DEPAC Cleaner

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Types: Workshop, Comtec

Maintenance products

Table of contents
DEPAC Workshop
Workshop ................................................................................................. S. 3-9
Intelligent maintenance aids for workshops
Comtec...................................................................................................... S. 10-13
Maintenance and repair of complex production systems demand more and more from people and material.
Productivity and cost pressure demand trouble-free and frictionless functioning of all technical units and
machines. Maximum service life without faults, reaching planned shut downs for maintenance and repair
and the extension of the maintenance intervals are absolute requirements for the improvement of efficiency
and the lowering of unit costs.

DEPAC has regarded the numerous tasks in industry, production and workshop as a challenge to innovation
and offers therefore today a wide range of products which have been designed and carefully selected.

With the Workshop range, the people responsible in industry and production benefit from our many years of
experience in maintenance and repair. The know-how and targeted development and research work guarantee
high performance and economical products.

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Workshop Workshop

Products with the Service-Plus Cleaning and degreasing

The tested and approved quality and reliability of the DEPAC Workshop products provide the user with a high
degree of safety in his daily work. No matter whether one is looking for broad range of applications or specific
104 Phosphate-free Cleaner 105 Industrial and Marine Solvent
problem solutions, DEPAC Workshop is completely convincing, e.g. when:
Water based, very strong detergent concentrate. Strong, highly alkaline water based, third generation
Phosphate free and biodegradable. No hazard to water detergent concentrate. Removes easily mineral oil
systems. Can be used on board ships. Preferred appli- and grease residues from practically all surfaces. The
cations for the cleaning of surfaces contaminated with concentrate can be diluted with water in a ratio of up
Cleaning and degreasing vegetable oil or oil of animal origin. Applications in large to 1:80. It is biodegradable and finds applications in
The task of cleaning and degreasing in industry has changed dramatically over the last few kitchens, canteens, waste water plants etc. Algae are general machinery cleaning, in cleaning systems and
years. DEPAC has recognized the ban or voluntary withdrawal of such extremely effective
not only removed from stone and concrete surfaces even in textile applications. 105 is the standard cleaner
solvents as TRI, PER and TETRA as a chance to find new and efficient solutions with creativity
but they are also deprived of their nutrient base. Can for every workshop.
and a lot of know-how.
be diluted with water in a ratio of up to 1:80.

Metal processing
Cooling and cutting lubricants play an important role in modern machining and forming proces-
ses since time and price pressure make increasingly higher demands on tools, quality and wor-
118 Descaler 132 Electro Contact Cleaner
king time. Through long years of experience and utilization of the latest research and develop-
Highly concentrated, acidic cleaning concentrate for Is a solvent based, highly efficient, degreasing and
ment technology, DEPAC offers a cutting oil which fulfils the highest requirements.
dissolving and removing persistent hard water scale cleaning concentrate. It rapidly evaporates and was de-
from surfaces or heat exchangers. Very suitable for cir- veloped for the cleaning of tiny precision components
Lubricating and protecting culating cleaning processes. Removes cement build-up such as computers, cameras, printed circuit boards etc.
For the development of DEPAC special lubricants, finely differentiated, industry-specific adjust- from surfaces and concrete residues from the inside of It evaporates completely leaving no residue behind.
ments as well as careful analyses of the requirements of different customers have been made. transportation vehicles and is used for the etching of Cannot be used on equipment under electric current.
Our consulting competence and our knowhow have in many cases resulted in a dramatic reducti-
concrete floors prior to coating with paints.
on in the number of lubricants in use as well as overall operating costs. The number of equipment
failures caused by choosing the wrong lubrication have been considerably reduced as well.

Maintenance and sealing

These products should be in every toolbox! Discover our high-quality maintenance and sealing
products and see the benefits for yourself in your daily assembly, rust dissolving and sealing Metal processing
tasks as well as many other challenges.

606 Oil Cut

Is a high-additive content, pure non-water-miscible cutting
Preservation, protection, priming and maintenance
oil for all kinds of heavy machining at slow speeds. Works
No matter whether steel works, paper mill, chemical plant, power station, water works, sewage
plant, hospital, health farm or on board ships – the maintenance tasks in industry, production, very well with all types of metal. Particularly suitable for
supply and transportation are many and are becoming more and more complex. They must vertical work surfaces when applied from an aerosol spray
usually be carried out in shorter and shorter times and with less and less personal. In many can, as it will stick to vertical surfaces as well as overhead
areas of industries they therefore trust in the quality of our products. in form of a foam.

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Workshop Workshop

Lubricating and protecting

201 Penetrating Oil food grade 202 Detergent Lubricating Oil 220 Synthetic Lubricant 222 Silicone Lubricant
A load bearing, desulphurised, white oil specially An extremely penetrating, mineral oil based lubrica- A 100 % synthetic lubricant with excellent high as well A silicone based lubricant which is used particularly
developed for applications in the food processing ting oil with detergent additives. It loosens and cleans as low temperature resistance. At high temperatures, for applications where mineral oil based lubricants
industry. It is odorless and tasteless and is mainly used old, varnished oil and grease deposits and forms, by 224 Synthetic Lubricant will not carbonize or become cannot, or must not be used. Particularly suitable for all
where tolerances are narrow. The extreme penetrati- its special combination of additives, a load bearing varnished. It evaporates extremely slowly even at high non-metal combinations such as plastic/plastic,
on possibilities ensure to reduce friction within the lubricating film. 202 Detergent Lubricating Oil is a temperatures without leaving a residue. At low tempe- rubber/rubber, plastic/wood and similar combinations.
important internal bearings of roller chains and similar high performance light oil which finds applications on ratures it will remain free flowing. It has excellent pene- 222 Silicone Lubricant is, in addition, can excellent
components. 201 is colorless and therefore also suitab- chains, spindle bearings, tool holders, clamping chucks trating properties and reaches the critical places within release agent which prevents the adhesion of dirt,
le for applications in the textile industry. and drill chucks. Particularly suitable for maintenance tight tolerances in inner bearings of roller chains e.g. glues, paints, frozen water and many other materials
equipment and air tools. Because of its special cleaning effect, it can be speci- to the surface.
fically recommended for drive chains which operate
203 Inside Bearing Lubricant 212 Light-colored Chain and at high temperatures and where carbonized residues
A lubricant specially developed for the lubrication of Wire Rope Lubricant impede functioning.
inside bearings of chains. It is mineral oil based with A light colored, clean, extremely well adhering mine-
penetrating and load bearing characteristics. As the ral oil based surface lubricant for the lubrication, and
result of special additives, a long lasting, pressure protection against wear of chain ropes, open gears and
223 Silicone Grease 235 White High - temperature Grease
resistant lubricating film is formed within in tight other load bearing surfaces. It has been specifically
Is a silicone based lubricant with a special thickener A white, high / low temperature grease in NLGI class 2
tolerances, and will remain there for some time. developed for areas where cleanliness is important and
which is used particularly for applications where with PTFE additives and a 100 % synthetic base.
The service life of chains is measurably increased, the where dark contaminations must be avoided. It forms
mineral oil based lubricants cannot, or must not be Especially developed for the food industry, it corres-
energy consumption and the noise level are reduced. a strong adhering, flexible protective coating which
used. After application, the silicone oil thickens ponds to all the requirements of modern production
cannot be washed off with water and which renews
resulting in a grease like consistency and adheres very facilities. It is resistant against wash out by water,
itself by pulling lubricating strings over the wear surfa-
well to the surface. 223 Silicone Grease is also used as steam, detergents and disinfectants.
ces. 212 Light-colored Chain and Wire Rope Lubricant
a release agent which prevents the adhesion of dirt,
belongs, together with 203 Inside bearing lubricant, to
glues, paints, frozen water and many other materials to
the „2-step“ lubrication program.
the surface.

214 White Grease with PTFE 215 High - pressure | High -

261 PTFE Dry Lubricant 262 PTFE Coating
A mineral oil based, white, NLGI class 2 lubricant with temperature Grease
A pure, oil free, modified Teflon powder formulated Forms a firmly attached, dry, transparent acrylic film
PTFE additives offering first-class water resistance and A mineral oil based, aluminum complex saponified,
with a rapidly drying solvent. On the surfaces it forms which provides a slippery, protective coating through
very good adherence. FDA conform. 214 White Grea- high pressure, high temperature grease in NLGI class
a dry, adhesive lubricating film. 261 PTFE Dry Lubricant its Teflon contents. Ideal for wood and metal surfaces
se with PTFE is particularly corrosion resistant. It was 2 with an excellent resistance to water and oxidation.
does not stain, is invisible and, important for the wood which should be slippery and to which nothing should
developed specifically for the food processing industry It is used where high temperatures and pressures are
and furniture industry, wood can be stained after it has adhere, such as chutes, hoppers, slides made from
where water and detergents are in daily use and where present.
been applied. wood or metal. Good corrosion protection. Dirt does
conventional greases would be washed out, and also
not adhere to the surface.
for areas where cleanliness is important. It is tasteless
and odorless.

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Workshop Workshop

Maintenance and sealing Preservation, protection,

priming and maintenance
505 Metal-free Anti-Seize 511 Rapid Rust Penetrant
Is a white, metal-free, high-temperature resistant and Is an extremely fast penetrating, complex liquid which
pressure resistant Anti-seize. It can be used for all kinds penetrates even in extremely narrow tolerances in 303 Moisture Shield 305 Heavy Duty Rust Guard
of metal connections, particularly with chromium-nickel rusted-up screw connections, soaks through the com- Is a water-displacing liquid which protects against Provides after application, a corrosion-protection
alloys and for the prevention of frictional corrosion of pressed rust oxides and lubricates them. Even heavily corrosion. Blank metal components receive a corrosion coating which is wax-like and permanently elastic.
all kinds and with all types of metals and alloys. 505 corroded screw connections and bolts can normally be protection lasting up to 18 months, outdoors up to 10 Its self-healing properties close minor damage. Ideal
Metal-free Anti-seize does not alter the frictional loosened after a short penetration time. 511 Rapid Rust months. Electrical components can be dried with 303 for parts in shipment and components in storage
coefficient between bolts and the female thread. Penetrant is acid-free and does not attack metals or Moisture shield. The protective film does not normally indoors or outdoors, corrosion protection period
polymers. need to be removed, however, if it should be necessary, of 2 to 3 years and longer.
it can easily be done by means of DEPAC 105 Industrial
and marine solvent.
514 Belt Grip 521 PTFE Thread Sealing Tape
Is a specially developed liquid which, with its special Is a unique, extreme dense thread sealing tape based
properties, guarantees or reinstates the full tensile on pure PTFE for best and easiest sealing. 1 1/2 – 2 win-
321 Lacquer Coating 335 Cold Galvanizing Compound
force for all types of drive belts. 514 Belt Grip does not dings are enough to make a safe, leak-proof pipe thread
Is a varnish sealant which, after curing, leaves a clear, Is made of pure zinc dust of the smallest available
only ensure a good frictional contact between belt and which will even tolerate small adjustments. 521 PTFE
permanent protective coating on all surfaces as particle size with a minimum quantity of binding agent
pulley but also cares for and protects the belt base Thread Sealing Tape is chemically inert and suitable for
ferrous metals, non-ferrous metals, drawings, pictures, and transport liquid. After application and drying, a
material. all media except liquid oxygen.
maps and many others. pure zinc film will be forming which will engage in
an electro-chemical reaction with the ferrous base
material forming additionally a zinc oxide layer. Through
525 Thread Sealing Tape 526 Copper Tape a combination of this and the sacrificial anode effect
Is a unique and dense thread sealing tape based on Is a special DEPAC development for sealing pipe of the zinc, the surface is protected in a superior way
pure PTFE for best and easiest sealing. 525 Thread Sea- threads in a broad temperature range from –240°C to from corrosion. It is also very well suited for the repair
ling Tape is oil resistant and easier to handle as hemp or +260°C Normally 1 1/2 – 2 windings are sufficient. The of damaged surfaces on galvanized parts.
putty. Intended for single use only. copper layer operates in addition as an active corrosion
inhibitor and Anti-seize. The pipe threads can easily be
opened again even after years of service.

527 Moldable Polymer Gasket

Is a white, pasty material for the individual, in situ
manufacture of gaskets of any size and thickness. The
curing is initiated by means of a spray-on activator. 527
Moldable Polymer Gasket will seal even on rough and
uneven surfaces and maintains its unique rubber-like
flexibility during the entire period of use. If required,
527 Moldable Polymer Gasket can easily be removed
from the surface – even after many years of service.

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Comtec Comtec


402 Remet Bandage 403 Remet RS

Polymer composite material pre-applied onto a band- A unique, moldable, corrosion resistant polymer com-
age. A completely novel repair system, ideal as an posite material with improved strength due to alloy
emergency repair system for torn or leaking pipelines. reinforcements supplied in form of a stick. Ideal as
Can be used on just about all materials: metal, plastic, an emergency repair system. The required quantity is
wood, glass, glass fiber, reinforced polyester etc. After simply cut off the stick and molded or kneaded by hand
opening the package, the bandage is applied to the and then pressed onto the location to be mended. For
damaged location and cures through reaction with rapid repairs of cracks in metal housings, damaged key
water or moisture. After 30 minutes the repaired area beds, heating and cooling systems, oil sumps, transfor-
can be operated again. mers, batteries, stripped threads, damaged hydraulic
pistons and much more.

404 Remet
Pasty, corrosion resistant polymer composite material
with improved strength due to alloy reinforcements.
USDA and FDA approved. For permanent repairs of
cracks in metal housings, damaged key beds, uneven
flange faces, seized shafts, stripped threads, damaged

DEPAC Comtec bearing seats, damaged hydraulic pistons etc. Can be

machined like metal after curing.
High performance polymer composite systems
The result of research studies has been that approximately 80 % of all failures in machines, appliances and
equipment in industry is caused by failure of their surfaces. Corrosion, chemical attack, wear etc. destroy
thousands of millions of dollars in economies of the industrialized countries of the world. Therefore today‘s
industrial life can no longer be imagined without structural high performance polymer composite systems.
The technology used in these systems has been tried and tested in a wide range of applications, from space
travel to high-tech sports equipment down to objects in daily use as of today. The challenges in a wide range
of industrial applications became obvious to DEPAC early on and therefore we introduced a large number of
effective and economical products onto the market.

Repairing and coating

Reconstruction instead of replacement! The considerable annual expense to replace worn, corro-
ded or rusted metal components on pumps, containers, pipelines, tanks, slides, steel structures
etc. is so substantial that no company, nor maintenance division, can do the maintenance without
the use of DEPAC Comtec products. Expensive replacement purchases of equipment can often
be avoided, since in many cases the components become damaged, corroded or worn while
their structural strength is still in order. We will show you how you can maintain the value of your
production facilities and considerably increase their service life and functionality by means of
Comtec high performance composite systems.

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Comtec Comtec


424 Receram 426 Receram 437 Rechem 460 Primfloor

Pasty, ceramic reinforced polymer composite material. Pasty, ceramic reinforced polymer composite material. Solvent free, 2-component, high performance polymer Solvent free, 2-component, high performance polymer
Developed for protection against abrasion and wear on Developed for protection against abrasion and wear composite material. The extremely close crosslinking composite material. Reinforced with fire dried quartz
all metals, particularly for locations where the wear is on all metals, particularly for locations where the wear of the polymer structure provides the system with an sand, 460 Primfloor is the ideal material for sealing
less than 3 mm (0,12“) per year, e.g. in pumps, agitators, exceeds 3 mm (0,12“) per year, e.g. in pumps, agitator unusual chemical resistance. For the protection of con- concrete surfaces.
pipelines, slides, worm conveyors and everywhere machines, pipelines, slides, worm conveyors and every- crete and steel surfaces, e.g. against acetic acid, nitric
where high metal wear is caused by attack from wet or where where metal wear is caused by attack from acid, even concentrated sulphuric acid. 437 Rechem
dry abrasive media. 424 Receram can also be used for wet or dry abrasive media. 426 Receram forms a tight, is used everywhere where aggressive chemicals are
the reconstruction of surfaces to recreate the original extremely wear resistant polymer ceramic layer on the utilized. Ideal for tank coatings, concrete surfaces and
tolerances. Afterwards, the quality and durability of the surface which is harder than the metal base but still concrete floors. 437 Rechem can be applied by brush,
surface is often better than that of the original. After flexible. 426 Receram cannot be machined after curing. roller or 2-component hot spray gun.
curing, 424 Receram can only be machined using Therefore the tolerances must be taken into account
diamond tipped tools. Therefore the tolerances must before application.
be taken into account before application.

432 Receram L 435 Receram L

Liquid, ceramic reinforced, high performance poly- Liquid, ceramic reinforced, high performance polymer
mer composite material. USDA, FDA approved. It also composite material. USDA and FDA approved. Its high
is especially approved by water boards for the use density results in extremely effective corrosion and
connected with drinking water. Developed for corro- erosion protection on all metals. In particular in e.g.
sion and erosion protection on all metals, particularly pumps, agitators, pipelines, slides, worm conveyors.
where slight wear is observed, e.g. in pumps, agitators, Suitable as a coating in swimming pools, water storage
pipelines, slides, worm conveyors. If used as a coating basins and container systems. For nearly all media and
in swimming pool water storage basins, drinking water equipment offering the most effective and economical
containers and other food containers, it is one of the protective system. 435 Receram L can be applied with a
most effective and most economic protection systems. brush or roller.
432 Receram L can be applied with a brush or a roller.

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Mechanical seals
Hydraulic seals

Your authorized DEPAC dealer:

DEPAC Anstalt
Wirtschaftspark 44, FL-9492 Eschen

T +423 373 9700, F +423 373 9719

[email protected],

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