for the next period Sa1 j
Low ðj ¼ 1Þ (15.315, 17.814)
Medium ðj ¼ 2Þ (29.017, 31.517)
High ðj ¼ 3Þ (33.75, 38.25)
System benefit and reliability
System net benefit f (5270477.738, 6865883.395) million Rials
System reliability a (0.3013, 0.6851)
flow level of wellhead with a probability of 49%, system net benefit is corresponding to 0.6712, and
there should be a shortage of 60:646 106 m3 for the the lower bound of the system net benefit is corre-
agricultural sector. Even if the flow level of wellhead sponding to 0.284.
is high, the optimal shortage for the agricultural
sector will be (0, 1.213) 9 106 m3 with probability of
20%. It can be concluded that under high water flow Results of Scenario 2
level, when the available water is over 280 million
cubic meters, the shortages for all consumers will be Table 8 shows the results of solving the model in
zero. Similarly, for other sources, if there are high scenario 2 by considering all parameters and variables
levels of water flow for the qanat (with probability of of model. Results show that with 49% probability for
77%), then there will be no shortages for consumers. wellhead under low flow level, agricultural sector will
In this scenario, the system net benefit is face a shortage of 38.126 million cubic meters, while
(217604.361, 3578184.443) million Rials with relia- the other sectors will not face any shortages. In the
bility of (0.284, 0.6712). The upper bound of the previous scenario (lack of treated wastewater re-
T. Khosrojerdi et al.
Scenario 1 Scenario 2
36 33.75
33 31.517
29.017 30.876
milion cubic meter
27 28.376
21 17.814
18 15.314
15 14.952
9 8.61
6 5.687
lower bound upper bound lower bound upper bound lower bound upper bound
Low level Medium level High level
Figure 3. Comparison of surplus water in the wellhead for the next period for scenarios 1 and 2.
Scenario 1 Scenario 2
Milion Rials
20,00,000 2178604.361
Lower bound Upper bound
Figure 4. Comparison of the net benefit resulting from the implementation of scenarios 1 and 2.
source), the optimal shortage was 60.647 million cubic Figure 3 shows that there is more surplus water
meters for the agricultural sector. Moreover, under in wellhead for the next period in scenario 2 than in
medium flow level there is lower shortage than the scenario 1. As shown in Figure 4, the system net
previous scenario, whereas under high flow level there benefit in scenario 2 is significantly higher than in
is no shortage for agricultural sector. As shown in scenario 1. This indicates that establishing a
Table 8, the total water allocated would be 173:5 wastewater treatment station in Zarand can reduce
ðAa33 ¼ 173:5Þ, and optimal allocation target is 173.5
the usage of natural water resources while maxi-
ðTa3 opt ¼ 173:5Þ; thus, there is no shortage for agri-
mizing regional economic benefits.
cultural sector under high flow level. Treated
wastewater satisfies industry and municipal sectorsÕ
demands, while the agricultural sector will face SENSITIVITY ANALYSIS OF WATER LOSS
shortage under different flow levels. There is also RATE
improvements in system net benefit and system reli-
ability ðf ¼ ð5270477:738; 6865883:395Þ million Today, among the important and critical issues
in water resources management in Kerman province
Rials and a ¼ ð0:3013; 0:6851Þ).
Optimal Allocation of Water Resources Using a Two-Stage Stochastic Programming Method
Low ðj ¼ 1Þ 0.49 0 0 29.688
Medium ðj ¼ 2Þ 0.31 0 0 2.525
High ðj ¼ 3Þ 0.2 0 0 0
Db ij
Low ðj ¼ 1Þ 0.15 0 0 (1.14, 1.54)
Medium ðj ¼ 2Þ 0.55 0 0 0
High ðj ¼ 3Þ 0.3 0 0 0
Low ðj ¼ 1Þ 0.12 0 0 (3.225, 3.924)
Medium ðj ¼ 2Þ 0.11 0 0 (0.717, 1.914)
High ðj ¼ 3Þ 0.77 0 0 0
Dw ij
Low ðj ¼ 1Þ 0.26 0 0 (3.878, 3.964)
Medium ðj ¼ 2Þ 0.33 0 0 (1.713, 1.799)
High ðj ¼ 3Þ 0.41 0 0 1.482
Optimal allocation from wellhead Aa ij
Low ðj ¼ 1Þ 0.49 12 2 143.812
Medium ðj ¼ 2Þ 0.31 12 2 170.974
High ðj ¼ 3Þ 0.2 12 2 173.5
Optimal allocation from springs Ab ij
Low ðj ¼ 1Þ 0.15 0 0 (2.009, 2.608)
Medium ðj ¼ 2Þ 0.55 0 0 3.15
High ðj ¼ 3Þ 0.3 0 0 3.15
Optimal allocation from qanats Acij
Low ðj ¼ 1Þ 0.12 0 0 (8.675, 9.274)
Medium ðj ¼ 2Þ 0.11 0 0 (10.685, 11.882)
High ðj ¼ 3Þ 0.77 0 0 12.6
Optimal allocation from wastewater Aw ij
Low ðj ¼ 1Þ 0.26 1 2.5 (16.035, 16.121)
Medium ðj ¼ 2Þ 0.33 1 2.5 (18.2, 18.28)
High ðj ¼ 3Þ 0.41 1 2.5 18.517
Surplus water remaining in the wellhead for the next period Sa1j
Low ðj ¼ 1Þ (20.126, 22.626)
Medium ðj ¼ 2Þ (37.530, 40.03)
High ðj ¼ 3Þ (52.5, 57)
System benefit and reliability
System net benefit f (5957024.861, 7477933.959) million Rials
System reliability a (0.5444, 0.8702)
are the old water pipelines and the lack of scientific especially in net benefit and the surplus water
methods of transforming water. Currently, water remaining in the wellhead for the next period.
loss rate is estimated to be 30%. In Zarand, such
high water loss rate entails high volume of water
extraction from groundwater resources and causes DISCUSSION AND CONCLUSION
reservoir drainage as well as serious problems for
agricultural and industrial economic schemes. Today, issues regarding water resources have
Therefore, as a scenario, the water loss rate is set at become one of the most prominent challenges facing
20% and the results (Table 9) are compared with humanity, and there is a need to find improved ways
scenarios 1 and 2. As shown in Figures 5 and 6, when of making optimal uses of these resources. Water
water loss rate is set at 20%, there are improvements resources management provides a set of methods,
T. Khosrojerdi et al.
Figure 5. Comparison of the net benefit considering reduction in water loss rate.
20% loss rate 30% loss rate (scenario 2) 30% loss rate (scenario 1)
60 56.4
milion cubic meters
37.86 38.25
31.517 33.75
29.017 30.876
20 15.314 17.452
10 5.687
Lower bound Upper bound Lower bound Upper bound Lower bound Upper bound
Low level Medium level High level
Figure 6. Comparison of surplus water remaining in wellhead for the next period considering reduction in water loss rate.
tools, and optimization models to prevent reservoir ing the importance of this issue, the aim of this study
shortages, water waste, water shortage, loss of water was based on optimal water resources allocation,
quality and to deliver optimally high-quality water and research results of a case study (Zarand region,
to consumers. One of the main issues in this field is Kerman province) were presented and discussed to
the optimal allocation of water resources to various identify the differences between scientific allocation
consumers, which becomes increasingly important methods and current management methods. In this
every year because water resources are decreasing research, a two-stage stochastic method with interval
while demands are increasing. Therefore, consider- and fuzzy parameters was used. One of the advan-
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